#thanks again to rick for making me so green with envy that I actually started learning to play piano
asurrogateblog · 5 months
finally figured out how to play both of the comfortably numb guitar solos on my keyboard and I’ve concluded that if I had actual musical talent I would for sure go mad with power
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deanbowlegsackles · 7 years
We’re Not Too Far Gone Pt. 2
Title: Some Sort of Life
Characters: Teen!Dean x Teen!Reader, Rick, Carl, Sam
Words: 1353
Warnings: zombies, cussing?
Part 1
A/N: Wow, i honestly hate myself for how long this has taken. As of this year, im making it a goal of mine to dedicate more time to writing! Anyway, here’s part 2! I hope you like it and, as always, feedback is appreciated! :)
Tags: @soaringeag1e, @fandommaniacx, @readingissupernatural, @dreamwhisper87, @maddiebrazas, @i-think-he-is-adorable-too, @is-this-you-manning-up-sammy, @ashleymalfoy, @alphvjensen, @thewinchestersgrimm, @marrieddorks @supernatural-jackles, @torn-and-frayed, @alloftheimaginesblog, @winchester-writes, @d-s-winchester, @the-dead-keep-on-walking, @the-mrs-deanwinchester, @not-moose-one-shots, @teamfreewill-imagine @deanwinchesterismyhomeboy @winchester-writes
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It has been about two weeks since the citizens of Woodbury arrived here at the prison. Dad had given them some of the empty cells in our block and the rest set up in one of the other empty cell blocks. They haven’t been here long, but they are already helping us build a community. One that looks like it could last for a while. You and Beth were put in charge of getting all the children settled in, especially if they didn’t have any parents. You forgot about all the other children that were out there. Until now, Carl and Judith were the only kids that mattered to you. Most of the kids from Woodbury were around the same age as Carl, maybe a little younger. You sort of envied these kids, though. They are literally surviving the apocalypse, one that you don’t think you could if you were there age. If you were lucky, you’d maybe survive two months. But now, you’re  17 and had been training to go into the police academy, just like your dad, so at least you were conditioned. This unfair world took away their childhood and has turned them into little fighters, just trying to make it through each day. You weren’t gonna lie, the beginning was tough, but it was Carl that kept you going, and he still is.
There were a lot of kids from Woodbury. There were two older boys, Zach and Dean, who were about the same age as you and Beth. You learned that Dean had a younger brother, named Sam, who was apparently the same age as Carl. Surprisingly, Carl and Sam hit it off and they were becoming almost inseparable. It made you happy seeing that Carl finally had someone his age to hang out with and maybe even preserve the little bit of kid he has left in him. Of course, with the boys constantly being together, you ran into Dean quite often. Not to mention, whenever he wasn’t on a supply run, he was out helping you dad farm. You never took Dean as a farm boy, he seemed more like a bad boy, ladies man. But you didn’t know him yet, so who were you to judge.
“Hey Dad, lunch is ready,” you called out to him. He was out in the stable, brushing out Michonne’s horse.
“Alright, I’ll be up in a minute,” he replied, completely into what he was doing. You knew your father wouldn’t come up for lunch. These past few weeks, he would constantly be out here planting crops or feeding the pigs. You were a little worried about him. Ever since Woodbury and the incident with Carl, he doesn’t carry his gun anymore and he’s stepped down from leading the group. He started to have Carl out there helping him, which is probably good for him.
“Yeah, I knew you were gonna say that,” you smirked, “Here, I brought you a sandwich,” pulling it out from behind your back and walking it over to him.
“Thanks, sweetheart.” your dad smiled, placing a kiss on your head.
“That’s what I’m here for” you giggled, “Everything's okay, though, Dad?”
“Yeah, I’m good. As long as I have you, Carl, and Judith, I’m good.”
“Okay, well I’m gonna go find your mini-me and bring him some lunch too. See you tonight, yeah?” you questioned. He gave you a nod.
You headed over to Woodbury’s cellblock to find Carl and give him his lunch. Since he was helping your dad or in his cell, you figured that he must be hanging out with Sam. You had to walk through the locker room to get to the Winchester’s cell. You were making your way around the corner and ran right into Dean, who was putting away some dirty clothes and a towel.
“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!” you quickly apologized.
“It’s all good! Y/N right? Mr. Grimes’ daughter?” he smiled.
“Yeah, and your Dean,” you had never really noticed how attractive he was, with his bright green eyes and freckled face.
“So, what brings you over here, Y/N?” Dean asked you.
“I’m actually looking for my little brother, I brought him some lunch. I couldn’t find him anywhere else, so I figured he was hanging out with Sam.”
“Ah and here I thought you were coming over here to see me” he winked at you.
“Very funny,” you laughed, “Do you happen to know where the boys are?” you questioned. This was one of the first interactions you had with Dean. He seemed super nice and funny, overall a great guy.
“Oh, yeah! They’re just chilling in our cell!”
“Great! Thank you so much! And sorry again for running into,” you apologized again.
“No worries! Um hey Y/N? Ya know since your one of the few people here that’s  my age, maybe we can get together sometime and get to know each other a little better?” Dean asked you.
“Sure, Dean. I’d like that” you replied, looking down to hide your blush.
“Awesome! Well, I guess I’ll see you around then,” he said, the corners of his mouth turning up.
“Yeah, especially with these brothers of our!” you joked “See you later, Dean” you waved, moving on your way to Carl.
“Carl? You in here?” you called out.
“In here!” you heard you brother answer, coming for the fourth cell.
