#you know that bad bunny snl skit
gimmethatagustd · 2 years
drabble requests: spotify wrapped edition!
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i'm pretty close to a followers milestone, and @here2bbtstrash and @haliiimede cyberbullied me into following through with this drabble request idea that i had, so here we are 😌
send me a number (1-101) and i'll write a drabble based on the corresponding song on my spotify wrapped playlist 👀
(if you want a specific member, pls include that, too!)
i hope you all enjoy the nonsense this is probably gonna turn into
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Sentence starters based on things we’ve said about our apartment complex : part 2 (because the drama never ends)
feel free to change/add to them to best suit your needs/scenarios!  ♥ ** drug/alcohol mention. swear words used**
"Alright, I got gossip."
"Does every apartment building have this much dog drama?"
"I say hi to their cats in the window when I walk by."
"He always knows what's happening. He's just outside reading and crushing beers all day."
"Her dog dragged her across the yard. I tried not to laugh."
"Good news, this person upstairs is moving out next month."
"Someone is going through it because 'What was I made for' has been blasted on repeat for like 3 hours."
"Who leaves 3 boxes of frozen fish sticks outside?"
"Careful someone is stealing packages."
"They smeared dog shit on the windows!?"
"Geez, that poor kid."
"I'm not taking a joint off that guy."
"I don't know if they ever sleep. They are outside walking around the complex like, every hour."
"I did not need to see that person in their underwear."
"You gotta keep that door closed or the raccoons will come in."
"I've literally spoken to them twice and they've already told me in full detail about their only fans."
"I love it they have both their cat and bunny outside on a leash!"
"I feel bad, my dog made that kid cry."
"And we stood outside for like an hour watching SNL skits on her phone."
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81scorp · 6 months
Constructive criticism: Space Jam 2 and Scoob!
Ah yes, Space Jam: A New Legacy and Scoob!
Space Jam: A New Legacy
We live in a time where you can make movies about everything. Books, comics, video games, board games, old SNL skits and even commercials.
In 1992 and 1993, two Super Bowl Nike ads, "Hare Jordan" and "Aerospace Jordan" respectively, aired on television and featured Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny. Both ads were commerically succesful and led to the green-lighting of a film featuring Jordan and Bugs.
The project was closed when Jordan retired from basketball in 1993, only to be reopened in 1995 when Jordan returned to play basketball again.
In 1996 Space Jam was released; a movie where the Looney tunes recruit Michael Jordan to help them beat a gang of aliens in a game of basketball.
The movie was a big hit at the Box Office and did OK with the critics.
When I saw it I found it enjoyably OK, and still do. Sure, it`s not the next Who framed Roger Rabbit, but it`s fine.
Years later Warner Bros. decided to cash in on the Space Jam nostalgia, and in 2021 they released Space Jam A New Legacy to the theaters.
It didn`t do that well at the Box Office and received generally negative reviews from critics for its humor, overlong runtime, and particularly for its extensive product placement of WarnerMedia properties.
This is another one of those movies that I haven`t seen but I know what happens in it thanks to watching videos about it on youtube.
So, if I could travel back in time with the help of a timemachine from ACME, what would I have changed?
I would not make it about the Looney tunes competing in a sport against a team of bad guys. From what I`ve seen from trailers and other videos, the movie put a lot of emphasis on "Look at how many IPs we have!" with all the references to other WB movies, just like Disney did in Ralph Breaks the Internet. So I would keep the whole "Looney tunes meets some of WB`s other animated characters" angle. The LT characters should be made with 2D animation, or at least 3D animation that looks convincingly 2D.
Our main protagonist, let`s call her Jody, (played by Zendaya) works at some big megastore (maybe Walmart?) and is bored with her own life. She would like to go out and travel the world but she rarely has enough money. When she has money she doesn`t have enough time and sometimes she just too stuck in her rut to carpe that diem. One night her apartment is invaded by Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny, Porky Pig and Daffy Duck. (In this universe cartoon characters are NOT something common like it was in Roger Rabbit, so Jody is quite shocked she she sees them.)
The toons reveal that that there is trouble in the animated world, a big, evil space lord, let`s call him... Monty Cosmos (voiced by Don Cheadle), is taking over and is trying to enslave the animated world. (Not a very original idea, I know.)
Monty Cosmos` personality is similar to Hades from Disney`s Hercules. A couple of toons that have already joined him by their own free will are: Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Marvin the Martian, Wile E. Coyote and Taz.
Bugs, Lola, Daffy and Porky tried to fight Cosmos but were overpowered, forced to flee and ended up in her world by accident and have been trying to find a way back.
Suddenly Taz breaks through the door to her apartment. A portal opens, Bugs, Lola, Daffy, Porky and even Jody are forced to escape through it. They are now in the animated world, the one who opened the portal was an animated professor (It could be an already existing character or a character made for this movie.) Jody meets not just the Looney tunes but many other characters as well, like Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Freakazoid, Tom and Jerry, The Iron Giant, pretty much any character from an animated franchise owned by WB.
