#you noticed more like your dash got flooded bc of me rip
nonartisticbooknerd · 4 years
i notice you ship Kacchako- and there's nothing wrong with that but why? (note I haven't seen mha) from what I know, bakugou is a huge asshole who bullied deku a lot, while uraraka seems to be a nice person- i just wanna know why you ship them lol
oh BOY here comes the essay. 
Please note that this why I ship kacchako. This is not meant to convince anyone to ship kacchako, but simply my reasons as to why I like these two characters together.
To start off I will openly admit that yes, Bakugou is an asshole. He bullied Deku a lot (probably due to that wonderful inferiority/superiority complex he’s got going on) and in general, is pretty loud and rude to everyone. He makes it a point to let everyone know that they are beneath him and goes out of his way to prove that he’s the best and no one could even hope to compare.
Meanwhile, Uraraka is the exact opposite: sweet, bubbly, and very kind to everyone. She actually wants to be a hero for the money to help her parents out bc she comes from a poor family (which I LOVE but that’s a topic for another meta). She never tries to prove herself to anyone as a result, and just focuses on trying to learn to be the best hero possible (because the better you are, the more money you make).
The most notable difference is their relationship with Deku (and actually this is one of my reasons for shipping them but we’ll get to that). Bakugou was Deku’s former friend and he has a strong dislike toward Deku, stemming from an unhealthy need to prove his superiority in every respect over Deku. Uraraka, on the other hand, is one of Deku’s new and close friends, and they get along really well.
So why do I ship kacchako? Mutual respect, understanding, and potential character growth. Explanation of that below, with manga screencaps.
1. Mutual Respect
This is the major point of their ship for me and it stems from their fight in the Sports Festival. 
It’s quite obvious that Uraraka acknowledges Bakugou’s strength, after all, he’s seen as a powerhouse by everyone, and she repeatedly comments on his strength. But it takes a lot to get Bakugou to acknowledge someone. And with Uraraka, he does.
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Aizawa just outright says it. Bakugou goes into the fight knowing that Uraraka is an opponent he needs to be wary of because she made it to the final round. Bakugou doesn’t see the small and sweet bubbly girl everyone else in the crowd is seeing, what he sees is an opponent, and Uraraka notices that. And just before launching her final attack, she thanks him.
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Actually his reaction to her thanking him is one I love because we’ve never seen that kind of caught-off-guard expression on him before until this moment. To me, it seems that he couldn’t even imagine not taking her seriously because as mentioned before, she made it to the final round so in his mind she has to be strong to do that, and her thanking him for it is making him go “huh? what are you even thanking me for?”.
For her final attack, she drops a meteor shower on his head, he blows it away, and then we get this panel.
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This is the first time in the manga that Bakugou acknowledges that someone nearly took him out. His hand is pounding from Quirk overuse and it’s the first time we see an adverse effect of his Quirk, the blowback from using too strong of an explosion. But more important is the fact that he says “that was close”, explicitly acknowledging that she nearly took him out. Respect.
So then after that Uraraka gets up and rushes at him again to attack, even though she’s clearly shown to be at her limit, and we get this from Bakugou:
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He calls her by name. That’s incredibly important.
Throughout the manga, Bakugou uses nicknames (Deku, Shitty Hair, Flat Face etc.) to keep people at a distance and let them know he doesn’t give a shit about them. Keep in mind that before, he’d used a nickname for Uraraka, calling her Round Face right at the beginning of the fight. But now that she’s driven him to the limit he knows this girl is strong. And here, when he calls her by her name, he’s acknowledging her and her strength. This is the first person in class 1-A that he calls by name (Kirishima also eventually graduates from Shitty Hair to Kirishima, but that’s way later). After this, he doesn’t go back to using Round Face for her either. He keeps using her name when he refers to her, even in his head.
So Uraraka, at her limit, collapses before she even reaches Bakugou and he’s clearly shaken up by that. He was expecting the fight he’d been dreaming of, where he could give his all and fight an opponent that he genuinely respected and saw as strong, and then she collapsed. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a look of concern, I think it was more of mixed disappointment and shock.
