#you: sweetie you really should stay in your tank it's healthier
that-foul-legacy-lover ยท 1 year
OK OK but what about tiny sea monster fould legacy?? Like he's the size of and adorably tine turtleee and you save him from like a plastic bag and you get keep him in a smol aquarium at homeee
comrade, you just made this ten times more ADORABLE!!!!
i imagine you're the type of person who picks up discarded trash on the beach to clean up a bit, since tourist season brings a flood of people and new litter- it's why you prefer overcast days, sunny days just have too many people. it's during one of these cloudy days that you spot a plastic bag on the shore and scoop it up to discard it, when suddenly the bag starts moving!! you peek inside and are met with the frightened eye of a little sea creature, cheeping frantically and pulling at his tail, which is tangled in the plastic. you quickly snip the bag and pull it away from the little beast's body, cooing gently and petting his copper-colored hair with a finger
you expect the odd creature to swim away the moment you set him in the water, but instead he peeps and snuggles into your palm, wrapping his tiny tail around your thumb. and believe me, you TRY to let him go! you kept your hands in the water for at least ten minutes, gently nudging him in encouragement, but nope! he wants to stay with you. so, you take him home (until he's ready to go back), preparing a good sized aquarium for him to stay in. it's originally in your living room, but after seeing this sea creature- you've decided to call him Foul Legacy- perk up and wiggle the fins on the back whenever you walk past, you move it to your office so he can be closer to you. the thought that you'll have to eventually return him to the sea constantly nags you, but at the moment Legacy seems quite content to stay here with you... you'll have to see where this new journey takes you!
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