#young royals ending with the third season they planned for is just fantastic
thebroccolination · 7 months
How I'm Navigating 2024 (Blorbo Edition)
I'm a big believer in the quality of life being vastly improved by the anticipation of good things to come (concerts, movies, anniversaries, hang-out sessions, etc.), so I like mapping out what I'm excited for.
And in terms of queer media, I'm pretty well sorted for the year. \:D/
Right now, I have these two:
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And these two:
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Once Cherry Magic and Ossan's Love end, I'll have these two:
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And after Young Royals ends, I'll have these two:
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And then when Untitled Vampire Series is over, I'll go into paroxysms of genteel screaming while I wait for whatever these two are doing:
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So I have a pretty stacked year, all told.
14 notes · View notes
ramajmedia · 5 years
Young Justice: Outsiders Ending Explained: What Happened & What’s Next
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Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Young Justice season 3's finale.
Young Justice: Outsiders ending episodes proved a perfect capstone for a fantastic season 3. Fans of the cult animated series fought tooth and nail to see it renewed for a third season after it was canceled after two years on Cartoon Network. The wait for the series' return was long, but it did not disappoint in the end.
Season 3 of Young Justice opened with an embittered Justice League seemingly breaking up after Batman leading a number of heroes to form their own independent team (which Black Lightning sarcastically dubbed Batman Inc.) that would be able to act independently of the bureaucracy demanded by the United Nations. This increased regulation was work of UN Secretary-General Lex Luthor, who was using his position to keep the Justice League tied up in red tape and unable to combat the growing problem of teenage metahumans trafficking. Naturally, the supervillains running the Light were profiting handsomely off of this black market, with brainwashed teens being shipped off-planet to act as soldiers and test-subjects for the New Gods of Apokolips.
Related: Young Justice Theory: Vandal Savage Didn't Save The Outsiders (He Doomed Them)
Independent of Batman and his plan to divide and conquer while secretly managing the seemingly splintered Justice League from behind the scenes, a new team of teen superheroes that could operate outside the system and inspire their peers to heroism was formed by Beast Boy and became known as the Outsiders. The forces of good largely won out by the season's end, but their victory came at a high cost and not everyone emerged unscathed. The final episode also suggested that even as the conflict between Good and Evil on Earth continues, a larger conflict with consequences reaching into the depths of space and far into the future will unfold in Young Justice season 4.
Victor Stone Becomes Cyborg & Joins The Outsiders
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For the better part of Young Justice: Outsiders, former star athlete Victor Stone was content to stay on the sidelines, hoping to find a cure for the New Gods' technology that had taken over his body after his father used it to save him from a fatal accident. However, episode 24, "Into The Breach," saw Victor fully embrace his new superpowers to help his friends among the Outsiders. Indeed, Victor came to take an active role and became the MVP of the rescue mission.
It was Victor's powers that allowed the Outsiders to locate Granny Goodness' new base on Earth, scanning hundreds of Goode World Studios sites until he found one that contained New Gods technology. It was Victor who hacked Granny's computerized follower Overlord, freeing himself and his friends from the Ghost Dimension. It was Victor who opened a Boom Tube into Granny's space base, the Orphanage, and followed after Granny's avatar, Gretchen Goode, as the technology that allowed Granny to be in two places at once failed. Finally, it was Victor who freed Halo from Granny's influence, allowing her to undo the damage she had done while mind-controlled, freeing the Justice League and her friends from the power of the Anti-Life Equation.
Once everyone was safely returned to Earth, Victor was humble about all he had accomplished, insisting it was a team effort all the way. Both the openly-operating Outsiders and the covert Team offered him a place among their ranks, though Superboy was quick to remind him that he didn't have to become a superhero just because he had helped save the day once. In the end, Victor joined the Outsiders, saying that he had never been afraid of the spotlight as a football star and he wasn't going to hide himself anymore. To that end, he chose the codename Cyborg and decided to put his celebrity to good use as a publicly-recognized superhero.
Read More: Young Justice: Outsiders Is Finally Introducing Cyborg
Forager Decides To Stay On Earth & Reveals Himself As An Alien
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The alien bug-man Forager faced the same choice as Cyborg following the events of Young Justice: Outsiders episode 24 but for different reasons. Mantis, the leader of Forager's hive, was discovered to be in league with Granny Goodness and was arrested by the Green Lantern Corps. Since Forager had been exiled because of false charges of treason that Mantis had leveled against him after Forager had plead for peace with the good New Gods, Forager now had the chance to return home to New Genesis. Yet as much as Forager missed his home and longed to stop hiding behind the magic charm that made him appear to be a human teenager named Fred Bugg, he had come to value his work as a superhero on Earth and did not want to abandon the friends who gave him a new home.
Superboy offered Forager a third option, taking him to the small town of Geranium City, in episode 25, "Overwhelmed." The small town was shielded from prying eyes by a telepathic illusion generated by the community's leader, Dubbilex, and served as a haven for creatures like the Genomorphs who had been created by Lex Luthor and Project Cadmus, but, unlike Superboy, could not pass for human. After touring the community, Forager became inspired and agreed to stay in Geranium City when he was not helping people as a member of the Outsiders. He also decided to abandon his Fred Bugg persona and to live life openly as an alien on Earth, revealing his true form to his classmates at Happy Harbor High School in the final scenes of Young Justice season 3.
Metron Recognizes Halo and Cyborg As His Grandchildren
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As they were babysitting Lian Harper in the Outsiders' base in episode 25, Halo and Cyborg were abducted by the New God Metron. The three were suddenly floating in deep space, and while Lian found the experience thrilling, Halo and Cyborg were horrified to find they could only speak in the pings and drones of the Motherbox and Fatherbox that fueled their respective powers. Metron was quick to assure the two heroes that they, and their charge, were quite safe, even as he addressed Halo as "grandaughter" and Cyborg as "grandson."
