#you know. buuum-bum-bum
asurrogateblog · 5 months
finally figured out how to play both of the comfortably numb guitar solos on my keyboard and I’ve concluded that if I had actual musical talent I would for sure go mad with power
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the-cheese-slut · 5 months
what do you mean you don’t know what song I’m talking about when I test you “buuum bum bUm bum bum buuuuum. buuuuum.”
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thats-a-real-mood · 5 years
Live posting prodigal son 1x10
-Ainsley’s report is out and she just EXPOSED Herself?
Damn his mom is savage. Show through the tv
Momma be like “drugged you”
“I thought he loved you and ainsley”
Colette Swanson- hates malcolm
His cherry merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah?
I love him
What is this thing with genius’s and putting guns to there head????
Wow. She went straight for the feminist thing for this case. “Blame a woman for a mans fault”
Wait-? Is collette bi? Is she gay? Or just a feminist? I am literally okay with all of this?
Okay so the guy worked on the case when he was younger?
“He probably won’t recognize me” -door opens to gun in face- “Well look at who it is”
Bury your gays ☑️
Give us better rep please
Also damn bright! You got your story to damn you.
Wow please tell me Gil isn’t flirting with Jessica. Okay he wasn’t.
But Gil acting like the dad Malcolm needs even more and supporting Jessica is amazing.
Oh shit she stole from the police! JESSICA! Your gonna get caught!
Wow he looks bad.
Dani...being supportive of Malcolm is what I’m here for.
Wow ainsley. New about your family is yours. Like no
What the fuck.
Ainsley, honey, do you not realize what you did?
Malcolm, i can’t tell if you are manipulating this man or not.
Honey you just told the guy that thought you helped kill with your dad that remember being on a camping trip. With. Another. Killer.
Bum bum buuum
Is this guy the junkyard killer?
Wait who? I didn’t understand what he said the guy was investigating?
Okay so he was investigating the junkyard.
Okay two gay men together. I like this.
Malcolm you should have told Gil where you were going and what you were doing Incase someone gets shot.
This guy is getting killed. Gonna get shot through the door?
👀👀👀 that’s his grandma????
The holy grail of profilers
Oh shit. That grandma explains some things. Fucked up granma.
His face is all scratched out? Did he do that? And he didn’t tel his granma? What??
Padlock in the closet? Was he chained up as a child? Locked up in there?
Oh shit. Johns in the house??? And the guy is dead? How did she not know? He would have flailed about and made some noise to let her know? Did he have his moth covered??
......Did the granma kill him?
Why is she confused that he is home? Wouldn’t she have heard him?
Damn it Jessica.
Initials of A.M.S
Wait, did John actually tell malcolm?
Oh shit he is now kidnapped.
Eve Blanchard? So maybe she changed her name is she is related to the box girl.
We know have initials of the girl? Or maybe just initials of some one close to box girl.
That poor guy was in a relationship with the cop and I think what they did tonight was the Bury Your Gays trope? Did they give us them to say that they did and then killed them immediately?
Jessica literally said fuck you martin and fucked over the police. She broke Gil’s trust. He is so not gonna be happy with her. Collette is pissed at the team.
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ftnox · 5 years
Name swapped!
I am no longer Equn0x I am FtNox!
Back to important stuff
I noticed that I had a ton of messages that I didn’t get notifications on, I wanted to say I’m super sorry about that and I’ll be replying to them today! After this batch of messages I’ll be answering them publicly unless requested otherwise! I’m always so nervous about if I’m fumbling that, but yeah! Just a heads up! ♥
Small update on Commissions! I am trying to decide on if I want to open them now or do my YCH project for SHB. Such a hard choice! But I’ll try to make my mind up by the end of this week! (Lemme know what you all think!) Either way I will send out notices for waitlisted folks on Monday with my new commission sheet or specials!
Waitlist can be found >here<!
