#yunhyeong simple
noona-clock · 2 years
The Flight Attendant - Part 2
Genre: Flight Attendant!AU
Pairing: Yunhyeong x You (Female!Reader)
Warnings: None
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 | Words: 2,417
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You weren’t sure you’d ever let out a bigger breath than you did when the plane finally landed.
Even though the flight had only been a little over two hours, it had felt much longer; at one point, as you were helping Yunhyeong serve drinks and snacks about halfway through, you were fairly certain you’d been up in the air for about two days. When you’d murmured this to your co-worker as he poured a Diet Coke for a passenger, he had simply chuckled and shot you a good-natured smile.
(His smile had actually made your stomach flip, but that wasn’t super important right now.)
“This is exactly why everyone’s first flight is domestic,” he whispered to you before leaning over and setting the now full cup on the passenger’s tray. When he stood back up, he nudged you gently with his elbow. “Don’t worry. It’ll be over before you know it. And you’re doing a great job!”
You simply replied with a wilting grin, and Yunhyeong chuckled softly again.
But, surprisingly, he had been right.
When the plane landed and you let out the biggest breath in the history of breaths, you realized... it had been over more quickly than you’d thought.
Thinking back on it now, it seemed like you’d just been standing at the door only five minutes ago greeting passengers as they arrived. And now here you were, standing at the door yet again and thanking everyone for their patronage and wishing them a nice day.
Almost as soon as the last passenger disembarked from the plane, Yunhyeong appeared at your side with two rolling suitcases behind him -- yours and, presumably, his.
“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked with an incredibly friendly smile curving his lips.
“No,” you sighed, shaking your head slightly in response to his question. “No, it really wasn’t.”
Yunhyeong wheeled your suitcase around and presented the handle to you, his amiable grin still present.
As you took it from him and began to make your way off the plane and out into the airport, Yunhyeong fell into step beside you and said, “You did great, by the way. I’m very impressed that this was your first flight.”
“Yeah?” you asked, eyebrows raising as you glanced over at him. “Well, you really helped me a lot. I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have done half as well without you.”
Yunhyeong’s words assured you that wasn’t true, but the expression on his face and in his eyes said otherwise. It was obvious that he was proud of how well you’d done under his tutelage -- and he had every right to be!
You, of course, had never flown with anyone else as your co-flight attendant, but even so, you were certain your first flight wouldn’t have gone so smoothly if you’d been with anyone else.
But as the two of you neared the end of the jet bridge, the busy airport in sight, you realized... you had no idea when you would see Yunhyeong again. Your airline was fairly huge; there were thousands of flight attendants employed!
The thought you may not see Yunhyeong for who knows how long did not sit well with you. He was friendly and kind and helpful and really good-looking, and you didn’t want to just leave with a simple ‘good-bye’!
So, as soon as you stepped into the waiting area for the gate, you inhaled sharply, prepared to ask what his plans were now that you’d landed.
But... he beat you to it.
“When’s your next flight?” he asked curiously, slowing his steps and herding you off to the side so you wouldn’t be in the way of traveling passengers.
If he’d asked you before this flight, you would’ve been able to tell him with no hesitation. But now your mind was completely blank. And you weren’t sure if it was because the last couple of hours had been a blur or if it was because Yunhyeong had taken you by surprise by asking.
...Probably both.
“Uh --” you stuttered, reaching into your jacket pocket to get out your phone.
But your phone was off, of course!
“I -- I think it’s later tonight,” you answered, though you didn’t sound at all confident. But you wanted to answer him instead of making him wait for you to turn your phone on and navigate to your calendar app.
“Oh, good,” Yunhyeong grinned. “I’m here overnight. Have you been here before?”
You started to shake your head, but then you quickly stopped yourself. “Once when I was younger with my parents, but I don’t think that really counts,” you answered with a somewhat nervous laugh.
“Okay, one more question,” Yunhyeong nodded. “Do you like sushi?”
Your brow furrowed in slight confusion even though the answer was an easy one: “Yes.”
Yunhyeong’s handsome face split into a wide smile, and he said, “Wonderful. There’s an amazingly good sushi place only about twenty minutes from here that I want to take you to -- my treat.”
Your heart flipped inside your chest.
He wanted to treat you to amazingly good sushi?
Apparently, your ever so slight hesitation made Yunhyeong think you were going to say ‘No,’ so he quickly added, “To celebrate your first flight and how well it went! Plus, who knows when we’ll get assigned to the same flight next. You’ve got time, I’ve got time --”
“Okay,” you interrupted, hoping you didn’t sound quite as breathless as you felt. “Sure. I would love some sushi.”
You would love sushi, of course, but... you would also love more time to spend with him. You were definitely shameless enough to admit that.
I mean, you would have to be blind, deaf, and not interested in men to not be attracted to Yunhyeong.
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As it happens, you were none of those things, so you were attracted to Yunhyeong -- for better or worse. (Maybe worse because he was your co-worker and you were very doubtful you would get to see him often.)
“Perfect,” Yunhyeong replied, somehow grinning even wider than he had been. “Come on, we can drop our bags off at my hotel.”
You decided to immediately bury the fluttering thoughts that had popped up in your head upon hearing the words ‘at my hotel’ come from Yunhyeong’s mouth, instead forcing a distraction by thinking that you would get a sneak peek of what your life would be like eventually -- overnight layovers and getting to check into hotels and finding good restaurants in new cities.
Even though you most likely wouldn’t be with Yunhyeong when you did this in the future, you knew he could still teach you a lot -- show you the ropes, so to speak. He’d done so much for you on the flight, so you sort of assumed he would continue giving you advice and mentoring you now that you were both on the ground.
At least, you hoped he would.
Yunhyeong headed to the nearby counter for your airline, greeting your co-workers there with his signature friendly grin -- you’d only known him for a few hours, and you already knew that smile of his was what he was known for. It had to be!
You waited sort of off to the side, clutching the handle of your suitcase and watching as he chatted and laughed with the man sitting behind the counter. After a minute or two, he handed Yunhyeong what looked like a brochure, but when Yunhyeong re-joined you, he showed you it was his hotel and food vouchers for the night.
To be honest, it was all pretty fascinating. You’d known, of course, that being a flight attendant was more than just handing out drinks and snacks on a plane. There were complicated schedules and tons of small details, and you were now incredibly glad that Yunhyeong had offered to take you to dinner -- you had no idea when you’d have your first overnight layover, but you now felt more prepared when that day finally came.
You followed Yunhyeong out past baggage claim and to the Transportation exit of the airport, where all of the taxis and ridesharing cars waited to pick up passengers. He quickly hailed a car, and after setting your suitcase inside the trunk, you slid into the backseat.
The hotel wasn’t very far from the airport, which made sense, but it also meant you didn’t have time to see too much of the city. But you still rode the whole way with your nose practically smooshed against the window so you could see anything and everything you could.
Yunhyeong talked the whole way, but it was the kind of talking that didn’t require you to respond. He could obviously tell that you were excited to be here and wanted to be a tourist, so he didn’t try to have an actual conversation with you. There would be plenty of time for that over dinner!
It took about an hour to reach the hotel, get Yunhyeong checked in, drop off both of your suitcases in his room (where you quickly popped into the bathroom to freshen up and spritz on some perfume to cover up the stale air from the plane), find another taxi, and get to the sushi restaurant you’d heard such great things about.
Now, over an hour after getting off the plane as a flight attendant for the first time, you were sitting at a counter with sushi menu in front of you -- and thank goodness, because you were starving. You’d been too nervous to eat anything during the flight, but now that all of your anxiety had settled, your stomach was screaming at you to do something about its current empty state.
“What do you suggest?” you asked with a frown. Literally everything sounded delicious, and even though you liked sushi, you wouldn’t call yourself well-versed in everything the world of sushi had to offer. There were too many options!
“Everything I’ve tried here has been amazing,” Yunhyeong replied, leaning over a bit to look at your menu. “It just depends on what you like.”
“Well, that’s the problem,” you chuckled, glancing over at him with an amused expression. “I like pretty much everything.”
Yunhyeong returned your chuckle and swiveled on his barstool to angle himself toward you. “That’s a good thing,” he reminded you. “But... do you like avocado?”
“Love it.”
“How about spicy mayonnaise?”
“I can tolerate it.”
“Tuna and cream cheese?”
“Sounds good to me.”
“All right,” he said with a definitive nod. “Then how does this sound?: One order of the Avocado roll, one order of the Dragon roll, and one order of the Cheesy Tuna roll.”
Your eyes skimmed over the menu, finding those three options and hastily reading the descriptions. Avocado... spicy mayonnaise... tuna and cream cheese.
And since you were far too hungry to keep looking for something else -- and because those three sounded absolutely delicious -- you set your menu down on the counter and said, “Well, I’m ready.”
Yunhyeong, now beaming and looking more handsome than ever, waved over a server, and the two of you placed your orders. He almost asked for a bottle of sake, but then he remembered you had a flight in a few hours -- he most certainly would not be responsible for you getting even the tiniest bit tipsy before your next job. Not ever, and definitely not on your first day!
You tried to convince him that he could have some. Just because you had to work soon didn’t mean he shouldn’t be able to enjoy himself! He was here overnight, after all.
But Yunhyeong insisted. There was no need, and he would feel rude if he ordered alcohol by himself.
...Well. One more thing to add his ever-growing list of things that made him practically perfect.
He was a true gentleman.
As it turned out, neither of you even needed one drop of alcohol to have a good time. The two of you sat at the counter for nearly two hours, eating and chatting and laughing. Yunhyeong mainly told flight attendant stories, and you hung on his every word. But when you told your own stories, he did the same. He listened intently and asked questions and made sure you were completely done speaking before he did so himself.
Even though you two had just met earlier today, there was no awkwardness between you. You felt like you’d known him for years instead of just hours -- that’s how comfortable you were.
When you finally realized that your next flight was leaving in an hour, Yunhyeong hurriedly paid the tab before rushing you out the door and into a taxi.
“You can get back to the airport on your own?” he asked once the two of you arrived at his hotel room to collect your suitcase. “I can go with you if you want me to.”
“No, I can manage,” you assured him with a grin. And since you had exchanged phone numbers back at the sushi restaurant, you added, “But I will call you if I need anything, I promise.”
He’d already made you promise that in the taxi on the way here, but you felt like bringing it up again just to give him peace of mind -- and give yourself peace of mind, to be honest.
“Okay,” he nodded before rolling your suitcase over to you. “Have a safe flight.”
“You, too,” you replied, trying to ignore the butterflies forming in your stomach.
You were nervous about the flight, of course -- especially since Yunhyeong wouldn’t be there to help -- but... there was something else. It wasn’t just nerves.
Right as Yunhyeong reached around you to open his hotel room door, it hit you. You realized that, along with the nerves, you felt... regret. Anxiety from leaving Yunheyong and not knowing when you would see him next.