Metron explained that while he was originally unimpressed with Cyborg upon their first encounter in episode 20, "Quiet Conversations," he had come to watch him and Halo from a distance after realizing their full potential as organic beings fused with the sentient machines that he viewed as his computerized children. Given that Halo was born as a result of a Motherbox soul inhabiting a human body and Cyborg's body was rebuilt by a Fatherbox later reprogrammed by his Mobius tech, Metron had come to regard the two heroes as his grandchildren and looked upon them with no small amount of pride given their accomplishments. He further noted that the two of them were destined to "become extremely important players in the coming galactic conflict." Metron then returned them to Earth, saying that he would enjoy watching their continued evolution, assuming that Darkseid did not kill them, as they were both potentially major obstacles to his plans.
Related: How Halo Became Young Justice's Breakout Character
Terra Is Exposed As A Spy, But Sides With The Heroes
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After the Light freed Baron Bedlam from prison and helped him to facilitate a coup of the government of Markovia in Young Justice: Outsiders episode 25, the Outsiders and the Team joined forces to reclaim the country (the United Nations refused to let the Justice League get involved). This played into the plans of Lex Luthor and Deathstroke, who had been using Terra to spy on their enemies for months. Their goal was to have Terra "accidentally" kill Beast Boy on a live video feed, seemingly proving Luthor's claims that metahuman vigilantes are a menace to society while killing the charismatic leader of the Outsiders' social revolution. This would allow Luthor to pass global legislation that would require mandatory registration of all metahumans and outlaw those superheroes who did not agree to reveal their secret identities to the public.
Before Terra had a chance to fulfill her orders, she was stopped by Tigress, who revealed that they had known that Terra was an agent of Deathstroke and the League of Shadows since before they rescued her in episode 13, "True Heroes." Tigress explained that Batman discovered that Terra had been set up as a double-agent while spying on Deathstroke during the events of episode 10, "Exceptional Human Beings." Torn between her brainwashing at Deathstroke's hands and the kindness and trust that the heroes showed her, even knowing what she was, Terra ultimately defied Deathstroke's orders and joined the heroes against him and the Light. By the end of the Young Justice season 3 finale, Terra had stood trial for her crimes at The Hague and been granted probation, working to make amends for her past as a member of the Outsiders.
Geo-Force Kills His Uncle & Claims Throne of Markovia…
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The news that his beloved sister was a spy proved to be the straw that brakes the camel's back for the hot-tempered Geo-Force. Barely holding himself back when he first confronted his uncle, Baron Bedlam, the revelations that Terra was a willing agent of the League of Shadows and that his friends knew this but did not tell him pushed Geo-Force over the edge. When Bedlam taunted the hero and said that the conflict between them would never end so long as he drew breath, Geo-Force coldly replied, "Uncle, I believe you," before plunging his hand into the villain's mouth and creating a flow of lava that instantly suffocated him.
The sudden act of violence stunned Geo-Force's allies but enraptured the crowd of Markovian citizens who had stormed the Royal Palace under the direction of their ambassador to the United Nations, Zviad Baazovi. The ambassador was quick to lead the people in cheering Geo-Force's actions, declaring them the act of a just king executing a traitor rather than a cold-blooded act of murder. Baazovi also persuaded Geo-Force that he should assume the throne in the place of his usurped older brother because only he had the strength to see Markovia restored to its former glory. Geo-Force accepts this, but is stunned when Terra refused to accept his pardon in exchange for acknowledging his claim to the throne and Halo's likewise refused to become his queen.
Related: Young Justice Tackles Superhero Registration Better Than Civil War
 … But He’s A Puppet Ruler, Working For The Light.
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By the end of episode 26, "Nevermore," Geo-Force has assumed the throne of Markovia and accepted Dr. Helga Jace back into his employ as an adviser. While he was reluctant to allow her back into the country at first, Geo-Force was persuaded that Dr. Jace deserved a second chance by Ambassador Baazovi. The closing scenes of the episode reveal that Ambassador Baazovi is a psychic metahuman with remarkable powers of persuasion, which he can use to "nudge people toward their own worst impulses." It is also revealed that Ambassador Baazovi has taken Granny Goodness' place among the leadership of the Light.
Despite Luthor’s Legal Woes, The Light Endures
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Despite the Light's plan to kill Beast Boy failing, Lex Luthor was still largely pleased with the outcome of events in Markovia. Luthor felt that having Geo-Force kill a man on live TV and declare himself king of a small nation is just as useful for making the Outsiders look bad. It also enabled Luthor to make his case about the dangers posed by superheroes while presenting his metahuman registration act to the United Nations.
Thankfully, Luthor suffered a vicious one-two punch of legal challenges before he got the chance to make his case. Black Lightning and Cyborg appeared before the United Nations with documents proving Luthor had illegally continued to run his company while serving as the UN Secretary-General and had ties to the metahuman trafficking organizations overseen by the Light. This was followed by Superboy publicly accusing Luthor of illegally creating new life forms that were genetically engineered to be weapons of mass destruction and revealing himself as a clone made from the DNA of Superman and Lex Luthor. These twin revelations were enough to trigger an immediate vote of no confidence on the floor of the United Nations, forcing Luthor to resign in disgrace.
While this left Lex forced to lawyer-up in the face of multiple criminal charges and killed his squeaky-clean image with the public, the scandal had little effect on the business of The Light. A meeting of their leadership at the end Young Justice season 3 revealed that their operations are expanding, with Markovia now under their control. Vandal Savage also confirmed that he and Darkseid have reaffirmed their partnership after some initial saber-rattling over their "mutual sense of betrayal" in the wake of Granny Goodness turning on the Light to secure the Anti-Life Equation on Darkseid's behalf. Savage warned his allies, however, that Darkseid will continue to search for the Equation and that they must prepare for an inevitable conflict should he uncover it again.
