#your faux activism does nothing for me either as a person of colour or as a victim of abuse.
v-arbellanaris · 1 year
under the cut in case tags are broken but spoilers for the game & fandom crit
i rly think some of you are just rancid for no reason btw. like i just think if u look at a queer man LI who is a canonical victim of abuse - inc sexual abuse, and the story does not shy away from it & the ramifications of that - and a deep, rich, layered story about regaining autonomy and healing and personal liberty and trying to forgive yourself for all the horrible things that you did & were while you were abused (that you were a Real monster for) and all you have to say about it is "ugh another fucking white LI ofc you're all into him" like... idk. i dont think the problem is the fact that he's white. i think there's something wrong with YOU.
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cyrassol · 1 year
HI i wrote an incredibly self-indulgent avery fic instead of drawing the requests, here's hoping folks enjoy anyway!!!
Avery x PC — who will they believe?
pc: unnamed, no Y/N either. gendered terms "woman" and "girl" used, but no mention of genitals or defined pronouns. second person POV
avery: male pronouns, amab
word count: little over 2k
content warnings: mild violence (hair pulling, not the kinky kind), "whore" used as a derogatory term once, yelling (avery is ANGRY), typical toxic dol relationships, mentions of and brief (albeit graphic) descriptions of sexual activities in dialogue
description: y'all know the scene with high crime and at least a little rage!avery where they drive you to the police station and threaten to turn you in? and defiant pc claps back? yup, this is based on that one! PC is a successful phantom thief who slipped up, and avery is none too happy about the effects that might have on his reputation
enjoy!!! likes are appreciated, replies and reblogs even more so ❤
There's no way in hell.
"What's wrong, my little nymph?" Avery asks, a worried frown tugging at his mouth as if he hadn't parked on Barb Street, a stone's throw from the fucking police station. At least his car windows are darkened so there's no way for anyone to see you from the outside, but if a cop decides to come closer and investigate then it might all be over.
How does he know, anyway? You've been careful, you've been so goddamn careful—face hidden, gloves to avoid any fingerprints, staying out of sight from any would-be witnesses, doing favors for Landry every other week. No one should have been able to trace you, so how does he know?
And more importantly, why does he care?
"So quiet, all of a sudden," he hums, eyeing a couple of police officers as they escort someone with the same build and hair colour as you into the station. "Nervous, perhaps?"
"What's this about, dear?" you ask, tone dripping with the same insincerity, because one does not mingle with high society every weekend without picking up a thing or two.
"I was hoping you could tell me," he sighs, finally meeting your gaze. His expression and voice are perfectly composed into faux-concern, but as adept as Avery is at pretending he fits right in with the upper echelons of society, he still hasn't learned to mask the rage in his eyes. "I've tried to assume you must have good reasons each time you reject my generosity," he continues, mask briefly slipping when wrath makes his voice quiver on the word 'reject'. "But alas, it'd seem I was mistaken."
He doesn't expect a reply yet, and so you don't give him one. You've turned him down here and there for months and while it's clearly hit a nerve, it's nothing new. He hasn't told you the real reason he's mad yet.
"Instead," he goes on, just as you knew he would, "I start hearing rumours."
Ah. Shit.
"What sort of rumours?" you ask, curiosity feigned and genuine at the same time—feigned because you can already imagine what they are, but you also need to know where you fucked up.
"A phantom thief," Avery says, reaching out to twirl a strand of your hair between his fingers. "Several of my acquaintances have been hit by this scoundrel. They say the thief breaks into a new mansion every night, leaving no trace except for emptied coffers and missing family heirlooms."
You won't lie, the way he's describing you makes you a little proud. It's concerning that your victims have connected the dots that you're a single individual, of course—the chances of you getting caught are significantly higher if they've figured out your modus operandi—but hearing yourself being spoken about in such a romanticised way almost makes you want to keep going exactly as you are.
Provided Avery's bluffing about turning you in, naturally. And if you've messed with his reputation through people somehow figuring out the girl hanging off his arm at social events is the very thief who's robbing them blind, unfortunately there's a very high chance he isn't.
"And what makes you think I'm involved in anything like that, babe?" you ask, perhaps laying it on a bit too thickly with the nickname. He's never asked you to do it, but you figured out a long time ago that hearing a beautiful woman half his age call him that always makes him preen a little.
Avery gives you a tight smile, and it's the only warning you receive before his grip on your hair turns to iron.
"Because, my little sunshine," he grits out through his teeth, "the thief happened not to notice a security camera on their latest little exploit."
It comes out before you can stop it, but it wouldn't have been any use keeping quiet anyway. Not if you've been caught on a fucking camera.
"Aptly put," he says with a chuckle that's entirely devoid of mirth. "The acquaintance who caught this criminal on camera made sure to show the footage to a whole group of us as well as the police, so we'd know who to be on the lookout for."
"Surely the thief had a mask on," you say, because you did, and also because you're desperately trying to find anything that might give you the plausible deniability you need to save your ass. "And their hair was definitely hidden, too. How would they have been recognised?"