The story is kinda like a mix between Lord of the Rings and Crisis on infinte Earths, but PG and more humorous. The gang and Jody need to go to a place to find a thing that they can take with them and use to defeat Monty Cosmos, but their journey is not easy.
I would include Pepé Le Pew in my movie, but I would dial down the more problematic parts of his behaviour. I would also include Minerva Mink and Heloise Nerz (better known as Hello Nurse) in the movie, and I would imply that they were bi or pansexual and attracted to each other. Pinky and the Brain would also be in the movie, they would be working with Cosmos. The Brain however, would have plans to, when the time was right, get rid of Cosmos and take over his throne. This is The Brain we`re talking about after all, he`d rather be in power than serve the man in power.
In the end, when Monty is defeated, Fred (from Scooby Doo) shows up to see "who is hiding behind the mask" and starts to pull on Monty`s face.
Monty Cosmos: "Ow! Stop it you idiot! This is my real face!"
Fred: "Oh! Sorry! Old habit."
Happy ending. Everybody celebrates. Jody is glad she got to have an adventure and Pinky and the Brain return to their lab to prepare for tomorrow night.
Pinky: "Why, Brain? What are we going to do tomorrow night?"
Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world!"
Aand... That`s all folks!
What would I call this film since it doesn`t have basketball (or any other kind of sport) in it?
Looney tunes: Through the Looniverse
Looney tunes: Across the Looniverse
(Something with Looney tunes and Looniverse.)
It`s not that think that Zendaya did a bad job voicing Lola, (then again, I haven`t seen the movie) but it feels like the people behind this decision were thinking: "Who needs experienced voice actors when you have celebrities? People will like this movie because of all the celebrities!" While celebrities are fun you can`t rely completely on them to carry an entire movie. And since this movie didn`t do well at the Box Office I think we can safely say that this kind of strategy isn`t exactly foolproof.
Space Jam wasn`t a masterpiece, like I said earlier: it was OK, but it was an interesting kind of OK, and the later half of the nineties was an interesting time.
A New Legacy was more interested in trying to catch lightning in a bottle again by doing pretty much the same things the first one did in a time full or remakes, reboots and rehashes.
And yes, I realized that my idea is similar to Looney tunes: back in action.
Back in June 2014, Warner Bros. Pictures decided to reboot the Scooby-Doo film series with an animated film. After a few years, Scoob! came out in 2020 (not the greatest time to go to the cinema).
Set in a Hanna-Barbera animated shared universe, the film follows Mystery Incorporated working with the Blue Falcon to stop Dick Dastardly's evil plan to unleash Cerberus.
It received mixed reviews from critics, who praised its animation, voice performances, and sense of nostalgia but criticized its modernization, writing, and polarizing casting choices.
Unlike A New Legacy, this is a movie that I actually did see.
So, if I could travel back in time and make some changes to this movie, what would I change?
I would have gotten away with it, if it hadn`t been for those meddling SPOILERS!
Fred, Blue Falcon, Dynomutt and captain Cavemans personalities
Fred is too much of a stupid dudebro for my liking and Blue Falcon is too juvenile and obsessed with social media to be a functional crimefighter. I guess these changes were made to pander to the 7 to 10 year olds in the audience.
I was gonna suggest that their personalities should be more like they were in the show but Fred and Blue Falcon didn`t really have that much of a personality.
So, make Fred more like a Steve Rogers-like boy-scout who wants to do the right thing. Blue Falcon could be like Kevin Conroy`s Batman with a little hint of Adam West`s Batman. He could deliver funny lines in a serious way.
Dynomutt should be stupid.
Captain Caveman should have been like he was in the show, voiced by an experienced voice actor. When he spoke I couldn`t hear Captain Caveman, only a celebrity doing a celebrity voice.
I would also imply that Velma is gay, because representation matters.
I like the part in the beginning with the mystery gang as kids, so I`m keeping that in my version.
Fast forward to the present: The gang is at a diner being interviewed by a reporter (Lose Simon Cowell, his cameo is pointless.) and she brings up everyones strenghts and what they bring to the group. But questions what it is that Scooby and Shaggy does that helps the group, she has done her research and says that most of the times that they have managed to catch the bad guys in monster costumes it despite of Shaggy and Scooby`s effort, not because of it.
Shaggy and Scooby object and try to come up with examples of how they help the group, but just end up helping the reporter`s argument.
Shaggy and Scooby start to question themselves, the rest of the gang try to comfort them.
