If I wanted to date a yandere what are some things I should know?
It ultimately depends on the type of yandere you attract for the other things that can go on.
For me, I know that a majority of yans are worried that their interest, or their darling, will leave them so they must do anything to get their darling to love them and only focus on them. Yans tend to be obsessive due to a lot of reasons, some even going from BPD (bipolar disorder) to OLD (obsessive love disorder though not seen as a real disorder in some cases/areas).
Every yan has their own way of loving and showing that love and affection. Ranging from the double-suicide or self harm type to a worship type. Yans can also have more than one type. Such as being a worship + stalker and so on.
For a darling, it’s also important to note what type of yan you’ve attracted and what can be done to further help when they need reassurance, as you would with anyone.
Yans also need to be loved and appreciated for who they are at the end of the day. They’re not bad people, they deserve love and care just like any other person. Some yans don’t like the fetishized version, some others might. A lot of others (like me) are hurt by the feelings of obsession and jealousy due to how bad it can get.
Using me as an example. I’m a worship type yan but I don’t want the romance, I’m a very platonic obsessive person though I do sometimes wonder about relationships just not enough to act on them (this also causes me to question my sexuality and I haven’t truly given it much thought in a few years). For my darling (I.e friend I’m obsessed with), I will do anything that puts me in the position of doing what they want to allow them to only focus on me; the reassurance I like is that I’m the only friend they truly need and, if it comes down to it (which in a way I’d make), they’d pick me over everyone else.
I have a bad headache so I hope I answered this okay- if there’s anything else or need clarification feel free to send a comment or another ask and I’ll get to it when I can ❤️
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I like being a platonic Yan… it makes me really happy when someone drops all of their friends just to spend time with me. Yes! I am the best friend and you don’t need anyone else!
I can be the best friend or a mother. You can’t leave when I take care of you. You’ll ruin my heart if you leave me just because you think you find someone “better.”
You really think that there’s someone that can treat you better than I can? No one will know you as well as I do! I pay attention to the little things and I can take care of you during the night.
I can cook you an early morning breakfast before going to bed myself. I can tuck you in every night and make sure that you’re safely sound asleep before I leave to have something to occupy my time.
You don’t want me sitting on the bed while you rest? That’s alright. You want to be held while you’re sleeping for extra comfort to help heal your inner child? Of course, honey. You want to sit up and change your sleep schedule to fit mine? Aww, that’s so sweet! I’ll make sure there’s things set up for both of us to enjoy.
I like taking care of people, even if it leads to obsession. You just need me! I can provide everything you need and have ever wanted. I promise.
Just… make sure to know that I’ll also be around as your personal vampiric friend as well.
You’re bleeding? I’ll take care of it. Oh, no! I won’t lick the wound, the mouth has the most germs and I can’t risk that getting infected no matter how badly I want to have a taste. You’re curious on what your blood tastes like? I’ll tell you as long as you let me clean the wound and make sure you’re okay.
I’d do anything for you! All you have to do is give me a chance!
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I’m not the typical kind of vampire or yandere and that’s okay. I’m me and that’s what matters.
I don’t like being big on drinking blood of anything, but I’m here if you think something’s off with it or wanting to ask how it tastes. Or even making sure you’re okay while bleeding.
I love garlic bread. The thing that I hate the most is gluten. Gluten is my garlic for things.
I love practicing witch craft.
I like going outside to take photos of the plants around. I hate the sun and the heat but I’m not going to let it stop me.
I’m in love with pastel goth and want more outfits but I also much rather prefer darker clothes. Steampunk is my favorite, though.
I’m platonically obsessive. I’m aroace but that doesn’t stop me from being obsessive towards people.
It might stop me from being in a relationship, but I still love people in my own way.
I’m the worship type, not the murder type. I’m the caretaker type, not the violent type.
It’s okay for me to be different and it’s okay for me to be… me.
I feel like there’s always stereotypes that stops people from being inclusive of others.
And sometimes I feel like I’ll be excluded anyways because I’m a yandere or I identity as a vampire. But I’ll make my way to a place that accepts me someday.