"Their identity is still unknown," he agrees, before pulling painfully at your hair to tug you closer until you're inches from his face and you can see every fleck of green and every speck of rage in his eyes. "I, however, would recognise that ass anywhere, grainy security footage or no." Avery's smile is all teeth and no warmth. "I fuck it every weekend, after all."
You breathe out slowly through your nose, closing your eyes in defeat. "And if you can recognise me, it's only a matter of time until someone else does."
"Good girl," he says, letting go of your hair. "We finally understand each other."
A few moments of silence pass by as you consider your options, and he considers you.
Finally, he turns forward, hazel eyes cold and staring straight ahead at the police station. "Tell me why I shouldn't turn you in."
Chewing your bottom lip, you study him from the corner of your eye. "... Have I ever robbed you?"
He snorts. "Not yet, you haven't."
That's good, at least you haven't made it overly personal. "To be fair, if I had then it wouldn't have been on purpose. I don't know where you live."
"Don't try to distract me," he hisses, immediately erasing any trace of mirth from the conversation. "You're a liability. Who's to say you won't get caught again? Do you have any idea what I'll go through if people find out I was the one who introduced a thief into their midst?"
You'd have robbed them regardless of knowing them or not, but saying that won't do you any favours.
"If merely knowing me is an issue, you're already in trouble," you say instead, and instantly realise it wasn't the correct thing to say either.
"Yes, brat," Avery snarls, eyes flashing. "That is precisely the problem. And right now, I can only see one way to solve it."
"Come on, they don't know who I am yet," you snap, patience running out now that you've already antagonised him anyway. "Turn me in and they'll know for sure that you've been hanging around a criminal."
He scoffs. "I'll plead ignorance, naturally. They have no reason to think I knew anything."
"I'll tell them everything else, then," you vow, because at this point you have nothing left to lose. "Every sordid little detail. They may forgive you for unknowingly associating yourself with a thief, but will your reputation survive word getting out that you approach vulnerable orphans so you have an easy target to groom into the arm candy you want? Into your perfect little sex toy?"
"Whore!" he roars loud enough for you to fear it was heard outside the car, and grabs you by the hair again. "You think you can threaten me?! It'll be my word against a random orphan's, who do you think they'll believe?"
"They may not believe me at first, no," you half-chuckle, half-gasp from the pain. "But once I'm gone and you've found some pretty little socialite to hang off your arm—because it certainly wouldn't do to hang around any more 'random orphans' for a while lest they really start getting suspicious—you know that won't be the end yet."
He opens his mouth to reply, but you don't let him, too incensed to stop now. "It won't be the end, because when that pretty little socialite is sucking your cock in my place, you can bet she'll want to see if those other rumours are true so she can tell her friends. So tell me, sir, when she runs her tongue along the vein under your dick and your eyes roll backward like I said they would, or scrapes her teeth just the tiniest bit against the tip and your hips thrust forward, just like I said they would, who then will they believe?"
For a few seconds, all that's heard inside the car is the sound of your combined laboured breathing. His jaw is clenched so tightly that it'll be a wonder if his teeth are intact after this.
You break the silence first. "Let me go, Avery."
His grip tightens for a moment, before he finally relents. He doesn't speak a word as he turns away from you, switches the ignition on and leaves the parking spot.
"The orphanage?" he asks curtly.
"No," you reply tiredly. "Harvest Street, if it's alright. Need to get some footage deleted as soon as possible."
It's not a request you'd ever risk making normally for many reasons, but these are special circumstances. He hums in acknowledgement, and the rest of the journey is silent.
Finally, Avery parks in an alley close to Harvest Street. The very last part of town that's still respectable, in case there's anyone around to recognise his car.
"Don't tell me where you're going," he says, eyes still staring ahead. "But when you're done, you're coming straight back here. I'll wait."
You grind your teeth, considering your options. He's obviously not happy and you're definitely going to catch hell for earlier, but at least he's not dropping you entirely.
"Twenty minutes, tops," you finally say, and he only nods in reply.
You're back in fifteen. Landry had cringed when you told him about the footage, and luckily you still had some favours he owed you so it didn't take much at all for him to assure you any traces of you would be gone from both police records and private security cameras by the end of the day.
"Will this happen again?" Avery asks, turning on the car as soon as you're back inside it.
"No." You'll make sure of it.
"You must be rather satisfied with yourself." His voice is calm, but when he glances at you, there's still traces of his previous anger in his gaze.
You really aren't. You got caught on camera and nearly lost both your freedom and your most stable source of income for it, as well as whatever weird relationship you two have outside of the sugar daddy and sugar baby dynamic. Avery is a nasty, angry man who thinks throwing money at people will make them love him and cares far too much about what others will say, but none of that means you want to lose him.
No, you're not satisfied at all. But you can't say any of that without reigniting his temper, and you're already on thin ice. So you stay quiet.
Until you notice you're no longer heading towards the orphanage, that is.
"Where are we going?" you ask before you've had time to make sure no panic would slip into your voice.
"My place," he replies, instantly flooring you. "After all, it wouldn't do for you to rob me next simply because you didn't know it was my house."
You open your mouth, but no words come out.
"Plus," he continues, voice far too nonchalant in a way that instantly snaps you back into reality. "You didn't think you were getting away with your little tantrum without consequences, did you? You're lucky I don't give up on you once and for all."
