#youre like oh i remember when i last saw you it was at yarmouth
britneyshakespeare · 7 months
I don't even think of David Copperfield as a Victorian novel. I think of it like it's the Peanuts or the Simpsons
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cottonletters · 4 years
#91 Truro N.S.
Sept 16, 1900
My Dearest Frank
Your dear spooney letter reached me safely Friday night as I think I told you in my last. I have read it over so often that I almost know it by heart. That Ned Spinney really ought not to be on the outside of an asylum. I suppose they sent him to St.John so he would be handy to one in case he became a degree worse. I don’t remember his ever setting beside me in school. I was in the same class with him though I think in the academy before I went to Edgehill but as I was at home about a year from school which makes the time about ten years since, I don’t remember very distinctly. He was an awful fool then I remember and hasn’t improved since. He proposed to Mrs Bessie Lovitt in Yarmouth a mother of about five children and she told him she had enough children to look after already. She is a very pretty young looking woman but divorced from her husband who is married again and lives at the opposite end of the town from her. She is a great friend of Mrs Wetmore who will be able to tell you all particulars. Just ask her? And remember me to her when you see her. Are the Armand girls pretty and stylish? What made Mrs W stare, was it such an unusual sight to see you with a young lady. I haven’t seen Jean yet to give your message nor ask for her sisters address. They have a flat though (lower) on upper king street. Mr Robinson or Robertson I don’t know which of the firm Manchester R and Allison have the upper flat. Jean said Friday at the tea that if you didn’t send your love to her you might look out, and I said if you did you might look out. So there are an awful lot of visitors in town and I feel very strange appearing again in society. Oh I think society in Truro is beyond words and Ag McKay especially. She is the cheekiest article. I’v got it in for her and I think she has for me too . She made a remark to me at the tea the full force of which did not strike me till last night. I took it as a matter of course when it was made and didn’t even give her a look. She had a surprise party at Mrs Muirs’ Friday evening and didn’t invite me. I’m going to try to cut her out in that quarter. Mrs Muir has invited me to go for two drives but I have been forced to stay at home both times . Not stay at home but unable to go. Yesterday we took the children up to the park. Saw J.T. Up there who said in the absence of “my steady “ he would look after me. He told me there were about two girls to every boy at the dance. I am looking forward to seeing you so much two weeks from today. I can hardly realize it is really so. It will be five weeks Wednesday since you left and it seems like two months. If I want to see you as badly next June in proportion to the time you will then have been away as I do now I don’t know what I’ll do. I wonder if we want to see each other equally or which wants to see the other most. There’s a nut for you to crack. In fact I’m afraid I love you an awful lot and folks say a woman should not love a man too much but here I don’t believe there is such a thing as loving too much. If a kind providence gives to someone to love and be loved by I think we should do it with all our might, don’t you and I know you’ll say yes. I’m so glad you don’t happen to be a widower I’m sure I would go mad with jealousy. I never thought I was a jealous mortal but I am just awful. I don’t mean that I mind your going around with the other girls and paying them attention too but if I thought anyone else ever had had a right to your love I just couldn’t bear it. So I am thankful you’re only twenty five and a bachelor. Aren’t you glad I am a spinster. Well I think I’ve gabbed a good deal, no one has been out of our side of the house today. It was dark this morning and pouring now. This letter has been written in spells since this morning the evening church bells are ringing now. By the way I think it would be an excellent plan to return to writing on the same days. Then you wouldn’t know till I had your letter whether I had written or not what do you think. Well good night I wish you were here for me to wish it in person
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rainyenglisheve · 8 years
I’ve been tagged by @suchdestieltrash so I guess I’ll fill this in..
1) Drink: Water
2) Phone call: My Dad. He woke me up.
3) Text message: I don’t do text messages
4) Song listened to: The Middle by Jimmy Eat World 
5) Time you cried: I don’t actually know. I mean, does the wind making my eyes water half an hour go count?
6) Dated somebody twice: Nuh uh
7) Been cheated on: Refer to previous answer
8) Kissed someone and regretted it: A little bit
9) Lost someone special: A couple
10) Been depressed: Not medically but I’m a student so I feel down every now and then
11) Gotten drunk and puked: Haha, all the time
12) Black
13) Deep Red
14) Emerald Green
15) Made new friends: Uh huh
16) Fallen out of love: Nope
17) Laughed until you cried: I think I did in the kitchen a couple weeks ago
18) Found out someone was gossiping about you: No...Why? *Squints* Do you know something?