Fred gets a text message that someone wants them to invesigate a haunted house, the gang drives to the house and are greeted by a blonde woman named Ms. Jaffe who`s late grandfather used to own the house. The gang investigates and the usual weird things that you can expect happens: paintings of people seem to watch them wherever they go. Velma finds tiny little wrappings of foil, the kinds you use for chocolate bobons. Shaggy and Scoob get separated from the rest of the gang, they look out of the window and see a strange, almost invisible UFO in the sky. Things start to shake, they try to escape. Fred, Velma and Daphne gets out of the house, but where`s Scooby and Shaggy? The house collapses and the strange, almost invisible UFO in the sky disappears.
The gang is devastated. (They are being watched by a tiny little robot, hiding in a tree and Ms. Jaffe is nowhere to be seen.)
Act 2
Shaggy and Scooby wake up inside a futuristic airship, they realize that they are inside the Falcon Fury, Blue Falcon's plane. Blue Falcon, Dynomutt and Dee Dee Skyes show up to greet them.
They explain that they have been tracking a dangerous man named Dick Dastardly and have noticed that Dastardly has had his eye out for Scooby, so they figured that the best thing to do would be to keep Scooby away from him.
All at once, an alarm goes off in the ship alerting that Dick Dastardly and his ship, The Mean Machine, are close by.
Dastardly orders the robots, who he calls Rottens, to attack the Falcon Fury. He says that he was so close to catching Scooby at the house until it at fell apart (literally), but he won`t fail again! He will get back what he lost!
(Note: In my version Dastardly has a habit of eating small chocolate bonbons.)
The Mean Machine latches onto the Falcon Fury using harpoons and is about to drag it in when Dee Dee tells Dynomutt to send out the beam that sucked up Shaggy and Scooby, but to put it on the reverse setting, so that it pushes them away from the Mean Machine. This works, and they escape Dastardly and the Mean Machine for the time being.
Now that they are temporarily safe, Dynomutt, Blue Falcon, and Dee Dee explain to Shaggy and Scooby that Dastardly is collecting the skulls of Cerberus, although they still don't know what they have to do with Shaggy and Scooby. Dee Dee comes to the conclusion that Dastardly wants Shaggy and Scooby alive, as he could have killed them earlier instead of just trying to capture them. Blue Falcon says that Shaggy and Scooby are important, though they still don't know why, and that they'll need their help on their mission. Shaggy is, at first, reluctant to agree but realizes that he can use this opportunity to prove to himself, and that reporter who made him question himself, that he is important and useful!
Back at what`s left of the haunted house: Daphne, Velma and Fred are searching in the rubble after their friends, Fred gets a text message. It`s Shaggy! He and Scooby are still alive, thank goodness! He says that he is on an adventure with Blue Falcon and also adds that they should watch out for a guy named Dick Dastardly.
Velma does a little computer hacking and finds out that Dick owns Dastardly Demolitions. He`s also stolen the first skull of Cerberus and the genealogical records of many dogs. They decide to go after him and help Shaggy and Scooby. The tiny little robot that watched them earlier is now hiding in their van.
Inside of the Mean Machine: Dastardly is lamenting over the fact that Scooby got away. He becomes upset at the Rottens because, in his mind, they are not nearly as good as his last sidekick. One of the Rottens apologizes for their failure, but that only upsets him more. He calls him a "suck-up," and to prove a point to the other Rottens, he removes his head and replaces it with the top of a vacuum cleaner.
The Falcon Fury: Blue Falcon and Dee Dee are searching for the second skull by locating areas with high fossil density. Dynomutt, on the other hand, is trying to find the skull by asking people on social media where it is. Shaggy and Scooby come in, their hands full of food. Dynomutt just got a DM from "a very reliable anonymous source" that the skull is in an abandoned amusement park in Romania. Dee Dee and Blue Falcon, not being stupid, ignores this, but Shaggy thinks it`s worth looking into. Blue Falcon decides to go along with this idea, just so Dynomutt can see that blindly trusting people on social media is not a good idea.
Meanwhile, in the Mystery Machine: Velma reveals that by cross-matching the biographical data that Dastardly stole, she is able to determine that Scooby is the last descendant of Peritas, Alexander the Great's dog. Fred changes course, as he claims he "knows a shortcut."
The abandoned amusement park in Romania: As soon as they walk inside the park, the Mean Machine ascends from the sky. Dastardly and the Rottens fly down and Dastardly reveals that he was the one who sent Dynomutt the DM and that he has just retrieved the second skull. Dee Dee, Blue Falcon and Dynomutt fight the Rottens as Shaggy and Scooby look for a place to hide. The Rottens chase Shaggy and Scooby into an arcade, they play "whack-a-mole" with the Rottens, trying to destroy them. Dastardly breaks into the arcade and when Shaggy asks what he wants with him, Dastardly reveals that Shaggy isn't important at all and that he only wants Scooby. He shoots Shaggy out of the arcade and he falls into a Ferris wheel seat where he is attacked by the Rottens but saved by Dee Dee.
