novamilano1 · 8 months
Of finding one's voice, of class divide, of journey towards revolution ? Young Royal analysis S3
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I am back, much to my dismay even if the journey is also exhilarating. The limerence, the gut-wrenching obsession which were in check are ablaze with the S3 trailer !!! I am just so excited ! I am buzzing and I need to put it down in words etc.
My first Tumblr post, a few months ago (2 ?) was to talk about this insane amount of mental charge YR was taking rent-free in my head and my life and to ask about book references in YR. (Thanks for the answers even if in-between the countless rewatches of YR, I didn't take much time to read.)
So let's start anew with the S3 trailer. We all saw that in the library scene, just near Wilhelm's head, the cover of a book was subtly put, so to speak, in display even if it was in the background and even if the cover was blurred. Some undescripts yellow booklets are set aside so that we can see the cover of said book. So I tracked it down. Of course, it's a given. I am passionate about literature (though not versed at all in Scandinavian literature). It's the cover of Fröken Julie and Ett drömspel, by August Strindberg, a Swedish playwright. First Miss Julie (1888) paired with another play, A Dream play (1901). Both plays, with different means talk about (dixit wiki) class struggles, the journey to find one's voice, to navigate the tricky balance between the place assigned by society and by gender stereotypes, the struggle between obeying rules, following duty and be one's true self. Fröken Julie is about a forbidden love between an upper class woman who falls in love with a low-class servant. Both try to escape the boundaries, but the weight of the class-divided, patriarchal society is too heavy and the play hints at a final suicide as a way out. I don't think YR will end badly, Willmon will of course be endgame. But the struggles are real and painful.
Miss Julie's plot happens on Midsummer's eve. Stay tuned, I will make two other differents posts based on Midsummer, Young royals etc. What's your take on all this ?
Thank you @lisaambjorn-blog for giving us such a rich show, so many occasions to deepen our culture, to start a conversation on societal, political issues ! Young Royals Baby to quote Omar and of course, let's start a revolution !
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hergrandplan · 7 months
"can you please let me go?" Simon was trying to hold in his laughter as Wille carried him, back to the water. Strong arms surrounded him, and Simon knew struggling was useless. He would just have to accept he was going to get wet again, even though he had just dried up.
"Never," Wille replied, laughing loudly. "I'm never letting you go."
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sillylittleflower · 10 months
Wilhelm edits Part 1
drowning by Bri on youtube, audio and text made by lucidstilinski, credits to @raincitygirl76 for posting it on here
"bury my love" by Bri on youtube, song: Moondust (stripped, EP version) by Jaymes Young
"big black hole" by Bri on youtube, song: Black hole by Skaar
cause i need you here by Bri on youtube, song: You and I by JERUB
Wilmon x Kris book discussion by @wilhelmsbee
Ribs by @wilhelmsbee song: Ribs by Lorde
Wilhelm and Krissy by @wilhelmsbee song: That's our lamp by Mitski
i would do it again by @wilhelmsbee song: Francesca by Hozier
in my defense, i have none by @wilhelmsbee song: the 1 by Taylor Swift
the end is here by @wilhelmsbee song: i know the end by Phoebe Bridgers
haven't i given enough by @wilhelmsbee song: Gilded lily by Cults
There's an ache in you, put there by the ache in me by @wilhelmsbee song:'tis the damn season by Taylor Swift
hey, it's all me, just don't go by @wilhelmsbee song: Afterglow by Taylor Swift
it's better not knowing how it can feel by @wilhelmsbee song: speak now by Taylor Swift
saying i'm sorry for that night by @wilhelmsbee song: back to december by Taylor Swift
Devil's advocate by @wilhelmsbee song: Devil's Advocate by The Neighbourhood
Wilhelm crushing and being cute by @wilhelmsbee kua kora he kupu by BENEE
Wilhelm being cute by @wilhelmsbee
wilhelm being silly by @wilhelmsbee song: first time by hozier
wilhelm being silly crack by @wilhelmsbee
Wilmon x Crisis by @wilmonsvibe
Family Line by wilmonprnce on youtube, song: Family line by Conan Gray
you should see me in a crown by wilmonprnce on youtube, song: you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish
castle by wilmonprnce on youtube, song: castle by halsey
NDA by wilmonprnce on youtube, song: NDA by Billie Eilish with spanish subtitles
Lovely by Mat Law on youtube, song: lovely by Billie Eilish