So, before you stepped out into the hallway, you quickly turned and rushed out a “Thank you. Again. For everything. I -- I’m really glad my first flight was with you. And I had a really nice time tonight. So... thank you.”
And then, without another thought, you stepped up to him and placed your lips on his cheek.
“Okay, bye,” you muttered hastily, and as you swiftly left his room and speed-walked down the hall to the elevator, your cheeks began to burn.
And they would probably burn for hours to come.
Days, even.
Part 3
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ikonislife · 2 years
Soulmate 3.
- OT7 x Reader
- It’s not all honey and sunshine in the world where soulmates are something of God given will. Will the boys be strong enough to get through the day with their better half or will the relationship will tarnish with the tick of the clock.
-Fluff, slight angst, soulmate au, soulmate!iKon
-Chapter 1: Chanwoo - The Boy with the Baseball Glove
-Chapter 2: Hanbin - The Boy in the Red Flannel
-Chapter 3: Yunhyeong - The Boy in the Chef Apron
-Chapter 4: Bobby - The Boy with the Golden Smile
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“Have you ever consider that you might be my soulmate, Y/n?”
You should’ve been flipping table, throwing a fit, destroying your little apartment at the nonchalantness of his question... At the existent of that very question. Yet here you lay, eyes still glue on the white noises spewing from your TV, not even batting an eye at those words. Not to say that it never did... Just, when you had heard that same question falling from the cherry soft lips of your handsome prince of a best friend thousands of times over, somehow, even as magical as Song Yunhyeong is, it had lost its power. 
Face it, the topic of soulmate in this day and age, although no longer what it once was, still very much something that could strike the heart of the toughest guys and color rosy every girl’s cheeks.
“No, not really, never cross my mind.” 
For any onlooker, that respond was formed almost absentmindedly, a bit too heartless even. However, taken in the dynamic of your relationship with Yunhyeong, it’s anything but. You’d without a shadow of a doubt, unashamedly admit that countless time before you’ve considered it, soulmate, just the simple uttering of the word already sending shiver down your spine... Of course you’ve considered it. 
So then why the sarcastic answer?  That question itself nearly as loaded as the one he had asked, the kind of question that had been mulled over for so many moon it had began taking root, twisting and winding its grasp around your heart until it was unbearable to even look at him. Because it’s a question too hard to swallow, and so deep that the only respond you could utter without dredging up physical matters of the heart is sarcasm.
For one, you’ve lost count of just how many time Yunhyeong had brought up that very concern. Any sign, need not be one out of the ordinary, just any old sign of your mundane life could be the sign. Grabbing for the glass of water at the same time? Soulmate. Blurting out the same order at a new restaurant for your monthly food adventure? Soulmate. Even getting up to go to the damn restroom at the same time could be a sign for him. 
“No shit, Song Yunhyeong, you only mention it like every other second.”
“I know, but have you really consider it though? You as my soulmate?” His sweet voice rings out once more, fighting against the bubbling and clanking of pots in your tiny kitchen.
“I mean...” You pause letting the thought once again steeps your brain in its fairytale liked nature, pausing a bit too long for just how pragmatic and casual you had remained at the sensitive subject. “How much considering can I do when the symptom aren’t there.” You say as your heart clenches with every word your lips utter, why can’t he see that you’ve considered it, dreamt it, wished upon the star it. None of that matter if the cosmic is against you and him, against your heart intertwining in a dance of that searing pain of heartbeat syncing then the beautiful breathtaking moments to follow. The universe is as conniving as it is heartless having your heart’s desire reminding you times and times again of what you can’t have. 
You could almost see his heart drops and a frown beginning to form under that dulling smile of his as a soft defeated “you’re right” tumbles from those kissable lips. No matter how hard Yunhyeong tried to hide the disappointment threatening to vomit from the deep corners of his heart and soul with that brilliant smile of his, it’d always be obvious to you because well, you feel the same way. 
There’s no denying the physical attractiveness your best friend possesses that quite honestly stole your breath on so many occasions, down right had you staring now and then in the most random moments of life.  Not to mention, the chemistry between the two of you could fools stranger into believing you were meant for each other, left people closest to you both wondering how it could even be possible for your hearts not to belong to one another. 
It’s not as if you hated when he brings up this topic, quite opposite actually, you love it with every bits of your soul. The idea of having the boyfriend of all boyfriends being the person to have and to hold for the rest of your life, who in their right mind wouldn’t want that. You love Yunhyeong, no doubt about that, long fallen for the caring man and all of his quirkiness sometimes borderline cringy... Long before the fame and success. 
You’ve even considered just saying yes, to end both yours and his suffering with one simple word, falling into each other arms and get lost in the moment but you love him too much for that, to rob him of his one true love. What’s more, you love yourself too much to bear the thought of maybe a year, a month, or even a day into this fantasy relationship, his soulmate could be strolling down the street to put an end to all this nonsense. That’s not a pain you want to nor did you think to be able to survive. Alas, this is not a world where two people frivolously fall in love and ride off into the sunset without a care for anyone else but themselves. This is a world where everybody is bound by their destiny no matter how much one detest the outcome. If only the soulmate drug works on ordinary matter of the heart also. 
To have him in that moment, to lose yourself in him in that one second is enough for you to be happy for the rest of the days. You love the way he makes you feel as though you’re the most special person in the world, how his smile perks up the moment you step into the room even if he had been dying on the floor from being yelled at by Hanbin for not getting the choreograph right the 10th time that night. It’s comical, stupid even that you’re denying yourself happiness because of some stupid old tradition that meant to ensure the survival of the human race. Aren’t the Earth overpopulated anyways, can the divine stop playing with people’s hearts like sex toys. Life must have a great sense of humor because it had presented you the perfect human being yet all you will ever be allow to call him is best friend. 
A quick wipe of his hands on the white apron so snugly tied around his waist, accentuating his fitted figure a bit too well, Yunhyeong returns his attention to the bubbling pot on the stove, delectable scent permeate through your tiny apartment that was much too peasant-liked to fit his prince image. It was your weekly dinner and as always, Yunhyeong has a recipe or two up his sleeves that he’d like to experiment on you before serving it up to the boys. Although by now, there’s an inkling within your heart that the truth is far from that. Since when has the iKon boys really care what their chef make, they weren’t picky enough of eaters for Yunhyeong to be going through such great length. If anything, they’d love it even more if he experiment more with food at home. 
Sauntering into the boiling hot kitchen, you did your best to peek from the side of the tall man blocking nearly the whole width of your small stove, slaving away with two pots and a few mixing bowls all at once. 
“Yunhyeong, you know we can just do take out, right? You don’t need to work so hard every week cooking for me.”
“Shh, you eat take out too much. Eat some real food for once, plus, I need to practice making these dishes anyways.”
You smile but deep within a sadness lurking about of a future where these weekly “date” will ceased to exist the moment his soulmate comes into play. Cease to exist too will be the flirty banter and carefree playfulness in your words to each other, you will no longer be the only girl he could confide in and snuggle close till you both fall asleep from talking till morning comes. Of course all you want is for him to be happy but you couldn’t help the small part of yourself that want to keep Yunhyeong, to be able to be selfish when it comes to him. You won’t be able to love him any longer and you’re not quite sure how to deal with that, not quite yet. You know Yunhyeong won’t abandon you but the thought of never being anything more than his best friend, it hurts. 
Lost in a world without Yunhyeong, you carelessly pick up the boiling kettle steaming away and shouting by the stout oblivious to Yunhyeong screams of warning. The pain scorching your skin not nearly as intense as the pain still lingering in your heart from the hypothetical world and it wasn’t until far too late that you had let go, clanking of the kettle along with the splashing of scalding hot water sear deep into your arms. The pain slowly sinking in, body curling up to cope with the unbearable pain but the frightful scream stolen from your throat, in place of it, a muted gasping of air. Yunhyeong dives to catch you in his arms, your names tumbling from his lips like prayers, wishing it had been him at the receiving end of the caustic boiling liquid. 
Mind blank and pain unbearable, seemingly all the functioning braincell you’ve managed to control poured into one thing, tears. Tears overflowing like a broken dam blurring away the panic on his face. Your hands clutching desperately, body pressing tightly against his as if Yunhyeong is your last lifeline in the middle of a category 5 storm. 
The how and when seemingly escaped your mind as the next second your frantic mind had gotten a grasp on reality, you were already in a room with blinding lights, kind smiles of the nurse tending to your redden arms sooth just a bit of pain away. Yunhyeong not far behind, feet could barely stay still as he did his best to be out of the way of the nurse. Yet you know, the worry in his eyes, the way he’s balling up the seam of his shirt convey the weight upon his shoulders. No sooner than the nurse had given the poor boy the go head, he flies straight to your side, unsure if it should be a mountain worth of scolding for your carelessness or intense cries of hurt to be first to leave his mouth.
“Yunhyeong, I am literally fine. Cease your worrying!” you chuckle, doing your best to ease the tension off his trembling body but you know that was futile. 
“Y/n, be for real right now. Do you know I almost had a heart attack?? How could you be laughing right now?”  He gripes, hands already grab your bandaged one with the most delicateness as if it was made out of snowflakes. 
“I am serious. I am okay Yunhyeong.” You muttered, although uncertainties ravage your brain. The searing pain in your chest was as real as the first moment you had felt it as your world blurred just a few hours ago. Yet what else could you say but to assure your best friend that all was right in the world. You were convinced his head would explode if you even cough right this second. 
“Really? you’re certain?” He questioned you, a strange tone danced between the worries. He finally settled down on the chair beside your bed with an odd expression painted across his face, uneasiness rose in your chest.
“Yea... I think I’d know if I wasn’t okay, dork.” you quipped and settled down too into your bed. Eyes strained on the bright light above, a twinge of nausea rushed through your body. “Hey, you think we can get out of here anytime soon? I don’t feel comfortable here.” You nudged Yunhyeong with a slight smile, tearing him away from whatever dream that was occupied his thought.
“Right, yea, let me check with the front desk.” 
Yunhyeong scuttled off and for the first time in a long time, you were glad your best friend wasn’t by your side. A long sigh huffed from your lungs to mingled with the sterilized air of the bustling ER. What was this strange feeling heavy on your chest? In the short hours between a dinner anticipated ruined by your carelessness and now, something between you and Yunhyeong had changed. Something major yet so subtle, tangible yet whenever you reached your fingers forward it dissipated in an instant. What did you missed? Your thought cut short as Yunhyeong rushed back to your side, papers clutched in hand. 
“We’re all good to go!” 
Another blink and you were back in the passenger seat of Yunhyeong’s car, fast steading home. The silent that was once peaceful now stuffy, heavy. The lyrics vibrating through the dense air of the car, gibberish, nonsense as your eyes trained to the fast passing road. What compelled you to utter these next few words and break the uncomfortable silent, you did not know. However the can of worm your words opened up was one you were wholeheartedly unprepared for.
