#you seeing this shit mentallis *staring at the hidden cameras at camp that is connected to hq monitors to keep an eye at camp*
jnixz · 1 year
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He doesn’t appreciate uncontrolled burning leaf piles ESPECIALLY in the part of the forest that is OFF-LIMITS
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borderlandsthirst · 4 years
Flame Angel au
Has a long gash going down her back at a slanted angle, it’s decorated with the twins’ snake symbol and a pair of dragon wings. 
Triple pierced ears, a small hoop for the earlobe and studs for the other holes. 
Long kinky hair kept in a ponytail, left side of her hair shaved around the ears. 
Has smaller scars over her body from years of abuse, use to try and cover them but now wears them with pride. 
Fashion since is nonexistent, just like the twins she wears an inconsistent color scheme. 
Has her own symbol she wears on the back of her jacket. A dark orange, six-winged serpent surrounded by flames. 
Has a pet Spiderantling name Natty who grows up to be a badass Spiderant Queen. 
Long post under the cut along with psychological destress and dark thoughts.
Mostly shattered, years of mental and physical abuse has left Koetai in a state of numbness that only eases when the twins are around. 
It’s a bit unstable, can fly off the handle sometimes and takes it out on the followers.  
Has accidentally scratched Tyreen once while having a fit, it didn’t really affect her physically but emotionally she understands what it means to be treated poorly by your parents. Even if it’s not the same kind of trauma. 
Sometimes she’ll just shut down while in the safety of the Cathedral, while working with a saint or one of the twins she just stops and stare into the distance. Takes a while to bring her back 
Has stolen small unimportant items from the twins to take with her while she’s in the field so it feels like they’re with her. She needs them with her. 
Feels empty when the twins aren’t around or isn’t being praised by the followers, she’s the right hand of the twin Gods, she’s the enforcer. How can nobody see how powerful and important she is? 
Is a bit sadistic, will toy with Crimson Raider soldiers like a cat and then kill them in the most gruesome way imagine with her bare hands or a weapon that’s either her’s or theirs. All with a smile on her face. 
Takes pleasure in all pain, mostly people she knows are innocent and not fighters. Why should she care about the pain of children when nobody cared about her’s? 
Crazy, that’s to be expected after everything that’s happened to her. 
Will fake you out in a heartbeat, one second she’s quiet and smiling real menacingly in your face, the next you’re lying on the ground bleeding while she walks off with your money and loot. 
Only when she’s with the twins can the girl she could have grown into is revealed, kinda shy in interested in music and crafting. And yoga, she has to be at ease to keep the twins at ease when they’re about to snap. 
Loves Troy and Tyreen but would never tell them (they’ll figure it out on their own eventually), because to her they are real Gods. 
When she’s focused on something she’ll get real quiet so her concentration isn’t broken. Sometime she’ll stick her tongue out the side of her mouth, Troy and Tyreen have many pictures. 
Gets along with the twins amazingly well, it’s almost like they’ve been together forever. Will let Tyreen do her hair and makeup, will let Troy do her nails. All three of them will sleep in a pile. 
Is standoffish towards literally everyone else, the bandits of Pandora remind her too much of a crazy, shitty father. 
See the cultist as demons, they aren’t even lost souls, just ants on the surface of a dry ass planet, but the twins have given them a chance to seek out salvation. She just loves the part where the follows fall out of line, although she hates seeing the twins angry, she loves the killing part.
Has a pretty nasty scar on his right shoulder leading down to the area across from his ribs. 
Troy protects his damaged area with a skin friendly and cushiony gel liner filled with medical beads. It hugs his shoulder and keeps his bracer in place without causing more harm to his body. 
Wishes for nothing more than to be normal like his sister, he constructs a prosthetic using stolen Hyperion tech that (surprisingly) still works and sprays it his skin tone. 
He has built up muscle mass (but is still skinny around his ribs) still has his eight pack (or is it a six pack?) 
Will cake on so much eye shadow you wonder if it's just a part of his face. And wears more eyeliner that is necessary when in front of a crowd. 
Has nipple piercings, gauges, a lip piercing, and a di- 
Still has the things in his arm (because Idk what they are) that are medical ports the pump nutrition into him. And so does his spinel connecter.  
Hates his body, even though he has an eight pack he loses weight at a dangerous rate, he has to eat lots of meat every day. 
Has night terrors often and usually wakes up with a knife in his hand. He wishes he could muster his powers to heal himself a real right arm. 
Tyreen usually has to come and calm him enough to get him back in bed, on especially terrible nights she’ll have him sleep with her for comfort.  
When alone he mumbles his mother’s name like a mantra, Leda Calypso. Like saying her name with keep him from going insane. 
Is angry at Tyreen for latching onto him as a fetus and almost killing him, but knows that she obviously didn’t mean to, this kind of thing happens sometimes to twins. And it’s not like she could do anything about the Leech, she was a fetus. 
