#you will not die if you can't eat meat twice a day anymore
wedefyauguryy · 2 years
economics is the worst subject to have as a leftist
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: Season 3 Episode 1 Reaction
Who's missed these from me. The screaming you all love to hate. Muah.
Beverly is so 🆒. I actually have no notes. Obsessed with Gates' hair it is On Fleek
Laris being the voice of reason and not being written out to make space for Bev? Very interesting.
Old communicator chirp noise my beloved
"No Starfleet" Picard: i know a guy 🥰 hello riker from starfleet who will contact seven from starfleet for help 😋
No one likes the phat ships 😢 Enterprise D it's okay honey we love you for who you are dummy thicc and all 🥺
excuse me what did that orion slip in that plate to her i've watched this thrice and can't figure it out
"my girlfriend left me" NOOOOOOOOOOO??????????????
Ngl seeing the dramatic Titan ship pan just reminds me of the gratuitous Cerritos ship pans in LWD which never fails to make me cackle
Titan theme is so beautiful. I think it's fast approaching my favourite just behind Voyager
The way it intersects with the TNG theme? Chefs mf KISS. Hit me with that shit I want it all
"Commander Annika Hansen" SHAW COUNT YOUR FUCKING DAYS 🔪🔪🔪
Thanks! I hate it!
bby laforge 🥺 for to blorbo? me for blorbo? blorbo for me? for blorbo to????????
Picard telling Seven she'd make a great captain? My heart cannot handle this shit i'm out
Seriously guys i have to do next week with heart medication i was not made to handle this shit
"Should we tell Engineering we're going at lizard space warp 9.99"
At least the show is self aware that Picard is a bit of a fossil ngl, i respect that
Shaw eating blue meat 🤢 sir tf is THAT
Does shaw season his meat with blue raspberry kool aid. Quickly
I wish shaw a very ✨die✨ ❤️
Hate how Shaw treats Seven but tbh i respect a captain that can stand up to picard and riker. Like he's not wrong they can't just abuse their power that's long gone anyway
Also sorry Picard but you have got to stop bringing your own wine as gifts not everybody wants that shit
seven being 👁️👄👁️ during the meal is a mood because same
Love how Riker and picard just barrel ahead without waiting for or checking on Seven. Especially after how awful Shaw was to her. Way to use your friends guys well done gentlemen
"Good morning, sweet girl" raffi you are killing me
How does she look so good
Raffi having her vape horgl with her on the La Sirena is somewhat bittersweet
Headcanon that there are snakeleaf vines in her room. You are not allowed to disagree ❤️
jesus christ worf mysterious handler why the fuck would you pull up that personnel file 😭
i. raffi. same birthday. no. oh my god. oh my god.
oh, raffi... :(
How tf is Seven around on the bridge more than the captain. They're making her the not-captain captain of the titan and for what
Seven saying what i've always wanted to say like why yes i too would like to airlock picard for his audacity
Riker: grants permission to speak freely
Seven: speaks freely
Riker: no not like that >:(
Shaw being a snork mimimimi king was not on my picard s3 bingo but you know what. Mood.
Brain is too scrambled to take in the rest but
Oh my god
Loved the music
Welcome back my space moms
Oh my god this season is killing me already
In conclusion i'm delirious because they dropped the episode at 12am after i tried to watch streams of it twice on the world's shittiest wifi whilst travelling across the country. Happy premiere day.
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machineryfield · 3 years
At the Start of the World Chapter 1
Anything but Normal
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Fiora wakes up, she brushes her hair and puts it up in two ponytails, and goes to check on Dunban. She changes his bandages and pushes him back down in bed, telling him to wait here while she makes breakfast. She does just that and they eat together, her sitting next to his bed.
She gets to work after that, making sure lunch is ready before too long. She stands in front of the pot and slaves away at the curry, cuts the supplies for the sandwiches at the same time. Reyn always likes a healthy mix of veggies and meat -- energy aubergines in rare supply and only for special occasions. Shulk likes more meat than veggies, but she always sneaks some in anyway, just in case. He needs it to grow healthy!
