#yuezhi vibes
killerandhealerqueen · 9 months
For "Love Your Fandom Ask Game", can I ask : 4. 9, 14. 15, 23, 24...
Oh absolutely!
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I think WenZhou is fun. Love the murder husband vibes but also just really like how soft they are with each other
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
14. the ship that always makes you smile
15. the character that always makes you smile
Oo, this one is hard. A lot of characters make me smile...can't pick
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
You know, I don't think there is a fandom that I'm curious about...but there is a drama I'm curious about (well, not curious but I enjoy watching it through their reblogs) is Last Twilight. Don't know why, it just looks interesting. Hope it ends well
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
Oh man, fandom has brought me so many really good friends/friendships. If it wasn't for fandom...I don't know. I've just made a lot of really cool and really good friends. So I can't thank fandom enough for that
✨ love your fandom ask game ✨ | send me asks
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Look, someone told me Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi only give brotherly vibes and I was just-
I was ready to throw hands!!
I think they watched it with eyes closed because everyone with eyes can see that Yuezhi is not just some brotherly love shit.
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i gotta ask how do you feel about yuelou and yuzhi in high school?
like I see yuelou being the popular guy everyone likes that has it all or possibly the ‘bad boy’ of the school and yuzhi being the (not so) straight-a student that is the president of everything or the poster child for the class?
I also see them staying late to finish a project and then a sudden confession and kisses in front of the class once they start dating uwu and picking up keying from daycare/pre-k together, what do you think?
-👻 anon
Oh, yes, I love this. Truly, truly, truly fucking love this.  Doesn’t help that every time I listen to Conan Gray’s “Wish You Were Sober”, I get high school yuezhi vibes but that’s a story/headcanon for another time
Jiang Yuelou is the resident bad boy of Jing City High, but like…he’s not…bad, per se.  He just likes to dress in all black, all the time, and he has a bit of a violent temper and likes to get into fights but like…he’s not a bad person.  He’s also the police commissioner’s son and you know damn well Bai Jinbo will not accept bad behavior in his house (Jiang Yuelou drinks his respect women juice, even as a high schooler)
Chen Yuzhi is the poster boy of the school; he’s super kind and super gentle and always has a smile on his face.  He’s also super smart, always making top marks
Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou always see each other in passing, with Jiang Yuelou always surrounded by girls and his friends, Song Rong and Sun Yongren, and Chen Yuzhi with his best friend Chu Ran (what, you though Chen Yuzhi was gonna be a lonely poster boy?  Nope, not in this story)
The two always exchange glances and Jiang Yuelou flashes Chen Yuzhi a flirtatious smirk/smile every time and Chen Yuzhi can’t help but blush because god damn it Jiang Yuelou was attractive and wouldn’t you blush if the resident bad boy smiled at you?
They never really talk, but they are in each other’s classes, which kind of surprises Chen Yuzhi because he’s in some AP/pretty advanced classes
Then one day, during one of their classes, they’re assigned partners for a group project and the teacher is the one picking the partners, not the students and the teacher decides that Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou should be paired together
The entire class gasps and a few people begin congratulating Jiang Yuelou because he gets to work with the smartypants while others wish Chen Yuzhi good luck since he’s stuck with Jiang Yuelou
After class, as everyone is leaving, Jiang Yuelou walks over to Chen Yuzhi and asks him if he wants to meet somewhere to talk about their project and Chen Yuzhi is surprised; he thought he was going to have to be the one to ask Jiang Yuelou about the project.  He then says that the library is fine and they can meet after school
Jiang Yuelou agrees and flashes him a flirty smile before he heads out of the class, Chen Yuzhi blushing as he continues to pack up. As he leaves the class, Chu Ran runs over to him, her eyes wide
“Are you really paired with Jiang Yuelou for your project?”
