#yrael: oh my god you actually did it
clonerightsagenda · 1 year
If I were Sabriel and the talking cat asked me to take his collar off I'd go "yeah sure! wait am I gonna get in trouble for this" and after the cat said "no it's fine" I'd do it and hopefully the giant burning skeleton of Free Magic that erupted outward would be too shocked by this turn of events to annihilate me.
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saltytothecore · 2 years
please i must know either 1) what is a mogget 2) abiscuit????????
hello friend, you have activated two very distinct strains of brain rot in me. Buckle up.
MOGGET I have loved the abhorsen series with my whole ass since I was a wee dork and mogget. oh mogget. Mogget is the bound form of Yrael, the Eighth Bright Shiner. He usually appears as a small, white cat. Mogget is basically a god who is condemned to follow around, and be marginally helpful to, the local Ordained Zombie Puncher for being a waffley useless fucker in Ye Old War At The Beginning Of Time. He likes being a little cat, for Reasons Beyond Human Comprehension. So. Early on in my CR2 speedrun I wondered, what if Frumpkin was actually more than just a little fey guy? What if he was really some kind of powerful fey, who either for shits and giggles or because he was forced to idk do community service, is bumming around with a random sad wizard? This wip is "frumpkin comes back to take care of Caleb, but because Caleb let him go, he's at his full power level and FUCKING TERRIFYING and going to GIVE ESSEK A COMPLEX." I did have this idea before I knew about sprinkle, but like, FRUMPKIN WAS A LITTLE WHITE CAT IN THE END CMON
Abiscuit! This is a podcast I really truly cannot explain. It's for my redneck/whiskey tango brethren who are still fucked up about religion and think about the void too much. Anyway. One of the hosts has a monologue that like, idk I was raised evangelical and am now atheist and it fucking came for me. He's talking about a crisis he had as a little kid about living forever and how no one knew how to deal with him not wanting that. Of him being terrified of it and no one even trying to understand him. Heaven [...] has this connotation of perfection. They offered me that, and I didn't say "I don't believe you." I said "I fucking believe you so hard and that is the worst idea I've literally ever heard. Live forever? Who the fuck wants to do that." They didn't know what to say! 'Cause I'm eight! ... They got one son who's rejecting their teachings in his actions, and the other is rejecting it in his soul. And I've been projecting a lot onto Essek and his rejection of consecution, and this fic is basically That. Essek's struggle with and terror of something everyone around him believes to be an unequivocal good.
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