#you’ve seen my hk aus
featherlouise · 8 months
I should actually start writing down all these ganlink fics that are in my head huh
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bluegekk0 · 3 months
Regarding your recent vent post I can understand why you might start to have many of these thoughts about your art/AU stuff. But I honestly don’t really think it’s because of general disinterest of your content in particular as it is the HK fandom itself kinda getting smaller as I’ve been recently noticing. This AU of yours is up there for one of the most passionate and overall best representation of a ship I’ve seen in a while. I find it kind of hard to see people get bored of this, but just know whenever you’re feeling like nobody cares about your AU or art anymore there are many people who truly enjoy what you put out and make our days a little more enjoyable.
And about your section talking about your negative experience with going through a possible autism revelation kind of hit me close to home. It can be a VERY frustrating and stressful time realizing that you may think something is “wrong” with the way you think, act or carry out daily activities. I myself struggled with this shit during high school and I always felt like the most out of place weirdo in the room, and I still occasionally feel like this at times. If I can give you any piece of advice it would be to honestly try your best to accept the card you’ve been dealt with, and to try to push the boundaries of your disability and see what you are capable of, trust me there are times that I thought I couldn’t do something because I believed I would be too stupid or awkward tackle it. But with enough motivation and courage you’d be surprised of what you could do.
I do hope this ask helped you in any way or at least made you not feel completely worthless because in reality you aren’t.
Hmm yeah I definitely noticed that a lot of people moved on to other things. I guess I don't really think of that most of the time since I've also distanced myself quite a bit from the HK community. Thinking now, maybe the fact that I stopped tagging my art with Hollow Knight contributes to this? But at the same time, that feels right since I don't even really see the game and the AU on the same wavelength anymore, they're two different entities to me (with the AU almost leaning into OC territory; it's more like an adaptation of the game rather than something that derives from it). Plus I have this small fear that it'll attract people who know nothing about the AU and will misinterpret my versions of the characters in tags/replies (it happened before which is why it's something I'm sensitive about). I guess I'll have to see it from this perspective more and just start expecting less people to see it if I continue to avoid tagging it as HK. Maybe a "Hollow Knight AU" tag would work as a compromise? I'll think about it.
But I got carried away there, sorry. I'm really grateful for your input. For me it wasn't as much realizing that something is wrong that messed with me, I had this suspicion for a long time, way before I even considered that I might be autistic. It's mostly that I'm afraid my suspicione are wrong and I'm somehow faking the symptoms, even if many of them that I read and heard about feel very relatable to me in a lot of ways. But I appreciate your advice nonetheless, and I'll try to keep it in mind. I'll have to, now that I'm finishing uni, even if it seems terrifying.
Thank you a lot for reaching out, it means a lot ❤️
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cliocodex · 4 years
Kill the Lights
Here’s chapter 2 of “Feedback”, my first contribution to the ever-growing and still officially unnamed whole-big KotOR Rock AU - a thing that started as crack and has grown into a whole beautiful universe. Much gratitude to @arturas-writes for the shared brain space and endless brainstorming (no really, you should see the doc!!).  It’s truly just joyous fun creating with you! Really this chapter was supposed to be primarily about the entrance of one Canderous Ordo, former frontman of the death metal act, The Mandalorians.  Other plot points weaseled their way in as well as ....happens.  But  Notably the opening scene here which is of course some Surik & Rand sap because....there’s just going to be a lot of that, ok??  Head to ch. 1 of this fic for the smut (but stick around for the rest!). Kill the Lights Meetra’s still reeling when they get to the studio; doesn’t help either the way Atton pulls her in for a kiss just inside the front door, those insistent hands warm through her tank.  She wants to run her fingers through his hair except that he’s gone all in on the mohawk and damned if she’ll wreck that for him.  