“Are we alright?” You muttered reluctantly.
Yunhyeong stayed silent. Lips pursed and you could see his knuckles ghosted white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. You could almost hear the gears in his brain churning, carefully calculating whatever it is that was about to come out of his lips. 
“You really have never considered us...” Those familiar words breathed from his lips yet it wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a joke, or even a statement. The connotation weighed heavy. 
“Yunhyeong... You only bring it up every other hour, any sane person would considered.” You tried to lighten the boulders that was this conversation yet it only seemed to made the strange expression on his features soured further. “I think enough happened today, is it really the time to bring this up again?”
“Is it really that preposterous, the idea of us being more than this limbo we’ve both lied ourselves into?” Yunhyeong gritted his teeth and shattered your belief that he could never be anything other than sunshine and happiness.
“Limbo- Yunhyeong if you have something to say then just say it. I don’t think either of us benefit from this dance we’ve done thousand times before.” You exasperated, searing pain still dancing through your chest. 
“Is it so impossible, me and you. You’ve never once gave me a straight answer. You keep me around as if I’m an option yet the moment i bring up anything remotely close to suggesting we could be more, you laughed it off as if i’m just a big joke.” The words he spoked, it registered yet it made no sense... a joke? how could he think you thought of him as a joke.
“Yunhyeong, how could you thin-” The words lost within the harsh gasp clawing its way out of your throat, harsh enough to earn concern from Yunhyeong. Fingers hastily pressing at the button to roll down the window, cold air hit your face as tears burned your cheeks. “You think it’s fun for me? To have ever other conversation we have circled the drain right into ‘ha ha what if we were more than just friends’...” Your words fighting, muffling against the wind rushing by. If you could, you’d jump right out the window and evaporate within the wind. 
“Well, you’ve never given me any other indication-”
“Song Yunhyeong, have you so wrapped up in your own mind and heart that you failed to consider what it would mean for me to really considered us?” Exasperated, there was no stopping your pain from rushing out now. “For me to let myself fall into this perfect world of being yours, of being on top of the world and in love with my best friend, and then to watch as you get a better... a real soulmate? We all knew this bullshit cosmic chosen one is inevitable and one day... One day I will have to watch you walk out of my life. There goes all our dinner date, the late night phone calls, there go my heart and soul along with whatever time you chose to give me.” Tear, snot, what have you... It didn’t matter anymore. It was not time to be polite, that was long gone. You’ve tried to protect his feelings and yours for far too long now and it bit you in the ass. Perhaps now you both could move on and whether or not this friendship will survive the pain, who knows... Before you knew it, the car had slowed to a stop. Head hung low, Yunhyeong was silent and emotions indecipherable. One thing you were sure of, he was crying, shoulders gently shrugging against the stale air of perhaps the end of you and him. 
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing to break the sniffles coming endless from both you and him. For the first time since the car had halted to a stop that he had looked up at you, dejectedly. “I’m so sorry, Y/n... I know it was selfish of me...”
“It’s okay, Yunhyeong... There was never an easy way for this conversation to happen... No matter what, we’d be hurt.” At the worst moment of your life, your body gave out perhaps from stress, perhaps from the uncertainties of tomorrow. Hand grasping at your chest, a ragged breath barely escape your lips before his hand was on your back, caressing comfort into your chilled skin.
“I’m so sorry I lost my temper... I was just, frustrated. I don’t know how else to make you see the way I feel, symptoms or not... But especially after tonight, I just lost it.” That soft smile, the same one you’ve dream of once more bloomed on his lips. “You are literally hunching over in pain and you’re still denying it.” Confusion cold against all your features. It felt as if all the air had vacated your lungs, your brain, your blood. A sudden lightness taken over as you stared at the boy you’ve loved for so long incredulously. 
“What...” That was all you could mustered up. 
“Have you not questioned at all why you ended up in the ER? Gave me the worst fright of my life? I mean yea I nearly had a heart attack watching you grabbed the hot kettle bare hand but I know you’re strong. A little burn would have never taken you out like that! The moment I caught you in my arms, it was as if someone had used a stun gun on me. The pain was the worst i’ve felt but it was electrifying!” A cheerfulness levitated, pushing out the cold air that had staled over. 
“Wait... You’re saying...” The weight of the world suddenly dissipated and it was as if you could fly. A loud cry left your lips, startling the boy who wasn’t sure if he should laugh or join in with your cry. However that smile, the real smile that he hadn’t seen in a bit blossoming on your lips, it was all he needed to know. 
The next second he had draped himself across the middle console and pulled you right into his arms. Cries then laughters emanating from your intertwined bodies. His hand gently running through your hair, caressing away all the worries and all the dreads that had built up over the months, years of pining after him... And yours, gripping tightly on the man that will be yours. There were still much to say, much to hash out before you and him could be “us”. However in this moment, in this second where the realization that what you both had wanted but fear was out of reach was now possible, just silent was enough. You had him and he had you, that was enough. The conversation will be had but it was no longer one that was out of reach. It was one of a certain future, of being together. 
The Boy with the Golden Smile. (Coming Soon)
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ikonwallpapers-blog · 6 years
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{♡} Yunhyeong - Simple
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ikonist · 4 years
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in all levels including physical i am full of love again
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nadstylinson · 5 years
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Happy 4th anniversary to the most humble, kind hearted, real and talented group ever. ♥
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curledlife · 6 years
the contrast between my type and killing me is absolutely INSANE. i am so proud of them! (gonna go cry in a corner now)
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streetlight11 · 3 years
Her Promise
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Summary: It wasn’t a secret that you have disliked Sangyeon since you were in diapers. He was your mother’s best friend’s son. Though he was born just 27 days after you, it seems like he was a lot older than you in terms of his maturity. You don’t understand why the bad blood between you two. Until one day, you had been arranged for a marriage with him so suddenly.
Theme: arranged marriage au, enemies to lovers
Genre: angst, sad, fluff
Warnings: mentions of leukaemia, death, alcohol, swearing
WC: 10k
Pairing: Lee Sangyeon x Fem!Reader
a/n: Hello! This plot just randomly came to mind. It's kind of sad and a little angsty but you'll get through reading it. I promise! also, the words in italics is a flashback :)
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Your family has been a close family friend to the Lee’s family and that was because your mother and Mrs Lee were best friends since high school. Also the reason why you were only 27 days older than Mr and Mrs Lee’s only son. However, not everyone has a happy friendship. In this case, it was you and the said son. His name was Lee Sangyeon and it was pretty obvious that you two could never get along since you were in diapers.
Despite your mothers being best friends and have been for the past 30 years, give or take. It’s no wonder that when they were pregnant with the both of you, they kept fighting with each other over small silly things when they barely got past even the slightest of arguments throughout their friendship.
And yet, it seems like luck was never on your side to begin with because throughout your whole education life up till today, he always ends up in your school or at least the school that you chose specifically hoping to be as far from him as possible.
It always baffles you how he would be the first person you spot amongst the crowd during the first day of school.
Did he do all these on purpose?
Why would he go to this extent just to annoy you if you both hated each other?
Maybe he didn’t in fact do this on purpose, but still, what are the odds that you end up in the same campus amongst the hundreds of schools available? That was a mystery you never plan on solving.
It was a bright Tuesday afternoon, students were scattered all over the large campus of Hangang University. You had just parked your car in a free space, exiting your vehicle before proceeding to lock it and walk towards the Computer Science building. You were halfway through the parking lot when someone suddenly swung an arm over your shoulder.
“Good morning my favourite person in the world!” Lisa giggled to your left as Rosie appeared on your right with her usual beaming smile that could melt hearts with just a glance.
“Hey girls, you’re early” You asked with a soft chuckle knowing Lisa was always late for class.
“Yeah, I wanted to leave my apartment now like I always do but Rosie begged me to drive her today because her baby is in the workshop.” Lisa huffs, only for the blonde girl on your right to defend herself.
“Hey, at least we got here on time. You’re welcome.”
With that, Lisa stuck out her tongue at Rosie, earning a laugh from you. The three of you continued to walk to the CS building, only to find Jennie and Jisoo chatting by the lockers while Jennie scavenged through her locker.
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“Ew, is it just me or is the barbeque chicken a little dry today?” Jisoo scowls as she drops the chicken leg back onto her plate.
“No, I agree. It’s foul.” Lisa’s face contorts in disgust before you speak up.
“Do you guys want my salmon instead? I'm kind of full already.” You said, only to find them staring at you in concern. They began asking you if you were feeling okay and if you needed any medication of any sorts. To which you shook your head and just told them you were already full from the breakfast your mother made for you before she left for work with your dad.
Lisa and Jisoo ended up sharing your salmon piece, making you smile. At least your food wouldn’t be wasted, you thought.
A few hours later, your classes for the day were finally over. All you know is that your bed has been waiting for your arrival since the minute you left for school. You left class slightly later, telling the girls you had something to discuss with your lecturer regarding the assignment.
You told them to just head home first and not wait for you.
Almost 20 minutes later, you finally left the lecture room to head towards the parking lot where you had parked your car earlier. Your mind was clouded with the assignment requirements as you scrolled through the soft copy of the assignment through your email, too caught up in your thoughts to notice the group of boys walking down the hall.
That wasn’t until your shoulder roughly collided against someone’s back. It sent your whole body to stumble back from the impact. You were about to apologize when you heard a snicker coming from whoever it was.
So you glanced up and lord behold, it was just the person you were looking for…
Not really.
“Can you pay attention to where you walk? It’s not that hard to use your eyes.” Sangyeon’s voice was monotonous yet a pitch higher than others, just like his ego.
“That’s because you’re in my way, Lee.” You said sarcastically as you walked past him, not forgetting to purposely bump into his arm. He let out a scoff under his breath, fiery glare burning a prominent hole into the back of your head.
God, you can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Him included.
A few days later, it was finally a Friday. You heard words going around campus saying that one of the seniors in the school’s football team was having a frat party at his place tonight. He invited everyone in the football team, and people that he knew. Turns out he also told his teammates to bring whoever they wanted whether he knows them or not.
Lucky for you (or maybe not), Rosie’s boyfriend happens to be one of the football players. If you remember correctly, his name is Yunhyeong.
And so you already know where this is going.
Hence, the reason why you were now standing right outside the house where the party was held.
No doubt the house was a beautiful landed property at the hills that overlooked the city, it still didn’t give you complete comfort knowing that you would be surrounded by drunk young adults who have no care in the world once the alcohol takes over their system.
Sure you sometimes go to these parties but you weren’t really that type of girl. It’s always an unpleasant surprise to others who aren't your girls, when you decline their offers of alcohol saying you don’t drink.