Related: Young Justice Outsiders Could Be Setting Up a Villain Civil War
Black Lightning Is Leading A Reunited Justice League
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The recent events in Markovia also prompt a change in the leadership of the Justice League. After revealing that they had been involved in a plan to publicly break the team into separate groups while still coordinating their activities in secret, Miss Martian, Aquaman and Wonder Woman step down from their command posts. When it comes time to elect a new chairperson, it is unanimously decided that the job should go to the one person everyone trusts to keep them honest in the future - Black Lightning. Jefferson Pierce reluctantly accepts the job, but only on the condition that Batman, Nightwing and the rest of what he called Batman Inc. officially rejoin the Justice League. It is a condition they gladly accept.
Related: Young Justice: Batman's Secret Team's True Purpose Explained
Miss Martian and Superboy Are Still Getting Married
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With Superboy having revealed himself and the rest of the Genomorphs to the world, Miss Martian attempted to return his engagement ring, saying they can't be together if Superboy can't truly trust her or forgive her for having lied to him in the past. The two had argued extensively after Superboy learned about the secret leadership task force behind all the superhero teams. However, Superboy refused to take the ring back, saying he was afraid Miss Martian couldn't trust or forgive him after he reopened their old wounds and that he still wants to spend the rest of his life with her if she'll have him. Her answer is delivered with a kiss, which he quickly returns. The wedding of Superboy and Miss Martian will surely come in Young Justice season 4.
Here Comes The Legion of Superheroes
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The final scene of Young Justice season 3 is a wordless montage where the founding members of the Team and their families join together for a private party at Bibbo's Diner in Metropolis. A blonde waitress moves between the tables, eventually coming to where Superboy and Miss Martian are sharing a booth and enjoying some pie and coffee. As the waitress - likely Saturn Girl - refills Miss Martian's mug, a close-up on her hand to reveal that she is wearing the distinctive ring of the Legion of Superheroes.
Given the difficulties involved in time traveling in the DC Universe, it rarely means anything good when the Legion of Superheroes shows up in the 21st century. Considering that the writers of Young Justice: Outsiders are fond of adapting relatively obscure event comics, one possibility is that season 4 could adapt The Final Night, where the time-lost Legion helped prevent a monster called The Sun Eater from devouring Earth's sun and destroying their future. Another possibility is that the new season will adapt The Great Darkness Saga - a classic story believed by many to be the greatest Legion of Superheroes miniseries ever, which saw the Legion and their allies fighting Darkseid.
More: What To Expect From Young Justice Season 4
source https://screenrant.com/young-justice-outsiders-ending-season-3-finale-explained/
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haleyfury · 5 years
2019, you were filled with so many books- 124 books as of today to be exact. Having read so many great reads this year, it was really hard to narrow down my favorites. The first draft of this post originally had over 40 books,! I decided to be on trend and narrow it down to my top 19 favorite books.
I read the most books in a year that I ever had in 2019. A lot of this was in thanks to my summer reading, basically reading (and yes, watching Netflix) during any free time that I had in between working two summer jobs and catching up with my best friends. While my school life was supremely busy both in the spring and fall, I’m very content with the fact that I was able to read at least four books each month- sometimes five to seven depending on how many papers I procrastinated on. In between the holidays, work, and Netflix, I’ve also spent time eating up some romantic contemporaries this December as well.
Despite the amount of books I’ve read, and the amount of favorites & honorable mentions on this list, I feel like I’ve become a more critical reader and ‘favorite book’ evaluator in 2019. Earning 5 stars was pretty hard in the Fangirl Fury book this year. At the same time, there are some 5 star books that I’ve read that aren’t exactly favorites of mine, and there are books that I didn’t give 5 stars that still stole my heart and became favorites.
American Royals by Katharine McGee
Katharine McGee’s American Royals was the Princess Diaries 2-like book I didn’t know I needed until upon reading. I’ve seriously fallen in love even more with this book in the months after I’ve finished. Set in a United States with a monarchy instead of a democracy, American Royals was the perfect blend of romance, politics, and family drama with such an addicting writing style.
  Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett
If there’s one book on this list where I absolutely loved every element within, its Jenn Bennett’s Serious Moonlight. I definitely need to do a reread of all of Jenn Bennett’s YA books, but Serious Moonlight may just be my favorite book of hers! I related so much to the protagonist, Birdie, and I loved this book’s atmosphere and premise so much.
  Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Ninth House instantly become one of my favorite reads of 2019 as soon as I read its final sentence.  I read and love a lot of books, but something about that ending made me realize that it had been such a long time that I had ‘this feeling’ of loving a book so much immediately right after finishing it. Ninth House is such an incredible blend of fantasy and literary fiction. I’m so excited to see where this series goes.
  Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
The crowd favorite of the year, I loved Red, White & Royal Blue even before the hype really began. Like many of the books on this list, RWRB perfectly balanced all its elements, from political drama, family, friendship, and of course, the romance.
    The Goal (Off Campus #4) by Elle Kennedy
New adult (and adult) romance is for sure one way to label my 2019 reading year, much in part to Elle Kennedy’s Off-Campus series. I particularly fell hard for the last book in the series, The Goal. I read The Goal over the course of two sittings, in love with the two main character’s chemistry and overall story. And yes, my fictional crush on Tucker likely has something to do with my love for this installment.
Imprison the Sky (The Elementae #2) by A.C. Gaughen
Imprison the Sky is such a fantastic follow-up novel to A.C. Gaughen’s Reign the Earth. I’m usually not a fan of pirate books or books set-at-sea, but Imprison the Sky completely changed that for me. I loved how it interwove elements and charatcers from book #1 while introducing us to a new cast. The world-building and twists constantly kept me on the edge of my seat. Although I’m so sad that there are currently no plans for books #3 and #4, I highly recommend picking up these books!