So she settles for curling her fingers in the softness of his faded t-shirt to pull him closer.   The hair was Revan’s idea but she’d encouraged it, part of Atton’s new stage aesthetic.  No fucking way they’d have let him do a show with that sweet-boy-next-door vibe he’d had before, but she suddenly wonders if he would have agreed to the vest and the rest of it if she’d not pushed.  The vest is fucking hot, but definitely not his usual look… and he had been a little shy about the no shirt part.  Was it the words whispered in his ear that had gotten him to say yes?  She’d meant them but still…. Revan’s another worry, the way he rides Atton hard every damn rehearsal, yet Atton just deflects and carries on, laughing even when the jabs have to sting.   Must be the lure of fame, the making it big, that makes it worth changing himself, taking Revan’s shit….surely, it’s not her (and if it was, what would that mean?).   Now’s not the time to think on it more, so she breaks off, nudging him back, hands still in his shirt.  “If Revan bitches, Rand, I’ll take care of it, ok?”  Revan’s gonna bitch, because his attitude has gone from bad to fucking insufferable ever since word broke that Alek has managed to pull together a band (or at least found a bassist and drummer who will put up with his shit as long as the cash is good and the coke’s flowing).   “And try not to weigh in on the Ordo business.  It’s a shit plan, but…well, when Revan gets an idea like this he doesn’t really take opinions, not even from me.”   A wave of just fucking done and tired washes over her with those words and comes out in a sigh.  Atton lifts her chin to meet his gaze, his eyes twinkling to match his grin.  There’s a hint of the thing that was there in the shower still there, too, that makes the tired fade a bit. “Sure thing, angel.  You’re the boss.”  Angel.  Hearing it again confirms that she likes it  - but it’s not time to sort out why on that point either.   Of course, saying in the shower is one thing; calling her that out here is just asking for trouble.   Her hands tighten in his shirt and she tries to scowl.  “Don’t you fucking dare…”  The threat hangs unfinished, but surely he knows the guys would never let it drop if they heard that shit.  Not that she sounds particularly threatening, especially as her scowl is more a smile despite her efforts. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Surik.”  And she believes it, knows it’s not because he’s afraid of her or even Revan or HK but because maybe it’s just theirs. Still she tries not to let on, manages a somewhat stern half-cocked brow.  “Good.  Because I will spill on your collection if you do.”  She leans in again and flicks at his ear with her tongue between  words, acutely aware of the way he’s found bare skin at her waist.  “And I’ve seen it all, flyboy.  The little ships.  The big ones.  The little people all lined up on the shelf.”  Who knows where the fuck that comes from, flyboy, but it fits. “Flyboy?”  That grin and his hand tracing the base of her spine give away that he likes it, so she files it away for later - flyboy.  Maybe he’s onto something with the damn nicknames. “They’re minifigures, Surik.  And it’s a valuable collection I’ll have you know.”  If only he knew how adorably ridiculous he’d been explaining that collection to her once he’d gotten over the initial embarrassment at being found out, how he looks that way now.  If only he knew what his hand and that grin and the beat of his heart against her fist are doing to her (besides reminding her how absolutely fucking in trouble she is). But she’s stood here like a fucking idiot long enough.  “So you’ve said.”  A quick final kiss to the side of his mouth and she’s pulling him towards the studio and whatever Revan’s got waiting.
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actingwithportals · 4 years
For the end of the year asks: 5, 6, 13,15? I hope you have a happy new year!!
5. What creative work are you most proud of (your own or someone else’s)?
For my own I am really really proud of the Ghost backstory arc of my Hollow Knight series. Even though it’s part of a greater whole, it does sort of stand on its own as well, and having just barely managed to finish that within 2020 made me feel... really proud of myself tbh. And having certain positive responses from my friend who I see as a role model and inspiration for what I want to be as a writer has massively blown me away too (if you’re reading this you know who you are). Writing that story made me realize that I can actually do this whole writing thing.
Also just... learning how to DRAW in general is still making me lose my shit with excitement.