Privacy by Mat Law on youtube, song: lost by CRIM36
Me without you by @misfithive song: Me without you by Morgxn
You're alive in my head by @chaotic-poet song: marjorie by Taylor Swift
You're on your own kid by @strrynght8 song: You're on your own kid by Taylor Swift
I hate everybody...but maybe i don't by @heartbreakprincewille song: I HATE EVERYBODY by Halsey
Be safe, be good by @heliza24 song: Be safe, be good (for Rachel) by Ride the Cyclone World Premiere Cast Recording
Love is Pain by @sillylittleflower song: Love is pain by Finneas
Wille in his revenge era by @sillylittleflower song: Where the poison is by Finneas
Crown Prince Wilhelm vs Wilhelm by @/edvin.sp on TikTok, credits to @piebingo for posting it on here
Wilhelm falling in love with Simon in 41 seconds by @/yrevolution on TikTok, credits to @piebingo for posting it on here
The Wille strut by @/filmsbyrudbergg on TikTok, credits to @piebingo for posting it on here
for @youngroyalsarchive
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skibasyndrome · 10 months
Valentine's ball scene gifsets
Sooo, because of an idea by @darktwistedgenderplural (and for their cool new archive project @youngroyalsarchive) I'm going to try to collect as many gif posts about the beloved Valentine's ball scene in s2e4 as possible
"Young royals S2e4" by @atdawnweryd
"are there even words to describe it?" by @barrowsteeth
"Unhinged Simon 💜" by @books-books-smolderinglooks
"A moment between kisses" by @drs295
[no title] (Simon's & Wilhelm's relieved smiles) by @drs295
"That's Wille realizing that he's transformed..." by @maya-hawke
"Going from ☹️ to 😍" by @savethedots
"YOUNG ROYALS | 02.04" by @suledins
"YOUNG ROYALS | 02.04" by @suledins
"Young Royals episode 4 season 2" by @youngroyalscentral
I'll keep updating this, so please send me/tag me in/add any other gif posts about the scene (TM) you can find!
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novamilano1 · 10 months
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Who's the hunter and who's the prey ? Apart from the numerous scenes at the shooting range, have you noticed the hunting trophies, the animal skulls orning the walls of the palace (above the poster of the person with sunglasses and a wooden one in one corner) and Marcus' bachelor pad ? Do we sense some predator vibes here ? What do you think ? Is it just random or is it a parallel. In the scene when the Crown Prince confronts August, one of the skulls in the palace is on the brink of falling, it's leaning. it's not steady anymore. What's your take on it ?
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novamilano1 · 10 months
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There were many posts on Tumblr and Reddit about the use of lightings, the red one, the golden one, the blue one, the use of colours, the red, the purple, the blue etc. I really liked those convos. What about the use of pink ? Sarah's pink sweats and this lovely pink glow in the classroom (baby pink curtains, pink walls). Do they emphasize the mood for cute interactions, for flirtation and romance on the journey of learning what love is ?
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novamilano1 · 8 months
"It takes a fool to remain sane !" The fool, the jester and the journey towards truthfulness and acceptance of difference ! Open your eyes baby ! Let’s be brave together ! Young Royal analysis.
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So it all started with a question that arose in the Kingdom (long live the Kingdom !), a group of fans discussing all things related to YR, playing detectives and throwing spaghettis all around to see what sticks (Kingdom TM). What does the drawing Sara makes mean, what to do with this strange Nordic Nisse ( a playful winter Gnome who loves to play tricks) under this blazing sun ? A winter gnome around Christmas makes sense. But what about the sun ?
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The image reminded me of a court jester and of the tarot card where the fool is represented by the sun.
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So we dived together, we found many interesting conclusions and today, I would like to go further, first to link it to the main song “it takes a fool to remain sane” and to link this carnival theme to the Valborg’s theme present in the S3 trailer. Let’s dive.
The song first chosen to represent the love story, the one that could be sung, the one destined to mesmerize the Handsome prince was “Symphony” by Zara Larrson. Then they switched it to “It takes a fool to remain sane” by the Ark. It’s the first song we hear in YR, in the church, with a Solo by Simon. It’s an important song.