Though there were instances where you’d have some people still insisting on giving you a drink, you rejected them firmly whether they liked it or not.
And today was no different.
One moment, you were talking to your friends. Another moment, and you were suddenly left alone by the kitchen island. Isolating yourself from the countless intoxicated bodies, dancing freely without a single care in the world.
It suddenly dawned on you that you were indeed alone, with no other individual that you recognize in that huge house. Your friends were scattered around the main living area, each of them either with their significant other or just randomly hooking up with someone. Using alcohol as an excuse to be brave and approach someone at a party like this.
You sighed, reaching into your back pocket to fish for your phone. You were so close to texting them you wanted to head home first, when a deep voice broke your little bubble of thoughts.
“Hey… Y/N right?” The handsome boy asked as he smiled down at you softly.
He clearly didn’t seem too drunk, nor was he completely sober like you.
“Yeah… you are?” You asked, hoping you didn’t sound like a bitch.
“I’m Changkyun. I see your friends have left you so I thought maybe you’d want some company?”
Well, at least he’s being considerate enough.
“About that… I was actually about to-” As you were talking, your eyes were searching the room for at least one of the girls. But instead, your gaze was locked on a specific individual who was leaning against the staircase railings just staring at you with a subtle frown on his face, making your voice halt in your throat.
It was Sangyeon.
You should’ve known he would be there tonight. He’s the freaking midfielder in Hangang U’s soccer team for goodness sake!
For some reason, the moment you met his eyes, it was as though you got sucked into a black hole with no way to escape. That wasn’t until the warm touch on your arm made you jolt away and soon turned back to Changkyun who was now staring at you with worry.
“Hey? You okay? What’s wrong?” He asked, hoping he didn’t scare you away by that simple touch.
“Y-Yeah… Sorry Changkyun, but I think I’m gonna head home. See you around.” You gave him a sincere smile before turning to leave after he said his goodbye.
There is no way you’re gonna stay there any longer. It’s not like you were drunk or anything. Not like you’d expected him to show up in black leather pants, dark grey button down shirt tucked in, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair parted close to the middle to frame his face and show his forehead, attractively. And definitely not like you felt as though your stomach was doing a flip in your abdomen after seeing him there physically.
No. You still hate him. He’s just a walking nuisance in your life. You don’t feel anything for him. Maybe he needs to stop appearing in your line of vision every 5 minutes.
It’s been two weeks since that frat party in which you had texted your friends saying you were already at home. Of course you didn’t get a response immediately but they still replied to you the next morning, telling you they were safe and they were glad that you were too.
It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon where students were all stuck on campus with nowhere to go. You were just seated at a wooden table alone with your laptop and scattered notes on the surface when the ray of sunlight that was previously shining down on you, got blocked by a figure.
You glanced up and not surprisingly, it was Sangyeon. He was alone. For once. He was always with his friends, so you wondered why he chose to walk around alone today.
“What?” You asked nonchalantly before looking back down at your laptop.
You heard a scoff from him only for him to speak up, “Did your parents tell you?”
You got confused as you looked back up to him and blinked, incredulously at what he just asked you.
“Tell me what?” You asked. He wasn’t sure if he was faking it or not but he figured with how genuinely confused you look, it was quite clear you weren’t pretending to not know what he was referring to.
“My parents are coming over to your home this weekend to discuss ‘something serious’. I’m not going. I’m not about to sit there and listen to what the ‘something serious’ is, let alone sit there trapped and stare at you the whole night.” Sangyeon said blankly as he burned holes in your head.
“Good. I wouldn’t want you there anyway.” You scoffed, only for him to push himself off the table and smoothed down his shirt.
Sangyeon left without saying anything else, watching as he turned his head as though in search of his friends. However, the minute you looked back down at your laptop, it seems like you missed the way he glanced at you subtly before turning back in front.
That same day, you went home to find your parents in the living room. Your father was watching the news on the flat screen tv while your mother was just watering the potted plants on the shelves.
The minute you stepped into the living room, your father turned to you and smiled brightly, “Oh, sweetie you’re back. We wanted to tell you that Mr and Mrs-” but before he could finish, you did it for him, stunning them in the process.
“-Lee are coming over this weekend to discuss ‘something serious’... I know.”
With that, your mother and father glanced at each other before a smile appeared on their faces again. You already knew what they were about to ask so you beat them to it.
“Sangyeon told me… So what’s so serious that they wanna come over here and talk about it?” You asked, not knowing what to expect but all you got was silence.
“We have to wait till everyone’s there.”
“Not everyone’s gonna be there…” You said.
“What do you mean?” Your mother asked.
“Sangyeon said he’s not coming. He doesn't want to.”
“B-But, he has to be there. It’s important.”
“What’s so important that he has to be there for?” Your voice laced with annoyance at the thought of having to sit in a room with him for minutes too long. Your parents got quiet before your mother spoke up again but for some reason, her voice sounded weak.
“You’ll know on Saturday.” She gave you a weak smile. Too weak to the point that she almost looks… pale?
Why is she pale?
But your mind was too jumbled up with what the main topic for this said family dinner would revolve around. Hence, why you were now sprinting up the steps and to your room. You didn’t want to think about it anymore. You just hoped the weekend passes by before you know it.
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Saturday came in a flash and to say you were ready for whatever family gathering this was, is definitely a lie. You were curious. You were desperate to know just what important business is there to discuss with you and Sangyeon. Despite knowing he won’t be there for whatever this meeting is about, it still rendered you curious on just how important this said matter is.
You were told to look presentable even though you’ll just be at home. So you pulled out the nicest outfit you could find and just opted for a simple blouse and your denim jeans.
Once you were done getting ready, you left your room only to hear your mother calling out to you from downstairs, “Y/N sweetie, the Lee’s are here!”
You made your way down the marbled steps, ready to greet the elder couple when your eyes fell on their son who clearly said he wasn’t going to be here. But of course, it looked like he had been forced against his own will to be here and you were right.
“Oh! My sweet Y/N! It’s been so long. How are you my dear?” Mrs Lee asked as you broke your gaze from Sangyeon only to smile happily when you looked at his parents.
“Hello Mr and Mrs Lee. I’m doing well despite my crazy uni life. I hope you’re both well and healthy!” You said as Mrs Lee hugged you warmly like how she had been doing since you were young.
After greeting them, the 6 of you began walking to your dining room. You then turned to Sangyeon who was walking beside you, only to ask out of curiosity, “Didn’t you say you weren’t gonna come?”
With that, he turns to you and shoots daggers at you through his glare but it does nothing to scare you away.
“Do I look like I wanna be here?”
“Clearly.” You said, just to get on his nerves and it did.
“Fuck you.”
“I’d gladly fuck myself too.”
Sangyeon frowns at your comment despite knowing it was sarcastic. But he still found it amusing that it came out from your mouth. Sure you’ve cursed him a lot of times when you fought with him, but this was a different thing.
All of you finally sat down in the dining room, you helped your mother set the table.
A few minutes went by and everyone was just chatting amongst one another. Well, more specifically the elders while you and Sangyeon simply sat there across each other in silence. You were absentmindedly picking on your food, suddenly losing appetite.
All you wanted was for them to start discussing the very important business. Which is why your patience has run thin, making you blurt out the question that has been floating in your head since Wednesday.
“What’s the important thing you called me and Sangyeon here for?”
The room fell silent as you kept your eyes on your plate of untouched food. Completely ignoring the way Sangyeon had his eyes trained on you. After what felt like hours, your mother finally announced it.
It made your heart stop for a moment.
“We have decided to marry you off with Sangyeon.”
That was the last thing you ever wanted to hear from them. Never did you expect it to be this. Why were they doing this to you? Of course you know you’re single and not dating anyone but still… How could they?
“What?!” Both you and Sangyeon said in unison.
Tension filled the air, thick in its wake. You couldn’t look elsewhere except for your mother who had announced the news.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…” You mumbled under your breath as Sangyeon got up, letting the chair drag painfully across the wooden floor. His mother grabbed his wrist to stop him but he roughly yanked his wrist from her and simply replied with his firm answer, “There’s no way I’m marrying her. I’m out.”
Sangyeon stormed out and you were so tempted to do the same but all you could do was glare at your parents in disbelief.
“Sweetie-” Your mom began but you were quick to interject.
“No! That’s not happening! Mom, you know we hate each other! How can you ask me to marry him when I don’t even love him?!” Your voice was raised as you stood up from your seat. Blood boils in your veins, heart pounding rapidly in your chest out of pure anger. You wanted nothing more but to scream.
You turned in your heels to leave but your mother caught your hands when you were about to reach the stairs. You pulled your hand from her grip, throwing your arm behind your back from the force.
“Sweetie please, listen to me-”
“No mom! I’m not marrying him and that’s final!” You yelled, too furious to even notice the way your mom had clutched her chest as her breathing started to become shallow.
Before you knew it, your mother collapsed to the ground but you were quick to catch her body right when she was about to crash onto the hard wooden floor.
“Mom!” You gasped as your dad and both of Sangyeon’s parents rushed over to where you were.
Mr Lee called the ambulance in which they came just 10 minutes later, carrying your mother’s unconscious body onto the stretcher and bringing her into the ambulance. Your father followed her in the vehicle while Mr Lee offered you a ride there.
Hours passed and you were waiting patiently outside the ER when a doctor came out. Your dad rushed over so you could only guess that she was the one who attended to your mom.
“Doctor, how’s my wife?”
“Your wife’s still under constant checks but so far, her heart is beating stably. However, it seems that her abnormal white blood cells have rapidly multiplied since her last check up.” The doctor said, making you frown.
“White blood cells? What’s going on? What’s wrong with my mother?” You asked desperately, still not sure of what’s going on.
“Your mother was diagnosed with Leukaemia stage 2 but from what I saw today, I believe it’s now up to stage 4.” The doctor announced, making you even more confused.
“What?” You whispered as you stared at your dad, hoping that it’s not true. But all you got was a disheartened smile that broke you into a million pieces.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You whispered to him sadly, upset that they’ve been keeping this a secret from you.
“I’m sorry baby, but your mother told me not to. She… She didn’t want you to get worried.” He replied.
You don’t understand. You knowing about this was better than keeping it hidden from you. If you had known about this sooner, you wouldn’t have shouted at her. Instead, you would have taken extra care of her. You would have given her more love than what she gave you. And you wouldn’t have to stand here, right now, hoping for your mother’s safety and health.
You slumped onto one of the chairs, staring into space as your father rubbed soft circles into your back to calm you down.
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Three days passed and you have been visiting your mother at the hospital diligently after your classes. You stayed till night time, allowing your dad to fetch you from the hospital after he also came by to visit your mom.
You were currently alone in the room with your mom as your dad went out to buy dinner for all three of you.