He only briefly looks at you before turning back towards the road, eyes full of rage and lust in equal measures which immediately tell you everything you need to know about what your next hours are going to be like. Possibly the next day.
"Come on, babe," you chuckle nervously, hoping to appeal to the lust you saw in hopes that it makes your punishment if only a little bit lighter. "You know whatever little socialite you found after me was never gonna feel as good as I can make you feel."
His eyes flash towards you again, but he doesn't reply—and yet that matters little, because that brief look was enough to know with full certainty that you're right. You both know damn well he doesn't want to lose you either, whether he wants to admit it or not.
Which he won't, but there's no need for it. After all, Avery's weakness has always been and will always be that no matter what words leave or don't leave his mouth, the truth never stays hidden for long once you look into his eyes.
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thelunarbond · 6 years
5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15 for everyone? (also, feel free to switch between IC and OOC for the questions depending on which you feel would work better)
Your OC meets a magical talking frog with a quest, what is your OC’s next move?
Yume: Will do anything for the magical talking frog, and will take up its quest almost immediately
Chase: Ignores the frog completely, doesn’t even notice that it’s talking
Lavender: Gets grossed out by the frog as frogs are slimy and ugly in her opinion, but will probably do the quest anyway
Minami: IS VERY EXCITED AS SHE LOVES MAGICAL CREATURES and is super happy to meet one in real life! She’ll definitely do her best to do the quest
Alexis: Wonders how the frog got into her room in the first place. Once she realised that it’s talking she’ll probably put it outside and leave it there
Phoenix: Unholy screeching, followed by him running away as fast as his legs can carry him
Your OC is running from the guards, why are they most likely running from them?
Yume: Stealing something valuable, like jewels
Chase: Using his sarcasm and dry humour to start a fight with the guard’s boss
Lavender: Breaking something of high importance
Minami: Breaking someone she cares about out of jail
Alexis: Waving a sword around
Phoenix: Multiple unfortunate occurrences that get out of control, such as falling over and then breaking something and then finding valuables in his pockets before standing on the guard’s foot as he leaves
How would your OC describe their best friend using three words to a stranger?
💙 Yume 💙 :
“Cool, suave, bossy! …If Chase hears me call him bossy he’s gonna yell at me, please don’t tell him I said that!”
“Short, eccentric, reliable. Now, what did Yume say about me?”
Lavender 💐 :
“Best friend? I hate choosing a best friend! They’re all good for different reasons! But… I suppose I’ll say talented, stylish and funny!”
(Lavender’s best friend is an OC I haven’t introduced yet 👀 -zee)
💕Minami 💕:
“He’s… quiet, complex and clever. I don’t know if Phoenix will describe me as his best friend but I feel like he’s mine! I hope he thinks we’re best friends.”
Alexis 🎮:
“This is super awkward. I don’t want to use a specific member of the Lunar Bond for this activity cuz I don’t know if I’m anyone’s best friend and if they don’t use me as their best friend then it’d be super embarrassing and I’ll feel like an idiot-”
“B-Best friend? Hmm… Don’t tell Minami I used her for this, but she’s kind, strong and calming. I feel the most relaxed when I’m with her. Please don’t tell her any of this or I’ll actually disintegrate with embarrassment.”
Your OC decides they can dye their own hair, with their very little knowledge about hair, how does this go? Do they have their friends with them, supporting them? Do they do it when they are alone? Do they do it before a big and upcoming event?
Yume: It goes surprisingly well, considering how reckless he is with everything else in his life. He’d choose a vibrant, out there colour like neon green or dark blue, and he’d do it before going to a big event like a party. He most likely invited Chase over for moral support and he spends the whole time making sarcastic comments that he looks like a coloured marker; Yume wouldn’t take any notice of them and be in love with his new look
Chase: It goes well for Chase, however this is unsurprising considering how meticulous he is about everything. He’d make sure to follow the instructions by the letter in order to get it perfect. He’d dye his hair a fairly normal colour, most likely black or dark brown, to make a change from it’s natural dark red. He wouldn’t dye his hair before a big event as despite the fact that he followed the instructions perfectly, he would be afraid of it getting messed up and having photos of it haunt him forever. He’d dye his hair while he’s alone so he can concentrate better
Lavender: It would be a mess. She’d get hair dye all over her bathroom, her clothes and her skin, and it wouldn’t be the colour she intended it to be and it’d be covered in gaps. She’d want her hair to be a pastel pink but it’d come out dark pink or off red as she didn’t follow the instructions properly. She’d most likely have a group of friends there to help out and support her, and she’d cry on their shoulders about her “ugly” hair, and how its never going to be the same again, and they’ll remind her that hair grows back. She’d definitely dye her hair before a big event and then feel like an idiot afterwards
Minami: She always has pink dyed tips so dying her full head would be a breeze, as her sister taught her how to dye hair anyway. She’d choose a light colour, such as mint or light blue. She’d most likely have Phoenix there to talk to while she does it, and she’d offer to dye his while she was doing it (he’d always say no.) She always dyes her hair anyway so it would most likely be dyed before an event
Alexis: It’d turn out okay for a first attempt, not amazing but not horrific either. She’d probably have forgotten the roots but nothing too awful. She’d always dye her hair while she was alone because she would be scared of someone making mean comments about it or not liking it. She’d dye her hair a dark colour, such as dark purple, black or dark red, as her hair is naturally dark anyway. Alexis doesn’t go to big events unless they’re online so she wouldn’t dye her hair before a typical “big event”
Phoenix: He may be academically gifted, but he has no common sense. Because of this, dying his hair would be a disaster (but not to the same degree as Lavender). It’d be the intended colour, which would most likely be black or blue, but wouldn’t be evenly covered. He’d have Minami there to tell him how to do it, and would refuse every time she offered to just do it for him. He’d then be massively embarrassed and try and wash it out until finally letting Minami fix it. He’d never dye his hair before an event as he’d be afraid of what others would say.