Doesn’t stop him from hating what happened. Even though he loves his only family member. 
Has found himself thinking about very dark things involving Tyreen and blood. 
Making his prosthetic look like a real arm only broke him more, but even if it looks real, he knows it’s not. 
A mask of channeled angsty goth teen energy, not as dramatic as Tyreen, but when he is it’s a fucking show. Overconfident in himself and cocky. 
Doesn’t like when the followers get too close to him, Tyreen, or Koetai. Will act like he gives a damn about his followers at a distance, but if they get too close? He crushes they’re skull with his cybernetic. 
Is a cold and viscous beast with no remorse for anyone, will stump in your ribcage just for looking at him. 
Keeps his personal saints at an arm's length, on Koetai can get close, anyone who steps out of line is, well, dead. 
Behind closed doors he’s all over his machines, he loves to tinker and build. He created the blueprints for the COV’s guns, Koetai’s buzzaxe, and countless other knickknacks across the camps of Pandora. 
Loves beatboxing, will make up some horrible beat in hopes that Tyreen or Koetai will rap or sing to it, can actually sing himself. Has sung the girls to sleep before. 
Records personal logs for himself whenever he’s in the mood, it can be about anything, personal issues, how being the GodKing makes him feel, how there’s really only one asset in his life that’s keeping him together. 
Love to bake, surprising to someone who doesn’t know him. But Troy loves sweets and it’s hard to get that on Pandora, so he makes them himself. 
Tyreen has a matching scar on her left shoulder blade where she was connected to Troy. 
She wears at least two layers of clothing to ensure it stays hidden, it doesn’t matter if it’s hot out, if her scar is covered then she’s satisfied.  
Has perfected a balanced look of dark makeup to make her look grown and sexy since she has a baby face. Sharp eyeliner, dark blue or black eyeshadow, and variety of dark lip-glosses.  
Works out with Troy (but not too much, just enough to stay in shape) so she has a nice four pack. 
Also has piercings, cute little studs for her ears, a nose piercing, nipples too, and a cl- 
Has her mother’s last name tattooed across her lower back. And has the COV logo tattooed on her right shoulder (really to match the eye on Troy’s shoulder.) 
Doesn’t wear a glove on her left had (since it doesn’t do anything nor does it really match the outfit.) 
THICK THIGHS SAVE LIVES, while big booties end them. 
Can HEAR the Leech talking to her, trying to convince her to consume more, feed more, TAKE MORE. Has even told her to leech her brother more times than one. 
Was once teetering on the edge of insanity because of the constant whispering in the back of her head, but over the years she’s managed to push it back. But sometimes the voice breaks through again. 
Because of the voice she barely sleeps, it’s not like she needs to, but she can’t even if she needed to. 
Loves her brother with all her heart but feels like he hates her for what she’s done. Sure, she wasn’t even born yet, but she almost killed him before he was even born. 
Actually despises the fact she’s a siren, if she wasn’t a siren Troy would messed up, mom would still be alive, and dad wouldn’t have treated us so coldly. 
Doesn’t have it together as much as she likes to think, would have a mental breakdown behind closed door, Troy has only seen it once and spent hours with Tyreen as she sobbed uncontrollably into his arms. She made sure to never let him witness that again. 
Tyreen has clawed at her tattooed arm a few times, scratched thick deep cuts that immediately heal close, just to be scratched open again. 
Only perusing the Grant Vault for Troy’s sake, hopefully all that power will keep his stable for the rest of their lives. 
Egotistical and shamelessly smug. Thinks she’s big shit and that she’s on top of the world. Lives with a shit-eating grin on her face while in front of the camera. 
Actually convinces everyone around her that she truly does care about of her followers (but is really still afraid of them.) Wouldn’t hesitate to punt-kick one in private though.  
Enjoys followers throwing themselves at her feet to offer gifts and praise, but if anyone touches her, even accidently, they’re dead. They’re not even allowed to kiss her boots, she doesn’t want their saliva on her clothes. 
When away from public she is extremely soft and sweet, kisses? She gives kisses to her brother and to Koetai, she is also pretty chill. 
While Troy bakes, Tyreen cooks. She may not need to eat real food but that doesn’t mean she can’t if she wants to. Pasta, sandwiches, a fucking baked potato? You name it, she can make it.  
Loves to sing, her mother said she had the voice of an angel, will perform a little concert for Troy and Koetai and feel flushed and proud afterwards. 
Enjoys painting like no one would believe, has a painting station in the corner of her room where she spends a good amount of time painting pictures of her loved ones, which is only three people, not including her father. 
Enjoys just, sitting outside on her balcony with the fresh air, even if the air is dry and smells like skag shit.  
First time I’ve ever written anything like this and I’m sure I did it badly, still more to come, should work on a position structure or something. Also need to make a layout of the common and working rooms.
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