Chen Yuzhi looks over at her and huffs
“Yes?  Jesus, word travels fast”
Chu Ran scoffs
“Of course it does, it’s fucking Jiang Yuelou. You two are so on the opposite spectrums that I can’t believe the teacher would pair you with him”
Chen Yuzhi hums
“Well, I plan on giving him the benefit of the doubt. He can’t be that bad”
Chu Ran makes a face
“You’re so naïve, Yuzhi.  You can’t see the good in everybody, you know”
Chen Yuzhi smiles
“Well, I’m going to try”
Suddenly, a lot of students start shouting and running over to the windows, making Chen Yuzhi and Chu Ran frown before they go to see what’s going on and as they look outside, they see Jiang Yuelou and a few other students getting into a pretty bad fist fight
Chen Yuzhi���s eyes widen and he quickly drops his bag before he rushes down the hall and out onto the yard, over to where Jiang Yuelou and his friends are throwing fists with some other bullies at the school
“Jiang Yuelou!  Jiang Yuelou!”
He then runs over to Jiang Yuelou and grabs his arm, stopping him from throwing a punch
“Jiang Yuelou, stop!”
Jiang Yuelou, however, shoves him off, causing him to stumble backwards and look at him with wide eyes
“Jiang Yuelou!”
He’s then suddenly kicked in the side by one of the students Jiang Yuelou and his friends are fighting, causing him to cry out in pain as he crashes to the ground, clutching at his side.  At his cry, Jiang Yuelou stops and looks over at him with wide eyes before he turns to look at the students he’s fighting and ooo now he’s pissed
The students thankfully see the look in his eyes and they go running while Jiang Yuelou rushes over to Chen Yuzhi and kneels down beside him, looking him over
“You idiot, what were you thinking?”
Chen Yuzhi coughs and shakes his head
“I didn’t…I wanted you to stop fighting”  
Jiang Yuelou looks at him in surprise before he reaches down and helps Chen Yuzhi to his feet, wrapping one of his arms around his neck while he wrapped his arm around his waist, both of them heading to the infirmary to get looked at
The nurse isn’t surprised to see Jiang Yuelou but she’s certainly surprised to see Chen Yuzhi so she demands to know what happened and Chen Yuzhi explains what he did and the nurse is a little taken aback because Chen Yuzhi isn’t known for getting into fights but she checks to see if anything is broken and when she finds that nothing’s wrong, she turns to Jiang Yuelou and starts patching him up, scolding him for getting into another fight
When they’re done getting looked at, Jiang Yuelou takes Chen Yuzhi to the library so that they can start working on their project except they’re interrupted (sort of) by Chu Ran, who hands Chen Yuzhi his backpack before looking him over
“Are you okay?!”
Chen Yuzhi smiles and waves his hand
“I’m fine”
Chu Ran hums and shoots Jiang Yuelou a glare before she turns and walks out, Jiang Yuelou huffing before he looks at Chen Yuzhi and smiles slightly
Chen Yuzhi looks at him with wide eyes
“Thanks.  For uh…back there”
Chen Yuzhi nods
“Of course”
They then get to work on their project, brainstorming ideas and figuring out what they’re both interested in
About halfway through their brainstorming, Chen Yuzhi looks at his watch and gasps
“Oh no, I’m going to be late”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him and raises an eyebrow
“Late for what?”
Chen Yuzhi looks at him and huffs
“I have to pick my little sister up from preschool and school gets out soon”
Jiang Yuelou smiles
“I can give you a ride”
Chen Yuzhi looks at him in surprise
Jiang Yuelou shrugs
“Sure, why not?”
Chen Yuzhi smiles
“Thank you”
Jiang Yuelou nods and they both quickly pack up before they head out of the library and over to, surprise surprise, Jiang Yuelou’s motorcycle.  Chen Yuzhi stares at the motorcycle in surprise as Jiang Yuelou smirks
“You ever ridden one before?”
Chen Yuzhi shakes his head and Jiang Yuelou chuckles as he gets on the bike, patting the seat behind him
“Come on, hop on”
Chen Yuzhi looks at the bike distrustfully but climbs on the back of it nonetheless, Jiang Yuelou immediately placing his helmet over his head, making Chen Yuzhi look at him in surprise
“But…what about you?”