What is something completely random about your OC that even you, as the writer, find confusing?
I don’t really get this question, as I wouldn’t write something into my characters that would confuse me 😅 Sorry!
How does your OC celebrate their birthday? What is their wildest birthday story?
💙 Yume  💙 :
“I invite all my friends to the beach and we stay there all night! Bonfires, night swimming in the ocean, ghost stories, cave exploring, sleeping under the stars… It’s the best! I celebrate my birthday like that every year! And I have a lot of wild stories from my past birthday parties. Back when I lived with my parents, we took my dad’s speedboat out and ended up staying the night in a cave far from where we were meant to stay. My parents weren’t impressed, but dad shouldn’t have made his keys so easy to steal, y’know?”
“I celebrate my birthday differently every year, it’d be boring otherwise. For my last birthday, I went abroad with my friends and went to a load of foreign clubs. I have no idea how we managed to get Yume into all of them, but we did. My wildest birthday story, huh… There’s been a few, but it has to be the time my parents were away and we partied in my house all night. When they came home they found Yume and a few other friends asleep outside on the lawn, and a few other friends were playing video games in the living room, and some were passed out in the kitchen… We didn’t even drink back then, we were just wild kids!”
Lavender 💐: 
“I invite my best friends over for a sleepover at my house! We order pizza, we’ll play some dance games, we’ll gossip until like 2am before we go to sleep and wake up early the next day to go to a cafe and get pancakes for breakfast! There was one time when my friend was talking about the boy she had a crush on, and we prank called him! That was so funny because in the end, they ended up actually getting together!”
💕Minami 💕:
“I like to go out for a nice meal for my birthday. I invite maybe a couple of close friends and we have a chilled out time. I don’t really like inviting a lot of people because then I get scared I’m leaving someone out of the conversation. I’m not really a wild party animal so I don’t have any crazy birthday stories like Yume or Chase have, but there was one time where the waiter was bringing out my birthday cake and everyone sang happy birthday, and then she dropped it on the floor face down. I felt bad for the waiter more than anything!”
Alexis 🎮:
“…I don’t really celebrate my birthday. It’s a day just like any other. However I do like the bonuses I get in my games on my birthday. The craziest birthday story I have is that one time I slept all the way through my birthday because I pulled an all nighter playing a game with some online friends.”
“I don’t do anything too crazy for my birthday, but I might buy some takeout for dinner and watch a film while I eat it. On my last birthday Minami came over and we played some games together as well, it was… pretty fun. We ended up talking about random stuff until 4am, and she stayed over on the couch. There was one time when I was a young kid when my parents took me to an outdoor maze for my birthday and I got lost for 5 hours on my own. I haven’t been in a maze since…”
Your OC now gets to strut around in a cape, what colour is the cape and what do they accessorize the cape with? 
Yume: a dark blue cape that has a white fur trim, and is intricately decorated in sparkles. He’d wear a crown and big platform boots with it and feel like a QUEEN
Chase: A maroon red cape fit for royalty. He’d definitely carry a sceptre and feel like he’s the best person in the whole world
Lavender: A pink, faux fur cape that has a hood with animal ears on it. It’s most likely part of a lolita coordinate she’s put together for the colder winter months
Minami: A long, gold, silky cape. She’d wear a flowy dress underneath and enjoy spinning around and watching the fabric flutter
Alexis: A long, black cape with feathers on it. She’d march around her room still wearing her jogging bottoms and vest shirt but with the cape on, and she’d feel like a cartoon villain
Phoenix: A light blue, slightly opalescent cape. He’d wear sandals and loose clothes and feel like a mythical river being (but he wouldn’t tell anyone that)
Sorry it took so long for me to get around to this! I’ve been a little busy over the past few days (RIP)
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evilblot · 6 years
Questions for your OCs
Got tagged by @bluenightfire so here it is, starring Oliver Veenstra and Greg Madsen (aka the odd speech mannerism duo):
1. What’s the maximum amount of time you can sit still with nothing to do?
O: Methinks not more than ten minutes then I has't to findeth something to doth, otherwise mine mind starts to wander in places whither it's best not to wend… 《 nervous giggle 》
2. How easy is it for you to laugh?
G: Being a child at heart and walking ticklish spot makes Greg what has been defined as a “Laughter Disaster”.
