#younger mads esp in the beginning was so shy
roseguided · 7 months
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𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐋𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆, but keenly focused on the way hank had sneakily begun to press his lips against her skin. nose nudging against her shoulder before he pressed a kiss & the same against the underside of her jaw. hands touch against her side as if to pull her closer to his side & close the distance between where they setteled on her couch. it was dimly lit, however, with just a lamp & the television to light the room. cold out, but madeline feels as if her skin was on fire--cheeks undoubtably red, her neck too & being warm to the touch. ❛ hank, ❜ said breathless. it didn't take much to get her riled, to make her flushed. it could almost be endearing . . it might be to hank who she knows does it to cause that exact reaction.
eyes closed as he attaches lips against the side of her throat, sucking hard enough she knows it'll cause a hickey by morning time. lips part, at the feeling, to breath out a quiet noise among this steadily intensifying moment before them. madeline, despite her flustered nature, even acts bold to take his hand--palm placed right at where the hem of her dress ends. hand enourages him to squeeze especially after his remark of loving to tease her: ❛ you know how easy i am to rile up, ❜ pokes mads, sliding his hand higher on her thigh under the hem of her dress. ❛ keep going. ❜ she asks.
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theshinobiway · 5 years
Training with Team Guy - Headcanons
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Might Guy
Ø  Saddle up partner because once you start training with Might Guy, you will not be able to leave Mr. Bones’ Youth’s Wild Ride
Ø  We’re starting before the crack of dawn because everyone knows the best training is when you literally run around the entire earth and grab the sun on your way back to make sure dawn rises. What do you mean we can’t do that? Anything is possible if you try!
Ø  So many training shenanigans. So many.
Ø  Law of Guy: Anything that can be made into a training exercise will be made into a training exercise.
Ø  You will definitely be helping Guy challenge Kakashi if he comes around. Don’t worry, we’ll find Kakashi a partner as well and you can definitely keep up. He believes in you!
Ø  Literally the most encouraging training partner you will ever have. He won’t let you put yourself down. He won’t give up on you. Might Guy believes in you and you will be able to do it!
Ø  Will push you towards your greatest strengths. He’ll advise you to not chase things that aren’t meant for you—you have something special and you need to capitalize on that! Embrace who you are!
Ø  If a non-romantic interest, he’ll also take a very dad-like role. Is there something deeper? He’s very intuitive and he picks up on that. Pep talks mixed with gentle hard truths. He will build you up to the max.
Ø  EXTREMELY EMOTIONALLY LITERATE. He will pick up on anything that’s off immediately and he will know exactly how to address it. Despite popular belief, training isn’t just combat with him—you will be training your heart! Your mind! Those are just as important!
Ø  If you’re younger, he’ll work with you alongside Lee. Expect Lee to also be a consistent tertiary training partner, especially if you’re Lee’s age.
Ø  Will definitely lay you flat in training but will make sure not to cause any serious injuries.
Ø  He may not be able to help you as much if you specialize in Ninjutsu/Genjutsu. His specialty is Taijutsu, but he can do strength/conditioning stuff as well. Want to learn Taijutsu? He knows literally every martial art under the sun and he’s got one for you custom-made.
Ø  Great all-around to pace you and push you to your limits in equal amounts. His training will be some of the hardest you’ve ever done, but it will be so worth it.
Ø  Definitely the kind of training partner to treat you after training in congratulations for a job well done.
Ø  If you’re a romantic interest, he won’t go softer on you. If anything, he’ll push you harder, but he’ll be a lot more involved in training aftercare. Lots of reassuring gestures of affection.
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Rock Lee
Ø  Lee is a miniature Guy in a lot of ways, but he also isn’t as firm as Guy will be, and doesn’t have all of the same experience. Nevertheless, Lee will be extremely kind to anyone he trains with!
Ø  More training shenanigans, but he won’t attempt anything excessively dangerous. Excessively.
Ø  Will cry for joy when you accomplish a milestone in your training. Will cry if you make progress. Will cry if you try to encourage him. Happy tears will be daily thing.
