iamtouchedbywonder · 11 months
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ok so what if i am going crazy.
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mistermixmania · 11 months
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jimcantswim · 1 year
tfw yourblood pressure fucking sucks and the doctors laugh at you for having loser shitty blood pressurw
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Y: yandere vampire cookie
 Vampire cookie, a lazy cookie, who always loved wine, landed eyes on you. You were just another patron from Sparkling cookie’s juice bar, the moment that you walked in the bar, vampire cookie spit out the wine that was in his mouth, of how beautiful you were. Time passes and you started to build a friendship with him and his friends, but most of the time he would always try to get your attention, after all you are HIS love.
 One time, you accidentally broke a cup, you tried to help clean the mess, but you only manage to cut your hand, strawberry jam started to pour out, Vampire cookie saw your blood leaking out, he wanted to lick, suck until it stopped bleeding, of course he already drank various types of blood, but your’s was different, the aroma was so sweet. But he can’t not in front of everyone.
 At night, sometimes he would dream, of him sucking your blood, your fresh blood, out of your gorgeous neck, each vain going dry, because of the lack of blood in the circulation, he would drool all over his sleep. Other times, he would sneak inside your bedroom, seeing how the light of the moon illuminated you peaceful sleeping face, and your delicious neck, contemplating the desire to suck your blood out, to tasty the sweet, sweet taste of his love, he believes that if he drinks your blood, you would be a little closer to him.
 One day he heard, that you needed help with your garden, so he happily volunteer himself.
 “Thanks for helping me in the garden, Vampire cookie”, you said, “aww, no need to thank me, I am just a cookie trying help his friend”, he replied. “I was actually going to ask Herb cookie’s help, but you just volunteer an- ouch!”, “what happened?! Is everything all right!?”, vampire asked in a worried tone, it was kinda of a strange behavior from him, but you quickly shrugged off. “Yes, I am fine don’t worry, I just got pricked by a rose thorn”, you replied, “oh no, it’s leaking strawberry jam, here use this to stop leaking out”, Vampire cookie gave to you a handkerchief, after some minutes de wound stoped bleeding, leaving red stains in the white wool . “Thank you for the handkerchief, Vamp, sorry for making it dirty”, “no need to worry y/n cookie, it is pretty simple to clean”, Vampire cookie replied. You went inside your house to clean the wound properly, while in there, Vampire cookie stared at the blood stains and started to lick, suck every single stain from his handkerchief. Oh it was so GOOD, he could feel the sweetness all over his mouth, he could feel his pupils dilating of how delicious your blood was, every lick that he did, every suck that he did, he felt a bit closer to you, but it wasn’t enough. In the past days, less and less wine Vampire cookie would consume, wine, his favorite drink, became nothing more than tasteless and blank garbage. But with just a little drop of YOURblood, wine would become a perfect drink again.
 “Hello Vampire cookie, would you like the usual?”, said Sparkling cookie, “Ah, hello Sparky, uhm, actually I would like to get a wine bottle to go, if you don’t mind.”, replied Vampire cookie, “ah, of course, but why to go?”, “well, me and y/n cookie are going to have a picnic, so I decided to get some wine to drink together.”, replied Vampire cookie. “Oh i see, well good picnic with them, make sure not to drink the whole bottle.”, with that Vampire cookie exited the bar. Sparkling cookie, turned his head and started to talk with mint choco and herb cookie, “isn’t Vampire cookie acting a bit strange?”, said Sparkling cookie, “yeah, he is acting a bit strange lately”, replied Herb cookie, “yeah, he isn’t even drinking much wine as he used too.”, replied Mint Choco cookie. “Maybe he has a crush on y/n cookie, always trying to show off to them.”, suggested Herb cookie, “that… actually, makes a lot of sense”, said Mint Choco cookie.
 In the meantime, Vampire went inside a cave, deep into the forest, no cookie could go in there without getting lost. Inside, there was you, chained to the wall, sitting on top of a picnic blanket, with a basked full of sweets and food just for you.
