#you think anyone who has access to that kind of privilege will voluntarily eschew it? are you serious?
californiannostalgia · 4 months
everyone who took tashi extremely literally when she told patrick he can go crawl back to his rich parents for money any time he wants is misreading patrick's situation (tashi has resentment and derision for rich white boys, in case that wasn't clear)
you think a guy raised rich doesn't know the comforts of money? you think he's performing the cracked phone, the shit car, the people rapping on the window waking you up, labeling you undesirable? you think any human person would voluntarily choose the dehumanization of poverty?
he's the starving artist archetype. either he gives up tennis or he gives up money. he gave up money because yeah, questionable life choices, and he fucking revels in the freedom to choose them. (also he's obsessed with tennis but don't tell him that.)
but genuinely. there is a reason people will not go to their own parents when they are at the brink of bankruptcy. and I don't know how to explain this if you already don't understand, but there is always a good reason when you're avoiding parents who can give you monetary security.
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