Ø  You need any sort of accommodations for training? Lee already has it set up. He remembers your training styles and quirks religiously. Despite seeming like a goofball, the boy is super observant.
Ø  Doesn’t have all the intuition just yet to realize someone’s limits. Might push you past them more than you need just because he can’t always tell what soft and hard limits are. He thought all limits were meant to be broken??
Ø  If you try to encourage him to train with his weights off he’ll be hesitant at first but will eventually do so if you persist.
Ø  If you can keep up with weight-less Lee he will be in shock and awe. What?? How?? "YOU’RE SO AMAZING (Y/N)!"
Ø  If you get seriously injured while training (bound to happen, Lee can be a little clumsy, esp. with weights off) he will feel so bad.
Ø  Will not leave your side, will feel incredibly responsible for causing your injury (even if it was indirect.) Reassure the poor boy that accidents happen because he will not stop feeling bad about it until you forgive him. It’ll be on his mind 24/7 since it happened.
Ø  If you beat him up too much in training you’re now eternal rival #2 (3 if you count Naruto) and you can lock yourself in to training with Lee for all eternity. Even if he eventually surpasses you, he still wants to encourage you to get better like you did with him.
Ø  It doesn’t matter what your specialty is, Lee will train with you. It’s also not that hard to get him to agree, he will train with pretty much everyone.
Ø  If you’re longtime training partners, he’ll want to create some combination techniques! Teamwork makes the dreamwork with him!
Ø  If you’re a romantic interest you will definitely catch him going easier on you. If that’s not your thing, you need to be straightforward in getting it across to him because he won’t pick up on the hints. You may even have to persuade him that it’s okay, you aren’t delicate, you can keep up, and honestly how can he expect you to get better if you’re never allowed to go at it 100%?
Ø  If he has a crush he will make you lunch (not too fancy, but still well-balanced and nutritious!) If you make him one back he will straight up explode in burst of love. Little gestures are the way to his heart.
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Ø  Compared to the other members of her team, Tenten is an extremely balanced trainer. She pushes herself, knows her own limits well, and takes breaks exactly when she needs to.
Ø  Not to say she can’t go hard at it because make no mistake, this woman did not learn every weapon known to man simply by keeping a 9-5 schedule.
Ø  She’s flexible with when she meets up with you, but keep in mind she keeps some constants in her schedule. She likely has every weapon's training plotted out a few weeks in advance because she keeps a steady rotation with each weapon to stay in practice.
Ø  Training will be fairly standard, but she will give you tons of helpful pointers and tips she’s had to learn along the way.
Ø  She didn’t get as much attention from Guy as Lee and didn’t have the clan benefits like Neji, so a lot of her training is self-taught. Very useful because she knows exactly what it’s like to have to learn everything on your own
Ø  She prefers to train with short-distance fighters because it will help her with her own team. She isn’t against long-distance fighters either, but it’ll be more of a competition.
Ø  She may not show it but the girl is pretty competitive! Not in a put-you-down way but you can definitely tell she has a streak to her.
Ø  Nevertheless she will give you warm and sincere compliments.
Ø  Tough love is the name of her game. She will be open and honest with you about almost everything, esp. of years surrounded by captain oblivious (Lee) and captain insensitive (Neji) She can be pretty blunt, but she won’t be mean. If you’re having a hard time and she knows why, she’ll straight up tell you.
Ø  If you ask her she’s definitely show you some of her cool weapons and maneuvers. Deep down loves showing off her weapons and if you take an interest in learning about them she’ll want to train with you more, romantic interest or not.
Ø  Will definitely avoid injuring you during training. Weapons are dangerous! She won’t use sharp ones on you and will go easy on her blunt objects.
Ø  If you’re a romantic interest you’ll notice she gets pretty flustered easily, especially if you’re the one to approach her and ask her to train. She won’t be as explicit with Lee or Guy about her gestures (she’s a little shy in that regard) but she’ll go above and beyond to make sure you progress the way you want.
