#you're getting more Jaime Murray
purlturtle · 2 years
The Leverage Mashup you never knew you wanted
@anandabrat and me were talking today, as you do, about Leverage and Hustle and Jaime Murray, and about putting Jaime into the Leverage crew. And then I thought, why stop at that? Heck, why not have an all-female Leverage crew, with some of our favorite characters? So, we humbly present for your consideration:
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This was actually the one that took us the longest - but here she is:
angry as hell: ✔ frighteningly competent at all kinds of combat: ✔ militant, violent past: ✔ can be utterly charming one moment and kick your ass the next: ✔ men fear her, women want her: ✔ will protect her family at all cost: ✔ soft, introspective side that she only shows to those she trusts most: ✔
So yeah.
Hitter: Kira Nerys
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(GIF source)
So, hear me out. In Leverage, Hardison isn't just the hacker, he's the heart of the team. He has the emotional openness and wisdom to keep people honest and allow them to be vulnerable. He creates that atmosphere. Also, while (if we stay with Warehouse characters) Claudia seems a more obvious choice, I do NOT want to whitewash the only character of color on the team. So!
Hacker: Leena
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There is no other. You do not change perfection.
Thief: Parker
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We did want Jaime Murray on this team, didn't we?
Grifter: Helena "nobody knows what the G stands for (not even she herself)" Wells
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Listen, you know that you're gonna get Bering and Wells from me, right? I mean, am I not known for that by now?
Smart, organized, knows everything about everything, plans for every possibility, can be as ruthless and pragmatic as the job demands.
Also, a history of loss, a bad relationship with her father, emotionally closed off, takes forever to let people in and allow herself to embrace the found family that has assembled around her? ✔
Mastermind: Myka Bering
Bonus: Extra Grifter
And, when Helena needs to leave for a bit to find herself, she introduces the team to:
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Tara Cole, aka Amanda Martin, aka Myka's ex-wife. (hey, remember when the Leverage crew pulled in Maggie for the Davids Job?)
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findroleplay · 2 years
30+ / F. Looking for 18+ (preferably 21+) writing partners for various fandom roleplays.
I'm mainly looking for canon x canon pairings but will at least listen to any OC ideas you have. I, myself, am only interested in writing canons for these. I like canon or canon divergent plots. No AUs that are way out there.
I write third person, past tense and prefer you at least match the third person part. I am for at least one paragraph but usually do more. I'm all about quality over quantity, though. I work full-time during the week so please be patient with me. Replies can't and won't happen every day.
MxM is my preference when it comes to pairings but I have quite a few favorite MxF ships and some FxF ones too. I'll just be listing my fandoms and the characters I most like to write as. I'm pretty open when it comes to ships so feel free to suggest some of your favorites to me.
If a character is in bold, it means I really, really, really want to have an excuse to write as them right now.
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gabriel Stokes, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Negan, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh, Simon
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Benny Laffitte, Chuck Shurley, Crowley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Metatron, Mick Davies
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Beric Dondarrion, Bronn, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon, Thoros, Tywin Lannister
Grand Theft Auto IV & V: Devin Weston, Dimitri Rascalov, Gerry McReary, Michael De Santa, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Packie McReary, Ray Boccino, Steve Haines, Trevor Philips
Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove, Jim Hopper, Martin Brenner, Murray Bauman, Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington
Tolkien Universe: Bard, Beleg, Bofur, Boromir, Celeborn, Curufin, Elrond, Feanor, Finrod, Thranduil, Turgon
The Clergy Universe (from Ghost): Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus III, Papa Emeritus IV
Law & Order (the original show only): Ben Stone, Cyrus Lupo, Jack McCoy, Mike Logan, Nolan Price
House MD: James Wilson, Lawrence Kutner, Remy Hadley, Robert Chase
Various Horror Movies: Amber Freeman, Ash Williams, Billy Loomis, Dan Cain, Dave Hanson, Dewey Riley, Freddy Krueger, Herbert West, Jill Roberts, Leslie Vernon, Mark Hoffman, Michael Myers, Mickey Altieri, Mike Tobacco, Otis Driftwood, Paxton Rodriguez, Randall Flagg, Richie Kirsch, William Schenk
Random Characters: Alan Grant, Albus Dumbledore (Fantastic Beasts era only), Alex Krycek, Barty Crouch Jr., Enjolras, Erik (a.k.a. the Phantom of the Opera), Gaston, Gilderoy Lockhart, Grantaire, Jim Moriarty (BBC Sherlock version), Jonathan Carnahan, Severus Snape
If you've made it this far, I like to write on Discord. I can also write through messages on here and might be willing to accommodate some other means.