When he re-enters the stands, all his classmates comment on the fight as he goes to sit down. A classmate (Kaminari) says something along the lines of “I can’t believe you could bring yourself to go so hard against such a fragile/small girl”. And in response comes the single line that was catalyst for me shipping kacchako. “Where do you see fragile?”
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This is the first time he’s defended someone other than himself or All Might in this series. It just goes to show that he really does acknowledge Uraraka and her strength, to the point that he’s willing to speak up and say that to others, albeit in a indirect way.
Wayyy later he continues to respect her!
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This is part of a page spread of characters introductions as given by Bakugou and Uraraka’s is the only vaguely positive character introduction Bakugou gives. Everyone else gets something kind of aggressive and along the lines of ‘I’ll beat you’ or ‘you’re weak’ and then Uraraka gets ‘her guts and roundness are acceptable’. Other translations say “her guts and roundness are respectable’ and I’m not sure which is correct, but either way, respect!!
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The fact that one of the times he was smiling during a fight was against Uraraka. If he only smiles when fighting people he consider to be “towering walls” aka challenges, he must have seen Uraraka as one. Further proof of respect!
Over and over in that Sports Festival fight and then after, Horikoshi makes it a point to establish that Bakugou respects Uraraka’s strength. And that’s a major reason that I ship them. I like that dynamic of two people knowing that the other can kick major ass and respecting the hell out of them for it, especially if one character doesn’t look like they can kick ass.
2. Understanding
This goes a little bit more from Uraraka to Bakugou than the other way around, to be honest, but it’s a reason I ship them all the same. This is shown most clearly in the post- midterm exams omake (which is only in the manga and not the anime).
I love this omake so much because first of all, it reveals that Uraraka watches Bakugou from across the classroom closely enough to pick up on changes in his mood (as evidenced when she says “I sensed your Bakurage Aura” to him) and second, it reveals that she can pick up on changes in his emotional state easily.
But the most important part of that omake is this panel.
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This is huge.
The way she outright says that Bakugou is terrified of Izuku’s potential development shows a deep understanding of Bakugou’s emotions and mental state that’s very unique. We never see anything like this level of understanding from any of their other classmates in direct relation to Bakugou. When she says “you act all menacing”, it shows that she knows that Bakugou’s yelling and bluster is an act put on the distance Izuku because he’s scared of him. 
This revelation wasn’t revealed to Deku and All Might until Deku v. Kacchan 2 when Bakugou told the two of them what he was feeling in terms that they could understand. And this was way before this, right after the midterm exams.
She follows this up by asking him to repair his relationship with Deku and be nicer to him. They hadn’t even interacted much, so the fact that she noticed this in the first place and then felt comfortable enough to tell him that to his face says a lot about how she understands him and is comfortable around him.
Bakugou is completely taken aback by this and sit and listens to her and lets her finish before yelling at her, which is big because if he didn’t respect what she had to say, he would have just cut her off and left, but he didn’t. That respect comes back into play.
So Uraraka genuinely gets Bakugou, both emotionally and mentally, and isn’t afraid to tell him about her observations, and that’s another big plus for me. I love how Uraraka can see right through him and catch him off guard every time they interact meaningfully. That deep understanding is an important part of any relationship, and the fact that she can analyze him like this, despite not being a close friend to him was interesting to me because of the potential for character development.
3. Character Development (both canon and potential)
Character development is a big thing for me when it comes to ships. I tend to really like ships that change a character for the better in some way or the other.
The Sports Festival fight changed the both of them. When Bakugou fought Todoroki and told him to give it his all, the speech bubble placement implies he was thinking of his fight with Uraraka when he said that. She’s his standard for a good fight now.
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On the other end, Bakugou helped Uraraka realize that she didn’t need to exclusively focus on rescue with her Quirk and she takes an internship under Gunhead as a result, growing her character in a major way. Those Gunhead martial arts get used a lot later on by her, and none of that would have happened if her fight with Bakugou hadn’t happened. Overall, the Sports Festival fight was important to both their character arcs and I love that.