Ø  Do anything sweet for her and girl will be blushing all over the place. You didn’t have to! But you did, this is so nice! It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t like the food (if you made her lunch), she’ll eat it anyway. (She’ll figure out how to tell you she doesn’t like that kind of food tactfully later)
Ø  Can be a little tsundere if you’re impressing her while training. Press her on it and prepare for playful Tenten.
Ø  Training with Tenten is flat out like training with your funniest best friend. She’s so comfortable to be around and is incredibly down to earth.
Ø  Has a crazy wicked sense of humor?? Expect to laugh all the time with Tenten while training. She’s super hilarious.
Ø  If you get injured while training she will carry you to the hospital herself. No ifs, and, or buts. Woman actually has a decent amount of physical strength and you are going to get the help you need. Can be pushy if you aren’t taking care of yourself while training. She’s used to taking care of people that exert themselves too much, though.
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Neji Hyūga
Ø  He already needs to have some respect for you before he’ll take time out of his day to train with you. He keeps a tight, strict schedule and realize that if you’re training with him he’s moving things around specifically for you. Be grateful! Plans changing can stress him out!
Ø  He doesn’t have as much free time as the other three because he maintains a clan training schedule along with a regular one. Plus, once he hits Jounin, boy is busy!
Ø  Don’t show up late to training. If you show up late more than once (especially at the beginning) he’ll decline to train with you further.
Ø  Most of your training will be combat-based. He has a lot of stamina, so training isn’t going to end until one of you are unable to fight longer. He will make sure to avoid using Gentle Fist while training with you, but if you agree (and he’ll ask first) he will attempt to use 64 trigrams to block your chakra, especially if you’re nin/gen based, and may use Kaiten.
Ø  If you beat this boy in training you will get a second training appointment on the spot. Holy cow this boy just got mad respect for you and you definitely have his priority now.
Ø  If you keep getting your ass handed to you (more likely given his level of skill) he won’t dissuade you from continuing. Older Neji has extreme respect for people that keep trying, and in fact will encourage you to keep going. “Keep going y/n, the fight isn’t over if you’re still breathing.”
Ø  Neji definitely will be hard on you, harder than the rest of his team, but he will throw in compliments now and then where he sees fit, and those will be the comments you’re more likely to remember.
Ø  Neji will not be outright rude or mean to you while training, contrary to what people might assume about his stoic demeanor. He will be upfront and honest with you, but he is extremely calm about it. Don't take anything personally, because it isn't personal to him.
Ø  If you’re a potential love interest, he’s actually hesitant to train with you. You won’t notice as much, but he’ll be catching glances at you when he thinks you aren’t looking and standing in closer proximity to you than usual (though it’s more like two feet of distance rather than his usual three). You’re still more likely to score a potential training session, but you have to be a little persistent. He’ll turn you down gently the first time and act like he’s disinterested, but it’s really because he wants you to ask for him again.
Ø  Definitely going easy on you if he likes you. Can’t help it. If you call him on it he’ll look away and tell you that he’s not intending to injure you over a training session, but feel free to come at him as much as you want. Is the type of person that can’t stand to put his hand on someone he cares for.
Ø  If you try to make him lunch or anything like that, he will be awestruck and might need to reboot for a couple seconds. Neji.exe isn’t working. Depending how how much he likes you, you might even see a light dusting of pink on his cheeks which he'll aptly deny. Not used to open displays of affection like that, but he will eventually thank you formally and sincerely for the gesture. Will repay you in the future by buying you a meal (which he will insist isn’t a date, but you two will definitely be alone and he will certainly treat you like it is.)
Ø  He knows the ins, outs, and all arounds of Chakra use and control. Has so much good advice if you ask him about it. Can literally see what you’re doing wrong with your chakra with his Byakugan and can pinpoint the problem.
Ø  Neji is wise beyond his years, especially when he’s older. He can train you on tactics and maneuvers better than the others. Could spend all day versing you in chakra control, he takes a huge interest in it. All around great teacher and training partner.