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And the song continues a little bit in the next scene where Wille and Eric rediscover their inner child, play the fool by running up the stairs trying to escape the PR circus and the scrutiny. The song invites Wille and all of us to be the jester, to play it like a harlequin, to “take it to the stage in a multicoloured jacket /Take it jackpot, crackpot, strutting like a peacock/Nailvarnish Arkansas, shimmy-shammy featherboah /Crackpot, haircut, dye your hair in glowing red and blue”, Yeah Go  Simon ! Go Wille ! Go Wilmon ! (It's strange to see Wille in pink or in studded jackets etc. but I kinda like seeing him experimenting his true self, be brave etc. Embrace the madness baby ! )
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So the song invites us to be different, to “be brave, to break down the walls of attitude” just for the sake of it. It invites us to not be afraid “to feel strange, to feel ashamed, to seem strange, to seem insane, to gain weight, to seem gay”. The song tells us that it’s “your right to laugh at me”, that it will not prevent me to “feel brave, because ridicule is no shame”.
Simon the gay, Wille the rebel to rules and Sara the autist embody the outsiders, the free thinkers who dare to be different, to not care about the look, to speak freely, to find one’s voice even if this is a painful journey. The struggles to be the fool in order to stay sane, the journey to be able to speak one’s truth is hard, leads to a steep hill.
To speak freely, to question the conventions, the traditions is exactly the role of the court jester. He has to open everyone’s eyes to the madness of society. Sara does it quite naturally. Wille endlessly attempts to do so with his parents (to no avail so far) thanks to Boris. He questions their reality. He opens his eyes and try to take them to also open theirs and question appearances. In a carnivalesque society where the jester has its own place, the roles can be reversed. The  fool can be a king, the gender boundaries have no meaning, the class divides are pointless.
So what’s the link to Valborg  ? Valborg is quite different. It has another meaning. But there is also a fire that ends the obscure times to lead to the light. And the carnival where the jester reigns normally ends with a bonfire where you burn all the old meaningless symbols. The fool and everyone are invited to dance and chant around a fire to start a revolution, i.e a reversal of roles, a new life, a new beginning.
So thanks to YR and  the Ark, we all know what we have to do:
Do, do, do what you wanna do Don't think twice, do what you have to do Do, do, do, do, let your heart decide What you have to do That's all there is to find 'Cos it takes a fool to remain sane Oh, in this world all covered up in shame
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novamilano1 · 8 months
The beauty of sunsets, of eternity, of  holy feelings, of love and of revolutions ! Let's talk summer eve’s magic, bonfires and YR's S3 trailer (Young royals analysis)
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So we are all ventilating, shaking, dying a little bit inside just to be resuscitated the next moment, because of all this yearning for YR season 3. Let’s rejoice and suffer together with a little bit of YR conversations post S3 trailer.
So as all of us, I can’t get over the beauty of these lake scenes. And I also can’t get over Lisa Ambjörn’s gift of Karin Boye’s poem, "Eternity" – which I discovered – on her insta feed. Karin Boye’s poem links the summer sun with love, memories, the feeling of appeasement, eternity  and it’s “sacred secret”. The contemplation of this sunset is linked with holy love. It’s the neverending cycle, the promise of an eternal return, apart from the water metaphor that TVM linked with Wilmon’s love. Go check the blog, as amazing as always, the article on the water metaphor is free.
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In some of the trailers' shots, in the lake scenes, the characters do not face us but face the grandiose paysage and bask in it's beautiful eternity. We see their back. It can remind us of some romanticist paintings (TVM's courtesy, go check on their Substack blog all about painting's analysis in YR. It's amazing, as usual. It's a paid post so I will not give more details as it doesn't belong to me. But it's really worth any cent invested in it) .
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And in the last layer, we can perhaps link the summer lake scene with the bonfire scene. Bonfires, be it the Valborg eve’s bonfire or be it the midsummer’s eve bonfire occur on a late may or a late june's eve. Both are talking place on an evening when we are given the promise of the end of dark times, the welcoming of an enlightened time. On the shot in the trailer, we also see Wilmon is not facing us, we see their back (and their profile) like in the lake scenes. And in both scenes, they are having a convo about their relation, the future of their love. In both scenes, we have the water and the flamboyant fire, or its colors in the sunset. The fact that they are not facing us also gives them the very much needed "semi-privacy" from our prying eyes.