Lovely War by Julie Berry
Julie Berry’s Lovely War is hands-down my favorite historical fiction read of the eyar. I didn’t read as much in the genre as I would have liked, but Lovely War easily made up for itself. Julie Berry’s writing style is absolutely beautiful. The book is narrated by Aphrodite and other Greek Gods, following four characters whose lives are interwoven with one another over the course of World War I.
  The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys
Keeping the historical fiction love going, my favorite historical fiction author, Ruta Septetys, came out with my and everyone else’s much anticipated book, The Fountains of Silence. Taking on a different time period and setting than her other books, Ruta Sepetys immerses readers in 1950s Spain and again tells an often uncovered and untold story set in that setting.
  Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas
It’s not a Fangirl Fury reading year without reading at least one Sarah J. Mass book. I was a little hesitant going into Catwoman:Soulstealer because I really don’t have much knowledge about Catwoman or the DC world outside Wonder Woman and the other DC Icons books. However, much to her style, SJM completely blew me away with her take on Catwoman. Although I highly doubt it will ever happen, I would so love a follow-up sequel.
The Other’s Gold by Elizabeth Ames
I want to shove Elizabeth Ames’ The Other’s Gold into all of my bookish friends’ hands, particularly the ones who adore contemporary and literary fiction. The Other’s Gold deserves so much more hype, in thanks to Elizabeth Ames’ addicting storytelling. The book follows four college best friends and roommates throughout their college years and early adulthood, with a few mysteries and odd happenings involved.
There’s Something About Sweetie by Sandhya Menon
Sandhya Menon’s There’s Something About Sweetie is easily my new favorite book of hers! While set in the Rishi and Dimple universe, There’s Something About Sweetie is a story of its own, especially with a protagonist as strong as Sweetie. I really fell in love with third perspective narration this year, and Sandhya Menon completely owns the style with Ashish and Sweetie’s narration.
If I’m Being Honest by Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka
Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka’s If I’m Being Honest is the definition of fun YA contemporary. This book completely nails the unlikeable protagonist category, along with the Shakespeare retelling one, but the main protagonist, Cameron, also experiences so much growth and change.
  Comics Will Break Your Heart by Faith Erin Hicks
Faith Erin Hicks’ Comics Will Break Your Heart really spoke to my love for fandom and books that incorporate fandom. Comics Will Break Your Heart deserves so much hype and love, as it blends fandom with all the elements I love in YA contemporary.
    Crier’s War by Nina Varela
Contemporary once again defined my reading year, but the fantasy books that I did pick up completely blew me away, Nina Varela’s Crier’s War included. One of the best 2019 YA debuts, Crier’s War is perfect for fans of Marissa Meyer’s The Lunar Chronicles.
    Renegades by Marissa Meyer
And speaking of Marissa Meyer, I also fell in love with the first book in her superhero inspired series, Renegades. Renegades features such a unique world and spin on the superhero genre. I still have the final book in the trilogy, Supernova, to enjoy for myself in 2020.
  A Heart in a Body in the World by Deb Caletti
One of the most heart-breaking reads of my reading year, A Heart in a Body in the World features such beautiful writing and an even more important story. This book repeatedly bought tears to my eyes. 
    Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale
Another amazing 2019 debut, Lillie Vale’s Small Town Hearts was another fun read of mine in 2019. I love all the baking and food within this one, its beachy setting, and emphasis on relationship and character growth.
    Unpregnant by Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan
Another unique and important read of 2019, Unpregnant is the funny YA abortion story (yes, I know what I just wrote) that every YA contemporary fan needs. Jenni Hendriks and Ted Caplan completely nail the humor in the right places in this book while also handling heavy and mature subject matter.
  The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams
I’ve been on a small new adult and adult contemporary kick -sports romance included- towards the end of 2019. My favorite has hands-down been Lyssa Kay Adams’ The Bromance Book Club! The Bromance Book Club completely delivers on its unique premise, falling in love with its story, romance, characters, and writing style.
I think my 2019 favorites list is a new blend of YA, new adult, and adult fiction. Since I leaned more towards new adult and adult towards the end of the year, I think I’ll be delving into these genres a lot more in 2020.
Honorable Mentions
Being the reader that I am, here are 14 more books in no particular order again that I absolutely loved and more in 2019:
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins (reread)
Girls With Sharp Sticks by Suzanne Young
The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker
Night Music by Jenn Marie Thorne
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Throne
The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen
The Library of Lost Things by Laura Taylor Namey
The Grace Year by Kim Liggett
Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett
Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks
A Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers #2)by Brigid Kemmerer
Intercepted by Alexa Martin
Maybe This Time by Kasie West
All American Muslim Girl by Nadine Jolie Courtney
As the year comes to a close, thank you so much for supporting Fangirl Fury in 2019. I hope you have a relaxing & joyful holiday season and a happy & healthy New Year. Here’s to reading ALL the amazing books in 2020!
What were some of your favorite 2019 reads? Any of the above? Share in the comments!
ARE THERE MORE THAN 19?: 19 Favorite 2019 Reads 2019, you were filled with so many books- 124 books as of today to be exact. Having read so many great reads this year, it was really hard to narrow down my favorites.
0 notes
mulgasuk · 6 years
Athletes, coaches and volunteers honoured at Sport Woking Awards
Sporting heroes and stars were honoured at the annual Sport Woking Awards ceremony held on Friday 21 September at the H.G. Wells Conference and Events Centre, Woking.