Scooby escapes the arcade and runs into a house of mirrors, where Dastardly is waiting for him and tells him that if they join forces, he could make him "the most important dog in the world." He explains that Scooby is the key to something very important. Scooby refuses to help Dastardly and runs out of the house of mirrors, where more chaos is happening.
Dee Dee deploys the tractor beam, which pulls BF, Dynomutt, Shaggy and Scoob into the Falcon Fury. Dastardly is alerted by the Rotten in the Mystery Machine of the existence of Fred, Daphne, and Velma.
Scooby tells Dee Dee and BF what Dastardly told him. Dynomutt is shocked that an anonymous source on the internet could be so unreliable. Shaggy is disappointed in himself because he was the one who supported this idea. Scooby tries to comfort him.
Dastardly Demolitions (a factory in the middle of nowhere): Fred, Velma and Daphne have arrived and are looking for a way in. Velma finds finds little candy wrappings made out of foil on the ground. Suddenly a car shows up, it`s Ms. Jaffe. She wanted to make sure that they were OK and wonders if she can be of any help. Velma is not fooled by her act.
First of all: the "old house that belonged to her grandfather" may have looked old but she noticed some details that proved that it was built only a few days ago.
Second: In the old house she found some chocolate bonbon wrappings of the same brand the she found just now on the ground, a rare brand that is not sold in many places.
Velma: "You work for Dick Dastardly, don`t you?"
Ms. Jaffe (in Dick Dastradly`s voice): "Oh well, I guess the jig is up" (Takes off disguise.)
(When he reveals himself the gang reacts in surprise, not fear and disgust.)
Velma: "That... was my second guess."
Dastardly deploys his Rottens to pull Velma, Fred, and Daphne up into the Mean Machine and locks them in a cell.
Dusty, the Rotten with the vacuum head, walks by their cell. Daphne persuades him to let them out of the cage after cleaning out the dust in his head. They creep to the center of the Mean Machine, where they spy on Dastardly, who is using the two skulls of Cerberus to reveal that the third is hidden in a place called Messick Mountain. Dusty points them to a room with a communications device. Velma hacks into Dynomutt, telling Dee Dee that the third skull is at Messick Mountain. In the room, they find a pinboard, revealing Dastardly's plans for Scooby. They learn that Scooby, being the descendant of Peritas, is the only one who can open up the gates to the Underworld, where Alexander the Great hid his treasure. They also find a display shelf of Muttley's things.
Dastardly breaks in, catching them. When asked about Muttley he gets furious and tells them it`s none of their business. The Rottens then come in to take away Velma and Daphne, but Dastardly keeps Fred as he has "big plans" for him.
Messick Mountain: The Falcon Fury arrives at Messick Mountain, which turns out to have a Mesozoic ecosystem. Shaggy, feeling that he only screws things up, decides to wait by the ship. While investigating the landscape, Blue Falcon and Scooby run into Captain Caveman, the protector of the third skull. He takes them to an arena, filled with other cavepeople, to get the skull, they must defeat him in battle.
Fred, shows up to the Falcon Fury, alone in the Mystery Machine. He tells Shaggy that they need to go to Scooby, as he's in great danger.
Captain Caveman battles Scooby and Blue Falcon. Dee Dee and Dynomutt show up to help and defeat Captain Caveman. Fred and Shaggy show up in the Mystery Machine. Fred reveals that he`s actually Dastardly in disguise. The Mean Machine appears overhead and Velma, Daphne, and the real Fred are thrown overboard, although they are caught by the crew of the Falcon Fury. Dastardly kidnaps Scooby and escapes with him and the third skull on the Mean Machine. The gang and the Falcon Fury crew head back to the ship, only to find that it has been destroyed by Dastardly.
Shaggy says that he may mess up and fail at a lot of stuff. But today he won`t fail his best friend Scoob!
Inspired by his determination the rest of the mystery gang and the Falcon Fury crew start to build something from the wreck of the Falcon Fury.
Act 3
The Parthenon in Athens, Greece: Dastardly ascends with the three skulls and Scooby. He connects the skulls which generates the gates to the Underworld and turns the sky dark. Suddenly, the Mystery Machine appears in the sky, having been transformed to have wings and jets. Dastardly orders for it to be shot down, but Dusty purposely misfires so that Daphne's life is saved. However, the Mystery Machine still falls to the ground, it's wings being shot off.
Dastardly forces Scooby's paw upon the lock of the gates, opening them up. Cerberus appears at the gates, something Dastardly was not expecting. Cerberus runs out, creating enough commotion for Scooby to run off to the Mystery Machine. The gang is finally reunited! Dastardly goes into the Underworld, where he finds his old sidekick Muttley! He gets a flashback to the day when he first opened the portal and convinced Muttley to go through it. The portal closed and Muttley was stuck in the Underworld. They rejoice at seeing each other, grab as much treasure as they can carry, and leave through the portal.
The gang and the Falcon Fury crew begin attacking Cerberus. The Rottens, at the command of Dusty, deploy themselves, deciding to help the gang instead of Dastardly.