She was just lying there sleeping peacefully after having a deep conversation with her about some things, her eyes now closed, breathing consistent, chest heaving up and down according to her oxygen intake.
You were just about to doze off when the heart rate monitor suddenly began beeping rapidly. It caused you to panic as you ran out of the room to call for the nurses.
When you came back, your mother was shaking on the hospital bed. Tears started streaming down your face as you found yourself curled up in the corner just watching the hospital staff do whatever is necessary to help your mother.
You didn’t notice your dad who had just come back, only to rush to you after putting the food down on the desk. It was when he cupped your face, that you finally realized his presence.
He pulled you against him as you couldn’t tear your eyes off your mother’s figure, shaking violently on the bed.
It was as though someone had dropped a bomb just a few feet away, a deafening silence pierced your ear drums followed by the single beep sound that was continuous without a pause. The sound soon became a mere ring in your ears.
You slowly brought your line of sight towards the heart rate monitor beside your mother’s bed and that’s when you saw it. The painful straight line with no spikes going up or down.
That’s when you knew, she was gone.
No. This can’t be real. This is just a dream. Wake up Y/N. Pinch yourself. Slap yourself. Do whatever it is to wake yourself up from this nightmare!
And yet, you’re still there in your dad’s arms listening to the nurse who wrote down the words you never hoped to hear.
“Patient is Jeong Hyemin. Time of death, 2143hrs.”
All the more you cried harder against your father’s chest. You were broken. Completely and utterly broken. Your mother left you before you could even say goodbye. She left before you could even tell her that you love her unconditionally even though you told her that everyday.
As much as your heart hurts, you knew you had to accept it. You knew you had to be strong for your mother. And that was exactly what you did.
The next whole week, you didn’t come to school. You emailed your lecturers personally and told them about your loss. They all sent you their well wishes for you and your dad, to which they excused you from school to attend your mother’s funeral. It broke you but you couldn’t collapse just then.
Your mother would want you to be happy, to continue living a wonderful life, with or without her. And that’s exactly what you were gonna do.
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The next two weeks came as a blur and you were dreading for the day to finally arrive. You couldn’t bring yourself to look in the mirror and see what you looked like. Because at that very moment, you were in an item of clothing where you never thought you would wear anytime soon.
It was a wedding dress. Your wedding dress. It has finally come to this.
Your makeup stylist did a few touch ups to your eyeshadow whilst another lady adjusted the bow on your waist that separates your laced top with your beautiful silk gown that drops to the floor elegantly behind you.
If you were being honest, you had hoped for this very day to come when you would walk down the aisle with your arm linked with your dad’s while your mother stood at the front row, watching you proudly. Witnessing you entering a new life with your chosen partner whom you’d love with all your heart.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case for you and it hurts you. But you kept telling yourself the same thing over and over again.
“I have to stay strong.”
That was the last thing you mumbled to yourself as you left the bride’s room, only to head towards the outdoor wedding ceremony where your parents had already booked an incredibly beautiful mansion located at the highest hills of the city.
It was a small ceremony with only your family and his, and very close relatives of both sides but that was it. None of your friends were there but you already told them about today.
Little did you know, his friends knew about it too.
You were approaching the outdoor garden where everyone was waiting for you when all of a sudden, your emotions started swirling in you.
A tear rolled down your cheek the minute you saw your dad standing at the doorway which leads you directly down the aisle. Your dad gave you a soft smile before cupping your face and kissing your forehead. He wiped the tear away with his thumb as he whispered, “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. I’m sure your mother would be so happy to see you like this.”
With that, you had to force your tears back, swallowing them as you nodded before linking your arm with his.
The song started playing and soon, both of you began to walk down the aisle. The first thing you saw was Sangyeon standing at the foot of the platform. He was wearing a navy blue tuxedo, looking quite handsome if you were being completely honest.
But the frown on his face was evident enough for you to know that he didn’t like this as much as you didn’t like this either.
Once you were standing just two feet away, you turned to your dad who kissed you again on the forehead before putting your hand in Sangyeon’s outstretched ones. After your dad left your side, Sangyeon guided you up the steps carefully.
His touch was soft, almost as if he wasn’t touching you at all. Minutes went by and right after you’ve both said your vows, it was time for the exchange of rings and sealing the deal with a kiss but of course, neither of you agreed to it. So when you were officially announced as husband and wife, you both looked at each other with a familiarity in your eyes which screamed “I hate all of this”.
Sangyeon lets out a soft groan before planting a chaste kiss to your temple, pulling away as soon as he kisses.
Both of you walked back down the aisle and once you were in the mansion, it took you less than a second to walk away from him and make your way straight to the bride’s makeup room.
Sangyeon didn’t bother to call for you as he too made his way to the common room, wanting to be as far away from you as possible. He hated every single minute of this. He never wanted this. But he was being forced to. And he doesn’t even know why.
When he heard from his parents that you accepted the arranged marriage, it baffled him.
You were both so adamant on rejecting this whole fiasco during that night of the dinner so what changed your mind?
That was a question he could never solve.
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Days became weeks and you had moved into the new home that his parents and yours bought for Sangyeon and you to live in. It was a beautiful one story home that had 3 bedrooms, one study room, one living room and a backyard complete with a swimming pool. You were thankful for the home but you didn’t think it was necessary considering the state that you and Sangyeon were being put in.
Nevertheless, you didn’t want to disappoint the elders. Hence the reason why you moved in with Sangyeon without a single argument with your dad and in-laws.
Unfortunately, the fact that you two were now living under the same roof, it was quite expected of you to end up fighting over the smallest little things. If being within radius of each other on campus brought unnecessary snickers and curses to one another, living under the same roof only heightened those said things by 80%.
There wasn’t a day where you could walk around the house peacefully unless the other wasn't home.
It has been 8 weeks since you lived there with him. Despite the constant fights and heated arguments that the two of you often get into, none of it leads to the other doing unfaithful things behind each other’s back.
Before the marriage, it was quite clear that you weren’t in any sort of relationship with anyone nor were you the kind to sleep around with strangers you just met at a club or parties. Whereas, Sangyeon on the other hand was completely that, except he too was single. He tends to sleep around with girls he met at a party or the clubs he went to.
But never did he actually pursue any of his one night stands because he simply didn’t feel that way for them.
However, when he got married to you despite being against it, he made a promise to himself that he should not do all those things to you even if he doesn’t love you. Because he knows that it’s wrong and that he despises people who cheat on their partners.
For that, he told himself not to be that monster.
And he didn’t. Thankfully.
But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t storm out of the house after an argument just to get fresh air and be away from you at that very moment.
This goes both ways as sometimes, you would do the same if you couldn’t stand being in radius of him.
But tonight was different.
You were just washing the dishes when the front door opened to reveal a very drained Sangyeon who had just gotten back from the gym.
He strolled through down the hallway with his duffle bag strap resting on his right shoulder, the wet patches on his grey tank top sticking to his torso, black track shorts resting on his hips. His hair was slicked back from being drenched in sweat.
You spared him a quick glance over your shoulder before you turned back to the dirty dishes. Unfortunately for you, he caught you glancing just in time.
He walked past you to go to the fridge after putting his bag down on the floor, opening it and immediately grabbing the bottle of iced water sitting there patiently for him to take it. He downed half the bottle in less than 5 seconds, only to hear him let out a satisfied sigh right after.
You remained quiet as he looked at you for a moment, a small part of him wanted to ask you if you’ve eaten but a bigger part of him, more so his ego, was telling him to walk away.
For some reason, he decided to go with the former. Something he hasn’t been doing all these years.
“Had your dinner yet?” He asked, making you turn off the tap after setting down the clean dish onto the rack above your head before turning to him with a slight confusion on your face.
“Mhm. You?”
“Not yet.” He said as he leaned his hip against the counter top.
“What do you feel like eating?” You asked, wiping your hands dry with the towel hanging off the hook on the wall.
“I kind of have the feel for kimchi fried rice… I’ll just make do with what is there in the fridge. No worries.” Sangyeon said with a soft smile on his face before he left to take a long shower. Something he always did when he had a lot going on in his mind.
The minute he left, you stared at his descending back for a minute before turning back with a confused frown on your face.
Sangyeon was in the shower for almost 20 minutes. Taking a warm bath to calm his tensed muscles due to the intense workout he did with Juyeon and Hyunjae earlier. After his stress relieving bath, Sangyeon changed into a pair of sweatpants and his oversized shirt he normally uses to sleep.
He towel dried his hair, leaving it in an utter mess on his head with no care whatsoever.
He simply brushed through his wet locks with his fingers haphazardly before leaving his bedroom toilet. Sangyeon and you weren’t sharing bedrooms. It was just a mutual agreement right from the first night together.
You took the master bedroom in this house while he took the second bedroom.
Sangyeon was just walking down the hall, scratching the back of his head randomly when he caught a strong whiff of something delicious filling his nostrils.
“What the?” He whispered to himself as he cautiously made his way closer to the end of the hall. The minute he made a right turn, that’s when he saw you scooping out the contents of the pan into a clean plate. To his surprise, it was the exact dish he told you he was planning to cook earlier.
He finally stepped out of the shadows, only to startle you.
You flinched but that was it.
“Hey… I figured you’d be too tired to cook so I made it for you. Just leave the plate in the sink after you’re done. I’ll wash it later.” You pressed your lips into a small little smile before placing the dish on the kitchen island together with a spoon.
Right when you were about to leave the kitchen, his voice stopped you from walking any further only to hear him whisper a soft “thank you” to you.
You gave him a nod and soon left.
Sangyeon stares at your descending back before you disappear from his trail of sight, only to then tilt his head in amusement at your sudden kind act. For some reason, he found himself smiling as he took a mouthful of your delicious fried rice.
Another 3 weeks went by and you had just gotten back from your night study session with Lisa and Jennie, only to find Sangyeon slumped on the couch. He had his face buried in his hands as he looked like he hadn’t slept for days.
You frowned as you locked the door and soon went over to stand behind the long couch, diagonally from the couch he was sitting at.
“Rough day?” You asked quietly, but all you got was silence so you tried again.
“Have you eaten?”
“Do you want anything to eat?”
“Sangyeon, even if you hate me, at least say yes or no so I can-” And that’s when he bursts.
“Shut the fuck up!” Sangyeon yelled as he glared at you. His nostrils flared upon every heavy breath he took. You were stunned by his harsh tone, clearly not wanting any argument when you first asked the question.
“Excuse me?” You asked with a tone that was pretty obvious to anyone that you were clearly offended by his words.
“Didn’t you hear me?! I said shut the fuck up!” Sangyeon stood tall, his face red as you could only imagine he was stressed about something. A scoff left your lips, feeling the anger seeping through your skin with every word he said to you.
“Why? Why do you want me to shut the fuck up so badly?!” You asked as you stared at him with mixed emotions.