The awards celebrate talent and achievement in sport and recognise the men, women and young people who contribute to Woking’s sporting excellence. During the evening, the gathered audience heard inspiring stories of sportspeople whose work makes the lives of people in Woking healthier and happier. The evening also provided the opportunity to celebrate Team Woking’s success at the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games, where Woking won the overall medal table. Joining the evening’s celebrations were Mayor of Woking, Cllr Will Forster, Cllr Ian Eastwood representing Surrey Playing Fields, James Sawyer from Specsavers, Bob Pritchard from Active Surrey and Eleanor Cranfield from Freedom Leisure. The winners of the Sport Woking Awards 2018 were… • The Trotman Trophy – Jamie Lewis, Woking Gymnastic Club • Specsavers Young Sports Personality – Tia Hansford, 1349 Woking Air Training Corps Squadron • Active Surrey Coach of the Year - Simon Strong, Woking Walking Football • Surrey Playing Fields Young Volunteer of the Year – Lucy Gerhard-Jones, Fighting Fitness Judo • Outstanding Contribution to Sport – Fiona Creswick, Byfleet Village Football Club • Sports Personality of the Year – Louisa Piper, Woking Archery Club • Volunteer of the Year – Candy Schofield, Woking Archery Club • Disability Sport Award – The Park School • Young Sports Team of the Year – Beaufort Primary School Girls Football • Sports Team of the Year – Cardinal Saints • Club of the Year – Woking Rugby Club • Team Woking Surrey Youth Games School of the Year – Woking High School • Team Woking Surrey Youth Games Coach of the Year – Woody Swain, Badminton • Team Woking Surrey Youth Games Team of the Year – Judo and Junior Squash
Speaking at the awards, Cllr Will Forster, said: “Woking Borough has a thriving sports scene. As Mayor I have visited many of the clubs and tournaments and seen first hand the dedication and talent we have in the Borough and the hard work of the coaches and volunteers who help our sports people to excel. We are proud that world class sports men and women, like Jamie Lewis and Louisa Piper, call Woking their home. “I wish every award winner and runner up here tonight every success with their future sporting careers and will be watching avidly to see some familiar faces in Tokyo in 2020!” The winners of each category were presented with a commemorative trophy by the Mayor and will have the chance to represent Woking Borough at the Surrey County Sports Awards, which will be held on Monday 3 December 2018 at the Brooklands Hotel. The Sport Woking Awards are organised in partnership with Sport Woking and Woking Borough Council. Sport Woking, the sport council for Woking, are looking for new members, if you would like to express your interest or would like more information please contact Clive Moon, Sport Woking Chair, at [email protected] For further information on the Sport Woking Awards, please visit www.woking.gov.uk/sportawards or contact Emma-Louise Webb, Woking Borough Council’s Sports Development Officer at [email protected]
The winners - The Trotman Trophy Jamie Lewis, Woking Gymnastic Club Jamie is one of the most successful junior gymnasts Great Britain has ever produced. In his final year as a junior competitor, Jamie has won the following titles: European Youth Olympic Champion, Men’s London Open Peter Moore All-Around Champion, English Junior All-Around Champion, British Floor Champion, Junior European Floor Champion, along with a healthy collection of medals. Jamie continues to inspire athletes from around the world and now focuses on senior competitions, with his ultimate goal of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Specsavers Young Sports Personality Tia Hansford Tia Hansford is a 14-year old cadet of 1349 Woking Squadron, Royal Air Force Air Cadets. Tia comfortably won the 800m race in local and regional athletics competitions of the Air Training Corps (ATC). She then went on to represent the South East Region (LaSER) at the national ATC Atheltics Competition, where she came first by an impressive 18 seconds and broke an 11 year old record in the process. Tia’s achievement has enabled the LaSER to retain the national Corps athletics trophy and her performance has set an important benchmark for Surrey Wing's future standing in the regional and national sporting profile of the Air Training Corps. Active Surrey Coach of the Year Simon Strong, Woking Walking Football Simon has been working tirelessly over the last year to increase participation in Walking Football at Woking Leisure Centre. Simon first started coaching the session in April 2017 and now has 30 regular players and the sport is continuing to thrive. He is also entering successful teams into regional and national leagues. Outside of football, strong ties have been made with Woking Hospice. Simon supports his players to keep them fit and active to overcome mental health issues. He is seen as not only a great coach but a good friend by the Walking Football players. Surrey Playing Fields Young Volunteer of the Year Lucy Gerhard-Jones, Fighting Fitness Judo Lucy has been part of Fighting Fitness Judo for just over three years. She not only participates in the sport but also passes on her love for Judo to others in her voluntary role as support coach. Every week she helps with classes for the younger children. She is a caring, encouraging and approachable coach. Lucy volunteered her time as a 'Gamesmaker' (support coach and helper) at the Surrey Youth Games this year and was an asset to the Woking team. Lucy has completed her Club referee award recently and has encouraged others to consider signing up to the next available course. Outstanding Contribution to Sport Fiona Creswick, Byfleet Village Football Club Fiona has been involved in Byfleet Village Football Club and football in the local area for the last 20 years. Thanks to Fiona's dedication and work the club is lucky enough to have fantastic facilities at Kings Head Lane Recreation Ground, providing football for children aged from four years to 18 years old. She is a friendly face for parents, children and coaches and a great source of knowledge for anything football. Sports Personality of the Year Louisa Piper, Woking Archery Club Fifteen-year-old archer Louisa ended last season ranked UK No2 Senior Lady and UK No1 Junior Girl. Louisa made her GBR debut in 2017 and by October of that year had won her third international medal. As one of the four-strong GBR Senior Olympic Women’s Squad, she is currently ranked 194th in the world and the second youngest archer in the World Top 200. Volunteer of the Year Candy Schofield, Woking Archery Club Candy has been a member of Woking AC for 22 years but has put down her bow more and more to take up volunteering on a truly spectacular level. She is Woking Archery Club Treasurer and is a key organiser of the Surrey Archery Weekend. She also helps the county out with its other main Longbow, Field and Junior shoots and all run without a hitch due to the huge amount of planning Candy undertakes both beforehand and on the day. At a national level Candy has formally taken on the voluntary role of Volunteer Coordinator for the Archery GB Events.