From the understanding part comes more possibility for character development. This is where their differing relationships with Deku come into play. One admires him and the other is scared of his growth. With her understanding of Bakugou and his relationship with Deku, Uraraka could genuinely help repair their relationship.
Also them as training partners! Not only do their Quirks have the potential for incredible compatibility (zero-gravity and explosions = human rockets/missiles??) but they could help the other with new skills. Uraraka could teach Bakugou Gunhead martial arts and help him improve his hand-to-hand Quirkless combat, Bakugou could help Uraraka with comabt awareness and increasing her power. He’s probably also got some ideas for creative applications of her Quirk. Make them training buddies, Horikoshi, I beg of you.
4. Other Things
Uraraka is completely chill with his foul-mouthed nature! She actually finds it even a little funny.
THE WAY SHE’S JUST NOT AT ALL SCARED TO THROW DOWN WITH HIM!! In the post midterms omake she even matches the Bakurage face at the end! She doesn’t take his shit at all and is 100% ready to fight again.
The chocolate manju scene from the war arc is hilarious to me because she’s comfortable enough around him to lightly reprimand him and the way he knows that she’s a foodie and wants to try the chocolate manju is really cute to me.
Of course, everything I said can also be platonically interpreted. I would just love for them to be friends in canon, and really, that’s what all of this logically leads to. I just like to dream about it slowly growing into romance during their pro hero years.
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nikole-kephir · 5 years
ILY and I hope it's okay to send you a prompt? A works in a haunted flower shop B is a recent ghost, so he knows tech and likes to send texts on A's phone when he's not looking A is scared but eventually calms down B drops hints about his death in the flower shop but doesn't say much lots of angst and pining and trying to do the right thing in the face of sacrifice with a bitter sweet ending... Hurt me fam💔❤️💙💔
I am not a writer, but I will try for a fan who loves me ;)
There a slight changes, but all to feed the need for bittersweet whump
*warning* English is not my native language
 Keith was glad that he was able to get the job, even when flowers were notpart of his interest. "As long as you can distinguish a rose from a tulip,it will go well" were the last words he got from Shiro when he was pushedout of the truck and left in the dust.
The interview was a week ago. The shop itself has an antique farmer´s flairin the middle of the city. In secret he already calls it the witch hut, and hisboss fits the image perfectly, a small blonde gremlin with messy short hair anddimples hidden behind a big pair of circled glasses. She was looking forsomeone good looking to work in the shop so she does not have to deal withcostumers. The interview was basically him sitting around and the girl runningthrough the shop and bumping against all edges she passed on her way whilesorting stuff and mumbling curses. The windows of the shop were directed south-west so the rays of theafternoon sun lit up the dusty air and revealed the flowers in an orangeaccent, sitting in antique buckets of a silvery kind of metal. The potted ones were outside on a cart and framed the store window with theclassic handwritten words "flowershop" like a Renaissance paintingfrom the lavender violets to white roses in different sizes and all thedifferent shades of green made it more like a beet in the middle of the asphaltdesert. All  interior as the cash register is from the Victorian era. And onthe table is a slim vase of craved crystal glass which holds a beautifulradiating blue rose. The smell of humid air fills the room with a lot of different sweet flavorsof the flowers.
 Keith pushes open the wooden door with a glass window and the bell rings,accompanied by a groan behind the counter, "five minutes too early" came a raspy voice, a pair of swollenblue eyes under a brunette tuff of hair peeked over the counter. Keith held his breath and they stared into each others eyes in silence.Keith notices swollen eye bags and the reddened nose. "Uhm, name´s Keith, I am the new guy. Honestly, I thought that I wouldbe the only one who is working for Katie?" The other boy dashed forwardand halted in front of him abruptly, leaned in and whispered in his ear"don´t call her like that, except you want to wake the gremlin. Call herPidge". Keith raises his eyebrows and turned his face to the stranger who wasclose, like really close so their noses almost touched. The other guy had asoft tan and such a beautiful smooth skin, and his smiling lips looked so soft.Keith noticed himself that he was staring and felt his ears turning hot whichare thankfully hidden by his excuse of a haircut, and turned his head to thecounter and took a step towards it. "So uh, as the new guy, can you showme the ropes a little? I have never worked with flowers before." He turnedback to the silent stranger. The guy looked suddenly very sad, his hand covering his mouth. Then helooked up to Keith and a smile came back, but not reaching his eyes"Name´s Lance by the way. And yes, I can teach you stuff." and hemoved to the counter, passing Keith.
