#your style is slaaay
creativityworks-s7 · 6 years
Sound needs to slaaay!
By Natalie Turner-Sylvester
Rob Janke, producer, mixer and sound recordist, taught us more in depth about the essentials when it comes to audio for a good quality and professional podcast.
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The session began with Rob showing us two audio tracks in which we then discussed the elements and how well they work. I love music and enjoyed listening to opposing genres and styles and seeing how they told a story through a compilation of sounds.
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Hacks if you are on a budget!
Rob gave us some tips if you are on a budget such as using duvets and blankets on windows and walls to absorb echo sounds in the room. We had suggestions of equipment for example the SM57 or 8 microphone which is widely used within the media. 
Rob reinforced that the sound needs to be clear and to avoid clipping. This requires the level to be right and produce a nice smooth curve.
- Sit correct distance from mic (usually 6-10 inches)
- Mouth needs to directly face mic
- Avoid wearing noisy clothing
VITAL: *Listen back on whichever speakers the audience is most likely to hear your podcast on and question does this really relate to them?*
Rob’s masterclass really helped when constructing our group podcast and gave us a lot to consider. Thank you Rob!
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todokori-kun · 7 years
It might not be Rize then. Maybe it’s Shuu (=your inbox…I’ve heard that submissions get lost in inboxes sometimes. It seems more plausible than tumblr eating them lol).
It fits so well honestly XD nope, I honestly don’t know Bill Wurtz very well! I’ve been meaning to watch ‘History of the entire world, I guess’ though :D I hear it’s great!
Seriously though, I’m sure you’ll do great! @(^-^)@
Oh, I got my hair curled :) I didn’t want to, because I hate maintaining curls and the chairs at the salon hurt my back, but mom wanted me to try something different (I’d been wearing my hair at roughly the same length and style for at least four years before now lol). I do admit it looks better than I thought it would ^^
(I don’t go to school ^^;; I’m homeschooled. And I technically graduated from high school last month. Thanks though :D)
Btw, Touken sex scene happened this week. Ishida dedicated an entire chapter to it and I’m kinda disappointed.
I mean, It was sweet and all, but the timing was horrible.
Are Touka and Kaneki forgetting that the CCG is still on their trail? They’re not even in a safe place yet. It was literally like
Ken: So that’s my advice when it come to human friends. Now let’s take a rest before my crazy yandere pupil comes back-
Touka: *kisses him*
Then sex happens.
.... I’d rather have Rize as my inbox, thanks a lot. I don’t need a sexual predator (this is a joke) lurking o.o
Dude, bill wurtz has the best memes ever. The two histories are amazing. they never got ethiopia.
i wasn’t in the top 3 and that’s all i know, cause they were like ‘okay, here are the top three and that’s all you’ll know’ but hey, they gave prizes for participating, so it’s something! I guess you can do that when there are only 13 people participating. I got bath salt and a pen hahah
Oh wowowow! I’m glad you’re happy with how it turned out ^^ I have hair that’s really straight, but I wouldn’t really curl it, since it’s too much work hahah And Id efinitely understand the ‘I’d been wearing my hair at roughly the same length and style for at least four years before now’, because I have two versions of hair: ’too long and in a ponytail’ and ‘really short and in a ponytail’.
Oh yeah.... I think you mentioned it before ^^;; But I do know you’re a genius huehue
I... see. Well then. Um. I’m glad my mom didn’t walk into my room while I was checking the chapter with a vague sense of ‘SERIOUSLY??’ As someone said, the chapter’s title (x) is missing 2 x’s
How interesting...
ON ANOTHER NOTE, MY LOVE LIVE OBSESSION IS GROWING BY DAY. Idol hell is truly a nice place. I mean, look at this art. Lookatit
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Okay, I’m done with my pretty idols spam
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