Disability Sport Award The Park School The Park School represented Team Woking at this years Specsavers Surrey Youth Games. At the competition weekend the Park School provided enough players for Team Woking to create an additional team with Waverley. The U13 teams Woking and Waverley, and Woking won gold and silver medals respectively. The School also entered an U18 team and teachers from the school supported the students by attending the Games weekend. Young Sports Team of the Year Beaufort Primary School Girls Football In May, Beaufort Primary School girls football team from Goldsworth Park, got through to the final of the National League Trust under 11s football tournament at Wembley Stadium and won. They were the top scoring team in the tournament and didn't concede a goal! The team also won the 2018 league title for WASP (Woking Area Sport for Primary Schools) among others wins this year.
Sports Team of the Year Cardinal Saints Cardinal Saints U18 Netball squad demonstrates athleticism and skill, not to mention dedication. The sportsmanship is admirable. On the court they give it 100% and go for everything however, irrelevant of the score, they are incredibly respectful of their opposition. When they take to the court in this predominantly adult netball league they come into their own. The team has worked through the divisions and currently play in Division One, coming third this year in the summer league. Club of the Year Woking Rugby Club Woking Rugby Club are committed to participating in the league championships for both teams. The club is supported by coach Richard. The First team were successfully promoted to Surrey 3s after being crowned the Surrey 4 Champions. The Second team in their own right are regular trophy winners. The club demonstrates a total level of respect to all members and players, and the message of sportsmanship and fair play is spread widely. Team Woking Surrey Youth Games School of the Year Woking High School The school had the highest level of participation at the Specsavers Surrey Youth Games training sessions and competition weekend. Team Woking Surrey Youth Games Coach of the Year Woody Swain, Badminton Woody has proven himself to be enthusiastic, patient and incredibly encouraging with the children, without putting pressure on them. He enables them to focus on having fun and enjoying their sport. He is such a patient person and really relates to the children during their coaching. He also volunteered for the Team Woking badminton squad and as an official at the Surrey Youth Games 2018. Team Woking Surrey Youth Games Team of the Year Judo and Junior Squash Awarded for commitment to training, good sportsmanship and fair play. Both teams expressed a great level of enthusiasm at training and at the Games weekend. The participants listened to, and learnt from, the advice of the coaches, and they all offered a great level of support to their peers.
from Woking Borough Council Latest News https://www.woking.gov.uk/news?item=00005BB3701F.A20DBC27.000046D7.0001
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Even the score Wiki Everything You Should Understand about The Game.
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The times from requiring a souped-up COMPUTER to participate in the very best online games are lengthy gone. Set against the backdrop of an imaginary Japanese urban area, LovePlus gamers represent a teenage Eastern kid that hopes to day some of three females he satisfies at his brand-new high school. A lot of the games along with the problems with literally 2 fps less occasionally have actually been promptly.patched and also the problems taken care of. If you will such as a much more comprehensive led trip, we encourage diving directly in to Refresher course 2, where you could create your very own Room Invaders-like game. Computer game present an important possibility to make significant product much more interesting as well as pertinent for pupils. The kind of crazy maths activity you may've played in your mind prior to cellular phones surfaced to soak up all our thought processes, Threes! There are pair of kinds of video games, outdoor games that are actually played on substantial industries, and also interior activities that are actually played in the 4 wall structures of the residence or classroom. In 1999 both possessed their 1st kid and also he began to devote more time participating in activities as a means to rest. With the majority of also the best VR games being bite-sized, Homeowner Wickedness 7: Biohazard is actually a breath of fresh air, even though this is actually a concurrently terrible one. Okay, therefore this update isn't purely pertaining to time 7 ... yet Martin's long-awaited book should give followers with some intriguing insights right into where the set is going in general. Matt Barnes (right ankle/foot strain), and Shaun Livingston (appropriate index finger sprain) haven't played either as well as may be out for Game 4. Every single time I go over a corny manual that I actually ased if when I was a little one this creates me intend to offer the author a buzz and inquire exactly what the hell is g I was fretted as hell concerning reading this publication once again. After Agbonlahor's objective, Birmingham must chase after the activity when alternative Greg Stewart sent out in a fantastic cross in the direction of the late-arriving David Davis, Alan Hutton made a dazzling saving header. You'll be blown out through exactly how elaborate activities are actually these days if you have not played a video clip game considering that PacMan. Getting a video game console at launch is consistently something from a punt, yet especially with the Change, you are purchasing possibility. Initially, permit me mention that prior to reading this book I was actually unwavering in my love for Gray Grayson. In Season 6's initial 2 episodes, 3 from the Seven Empires' most strong forerunners have actually been actually appropriated and unceremoniously threw on the dump: Roose Bolton (along with his partner as well as hours-old successor), Balon Greyjoy (final from the participants in the Battle from the 5 Kings and the final from the leeches shed in the fire by Melisandre) as well as Royal prince Doran Martell of Dorne (that man in the bathrobe and mobility device).
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njawaidofficial · 7 years
'The Dark Tower': TV Show, Movie Sequel Details Revealed
'The Dark Tower': TV Show, Movie Sequel Details Revealed
August 06, 2017 11:54am PT by Rebecca Ford, Lesley Goldberg
Courtesy of Sony Pictures
‘The Dark Tower’
Despite the film’s modest $19.5 million debut, producers plan to move forward with a TV series that will serve as an origin story for Stephen King’s gunslinger.