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playerfolie · 5 years
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°✧。 [ MARGARET  QUALLEY ,  CIS  WOMAN ,  SHE/HER ]   it’s  been  two  years  since  FOLIE  joined  velia  from  NEW  ORLEANS ,  LOUISIANA ,  USA .  apparently  their  name  is  MAEVE  FOURNIER  and  they’re  a  ROGUE .  they  have  been  fighting  as  a  REVENANTS  member  for  a  while  now .  didn’t  people  say  they  were  not  a  beta  tester ?  i  heard  they  turned  TWENTY - ONE  this  year .  let’s  hope  they  make  it  out  alive . 
          hey  there  demons !  it’s  me ,  ya  boy  ( aka  spence  /  20  /  they/them ) .  i  was  in  velia  very  briefly  a  little  while  back  but  had  to  dip  because  of  school  ( + i  am  recycling  this  account  so  that’s  why  there  may  be  old  messages  from  me  in  ur  dms  asfvad ) ,  but  i  have  now  finished  finals  and  i  am  back  to  introduce  you  to  my  new  baby  maeve / folie !  if  you’d  like  to  plot  with  her ,  feel  free  to  drop  a  ♡  on  this  and  i’ll  shoot  you  a  message  ( or  shoot  me  one  yourself  if  you  wanna ) !  this  is  probably  gonna  be  the  longest  intro  ever  because  i  ramble ,  so  sorry  in  advance ,  but  here  we  go !
            ♡     username : folie             ♡     level : 64             ♡     class : rogue             ♡     cursor : green  ( has  been  orange  in  the  past )             ♡     guild : revenants ,  previously  knights  of  the  blood  oath.             ♡     position : recruiter             ♡     mount : n/a             ♡     pet : rabbit  named  cecil             ♡     mastered  skills : stealth ,  communication ,  searching             ♡     proficient  skills : luck ,  appraisal             ♡     languages spoken : english ,  french
            ♡     maeve fournier was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and ballet slippers on her feet. her mother was a lawyer, one of the best defense attorneys in the south. her father came from old money, took complete ownership of a number of oil rigs off the louisiana and mississippi coasts after her grandfather died. her early life came with privileges, more than one could count, but it had its share of burdens as well. from the time she was toddling, maeve was expected to live her life like a painting ─ something to be viewed, showed off, bragged about by her parents to their wealthy friends. she was to have her mother’s smarts and grace, and her father’s power and charisma ; anything else was failure.             ♡     of the many things maeve had handed to her, video games was not one of them. her mother was convinced that they would ‘ rot her brain ’, take her time away from the things that mattered like school, dance, french lessons, her violin. the first time she played a game was when she was seven years old, sleeping over at a friends house ─ pokemon white on an old nintendo ds that belonged to her friend’s father. she fell in love.              ♡     as she got older, video games became her best kept secret. weekly sleepovers at her friend’s house became a sneaky rendezvous to escape into a digital world for just a couple of days. one day a week to get away from the constant pressure, to be a person rather than a spectacle.             ♡     when her and her best friend heard of velia, they knew they absolutely had to have it. the pair were freshman in college by then, and although maeve still lived very much under her parents’ thumb ( loyola university new orleans was close enough for them to keep close tabs on her ), it was much easier to get video games in her own hands now that she was living slightly more independently. the two bought the game the second they could, and were off to the races. until they got stuck.