Keith has to admit, that working with flowers requires a lot of basic knowledgein botanies which he has not in the slightest, growing up as a desert rat. Lanceshands moved around very elegant, caressing each stalk, and ripping the lower leafsin very fast moves. It was hypnotizing and the voice did sth to him, hecouldn´t really place. Around 3PM was Pidge shuffling through the front door straight to thebackroom which was labeled "boss only" and "don´t dare todisturb", hidden under a pile of books she carried. There was not one costumer that day and Keith was thankful for it and allthe time he could spend alone with Lance. And he was glad that he was warned about all the quirks of his boss, so thereis no danger to get buried alive on the very first day.
Normally Spring has warm days and cold nights, but it was one of the warmerones, with clouds keeping the warmth like a blanket over the land. He remembersthe phantom warmth of Lance on his cheek. So this is what you would call 'Loveat first sight'. After all those years he is finally able to open a new chapterin his life and it starts with Lance. As he is new in town and the shop closed really late for their private lessons,he promised Lance to write him a message when he reached home. The whole way he thought about of what to write him, but decided for ashort 'made it home'. If  Keith is sureabout something, then it´s him sucking at flirting. And he does not even knowIf Lance even likes guys. The next day he almost ran over Pidge who actually seemed to work in thenight and was about to leave the shop to get a nap at home. And he was waitingfor Lance who came on time and looked a lot more healthier than yesterday. It was a normal day, a handful costumers visited and the rush hour time wasa literal hell with floods of orders for the next day. Keith and Lance willhave to work a lot overtime to prepare for tomorrow.
This goes on for a couple of weeks even with the "I came back home inone piece" until one day Lance is suddenly not coming to work and he evendoes not answer his phone. When he asked Pidge she turned sad and only mumbled"it´s this time of the year again" and assures him that Lance willcome back safe and sound. It´s one of these `no costumers`days where Keith daydreams behind thecounter, his gaze wanders to the radiating blue rose on the counter which didnot change the slightest since the first day he started working in this shop.His hand reaches for a leaf to look If it´s made out of plastic, bc the colorseemed so unnatural blue for a rose.
Only a scream and another pair of hands shaking him wildly took him out ofthe shock. Pidge looked worried and Keith still can´t really convert his handgoing through an object.
His Hand was not able to touch a f****** rose. "I recommend not doing that ever again" said Pidge while slumpinginto the chair beside him. "What the-", "It´s a souls flower" Pidge answered fast. Keith looks at her, searching for an answer that considers the laws ofphysics. "You know that I have to sell sth else to be able to pay myemployees.", she starts messaging her neck while moving her head and aloud cracking sound followed with a moan of relieved pain. "Don´t laugh orfreak out, but I am a witch and my field is the spiritual realm. My costumerswant to be able to wander between the realms to talk with the dead or get rid oftheir regrets and I am able to make it possible...... under specialcircumstances" Keith glances to the flower, Pidge sights. "Lance iscurrently costumer and employee at the same time, regarding that flower I amnot allowed to tell you more bc I protect the privacy of my clients. I onlyrecommend you to keep your hands off that thing bc it can literally killyou.", "Is Lance dead?" Pidge looks out of the window and gets up from her chair "I think youcan go home for today"
Keith does not know how to handle all these fantasy like information. Pidgeis a witch and Lance is a Ghost? Already dead? Keith is not able to sleep thatnight, his thoughts are racing in his head and it is the first night where hefeels unable to write Lance a short message. This must be a dream and he willwake up from this nightmare and goes to work the next day to see Lance likenothing happened. He had a weird dream that night. He replayed all the situations withLance, remembered all interactions and how Lance always avoided touching him.As If he feared that Keith would find out while Lance would glide through him.