Shaggy and Scooby, with help from the Rottens, manage to trick Cerberus to go back to the Underworld. The portal is closing, if they don`t hurry they`ll be stuck in the Underworld forever! Shaggy and Scooby run as fast as they can with Cerberus chasing them and they make it just as the portal closes!
The Rottens, now good, capture Muttley and Dastardly and bring them to the gang, all tied up. Fred wants to see "who is hiding behind the mask" and starts to pull on Dastradly`s face.
Dastardly: "Ow! Stop it you moron! This is my real face!"
Fred: "Oh! Sorry! Old habit."
Dastardly yells that "he would have gotten away with it if it hadn`t been for those meddling kids!" The Falcon Fury crew take him and Muttley away.
Back at Venice Beach, the gang has an opening ceremony for their new base. The Falcon Fury crew shows up and Blue Falcon gives Fred a new, updated version of the Mystery Machine, as the old one was destroyed. Mystery Inc. gets a call that tells them that there have been sightings of a phantom tuna trawler and the ghost of a sea captain. The gang heads off in a haste, to pursue new mysteries!
And that`s how I would do it.
This little rewrite ended up longer than I had anticipated.
To be completely honest: I didn`t quite remember all the details of what happened in Scoob! so I went to Scoobypedia to refresh my memory and ended up copy pasting a lot of the synopsis into my editorial. I removed things that were unnecessary, like Scooby and Shaggy`s forced break up and Blue Falcon`s character arc (because this is not his movie.)
It is of course very easy for me to write these because I have the luxury of hindsight. And unlike the filmmakers I didn`t have a movie studio breathing down my neck, focus grouping the movie to death, forcing in unnecessary changes and pressuring me to get it made before a deadline.
Why do I write these?
For several reasons. I`m nitpicky, sometimes the movies I criticize aren`t bad, I just like my own ideas better, sometimes the movies I critize are bad, I care about good storytelling and it`s a fun excerize in creativity and script doctoring.
But also because I have a lot of of free time.
Written stuff: 56
Started writing this 2024-03-07
Comments are appreciated.
Sources: Wikipedia and Scoob!`s Scoobypedia page.
Other movies on my Constructive Criticism list that you can look forward to
Supergirl (1984) Jonah Hex (2010) Dragonball evolution The Spirit (2008) The Dark Knight trilogy Raya and the last Dragon Wish (2023)
And as usual: English is not my first language, so if my writing doesn`t seem to flow naturally, you know why.
0 notes
eyoricka · 5 years
Pete Davidson fluffly ABC
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Words: 3600
Warning: mention of drug (weed) and I try my best to not be too cheesy but I am pretty sure I failed
A = Attractive: what do they find attractive about the other?
You love his smile. He is so cute and adorable whenever he smiles or laughs, your heart automatically melts. When he is happy his face lights up with joy, his eyes shine, and he has a bright smile on his face. This happy charming puppy face is your favorite thing in the world even though you are a sucker for his tattoos.
About his personality you love how honest and opened he is about his feelings, his life and all. He never hides something from you, whenever he feels sad he tells you, whenever something is on his mind, stressing him out he is opened about it. He is him no matter what, no matter how he feels and that is so important for you.
Pete on is part adores how tiny and cute you look next to him. He finds any excuse to hold your hand and loves how small they are compare to his. He thinks you are the cutest girl he ever met. And god knows how much he loves your hair, he finds them stunning. He always likes to play with them because to him they are as soft as you are.
He also is really attracted to your personality. You support him no matter what, you never judge him or his decisions but rather try to understand them and do your best to show him that he is not just making a bunch of errors. He can also talk about his mental health issues and personal troubles with without fear or shame because he knows that you will not judge him but rather discuss the problem with him to try to solve it or simply listen to him whenever he needs it. He is amazed by your patience and still process the fact you are never bothered by him and those discussions.
B = Baby: do they want a family? why/why not?
Yeah, he definitively wants one. He always imagines having kids around the house running, playing giggling and he looks forward to have them. He has a bit of practice with children after his road trip with Colson and Cassie and it gave him even more envy to have children. He doesn’t necessarily want a huge family, but 2 or 3 kids seem perfect for him. He even keeps a bit of place on his body to tattoo for their names and dates of birth.
C = Cuddle: how do they cuddle?
Whenever you are doing something, he just likes to come behind you, circles his arm around you and holds you close. Most likely you would turn to bury your face in his chest and wraps your arms around his neck. You could remain like this for an eternity completely forgetting what you were doing because his warmth is relaxing, making you feel home.
In bed, you enjoy when you rest your head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat, while your hand runs against his bare skin. He likes feeling your breath on his skin and plays with your hair when you are like this. It would relax both of you and most likely drive you to sleep.
D = Dates: what are dates with them like?
