#you know when you just think of something snd you have to draw it cuz you just gotta. it was that. this is that
kripsybac0n125 · 4 months
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tommy-thomas · 3 months
I also made a separated post cuz was getting too big--
1. Are you named after anyone?
Uhh... I dont think so? I think my parents just choose a random name.
Tho, Thomas i choose based simply on nice sound XD. I could be tecnically related to the train???
2. When was the last time you cried
Hmmmmmm. 2 days ago? Something around that
3. Do you have kids
Too young too early, but me snd my life partner are still thinking if we even should on the future. Kids are a great responsability
4. What sports do you play/have played
I used to play "run after the boys with a stick to beat them" and volleyball. Both were fun!!
5. Do you use sarcasm
Rarely, i usually avoid cuz i think its rude ._.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people
Shirt. Cuz i avoid eye contat lmao
7. What's your eye color
Very very dark brown. Black on the shadow, beautiful on sun
8. Scary movie or happy endings?
Well, i like scary things not scary movies (im a pussy yes) so uhh... happy ending?
9. Any talents?
Im good at art.... but dunno if its a talent cuz i worked hard to get where i am today. So..... maybe i dont have a talent?
I do know how to play piano tho, but i studied 5 years for that lol
10. Where were you born?
BRASIL 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 the shit hole
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to draw and talk to my husbando.
Also watching scary and depressing stuff cuz i love felling bad i guess LMAO
12. Do you have any pets
I had 3 cats but they all ran away/died :(. Now i have none...
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Im 1.75cm.... in feet i think its around..... 5'74?
That what Google told me at least, dunno how feet work lol
I woukd say art cuz duh, but i also like history. I love hesring histories of any type
15. Dream job?
Well i dont have much people to tag, most already did this so uh...
@akabendyfan and anyone whod like!!
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pmak2002 · 4 years
It was the morning of your husband Keith's new album the speed of now part 1 release. You had woken up at your usual time. Surprised that Keith hadn't gotten up before you as he normally did. Instead, he was still asleep next to you in bed. You download the album onto your Spotify and Apple Music accounts and decided to let Keith rest as he's had some pretty busy days. You get up and get ready for the day. Then head downstairs to make a big breakfast to celebrate.
You make pancakes, toast, and bacon and get out the orange juice for drinks and whipped cream for the pancakes, butter for the toast, and the vegemite too. Then you plate everything and set it up on the dining room table.
A few minutes later
Keith came downstairs looking a little pale and flushed. He headed straight to the coffee pot.
"Good morning babes," You say as you go over and kiss his cheek. He smiles then he notices the breakfast set up. "What's all that?" he asks. "Celebratory breakfast," you say smiling at him. "I did it for you cuz I'm so proud of you." He smiles and kisses you. "Thanks but I'm not that hungry. My stomach is a little sore," he admits. "Nerves?" you ask. He shakes his head "No I don't think so I feel sick. But not just nerves." he says. You frown "you think your up for more work today?" you ask. He nods "Yes babe I'll be fine." he says. You feel his forehead and it's mildly warm but nothing too serious.
Just then the girls come rushing downstairs.
"Morning you two. You guys are excited today." You say to them.
"Yes cuz it's Friday!" Faith said excitedly. You laugh "yes that's true." You tell her. "and Dad's new album!" Sunday chimes in and hands a drawing to Keith. He smiles as he takes it. "Thanks girls." he says smiling warmly at them. "ok girls let's eat breakfast and I'll get you guys set up for school" you say as you gesture to the food on the table.
The girls immediately sit at the table and start eating. You join them and eat. Keith stands watching you guys. "Dad aren't you gonna eat with us?" Sunday asked.
"Yeah" Faith said "Come eat with us."
"Aw thanks girls but dad has a stomach ache this morning. I don't feel like eating." He told them.
Sunday looked him up and down "you look sick."
Faith nodded in agreement "and tired" she said.
He sighs "yeah daddy's been busy and it's definitely tired me out."
The girls nod accepting that answer.
Once they finish breakfast. You shoo them back upstairs and get them set up to do school for the day.
Then you head back downstairs where Keith stands by the dining room table the plate you set up for him still not touched. "How about you have some toast? If your stomach is upset you might as well just eat something light." You tell him. He nods and sits down at the table and eats the few pieces of toast with butter and Vegemite.
