#your daily reminder that wildlife that's comfortable around people is a bad thing
rhiannecolston-blog · 6 years
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Trident Task # 5:
Basic Character Questions
First name?: Rhianne
Surname?: Colston
Middle names?: Alisah
Nicknames?: Rhi, Anne (to her mother)
Date of birth?: January 11th, 1991
Age?: 27
Physical / Appearance
Height?: 5′9″
Weight?: 123 lb.
Build?: Slim, slightly athletic
Hair color?: Blonde
Hair style?: Just past her shoulders, wavy, usually down
Eye color?: Green
Eye Shape?: Upturned
Glasses or contact lenses?: None
Distinguishing facial features?: Dimples
Which facial feature is most prominent?: Eyes
Which bodily feature is most prominent?: Breasts
Other distinguishing features?: Light freckles, small beauty mark next to left eye
Skin?: Fair and tan
Hands?: Nails are almost always painted, they’re calloused but pristine
Make up?: Usually just some eyeliner and the occasional lipstick
Scars?: Scar on left arm from sword fighting
Birthmarks?: Small one on her right inner thigh
Tattoos?: Yes, two
Physical handicaps?: None
Type of clothes?: Comfortable yet girly, form fitting X X X X X X
How do they wear their clothes?: Clean, wrinkle free
What are their feet like?: Slightly calloused, pristine, usually sandals or flats, heels if she feels like dressing up
Race / Ethnicity?: Caucasian/Australian
Mannerisms?: Proper, for the most part
Are they in good health?: Yes
Do they have any disabilities?: No
What words or phrases do they overuse?: Curse words
Do they have a catchphrase?: Nope
Are they more optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic
Are they introverted or extroverted?: Extroverted
Do they ever put on airs?: All the time
What bad habits do they have?: Foul language
What makes them laugh out loud?: People falling, sass
How do they display affection?: Hugging, flirting, compliments
Mental handicaps?: Slight OCD
How do they want to be seen by others?: As a caring and compassionate person. A strong person.
How do they see themselves?: As weak and not good enough
How are they seen by others?: As a back-talking royal, but hopefully caring
Strongest character trait?: Compassion
Weakest character trait?: She over-analyzes everything
How competitive are they?: Above normal
Do they make snap judgements or take time to consider?: Both
How do they react to praise?: Agreement or blushing
How do they react to criticism?: Ignores it
What is their greatest fear?: Losing another family member
What are their biggest secrets?: That she doesn’t hate the island or the pirates
What is their philosophy of life?: “You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” -Robin Williams
When was the last time they cried?: 2 months ago when a panda she was helping rehabilitate died
What haunts them?: Garrett’s death
What are their political views?: Royal views
What will they stand up for?: Family, friends, animals, children
Who do they quote?: J.K. Rowling, Robin Williams, and her father
Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?: Mix of both
What is their sinful little habit?: Sex
What sense do they most rely on?: Sight or sound
How do they treat people better than them?: As if she’s on the same level, normally
How do they treat people worse than them?: As she’d treat those on her level, for the most part
What quality do they most value in a friend?: Loyalty
What do they consider an overrated virtue?: Obedience
If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?: Bigger breasts or a normal life
What is their obsession?: Books
What are their pet peeves?: Negligence, bad drivers, shoe squeaks
What are their idiosyncrasies?: Everything should at least look tidy, books must look new, hair must be perfect, super organized closet
Friends and Family
Is their family big or small? Who does it consist of?: Medium. Mother, father, two brothers, a sister, a deceased younger brother
What is their perception of family?: Family is everything
Do they have siblings? Older or younger?: Yes. One older, three younger
Describe their best friend.: Blonde, brave, sassy, caring, dependable 
Ideal best friend?: @sam-karver
Describe their other friends.: Those she can talk to and rely on
Describe their acquaintances.: People she doesn’t mind being around but doesn’t usually seek out
Do they have any pets?: Yes, a cat named Kimba
Who are their natural allies?: Most royals
Who are their surprising allies?: Some pirates
Past and Future
What was your character like as a baby? As a child?: As a baby she was easy. She slept and ate on a schedule, didn’t throw many fits. As a child, she was a spoiled but compassionate child who loved all animals and all things pink and girly. She did back talk and sass a lot though.
Did they grow up rich or poor?: Rich
Did they grow up nurtured or neglected?: Overly nurtured
What is the most offensive thing they ever said?
What is their greatest achievement?: Animal sanctuaries
What was their first kiss like?: Soft and tentative
What is the worst thing they did to someone they loved?: Betray them
What are their ambitions?: Help Australian wildlife, keep family safe
What advice would they give their younger self?: Pay attention during dads self defense training
What smells remind them of their childhood?: Surfing and Disney movies
What was their childhood ambition?: To become a vet and researcher
What is their best childhood memory?: Trying to teach Stephen how to surf. He tried to stand up, slipped, and face planted right into the board. He then fell into the water and started screaming about sharks and how they were going to eat him because of his nose bleed.