As for someone else’s, I’ve been in so much awe of the many things I’ve seen my friends create, both friends I made this year and friends I’ve known for a longer time. My roommate has made hundreds of beautiful and functional masks that actually fit people. Another roommate has done so many gorgeous paintings using new tools that they’ve been longing to utilize. The aforementioned writer role model friend has CONSISTENTLY blown me away with the fics they’ve written this year. And all the friends I’ve made in the HK fandom with their writing and their art? There’s too many to list but fuck man, I can’t believe I get to know so many talented people. It’s incredible.
6. Did you have any new ships this year?
Oh god so fucking many it’s kinda unreal because I usually don’t give a fuck about shipping. Grimm/Hollow is a big one, but Quirrel/Tiso has definitely caught up in these last few months of the year. Herrah/Vespa of course, pairings in my friends’ own AUs, my self-indulgent comfort ship that I’m still too awkward to actually mention on here sdlkfjds. Just, a weird amount of shipping has happened this year.
13. What do you want to do less of next year?
I actually want to spend less time on social media I think, namely youtube and twitter and more irl-based stuff like facebook and instagram. I know I don’t have to be productive all the time, but it’s actually kind of disappointing how much time I spent this year just like, watching youtube videos for hours and not really doing anything else that day, even cooking myself a proper meal. I think I would like to spend more time still dedicated to being by myself, but actually creating things for me to enjoy rather than.. kinda passing time that ultimately leaves me feeling more bored than I was when I started. Or at least play video games if I don’t have the energy to create.
15. What are you looking forward to coming out in 2021?
Ngl I actually don’t keep up with what sort of things are ever coming out, so I have no idea. I suppose Silksong is likely to come out in 2021 and I’m definitely excited for that, but that’s probably the only thing I could list. Unless we get Deltarune this year too? But I kind of doubt it.
Thank you Ravie !! I hope you’ve had a good new year too!
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muses-darling · 5 years
FIRE & FURY - A STAR WARS AU - CH.2 Growing Pains
The hatch opened letting in the noise of the sprawling city planet of Coruscant now free of the Sith Empires’ ships. The Republic had one the battle for now, the threat of the Sith’s return was always at a high though. Kit made his way down the ramp and smiled at the familiar Senator who had come to greet him. “Will!”
“Kit my friend this visit is most unexpected.” Will started.
“Visit? This is my home Will, yes the life of a Jedi leads me to leave it but I always return.”
Will frowned and was about to say more when HK-47 interrupted.
“Interruption: Master are you aware this is a Meatbag Senator? That I have means with which to dispatch him hastily and in a relatively imaginative way too.” 
“I have no doubt you do, but I don’t think that is necessary.” Kit shook his head. “Forgive him Will he’s homicidal.”
“Correction: Killing a Senator is always necessary, Master.”
Will gave the droid a look of disbelief. “What does he have against Senators?” 
“ Answer: There are a lot of politicians on Coruscant, Master. I could spend decades slaughtering them and still not make a dent." Hk-47 stated to Will with an almost amused manner. 
“Where did you get this droid Kit?” Will eyed both of them over.
“You know I don’t know I woke up and it called me Master.”
“Statement: And you are not the first nor will you be the last of a many long line of Masters most of which I have shot through with a blaster.”
“Ah well that’s reassuring.” Will said crossing his arms amused at the murder intentioned droid. 
“Agreement: Indeed it would be most horrible if I were to miss my targets, after all I take pride in my work.”
“You’ve had other masters?”
“Answer: Of course, I have more than one now.”
“Who else is your master?” Kit asked.
“Explanation: Currently I call you Master, I also call Lord Ignis my Master as well. He gave me to you making you my new master.”
“Did he give you to me to kill me?” Kit asked.
“Evaluation: That remains to be seen until otherwise stated I am to keep my eye on you.” 
“Keep an eye on you? How thoughtful,” Will smiled. 
“Indeed,” Kit sighed. “Just don’t kill anyone unless absolutely necessary.”
“Query: Not even the Senator?”
“Especially not the Senator.” Kit started walking away.
“Commentary: Master is not as fun as Master Ignis said you would be.”
Kit rolled his eyes he needed to speak with Master Gabriel.
Emelyne rushed to her Father’s arms and laughed merrily as they held to each other. “I’m sorry it took so long Em,” Master’s held to his daughter with a smile. 