She listens to the meat cook on the stovetop and prepares the bread. It's always a busy day in the kitchen, but she wouldn't have it any other way. It's nice to keep busy -- nice to have a way to forget about the threat that was looming until just recently.
She frowns deeply thinking about Dunban. The Battle of Sword Valley had been a year ago, that cursed sword had nearly killed him so recently... And yet she knows he still thinks of it.
He's always talking about getting well enough to wield it again, talking about defending the Homs once more. Maybe that's why she's convinced herself the Mechon can't come back. If they can't come back, then Dunban doesn't have to hurt himself anymore.
She turns back to the curry and the meat, telling herself not to worry about that. Thinking about them is just a way of inviting them in. If she thinks of them, she gives them power. If she gives them power...
She once again cuts her thoughts off and gets back to work. Maybe today is a special enough day to give Reyn some energy aubergines on his sandwich. She knows they're a pain to find, but with some gumption she always does.
"Yeah, I think I'll do that." She tells herself, "a little treat never hurt anybody."
She reaches into the cabinets, and gets fully enveloped in the cooking.
Fiora touches the spot the Monado bounced off her and frowns. Shulk really hadn't cared, not one bit... What if it had done something to her?! Would he have even thought twice about it?
She swallows hard as she paces around the lab, the boys gone. They went to get ether cylinders... it should be fine, right? Reyn's a bit hardheaded, but he's got a good heart and no way will he let Shulk get hurt…
Unlike Shulk, he actually cares about the wellbeing of his friends, she thinks with a pout.
She just hopes he won't get overwhelmed. There's only two of them, and an entire nest of Mell Lizards... Rumour has it the nest is right next to Wallslide Gwynry's lair. She bites her thumb thinking about it... and... Oh, damn it!
She can't just leave them like that. She finds the canisters for the transfer of the cylinders laying right outside the lab and takes her chance. Slung onto her back, she starts out for Tephra Cave herself.
"Shulk, go." Fiora's voice is tense as she stands back to back with Reyn. "We'll handle things here, you get to the mobile artillery."
"Fiora! You can't be serious," he shakes his head. "I can't just leave the two of you!"
"We'll be fine," she promises. "We'll be right after you before you know it! I'm Dunban's sister in more than name, you know."
"I ain't been training for so long to not hold my own weight!" Reyn adds with a grin. "I know what to do. Knock 'em off balance then topple 'em, right? Fiora and I got that covered."
A Mechon charges, but Fiora's able to knock it off balance just in time. Reyn knocks it over, and Fiora dazes it where it sits. She looks at Shulk then, a fire in her eyes as she does.
"See? Go on ahead, we won't be long."
Shulk finally nods. "Both of you... be safe."
Shulk is off down the street then, and when Fiora is sure he's a safe distance away, she goes on the offensive. These Mechon... Coming back out of nowhere, putting Dunban and her friends at risk all over again... She decides she won't let it happen, not again.
She strikes with her knives, and Reyn is quick to follow. They build a synergy quickly enough, and Fiora doesn't feel like stopping. She'll take them all down, no matter what it takes.
"You know, Fiora..." After a few moments, Reyn begins to pant out words. "Maybe you should go after Shulk, you ain't much of a fighter."
"And leave you without a way to throw the Mechon off balance?" She shakes her head. "No way!"
He shrugs. "Fair enough."
A pillar starts to collapse and first Fiora thinks crap, that's the way Shulk went. Then she thinks shit, it's falling right towards us. She dives to the side, and Reyn does the same.
Rolling across the ground, she braces herself and lets out a groan, pulling herself up. Mechon had already come at Reyn, trying to get to him. He's barely holding them off...
She runs forward and strikes against the Mechon, her knives doing nothing.
"Fiora! Get out of here!"
"I can't just leave you, Reyn! We promised Shulk we'd be right behind him, right?" She strikes again and grunts. "I can't go back on that!"