Lastly, my personal blog can still be found @NoxyBloxy and my WIP FFXIV character blog is still @ijin-traveler (name might also changeee when I finish it)
Thanks for listening to me ramble! I’m gonna go die now after that E3 trailer bomb!
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monkey-network · 6 years
Change Your Mind
Steven: Connie, have you ever watched Shrek?
Connie: I have actually. Pretty good movie, though the sequel is admittedly better but not by much.
Steven: What do you mean?
Blu D. Minnd, entering: Pink, what the f-
Steven: Hold up, we only have one f bomb this episode.
Blu D. Minnd: Right, sorry. Pink, what the feldspar happened? How dare you soil our family name like that?
Steven: What family?
Blu D. Minnd: I mean... you ca... I don't li... my god. My god, you're right.... this isn't a family. And I haven't been a real parental figure. I don't even know what a parent is. *sigh* You deserve better, Steven, you and your friend here, better than Homeworld.
Steven: Earth did change me in more ways than one.
Blu D. Minnd: I can see that, and as harsh as I may have come across, I did want what was best for you. I wanted you to conquer ruthlessly, but you have different ideas now and... I should respect that. Come. I'll get you two out of here and back to the Pussy Wagon with the others you had.
Steven: Can we stop by HomeMcDonalds first?
Connie: Yeah, we're pretty hungry.
Blu D. Minnd: Well I prefer White Diamond Castle, but sure. Real quick.
Steven & Connie: Best dictator mom ever!
Blu D. Minnd: Here are your friends, Steven, and the rest of my fries. The salt hurts my figure.
Yellou D. Mond: You could've asked for no salt... Blue. What in the fluorite do you THINK you're doing?
Blu D. Minnd: Steven has the right to choose her path. And if she wants to be a liberal arts student on Earth, then who are we to stop her?
Yellou D. Mond: *chuckles* Blue. Blue. Blue. Liberal arts degrees are for fools who think eating soy makes you better than everyone. Computer Science is where Pink SHOULD be attending. Technology is where Pink should look into.
Blu D. Minnd: Computer Science? Putting stress into typing random fixtures and algorithms just to make a letter move one pixel to the left? That's laughable. I'm sorry, Yellow, Steven and her friend is leaving and is becoming an artist. *charges up*
Yellou D. Mond: I'll possess a human's third leg before I let that happen.
Steven: Can you two stop?! I'm not getting a Liberal arts or Computer Science degree. I'm going for Music Theory.
Yellou D. Mond: That... *charges up* is just as bad.
Narrator: And then a fight breaks out between Yellow and Blue while their Pearls look on with beers in hand. Yellow gains the upper hand, then Steven intervenes...
Yellou D. Mond: What're you doing? Diamonds must show no weakness and abide to such pathetic ideals for the future.
Steven: Says who?
Yellou D. Mond:....................Huh, never thought that far. Okay, I give.
Connie: Really, that fast?
Yellou D. Mond: Yeah, I'm a damn towering giant with electrical powers and a doctorate in Bio-Engineering. I'm powerful enough and breaking down my comrades to get stronger *helps up Blue* is not the logical way to go. Besides I was clearly winning anywa--
Blu D. Minnd: *gut punches Yellow* Oh Yellow, you were always the cocky one.
Yellou D. Mond: And... UHNNGH... you were always the strongest. *the two laugh together* Now it's time for you to head home.... Steven.
-------------[LATER AGAIN]------------------->
White Pearl: You're not going anywhere, darling.
Diamon D. Whit: It's high time you know your place.
Narrator: Suddenly the Yellow and Blue fistships came and fists White's mech right through the center, taking the ship down.
Yellou/Blu: What the hell?
Bismuth: What indeed?
Peridot: Indeed as we came, we saw...
Lapis: And we kicked ass.
Steven: You guys! Now I think it's time we talk to White.
Connie: But Steven, we have to protect the Crystal Gems.