If you're interested, please message me here or like this post and I'll message you first.
I like to at least begin plotting over on here or else my Discord gets too cluttered.
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To be a Creative
I've recently been thinking about what it means to be a creative.
I'm taking a history of theatre class, so we're reading plays and doing reports on playwrights, lyricists, actors, directors, thratre companies, and theatre movements. Doing research on these living artists is so much fun because there are interviews of them on Youtube which allows you to go down a rabbit hole of following countless different creative individuals.
And now, having just spent an entire night exploring the body of work of Jerry Herman, I find myself in awe of his talent and the talent of the amazing actresses and actors that performed his work.
After finishing my report, I took some time for myself to wind down from the work (which I incidentally loved) and curled up in my bed to watch the Bering and Wells panel with Joanne Kelly and Jaime Murray at Dragon Con 2018. The panel was astounding. They talked about women as creatives and spoke to the injustices to women that are still staggeringly prevalent in the entertainment industry today. (The sound is not great, but the content absolutely makes up for it. You should totally watch it.)
I resonated particularly strongly with Kelly because she is venturing into the writing world, and she wants so badly to create something that matters and makes a difference which I think is what most of us creatives want.
And then, in theatre class today, we were talking about the appalling lack of originality in some of the Broadway musicals opening today, and our professor, who is this amazing woman, reminded us that we are the future of theatre, that it is our job to fix what we don't like. And I said, "working on it".
Something about all of that (and probably my lack of sleep) has something stirring inside of me. I keep thinking about all of these incredible creatives who are out there doing what they're meant to be doing: failing and succeeding, fighting for what they believe in, making the most inspiring work. People like Grace McLean, Shaina Taub, David Molloy, Jennifer Simard, Joanne Kelly, Mary Page, Lauren Worsham, Jessica Vosk, Carolee Carmello, Beth Leavel, Emily Skinner, Stephanie J Block, Eliza Skinner, Iliza Schlesinger, Gillian Anderson, Nancy Anderson, Stephen Sondheim, Paula Vogel, Anna Deavere Smith, Suzan-Lori Parks, Hailey Kilgore, Katherine Steele, the Musical Theatre Mash guy, and so many others.
And I'm somehow one of them.
Somehow, I am a part of a collective of incredible people who create, not just because they can, but because they have to. People who, like Jessica Vosk, quit their day job because they had to be a part of this energy. (I know that's not a sentence, but you feel, right?) People who, like Joanne Kelly, have chosen a new path to pursue something new, something better. People who are all just reaching out for the chance to connect. We are all creatives.
The use of "creative" as a noun...it's a very empowering thing to call yourself , because, for some reason, a bunch of people are automatically enthralled when you tell them that you've created something, whether it's a poem, a song, a play, a drawing, painting, sculpture. People are just enchanted.
And their enchantment seems so misplaced, but what an incredible thing to have moved someone simply by being, by doing what you have to do to stay alive, to stay sane.
Being a creative is still a choice though, and does require courage. I mean, come on. It means failing over and over and over again. It means writing utter shit, painting utter shit, performing utter shit. It means being told time and time again that you're not good enough. It means having rejection as a constant companion. But, when you finally get it right, the skies open. You've made it, at least for today, and today is worth all of the days, weeks, months, years that you didn't make it. It makes up for all the tomorrows and next years where you won't make it. Because you'll always make it. Even if it's nothing more than a little performance in a park or a youtube video that got 15 likes, as long as you're creating and innovating, it doesn't matter.
As creatives today, we have so many chances to share what we have created and so many ways to create, and what a wonderful thing that is--that we don't have to wait to become a filmmaker to make a movie, that we don't have to get published to share our writing, that we don't have to wait to get cast as our dream role to play the part, that we don't have to wait for space in a gallery to show off our art.
What a wonderful thing it is to be a creative right now.
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