3. How do you get yourself to sleep at night?
O: It depends on how not restful I am. If 't be true I doth not collapse in sleep chamber at unreasonable times, I usually taketh time to relax by writing music or reading something. Or I masturbate. Or the three of them and not necessarily in that order.
4. How easy is it to earn your trust?
G: Greg tend to trust people easily but Greg ain’t naive about it. Like what they say, fool Greg once shame on you, fool Greg twice shame on Greg, fool Greg three times and congratulation you’re an asshole.
5. What were you told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
O: Mine mother at each moment toldeth me that I hadst to cease trying to completely replace mine father, not because the lady didst not appreciate that I hadst becometh the backbone of the family but rather because she wanted me to giveth priority to myself once in a while...
6. Do you swear? Do you remember your first swear word?
G: Sometimes, but Greg try not to. About Greg’s first swearing it could have been calling one of Greg’s classmates from elementary school an asshat. But in Greg’s defense Greg thought it was just a very silly headgear.
7. How do you cope with confusion?
O: I tryeth to worketh through mine thoughts, like considering mine assumptions and thinking about the consequence to avoid jumping into conclusions. What I still doth since lest I an emotional roller coaster but at least I tryeth.
8. Do you have a system of remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order?
G: Well, mentally placing things on top of each other often helps. Alternatively, sticky-notes strategically placed around the house are a blessing.
 9. How do you deal with an itch found in a place you can’t quite reach?
O: Being rather flexible the problem doest not arise. Unless tis in the presence of the right person, in that case I’d shamelessly pretend I can’t reacheth and taketh advantage of ‘t to receiveth a free back rubbeth, if 't be true thee understandeth what I mean… 《 insert sensual brow wiggle here 》
10. What colour do you look best in? (Does he/she actually look best in that colour?)
G: Dunno, it’s not like Greg mind that much… (Surprisingly he looks handsome in pink, especially in rose quartz)
11. What animal do you fear most?
O: Lest I not afraid of any animal in particular, if 't be true I’d rather sayeth that I feeleth an intense disgust for slugs.
12. How do you speak? Is what you say usually thought of on the spot, or do you rehearse it in your mind first?
G: Greg don’t mince words, in fact Greg like to think Greg be a quite plainspoken man.
13. What makes your stomach turn?
O: Senseless violence. Thus having becometh the progenitor of a race of murderers without mine knowledge hath taken quite a toll on me.
14. Are you easily embarrassed?
G: Not really, indeed usually it’s up to Silvia to get embarrassed in Greg’s place lol. (I can confirm)
15. What embarrasses you?
O: Faux pas. And oft coequal myself.
16. What is your favourite number?
G: 8 because it’s shaped like a friend. Like Greg. (he makes me so cheesy wtf 😂)
17. If you were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic love, how would you do so?
O: I suppose I can summarize ‘t in platonic love is ride or kicketh the bucket while romantic love is till death doth thee part.
18. Why do you get up in the morning?
G: Uh….. Do you take hunger for an answer?
O: Valid. 🙌
19. How does jealousy manifest itself in you?
O: At first feelings of insecurity, possessiveness and inadequacy, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. Thee doth not wanteth to knoweth what kind of monster I becometh at which hour ‘t cometh to matters of the heart...
20. How does envy manifest itself in you?
G: Well, Greg simply ignore the thing but then Greg will inevitably get passive aggressive. Then Greg will imitate the person Greg envy in some way, either by the way they behave or dress. Maybe even do both. It depends on the individual...
21. Is sex something you’re comfortable speaking about?
O: I believeth that the answer lies in the question previously madeth concerning mine methods of sleeping.
22. What are your thoughts on marriage?
G: Greg believe in marriage, actually Greg think tying the knot is one of the biggest milestones of your life. Sure, it takes times and a lot of commitment but in the end it’s totally worth it.
23. What is your preferred mode of transportation?
O: I most like riding on horseback, but I’d not sayeth no to a boat trippeth especially if 't be true it's on longships.
24. What causes you to feel dread?
G: The future.
25. Who do you most regret meeting?
O: I would like to sayeth Zarok but I realize that if 't be true I hadst not hath followed that gent to Gallowmere I would nev'r has't hath met Lord Kardok nor the love of life, so I in earnest would not knoweth.
26. Who are you most glad to have met?
G: Greg’s naughty pie, of course. (Save meee 🙈)
27. Do you have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
O: Not that I can bethink of ‘t, fear me.
28. Could you be considered lazy?
G: Greg'd rather say Greg be in energy saving mode.
29. Do you actively seek romance, or do you wait for it to fall in your lap?
O: I hath used to beest a very quiver romance seeker but then true love sooth hath fallen into mine lap so I guess that's ‘t. ‘t doesn't matter what thee doth because in the end love wilt findeth a way itself.
30. What memory do you revisit the most often?
G: When Greg met Silvia for the first time because Greg often wonder what Greg life would have been like if Silvia had not ended up mistakenly in the penitentiary where Greg was locked up and had not dragged Greg out of there… 《 shudders 》
31. How easy is it for you to ignore flaws in other people?
O: I mean, I tryeth to since lest I a stout believer that tis well enow not to beest perfect. But, at the same time, methinks thither is at each moment room for improvement so I point ‘t out without offending the person concerned so that maybe we can worketh ‘t out together.