What is their worst childhood memory?: Garrett’s death
Did they have an imaginary childhood friend?: Of course. A raccoon named Bill
When was the last time they were crushed with disappointment?: When Alina ran away
What past act are they most ashamed of?: She didn’t see how much pain Garrett was in
What past act are they most proud of?: Animal sanctuaries
Has anyone ever saved their life?: No
Strongest childhood memory?: The first time she bested her dad at sword fighting
Do they believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Are they in a relationship?: No
How do they behave in a relationship?: Flirty and hands-on but not clingy
When did you character last have sex?: Last Thursday
What sort of sex do they have?: Rough
Has your character ever been in love?: No
Have they ever had their heart broken?: Yes
How do they respond to a threat?: Sass
Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?: Both
What is your character’s kryptonite?: People attacking her family, shellfish
If your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be?: Her necklace and her cat (if she has the necklace on)
How do they perceive strangers?: Depends on how they approach her
What do they love to hate?: Animals, family, friends, chocolate
What are their phobias?: Most bugs
What is their choice of weapon?: Sword or gun
What living person do they most despise?: Scarlett Johansson (personal reasons)
Have they ever been bullied or teased?: Of course, everyone has
Where do they go when they’re angry?: The beach
Who are their enemies and why?: Her mother and older brother, some pirates, poachers
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is their current job?: Princess
What do they think about their current job?: It’s okay….
What are some of their past jobs?: Activist
What are their hobbies?: Reading, yoga, swimming
Educational background?: Home schooled, Some college classes
Intelligence level?: High?
Do they have any specialist training?: Fighting and self defense, typical royalty training
Do they have a natural talent for something?: Surfing, animals
Do they play a sport? Are they any good?: Swimming, surfing, yoga
What is their socioeconomic status?: Wealthy
What is their favorite animal?: Tie between cat, penguin, koala, fox, and red panda
Which animal to they dislike the most?: Spiders, stinkbugs
What place would they most like to visit?: Russia, Japan
What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?: Australia’s sunset
What is their favorite song?: Any old school Jonas Brothers song, Zombie by Bad Wolves
Music, art, reading preferred?: Reading
What is their favorite color?: Teal and purple
What is their password?: Kimba45982
Favorite food: Chinese, Steak
What is their favorite work of art?: La Pointe de Morestil par mer calme by John Peter Russell
Who is their favorite artist?: Marcia Baldwin
What is their favorite day of the week?: Thursday
What is in their fridge: Lettuce, Reese's cups, Gatorade, milk, soda, dressing, fruit, sandwich fixings, etc.
What is on their bedside table?: Phone charger, book, lamp, knicknacks, pictures
What is in their car?: Chargers, umbrella, cds, sunglasses, sun screen
What is in their bin?: Tissues, paper, discarded make up removing pads
What is in their purse or wallet?: Wallet, make up, phone, charger, gum
What is in their pockets?: Phone
What is their most treasured possession?: Her grandmothers necklace, first edition Alice in Wonderland
Who or what is your character’s guardian angel?: Her grandmother
Do they believe in the afterlife?: Yes
What are their religious views?: Christianity but rarely attends church
What do they think heaven is?: A place for peace
What do they think hell is? A place for retribution
Are they superstitious?: A little bit
What would they like to be reincarnated as?: A red panda
How would they like to die?: In her sleep
What is your character’s spirit animal?: A Fennec Fox or Ocelot
What is their zodiac sign?: Capricorn
What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?: Break their trust
What is their view of ‘freedom’?: Being able to act like your true self while being able to go anywhere
When did they last lie?: To her mother when she said she’d bring Alina back
What’s their view of lying?: Only when necessary
When did they last make a promise?: That everything would be okay, that she was fine
Did they keep or break their last promise?: Unsure yet
Daily life
What are their eating habits?: Careful, proper. Healthy but normal
Do they have any allergies?: No
Describe their home.: Large and spacious. Her room is large, with a connecting walk-in closet and large bathroom.
Are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder?: In between both
What do they do first thing on a weekday morning?: Hit sleep on her alarm
What do they do on a Sunday afternoon?: Lounge or shop
What do they do on a Friday night?: Stay in and read or go out and party
What is the soft drink of choice?: Root Beer
What is their alcoholic drink of choice?: VOK Liqueur
What is their character archetype? (Innocent, Orphan, Hero, Caregiver, Explorer, Rebel, Lover, Creator, Jester, Sage, Magician, Ruler): Caregiver and Jester
Who is their hero?: Mardy Murie, J.K. Rowling, her grandmother
What or who would your character dress up as for Halloween?: Something slutty. Maybe a wench.
Are they comfortable with technology?: Yes
If they could save one person, who would it be?: Garrett
If they could call one person for help, who would it be?: Sam @sam-karver
What is their favorite proverb?: “Proverbs 4:23- Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
What is their greatest extravagance?: Her clothes and jewelry
What is their greatest regret?: Not seeing Garrett’s pain
What is their perception of redemption?: It’s possible, but tough
What would they do if they won the lottery?: Donate most of it, but save some to buy herself a house
What is their favorite fairytale?: Beauty and the Beast, Alice in Wonderland
What fairytale do they hate?: Snow White
Do they believe in happy endings?: Yes
What is their idea of perfect happiness?: Everyone she cares for is safe, she has men to satisfy her, and none of Australia’s wildlife are endangered
What would they ask a fortune teller?: Nothing. She’d have a reading done
If your character could travel through time, where would they go?: The past. To Anastasia’s time, as the story always fascinated her. Or to when J.K. Rowling came up with the Harry Potter plot
What sport do they excel at?: Swimming, surfing, yoga
What sport do they suck at?: Soccer
If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?: Either flight or speak to animals
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