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I love my friends so much more than they realize. I don’t think they realize how deep my love runs for them. Or how jealous I get when I’m left out and left behind. How jealous I get when they choose someone else over me.
They know I’m obsessive but they still refuse to spend time with me at times. Talk with me. Don’t make me always be the one to text first. Show me you care. Show me that I’m not something to fill your time with.
I want to be worth something to you, not someone that you go to only as a last resort.
I want to spend time with you in a party fashion, too. Maybe I can get some things to vamp the house with juice that looks like blood and we can all be together as vamps, we can all be able to spend time together while we have a fun time. But is it worth it?
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I do not understand why people will instantly assume the worst of someone. If you don’t know them, why not get to know them? There’s a difference between not interacting based on instinct and simply not interacting because you instantly jump to judging.
I’ve had interactions with people that I didn’t know if I’d enjoy, but once I sat down to actually get to know them, they become friends. But that was different towards the ones I didn’t want to speak with based on instinctual feelings. Something I couldn’t put my finger on, but feeling like something there is dangerous, and that has yet to fail me.
I understand that it’s human to judge people, but at the same time, I don’t understand why we let it get the best of us.
I’ve seen people judge people simply online because of something that they think is different or want to put everyone into boxes.
I think the primary thing that gets to me is how someone with BPD can so easily demonize someone else with BPD or another Cluster B disorder and say things about them. Such as seeing others with BPD symptoms talking about how they despise or hate other people with the same disorder labeling their experiences and connecting with the yandere label. I see nothing wrong with it.
Obsessive love is painful, it hurts. Seeing someone you love that hurts you, even with the smallest things, hurts. I, along as others I know, consider ourselves yans because we are overly obsessive to the point it hurts, we’d do anything, and it makes us feel more comfortable with our identities.
If someone uses it in comfort of an identity, I don’t see why someone has any right to say “all of these people are mocking a disorder,” when that isn’t true. Some people can be mocking, others are connecting to an identity that makes them feel more comfortable with who they are.
It’s never a bad thing to try and understand someone before jumping to conclusions on how they present themselves. But, maybe, I just don’t understand the new concept of social media and how hatred continues to blossom.
The garden has been overgrown with thistles rather than roses. It’s sad to see.
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I wish that I could be able to sleep like I’m supposed to… I’m already sleeping during the day and I don’t mind that too much but I do at times because I’m not awake when all of the people I talk with are.
I slept before the sun came up this morning and woke up after three or four hours of sleep and I want more of it but I have a guest and I need to be a good host…
I don’t know what to do, but I’m extremely tired already and I’m slightly overstimulated. I’m not used to this much social interaction.
I’m an isolated creature! I want to be able to spend time with friends and family but without the fear that I’ll be a disappointment of a host.
It’s painful. And I’m exhausted.
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I’m obsessive in a platonic way. I’m obsessive in a “I don’t want you” way. I will make you be mine but I’ll always keep you running after me kind of girl.
I don’t want a relationship. You really want to keep telling me that it’s “not a good idea” for me to be with you. So I refuse a relationship with anyone. I can’t have that rejection anymore.
You broke my heart. So keep running. Keep running to me and never catching up to me. You seemed so eager before. I want you to live how I did when I loved you.
I want you to understand how it feels. I loved you, I worshiped you, I did everything for you. You never did the same for me. You used me and for what?
Keep running. You’ll never reach the end.
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Hello. This is my introduction post to a blog I’ll spend using to tell my thoughts and feelings on and partake with how I please.
For those that are not close to me, you can call me 森山 (Moriyama) or Ms. Moriyama for respect (either one works).
For those that do form friendships with me, you can call me 雪 (Yuki) or Yuki-san (also for respect) but Yuki is fine.
Only close friends and family can call me YuYu or KiKi. Don’t use nicknames if I don’t know you.
I am an adult, I’ll be 21 in September. As long as you’re being respectful, anyone can interact. I am aroace and my pronouns are she/her.