After he finishes that. He gets up to hug and kiss you. "Thanks for breakfast." He says weakly sounding exhausted. "Aw no problem sweetie pie."
You say as you kiss him back. The dogs rush over jealous of all the affection you two are giving each other and not them. You laugh and pet them both.
Later that day
Your working in your dog training room with the dogs and suddenly you hear Keith calling your name. He sounds panicked.
You rush to find him in the bathroom vomiting. "Oh Keithy" you run over snd kneel down next to him and rub his back as he barfs up his coffee and toast.
He's coughing and gagging in between bringing up his breakfast. You feel his back moving with each heave.
Once he finishes and spits one last time he's sweating buckets.
You help him wipe his mouth then help him get up and over to the sink to brush his teeth. "The food tasted good going down. Not coming back up." He says after he's finished brushing his teeth. "I know sweetheart." You say to him as you feel his forehead then his check and the back of his neck for a fever. Sure enough he's burning up on each place you check. You frown "it's definitely more that nerves as you and I both suspected." Now how about let's get you set up on the couch." You say.
He nods and you help him move to the living room couch. You grab a towel and the puke bucket.
You place the towel on the floor and the bucket on top. Then you grab the thermometer and stick it under his tongue.
The thermometer beeps a few seconds later and you take it out and read the number. "102.7. Yup that's a Fever all right." You say sadly.
He sighs heavily. "No more work today or the next few days until this fever breaks you hear?" You tell him. He nods  "I'll be upstairs helping the girls out with school. Call out if you need me." You say as you kiss his nose. He smiles weakly and then you head upstairs.
The dogs go and lay down next to him to keep him company.
Awhile later
As Your helping Sunny with her homework. She asks. "Is dad ok mom?" "Aw Sunday he's sick today. He's got a fever and needs to rest for a while."
She nods clearly concerned. "He's alright don't worry about it I'm taking care of him."
You hug her tight. Then you help her with her work. Then you go help Faith for a awhile.
You hear Keith calling for you as your working with Faith on math. You frown. "You ok now fifi I have to check on your dad." She nods "Yes thanks mom." She says sounding so grown up.
You smile at her then head down to check on Keith.
You find the puke bucket halfway filled. He whimpers when he sees you. "I'm here bubba it's alright." He nods. You hear a sudden loud grumbling noise coming from his stomach.
He immediately bends over the puke bucket again and throws up holding his stomach clearly in pain. As soon as he stops you grab the puke bucket and go to clean it up. Then rush back to him just in time to catch another round of vomit. You rub his back and stomach trying to soothe the pain.
You feel his bloated stomach rumbling loudly under your hand it clearly hurts him because he's wincing and whining. "Shh it's ok baby." You say trying to calm him down.
After giving him some medicine he fell asleep and you stayed with him rubbing his stomach.
After a few days of rest and medicine he felt much better. Then he got to properly celebrate his album release.
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lazyladyworld · 5 years
You know what? I’m gonna say it here, I don’t give a fuck
Ok so, I was in a “abusive relationship” and quite recently i broke up with him. This is gonna be a long post so TL;DR in the end.
I’m putting in quotations abusive cuz he never beat me or abused me physically, just mentally, being a manipulator.
He at first started messaging me a lot, and by a lot I mean it was taking 50% of my phone battery life just because of his texts. Every fucking 10 minutes tops he texted saying “what u doing? Who u with? What u talking about?” Or “I’m doing this, I’m doing that”.
At first u think, ok, cute but a bit too clingy, but u go “whatever, he will give me a break after this high of ‘we just started dating’” but that didn’t happen.
I told him to “slow down, keep calm, u going too fast” and once i simply said “jesus fuck just shut up for a second”. Which he didn’t like, and told me that “it hurt his feelings” and that he “didn’t deal ok with yelling” even tho he yells at everyone and everything.