32. How sensitive are you to your own flaws?
G: Incredible to say but Greg is a delicate soul that takes a lot personally. In plain words Greg be very sensitive, please be gentle.
33. How do you feel about children?
O: I love children, being the eldest brother among other 6 children I has't practically grown those folk and I doth not bethink thither is anything better than to beest in their company. Sure, oft those gents art noisy and clingy but at which hour thee cometh home at the end of the day and thee findeth yourself sooth submerged by their exuberant attachment well, then thee understandeth that those gents very much art the most precious thing ever.
34. How badly do you want to reach your end goal?
G: In case you haven’t noticed yet, Greg prefer to take things calmly so Greg can wait.
35. If someone asked you to explain your sexuality, how would you do so?
O: Well, lest I a sir I like women, there's not much else to sayeth methinks..?
Aaand that’s it, thanks for your time. I won’t tag anyone but feel free to do it with your OCs too if you fancy to.
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chloewrites · 7 years
The Rules of Robots and Love: Chapter 1
Pidge closes her eyes, the round glasses that perennially perch on her nose closed and grasped in her fist. And her brain begins to stir.
The shadow of someone holding her hand.
She has Voltron, standing before her, fully formed and ready. The lions are tall, proud, as brightly coloured as their names. Controllers, screams, people.
She sees the Galra Robotics Club dismantled and taken apart, the ruins of their mini-Zarkon on the ground at her feet, irreversible damage. Probably done by her.
She sees five, no, six people before her.
Shiro, looking as regal and leader-like as ever, ever the dad friend,
Hunk, his best smile on his face, arms outstretched and beckoning,
Keith, wearing that stupid cropped jacket and hint of a smile on his stupid face,
Coran, mustache perfect as usual, smiling and holding a cup of coffee,
Allura, gorgeous, eyes showing off the intelligence that many didn't see on the surface,
Pidge quickly opens her eyes, letting the world back in, slipping on her glasses and running off into the distance.
The cafe that Voltron Robotics  currently occupies would be very nice and peaceful, bolstered by the chirps of birds in early morning, cool winds and smell of fresh coffee brewed by Allura and Coran, but-
"You told your mum what?!" Shiro screams, completely and utterly surprised.
"Since when did Pidge have a boyfriend?!" Lance and Hunk exclaim in perfect unison.
"I don't!" Pidge butts in, silencing a eager Shiro. "My mum just assumes I do, considering most of the people I hang out with are male. To her, that means like fifty potential suitors."
Pidge collapses in her chair, her tiny body perfectly occupying the area. Apparently, hanging out with the opposite gender meant sexual attraction. Assuming meant making an 'ass out of you and me', so Pidge never felt more frustrated when her mother would think a friend was her boyfriend. At least she wasn't normally 'traditionally feminine' enough to be mistaken for one of the boys' girlfriends by anyone else. Not that being feminine was a bad thing.
"Does she even know you were pretending to be a boy to join our club?" Hunk questions. The five attend Altea High together, Shiro being the oldest and Pidge the (prodigious) youngest. But there was a rather stagnant robotics club, handed down by traitorous member Zarkon. It seemed like it was going to only be Shiro, Keith, Lance and Hunk, but it turned out that Katie Holt, now Pidge Gunderson, wanted to join without anyone else knowing who she was outside of the club.
"Nope." Pidge, satisfied, reclines in her chair. "Hey, c'mon, I'm more clever than you think."
The four raise their eyebrows at Pidge.
"Since when have we ever even underestimated you, smol bean?" Lance jokes, fluffing her already fluffy hair. Pidge smacks his hand away, shooting him a glare.
"There's an obvious underestimation."
"Stop it, Lance. Pidge, why the hell did you let your mom think you're dating someone?" Keith interrupts, shooting Lance a equally strong glare. Lance makes a face back.
"Do you think I wanted to bring home a boyfriend?" Pidge Gunderson complains, pushing up her large round glasses with one hand. "As if I'd even want to date. I'm perfectly happy with just my computer and cryptids, thank you very much."
Keith gives her a high-five.
"I'm just going to tell my mum that I'm never going to have a boyfriend. Then dad won't expect someone to play catch with and I'll be left alone."
"Pidge, dear," Allura sets down Pidge's favourite peanut butter and chocolate muffin, special of Castle Cafe. "I pity the boys that will never get a chance to date you."
What boys, Pidge thinks. If she were like Allura, with her silky white hair, perfect curvy figure, and a face that shone brighter than the sun itself, yeah, there would probably be boys throwing themselves at her. Look at Lance, and more secretively, Shiro. But she was Pidge. She wasn't in search of attention for looks. She wanted recognition for the robotics she knew she could do. And that's the only reason she was in Voltron. Yep.
"Yeah, who would pass up this cutie~" Lance fluffs Pidge's hair again, much to her annoyance, but she can't stop that little pink tint that colours her small cheeks. Allura smiles, throwing a wink at Shiro, handing out the rest of the food and leaving.
Pidge looks at Shiro's napkin and almost laughs.
"Well, no more talk about faux dating. We need to think of the robotics contest!" Pidge quickly changes the subject, much to Lance's amusement.