19) Met someone who changed your life: Everyone I’ve met have changed my life in some way
20) Found out who your true friends are: Of course
21) Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Yes
22) Facebook friends: I really don’t care
23) Pets: Only one pupper named Anya
24) Want to change your name: Sometimes
25) Did I get for my birthday: Ummm....Money? Maybe? I don’t really remember
26) Time I woke up: 5:03pm......Don’t you dare judge me
27) Were you doing at midnight: Dancing and wondering why Conor Maynard was at my university
28) Can’t you wait for: When I get to go home and hug my dog
29) Was the last time you saw your mom: Sometime last week because i have to Skype her every now and then
30) Was something you wish you could change about your life: I wish that I wasn’t so socially anxious. It makes uni kinda difficult sometimes
31) Are you listening to right now: A YouTube video playing in the background
32) Gets on your nerves: The unwashed plates in the kitchen sink
33) Talked to a person named Tom: Uh huh, he lives a few doors down from me
34) Is your most visited website: This Hellsite or maybe YouTube
35) Elementary school/primary school: Greenacre but it isn’t called that anymore
36) High School: Great Yarmouth VA 
37) College: East Norfolk Sixth Form
38) Hair colour: Brown but I’m thinking of dying it
39) Long/short hair: Short
40) Crush: I’m so unobservant that I probably don’t even realise I have one
41) Do you like about yourself: My hair
42) Piercings: Mah ears
43) Blood type: I dunno
44) Nickname: Koala, Kwala, Bitch
45) Relationship status: Single Pringle
46) Zodiac: Libra....Fight me
47) Pronouns: She/her
48) Favourite show: Riverdale whilst I’m waiting for the next series of Peaky Blinders
49) Tattoos: None but I have a couple in mind
50) Left or right handed: Right
51) Surgery: If I’ve had any, I don’t remember it. I have the worst memory
52) Piercings: Ears
53) Best friend: Was called Kyra
54) Sport: Anything I can just sit and watch
55) Vacation: I’ve never been on holiday.
56) Pair of shoes: Why....would I know that?
57) Eating: Crisp Sandwich
58) Drinking: Water
59) I am about to: Skype my parents
60) Listening to:  YouTube video
61) Waiting for: Trivia Night
62) Want to see: So many things that I couldn’t possibly choose one
63) Want to get married: I guess
64) Career: I don’t know what I’m gonna do with my life right now
65) Hugs/kisses: Hugs
66) Lips/eyes: Eyes
67) Taller/shorter: I’m a short arse and I have a love hate relationship with tall people
68) Younger/older: Older
69) Romantic/spontaneous: Romantic I guess
70) Nice arms/nice stomach: Arms
71) Sensitive/loud: I dunno
72) Hookup/relationship: Relationship
73) Troublemaker/hesitant: Umm...either?
74) Kissed a stranger: Not that I remember
75) Drank hard liquor: Oh yeah
76) Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t know where my glasses are right now
77) Turned someone down: Yes
78) Canoodling on a first date: Nope
79) Broken someone’s heart: Yes? Maybe?
80) Had your own heart broken: I think I’m just emotionless
81) Been arrested: Nope
82) Cried when someone died: Uh huh
83) Fallen for a friend: No
84) Yourself: Sometimes
85) Miracles: They don’t exists
86) Santa Clause: No
87) Kisses on a first date: I’ll tell ya when I find someone who tries
88) Angels: No
89) Love at first sight: Absolutely not. Anything I feel for a person at first glance can easily be destroyed when they open their mouth to speak
90) Best friend’s name: Nuh uh, not touching this question
91) Eye colour: Grey/Blue
92) Favourite movie: Oh definitely Snowpiercer. I suggest ya go watch it
I don’t do tagging people so if you wanna do this go ahead
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Today we talk to Tamara from Cape Cod in Massachusetts about her hometown, why she loves it and what you shoudl be doing, seeing, eating and drinking whilst you are there! Tamara keeps a blog called Turtles Travel with her partner Donny where they document their adventures whilst they slowly explore the world together. Expect articles about travel, food and drink from countries far and wide including Argentina and Botswana!
Where are you living?
We are currently on the road, managing a short experiential marketing tour for a nutritional supplements company (think turmeric, collagen and maca root!) We don’t keep a base anywhere, since we travel both for work, and when we’re not working for anyone but ourselves. My home, however, is Cape Cod. I grew up there, and it’s still our default destination when we have time to visit.