“Too long! But I’m just so glad you are safe!” She hugged her Father kissing him on the forehead. “I missed you.”
“I’m glad you are safe!” He looked her over. “Safe, well, and cared for.” 
Alucard walked up leaning against the legs of the ramp of the Cerberus, “Not to break up this wonderful and charming moment, but, I never do anything for the warm fuzzies.” 
Masters swallowed and looked up at Alucard from his attention on Emelyne. “Right of course how could I forget? You all are owed something for helping return my daughter to me safely. Whatever I can get for you, whatever my daughter promised, I’ll happily pay you with.” 
Alucard smiled. “A simple sorry will suffice for nearly selling me to the Sith. For terrorizing my crew and nearly damaging my ship.”
“I-” Masters nodded. “Please forgive me for all that is mentioned, and if you ever need the Knight’s help by all means give us a transmission. We’re around.” Masters’ took Emelyne arm around her shoulder walking away. 
“Hey, if you need someone to be some muscle for a run, give me a ring.” Kaleb smiled. “See you around.”
“Oh I most certainly will seek out your aid should I need it.” Alucard smiled waving to them.
“Aww I liked them,” Layla said arms crossing. 
“Agreed, but, we can’t keep them separated forever,” Nikki said from where she was perched.
“So Captain where too?” Honey asked nudging Alucard.
“What do you all say to running a gambit on Cantonica?” Alucard gave her a smile. 
“I think you just want to see me in one of my little numbers.” She teased.
“I’d rather see you out of it.” Alucard said leaning closer to her kissing her.
“EARS!” Layla and Nikki said in unison.
Alucard rolled his eyes. 
“Alright, but we get out if it gets too dangerous.” Honey smiled. “We just got back together, no need to get separated so quickly.”
“There is no credits paid in death.” Alucard smiled as they boarded the ship.
Streams of starlight focused as they exited Hyperspace. 
“WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THAT!” Ben asked still breathing heavily.
“Language!” Aziraphale said a shocked expression on his face looking at Ben then to Crowley.
“Nah, I’m with him Angel, what the hell was that back there.” Crowley looked between the four of them. “Also not so loud my niece is sleeping.” 
“Now you’ve done it!” Crowley got up going to the tiny red head scooping her up. “Shhh, it’s ok, we’ve escaped the bad guys, Uncle Crow is here no one is going to hurt you.” He smiled at Juliet carrying her back to her bunk. 
Aziraphale looked to the planet before them in thought. “They were Sith, that much is certain, but I’ve never seen Sith like them before. Their hatred was so much more focused.”
“Do you think the Sith might have called in reinforcements from the outer rim?”
“No, Lord Ign-Hades has been trying to end the war as discreetly as possible.” Harper shook her head as she thought.
“Unless there is another betrayer in the ranks?” Ben suggested.
“You know with how Sith are there is always that.” Harper agreed. 
Aziraphale looked at the planet his face twitching, “Crowley. Are we where I think we are?”
“Afraid so Angel.”
“Crowley you promised!” Aziraphale said exasperated. 
“I did no such thing, I just said I would avoid us coming back if I could help it.”
“Couldn’t we just?” Aziraphale started to suggest.
“No, you know they won’t come looking for us here.” Crowley got into the Captain’s seat. “Now there are worse places to go.”
Aziraphale gave him a judgmental look before looking away. 
“Look just because it’s a little spooky doesn’t mean it isn’t a good place to hide.”
“A little? Dagobah is beyond spooky! Think of your Niece.”
“I have and that is why I’m taking extra precautions. Now we are going down there.”
“We’ll never get out.”
“Aww you only say that because last time we almost didn’t.” Crowley grinned at him before starting their way down to the planet.
“I cannot believe you are actually going through with this!” Aziraphale said but did nothing to stop Crowley.
“To be honest that makes both of us Angel.” Crowley pressed a kiss to Aziraphale’s cheek. “Now help me find a place to land that isn’t water.”