"C'mon, Pidgeotto, it's a Saturday. Let's go to a beach or something, not work!"
Lance's suggestion irks Pidge for a moment, because all he wanted to do was probably ogle tall, voluptuous girls in bikinis rather than actually hang with the Voltron gang. But sure.
"I'll pack the picnic!"
The beach is as warm and sunny as Pidge expected with June rapidly approaching. The minute they reach, Pidge sees so many of Lance's would-be targets. Lance had even put on his lucky swin trunks, blue with little duckies on them. Pidge had changed into a swimsuit, the only purpose to not ruin her clothes.
"You changed into an actual, real, made-for-purpose swimsuit?" Hunk notices. "You never do that."
"Well," Pidge replies, "I think it's a little smarter than sacrificing perfectly good clothes."
Shiro looks like he's about to burn, his pale skin starting to redden rapidly with barely five minutes of sun exposure. Now that Pidge looked properly, Keith looked like he was going to be set on fire, tongue out and panting.
Pidge carries her laptop and headphones in a canvas bag, also having a beach blanket and small umbrella. Yes, she had grown used to random beach excursions and therefore kept a beach bag nearby, no, she did not like the beach. She only went along for the friends. At least today there was some decent winds that somewhat combated the UV rays just tearing away at her patience.  
Why would anyone want to bake in hot sun, get sand everywhere, get perfectly good electronics wet from the sea? Nah, you could probably tell Pidge preferred the sanctity of her room at home, geeking it out with her family.
Hunk hands her a large jar of peanut butter, other hand offering a large spoon and a big smile on his face.
"Hunk, you are my freaking saviour."
Pidge digs out a huge scoop and sticks it in her mouth. Hunk sits down next to her on her green rug.
They stare at Lance, eagerly running from woman to woman, throwing numerous pick-up lines and sleazy smiles their way.
"Does he know how stupid he looks when he does that?" Pidge asks Hunk, who looks like he's about to throw up his hearty lunch.
"Either he doesn't know, or he seriously doesn't care."
If anything, Lance probably thinks his 'stupid' behaviour was attractive, and it most certainly was not. At Altea High, Hunk, Pidge (over there referred to as 'Katie') and Lance were in the same grade, while Keith and Shiro were in the grade above. So yeah, Pidge wasn't sure whether Lance was really a friend. She preferred to stay distant from most of her classmates, Lance and Hunk occasionally being the exceptions. Voltron made them grow a bit closer, she'd admit.  
"Girl, you've already activated my-"
Pidge spits out her peanut butter.
Shiro tugs Lance by the ear, apologising profusely to the poor Nyma that walks away, confused.
"Did you see the face on that one?!" Pidge cracks up, laughing so hard that she doubles back onto Hunk, equally riled up.
"Hmph." A disgruntled Lance sniffs at the sight, rather miffed. "She was so all over me, until SHIRO DECIDED TO BREAK US APART."
"You know she's been with Rolo for a year right?" Keith points out, gesturing to a muscly guy that had an arm wrapped around Nyma.
"Face it Lance, there isn't a girl out there who's actually susceptible to your charms."
Lance's eyes glint, and suddenly Pidge felt like she'd gotten herself in a big pile of Kaltenecker poop.
"Well, Pidge, Pidgey, Pidgeon, Pidgeotto-"
"Pokemon Go is over, face it , McClain." Pidge cuts in. Shiro sits by, eyes glinting too. Keith too. Hunk too. Wait, what the hell was going on?!
"Since you seem so adamant to the fact that I will never have a girlfriend-"
Pidge looks up at the substantially taller Lance, eyes focusing on his and not wanting to go any lower down for her own self-respect.
"At least you admit it's a fact that you will never have a girlfriend," she smirks. Keith high-fives her again.
"Hey!" Lance exclaims, pouting. Hunk laughs loud, giving a Lance a big bear hug.
"Aww, did someone hurt your non-existent heart, Lance?" Pidge jokes. Lance pretends to be shot, falling on the sand.
"You've wounded me so, fair maiden, now help me out!" Lance's arms flop uselessly to his sides. Pidge jabs him with her elbow, hard, smirk plastered on her face, making him jolt skyward with eyes blown wide.
Lance never did end up finishing that sentence, whatever it was supposed to be, even on the car drive back in Shiro's minivan("You're such a dad, Shiro!"). But Pidge could definitely feel something had changed. She wasn't really sure what, but Lance seemed to be behaving slightly...differently.
As per usual, Pidge sat on someone's lap (or even sometimes, lay down on multiple ones) because of the cramped nature of the car's backseat. ("It's a freakin minivan, Shiro, can't you be a good suburban mom and choose one with actual space!") And of course, as the smallest person, she'd been chosen to stick it out in random places in the car.
Some days she would be on Hunk, probably her best friend after Matt. But most days she would sitting on Lance, because she knew he would think nothing of it. And the height difference made it less uncomfortable slash awkward. Today, she sat on Lance. (Inconveniently,
Normally all would be fine. In the van, they would chat, discuss the next robot project, make jokes about each other ("Look, Keith's back in the 1980's with that hairstyle") and everything was so casual with each other. No problem at all.