“God, you’re so fucking annoying!” Sangyeon growled as he began to storm off but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Answer my fucking question, Lee Sangyeon! I was just being nice and caring about your well being and all I got was to shut up? You’re a fucking asshole you know that?” You said, your words filled with venom as he gritted his teeth, jaw clenching tight.
“Who taught you to be such a brat? Your mother?” Sangyeon accidentally blurted that out of sheer anger. Your grip around his wrist left and the next thing he knew, your eyes were glossy from the tears threatening to fall.
“Don’t bring my mother into this.” You warned but he was still fuming with anger.
“Why? Why can’t I?! She’s the only reason why we’re in this stupid marriage anyway!”
You didn’t know what ran through your mind but the minute those words left his mouth, you couldn’t help but swing your hand onto his cheek. This shocked him to a certain extent as he simply glared at you but never did anything to hurt you physically.
“Do you know why I accepted the marriage proposal? Do you wanna know why I decided to walk down that fucking aisle and have myself being called as your official wife?! Well here’s the reason why. I promised my mom I would.” You paused as he remained quiet. You could almost see the cogs turning in his brain as though trying to process your words.
“My mom died wanting me to marry you. She told me she wanted to see me walk down the aisle one day and into your arms. Until now, I don’t understand why she specifically wants it to be you, but that’s what she wanted. So I promised her that she would be there for when that day comes. But she left me before she could even witness that for herself. She left before I could even say goodbye. It broke me. It fucking broke me Sangyeon! That’s why I chose to accept the proposal even when…”
You stopped for a moment, not realizing that you had been crying until you tasted salty tears on your lips.
“...even when I didn’t love you. I did it because I made a promise to her. I don’t want to let her down, Sangyeon.... I never wanted any of this to happen. And I know you feel the same so I’m sorry.” Those were the last things you said to him before going to your bedroom and locking yourself in there.
Sangyeon was left standing there, feeling completely shitty with what he said to you earlier. He never meant to hurt your feelings. He should’ve known better not to mention your mom but he only said that out of pure anger.
He knows it’s his fault but his ego was too high for him to simply give in to his mistake.
He was about to just brush this off when he heard the door click and soon, you were seen leaving your bedroom with a cross body purse on you. You didn’t give him the chance to speak as you just left the house with a soft slam of your front door. He watched as you took your white mini cooper and drove out of the driveway.
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“Sweetie, why don’t you want to accept the proposal?” Your mother asked weakly as you sat on the chair beside her hospital bed.
“Mom, you know I don’t love him. We’ve been fighting since we were kids. I don’t see why I should marry someone who I don’t love.”
“Oh sweetie, you can only learn to love by loving.”
“Mom, that’s just fairy tale talk.”
“Do you wanna know something?” She asked as you stared at her quietly while you caressed the back of her hand with your thumbs as he took this silence to continue.
“Your father and I weren’t on good terms too when we first met each other. We always fought in high school and it went on for quite a while until Mrs Lee set me up on this blind date and it was with your father. At first we found it ridiculous, but after that first date, I realized that maybe your father wasn’t as bad as I thought. And so, we started to slowly understand the process of loving someone and soon enough, we fell in love. Love doesn’t always come to you directly. Sometimes, you need to find it yourself.”
She paused, studying your facial expressions carefully to make sure you weren’t angry or about to burst at her for the next thing she was planning to say.
“Can you promise me something sweetie?”
“Anything… Anything at all mom.” You said with a glint of hope in your eyes.
“Can you promise me that you’ll marry Mrs Lee’s son? I don’t care when. Just… as long as it’s him. Even if I’m not around anymore...”
“Please? For me?”
Your heart broke hearing her pleading voice. You don’t understand why she was so persistent in you marrying him but for now, you couldn’t bear to say no. You couldn’t bear to break her heart. So, with a heavy heart, you chose your mother’s happiness before yours.
“Okay mom… I promise. But you have to promise me too that you’ll be fine and that you’ll come back to me and dad, okay?”
“I promise, sweetheart. I love you so much.” She said.
“I love you too mom.”
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That night when you came back to your old house, your dad greeted you at the door with a shocked look on his face. He asked you why you were there at such a late time so you explained to him that you got into a big fight with Sangyeon and that you wanted to stay there for the next few days. Of course your father was happy that he would finally have someone in the house with him, but he was also worried that Sangyeon would be concerned over you.
You told him not to tell Sangyeon anything and that you wanted time away from him for now, in which your dad just nodded understandingly. The next few days, you spent your days diligently avoiding Sangyeon as much as you can despite being in the same campus. Lucky for you, he had very different schedules than you.
Which means, better chance for you to avoid him and not accidentally bump into him on campus grounds. And so far, your plan is working.
It’s been at least 3 weeks since you last went home to your shared place with him and you were starting to run low on your clothing supply back at your old house. Which means, you probably had no choice but to go back there now.
In all honesty, you weren’t mad at him anymore.
You were just too stubborn to face him after that argument. But it looks like you have no other choice now.
Hence, the reason why you were currently standing outside your doorstep at 8pm, noticing the vehicles parked outside your gates. By the looks of it, those probably belonged to his friends. And you were right. Because the minute you unlocked the door, you were immediately greeted by the chattering and laughter coming from the living room.
You walked in further, carefully after taking off your shoes and placing them in the shoe rack. Right when you had just made it by the end of the hallway and the living room was in full view, that’s where you saw the 6 figures scattered around the room.
The TV was playing a movie while the coffee table was filled with boxes of pizzas and other snacks for them to munch on.
Before you could speak up, two of them noticed your presence, making the blonde haired one to say hi, “Oh, hi Y/N.”
With that, the rest of them finally turned around upon hearing their friend greet you. Sangyeon, who was standing right in front of the TV, checking the cables, whipped his head around only to lock eyes with you. He froze in his spot, unsure if this was real considering you’ve been avoiding him like a plague the past 3 weeks.
“Y/N…” Was the only thing he managed to whisper under his breath as you awkwardly chuckled, hoping you didn’t create an unsettling atmosphere for them.
“Hey…” You whispered as he carefully made his way to you. The moment he was standing right in front of you, neither of you spoke. Both of you are afraid of saying the wrong thing which could potentially lead to another argument. But Sangyeon was smart enough to know not to make unnecessary comments to you after what happened the last time. So instead, he opted for an apology.
“Listen, about that night… I- I’m really sorry… I didn’t... I didn’t know.”
You could only give him a small smile that he could clearly see was weak and almost drained as you spoke up, “It’s okay. Anyways… I think I’m gonna rest.”
He simply nodded, resisting the urge to pull you into a hug and tell you how sorry he was for treating you like crap all these while. These past 3 weeks have made him realise that he wasn’t the nicest of people to you, that he said a lot of things that had definitely hurt you in the past, that he has been nothing but mean to you.
Upon hearing your bedroom door close, Sangyeon lets out a defeated sigh before walking back to his friends who then asked him if everything was okay. After he told them that everything was indeed okay, he plopped back down on the couch but it seemed to worry his friends seeing how sad Sangyeon looked at the moment.
Whenever he was with them, he has always been the goofy, savage, often picking on the others to get a reaction out of them, kind of guy. They’ve never properly seen this softer side of him.
It’s been nearly an hour since you came home and yet, he hasn’t caught a single glimpse of you anywhere. He got worried for you, not knowing whether you’ve eaten or not. So he decided to check on you. He got up from the ground to excuse himself, telling them to just continue what they were doing.
When he arrived at your supposedly shared bedroom, he found you seated on the window couch just staring into the night sky. However, before he could even knock on the door and push it wider, he heard soft sobs from you that gradually grew louder. He stayed by the door and unintentionally listened to your whispers.
“I miss you mum… I’m sorry if I couldn’t live up to my promise just like you wanted me to. I know I’m not the best wife to him, but I’m trying… I’m trying… for you. I wish you were still here beside me. To guide me on how to be a good wife. To love someone without feeling trapped. To love someone the way you and dad loves me. I’m so sorry mum… I’m so truly sorry…”
Sangyeon’s heart shattered into a million pieces for you. That’s when he realized that his feelings for you had changed. That all he wanted to do right at this very moment was to protect you. You were broken, fragile and yet, he’s been treating you horribly all these while.
He couldn’t take it any longer. With that being said, he carefully and quietly made his way to you. Not making a sound as you had your head buried in your knees, cries getting louder the closer he came to you. However, when you felt his soft hands caress the sides of your arms, you looked up. Your eyes glistened under the moonlight, your cheeks soaked with your freshly falling tears.
At that moment, you looked so vulnerable.
So when he pulled you into his embrace, you easily let him. Burying your face into his chest as he gently rubs circles onto your back, caressing your head comfortingly.
After a few seconds of silence, you finally whispered against his chest. Just loud enough for him to hear, but soft enough that nobody standing outside the door could hear.
“I miss her Sangyeon…”
Sangyeon wasn’t sure how to respond to your confession but he tried as best as he could to make you feel better.
“And I know that she misses you too. But it’s okay, she will always be with you. You’ll be okay… I promise.” He whispered and almost immediately, you pulled back as he frowned in confusion.
“You shouldn’t promise me anything…” You said, your tears slowly getting lesser and lesser by the minute.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because the last time someone made me a promise, they promised me that they’ll be okay and that they’ll never leave me… And yet she did...” Your voice hushed. He could tell that that was your trauma. Making promises.
He felt a tear threatening to roll down his cheek but he managed to hold back. Sangyeon softly reached up to cup your face and caress your cheeks with both thumbs before he spoke up, “I’m sorry she did. I’m sorry that promise got broken. But it’s not her fault. You know it wasn’t. So let me make a promise to you now and this time, it won’t be broken.”
With that being said, you cried even harder as he just pulled you against his chest almost cradling you like a child. After almost 20 minutes in the room, he finally let go of your fragile figure and asked if you wanted to eat.
You told him you weren’t hungry and that you just wanted to rest. Sangyeon nodded, bringing you to the bed as he carefully tucked you in to make you cosy. He was about to leave you alone when you grabbed his wrists. Sangyeon turned around with such a soft gaze on you, it nearly melted you.
“Where are you going?” You asked with a soft voice, almost shy. Sangyeon found it so endearing that he couldn’t help but chuckle softly.
“I’m gonna go back to the boys and maybe call it a night early.” He smiled, to which you felt his other hand come to wrap its fingers around your extended wrist, gently pulling it away before caressing the back of your wrist with his thumb.
“Can you come back after… please?” You whispered as you saw him smile again before putting your hand down on the mattress softly.
“I will.”
Soon enough, Sangyeon left you in the room to rest for a bit while he went back to his friends and relayed the message to them. Thankfully, the boys were very understanding. They told Sangyeon to send their well wishes to you in which he definitely would. After they left, Sangyeon went ahead and cleared the leftover trash.