 “Hey darling, sorry for being late, I brought to us some wine to drink, while you eat”. Vampire cookie said, he sat down and from the basked, he pull out to two glasses of wine and a syringe. “This will hurt a bit, my love”, using the syringe he drew some blood out of your arm, he put the blood in the one of the wine glasses, and completed with wine.
 “Ah, your blood is so delicious, each time I drink, makes me fall in love with you, all over again. Eat this my love, you are probably hungry”, Vampire cookie, placed a jelly pice right in front of your mouth, you wanted to simply starve to death, but you don’t have the guts to do it, soon you took a bite out of it, making Vampire cookie smile, making him show his pointing fangs. You knew that one day, those fangs would be your doom.
Yandere vampire>>>>
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wontgoup · 1 year
I still often unconsciously feel like my/an independent childrens lawyer.
It doesnt cloud my judgement it just makes people and their insecurities after experiencing various forms of injustice become loud as a bell.
Some people steal, others keep their closest knowing what can happen when it goes bad. People get forced into corners they dont belong to. Doing things they dont want to, but feel they have to. Our parents and the rest of our families blur those lines. Quite easily.
But it is always because they love you and know how brutal this game can be. So we learn to operate alone, shared, learning from all sides.
Stuck in the middle and then some, always knowing the opportunities that these things offer. Learning to question. Rather than putting up a position. A person open to the realities of both sides. That could swallow all of you, whole.
Except, the future, is not as unpredictable as people stipulate. There is a machine cog a t work. And it wants yourblood.
Its not a storyline worth of judgement. Its a real. Understanding that they will and have previously sold many parts of themselves, not for you. But the one person who has done everything, is the one person being taken away.
pushed away.
Sometimes that person that has changed rather than run, may be our only bet. In a performance that doesnt simply want your b lood. But your territory, as well.
Something we understand after looking at previous decisions and the choices that have neither hurt people, but only demonstrated the blood sport at play, that others have gone into exile over. That we then, learn to scale above, build better relationships around and buy them all out. To keep everyone, safe. And then some. Sometimes they die too, not because you didnt want them to but because, they had to.
They had to.
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ciarameghan · 5 years
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#stillrising #stillmakinyalluncomfortable #youarewelcome #mypeacedontinvolveyourhate #yodad #fuckyou #yourblood #dontmeanshit #today #tomorrow #fuckinever #familyovereverything #nah #familyaintshit #icameupfromthebottom #probablynevertrustagain https://www.instagram.com/p/B8sQ_uXgOY1/?igshid=53581hf918uc
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angelbabebeauty · 5 years
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Repost via @visionarywomen #soultruth 💋🌠💪👸 #togetherwearestronger💪🔥✌️ #peacebewith #yourblood #mime 🌈☁️😴 #restasoneneedsit #plzzzz #dontstayasleep #forever #silent #icantbe #it #tagyoureit #whoissoulvexed 🙋‍♀️ #merighthere #iam #stillunabletobreathe #stillunabletosmile #stillunabletobelieveisurvived #stillunabletobeloved #asiwouldlove #everyonethesame #howevergenuinetheyarenot #justbeing #period #endowarrior💛 #strongfaith #toughminds #hopealike #hopeforusall #hopefor #ourgreatfuture #ourgreatrainbow #ipromise #iwill #not #always #bethisgone #donenlostit #mymypoor #spiritglows #inallher #earthangels #ijustneverlisten #tothe #one #blacknwhite #bloodmime #iamnotalone❤️ #inever #hasbeen #neverhavebeen #manyplaces #ihope #still #imight #beableto #explorethemountains #iclimb #alltogether #letsdothis #hopealltogethernow #icantstandher #bigmouth #soulfish #makeonewishorthree #iamnot #yourgenie #mightjustbe #in #thebrokenbottle #stillsobbing out #into the ocean waves again https://www.instagram.com/p/BvkRtnKlFbr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3w8ittep3b02
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rosenallies · 3 years
idk if yourblood kink extends to this but thinking about them having period sex, nali is twice as horny on her period, and rosie gives her so many orgasms to help her cramps
I consider period sex to be more of a soft thing and not really a blood kink thingtbh, at least in my experience.