It was ok at first, lovey dovey couple, first few months and all, and then, a few things happened:
We used to work together and it was getting extremely overwhelming and extrapolated my boundaries of “it’s getting too toxic working for this boss who lies and gets the credits of my work and even belittle me in front of everyone like I’m just a doormat”. And after talking to my parents, who I’m lucky and grateful for them, I quit it and went to stay home doing house chores, taking care of my baby dogs (pics) and focusing on my college work. (I live in Brazil so college and student loans are different here, just pointing out)
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Aren’t my puppies cute? The one on the right is Bebê and the one on the left is Dudu. Both brothers and at the time of writing it, both 1 year old.)
Now that i fangirled over my puppies, here we go.
Since i decided to focus on my college life while trying to find a new job, i tried to review a few of my “old” dreams, as in “My dream since 15 y’o wanting to study abroad plan has been reopened”. And i started to look a bit into it, but more into finding new things to do like drawing and exercising, having fun and some time for myself.
Now you think as u read this (it’s 00:50 am right now), “but I don’t understand why u telling this info, whats ur point?”
The point is for u to know that I wanna have a future as a woman who lived the fullest of my choices and studied what I loved and did what I loved. This is the dream my mom had before she had me and it’s a dream she wants me to fulfill. Again, I’m thankful for both of my parents who have been supportive over my college choices and my choices of my future. I really wanna point it out.
And i had been holding this ideia for a while and I thought: I should let my boyfriend know, this is the plan of my future.
So we were 7 months into dating, he can take the news. But then I didnt say it, i held it cuz “some things came up” and we couldn’t talk and when I had the opportunity once again to tell him, he dodged anything so we didn’t have any kind of strong conversation.
I have been thinking of breaking up a few times by then because of boundaries that he didn’t respect. Like texting at 5:30 in the morning or in the middle of class at night, or when I didn’t answer the phone he tried to guilt trip me into being with my phone almost shoved into my eyes. And if u think “he just being trying to make u happy by waking up in the morning with cute or funny message” no, it wasn’t. He texted me to tell me his sister was being an asshole to him, his bus/train was late or anything trivial, but if it was 1 message, I would still be saying “nah, it’s ok, it’s not that bad” but waking me up at 5:30 with 7 text messages of “my sister has been a bitch” and then at 5:50 “im getting on the train” and then at 5:54 “just got into the wrong train”, “silly me”, “I have to pay more attention” and no joke, it was every god damn day like that.
This is a personal story, I’m just venting so, again, sorry for being long.
I became tired the more he did it, even tho I told him, many times, stop texting me a thousand times about 1 thing u can text once. And he heard for 1 day.
And then after 9 months of me saying “dude, chill” and him being a paranoid man and not knowing boundaries, I tried being a good person and say “we can work this out, we can do this”, but it was starting to become too much.
And I was feeling pressured every single time he said “but our kids in the future, our future, our everything, our our our”, I noticed it wasn’t “our” it was his. “His kids, his future, his house”. And I snaped and said “I have to tell u something. I don’t want any kids.”
I don’t want to have kids of my own for many reasons, but it’s not this detail u should focus. I will paint a picture:
Imagine going up the subway staircase and u look at the guy who u are tired of hiding “I don’t want to do something u want because reasons that should be respected” and him stopping holding ur hand, dropping his face and saying “u just destroyed my dream”.
At that point I became tired of that and said “what the fuck u mean ur dream, it’s my god damn body, if I even wanna change fucking sex and become a man, u should either say “I understand” and keep dating or say “I understand” and break up with me. I would be fine with that.
But what did I do? I tried to explain why, saying all kinds of stuff until he would look at me again as a human being, not a fucking “body to fuck and make litle humans”.
Since I was on a roll I said “and I also decided I wanna study abroad after college and do (insert subject that I chose)”. He couldn’t even look at me straight, just looking “pained” like I had broke his 3DS or erased his gaming safe with +300h. Then he said the last thing u can say to me:
“Your mom is making ur head.”
Anyone who knows me in person, knows I’m a hardheaded person, who will do thousands of research just to be right and prove u are telling the truth or lying through ur teeth.
Tho he was not exactly wrong either. Someone indeed was making my mind, but it was him, not my mom, and when i said “this is my future and it’s decided” he wasn’t happy I didn’t make him my “priority”.
I became angry and said “would u like to change what u said?” As in “repeat what u said so i can justify breaking up with u”. And he must have noticed my change in my voice and said “it’s not what I meant, what i mean was” and started with his manipulation once again.