They are almost always spontaneous and absolutely sweet. Pete doesn’t really like to plan everything so that the same with dates. So yeah obviously for your birthday or anniversary, he calls a nice restaurant in advance and tries to plan romantic gesture but that exceptions. Most of the time your dates are more unplanned. It can be anytime and anywhere. You can be watching Netflix when he would ask you to go outside stargazing with him. He would wake up a random day and say that he was in a mood for a walk in a park where you could eat something you would prepare before going out… He also tends to have original ideas, restaurant, parks, picnics… are okay by him but not his favorite dates. He rather throws a kid party with where you craft a Pinata together or make you try graffiti or buy some Lego for you to build together your perfect home (you never finish it because you end up laughing to hard at your crappy construction). Your favorite date nights are when you build a pillow castle and wrap yourselves in blankets while talking about everything that is on your mind, eating sweets and having the time of your live.
E = Everything: “you are my ____” (e.g my life, my world…)
You are my high. Because even if he smokes a lot and all, he never feels so high than with you. Your simple presence makes him feel better, he forgets everything that put him down and he is just high on happiness. He knows it sounds cheesy, but he doesn’t care, he loves you.
F = Feelings: when did they know they were falling in love?
He realized he was head over heels for you after few months of dating. You had sleep at his house and spent the morning with him. You were eating breakfast in his garden when a small seemingly lost bunny ran across the garden and stopped next to some flowers. The rabbit was skinny and looked afraid. You guessed the poor bunny had been chased by a predator. It broke your heart and you went in the kitchen to grab some celery, carrot tops, broccoli leaves and raspberries that you put in a bowl. You also added some dandelions of the garden. You calmly walked to the scared animal and gently put the bowl close to him but with slow movements. You didn’t go too close or pet him too scared that he would then smell like you and that his mother wouldn’t recognize him and abandon him. Then you walked again in the kitchen to pour some water in a bowl and brought it to the bunny. This latter ate and drank a bit seemingly calming himself before leaving the garden. You carefully watched him just in case. Then you insisted that Pete should always keep a bowl of fresh water and one with vegetables and some fruits if some animals need them to stay alive. The way you looked after the creature with him not being yours and the way you carefully took care of him made Pete’s heart melt and he realized there was no turning back, he loved you, your dedication to the others and your kind heart.
You were once again spending all your time on a work project and you were a nervous wreck. This project was stressing you out and time consuming and you kinda felt bad to always said no to Pete, you couldn’t see him or do anything with him. You hadn’t seen him in few days and you dearly missed him. You had decided that would work until dinner and then call him to spend the night with him. You were lost in your project when your bell door rang, and you grumpily opened the door to face a smiling Pete. He kissed your cheek and showed that he had brought take out. You ate with him and he took your mind away from this goddam project. He told that he understood why you could not be as present as you wanted and that he would always support your career even if that meant making small personal sacrifices like not seeing you for few days. At that precise moment you knew he was the one.
G = Gentle: are they gentle? If so, how?
Let’s face it Pete is a soft boy, he is so gentle. Anytime he wakes up before you (that doesn’t happen a lot though) he leaves a note with a cute message on it to express his love, support in a gentle way or just a bad pun so you wake up in a good mood. After a long day he likes to snuggle. He usually helps around with choirs.  Pete is clearly not really self-confident, and he is still amazed that you accepted to date him so he does everything he can to shower you with the love and affection he thinks you deserve. You try to convince him that he worth your love, but you can’t deny that his soft gentle side is charming.
H = Hand/Hold: how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
When you walk down the streets together you do the pinky grip. Some people might think that it is because you are distant, but this is actually the opposite. It is just for you a cute and reassuring way to show the other that you are by his side and that if one of you needs it, he can intertwine his fingers with the others.
When you are waiting for something or sitting Pete holds your hand in his and gently massage your palm. That always brings a smile to your face and you wish that it never ends.
I = Impression: first impression/s
You knew Pete from the SNL and the media, you always pictured like another obnoxious celebrity who was just high all the time and not interesting. When you met him through a friend at a party you realized that even though the part about him being high was true, the other part was not. He was actually down to earth and not superficial. He was deep and funy at the same time and you liked that a lot.
When your common friend introduce you to each other he noticed immediately how cute you were but also that you had put a distance between you, clearly showing that you weren’t not impressed by the fact that he was a celebrity and that was rather all the contrary. He found it kind of hard to have a decent conversation. However it was a defy he gladly took, he was willing to show you that your prejudices were not right and that he wasn’t not like you think he was. He definitely perceived you like a challenge
J = Joker: are they into pulling pranks?
Pulling pranks is not his thing but he is really funny, I mean he is one the SNL member for a reason. He always handles situation with humor and make you crack a smile even when you don’t feel at your best. Sometime in the middle of a conversation, he blankly states something in a funny crude way and you burst into laughter. He usually delivers a good punchlines at the right time.
K = Kisses: how do they kiss?