Jiang Yuelou shakes his head
“I’ll be fine.  I’ve ridden without one before”
Chen Yuzhi frowns
“That doesn’t seem safe”
Jiang Yuelou grins
“Nothing about me is safe, Yuzhi”
He then turns on the motorcycle and speeds away from the school, Chen Yuzhi yelping as he wraps his arms around Jiang Yuelou’s waist and buries his face in his back as they speed to where Keying’s preschool is
When they arrive, Jiang Yuelou kills the engine before he looks over his shoulder at Chen Yuzhi
“Yuzhi.  We’re here”
Chen Yuzhi blinks before he quickly releases Jiang Yuelou and allows him to take off the helmet before he slips off the bike and walks over to the students who are waiting for their parents to pick them up, smiling when a little girl in pink runs over to him and throws her arms around him
Chen Yuzhi smiles and hugs her back before he looks over his shoulder to see Jiang Yuelou smiling at them.  He blushes and waves, Jiang Yuelou smirking in return before he puts on his helmet and speeds off (since Chen Yuzhi’s house is like, not that far of a walk from the preschool)
As he leaves, the little girl, Chen Yuzhi’s sister Chen Keying, looks up at Chen Yuzhi and tilts her head
“Is he your boyfriend?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widen and he looks down at her curiously innocent eyes, quickly shaking his head
“No, no.  He’s just a classmate”
Keying hums
Chen Yuzhi then takes her hand as they head home and Chen Yuzhi cannot stop thinking about the bike ride or the smile Jiang Yuelou gave him before he rode away
The next day at school, as Chen Yuzhi is putting stuff away in his locker, Jiang Yuelou walks over to him and leans against the lockers next to his, smirking
Chen Yuzhi jumps in surprise, since he didn’t hear Jiang Yuelou coming, and looks over at him with wide eyes
Jiang Yuelou smiles
“If you need someone to take you to pick up your sister, I don’t mind”
Chen Yuzhi looks at him in shock
“Really?  But…isn’t it a waste of your time?”
Jiang Yuelou shrugs
“I don’t really do much after school, so no.  I don’t mind”
Chen Yuzhi smiles
“Thank you.  I appreciate it”
Jiang Yuelou nods before he crosses his arms
“So, have you thought more about our project?”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widen and he nods as he shuts his locker and motions for Jiang Yuelou to follow him as he begins to talk about their project, Jiang Yuelou following obediently beside him
Everyone gets out of their way and throws them looks of shock because the poster boy and the bad boy are walking side by side and actively having a conversation and they’re laughing and what the fuck
Over the next few weeks, Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi start hanging out more, mainly to work on their project, but they do hang out outside of class, like Jiang Yuelou is actively waiting for Chen Yuzhi before and after school, which just confuses the fuck out of his friends
And because he now offers to take Chen Yuzhi to pick up Keying, he’s made sure that Chen Yuzhi has his own helmet because Chen Yuzhi nags him whenever he has to wear Jiang Yuelou’s helmet because he wants him to be safe
Since Jiang Yuelou drops Chen Yuzhi off, Keying always waves to him as he leaves and starts calling him “gege’s boyfriend” and Chen Yuzhi always corrects her that he’s not his boyfriend, they’re just friends…if that.  They’re classmates, project partners, but that’s it
Of course, because he hangs out with Jiang Yuelou so much now, he’s susceptible to bullying from the students who like to fuck with Jiang Yuelou so one day as he’s heading to the library to meet with Jiang Yuelou, he’s grabbed by the students whom Jiang Yuelou was fighting with on the day Chen Yuzhi stepped in and they’re not happy
Chen Yuzhi is confused as to what they want and instead of just answering him, one of them punches him in the face, sending him to the ground
“Chen Yuzhi!”