Steven: Don't worry, I think I finally know how to wake 'em up. Amethyst, if you're listening. *inhales* SWEEEET CAROLINE! BUM BUM BUUUUM *fuses*
Smokey Quartz: Good tiiimes never seem so good! DA DA Daaa DA *unfuses*
Steven: IIIII've been inclined BUM BUM BUUUM *fuses*
Rainbow Quartz the 2nd: To Belieeeeve they never would but now I
Steven: Oooone, touching ooone... Reaching oooout, touching me, touching yooooooou *fuses*
Sunstone: SWEEEET CAROLIIINE! BUM BUM BUUUUUM! *hugs Pearl and Amethyst* Good times neeeever seem so good!
Sunstone, Pearl, Amethyst: IIII'd be inclined! *fuses together*
Obsidian: To Believe They NEVER COOOULD! *jumps to White's mech*
Yellou D. Mond: What even happened?
Blu D. Minnd: I suppose this is studying music theory?
Yellou D. Mond: I like it... Let's go.
*The two vault to White's mech*
--------------[ONE MORE LATER]------------------>
Steven: White Diamond! We demand audience.
Diamon D. Whit: Tch, fuck you. *Blasts everyone except Steven and Connie* Do you not fathom how I got to where I am now? I was built from the stars, goddammit. I came from nothing and I practically built everything you see here... from SCRATCH! I made Yellow and Blue from my faults. I basically built your "friends" from my damn sweat. You ain't shit, Pink. *Grabs Steven* This game has gone on far enough. *Pulls out his gem*
Narrator: Steven's body falls and Connie catches him in time. His gem reforms to become Pink Steven and once it reaches the ground, it head towards human Steven.
Diamon D. Whit: What the? Pink, what is this? Look at me when I'm talking to you.
Pink Steven: Bitch.
Diamon D. Whit: E-excuse me?!
Narrator: The room echoes and quakes heavily, everyone stumbles.
Steven: Please, get me to him.
Narrator: Connie carries Steven to Pink Steven. White was too stunned in fear to do anything. The two Stevens embrace each other.
Steven: You know what?
Pink Steven: What?
Steven: I think this'll count as selfcest.
Pink Steven: Heh. Heheheheheheheheh HA HA HA HA HA You're right. *laughs heartily*
Steven: *laughs along, slowly fuses back into one* Hahahahahaa... *feels his stomach* You're right.
Connie: STEVEN! *hugs* Are you... you?
Steven: That's the beautiful thing, Connie, I've always been me.
Diamon D. Whit: Impossible. How does this work? What sense does this make?
Steven/Connie: Who cares?
Diamon D. Whit: But uh... It should.... it just..... you know what, fuck this! *stabs the kids with her nails*
My Friends: Dude. Come on.
Narrator: Okay. Okay. Just wanted to add that.
And so, White backed down and understood Steven's logic. She and the Diamonds agree to cure the corrupted gems. Amethyst and Jasper reconcile. Lapis learns the power of reefer. Sadie and Padparadscha make out. Marty died in a car crash. White begins to drink after her entire worldview got crushed. Blue and Yellow give Steven funding for his college tuition before the three leave Earth. And the Crystal Gems finally got to live peacefully for once in their lives.... until Steven Universe 2.
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bandi-mack · 6 years
tRaiLeR aNaLySis mAstErpOst here we go
Okay, Episode 1: The Boys Are Back
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Alright, so the trailer didn’t give us much on Jonah’s return or Celia’s makeover. But oh is there plentiful Wuffy drama. There’s also Bowie accepting Bex’s proposal.
Okay if you haven’t seen the cute Bex-making-over-Andi montage, here’s that (x).
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So the montage ends with Andi opening the door, thinking it’s Jonah.
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“bOwiE wHat Are yOu dOiNg hEre”
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“heck yeah let’s get engaged”
Alright, on to Wuffy.
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First, let’s appreciate these looks they’re serving.
