#you're so well-spoken or well. this is so well-written i'm so flattered you sent this to mešŸ«‚
maddy-ferguson Ā· 1 year
in general, acting like mike is being SO obvious and clockable in being gay/his feelings for will in canon is a little. bizarre for me cause like. maybe for you for those people here who have spent months after vol.2 re-analyzing all his behavior and also weā€™re an unseen audience who know heā€™s fictional and thus know itā€™s narratively significant his expressions are caught in super close-up 4k? otherwiseā€¦ girlyā€¦ itā€™s really not that clear at all. willā€™s not just in denial and refusing to believe he can have this good thing (though he also is) likeā€¦ mike has a girlfriend he has professed he loves before + abandoned will/party for in the past? and not only for will, this idea that mikeā€™s queerness is so obvious to everyone around him. I can maybe see a ā€˜oh yeahā€¦ thatā€™s makes some senseā€™ afterwards by the party, but no one now in the party actively disbelieves that mike is into el? lucas pushes mike towards el in s1 precisely cause itā€™s never ever occured to him mike wouldnā€™t like girls. he helps mike in s3 ā€˜win El backā€™ cause he fully thinks thatā€™s what mike wants. more broadly on mikeā€™s sexuality, the fact the bullies in hawkins came after will with plaintext homophobia and wouldā€™ve done the exact same to mike tells us the degree that mike is not perceived as ā€˜outwardly gayā€™ within this society. At most, you can talk about motherā€™s intuition with Karen encouraging mike to talk to her in season 1? But even then it feels almost like itā€™s meant as a subtextual double meaning /for an audience/ who recognizes its similarity to a sexuality talk vs. actually being one in-text. I mean, weā€™re the ones who know Elā€™s upstairs literally tucked away by Mike in his closet. and idk on a personal af level I feel like acting like mikeā€™s soooo clockable diminishes the power and significance of his story for those queer people who struggle for so long because of feeling so invisible, so easy and inviting to delude yourself that it /would/ be ā€˜easierā€™ on your future to blend in and continue playing at this role, even taking so long to come to terms with your feelings or sexuality yourself /because/ it was never recognized early in your life and hadnā€™t had it called for you before you knew itā€™s true. Having to live with your identity only as this private thing inside your head. the specific hurt that comes with knowing you /do/ belong to a community, but since youā€™ve been scared to step free of the closet doors, youā€™re cut off and isolated and so alone, a core part of you has never been acknowledged for who you are. afraid precisely cause you know it WOULD be a shock to others. The bravery to choose anyway to defend against disbelief, that you know YOU more than that person theyā€™ve all believed theyā€™ve known your whole life. and SO fucking brave when mike does, when being recognized and valued exactly as you are becomes worth more than false approvals, brave enough to turn your back on the open gate of validation, refuse your allotted slot to conformity. if only you stay invisible. but you donā€™t. itā€™sā€¦ real af
ohh wow. i agree with everything you said. like you said, it's really not just taking something that is undeniably will's and giving it to mike, it's also taking something from mike, because his is also a very real experience that comes with its own set of challenges, their experiences are so so different, deliberately so.
and i know why people do it, reversing the roles is fun sometimes, but it's not fun to me when it goes against canon by taking away experiences that are so important to who the characters are.
you don't have to get why everyone on the show clocks will as gay, you don't need to see it yourself, you just have to accept that they do! there's really no use in fighting it, especially not when it's something that's so important to his character. and same with mike, even though acting like the guy who's been romantically involved with a girl for most of the show is soooo obviously queer is just...nonsensical. it's not obvious that he's queer and in love with will, that's the whole point! it's so frustrating to see people act like it's not, even when it's just for a joke. will really isn't oblivious, the guy he's in love with literally has a girlfriend? and is frankly acting like he's obsessed with her? the vast majority of people watching the show don't think mike is queer and will is supposed to be living this 40-37 years ago. will being visibly queer (both to the audience and to the characters) and mike being the opposite serves a purpose and will isn't blind, there's really just no way he'd know after the events of seasons 3 and 4.
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pseudowho Ā· 20 days
Hi! I've never actually sent one of these before, I'm not a huge Tumblr user (definitely a lurker... I love to read, never post), but it feels fitting that the first time I ever say anything on this site that it's to you. I'm a huge fan and I've been following for a while. I've written for years (a very different format, try written roleplay) and you were the inspiration I needed to start writing independently, and I've been having a blast with it! I feel like I've finally started doing what I've wanted to do this whole time, and never realized it's what I should've been doing all along. JJK is also my poison of choice :) So thank you for the accidental epiphany! Lovely work as always and I adore you so so much from the shadows! My question: WHAT witchcraft have you employed to come up with some of the words and phrases you write with? Was there a ritual to unlock my third-eye that I forgot to do? Light some candles, maybe? I feel like I use a lot of the same words and descriptors over and over again, and it makes my writing feel so flat! The thesaurus is my best friend but that only makes so much of a difference I feel, do you use one too? Because I keep finding myself looking back at my writing during the editing passes and going: "man, I just don't know many words! Or at least not any interesting ones." Your writing is just so rich and colorful, and I would love just a smidge of your sparkle <3 Long winded request for writing advice! Hope you're doing well! <3
God, this is so flattering. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I love when creativity sparks more creativity. It's catching, and beautiful, and I'm so pleased that whatever I do has helped you like this. It's amazing to hear. And I'm pleased you're enjoying yourself and feeling fulfilled, which is the most important thing.