Silently thanking the boys for cleaning most of the mess up before he even came back into the living room. He was almost done cleaning, not forgetting to brush his teeth before going back to your room only to find you already asleep with your back facing the door.
Sangyeon couldn’t help but smile as he closed the door behind him and soon made his way quietly to the other side of the room.
He carefully pulled the duvet up, climbing into bed after putting the duvet back down.
He very gently lifted your head up to let his right arm slide under your neck as a pillow, proceeding to pull your body closer against his chest. Once you were both in a comfortable position, he gently wrapped his other hand around your waist. Caressing your side in a comforting manner.
“Goodnight Y/N.” He whispered as he soon drifted off into slumber.
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Ever since then, both of you had stopped the constant arguments. You weren’t always annoyed by every little thing the other did. In school, when you’d accidentally bump into one another, either one would smile and acknowledge the other. Some people who witnessed this, found it strange but your close friends didn’t.
It’s been a good 4 months since you’d reconciled with Sangyeon. Though there were disagreements at times, those arguments would however, be resolved as quickly as it came.
But one thing’s for sure, is that during the past 4 months, you and Sangyeon had slowly found yourselves falling for each other. Neither of you said it out loud, but apparently those around you could visibly tell. Especially your friends.
It was a Thursday afternoon, you and the girls were just walking to the lunch hall when Lisa spotted Sangyeon and his friends just walking down the main building. It seems like they were heading towards the lunch hall as well. With that being said, Lisa called out to Sangyeon’s name, causing him and the rest to turn.
The minute Sangyeon’s eyes locked on Lisa’s and then on you, his gaze softened as you saw the corner of his lips curving upwards into a cute smirk.
They stopped walking to let you girls catch up and once you did, Lisa immediately went to Juyeon and began talking to him casually. The other girls went to walk with the rest while you came to a quick stop beside Sangyeon before you continued walking with the others ahead of you.
“How was class?” He asked, his arm accidentally brushing against yours as you walked further down the building.
“Horrible. Can you believe he wants us to submit 10 codes by the end of this week? I swear that man wants me dead.” You groaned in annoyance, only to hear him chuckle. But what he said next, caught you by surprise.
“But I don’t want you dead.”
With that, you turned to him as a small smile appeared on your face despite the frown you had. Both of you walked in silence, just basking in the conversations of your friends when you felt a soft tickling feeling on your fingers.
You glanced down to see that his hand was playfully brushing against your fingers, making you look up to catch him already staring at you.
Sangyeon smiled at you innocently, not sure if he wanted to say anything else until he felt you slide your hand into his, lacing your fingers with his easily. Now it was his turn to look down and then back up at you. All he did was chuckle, a sound you could definitely get used to.
A week passed and it was finally the weekend. You and Sangyeon didn’t have anything planned for the day.
Or at least you thought.
You were just lounging on the couch on a beautiful Saturday evening when Sangyeon came over to plop down beside you with a cheeky smile on his face.
“You’re oddly happy? What’s going on?” You asked with a raise of your eyebrow.
“I have a surprise for you but you have to go get ready okay?”
“Get ready? It’s already 7 o’clock. Where can we go?” You asked but all you got was a soft whine from him telling you to just do it. You opted to listen as he reminded you to wear prettily. You weren’t sure where you were going so you didn’t want to either overdress or underdress.
So you opted for simple denim skinny jeans, a baby blue sleeveless top, a white long knit cardigan and a pair of beige chunky heeled sandals.
When you left your shared bedroom to go to the living room, you were surprised to see him dressed handsomely in his black skinny jeans, a white button down shirt with the first few buttons undone, along with a navy blue bomber jacket. You saw him look at your outfit from head to toe, only for him to smirk playfully at you.
“Damn, who knew my wife could look this beautiful?” Sangyeon teased, making you giggle.
“Sangyeon, I literally wear jeans everyday.”
When you realized what he was trying to say, you soon found yourself blushing as you walked over to him and gently slapped his chest with your hand. Urging him to go before you slapped that cute smirk off his face.
Sangyeon couldn’t help but laugh but nonetheless left the house in his matte black Bentley. You watched as he drove down the street, bringing you to a part of the city where you don’t remember going to before in your life. The car ride was filled with jokes and laughter coming from both of you. He distracted you too much to the point where you didn’t even notice you were already at the location he wanted to bring you.
You looked out the window and that’s when you realize, “Is this an outdoor cinema?” You gasped when you saw the open field with a large screen at the centre, along with the endless rows of couples seated on their own blankets with snacks and drinks of their preferences.
“Sangyeon… This is…” You were speechless and he could see.
He chuckled as he just stared at you with such endearment in his eyes. Some people would just call it love.
“It’s wonderful.” You finally got to finish your sentence, turning to him with a smile.
“I’m glad you think so. Now let’s go! The movie’s about to start.”
Two hours had passed and you were now a few minutes in of the second movie. You noticed some couples were starting to get comfortable on their blankets. You were starting to get tired just sitting up straight and Sangyeon noticed your subtle shifts, desperate to find a comfortable sitting position.
“Hey, you okay?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah. I’m okay, just a little tired from sitting up.” You explained with a bashful little smile. Just then, Sangyeon thought of an idea that was completely beyond your imagination.
Hence, when he patted the space in between his legs, you glanced down and then back at him who was seen smiling softly to you. None of it was making you feel creeped out. In fact, you felt safe and that you could trust him. After all, he was your husband anyways. Of course you trust him.
“Come here.” He said as he stared at you calmly. He wasn’t sure if you were entirely up for this but before he could take his words back, that’s when he saw you carefully crawling towards the space he patted earlier.
Once you were seated in front of him, Sangyeon scooted forward a little before he slid his arms around your waist.
He soon pulled you against his chest, before he whispered in your ear, “Comfortable?”
You turned your head to look at him but instead got slightly flustered by the close proximity that led you to feeling his lips accidentally brush against your own. You got quiet for a moment, praying that he didn’t hear the way your heart was pounding against your chest.
You couldn’t trust your voice so you opted for a soft hum to answer his question. The next few minutes, you found yourself getting more and more comfortable in his arms, putting your hands on top of his forearms as you unconsciously caressed his skin in a calming manner. All the while, Sangyeon was behind you, completely distracted from the movie in front of him.
Instead, his mind was fuzzy with how close you were to him at that very moment. This was something he never thought would happen back when he was still young.
But now that he was here with you, just cuddling at an outdoor movie theatre, he couldn’t help but want more of this. Sangyeon found himself smiling as he couldn’t help but give your sides a gentle squeeze, telling you that he was there with you and that he would never leave you.
Thankfully, you got the silent message.
Because right after he did that, you turned your head to look at him. His eyes held the galaxy. You found yourself getting lost in his eyes.
Both of you were silent but it wasn’t awkward. You didn’t know what came over you but a sense of confidence washes over you. With that being said, you carefully leaned forward to close the gap and soon pressed your lips on his.
To say he was taken aback slightly, is definitely an understatement.
But it took him less than 3 seconds to finally move his lips against yours in a smooth rhythm. You brought your right hand up to gently cup his face as you kissed him.
Sangyeon tightens his hold on you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes with such adoration. He wasn’t sure if now was the right time to express his feelings for you, but he thought, what was there to lose. So with that thinking, Sangyeon took a small breath before he uttered the 3 words he never thought he’d say to you but he did. And every single word he said at that moment, was as sincere as ever.
“I love you.”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at him before you kissed him again in a longing kiss before pulling away and replying to him with the exact emotions you felt for him genuinely.
“I love you too, Sangyeon.”
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Summary: You rest in Jinhwan's room at their dorm, trying to cool from the intensely prevailing summer heat and the enclosure of the heat rekindles gestures of like-wise affections
Genre: fluff-fluff; smut-smut
Characters: Kim Jinhwan x Reader
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, please refer to here for more; For SF9 writings, read here and for iKON, read here~~
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You can't afford it, you think as the heat seeps into your skin, drying it till you can spread your limbs so wide, they do not come into a heated contact. The fading red sun in the west illuminates the miniature droplets that sheath your nearly-wet, lavished skin from basking in the glow of what little light is there and to that, you sigh contentedly. The room is shrouded in a hue of scarlet, yellow at it's centre as you wait for Jinhwan to come and turn the lights on. It's been long since Jinhwan's entered his room in their dorm, in which you are perched on his bed, lolling around.
You set your laptop down, letting it pat the heavy covers that Jinhwan has not yet removed. His heavy red curtains isolate the cool air (that you know is flowing outside) from entering inside. Humid is the back of your body from lying on an insulating comforter. You eye the lighter covers, taken out in a haste this morning when the two of you complained about the covers as you threw them off.
You think that you can afford now, gently shutting the door and leaving yourself in your undergarments. The edge of the bed is much cooler to the touch so you lean at the edge, desperate for the hiding bursts of wind to come inside. The lighter covers enshroud your body from the outside world; you are careful, just in case you freeze should anyone come in and are not able to cover in time. A rare burst pounds at your heart when Jinhwan chooses to come in. You relax when you see that it's just him and tell him to close the door.
When you are sure you hear the click, you instantly throw the covers off, a swoop of air rushes in until it settles flat beside you. Jinhwan's fingers begin to work at his top buttons but unprecedentedly, he stops when sees you. He can't comprehend how you lay there, almost bare, with only two thin sheets of material covering your body, perfect, in his thoughts.
Unconsciously, he finds it enticingly endearing that you are this comfortable around him when it's hardly been so long since you've started out as a pair. You straighten up, squaring your shoulders till they meet the board, pointedly staring at the screen when you are not concentrating, instead shifting your growing smile towards his adorably- wide, curiously-staring eyes. He believes that you are unaware of your wide-spread effect on him. That innocence arouses him.
He looks to the door he just entered through, trying to work out if he could complete what complex patterns occur before you sleep, over at his dorm. He wants to lay beside you, for your touchy hands to show him your affection, peacefully, for all night.
In the short steps he takes towards you, his eyes never leave yours, meeting your smile with a sweeter one, softly asking, ''You gonna sleep like that?''. Little flutters of giggles leave the haven of your chest at his question which leaves him thinking, hardly, when he hears them. You don't look at your laptop when you slide it off your torso. Requisitely, he wants to sit down but doesn't, instead hovering over the edge of the bed. You casually ask, ''You don't mind?''.
''Do you want the fan?'' he hums, hearing the light laughs of the evening appear. ''I would rather sleep like this anyways'' you murmur, peeking through your eyelashes at the man protectively leaning against the bed, eyes widely interested in what he is thinking, no background of information to them, just a simple question of what are you thinking? He nods, hums appreciatively, turns back and opens the closet to catch the rest of his clothes.
