#you'll only take my 25 salamis from my cold dead hands
yourfavsinbg3 · 1 month
Honor Mode Live Blog p2
(for part one go here)
Shorter update today, but still some good progress made!
It was a nice surprise to find that i Forgot I'd just gotten to level 4 by the end of last time. I'm no longer as worried about the Sunlit Wetlands/ Auntie Ethel/ Goblin Camp, though i will still be procrastinating them as long as I can. those fights are scary
Speaking of Ethel: was going to run right towards the wetlands before realizing I hadn't cleared out the apothecary or the blacksmith. I realized this while talking to Ethel at the entrance of the wetlands, though, so....
Failed that initial insight save to see if she was lying about Mayrina, but figured that having made a save at all was enough of an excuse to have Lyra be suspicious. I'm a recovering metagamer irl, I'm allowed to indulge in my video games.
After Ethel poofed away into the wetlands, I turned around to finish clearing out the Blighted village and...
Lyra was very bold in walking directly up to the ogres and striking up a conversation, considering how bad she is at Deception checks.
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Perhaps Predictably this resulted in a fight. Thank god for the trip maunoever and command, otherwise we would've had some fatalities. Shadowheart was already being aggroed non-stop for some reason. Speaking of--
"hey where's shadowheart?"
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"oh... oh right,, she flew onto the roof to stop being targeted by the ogres...."
Got her down with a handy feather fall potion but the momentary panic was real.
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Directly after the fight Lae'zel attempted to start a romance, but Lyra is both Chaste and Carrying a Candle for Wyll, so I had to turn her down for now.
(At this point I crumbled and starting looking up builds for one of my other four save files. I'm incorrigible.)
From there it was a quick jaunt through the apothecary's basement, where I answered all the Magic Mirror's questions right for the first time in any play-through. Go me!
I also did some releveling shenanigans and now shovel is a permanent fixture of the party :D Shovel's my favorite, and she'll also be a lot of help when it comes to getting surprise rounds with my majority non-stealth party. (Guide to get shovel here. Lyra was briefly a proper spellshite)
Jumped over to the blacksmithy, learned about sussur made masterwork weapons, and was about to engage with the ettercaps before I realized two things
First, I had two total spellslots.
Second, it was very late at night and I was very tired. The last time i initiated combat while tired I nearly died three times in a row. Having learned that I make dumb mistakes when tired, I was eager to Not Do Combat for once.
when long resting for the night, gale ate the first magical artifact of the campaign. I waved goodbye to the silver guidance pendant because i forgot to go to my absolute hoard of unused magic items before talking to him. Remember what i said about dumb mistakes?
I'm also back up to over 1000 camp supplies. It was getting close to 1,100 when I logged off. i might have a problem.
0 notes