Fast forward to The Spoon. Walker walks in (heh)
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Makes eye contact with Buffy
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Buffy gives that “whyyyyyyyyy are you here” look
Andi turns to see what Buffy’s staring at and turns back around.
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*immense concern and confusion*
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“He’s here for me.”
*insert random statement about how they started dating or something idk*
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Andi is like “Oh.”
Walker asks if Andi would mind sitting with Cyrus so Walker could sit with Buffy.
Andi gets up and is like, “Actually, I have to go,” and rushes out of The Spoon.
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They all look back worried.
Okay, so there’s another scene where Walker shows up smiling at Andi’s door. I have no idea if it’s after this scene or after a part in episode three. I think the scene might be him going to talk to Andi to try and convince her to talk to Buffy. Y’know like, “We both know Buffy’s too stubborn to admit it, but she misses you. And I know you miss her. Can you at least think about forgiving her?” Anyway here’s the pictures for that.
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Hey! :)
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*insert conversation about forgiving Buffy*
Andi probably says something like “I don’t know if I can forgive her yet.”
And the picture is Walker giving a defeated sigh looking thing like a “well, I tried”
Oh yeah, and here’s a random image that goes with this episode
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Episode 2: Howling at the Moon Festival
There’s a lot of this one in the trailer.
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This one isn’t as easy to lay out in order so I’m going to summarize my thoughts first. 
Aaaaah okay so Celia is going to announce that Bex and Bowie are getting married and it’s for real this time! We love a parallel. Jonah’s “mishap” is a panic attack (maybe not full blown). Andi walks in looking for him while Cyrus is helping him. Once Jonah is okay, Jonah gives Andi the full story on his anxiety hence the “heart-to-heart” talk about their relationship. There’s also some scene that I don’t know the importance of, but it has Ham which is all I need to know.
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it seems like maybe Ham is just warning Bex about how extra the decor has to be for Celia to be pleased idk
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cute father/daughter banter
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oh and jandi
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aah a panicked boi
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bum bum bUuUm
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a jandi moment we might not gag at??
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Alright, so the two lines of dialogue we get here are a very epiphany-like “You have no idea,” and a sad “Oh.” If this takes place before Jandi’s talk, then it could easily be Jandi drama related. But if it’s the closing scene of the episode, I genuinely have no idea. Bexie is sailing, Jonah opened up to her, everything should be great?? Maybe it’s related to Wuffy??? Or maybe she suddenly visualized this
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Episode 3: It’s a Dilemma
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There’s nothing about Bowie or Cyrus’s plot line in the trailer, but here’s some speculation. Maybe Bowie’s new student is Millicent’s character and Bowie starts learning sign language for her afghsdagh that would be so great. My only evidence to support this is that, as we see later, Jonah clearly knows her. Maybe he knows her through Bowie. As for Cyrus, let’s continue to pray that TJ helps him.
Here’s the stuff that is in the trailer.
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Yep, that’s it. Just your typical group outing in canoes. Again, maybe the Walker and Andi scene happens in this episode??
Episode 4: Hole in the Wall
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There is nothing about Bowie’s renovations in the trailer, but based on the title I’m a tad bit worried about his skill level. I also have a feeling the Millicent scene with Jonah might be in this episode which prompts him to apologize via song in front of the whole school yiKes.
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oh nO
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is it too late now to say sorry
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god this is gonna be some song Jonah wrote without Bowie’s help about plaque and quack and I’m not ready for this second hand embarrassment
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we love a parallel
actually, with jandi, do we?? it just keeps going in circles?? we’ll see
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Buffy looks really surprised in this part during the trailer. It seems like she’s in the middle of conducting her tryouts. I’m crossing my fingers that Marty walks through the door and congratulates her or something. It would make sense to parallel Buffy’s mom coming home since they’re also paralleling the jandi “break-up”.
Episode 5: ???
