I love my friends so much more than they realize. I don’t think they realize how deep my love runs for them. Or how jealous I get when I’m left out and left behind. How jealous I get when they choose someone else over me.
They know I’m obsessive but they still refuse to spend time with me at times. Talk with me. Don’t make me always be the one to text first. Show me you care. Show me that I’m not something to fill your time with.
I want to be worth something to you, not someone that you go to only as a last resort.
I want to spend time with you in a party fashion, too. Maybe I can get some things to vamp the house with juice that looks like blood and we can all be together as vamps, we can all be able to spend time together while we have a fun time. But is it worth it?
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karu-ck · 5 years
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Birthday present for @heyneon :D!!! 
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karucilla · 6 years
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I try like 3 times to make something nice ;v; ... I’m so glad you like >u< Have a nice day :D
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heyneon · 2 years
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I wish that I could be able to sleep like I’m supposed to… I’m already sleeping during the day and I don’t mind that too much but I do at times because I’m not awake when all of the people I talk with are.
I slept before the sun came up this morning and woke up after three or four hours of sleep and I want more of it but I have a guest and I need to be a good host…
I don’t know what to do, but I’m extremely tired already and I’m slightly overstimulated. I’m not used to this much social interaction.
I’m an isolated creature! I want to be able to spend time with friends and family but without the fear that I’ll be a disappointment of a host.
It’s painful. And I’m exhausted.
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Life has been stressful.
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I want to be able to sing for you more. I know you enjoy the sound of my voice and the music that comes from it, but I’m so used to not singing that even my own voice makes me uncomfortable.
I do not have the voice for singing. I can be the one to tell you poetry in a monotone voice, but I cannot be the siren that lulls you out to sea.
It’s not in me to sing. I do not have the voice for it. I sound horrible to myself.
I do not have what it takes. I was never in a class so I sound horrid.
But I try for you. I don’t sing because it was always wanted of me when I was younger, yet now I feel I cannot take that back. It has never been in me to sing.
Singing is not for me. My hands and brain write the lyrics to the written song. I can make poetry, I can make the best sound with written words.
My voice? It’s not something I enjoy.
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I hate teeth. I have a tooth ache and nothing to help with it and the pain is keeping me awake. I have pain medications, but I don’t it’ll help my tooth ache at all. And it’s getting slightly annoying being I’m tired and I’d like to sleep.
The sun is almost up, it’ll be up soon. I need my rest…
I’m testing to see if the medication I do have that says it helps tooth ache does actually manage to do what it says… but I’m doubting it highly.
This sucks.
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“I don’t deserve you.” “You deserve better.”
Is that really something that you think can lead to good things in a relationship? Any type of relationship?
Your words are knives in the heart of the damned.
Those words is the wooden stake going through my heart.
You’ve killed me, bleed me dry. And now I feel like I cannot love again. My heart has rotten and been buried.
The last wilted rose is the heart I gave you.
You didn’t care for it.
If I wanted better, I wouldn’t have gotten the best for me.
And now I will never have that again.
I’ll forever be lost without you. I’ll forever be loveless.
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I miss being loved and being loved, but it always felt empty. I know that depends on who you’re with, but even with the “right person,” it still feels empty and lonely.
I miss having someone who would understand that and still let me be obsessive without thinking I’m wanting a relationship. I just want to take care of people.
It doesn’t always take being obsessive romantically to be obsessive or want to take care of someone. Just because I want to worship someone doesn’t mean I want a relationship, I just want to care for them.
I want someone to be able to be friendly with me but also understand me and how I function, the differences I have towards others that are like me.
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I hate having to get rid of friends. I love making friends and I love being social, I love having my own group of friends that I can talk with.
But the ones that constantly want to shove me aside and don’t let me get a word in make me upset. If you’re going to someone for advice, that doesn’t mean to ignore that advice even if you don’t agree with it.
It irritates me so much when someone wants to talk to you but treats you as a place holder because someone else isn’t talking to them.
Do you actually see me as a being or am I just something to use when the people that also don’t want to talk to you are trying to take a mental health break?
Please. I thought everyone was going to treat friends better in this group. I guess not.
But that’s fine. I’ll find another group that will be even better.
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Hello. This is my introduction post to a blog I’ll spend using to tell my thoughts and feelings on and partake with how I please.
For those that are not close to me, you can call me 森山 (Moriyama) or Ms. Moriyama for respect (either one works).
For those that do form friendships with me, you can call me 雪 (Yuki) or Yuki-san (also for respect) but Yuki is fine.
Only close friends and family can call me YuYu or KiKi. Don’t use nicknames if I don’t know you.
I am an adult, I’ll be 21 in September. As long as you’re being respectful, anyone can interact. I am aroace and my pronouns are she/her.
I consider myself to be an irl yandere and will partake in the community, as well as a vampkin/vampirekin.
I am also a practicing witch.
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Before You Interact:
I will gladly answer any asks as long as you are kind and respectful towards me, otherwise I will not interact with you at all.