After 2 weeks or so of that, I called my best friend (V for reference) and said “I need to talk to u about something” and she said “where is the body? U want me to hide it?” This is how u know they are at ur side. And after i met her at a restaurant, she told me what was up with her, i told her what was happening to me, and she helped me pinpoint how abusive emotionally he was being.
I then went to class in which i prepared to do college work and talk to another friend (L for reference) to keep my head occupied while I thought, how should I break up with him. He then texted me at 8pm asking what V and I talked about and since I was more focused on the class and I was nervous about doing a presentation, I simply said “we talked some girl talk, between just us girls”, but that didnt cut it for him. I said I was focusing on my presentation and I had to go and he said “ok”.
(Side note: it’s 1:37 am and I’m trying not to laugh at hearing my mom snoring at the other room.)
After 2h30 of just talking about the project and the presentation, everyone decided to call it a day and everyone went home.
And I got a text saying “I’m tired of not being ur priority, of u not telling me what is going on and hiding things between ur girlfriend private and not caring about me.”
His text was huge and I had to calm myself down and call a cab to go home cuz I just couldn’t even walk properly. L was with my phone, sent him a message letting him know that im not ok and he should step aside and let me breathe, tho while she texted, he kept calling and calling until she picked up and said “stop calling, ffs” snd he saying “u are destroying this relationship, I hope u know that.”
After she said “shut up I’m taking her home”, he texting “ok”, 15 minutes into the uber, I get a call from my mom, at 11pm. My stomach became strange and I thought “my familia is not ok, or my grandparents are not ok”, but it was her telling me he called her, desperate asking where I was.
I became pissed off to the point of no return. Told my mom to black him and that i was gonna get home in 20min. I got there in 10 minutes and immediately got a call from him. And before I got even a word in he started saying “I’m sorry I know I screwed up and I’m sorry” and i said:
“Stop, we are not happy, what where u even doing, why even try? Not like this”
And then he took himself to the memory land and started to say “I know i I can change, give me a chance”
Just “no”.
And when I said I was tired of doing his life for him, that he didn’t accept my decisions. We just have to stop.
He then asked for 2 weeks of thinking of everything, but my mind was set. And I didn’t change my mind. The week was supposed to be radio silent, no talking from both ends. But of course, he couldn’t just leave me be, he texted saying “I wanna talk this week, I have been thinking and I know we can still be happy.” And I said “ok, let’s talk, but in public, with V by my side.” He tried to say no, “for us to reconsider, since it was the biggest fight and we deserve a new beginning.”
He then next day texted “oh my sister is gonna pick my stuff at ur house Saturday. And i said ok, whatever coward.
Then I had to take my pets at the vets to see how they were and was pissed cuz he was trying to be “lol idgaf im edgy”. I texted him saying at 15h I will be leaving, ur shit is gonna be at a bag with the doorman at my apartment. He could have burned my shit, I wouldn’t give a shit.
Saturday passes, Sunday arrives and i go out with V and I laugh about everything that has happened. Then I got a text from mom saying “HE went to pick up, expecting to see u, tried to talk to me, and I simply said ‘good day’”.
I got back a few hours later, played video game and talked to my mom about how ridiculous all of this was, and went to sleep, until the next day I wake up and felt light, happy, joyful and great.
Everything was perfect, I was doing my stuff, had a bit of fun cooking and spet time playing with my puppies, until 6pm, which is the time I usually leave to go to college, I got an email from him, since I blocked him everywhere else. Asking me to go back to him, he wasn’t fine and all those things u come ti recognize after the first signal of manipulation, and as I read, I laughed at it all.
He even accepting V being with us while we talked on a public place. I got tired at some point of the “please let’s get back together”, went to class and texted my friends the email. We talked and laughed at it and I said that his window of opportunity closed after all this “we are made for each other, I know we can be happy again”. He had denied me having a friend with me to talk to him before, now I don’t want to see his face, simply because I can choose to.
I sure hope he findes someone who can be his better half, but not me. And I hope he forgets about me, or at least back off. It came to the point of ridiculousness.
I now am gonna leave saying I dodged a bullet and never again make the mistake to ignore a bunch of red flags.
TL;DR mentally abusive ex was being a bitch and I noticed and said “enough is enough”.
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