Lance was waiting in front of the shop, his jeans wet by the end what theumbrella was not able to shield from the rain. When he caught Keith in hissight, he ran over to him. He looked like how Keith felt, swollen eyes,irritated skin around his nose and a broken voice calling his Name. Funny thata ghost changes the appearance according to his mood and feelings. "How long?" Keith looked at Lances pained expression. "HOWLONG?" Keith regretted raising his voice after seeing Lance flinch by therepeated question. "four years, since yesterday" so this is why hewasn´t at work.
Lance falls on his knees,, the Umbrella falling to the side, revealing himto the rain and he breaks out in ugly crying incomprehensible sorries leavinghis quivering lips. It hurts Keith seeing him like that, he takes a stepforward, his umbrella shielding now both.
Lance reaches for him but his hands just glide through Keith´s legs
"You shouldn´t be sorry" Keith says after the sobs calmed "Iguess there is a really unpleasant story behind you turning into a ghost". Lance went still and looked up, fear in his eyes
"Keith, I am not the ghost"
The world crashed around Keith in a second, his own umbrella suddenlygliding through his own hand, Lance shielded himself of the falling object. Normally he should feel the droplets of the rain on him, the umbrella whichis going through his legs, but he feels nothing. He looks through his palms to Lance, tuning transparent really fast andloosing consciousness.
-Four years earlier
The early rays have been bugging Keith for a while, but the motivation toget up went down to the cellar when Lance is embracing him in his sleep.Thankfully it´s the weekend and nobody waits for them to get to work. And theflowershop was nothing but a farce for Pidges actual job. Lance on the otherhand got an office job. After all he is not good with flowers. It took Keith 2years to master the basic wisdom of plants. After an hour the rays wandered offKeith´s face and are now bugging Lance. Now it might be a good time to get up.Keith looked at the clock. 10:20, quite the lazy day so far. Keith got up andtook Lance piggyback with him to the bathroom, where he let him down the toiletcover. Keith left shortly to get them their clothes and put them on. Lance neededassistance bc his brain takes a while to connect with the limbs in the morning.Keith prepared himself to get their coffee from Lance´s favorite coffee shopdown the street when he heard a whine escaping the bathroom. It has definitelysth to do with his morning routine. Keith peeked over through the door from thefloor so the boots wouldn´t dirty the recent cleaned tiles. He found Lancesitting on the bathtub edge now with an empty cream bottle. Lance throws it at him. "Get a new one" Keith managed to barleycatch it. "You know that I only wanted to bring coffee and the rest of theday was booked for the couch with you?", "Get that cream, without, Iam not going to leave this small bathroom." Keith sighted, he knows thatarguing with Lance ends 80% in a children’s quarrel, he took the keys of thecar "gas is almost empty" was Lance singing from the bathroom. Keithchanged to the motorcycle keys, grabbing the helmet. "I am going on anadventure for you, do I get a good luck kiss?", "only the successfulknight deserves one" both laughed at it and Keith left the apartmentclosing the door behind him. The ride took Keith 20 minutes to Lances favoriteshop, all packed he took off and left for a shortcut over the highway.
It happened fast.
The tire of a truck exploded and send the 8tons on the way to ram Keithinto the oncoming traffic. Keith never made it back home to his prince
 -back to now
Keith came to. He heard the whispers of Pidge and Lance in the Background.
“Four years”, both went silent.
Lance came to his view "you remember now?"
Keith nods, "so your regret bought me back to you?" Lance raisesthe blue rose to his lips and it merged into his skin. "My knight", hebows down and they kiss, hands caressing the hair of another. "Don´t youdare to follow too fast" were Keith’s last words while he dissolves intothin air…
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