Chu Ran comes running and quickly shoves the students away as she looks him over and the students start sneering
“Oh look, your girlfriend’s come to save you”
Chu Ran and Chen Yuzhi glare at them, just as a flying punch comes out of nowhere, making Chu Ran and Chen Yuzhi look up to see Jiang Yuelou standing before them and he’s pissed
“If you touch him again, I’ll kill you”
The students scoff and make to fight when Chen Yuzhi quickly pushes himself to his feet and grabs Jiang Yuelou’s wrist, dragging him away before anything can happen.  Chu Ran runs after them and once they’re safely away from the bullies, Jiang Yuelou slips his hand out of Chen Yuzhi’s grasp before he cups his face in his hand and looks him over
“Are you okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nods
Jiang Yuelou lets out a breath of relief and looks over at Chu Ran, smiling
Chu Ran nods before she heads off, leaving Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi alone
“Why did they even attack you?”
Chen Yuzhi shakes his head
“I don’t know”
Jiang Yuelou growls and turns to go fight the bullies/students when Chen Yuzhi grabs his wrist
“Jiang Yuelou, you know if you get into another fight, you’re gonna get suspended”
Jiang Yuelou huffs
“I don’t care.  They hurt you”
Chen Yuzhi’s heart flutters at that before he shakes his head
“Well, I care.  Don’t get into any more fights, especially since the project is coming up soon”
Jiang Yuelou nods
“Alright, fine”
Chen Yuzhi then looks at him
“Do you want to come to my house tonight?  To work on the project?”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him in surprise
“Uh…yeah, sure”
That afternoon, after Jiang Yuelou drops Chen Yuzhi off at the daycare, he drives to Chen Yuzhi’s house and parks his bike there, waiting for Chen Yuzhi and Keying to arrive.  When they get there, Keying looks at him in surprise
“Gege, your boyfriend’s here!”
Jiang Yuelou looks at her in surprise before he looks at Chen Yuzhi, who’s blushing deeply
“Keying…how many times have I told you, he’s not my boyfriend”
Jiang Yuelou chuckles before he kneels before her
“Hi.  I’m Jiang Yuelou”
Keying smiles
“I’m Keying”
Chen Yuzhi then motions them both inside, still blushing. Jiang Yuelou chuckles as Keying looks at him
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to work with your brother on a project”
Keying nods before she looks at Chen Yuzhi, who’s fixing tea
“Gege, I’m gonna go play”
Chen Yuzhi glances back at her and nods
Keying then heads off to play in her room as Chen Yuzhi walks over to Jiang Yuelou and hands him a cup of tea
“Sorry about that…she started calling you that when she first saw you drop me off”
Jiang Yuelou laughs and shakes his head
“I don’t mind.  It’s cute”
He then takes a sip of his tea and hums
“Don’t think you’d want me as a boyfriend tho”
Chen Yuzhi frowns
“Why not?”