Searing pain shot through his body making him arc and writhe, his mouth open in agony but no sound came through too wracked with pain to breath. Whipping back and forth across the floor hair twisting, flowing, covering his face. Each blast more excruciating, he lay afterwards unable to move, too sore, too weakened, and unable to control his muscles to stop the spasms. 
“Enough Sister, you’ll kill him if you aren’t careful.” Dartjh Lykaios entered the cell looking at the pained husk of a man curled up on the ground. “Then what use in finding him will he be?”
The woman smiled cruelly. “Oh he will stay useful even after he dies by my hand. He will serve as a reminder not to cross me. Now tell me where is my son Hades.” She leaned down taking hold of Hades’ face. 
Hades’ jaw was clenched as another spasm ricocheted his muscles. When he did speak he spoke hoarsely. “Go fuck yourself Darth Ceres. I will die before I betray him.”
“Oh you most certainly will,” She smiled. “Now be a good boy and tell me, I’m a patient woman, I can wait, but I’m afraid your season has passed. While mine has only just begun.”
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red-applesith · 7 years
I love this one! Thanks @villainous-surrender for tagging me!
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger.
3. Post 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people.
@villainous-surrender asked me the following questions:
1. Are you a fan of the Rey Kenobi theory? Why/why not?
I would have been fine with Rey Kenobi (because who wouldn’t want Ewan Mc Gregor as Rey’s grandpa?) but tbh of all the Rey parentage theories, I was more attracted to Rey Palpatine and Rey Nobody. 
2. Other Star Wars pairings that you are a fan of?
I have no issues with any SW pairings (canon or not) but I’m not invested in any of them if that’s the question. 
3. When did you first start shipping reylo and why?
December 2015, after my first viewing, although I’m not a shipper at heart so it took me 4 viewings to sort of process my emotions. 
I instantly latched onto the mythological aspect of Rey and Kylo’s relationship but I also loved how the writers had subverted the gender dynamic between the two characters, and that’s what really sealed the deal for me. It also took me a few months to process and accept what I had seen inside Kylo’s character. When you’ve been living in denial for 30 years it’s scary to open up.   
4. Are there other hero/villain pairings that you like? I’ll give you my first ship and one of my favorites: batcat.
Hum, not really, but kinda yes at the same time? I was into Marauder area Snupin when I was younger so it kinda fits the profile? 
5. After watching Episode VIII, do you honestly believe Rey and Kylo will have a happy ending? Why/why not?
Yes. Because the seeds have been planted for them to have a reconciliation and I have a theory about how we can save Ben Solo’s neck (I am DYING to share my ideas, but it’s the whole plot of the fanfic I’m writing so I don’t want to discuss it beforehand lol). Also, Kathleen Kennedy confirmed multiple times that SW is about HOPE. There’s no point in having those two characters being killed off or separated at the end of 9.   
6. List one thing you really liked about TLJ and one thing you didn’t.
Liked: Obviously Reylo. I mean, I’m one of those obnoxious shippers who never doubted it was canon and endgame but at the same time, I expected to see their relationship bloom in 9, not within the first twenty minutes of TLJ. XD I was over the moon. Also, I am so vindicated that ‘my’ reylo is canon (depressed, self-loathing Kylo & wide-eyed not-so-farting-rainbows-Rey.)
Didn’t like: I guess Leia in space is the bit that threw me off a little, especially the first time. I’m glad that we were given the opportunity to witness how strong she is with the Force but it does feel OTT. 
Other than that, I can’t say I hated any other aspect of the movie because it carries messages that I strongly believe in.
7. Who is your favorite Star Wars character (that also isn’t one of the main characters in this trilogy or past ones)?
HK-47, you can tell he was written by David Gaider. <3
8. Which do you prefer: dark!reylo, reyben (redeemed!Ben Solo), or gray jedi?
Gray/Prime Jedi is my jam. Gimme balance, reconciliation, healing, and acceptance that your dark impulses are natural. 