“Hey boys, whatcha doing in here?”
“Just reading our comics. You remember my sister, right Sam?” Sam nodded in return.
“Well, I figured you lose track of time and just wanted to bring you some lunch.” you told him, handing him a sandwich.
“Thanks, Y/N!”
“No problem, squirt,” you said, ruffling his hair. “I’ll see you later tonight for dinner. Be good, boys!” you winked, as you headed back to your cell.
Soon the day turned into night. Luckily, your dad and brother remember to come back for dinner. Once everyone was finished, you all headed back to your cells to get ready for bed. You weren’t that tired so you decide to read the book you had recently started. Of course, Carl was reading another one of his comics. You had just put just put Judith down in your cell and cracked your book open when your dad walked in. The cells were too small for all four of you to stay together so you stay in a cell with Judith, your dad and carl in the one next door.
“Hey, she asleep?” your dad asked you.
“Not yet, I just put her down. You know Dean, right Dad?”
“The boy who helps out in the garden? Yeah, why?” he questioned you, somewhat confused.
“No reason really, I just ran into him today on my way to give Carl lunch and he asked me if we could hang out sometime, since there aren’t many other people his age. I told him that we could and I guess I just wanted to know what you thought of him.” you inquired.
“I mean I don't really know him, Y/N, but from what I’ve seen and gathered from him, he doesn’t seem too bad. I think’d it be good for you to talk to him, he seems like needs someone else to talk to. Especially since your brother’s been hanging around his.”
“Thanks Dad, what would I do without you?” you giggled
“You’d be fine,” the corner of his mouth turning up, then placing a kiss on Judith’s head and placing her back in her crib. “Night, sweetheart.”
“Night, Dad.”
As your dad walked out, you couldn’t help but think back to Dean. You were surprised your Dad with what he said. You thought he’d be totally against you hanging out with a guy, let alone someone who lived with the Governor. But you were glad he wasn’t. You were actually excited to get to know Dean and have someone else to hangout with besides Beth. Even though she was your best friend, sometimes you needed a break. So you decided, tomorrow you were going to get to know Dean Winchester.
Wanna be tagged? Let me know!
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pinkhoodiemark · 8 years
Thank you @sunshinelollipopsandyoungjae for tagging me! If you wanna get to know me then hmu! i love your blog!! <3
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. (aight there’s no way i can tag 20 but ill do my best)
Nickname: Emi, Chaka, Chibi-chan (my mom calls me that -_-)
Gender: Girl 
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 4′ 9″ (I am the definition of SHORT)
Time right now: 7:42 pm
Last thing I googled: “Kim Yugyeom selca” (for my health)
Favorite Bands: (this list could be a book, so i’ll condense) Got7, Muse, Cage the Elephant, Grouplove, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Panic! at the Disco, The Bots, Day6, RADWIMPS, BTS, Coleman Hell, etc
Favorite Solo Artists: Robert DeLong (!!), Hoshino Gen, Amy Winehouse, etc (probably)
Song stuck in your head: (I’m listening to music rn so) ((im listening to Seventeen - Very Nice)) 
Last movie I watched: (I watch so many i dont even remember) 
Last TV Show I watched: Currently watching Louie (Before that, The Walking Dead)
When did you create your blog: This one: Like a few weeks ago lol... My old one: When i was in 8th grade, sooooo, 2012 
What kind of stuff do you post: on this blog: Got7, sometimes other groups (i try not to but sometimes it’s difficult). Sometimes life updates. My other blog: Literally anything that is interesting on my dash, so kpop, memes, shitpost, more shitpost.
When did your blog reach its peak: HA rn prolly because i’m actually doing original stuff on it???
Do you have any other blogs: Yas, ever since i started this one though, I have not gone on it. That blog went through so many phases, my god. (I also had to make one for my media art class???)
Do you get asks regularly: not really :,( . BUT I ENCOURAGE IT ASK ME THING ANYTHING IDC
Why you chose your URL: honestly, every clever thing i thought of relating to got7 or mark was taken so i was like HA PHUCK IT. so it’s just mark tuan with 4 n’s. I’m planning on changing it like SOON.
Following: lol only like 80 something. I’m sorry. I’ll follow more! RECOMMEND ME BLOGS BABES
Posts: 709 including this one
Hogwarts House: I remember being sorted to Ravenclaw
Pokémon Team: Valor (which i regret)
Favorite colors: green, many shades of green, pale blue, pale pink, other gross colors.
Average hours of sleep: dude, if i could actually calculate that, that’d be gr8. There are nights when i don’t sleep, and also nights when i get a good 4 hours. 
Lucky Numbers: 7, 3, (but when i’m told to pick one it’s 21 because 7x3)
Favorite Characters: (another book could happen here. I’ll condense again and stick to one character per thing): Glenn - TWD, Izaya - Durarara, Louise - Bob’s Burgers, Envy - FMA, Satoru - Erased, Rick - Rick and Morty, etc 
What are you wearing right now: Black skinny jeans, A pink baseball cap that says “fab.”, Pink shirt from a music festival in japan. no socks
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1. I barely even sleep on my bed.
Dream job: I stress about this everyday because i have no idea. Something fun though.
Dream trip: A forever trip in Japan :D
Am I supposed to tag blogs of people i want to get to know? or friends?? I’ll do both: @justwhatevermark , @felldownthegot7rabbithole , @adevilkissedme , @markslilbunny , @smolmuffinchimchim , @miniminduoz
idek sorry in advanced.
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