Since you are not the biggest fan of PDA you kiss discreetly in public, only a small peck on the lips, a loving kiss on the forehead… however when you are alone the kiss session tend to become rapidly heated make out session
 L = Love: who says I love you first?
Pete was having a bad day, he was feeling low when he woke up and it grew worse with the day. He felt like he was not worth it, that he couldn’t achieve anything. Those dark ideas prevent him from writing any good skit, he hadn’t had a single good funny idea. It was driving him mad and even more depressed. When he came back home you could see on his face that he was not feeling good. So, you did what you always do in those moments. You ran him a relaxing bath and put some music on. You soon joined him in the bathtub. He hugged you close to him and buried his head in your neck as you were running your hand on his tattoos to appease him. after few minutes you felt some tears rolled down his cheeks, you silently moved to put a hand on his face and your forehead against him. You waited for him to speak up his mind as he usually did. But he remained silent and that worried you a lot. You called his name and he looked at you with teary eyes and that broke your heart. “I don’t get it? why are you with me? I’m a mess, a loser, a failure, every decision I made was wrong, I did nothing good…” the more he was talking, the more he was crying. You wrapped tightly your arms around him, you hold him impossibly closer. You kissed him softly and you heard him mumbled again “Why? Just tell me why?” You revised the million reasons why you were with him trying to sum them up the best way when you simply whispered to him “Because I love you, I love you so much.” He looked kind of surprised and you smiled at him, showing how genuine you were. He brushed his last tears away and replied his voice still shaking because of the crying “I love you too, I have never loved someone this much”. You both remained silent enjoying each other company for few seconds before you heard Pete chuckled “That’s kind of suck I had planed for a while a romantic cute unforgettable way to say to you I love you but I guess it’s kind of ruined now”
M = Memory their favourite moment together
You had decided to make a time capsule that you would open fifteen years from the day you buried it. You are really fond of that memory because anytime you are thinking of it, it reminds you all the things you had put in the capsule and all the good moments they represent. In the capsule you can find the menu of the bar you went for your first date, the ticket of the movie you went to see and where you shared your first kiss, some Machine Gun Kelly’s concert tickets in memory of all the fun you had when you joined him on his tour, a stuffed animal he won during a carnival that was so ugly you both wanted it badly, a cute picture of you snapped during a party for John Mulaney’s birthday, a harry potter’s book and a DVD of one of the film because you couldn’t settle the debate of which support is the best, a soap for the first I love you in the bathtub, some Legos for that perfect house you never finish, a SpongeBob shirt that you usually steal from him, a old pair of sneakers for you first and dumb argument about which sneakers are the best…
N = Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
You are both not material person, yeah not struggling with money is great but you do not care about material gift. When he gives you a necklace or something else you are happy and glad but whenever he mentions you during an interview with lovely eyes or during his stand up routine, or when he tries to bake you something, or crafts a adorable photo album or gives you a massage, you are happier. You prefer it because he invests not just money but also love and time to do it and it really shows his affection.
O = Orange what colour reminds them of their other half
Pastel pink reminds you of him since he doesn’t hesitate to wear pastel pink sweatshirt, jacket and all and that to your eyes it fits him well. Plus, it was a soft, calming, underrated color just like Pete.
Peacock blue was the color he associated with you. It was a symbol of patience, compassion, loyalty and love for exploration, he thinks that nothing could describe you in a better way.
P = Petnames what pet names do they use?
Not really, he would just use your nickname but sometimes he just feels like calling you by the cheesiest nickname he could find just to see your priceless reaction. He always laughs hard when he calls you peachy pie, cuddle cake, marshymallow, rum-rum and you just rolled playfully your eyes at him.
You always call him Pete and sometimes Peter. When you are annoyed by him you use his full name or last name and he knows he is in trouble. You also sometimes come up with stupid cheesy pet name because it was like a competition between you to who will find the worst nickname for the other. You are quite proud of your sun beam, heaven-sent, Fluffernutter, Snookums.
Q = Quaint what is their favourite non-modern thing?
After you moved together you went several time on flea markets to find original decorations for your house. Once you found an old jukebox from the 50’s that had belong to a small pub that had closed. You were not sure if the thing was still working but you really liked it, you just glanced at Pete to see his satisfied smile and knew he wanted it too. So, you bought it and as soon as you were back home, you installed it. Luckily it was still working, and you grinned at each other. You spent the rest of the day dancing like fools at the songs of the jukebox.