9. What do you think about Kylo’s whole “I will finish what my grandfather started!” Why do you think this is one of his main motivations, and do you think he doesn’t know that Anakin was redeemed in the end?
Ah! That sentence is so meta, I love it <3. 
But okay, to me, in the context of the movie (aka what Kylo is actually thinking), it means ending the Jedi once and for all - because that was a big part of Darth Vader’s job. There’s also this misconception that Tuanul village was a settlers compound when the villagers were actually cultists of the Church of the Force. They were religious opponents to Ren, which explains why he treated them as war enemies. The Church of the Force and Lor San Tekka are really intent on bringing back the Jedi Order, which obviously goes against Kylo’s spiritual beliefs (also when a Jedi tried to kill you in your sleep, you’re probably not inclined to believe they’re the good guys.)
As for what Kylo really knows about Vader, I think that it’s pretty distorted. From Bloodline, we know he wasn’t aware that Vader was his grandfather until late, meaning his family lied to him all his life. We can safely assume that after that, he would take whatever information they fed him about Vader and the Empire with a grain of salt. This leaves Snoke, as his sole purveyor of information, which also explains why Kylo in TFA is so obsessed with connecting with objects belonging to Vader. As a Force user, that’s probably his sole source of “reliable” (ahem) information. 
10.  If you were a character in the SW universe, what kind of person do you think you would be? A Jedi? A stormtrooper? A PORG?!?
I would like to be a powerful Force-sensitive warrior of some sort and that’s why I really hope Rey and Kylo are going to go down the Prime Jedi route. I would be a pretty poor Jedi but I couldn’t be a Sith. But with my luck, if I was reincarnated as a Star Wars character, I’d probably be a slave on a backwater planet or a fathier.
11. And finally: Are you a writer, artist, or just here for the fun? If you are either a writer or artist, what inspires you the most in this fandom?
I've been dabbling in a bit of everything, although no one ever picks me in either fanfic writers, fanartists or meta writers lists (You’re all hurting my 3 feelings guyz!) 
The dynamic between Rey and Kylo is what inspires me the most. Even when writing modern AUs I try to stay true to their characterization and what motivates them. I’m in love ‘kay?
My questions:
Rate the Star Wars movies in order, from your favourite to least favourite.
What’s your true opinion on Anakin? Victim of circumstances or little shit? Bit of both?
Darth Maul: Hot or Nope? 
What’s your favourite Reylo moment in canon, and why?
What’s your favourite Reylo trope/moment in fandom? (can be a scene from a specific fanfic or something general)
Is there anything you’d written differently if you were working on Star Wars since 1977?
Can you believe we were given the gift of shirtless Kylo on the big screen?
What’s your ideal Reylo ending? (marriage, exile, babies, tragic death,...)
Do you have something in common with Rey?
Do you have something in common with Kylo Ren/Ben Solo?
What is the (N)SFW Reylo headcanon you will defend to the death?
I tag: @kuresoto @i-am-thesenate @personalphilosophie @solikerez @lariren-shadow @punkeraa @shieldmaidenfreda @leofgyth @ridingbensolo @somaybelikeno @cosetteskywalker
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riseagainphoenix · 5 years
Dear Yuletide author,
Thank you so much for participating this year and making my small fandom dreams come true. I’m very excited that you’ve been matched with me, and whatever fandom you choose to write from my list will make me happy, so go hog wild! If you would like some more guidance than “go hog wild,” I’ve compiled some thoughts as to what I like and dislike in fics, and specifically for each fandom I’ve requested.