Nali being so needy but kinda embarrassed to ask for sex on her period🥺 Rosie just massaging her tummy to get rid of cramps when she starts whimpering and Rosie knows exactly what she needs and is more than willing to lay out a towel so her baby isn’t in pain anymore 🥺🥰
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spaceboyfrnk · 7 years
Scotty Vanity - Let's go to the Mall
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"The pain that dominates us, is part of the struggle lived, do not smell the blood and cry, ignore it, it will do you good"
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Thank you for choosing letter Y, please (if you can) leave a feedback.
Warning: yandere content ahead, mention of blood or strawberry jam and consumption of blood. Bad English Y: yandere vampire cookie
 Vampire cookie, a lazy cookie, who always loved wine, landed eyes on you. You were just another patron from Sparkling cookie’s juice bar, the moment that you walked in the bar, vampire cookie spit out the wine that was in his mouth, of how beautiful you were. Time passes and you started to build a friendship with him and his friends, but most of the time he would always try to get your attention, after all you are HIS love.
 One time, you accidentally broke a cup, you tried to help clean the mess, but you only manage to cut your hand, strawberry jam started to pour out, Vampire cookie saw your blood leaking out, he wanted to lick, suck until it stopped bleeding, of course he already drank various types of blood, but your’s was different, the aroma was so sweet. But he can’t not in front of everyone.
 At night, sometimes he would dream, of him sucking your blood, your fresh blood, out of your gorgeous neck, each vain going dry, because of the lack of blood in the circulation, he would drool all over his sleep. Other times, he would sneak inside your bedroom, seeing how the light of the moon illuminated your peaceful sleeping face, and your delicious neck, contemplating the desire to suck your blood out, to tasty the sweet, sweet taste of his love, he believes that if he drinks your blood, you would be a little closer to him.
 One day he heard, that you needed help with your garden, so he happily volunteer himself.
 “Thanks for helping me in the garden, Vampire cookie”, you said, “aww, no need to thank me, I am just a cookie trying help his friend”, he replied. “I was actually going to ask Herb cookie’s help, but you just volunteer an- ouch!”, “what happened?! Is everything all right!?”, vampire asked in a worried tone, it was kinda of a strange behavior from him, but you quickly shrugged off. “Yes, I am fine don’t worry, I just got my hand, pricked by a rose thorn”, you replied, “oh no, it’s leaking strawberry jam, here use this to stop leaking out”, Vampire cookie gave to you a handkerchief, after some minutes de wound stoped bleeding, leaving red stains in the white wool . “Thank you for the handkerchief, Vamp, sorry for making it dirty”, “no need to worry y/n cookie, it is pretty simple to clean”, Vampire cookie replied. You went inside your house to clean the wound properly, while in there, Vampire cookie stared at the blood stains and started to lick, suck every single stain from his handkerchief. Oh it was so GOOD, he could feel the sweetness all over his mouth, he could feel his pupils dilating of how delicious your blood was, every lick that he did, every suck that he did, he felt a bit closer to you, but it wasn’t enough. In the past days, less and less wine Vampire cookie would consume, wine, his favorite drink, became nothing more than tasteless and blank garbage. But with just a little drop of YOURblood, wine would become a perfect drink again.