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So is it time for a revolution, for new beginnings ? What's your take on this ?
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Go check my post on "It takes a fool to remain sane" to link this to another bonfire symbol, that of carnival when we burn all the old, obsolete symbols.
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sillylittleflower · 10 months
Wilmon edits Part 1
The winner takes it all by @starboywille song: The winner takes it all cover
Dum by @starboywille song: Dum by Omar Rudberg
All too well (Wilmon's version) (From The Vault) by @starboywille, song: All too well by Taylor Swift
Wilmon get their weekend! by @starboywille
kiss me like you want to be loved by @starboywille
we haven't done anything wrong by @starboywille
Wilmon get their morning stroll by @starboywille
Lucia without August by @starboywille
Devastating by @misfithive song: Devastating by Johnnyswim
Still by @misfithive song: Still by Jake Isaak
Everything All At Once by @misfithive song: Everything All At Once by SYML
Eyes Don't Lie song by @misfithive song: Eyes Don't Lie by Kingfishr
Home by @misfithive song: Home by Catie Turner, contains season 3 spoilers
Young And Free by @misfithive song: Young And Free by Dermot Kennedy
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by @misfithive song: Slow Dancing in a Burning Room cover by St Luna
Shaky bridges by @misfithive song: Shaky bridges by Sean McConnell
Wilmon ep 6 by Bri on youtube, song: The scientist by coldplay
save me by Bri on youtube, song: Howing by SYML, Lucius
these golden days by Bri on youtube, song: Pictures (Remastered) by Seafret
lost and found by Bri on youtube, song: What are the odds? by Amanda Tenfjord
love on the brain by Bri on youtube, song: Love on the brain by Rihanna
the way i love you by Bri on youtube, song: Fortress by Bear's Den
your beautiful hell by Bri on youtube, song: Beautiful hell by Adna
go slowly by Bri on youtube, song: Slowly by Olivia Dean
i build a home, for you, for me by Bri on youtube, song: to build a home by creamy, bluberrii, 11:11 Music group
this is me trying by Bri on youtube, song: this is me trying by Taylor Swift
i don't know how to feel but i love you by Bri on youtube, song: billie eilish "i love you" "what was i made for?" mashup by wizzmashups
don't forget me by Bri on youtube, song: Don't forget by Dermot Kennedy
holding you close by Bri on youtube, song: Holding you close by Elah Hale
i would do it again by Bri on youtube, song: Francesca by Hozier
back to you by Bri on youtube, song: blinded by you by Elias
the rest of my life by Bri on youtube, song: heartbeats by Hanniou
you'd be free once more by Bri on youtube, song: If i could by Charlotte Day Wilson ALPHA
Revolution by threewordseightletters on youtube, song: Revolution by Elias
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sillylittleflower · 10 months
i'm currently putting together a post to collect young royals video edits for @youngroyalsarchive, so if you know any edits that i shouldn't miss, send me an ask, a message or tag me!
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sillylittleflower · 10 months
Young royals crossover edits
Simon & Wille, Isak & Even, Nick & Charlie by threewordseightletters on youtube, song: Fall into me by Forest Blakk
young royals and red, white and royal blue by Bri on youtube
Young royals, Red, white and royal blue, call me by your name, my policeman by A C W N R S on youtube, song: Take me to church by Hozier
queer ships edit by @rosebugrosalyn, song: ur so pretty by Wasia project
Young royals x heartstopper parallel scenes by MultiFandomGirl on youtube
Heartstopper x Young royals by Natalie's Edits on youtube, song: Secret love song, Pt II by Little mix
young royals, heartstopper parallel by @wilmonblog, song: deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo
it's allright if you don't know what you need by @myworldisfictional, song: Porcelain by Marianas Trench
crack by @willbyersupremacy
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sillylittleflower · 10 months
young royals cinematography edits
colors in young royals season 1 by Bri on youtube, music: choral by Matti Bye
cinematography season 1 and 2 by Bri on youtube
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