In general: - I’m very much into banter and friendly antagonism. - I’m not particularly interested in reading porn, especially pwp. I’m not against it and if it involves feelings I’ll probably love it, but it isn’t my first craving. - I really like polyamory, open relationships, multi-shipping, what have you. - I love gen and friendship fic. - I love love love found families, so you can never go wrong with those themes. - I prefer non-holiday-themed fic and absolutely DNW kid fic.  - I also strongly prefer non-AUs if that’s at all possible with what you have in mind, since I like the following canons a lot
Letterkenny  (Wayne, Glen, or alternatively Katy/Riley/Jonesy, or just a gen fic about everyone) I love Letterkenny a lot, though I have to admit I’m an intermittent watcher and haven’t seen every single episode. Generally speaking, my favourite thing is when everyone in town has to come together to solve a problem/defeat an enemy/complete a project, and they still hate each other but are loyal to each other above all else, so if you’re thinking of going gen that type of plot will always make me satisfied. I have an unnatural love for Pastor Glen; I find him incredibly endearing and his little (huge) crush on Wayne gives me life. I’m not particularly angling for Wayne/Glen, though if your heart desires I’d love to read that too---what I really, really would like is begrudging friendship where they’re in a situation where Wayne is forced to be nice to Glen or toss him a bone or, oh be still my quivering heart, defend Glen. I’m not against Wayne/Tanis as a background ship, I just wouldn’t be interested in only them as a whole plot. I am very, very interested in Katy in general and her sexually dominant vibes that disturb her brother and intimidate Squirrelly Dan. I will always and forever ship Katy/Riley/Jonesy if you want to toss any of that in, or toss in Riley and Jonesy working out at the gym with their gay married friends. Wayne and the boys hating Jonesy & Riley’s guts but being forced to hang out with them (or even be nice to them!!) because Katy brings them around warms the cockles of my heart. In summary, I think the essence of what I like for this fandom is really just unlikely bonds, unexpected alliances, people pulling together despite having very complicated feelings about each other, and of course lots of banter.
Happy Together (春光乍洩) This is my second favourite Wong Kar Wai film but the one that leaves me most yearning for...something beyond the movie. What I love most about it, besides the achingly beautiful cinematography, is how much gets left unsaid even when you’re trying to say exactly what you mean. This movie means a lot to me as a Hong Konger because it came out at the time of HK’s handover to China--just like how Ho Po-wing and Lai Yiu-fai can’t return back from South America and also can’t return back to when they were in love, there’s no returning back to Hong Kong as it was because it’s already gone. None of this so far is any help for writing a fic, I am so sorry. I just feel a lot of things about this movie. I would absolutely love to read some sort of continuation of what happens after. Does Lai Yiu-fai see Chang again? (Please god let him see Chang again. They don't have to get together, though I do ship them. I ship them just as much platonically, as friends.) Or maybe does he strike up some sort of friendship/relationship with Chang’s parents? Does he see and reconcile with his own dad? My only do not want for this fandom is Lai Yiu-fai and Ho Po-wing getting back together, since to me one of the major thematic points of the film is a sort of forced moving on from something you can never go back to.
Sorted (Sorted Food) (James Currie in particular, but also everyone) Hello, hi, I’m obsessed with James Currie and it’s a problem!!! Sorted is a group of five guys who make food videos; two of them are chefs and three of them are normal. James is a very good chef. I would like literally anything if it involves James in any way, particularly if it touches upon any of the following: his lisp, his quietness, his intense obsession with the processes and techniques of cooking, his lisp, his tendency to keep to himself and make himself small to offset how tall and strong he actually is, his lisp, how he dealt with entering late into a friendship where the other four guys have known each other since they were 11 and were very cliquey with each other, and have I mentioned, his lisp. I am also very soft for Mike, in particular how tender Mike and James are to each other (see here for Mike petting James like a good dog, here for Mike saying not as a joke that he’d like James to bear his children, and here for uhhhhhh just look at it). I think Ben and James have a lovely dynamic as they are the two Serious Chefs so James can kind of relax his usual guard around him, since he doesn’t have to worry about Ben destroying anything. As a result, James can be a needy brat with Ben instead. Barry plays up being endearingly stupid and it makes me feel like everyone is morosexual for him, and Jamie is down to unquestioningly lady-and-the-tramp a pirouline with James so. What I’m saying is. James. OT5, some particular pairing, no pairings and just good mates having top quality bants, going on a sponsored trip to some foodie destination country, goofing off at one of their flats, nearly burning down the studio, I would be happy with any of that! As long as it involves James.
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