Tell us about yourself?
My husband, Donny and I are perpetual nomads. We have been traveling and working together since 2004. Our blog, TurtlesTravel, originally started as a way for friends and family to keep track of us. That remains one of its primary goals, in addition to helping others with the travel bug discover new places and how to travel in a deliberate and responsible way. We enjoy the road less traveled, and focus on doing things slowly. We much prefer digging in and really getting to know a destination rather than quickly passing through. Our work in the experiential marketing world allows us to take more time off than most, since we work on a contract basis. When we’re traveling, our favourite pastimes are walking until we’re lost, eating what’s local and learning to cook it if we can, also scuba diving if there’s any possibility of doing so!
What is your favourite thing about Cape Cod?
Our favourite thing about Cape Cod is its natural beauty: windswept beaches, scrubby pines, dunes, lighthouses, bobbing boats, beach plums, cranberries and driftwood. We’re lucky to have a large swath of the Cape protected as Cape Cod National Seashore. Cape Cod’s history has been shaped in large part by its relationship to the sea. The ocean is ever-present. There are countless walks, bicycling routes and whale watching to immerse yourself in the natural environment.
What is your favourite thing to do with a day off in Cape Cod?
It may sound strange, but I love a good cemetery walk. Cape Cod has the most fascinating cemeteries, with stones dating back to the late 1600s!  The old sea captains and early settlers have stories they’re not finished telling. The art of gravestones is somehow beautiful, too. Early stones feature the skulls and winged death’s heads, later replaced by winged cherubs, willows and urns. And oh, the names! It’s amazing how popular Thankful and Temperance were back in the day!
What in your opinion is the one thing you can’t miss when you visit Cape Cod
Visitors should always make a point to head to the Outer Cape: Eastham, Welfleet, Truro and Provincetown. This will be an entirely different experience, depending on which season you choose to visit, but no matter when, there is a quiet, rugged quality to this part of the Cape that will steal your heart. Any top tips where to go/ what to do on a rainy day?
Okay, this is going to go against logic, but as long as it’s not raining TOO hard, go to the beach!! Storms wash up all sorts of interesting shells and driftwood. The place is deserted. The sea is wild. It’s the perfect time to breathe deeply, meditate and cleanse. The last rainy beach walk we did was in Dennis. We saw the oystermen working the beds, and left with handfuls of fresh oysters!
Where is your go-to restaurant ?
Our go-to restaurant is Captain Parker’s Pub. We always order the same thing: Clam Chowder in a bread bowl. Captain P’s has the best chowder around. They’ll be the first to tell you how many awards it’s won, and with good reason. They have a great bar, too, and a new outdoor seating section overlooking the marsh.
And where do you suggest going for a drink in the evening?
For a fancy treat, the Ocean House is spectacular. It’s located in Dennisport overlooking Nantucket Sound. Check out their Beach Bar (pretty sure this just operates in summer) with drink specialties like the Beach Bum and Pleasure Punch as well as light fare. There’s also a good raw bar!
Is there one thing not many people know about Cape Cod?
People think first of the beach and the lobster rolls, but the Cape has a rich literary history as the setting of some great books.  Henry David Thoreau’s Cape Cod should be on everyone’s top travel reads list. You can even recreate his itinerary and walk the route. Some parts haven’t changed much! (Thoreau liked walking the beach in the rain too!) Of course we can’t forget classics like Moby Dick and Beston’s The Outermost House. For lovers of the quirky and creepy you can visit the Edward Gorey House in Yarmouth Port.
Anything else you think we should know?
Like many popular tourist destinations, Cape Cod has a complicated relationship with tourism. Our economy is based on tourism, and many businesses still close down “off-season,” which generally runs from October through April or so. We complain incessantly about summer traffic and getting our beaches back after Labor Day, but we also love the fun and excitement of the summer season. I remember when I was a child, designing big poster-sized signs that said things like “Honk if you had a great summer!” and “Goodbye Tourists. See you next year!” If you’ve already had the chance to visit in summer, come back and enjoy visiting the Cape in the fall or winter!
Another Interview with a local - this time Cape Cod in the USA Today we talk to Tamara from Cape Cod in Massachusetts about her hometown, why she loves it and what you shoudl be doing, seeing, eating and drinking whilst you are there!
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