After more than 10 years of turbulent development, the film adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower finally made its way to the big screen this weekend, earning a modest $19.5 million at the box office.   The project, directed by Danish helmer Nikolaj Arcel (A Royal Affair), is based on King’s eight-book fantasy series about the world’s last gunslinger (Idris Elba) who is determined to hunt down the Man in Black (Matthew McConaughey) in order to protect the Dark Tower. It moved from director to director over the years (J.J. Abrams and Ron Howard were both attached to direct at different points), and studio to studio (it was previously at Universal before landing at Sony, with backing from Media Rights Capital). By all accounts, it was a challenging story to crack because it’s based on King’s massive and complicated world that he created over eight books.   “It’s just an introduction to the world; it’s not the whole world or all the books,” Sony Motion Picture Group chairman Tom Rothman told THR at the film’s premiere. “The credit goes to MRC, [screenwriter] Akiva [Goldsman] and Nikolaj Arcel — I think they were the ones that cracked it creatively and realized that the way to do it is not to try to eat the entire feast all at once, but to maybe just start with the first course.”   Before the first course was served, however, the filmmakers were already busy preparing the second — which would be served on a smaller screen. The film installment (with a budget of $60 million) is just the first step in what the producers hope can be a massive, cross-platform cinematic and TV universe.
  The wheels are already in motion: MRC and Sony Pictures Television Studios recently tapped Glen Mazzara (The Walking Dead) as the showrunner for the potential TV series, as THR reported. Producers MRC and Sony are aiming for a 10- to 13-episode per season series as they search for a cable network or streaming service to call home. The plan, for now, is to begin production in 2018, though it is technically still in the early development stages.     The idea of a cross-platform universe was first hatched more than a decade ago when Howard came on to direct the film with Goldsman attached to write.   “It was Ron Howard’s idea, and at the time it was pretty revolutionary,” says Goldsman, who had been talking to Howard about the project as far back as 2001, when the two were working together on A Beautiful Mind(which Goldsman wrote and Howard directed). “What Ron came up with was this idea that the stories had different sizes, which is part of what’s interesting in Dark Tower — it can be really epic but the stories can also be very small and personal. He said, ‘What if we told the stories on platforms that were commensurate with the narrative?'”   At the time, there was no other property attempting to cross between film and TV. Today, Marvel is the closest comparison with its Avengers universe that includes light crossovers between its superhero films and ABC drama Agents of SHIELD.   Goldsman and Howard (who will both exec produce the TV series) had imagined that the TV show would shoot nearly back to back with the film, in hopes of keeping the momentum going, but while the timeline has shifted, sources say the TV show will move forward regardless of whether the film is deemed a financial success or not.   The TV show will be an origin story of sorts, focused on gunslinger Roland’s (Elba) younger years, and introduce a new actor to play the character. Elba is signed on to appear in the series, but in a limited capacity, just book-ending the show to introduce the new story. Dennis Haysbert (who plays Roland’s father in the film) and Tom Taylor (who in the film plays Jake Chambers, a young man with certain abilities that allow him to help the gunslinger) will also appear in the potential series, which will be based on Wizard in Glass, the fourth book in The Dark Tower series. But while there is casting overlap, the plan is for the TV series to stand on its own and build its own universe — including potential spinoffs. (Sources note that it could parallel Warner Bros.’ DC film and TV universes, where The Flash, for example, exists on both the big and small screen in completely separate stories.)   “The plan is definitely to have the TV show dive into [Roland’s] past and see what happened there, and that informs the stories in the films,” says Arcel, who has been involved with how the franchise would move forward on TV, but is not officially attached to the small-screen effort. “And the sequel to me would be very much almost like [the second book in the Dark Tower series] The Drawing of the Three. Most of that would be finding what the quest exactly is for the remainder of the saga … So part of that, and even part of the [third book] Wastelands maybe.”   When it comes to the film sequel, however, Goldsman says there are ideas, but no script yet. The ending of the first film sets it up for a sequel easily, but the filmmakers, as is customary, aren’t open to discussing it before seeing how the first film performs. Insiders stress MRC is taking a wait-and-see approach to a sequel, with a decision likely to come a few weeks after the film has been released and international returns can be reviewed. If the numbers warrant it, a sequel could potentially have a larger budget to match the more ambitious elements of King’s novels that were not reflected in the first movie.   Still, according to Goldsman, the hardest part is behind them now. “I think the first movie is the biggest challenge because it’s the introduction to a world that is fantastical but not entirely fantasy,” he says. “There’s a mixing of genre, there’s sci-fi and frontier and magic. If the first movie lands, everything gets easier.”   Aaron Couch and Ashley Lee contributed to this report.
The Dark Tower
Rebecca Ford
[email protected] beccamford
Lesley Goldberg
[email protected] Snoodit
#Dark #Details #Movie #Revealed #Sequel #Show #Tower #TV
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fmlfpl · 8 years
Lineup Lamentations - GW25
Our Transfers, Captains, and Starting 11s.
OUT: Diving fuckface Alli and loyal servant Sir Crouch of the Smallwater
IN (For -4 points): BARKS and Defoe
No surprise - live hit was taken on the pod. As a postmortem it feels like it was a good hit with decent upside. I still think Alli will get points and is fine but I feel like Kane is plenty so that's fine today. Crouch was a legend for me and got me pretty decent points for the spell I held him but the writing was always on the wall. Deciding to go back to 343 instead of 352 meant his time was up. Also conveniently won't have to have him for the weekend's game against Palace so won't have conflicts of interest which I always hate. Bumping up to Defoe feels great and Defoe should just happily sit and tit until I WC when no one will be safe. Fixtures are pretty good but realistically who the fuck knows when Defoe will score. I don't. Will just keep him for a while and watch the points trickle in when least expected. Finally, Rossosaurous Rex is welcomed back into the squad for the first time in a looonggggg while. I have high hopes for little lad Ross. His stats have been pretty good and he is the true master of the side pass do nothing assist. Tough fixture, but whatever, feels good to have brought him in after looking at doing so for the past couple of weeks. Too bad I missed his haul last weekend but such is life. He'll get a run through GW29 so hopefully he brings in some differential points for me.