I don't mind being watched from the shadows, so pleased feel free to stay on Anon. It doesn't bother me. Thank you for reading my work for so long.
Honestly, with words, I find them to have colour. I feel like I can make a sentence or a paragraph run with any colour I want, depending on the pace or tone, or language. For the most part, if I look at a piece of my writing and it doesn't stand out as a fucking rainbow, I feel like I've failed.
I don't really think about the words I put down, I go by a feeling. I read a lot (though it's slowed down in recent years with how busy I am), so perhaps that?
I've spoken previously about viewing my stories like movie scenes before I write them. I still very much do this. It helps to capture the vibe of a written scene and makes it three dimensional instead of flat.
I play a lot of word and number games in my head when I'm performing mental tasks. Like...six degrees of separation word games, by choosing two very different words and trying to see how many adjacent words it takes to connect them. Also, trying to make patterns with sets of words in a verbal reasoning kind of way.
I do complex addition and division of numbers in my head, seeing how many decimal points I can divide something down to. I play 'common denominators' a lot, and have recently found some number patterns that I hadn't noticed before, which has been satisfying.
That sounds mental. I'm sorry. My brain is so much sometimes.
I wish I knew what to tell you. I'm very much a maximalist, and I think my writing carries a sort of maximalism too. I like it to be absolutely full, bursting and blooming. I love to read it back to myself and feel the richness on the page. It delights me.
Read more, perhaps?
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Always here to give frankly unhelpful and useless advice, lovingly yours,
-- Haitch xxx
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eurynome827 Ā· 4 years
Barista!Bucky - Part Two
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For @the-ss-horniest-book-club Bucky Barnes Appreciation Days - today is Choose Your Bucky and I'm continuing Barista!Bucky ā˜•šŸ’“
Part One
No Warnings besides pining and caffeinated fluff, with mild language. My blogs are 18+ spaces, always.
Thank you to @jewels2876 who has been asking for Barista!Bucky and I'm so happy to finally deliver part two. She sent an ask a while ago which will become part three!
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'you're the best part of my day.'
You don't even realize you've said his name out loud until your assistant is chirping on the other side of your desk.
"The hot coffeehouse guy? He gave you his number?!" You raise your eyes from the cup to hers without a word, but your expression says it all. "Sorry, ma'am," she mumbles, gathering files in her hand.
Your face softens, and you try to be reassuring. "No, it's alright, I'm just surprised - and you know how I feel about gossip in the office."
"Yes, yes of course," her head nods, as she steps away to leave. "I won't tell anyone."
She closes the door softly behind her and you take a second to mourn the fact that every other assistant in the building will surely hear about how "hot coffeehouse guy" propositioned you via a to-go cup. Then you start to really think about it, turning the cup in your hands to read the words again.
'you're the best part of my day.'
A convincing case could be made for Bucky being the best part of your day as well. You're so busy, from dawn to dusk. Self-care equals a bottle of wine and leftover pizza in bed as you study the next day's spreadsheets. You haven't had a date in months - years, if you're being honest. But every morning he smiles at you, and you smile back, and sometimes that's the only time you've smiled all day. You never really thought about it because work was always dragging you back in. You're indispensable at your job, but success has come with a price.
A quick Google search confirms that the number written on the cup is a cell. You look at your watch, wondering if maybe this is the day to go get your afternoon cup yourself...but your day is packed with meetings and calls, there's just no way. You can't get it out of your mind, though, and sometime in the afternoon (after telling your assistant that you will not be sending her out for your second cup because you don't need her face to face with Bucky right now) you steal a few minutes to type the number into your phone, along with a text.
Bucky's on his last break before the end of his shift when he sees it.
'The best part of your day? Are you sure?'
His heart is hammering in his ears. She hadn't thrown out the cup! She didn't throw out the cup and she actually sent a message. His fingers shake over the letters as he types back. This is it, he keeps repeating in his head. It's time to shoot your shot.
Your last meeting of the day is ending when you glance at your phone, and it takes your breath away for a moment.
'Not just the best part of today. The best part of every day.'
You take a moment, still holding your breath and a smile spreading across your face. No one's spoken to you like this since...maybe ever.
Bucky's walking to his apartment when he feels his phone buzz in his pocket, and he ducks out of the way of the other people on the sidewalk and into a doorway so he can look.
'That's the nicest compliment I've ever received, Bucky. I'm flattered. Of course, I could be light-headed because I didn't get my second cup today.'
He laughs out loud, he can't help himself.
What the hell, he thinks, and starts typing.
You snatch your phone up at the sound of the notification.
'Well I can't let my best girl suffer from caffeine deprivation. Why don't you come by the shop, and I'll treat you.'