But now, Lance just looked different, and it frustrated the analytical Pidge. He looked like he was...actually thinking for once. Like there was something actually going around inside his head. Weird.
"What's up with you, Lance?" Pidge whispers, her voice indistinguishable behind the banter going on with Shiro, Keith and Hunk. Something about Hunk's new girlfriend, that also happened to be Shiro and Keith's classmate in the higher grade.
"Ooohh, Hunk's dating an older woman!"
"No-nothing's up with me, Pidge. Nothing."
Lance's eyes shift and flit everywhere, so fast that Pidge can't really comprehend where they're going. From up, down, but Pidge wonders why. After all, she's blocking most of his line of sight, so where are his eyes even going? Her head rests next to his, as she adjusts herself to be more comfortable.
"You sure?"
"What makes you so worried, Pidgeon? You don't usually ask."
Lance smiles, actually, smirks. Pidge returns the smirk, the two breaking out into laughter.
"I think it's just nothing then." Lance lets out a breath that he didn't know he was holding, Pidge feeling it through her slender back. He seems nervous, tense, something.
Pidge doesn't know what it is.
"We've got some news."
Shiro stands at the front of their small borrowed workshop, bulky arms folded and eyes stern. Pidge isn't really listening, preferring to fiddle with the little robot she'd finishied after spending some time on the design. Rover, she finally decided to call it. Rover. Lance had said the name was cute, just like her.
Why was it suddenly so uncomfortably hot in here?
"Zarkon has decided to join the Galra Robotics Club as their new president."
Well, shit.
"They're planning to join the Inter-School National Robotics Tournament. Just like we were."
Well, good to know that one of the most brilliant, charming and intimidating students was electing to join a college where everything was invested into their robotics and the like. Zarkon was someone that from their, lowly, five people club perspective, seemed invincible.
"Can't we just kick their asses at the next competition?" Lance drawls, confidence dripping from his words, sitting back in his chair, feet propped up. "I mean..."  He gets up, dramatically shoving the chair behind him.
"First up, we have Takashi Shirogane, our unspoken but obvious leader with much experience in unarmed bot fighting and piloting." Lance's lanky arms shoot out to point out at Shiro, who uncomfortably rubs the back of his neck.
"Second, we have dreamboat Hunky Garret, a wonder with engineering and cooking the best beef tacos you'll ever find."
Hunk grins, returning Lance's fist bump as he flits over to Keith.
"Here, we have My Chemical Keith Kogane. I don't know what we use him for, he's pretty useless now that I think about it-"
Keith coughs, shooting Lance a glare.
"Do you mean our robot weapons expert, management and controlling expert?" Hunk asks. Lance shoots him a look.
"Thank you, Hunk. And he is absolutely right." Keith responds, grinning with snark at a ticked-off Lance McClain.
"Over here, a little downwards-"
"-we have Pidge Gunderson, AKA Katie Holt, AKA multitalented robotics student. Like, how does anyone engineer, control, program, and study all in one! Especially the studying part!" Pidge has to fight the urge to slam her face into the table, messing up her auburn ponytail. Instead, she settles for gently placing her face on the table, hiding the blush that tints her cheeks pink.
Wait, what?!
"And of course, I've saved the best for laaaast!" Lance cheers, dragging out syllables. "Introducing Lance McClain, expert controller and logician for all kinds of robot competitions!"
And in comes the jazz hands, the dramatic karate kicks, the large grins and smirks free of charge from Lance himself.
"Since when have you even had a little drop of logic?" Keith questions, stood in the corner. He looks unamused, bored, and done with Lance's shit. "Like, you say we should just kick the asses of one the best funded, supported, and famously powerful robotics clubs in the nation? Such logic," Keith scoffs at Lance, who starts screeching back at Keith indignantly.
"Well, excuse me for wanting to put some positivity back into this team, Mr.Negativity," Lance fires back. "At least I'm trying to bring our spirits up into the new plans rather than dragging them down like a certain someone-"
"Stop it, Lance." Pidge scolds, punching him lightly on the arm.
"But he started it!-"
"Pidge's right, we've got to focus on creating the robot for the next championship." Shiro steps in, shooting both Lance and Keith a look.
"Sorry," they both mumble. Pidge punches him harder.
"Oww! What do you do, karate?" Lance groans.
"Wanna test that theory?!" Lance's eyes shoot downwards, seeing that Pidge's knee was aimed uncomfortably close to his dick, eyes glinting.
"Okay, now, Pidge, cool it-"
Lance's face flushes red.
"Okay, okay, that's enough banter for now," Shiro tuts, successfully pulling Pidge up and off the floor by her jacket, plopping her down right next to him.
A moment of silence.
Pidge looks up at Shiro, and in that moment, Shiro knew he was completely and utterly fucked.
"Pidge is so light that Shiro can legit just pick her up with one hand-oh my lord!" Hunk actually screams, falling on the floor as they watch Pidge actually climb on Shiro and hang on his shoulders. And even better, even while hanging, Pidge's toes still wouldn't touch the floor.
"Holy shit-"
"Shut up."
"I swear to god, Lance-"
Yeah, they didn't get anything done that day.
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