So we no longer have any episode titles or descriptions. However, I strongly believe this is the episode with Amber. Since they really went out of their way to make episode two of season 2 and 3 parallels of each other, I think they’d do the same with episode 5. Episode 5 of season 2 was The Snorpion.
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Idk if this is the scene of the invite or some confrontation afterward
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off to some high school party they go
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Andi loses Amber in the crowd of people (feeling abandoned like last time) and freaks out (probably calls Bowie??)
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what confuses me here is that it’s very unlike Bowie to yell, especially if it was Andi who called him to pick her up sooo I hope we get a good explanation
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I have nO CLUE what this is about. Andi looks relieved/grateful and Bowie just looks pleasantly surprised?? How did they go from that to this??
Now maybe this is just wishful thinking, but I’m gonna shove the gay drama in this episode too for a double kippen story line
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we all know what’s up here and the tag already has theories for days so I’m gonna leave this to you
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Episode ???: ???
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While this could be a side plot line in another episode, it seems a bit too important, so I’m going to assume it’s a whole other thing. I think we all know Cyrus didn’t do anything, so what’s with the cop?? Based on our remaining info, I would guess this has to do with the funeral episode? adfgshaj I’m concerned for our boi
Random GHC conversation:
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And finally, I present: other miscellaneous images!
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can I just like,,, steal Andi’s closet?? please?? a fashion queen
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AnYwAy thanks for scrolling through! I’m so ready for season 3!!
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chubbyooo · 6 years
My Bounty hunter
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My Bounty Hunter Amimee Zandar (amy for short)
Amy was born on the planet of Nal Hutta 
When Amy was young her parents got into some hot water with the Hutts and Amy had to hide them away. When this happened Amy was forced to work to earn the family money
For a while she did normal jobs until she saw a bounty in the local town
she was good at fighting and it couldn’t be too difficult so she tried it. She was a natural and got payed better than she had ever been payed before
She continued to hunt like this never telling her parents what she was doing.
At the age of 18 she was finally eligible for the great hunt so entered without question (the bounty hunter story starts)
Along with killing makos crew however Tarro Blood killed her parents too, she had no idea how he found them but he was dead no matter what she was lazer focused
During her adventure she met Gault and kinda fell in love with him (but she can never have him :( rip)
After she finished with Darth cyborg man (or whatever his name is) she began taking any contract she could get. 
This included a adventure with a imperial Agent (talked about in his bio) she worked with a smuggler named Gacen (bio probs not for a while no where near the end of his story but he is Kyradias brother :O bum bum buuum) where they snuck onto the black suns yacht where Amy was able to take out the leader without anyone even knowing, an adventure with the emperors wrath where they were tasked with taking out a republic incursion on Telos where they came across many strange challenges (haven’t written this yet). Amy noticed how lazer focussed Zoyin was.
At Yavin she helped kill Revan as a favor to Bolen
During kotfe she got captured along with Bolen in Belsavis prison but was able to mount an escape a few years later running into Theron Shan who gave her credits to break out Kavaraa. Amy helped by breaking out Bolen using explosive she told him this is the last favor i do for you unless there’s credits involved she probs would still help him out tho.