          ♡     when everyone first became trapped in the game, maeve and her best friend kept close to one another, but were hesitant to partner up with any other players or join a guild. the two had each others backs, and they were convinced that that was all they needed. that sentiment would later prove to be false. ( TW : ROBBERY, MUGGING, DEATH ). the pair were ambushed a few months into the game ; a party of five players threatening their lives if they failed to hand over their possessions. maeve, aware that the group was too big to be fought off by her and her friend alone, began to concede. instead of following suit, the other girl tried to take one of them on, and ended up catching quite the beating. maeve managed to get in a few good hits, finish the work that her friend had started on one of the group members, killing him. they dropped all they had for the remaining four and high-tailed it out before they got themselves killed.           ♡     after that, maeve went near crazy. it was ironic, how much freedom she found in a digital prison, but living in velia was the first and closest thing to liberation that she had ever experienced. chaos was unfamiliar to her, fascinating, she even relished in it at times. but it also became to clear to her that in this world, you had to do what it took to survive, and doe eyes don’t last long. she never went out of her way to hurt other players if she didn’t have to, but strayed away from heroics. slowly, the reserved, polite, sweetheart that maeve was trained to be from birth slipped away. folie was unapologetic and fierce, and she’d steel you blind if you looked away for more than a second. two things mattered to her: surviving until the end of this, and her best friend. little did she know that she’d lose the latter.           ♡     after getting robbed, and a couple of other close calls with less than savory players, folie admitted to her friend that she thought they should try to join a guild. there was safety in numbers and, with the right group, a significantly less amount of fear with going to sleep every night. her friend disagreed, thought that a group would only make you weak, that trusting other players was a huge mistake. the whole ordeal ended in an enormous fight, but no real answers. for the most part, folie got by through thievery, stealing everything she needed for herself and selling the excess. a week or so after her fight with her friend, folie was caught stealing from a couple of blood oath members, marking the beginning of a friendship that would later lead to her joining the guild. her friend stopped speaking to her after that.            ♡     she was never a fan of blood oath’s heroics, but they were the biggest guild, the most powerful - her ticket home. so that day, when hercules stepped forward, announced the genesis of a new guild, rising from the ashes of the cardinals, it sounded awfully tempting. though folie had found a place in blood oath, gotten comfortable, she couldn’t help but feel disarmed by that same fact. she wasn’t supposed to be getting comfortable ; she was supposed to be beating this game. the revenants new found mission statement of getting out no matter the cost drew her in and captured her. it didn’t take much thought for her to step forward, abandoning her old guild for the revenants.
            ♡     despite the fact that folie lost a lot of the qualities programed into her when she was younger, she’s not unnecessarily mean. that being said, if you’re expecting the saccharine-voiced angel from before you’re looking in the wrong place ( but she’ll sure as hell put on a good show if it’ll get her something she wants ).             ♡     a little snarky, usually jokingly so, but if you make her mad she will turn into frozone’s wife from the incredibles and you will never see the end of it.             ♡     not quick to trust. if you’ve earned it though, you’re likely to see some of the old maeve slip through the cracks. those who have had the privilege may have been on the receiving end of some misplaced altruism, maybe caught a shy smile or a soft moment, call backs to who she used to be and who she likely never completely be again. but she doesn’t talk about her life back home much either, aside from the arbitrary, another way of keeping that old version of herself, the one that couldn’t survive this, locked away.             ♡     *mushu voice* a flirt ! she’ll flirt with your whole family ! she’ll flirt with you ! she’ll flirt with your cow ! i wish i could stop her but i can’t ! she’s never experienced this kind of freedom before, who could blame her for being a heaux ?             ♡     still has sticky fingers, watch your shit around her if you want to keep it !              ♡     probably other things i’m forgetting but i am currently brain dead.
            ♡     other revenants members      ›      i mean duh,, gotta have those guild connections ! pals ? playful rivalry ? maybe even a little bit of mutual dislike ? gimme it all !             ♡     her old best friend      ›      probably gonna put a wc on the main for this but PLEASE bring me her ex friend who stopped speaking to her when she joined the knights of the blood oath. i will SCREAM !!             ♡     old folks from blood oath      ›      people who she’s still friends with ? people she never got along with ? people angry that she left for the revenants ( esp if they were close before bc i love pain ) ? maybe even an ex ? *sharpay evans voice* i want it all !             ♡     flirtationships & fwb      ›      like i said, she will flirt with a brick wall and she is living her best life as a heaux in velia asdadfvdf. let her be spici !!! ( lil notes : she’s bi + i’m chill w nsfw headcanons but i’m not super comfy writing smut in threads )             ♡     frenemies / enemies      ›      let ! her ! be ! bitter ! that’s really it we can plot out why together i just love some good old fashioned hostility ( bonus points if there’s some underlying ~tension~ *eyebrow wiggle* )             ♡     an unlikely friendship      ›      maybe someone who is more reserved who she can bring out a little chaos in or who can balance out the chaos in her ? maybe someone who has done something that she should hate them for, but instead they grew close ? a fun dynamic with characters who no one would ever guess would be as good of friends as they are             ♡     anything else !!      ›      if you have other ideas for fun connections please shoot them my way !! or we can brainstorm if ya want !!