Jiang Yuelou huffs
“I’m the “resident bad boy” of the school, and you’re the “goody two-shoes” poster boy.  We’d never work”
Chen Yuzhi huffs
“You’re not bad…you just get into fights and dress in leather.  But actually, you’re a very good person.  You’re smart and nice…people just look at your outward appearance and judge you.  They don’t know the real you”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him in shock before he clears his throat
“Let’s uh…start working on the project”
Chen Yuzhi nods and they get started on the project, working well into the afternoon and into the night.  They do take a break to eat dinner and for Chen Yuzhi to give Keying a bath and then it’s right back to working on the project
At some point, it’s super late and while Jiang Yuelou can stay up late, he notices that Chen Yuzhi has fallen asleep on his work, a peaceful look on his face.  Jiang Yuelou smiles at his face before he reaches out and gently shakes Chen Yuzhi’s shoulders
“Yuzhi.  Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi stirs and lets out a soft hum as he opens his eyes to see Jiang Yuelou smiling fondly at him
“It’s late.  I’m gonna get going”
Chen Yuzhi yawns and shakes his head
“It’s not safe for you to drive back late…just stay here for the night”
Jiang Yuelou blinks before he nods, quickly pulling out his phone to call Bai Jinbo to let him know that he’s at a friend’s house working on a project and that he’s staying the night because it’s late
Bai Jinbo agrees and tells him to be careful and Jiang Yuelou assures him that he will before he hangs up to see that Chen Yuzhi fell asleep again.  He chuckles and walks over to the young man, carefully scooping him into his arms before he carries him into his bedroom, placing him down on his bed before tucking him in
He then heads out to the living room and cleans up their stuff before he takes the couch and falls asleep
The next morning, when Chen Yuzhi wakes up, he’s surprised to find himself in bed, which he doesn’t remember climbing into the night before, so he quickly gets up to find Jiang Yuelou still asleep on the couch. He blinks, wondering why the hell he was there, when he remembered that he stayed the night because of the project
He then walks over to Jiang Yuelou and shakes him awake, Jiang Yuelou startling whenever he wakes up.  Chen Yuzhi then laughs and motions to the shower, telling him he can shower while he wakes up Keying for school
Jiang Yuelou nods and gets up, heading to the bathroom to shower while Chen Yuzhi heads to Keying’s room to wake her up and get ready. While she’s getting ready, Chen Yuzhi brushes his teeth and washes his face in the guest bathroom before he goes to help her brush and do her hair
Jiang Yuelou then comes out, nice and clean, and motions for Chen Yuzhi to shower too, since they just went straight to sleep last night. Chen Yuzhi nods and quickly showers before he gets dressed and makes them all a quick breakfast before he walks Keying over to the preschool
When he comes back, he and Jiang Yuelou hop on Jiang Yuelou’s bike and head to school, everyone immediately whispering because oh my god, they came to school together…what does that mean?  Are they dating?
But Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi just ignore their whispers and their rumors but the problem is, it’s high school and rumors are a bitch to avoid so at some point, Chen Yuzhi is cornered by some girls who like Jiang Yuelou and they are not nice when they start tearing into him, demanding to know what he’s doing with Jiang Yuelou, etc.
Chen Yuzhi is just confused because they’re not dating, why is everyone reacting like this, until one girl slaps him
The girls, and Chen Yuzhi, turn to see Jiang Yuelou storming towards them and he’s not happy as he grabs Chen Yuzhi and drags him away, taking him to a secluded part of the campus that no one really goes to save for him and his friends
Once they’re away from everyone, Jiang Yuelou gently cups Chen Yuzhi’s face in his hand
“Hey.  You okay?”
Chen Yuzhi nods but hisses when Jiang Yuelou strokes his still stinging cheek.  Jiang Yuelou frowns before he sighs heavily
“This is my fault”
Chen Yuzhi frowns
“What are you talking about?”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him and huffs
“Shits been happening to you ever since we became partners…nothing like this used to happen to you until I started hanging around you”
Chen Yuzhi huffs
Jiang Yuelou sighs
“So when this project is over and done with, we should…stop hanging around each other.  For your safety”
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widen as his mouth falls open and he tries to argue that he doesn’t want that, but Jiang Yuelou just walks away from him, leaving him alone
Afterwards, Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou hardly talk to each other or even make eye contact with each other, and the school thinks it’s a little weird but they don’t really say anything because Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi go back to how they were before they started hanging out, but Chu Ran and Jiang Yuelou’s friends, Song Rong and Sun Yongren, know the truth: their friends aren’t happy
But they put on brave faces the day of the presentation and everyone thinks Chen Yuzhi is going to do most of the talking, but actually they both present during the presentation and they’re both well informed and the presentation goes really well
After the presentation, Chen Yuzhi and Jiang Yuelou smile at each other but since they’re not talking to each other, they quickly look away, but no one seems to notice
After school, as Chen Yuzhi is walking through the halls, students are rushing to the windows to look out in the yard, so he does too to see Jiang Yuelou fighting with some students, again
Chen Yuzhi’s eyes widen and he quickly drops his things before he runs out to the yard, running over to Jiang Yuelou and the others
“Jiang Yuelou!”