Staring at the screen, you mull it over. This could be messy. What if this is a huge mistake? You'll never be able to go there for coffee again, and it's the best in town.
My best girl.
Have you ever been anyone's best girl? Anyone like Bucky? You can see his face - that long hair, the beard, his strong arms, the way his hands look when he's operating the espresso machine - why hadn't you noticed before? And why weren't you running out the office to meet him right now?
You drummed your fingers on your desk, a headache from lack of caffeine and excess adrenaline hovering around the edge of your brain.
You know what, you think...fuck it.
It's time to get a life.
'I'll be there in half an hour.'
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eversoslinky Ā· 6 years
Being a chronically sick, model who's single... I'm a walking contradiction...
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Here is a photo of me waking up after one of my naps, I'm still pretty exhausted after this morning's Pilates class which was only half and hour but still, it wiped me out! I thoroughly enjoyed the class, I felt like I made a real achievement towards the end when I managed to do a real difficult balancing exercise without falling over. I balanced my entire body on a giant rubber ball stretching my arms and legs out and just using my core for balance and stability. Now I'm currently in bed and aching like hell. I've spent most of my day chatting to a friend of mine about her boyfriend and things are really well, I'm so happy for her because it's genuine, and I know this because she doesn't share anything too personal about the two of them (I'm a great believer that what happens between two people should say there) but they get on so well and have a great connection that I needed to know how they met.
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I've been on dating websites before and like most people I could tell you some real horror stories!!! In fact, if I wanted to, I could dedicate my entire Tumblr to all the bad dates I've been on. But I'm only focusing on the positive from now on: I'm a catch! I'm not bad looking, I'm very kind, I'm funny and I deserve someone I can actually get excited about meeting. Like, genuinely excited... what outfit am I going to wear excited. I haven't had this in a very, very, long time. Usually men are much more excited about meeting me. (Please forgive me for sounding so incredibly vain! But it's true) My friend sent me a screenshot of her profile and I had a look at what she'd written about herself, she'd been honest as much a possible and I loved that. I realised there's absolutely no point in sugar coating my situation, I'm unemployed, living with my parents and chronically sick but that's ok. I don't want to meet someone who is like my ex (basically unless you where "perfect" you couldn't be with him... but he had plenty of flaws which he wanted you overlook, of course!) Being honest about my situation saves the awkward embarrassing conversation of "tell me about job?" - words taken from an annoying guy on Zoosk (an app I've just recently deleted) I didn't even message him back after that, his messages were written like a five year old had written them (I'll take that back, cause I know most children to be very well spoken and eloquent! More so than adults sometimes!) I didn't want to have a painful conversation with someone who I didn't think was worth revealing such an private part of my life for ... which brings me nicely to my next point...
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Ignoring. We are told ignoring is rude, which it is I guess it is. But let's say for instance you are in a bar, or a club and someone who basically isn't your type comes up to you with a corny line and starts pestering you. Do you engage them in a conversation? Or do you get up and leave? Leave of course! A friend of mine said to me not that long ago that "why should I talk to someone I don't fancy, they wouldn't even entertain a girl they didn't like!" Which is so very true. As women we are supposed to be so flattered by ANY attention that we must respond. No, no, no... NO! When I say ignore I mean just that, Ignore! And if you think in any way I'm rude I will gladly tell what happens to you when you are polite. There was the one guy I replied back with to with a "No Thank you, I'm no interested." He messaged me back with "Could you tell me where I'm going wrong? Maybe give me a list?" Could you imagine if girls did this? We would get called clingy or needy. It's not your job to be anyone's personal councilor or relationship advisor. You're on here for yourself to meet someone you "click" with and if you start talking to someone who wants you to sort their life out for them then ignore them. It's not being rude! Life is short and time is precious!
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Last but not least; this is my current favourite picture of myself. Yes, it's been edited to hell but I believe there's a difference between geeking out over cool photography techniques ,editing the skin texture on a picture to make it look flawless and altering the brightness and contrast to...say turning myself into a bee or putting angel wings or dog ears on myself (!) (I hate snap chat, with a absolute passion!) I won't be using the above picture for my online dating profile despite the fact it represents me very well. (I sit up in bed and eat sweets most of the time!) The picture is probably too sexy and provocative, I have this awful feeling that I won't get conversations from this picture. I'll just get dick pics and messages from very "intelligent" men telling me, I'm "well fit!" And that they "wanna fck?" Although, I love dressing sexy, showing my body off and expressing myself in such a way it takes over everything. The fact that I'm an intelligent, caring, loving person, someone who is a good loyal friend as well as a great girlfriend gets overshadowed by my physical appearance and generates alot of negative attention by people who, when they find out that I'm ill usually drop me like a ton of bricks anyway...
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So this is the real me, I model yes, but there's much to me than that. I like sitting in bed watching documentaries on serial killers, I'm addicted to Subway, my best friend is a cat and I'm not interested at all about going out clubbing, getting drunk or hooking up with randomers. I deserve nothing but the best, I won't have anything less.
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