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junker-town · 7 years
Jake Arrieta is reportedly seeking a $200 million deal
Tuesday’s Say Hey, Baseball looks at Jake Arrieta’s free agency and the first day of the winter meetings.
Jake Arrieta is one of the better pitchers on this winter's free agent market, and his agent, Scott Boras, wants to make that count. Boras has sent teams a 75-page binder on his client, and according to an MLB executive who spoke with ESPN, the expectation is that Arrieta is seeking a $200 million deal.
We should point out once again, as we always try to when Boras mentions that $200 million threshold, that the figure is just an indication that Boras and his client are looking for a large contract. It's the 40 days, 40 nights from the Boras Bible, simply meant to represent "a lot of money and years." Arrieta isn't going to get $200 million, but all it takes is one team willing to engage with Boras on the idea that Arrieta deserves to get paid a whole lot of money, and then he'll get his nine-figure deal.
That team could be the Phillies, who are awash with cash in the middle of their rebuild, and could want to lock up a player they're familiar with. As Jon Heyman points out, the Phillies' front office is full of former Orioles' execs, and that's where Arrieta got his start.
It's worth pointing out that Arrieta isn't one of Boras' elite clients, even if he's reaching for that kind of payout and mentioning him alongside other clients like Max Scherzer. Arrieta threw 229 innings in 2015, then 197 in 2016, and just 168 in 2017. That 229 is the only time he made it over 200, and while he was absolutely dominant that year, he's shown himself to be a bit more mortal the past couple of seasons.
He's still capable of greatness, but he'll also be 32, and while Boras tries to sell him as not having used all his bullets in his younger years, it's possible Arrieta was never carrying that much ammunition to begin with. The Phillies or whichever other team bids on Arrieta is taking a real risk, but that's just how free agency works: you have to identify which risks you're comfortable taking, because all of these deals are risky.
Mike Moustakas is good at baseball sometimes, but also feels like the guy who is most likely to just fall off a cliff and disappoint his new team. Grant Brisbee wonders just what Moose is going to pull in on free agency this winter, and from who.
It’s 2017 and Whitney McIntosh needs the Yankees to make her bleed so she knows she's alive.
Here's a look at which free agent starters are still available after Shohei Ohtani picked a team.
Derek Jeter blamed Giancarlo Stanton for the Giancarlo Stanton trade and even typing that again just made me reflexively sigh.
Stanton, to his credit, didn't shy away from poking holes in the Marlins' hastily constructed facade during his own press conference.
Speaking of the Phillies and their familiarity with the Orioles, the two sides are supposedly discussing a Manny Machado trade.
Reality is catching up to the Orioles' dreams of fixing their rotation, writes Camden Chat.
Hanley Ramirez is the key to the Red Sox offseason: they have to figure out what they expect from him, and where.
The Cardinals and Dodgers are inquiring on Marlins' outfielder Marcell Ozuna.
Here's the financial impact of the Yankees acquiring Giancarlo Stanton.
Those Yankees, by the way, are interested in acquiring Gerrit Cole from the Pirates. Given Brian Cashman's history of deals with the Pirates, you can just get mad about this happening now.
Royals Review discussed Kansas City's rumors from day one of the winter meetings.
Here's the one thing the Giants can't do at the winter meetings.
The Brewers are one of the teams reportedly asking about Chris Archer.
Dale Scott, the first openly gay umpire in MLB, is retiring after a 32-year career.
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