Jiang Yuelou doesn’t hear him and is still swinging punches at the student who’s swinging at him and Chen Yuzhi knows that he’s going to get hurt doing what he’s doing but he doesn’t care so as the student is swinging his fist to punch Jiang Yuelou, Chen Yuzhi steps in front of him and takes the punch for him
The punch sends him to the ground with a cry and everyone stops fighting because oh shit, the poster boy went down.  The student that hit chen Yuzhi then looks at his fist, then at Jiang Yuelou, who’s *this* close to losing his shit, and quickly takes off, the other students doing the same
Jiang Yuelou, Song Rong, and Sun Yongren quickly kneel down beside Chen Yuzhi as Jiang Yuelou carefully reaches out to shake him
“Yuzhi!  Yuzhi!”
Chen Yuzhi hisses and clutches at his head as Jiang Yuelou lets out a sigh of relief before he helps Chen Yuzhi to his feet and escorts him to the infirmary, but not before sending a look to Song Rong and Sun Yongren, both of whom nod in reply before they disappear
When they get to the infirmary, the nurse isn’t there, so Jiang Yuelou escorts Chen Yuzhi over to one of the beds and sits him down before getting him an ice pack to put on his face before he sits down beside him
“Why would you do that?”
Chen Yuzhi places the ice pack on his cheek before he huffs
“Because I wanted you to stop fighting”
“So you put yourself in harm’s way?!”
Chen Yuzhi nods
Jiang Yuelou tsks and shakes his head
“This is why we should stay away from each other…you’re just going to keep getting hurt because of me”
Chen Yuzhi huffs and looks at him
“But what if I don’t want that?”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him in confusion
Chen Yuzhi sighs
“I like you, Jiang Yuelou.  And I don’t want to stop seeing you.  And I don’t care if people hurt me…as long as I still get to see you and be friends with you, then…I’m happy”
Jiang Yuelou looks at him with wide eyes before he huffs
“Sounds like a confession”
Chen Yuzhi smiles softly
“What if it was?”
Jiang Yuelou stares before he cups Chen Yuzhi’s face in his hands and kisses him, Chen Yuzhi hissing softly because his face is still tender from getting punched.  Jiang Yuelou quickly pulls away, smiling apologetically before he smirks
“You’ve become such a bad boy, Yuzhi”
Chen Yuzhi blushes
“I have not”
Jiang Yuelou laughs, and they stay in the infirmary until it’s time to go get Keying
Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi do end up dating and the entire school loses their fucking minds because everyone thinks that Jiang Yuelou “corrupted” Chen Yuzhi but he didn’t, Chen Yuzhi made the decision all by himself
Everyone gets used to it after a while, since they always see them walking side by side or sometimes, they’ll even see Chen Yuzhi wearing Jiang Yuelou’s leather jacket (such a possessive move on Jiang Yuelou’s part)
Song Rong and Sun Yongren honestly love Chen Yuzhi because now Jiang Yuelou doesn’t get into fights as much anymore and he’s honestly happier
Chu Ran is still skeptical of Jiang Yuelou but she has seen him come to Chen Yuzhi’s defense more than once and she sees how happy he makes Chen Yuzhi so she’s fine with it…for now (but she does warn Jiang Yuelou that if Chen Yuzhi gets hurt one more time because of him or if Jiang Yuelou hurts him in any way, Chu Ran will smash his motorbike to pieces).  Jiang Yuelou gets the message
Keying is delighted whenever Chen Yuzhi introduces Jiang Yuelou as “his boyfriend” because she then proudly proclaims that she was right all along.  Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi just laugh
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You have been cat bombed!
This little guy is giving you a show of his jellybeans! The majestic creature he is, shall he grace you with good vibes
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Kitty Kat!!!
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Thank you for the kat, I love it. Definitely gonna need the good vibes to finish this angst/sad as fuck yuezhi fic
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