GK: TOM gets to shut out the Champions elect at home for a 12 pointer this weekend. Can't wait to see all the people who start Jaku over him get fucked sideways. Just kidding bros. 3 pointer the realistic hope this weekend. 
DEF: Standard trio goes again. Baines continues to lose ground to Goleman which is a sad thing every game. Need a pen15 this weekend to tip things in our favor. At Boro is as good as it gets for an away fixture so hoping for points. Alonso at Burnley is basically free points. Finally, Brunt in an away game is basically guaranteed 1 or 2 points. Meh. Better than Holes at United that is for goddamn sure. Maybe Bruntinho can get me some assist or some shit off a set piece. 
MID: Been getting some new friends and new blood in midfield. Siggy had a nice ding for me on his inaugural game last weekend against City which was a great tit...even though slight miff about the yellow card for dissent he took at the end of the game which knocked him off a bap. Fucking Mike Dean too much of a pussy to listen to some Icelandic sing songs. New friend Ross goes of course. Go on Ross give me some good feels. Alexis standard and finally Yaya got a stay of execution in what will be his ta ta farewell game for me. Came so close to a free kick ding last weekend but fucking Flappyhanded dickhead said no. Sucks having a reverse OOP guy in midfield but if he gets me something at Bournemouth he will be sat on a pretty decent PPG since I brought him in. 
FWD: Jermaine gets to turn and burn young child Stephens and piece of shit Yoshida. Hoping for a double return in this one which would be lovely. Kane has a tough fixture but whatever. He's going to be in the side for a while probably unless he gets hurt. Finally I've still got Zlatz in. After a couple of bad performances he is on a short leash with the blank coming up. Plan is to sell him for Rom after this Watford game but a good performance might let him live a little longer. TBD.
CAP: Sigmund. Again, as mentioned on the pod, I don't love either Alexis or Zlatz. Still same concerns: Alexis possible on the wing, team in bad form, Hull are actual good and Zlatz has been in bad form, had poor performances, and United don't usually roll over buses at home. Seems like this Leicester team has properly given up on Ranieri and Siggy and Swans have been playing some great stuff lately. They will feel hard done by to have a brain fart and not escape the Etihad with that point and I think they have the chance to roll over a team that will come and try to play football. Love capping against non-buses whenever possible. I feel covered enough owning Zlat and Alexis that it seems a good spot to pick a big differential captain. I'm sat down at 90k so don't feel like I've got much to lose anyway.....Siggy go on you beautiful man. Bag me a fucking brace one time.
OUT: My love Bobby Firmino :’(
IN: Roberto Snoddy 2 Hotty
It’s been a reeeeeaaaaaaallllllyyyy long time coming for Bobby to finally depart my team. It’s a scar that I’ll carry all season especially when he braces this week as is the usual case when I transfer somebody out but as a LFC supporter I can get around it and just be happy for the brace on that level - classic reverse jinx at work here. Snoddy has beyond incredible fixtures next 4/5 GWs and I think he’s nailing himself down to LW in the Payet role. I expect attacking returns at a somewhat regular rate or at the very least great 4th midfielder return on my money at just 5.7 which I can use to upgrade elsewhere. I’ve been royally fucked by Hammers this year so hopefully Bilic can see me extending my olive branch and tit me.
GK: Grant home Palace great shout for a cleany and some puntos.
DEF: The two usual suspects in Alonso and Baines with both fantastic fixtures. Let’s get more double digit HAULS I want all of them for my birthday weekend. Can we fuck? Let’s fuck. For my third spot I’m unenthusiastically rolling out Holes at Old Trafford. On paper a nightmare but really United aren’t much to fear for a defender. Who knows maybe Twatford sit deep and defend well and get me some surprise points? ...Cue up a yellow card 4 goals allowed fuckfest ugh....
MID: A really rough debut for my massive flair punt of KDB last week but he goes again of course. At Bournemouth might be best attacking fixture in the league (Leicester giving’em a run for their money) so I’m hoping that he can come through for me and make me happy not sad again. Alexis nothing to be said. Snoddy makes his debut home to West Brom which is very tasty as WBA can’t keep shit clean this year and have been actually attacking. Would kill for a little debut ding dong from the SNOD. And lastly Alli goes against my club which is always... awkward... but honestly if he gets a red card and -500 points I’d still be happy. So he can fuck off and do whatever he’s gonna do. Go Liverpool.
FWD: Zlatz leads the way home Watty. I can’t get a read on Zlatz or Watford and I just don’t know. He’ll be so highly captained that I think I just want him to fuck off and blank like the big lumbering piece of shit that he is. Big Rom came in with 4 huge dongs last week but at Middlesbrough is brutal and I am pretty much expecting a classic total shit Everton performance and a blank. My ace in the hole is Ashley Barnes at Stamford Bridge!!... LOL.... If I get equal to or more then 10.5 points from all three forwards combined this week I’ll be pretty pleased. Could be rough.
CAP: “Fuck me once shame on me, fuck me again shame on me too...” I think George Bush said that... “Fuck me once and fuck it you’re at Bournemouth let’s fuck once again.” I said that. KDB my cap again even after last weeks shit ass fuck 2 pointer. COME ON KEVVVVVVV summon Prince Harry and just have a fucking festival for the love of all things ginger and Belg... ugh... let’s go!!!!!
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