I consider myself to be an irl yandere and will partake in the community, as well as a vampkin/vampirekin.
I am also a practicing witch.
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Before You Interact:
I will gladly answer any asks as long as you are kind and respectful towards me, otherwise I will not interact with you at all.
You do not have to follow me to interact with me or send me messages. I just ask that you be patient with me when responding as I don’t look at my phone often.
I don’t take kindly to people asking me anything overtly sexual. I do not mind if it’s to ask about something that no one else can answer for you, but I am only one person.
For any talk of religion, please keep it to a minimum as I have bad run ins with some religions and would like to avoid it.
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Do Not Interact If:
Homophobic, transphobic, acephobic
Pedophile, zoophile, any pro-contact paraphilia
Endos/proendos/non-traumagenic systems, I do not want your syscourse here
Proshippers/antishippers, I don’t want that discourse here
Do not vent to me.
If you harass people for being themselves and/or send death threats or doxx people.
If you won’t be nice and respectful, I’ll block you immediately. I don’t care if you’re on anon or not.
If you use demonize Cluster B PDs or any other disorders, believe in “narc abuse,” or use “narcissist” as a means of harming someone
If you support Israel and the genocide
If you belittle people for being yan or yan-esc / those that tend to be obsessive.
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If I see fit to add anything later on, I will.
Posts will feature tags such as:
#yukibites / #moriyamabites
#yukivents / #moriyamavents
#vamptalk / #vampvents
#yuki’s yan talks / #yuki’s yan vents
#yuyu answers
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Life has been stressful.
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I’m making a thing for anon sign offs so I know friends that I do know and for people I don’t know so I can keep tabs on who actually respects what I’ve stated in my pinned post btw :)
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KiKi you mean the world to me
Awwww thank you, anon!!!
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Kiki you're prefect!
Thank you! I’m going to go happy sob now, this is so sweet!
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KiKi I love you
I love you, too, anon!
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I came back to yanblr yesterday, and found your account! I just wanted to say that it's good to finally find another platonic yandere here!! You're not alone in this!!!
Hi!!!!! It’s good to see another platonic yan!
I hope you’re taking care of yourself! ❤️
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Everyone deserves to have a chance at loving. This is something that can’t be taken away from anyone in the world. For people to say that loving is only romantic or intimate, they’re wrong. Loving is so much more than romance or intimacy. You can’t take “love” and pile it down to just two things. Parents are loved in a familial way, friends are loved in a platonic way. Those are also signs of love and relationships. Those might fail just like any other romantic or intimate relationships. Not everything is set in stone and that also includes the love a being has for another.
Love isn’t just about loving a specific person either. It can be shared like it’s always been. Not everyone has to fall and accept that love has to be towards a singular being or that everyone has to do something grand to deserve to be loved. Anyone can be loved and that love can be taken away. You don’t have to do anything “amazing” to be loved, love isn’t something to gatekeep. You might end up falling from a relationship, no matter the kind, and that’s okay. It’s similar to respect. You are given respect, that doesn’t mean you have to earn it. You can get that respect from someone but that can also be taken away fairly quickly.
Reputation is another thing entirely. Everyone spends too much time worrying about their reputation rather than what they can do as a being. Focusing on yourself is just as important as being told by a stranger that they respect you because you have a high reputation. As someone who never had that high reputation, no one will care after high school unless you do something that harms people. Otherwise, everyone is too focused on themselves. Those rumors in high school? They won’t follow you out from that, no one will remember you. And if they do? They missed their chance at actually being a decent human being and taking things out on you without knowing if you were hurting or not and that will come full circle for them.
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Is there one person you obsess over? Do they know? How do they feel about it?
There is someone I obsess over! I’m pretty sure they know, I’m not very stealthy about it. For what I know, they like it and that’s enough for me to be happy :)
I don’t really hide much about obsession. I don’t like lying or hiding something if it involves someone, especially if I already know them or knew them prior to the obsession. But if it’s someone I see and just get a random feeling of obsession, I try and hide it and make it not seen though I don’t know if that’s ever worked well for me or not.
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