She keeps trying, as impossible as it seems, and a blue light flashes by her. Before she knows it, the Mechon around them are falling to the ground, destroyed. She lets out a gasp.
He's breathing heavily, and she can see his arm twitching in pain. "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Reyn's eyes are shining. "The Monado...! I had a feeling you had it!"
"He shouldn't," Fiora frowns. "Dunban, you shouldn't have left your room! You're still injured!"
"I'm fine." He shakes his head, brushing off her worry. "Shulk's not with you?"
Fiora shook her head. "We sent him on ahead, to the Residential District. We were supposed to be right behind him."
Reyn looks that way, "looks like we have to go the long way 'round, think Shulk'll mind."
"I doubt it, but..." She glances at her brother. "Let's avoid fighting as much as we can, okay?"
Fiora watches as blood comes from Dunban's mouth, watches the Monado fall and slide forward. The cursed sword that hurt her family so much. The blessed sword that kept Homs alive this long.
She grits her teeth and finds herself running forward. She won't let Dunban get hurt, not anymore. She grabs the Monado and holds it tight, it feels weird compared to her knives... Unnatural.
"I'll protect you this time!"
"Fiora, no!" Dunban's voice is strained. "It'll kill you!"
She ignores him, like he always ignores her pleas to forget about the Monado. Rushing forward a scream rips from her throat and she rushes the Mechon. For a moment, she feels as if she's seeing the future, moving so deftly to avoid each and every attack. A gift from a god, one would say if they were a believer.
She wonders if this is what Shulk saw earlier, when he touched the Monado in the lab. She wonders if she's rushing down the same path as him, an obsession with a weapon they can never understand.
That can wait until later, though. For now, she cuts down the Mechon. She'll ask Shulk about this later, when she finds him. If anyone has even an inkling of an idea of what that meant, it would be him.
"Fiora!" Reyn's yelling and Dunban seems stunned in awe. "More incoming!"
Dunban pulls himself to his feet then. "Reyn!"
The two join the fray and, in no time, they have the advantage. The Monado still feels foreign in Fiora's hands, but bit by bit she's acclimating, figuring out what to do.
Dunban slides to a stop at her back. "Fiora, are you alright?"
"Fine, I just..." She frowns. "I think I know what Shulk saw earlier. I think he saw into the future. Is that something the Monado can just do?"
"First time I heard of it was from Shulk," Reyn replies, fighting off another Mechon. "You sure you saw the future?"
Fiora nods.
"...Dickson once mentioned a potential hidden power of the Monado, is this it?" Dunban asks, kicking a Mechon away from Fiora.
"That so? Guess we'll have to ask him more about it later." She grips the Monado tighter. "For now, we need to get to Shulk!"
The Monado doesn't work on the Mechon with the face. That fact makes her blood run cold, makes her freeze as she watches Dunban fight helplessly against it. She thinks he's going to die, thinks she'll lose him to this war, when a blast sounds through the night.
The Mobile Artillery, Shulk rushing forward. It's flying to the side, the Mechon with a metal face is stabbing through something. She hears herself screaming.
"Was that... another...?" Things click into place as she looks up and sees Shulk rushing for the Mechon. "Shulk, no! It'll kill you! Turn around!"
Shulk doesn't listen, all he does is yell that he'll help them. That they'll save Colony 9. He's shooting at the Mechon now, but still almost no reaction. Even less than a normal mechon would have. Does it have to do with the eerie red glow?
"Shulk! Please get out of here! Run!"
He's up against it now, shooting directly at it. Still nothing, even as the artillery falls. Even as the Faced Mechon gets up. Fiora can do nothing but watch as it lifts it, looks at Shulk for so long, and throws it to the side as if it's nothing.
She listens to Shulk's whimpers and yells, she hears herself screaming as Shulk screams. As he lets out what is his dying breath. She's shaking, coming back to reality. She grips the Monado, and a jolt goes through her, like a cold shock of electricity, right through her veins.
"I'll kill you...!"
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