You do not have to follow me to interact with me or send me messages. I just ask that you be patient with me when responding as I don’t look at my phone often.
I don’t take kindly to people asking me anything overtly sexual. I do not mind if it’s to ask about something that no one else can answer for you, but I am only one person.
For any talk of religion, please keep it to a minimum as I have bad run ins with some religions and would like to avoid it.
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Do Not Interact If:
Homophobic, transphobic, acephobic
Pedophile, zoophile, any pro-contact paraphilia
Endos/proendos/non-traumagenic systems, I do not want your syscourse here
Proshippers/antishippers, I don’t want that discourse here
Do not vent to me.
If you harass people for being themselves and/or send death threats or doxx people.
If you won’t be nice and respectful, I’ll block you immediately. I don’t care if you’re on anon or not.
If you use demonize Cluster B PDs or any other disorders, believe in “narc abuse,” or use “narcissist” as a means of harming someone
If you support Israel and the genocide
If you belittle people for being yan or yan-esc / those that tend to be obsessive.
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If I see fit to add anything later on, I will.
Posts will feature tags such as:
#yukibites / #moriyamabites
#yukivents / #moriyamavents
#vamptalk / #vampvents
#yuki’s yan talks / #yuki’s yan vents
#yuyu answers
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heyneon · 7 years
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meditation / corcovado
slow dancin wunives & yukives
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heyneon · 7 years
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yukimura: pre-fates, leading up to it and then some headcanons
exactly what the title says. this is for my personal reference if i ever need to write supports as him in order to keep the lore consistent. feel free to adopt these hcs as your own. :D i might add more to this at a later date.
At the time of Corrin’s kidnapping, ages were as follows: 
Yukimura, 25; Ryoma, 13; Corrin, 5.
Corrin comes back after 14 years. (19 years old at Fates start)
Sumeragi’s death left a wife with no clue on how to rule and a son too young to do so. 
Yukimura becomes the de facto leader of Hoshido until Ryoma was old enough to assume his duties as prince. (Approx. 7-8 years)
Rumours circulate that Mikoto is just a puppet ruler and that Yukimura had ulterior motives for the crown.
A civil war troubled the country since there was no proper ruler. 
The civil war was not ended by Yukimura and Sumeragi loyalists but rather put on hold. Civil unrest still lurked in the hearts and minds of the citizens.
Saizo and Kaze’s father was one of the casualties of this war.
Eventually rival clans made their move at the peak of the Nohr & Hoshidan war by making deals with Nohr to take advantage of the weakened crown.
Despite Yukimura basically running the show after Sumeragi’s death, Mikoto still has to officially approve some of his decisions as ruler.
Which includes declaring war on Nohr.
To which she refused.
Mikoto decides to focus on reinforcing Hoshido’s defences. Her explanation is that the country is too weak without a proper ruler to guide them into war. Cue war-ready karakuri being made en masse to strengthen borders and the famous barrier that made Nohrians lose interest in invading Hoshido.
Azura’s kidnapping was NOT approved by Mikoto.
Yukimura still did it anyway and hired Shura’s gang to do it. He argued that the country needed a bargaining chip to have a shot at getting Corrin back.
Mikoto was not pleased. At all. She insisted that Azura be then treated as one of the royal family after negotiations failed.
He ends up being a father figure to the royal family.
Mikoto usually confides in him about worries in balancing being a ruler to a country she was not raised in and a mother to someone else’s children.
Usually the one to calmly talk to the kids about lashing out at Mikoto because ‘she’s not their mother.’
Manages to create simple toys for the children despite his busy schedule. Hinata especially likes them.
Like how Corrin sees Gunter, Azura and Hinata see him as the father they never had.
To the older children, Yukimura is more like an uncle or an older brother. 
Generally messy/unkempt appearance since he’s too busy running back and forth keeping the country together. 
He wishes he can stop and make himself look presentable for once but he never gets the chance in those 7 years.
He is actually really conscious of his appearance but is somewhat resigned to his unkempt state since he’s so busy.
7 years of running the country by himself also made him dependent on a cup of coffee to keep himself going.
He’s used to being busy.
Post-war Yukimura still does his duties as advisor to the crown as he did before but has considerably less work thanks to Ryoma.
More often than not, he’s at loss as for what to do now that he has free time.
OC Related
For roleplays and stuff that require OC interaction. 
(YUKIVES) His relationship and eventual marriage to Yves Prospero was a controversial move. 
Rumours that she had ulterior motives never stopped circulating. They still lived happily despite that.
He sees Yasuo as a younger brother.
Like Yukimura, Yasuo became Sumeragi’s disciple and as a result the two grew close- forming a brotherly bond.
Yukimura tried to look for Yasuo after he disappeared but was unable to devote enough resources in the search due to the civil war.
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heyneon · 7 years
>goes through otp tags my heart is very full
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heyneon · 8 years
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modern au fun times :p ft. @jolttik‘s vientos and gale and @jeneryl‘s jin
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