 “Hello Vampire cookie, would you like the usual?”, said Sparkling cookie, “Ah, hello Sparky, uhm, actually I would like to get a wine bottle to go, if you don’t mind.”, replied Vampire cookie, “ah, of course, but why to go?”, “well, me and y/n cookie are going to have a picnic, so I decided to get some wine to drink together.”, replied Vampire cookie. “Oh i see, well good picnic with them, make sure not to drink the whole bottle.”, with that Vampire cookie exited the bar. Sparkling cookie, turned his head and started to talk with mint choco and herb cookie, “isn’t Vampire cookie acting a bit strange?”, said Sparkling cookie, “yeah, he is acting a bit strange lately”, replied Herb cookie, “yeah, he isn’t even drinking much wine as he used too.”, replied Mint Choco cookie. “Maybe he has a crush on y/n cookie, always trying to show off to them.”, suggested Herb cookie, “that… actually, makes a lot of sense”, said Mint Choco cookie.
 In the meantime, Vampire went inside a cave, deep into the forest, no cookie could go in there without getting lost. Inside, there was you, chained to the wall, sitting on top of a picnic blanket, with a basked full of sweets and food just for you.
 “Hey darling, sorry for being late, I brought to us some wine to drink, while you eat”. Vampire cookie said, he sat down and from the basked, he pull out to two glasses of wine and a syringe. “This will hurt a bit, my love”, using the syringe he drew some blood out of your arm, he put the blood in the one of the wine glasses, and completed with wine.
 “Ah, your blood is so delicious, each time I drink, makes me fall in love with you, all over again. Eat this my love, you are probably hungry”, Vampire cookie, placed a jelly pice right in front of your mouth, you wanted to simply starve to death, but you don’t have the guts to do it, soon you took a bite out of it, making Vampire cookie smile, making him show his pointing fangs. You knew that one day, those fangs would be your doom.
Note: I’m almost finishing letter F.
Your writing is just the best things i ever read. I found this absolutely perfect! 10/10
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angga2785 · 8 years
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Kebahagiaan dengan berbagi... #donordarah #yourbloodtheirhope #yourblood #donasi #social #baktisosial #plazaasia #tasikmalaya #shoppingcenter #westjava #indonesia #donateyourblood #like4like #instalike #bahagiauntukbersama (di Plaza Asia Tasikmalaya)
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bree300 · 3 years
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angelbabebeauty · 6 years
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Love this #ilovemynobody 💔💉🌠🗝#heismywholeworld 💯🔥💛 #goldenhope 💕💫#heismypeaceinthestorm 🌊😌🎶#alwaysthereperiod 💋🧚‍♀️✨#justlike #lifeholdsmagic #inprison #nomatterwhathurts #you #souldoi #youarenotalone #youarenot #just #somebodysdaughter #justbeing #somebodysnobody #forever #yourblood #mime #savetheoceans #brokenheart #brokensouldrops #mayweallbe #theworlds #greatnwild #poets #stillscribbleoff #alone #they scribe #fortheloveofbooks n Gods hands touch manycolors #arestillmissing #fromtheirhomes #brokenbirds #flockofff #betogether #breathe #asonelove #today #rememberwhoyouadmire #oh #howyoujust #sinasyou #inspiretheothers #icant #givethemthetime #youwererobbed #loveit #iamsoulglad #hedoes #hecares #helovesme #yesiam #his #somebodytolove and to have if he soul chooses the blood mime I might put on a white dress n give me my hopes broken crowns fallen dreams tape up all my paper wings in mind the pieces melt down and still hold no cling to one hope. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvfAxkgFn5O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kk9kl2nkf57a
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babyawacs · 3 years
@california @wired @wireduk #5g is not only scanning millimeterwaves like striped suits  itis scanning your guts yourblood and anything else as radiospectroscopy as phased array @all @wor ld iitis important security
@california @wired @wireduk #5g is not only scanning millimeterwaves like striped suits  itis scanning your guts yourblood and anything else as radiospectroscopy as phased array @all @wor ld iitis important security
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keycomicbooks · 3 years
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The Last Book Youll Ever Read #1 (2021) #LeilaLeiz Pictures, #CullenBunn Words #YourBlood
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