R = Rainy Day what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Pete doesn’t mind the rain for him it is an excuse to stay inside, cuddling with you, chilling together, watching movies, laughing like crazy, smoking, listening to music, watching silly videos on YouTube, discovering new artists on Soundcloud…
S = Sad how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Whenever he is sad you run him a bath and wait for him to talk about his problem. Confessing to you what was on his mind appeases him. you show him support by listening to him and discussing about his troubles with him, giving him an honest opinion and showing him love. plus, you cook him some comfort food
Pete when you are sad, shows you the same support. He listens to you no matter if you are grumbling about the same thing for the hundredth time. He cracks a joke or two just to see you smile a bit. If you are crying he hugs you and tells you how much he loves you, how amazing you are, comforting things until you feel a bit better. Usually he will stay awake most of the night if you had cried during the day to soothe you and check that you are not having nightmares or sleep troubles.
T = Talking what do they love to talk about?
He likes to talk about his day with you, what he did, who he met and all. For a lot of people, it can be seen as useless conversation but to him it is important to share his life with you, the happy moments, the sad ones and also the normal ones. He enjoys talking about music with you, he always ends up discovering new artist to add to his playlist.
U = Unencumbered What helps them relax?
Most certainly smoking weed. Pete has always been honest about him smoking and the effect it has on him. so yeah when he needs to relax, he likes to smoke and watch a movie. It drives his pain away.
V = Vaunt what do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Pete is not self-confident, so he is not the type of guy to brag about his personal life, wealthy lifestyle or career. However, he is proud of his family and friends. Whenever he can he talks about his mum, sister or you, or gives a shout out to his homies.
W = Wedding when, how, where do they propose?
You didn’t want to rush thing and you took your time before the wedding. He proposed you at home. He had asked Colson to help him to write a proposal song. Colson also help with the instru when Pete recorded the song. One day after work he told you that he wanted to make you listen to a new song he had just discovered. You agreed and at first you were not fully understanding but when you turned yourself to Pete to ask him to explain and saw him on one knee with a simple and yet magnificent ring, you couldn’t contain the tears of happiness.
You got married during the last days of September to have a nice but no too warm weather. You got married in New York, only families and close friends were invited. Actually, it was a secret wedding, you didn’t want the paparazzi and media to ruin it and comment month in advance about it. you wanted to live fully the moment and enjoy it. the ceremony was emotional, and you had the time of your life during the party. Pete never felt happier and during the opening dance you thought that he would never let you go.
X = Xylophone What’s their song?
Soundtrack to my life by Kid Cudi. Pete loves Cudi, it is nothing new and he really relates to the lyrics.
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the straw to my berry. This was quite of a lame joke between you but you both are really fond of it.
Z = Zebra: if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
Pete is not against the idea of having a pet but he is allergic to some so to not risked anything you never adopt any. However there is always food and water in the garden your shared house for lost and abandon animals.
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i was tagged to do this survey by @wlwphil
rules: answer 21 questions about yourself and tag 21 people whom you want to get to know better :)  
nickname/pet name: jen, dumbass, buggy, boo-nizzle
zodiac: scorpio (apparently)
height: 4′9"
last movie: ........ bad moms christmas
last thing googled: “spider man you meme”
favourite musician: the guy who plays the cowbell in that one snl skit
song stuck in my head: sweet creature by harry styles has literally been stuck in my head since the first day i heard it. also that dumbass jingle from the j.g. wentworth commercials. if you don't know what that is, don't look it up it will ruin your life
other blogs: @potathos and @stagheadtat and technically @fuckenergy but like pika i don't actually do much in that last one. also one called @shibussy but i haven't actually reblogged anything there in ages, i just keep it around because i like the url
do i get asks: depends. i have like? 14ish just sitting there rn because they require me to use my brain and energy in a way i'm not really in the mood for most days. but i usually have to ask and i'm going to end that sentence right there
following: like how many people follow me? that's classified. okay fine, 3
dream trip: amsterdam. also like. the rest of europe
amount of sleep: on average? like 8-10 hours recently, but now that i'm back at school that'll probably drop down to 5-6 hours
lucky number: i don't believe in luck
what i'm wearing: well i literally haven't moved since i got back from class today, so a grey sweatshirt, jeans, and i'm even actually wearing socks for once
dream job: i'd like to be a writer, but while i tend to actually like my own writing i have this massive punch-in-the-gut feeling most days that nobody else (besides @knlalla) does. maybe a librarian? idk it's kind of up in the air rn
fave food: pizza
play any instruments: uhhhhh sometimes i drum my knuckles against the wall when i'm too anxious that someone will hear me singing, does that count?
languages: english. took four years of french but can't speak it. i can understand some of it if you slow it down to like half speed. took a semester of german and don't know anything except maybe reading words off a page (like out loud, not actually understanding them). i can speak like conversational irish. and last week i accidentally understood a portugese phrase even though i'd never heard/read it in my life before that
fave songs: at the moment, the man who married a robot by the 1975, olivia by one direction, and sweetener by ariana grande
random fact: i never wear socks if i can help it
describe yourself as aesthetic things: uhhhhh moonlight? sorry, is that pretentious? dust bunnies.
i'm gonna tag @vodkadanhowell | @infinitylester | @enbydnp | @hey-itsnxel | and @philshowell
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