After this she just continued to hunt bounties and collect credits reuniting with Gault although not travelling with him. She found Mako and they continued to hunt bounties just like old times 
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lisbonsteresa · 6 years
VERONIQUE IN THE BACK WITH A KNIFE COMES THROUGH HE HAD IT COMING HE BETTER RUN INTO THAT KNIFE TEN TIMES cut to Butler polishing a knife if that ain't quality cinematic paralleling GO DOROTHY YOU TELL THAT PRIEST WHO'S BOSS (I mean in this situation I think God's supposed to be boss but it's 1920 and the Church really isn't at that point so we'll just give this one to Dot.) PHRYNE GOT HUGH A TOY CAR! Phryne showing Jack her nude pic. As ya do. HE'S BLUSHING I LOVE IT. (God this show.) (6/6)
ASLDKFJLDKS THE DIRTY BUM BUM bum bum buuum!! That cut to Mr. B really was poetic cinematography, bless. THAT’S RIGHT DOT IF YOUR CHURCH DOESN’T APPRECIATE YOU THEY DON’T DESERVE YOU. TAKE YOUR NUT LOAF AND GO BE AN ANGEL with a Protestant boyfriend ELSEWHERE. SHOW THEM WHAT THEY’D BE MISSING. Phryne is the sweetest little shit and she’s teasing Hugh but also being adorable and I love everyone on this show’s relationships they’re so PURE. DON’T get me started on this scene. (seriously don’t I went off last night). Like……how so very dare they!? The heat in his look!?! The ‘lately….you’re full of surprises’ like there’s something of his she’d like to be full of and ‘all part of the job’ like NO. It is NOT. I don’t know WHAT job you THINK you have Inspector, but I can assure you a normal policeman’s day doesn’t involve macking on beautiful bad guy targets or seeing nude pictures of your crime-solving partner.
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Just some ranting on how I did like this episode but Bellamy is definitely not top characters right now
So some of my rants for The 100 tonight. And before that THANK YOU CLARKE FOR SLAPPING BELLAMY! Someone had to it I'm glad it was her xD.
Some people were talking about how Bellamy basically was saying that Clarke wasn't her family- I didn't see that at all. I think he still felt this was the only way to save her & that he sees her as his family. BUT in a roundabout way he DID basically say Maddie wasn't his family. Which made me instantly want to punch him. Because while he's trying to save the rest of his family, he's putting in danger & not caring for the only family Clarke has had for 6 years. If roles were reversed Bellamy would not have been okay with this but he's learned to use his head without his heart.
The other thing people seem to think is that Bellamy is OOC- also something I don't fully agree on. Bellamy is usually one of my fave characters after Clarke & Murphy; definitely was not in this episode. I think that this is the writer's way of reminding us one simple fact- it's been 6 years. Clarke has changed over the 6 years, so has Octavia, Miller, Indra, Abby, skykru, & thus so has Bellamy. Bellamy learned how to use his head over his heart & has been doing so for SIX YEARS. He's still Bellamy but like most people do after 6 years, he's slightly different because he's grown up. He went 6 years thinking his heart killed Clarke because if they had simply stayed in the bunker Clarke may have survived there (something I'm not sure of but I just realized now). So he is still Bellamy but he's changed over the 6 years as most people do. Clarke who has also changed over the 6 years is not OOC. Why is Bellamy OOC when Clarke isn't? Because (& I didn't realize this until someone pointed it out on an earlier episode), this storyline is completely from Clarke & her point of view. We started out surviving with her through the apocalypse until all this went down with Elgius. The writers are making us feel what she feels- & what she feels is bum bum buuum, Bellamy is not who she used to know, i.e., OOC. This isn't the Bellamy she used to know which makes him not the one we know. But likewise if we had come from Bellamy's P.O.V., we probably would be feeling the same about Clarke right now especially confused to why they're doing this.
That's mainly my rant cause no one else I know watches this right now sadly. I still ship Bellarke, there's still a lot of revelations to come between these characters. My favorite character is still Clarke Griffin followed by John Murphy, probably followed by Diyoza surprisingly (considering how much I disliked her at the beginning 😂). This episode was definitely a lot of angst but I am excited to see where they take this especially now that Madi has the chip which I'm not going to lie, kind of spooking me out. 😱 (Didn anyone else hear the voices coming from it when Gaia pulled it out??? Just me okay xD)
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styx-n-stone · 7 years
I have the well by lorn stuck in my head Do you know how frustrating that is? It doesn't have lyrics I can't hum it I mean, I can try but it'd probably sound like BUUUM BUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUMBUM BUM BUUM BUM BUUM BUUUM
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