When he turns around, the light of the sun is gone which should leave you in darkness but the yellow lights above head reflect everything around the room in a glow. It truly comes back to Jinhwan then. His eyes widen as he stares at you, holding his clothes and standing in the middle of the room, frozen. You feel his eyes on your waist, his lower core is tightening, he further sees your gasping body and then for him, nothing is left to the imagination.
You shake him out of his temporary world he's seem to be engaged in, smiling as you tug him onto the bed, propping him next to you. ''I found something to watch.'' you say, beaming not because of what you just found out but because of the way he looks at you. He gleams, brushing away your hair, mildly interested in watching something now, at a time so important.
''I- that's good, we can watch it later.'', he hums, leaning on his elbows to give you a kiss, some more kisses to leave you giggling, squirming with the hotness of his breath that brushes your skin as he quickly switches spots. You stare up at him when he notices your wide pupils trace his expression or rather, his face, his eyes and lastly landing on his lips.
He's breathless, seeing the stunning look on your face, he gives you a final kiss before he's at the bathroom door. You pull him back when you ask, ''Jinani, will you be uncomfortable? If I sleep like this?''. You immediately receive a shake of disagreement, ''No, of course not.'' is said with finality. He tells you that he'll tell you when he comes back out, swiftly entering the bathroom. Of course you have noticed, you flash back to the earnest, detailed, scenario you were just graced with witnessing.
You hear the door click but not lock; to lock a door in this house would mean to turn the knob, not just simply close the door. Jinhwan leans all his weight on the counter, feeling his hardness press uncomfortably into his joggers due to his lack of underwear. You cautiously step onto the padded floor, eyeing both doors, biting your lip in curiosity at what could happen. He sighs in frustration at the situation you both are in, taking deep breaths as he stares at the mirror, unable to leave the place his feet have stuck too.
He's startled, snapping to the sound made by the twist of the door knob as you let the door fall open. He's in bewilderment, but the type that makes his member all the more visible, completely initiated by what he is seeing. He gulps as he takes in your eminent, nakedly visible form.
He wondered what he was going to do, given that the walls so thin meant that your sex would be disclosed by your neighbours but this time, safety is best left in the space only the two of you could fill.
He's breathless, tempted to pull you flush against him, which he does. But he's tempted to do more, asking as you wrap your arms around his neck, ''Can't- the guys are right outside.''. You hum, caressing his temple, ''It's okay, we already know what Yunhyeong is doing. It's a green light, not something that you should worry about.''.
You rest in his arms, body flushed against his, cores touching behind the closed bathroom door. His grasp on your waist turns into a grip, he's this close to stroking himself against you, the heat is spreading in his body, the most visible are his pink-tipped cheekbones. You chuckle, breathily heavily at the multiple, conflicted thoughts that you think about.
''The guys can come into the room at any time, you know how they are'' he says, whispering the last bit into a kiss he places on your bare neck. You look up at him, soothing his worries with those understanding eyes of yours, whispering into his ears that it's okay.
The timings coincide, like taking turns, he's gulping as you reassure him and the moment you speak the last syllable, his mind spins with dizziness. He grasps your buttocks, lovingly squeezes the flesh, burying himself in the crook of your neck. He rubs his hardness against your heated centre that wets the front of his pyjamas.
He's not preoccupied with the idea that anyone could call for him, it's barely evening but going to sleep would not be a viable option. He groans when you break away, your name falling from his lips as you take a step back.
He's holding your hand, looking at you in the same way that he'll cuddle you and tell you not to leave. You teasingly smile at him, opening the door and taking a step out. He's quick to walk out before you, crowding you against the bathroom door so that from either side- the balcony or the entrance, no one can see your naked body.
He knows what you want even if you haven't mentioned it. You gasp when you feel his fingers collect the sticky fluids from your tingling cunt, checking as he runs them over your entrance before he's withdrawing away and telling you to get in bed.
When he comes back, he calmly discards his clothes and gets into bed with you. He embraces you from behind, your back is to him, you face the moonlight since the sun has disappeared behind the smoke and buildings. It is the only light to illuminate your naked bodies, indicated by the curves of your bodies that daintily move under the covers.
Each touch is telling. His hand is on your waist, slowly caressing the flesh in his palm. Sensuous moans of his delight your ear, ticking the shell as warm breath fans it, accompanied with the rocking of his hips against yours.
He presses the small of your back so that your tummy touches the covers underneath, shifting so that he hovers over your frame, covering your entire body. You press your hips back as small but heavy moans escape your flushing arousal as you wait till he fills you up.
You are warm, he holds you from behind, entwining your hands in his. It makes you chuckle before he hits your sweet spot, he can then see the effect he has on you. It's exciting for him to see the expressions on your face, you currently appear dazed out to which he breathes heavily on the space between your arm and back.
He bites a small patch of skin, eliciting a strangled whimper that falls from your mouth in the heat of the moment, caused by the pain, a sting which builds onto the pleasure. You feel this sense of caution, not being able to continue till the end is one of them; at any time the members could knock, walk in, then what would you do?
But he couldn't help it, especially not with you. Your fingers tightly clutched the bedsheets, squeezing your eyes shut when you felt near, close to releasing all over him like the accidental splash of liquid on a glazed surface. Your soft moans that decorated his ears turned into high-pitched, pretty whimpers, like that of cats on a tree.
As the rhythm of his hips grew tired, he groaned into your ear, sending delectable vibrations of pleasure down your spine. He crossed his arm over your chest, groping the flesh, pulling your back hotly against his chest.
You choose this moment to tell him how good he is, the way he fills you up and the way you want him to fill you up; how much you want him and it blows his cheeks red, he's mumbling something into your back out of the instant shyness.
His pace once collected now speeds up. He grits his teeth, feeling the tingles in his head right before he does not still his motions in your sex. He pulls out his soft member and turns you over, kissing you hard on the lips. Little electric quivers stem from the way he's rubbing your clit, driving you over the edge. He feels your release coat his fingers when he probes your entrance, mewling at what he feels because his energy does not disappear away.
You've thought a lot today and exhaustion coats your temple as sweat as you lie in his arms, finding solace for him through the way you tug his soft tufts of hair. Your body is not ready as yet, it's rebooting and on it's way but Jinhwan hasn't read it, not as yet. You giggle and squirm in his grasp.
He holds your sides, palms just beneath your breasts, fondling the skin under his lips with a delicate sense of softness, he lingers every time he places a kiss. Now he knows. He knows how you are feeling. With the covers thrown off, he comes up and gently takes you into his arms, covering your body with his.
He coos at your sleepy self, your eyes that droop but you fight for them to stay open. The position you are in is horizontal, you can't help it. You start to feel tired but like him, you are not done. You crave more, feeling his defined torso, define and undefine as his breathing calms, heart regularly beating to the feeling of you in his arms.
This is when you take a better look at his tattoos, running your fingers over them. It turns his attention from you to the warmth of your fingertips, admiring the way you glance at each one, pulling out his other arm to take a good look at the ink there, tracing it till you meet the end. But it's a voyaging tattoo, perhaps it doesn't have an end.
You are looking at him in his entirety, soft moments of certain vulnerabilities that the two of you share make up the stiller, more significant moments after sex and time after is clouded with them.
You entwine your hands. He begins to mumble, placing a kiss on your neck. It's random, you intercept his next words by grasping his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss. ''You don't want words, do you?'' he murmurs in between kisses. His words are quickly spoken, in one breath as he returns to grace your pretty lips with his, to not miss a single kiss.
''What'd you mean?'' you smile, asking inquisitively. You lie close, his hands wander your backside, dipping into the heat in between your legs, earning a twitch from you in his arms. It draws a chuckle from him, no words needing to explain how your yearning eyes correlate to the innocence he associates with you.
His coordination is developed as a dancer but when he's kissing you, when your mouths are hot against one another and tongues entwine, his hands are motionless. He's engrossed in tasting you, until he's so close that no more space is left between the two of you. He's willing to discard other senses, like the unbearable heat that should separate you two, it means that he gets to feel you, with him.
But not everyone gets what they want. When Jiwon shoves the door open and exasperatingly strides into the room, he pauses upon seeing the two of you. Your figures are huddled together despite the heat with a cover thrown over the both of you. It's hardly a split second of recognition before he makes a beeline for the exit, throwing himself on his bed in his room.
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
When They’re Jealous//iKon
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(A/N: the wording is a bit sloppy because I wrote this at work lmao)
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Jealousy level: 2/10
Jinhwan feels secure with both himself and your relationship, so he wouldn’t get too jealous. But he has his moments.
He’d begin to act coldly towards everyone if he starts to feel as if someone is getting between you two, trying to remain nonchalant while simultaneously hoping you hear his silent prays that you do something to remind both him and the potential homewrecker that you’re spoken for.
He can get a bit pouty even when things die down and it’s made clear you’re happily taken, still upset you weren’t all over him the way he wanted, but that’s another issue for another time.
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Jealousy level: 0/10
Like Jinhwan, he’s secure with himself and your relationship, but he also trust that you can put an end to any flirting or advances made towards you.
But Yunhyeong is no idiot.
He would tell you with a bright smile to go out with them for dinner or to the movies, to enjoy your time with them as if the situation didn’t faze him, but he knew it’d bother you. You’d feel like he was pushing you away, probably upset you were talking about and hanging out with another man that wasn’t him, maybe even upset you haven’t given him the same attention recently.
And, like clockwork, you’ll cancel all your plans to spend your time with Yunhyeong, his demeanor still nonchalant and unbothered while you tried to prove to him you were 100% committed to your relationship. It wasn’t his plan per say, it was clearly your idea to stay with him, he just gave you a bit of a push to come to that decision.
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Jealousy level: 2/10
Another member that has no doubt that your relationship is perfect and indestructible. He doesn’t mind people flirting with you or even offering to take you out, a running joke between you two that someone might take you away from him one day. But the thing Bobby didn’t find funny? When guys were a bit too bold with their affection towards you.
You weren’t one to tell people off, especially strangers, leading to some people taking your silent bashfulness as compliance. The way guys would wrap their arms around your shoulders and pull you close drove Bobby crazy but, the way you awkwardly smiled and grimaced at the closeness between you and said stranger, killed any jealousy he felt.
He’d go into a protective stance, being your voice against unwanted predators. He was fine with seeming like the jealous boyfriend, as long as you were safe and comfortable.
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Jealousy level: 8/10
Hanbin is a great boyfriend, but his jealousy can make you question your relationship at times.
He could go from silently glaring at the man stealing your attention to wrapping himself around you like a snake, taking PDA to an all-time high to ensure they got the hint but, if they didn’t catch on or if you brushed him off to focus on the stranger, he’d get angry.
He’s a sweet guy, but if he’s angry enough he’ll verbally tell them off, gritting his teeth and giving a stern warning to leave and never come near you again. He’d try to scold you as well, wanting to chastise you for allowing their flirting to go on for so long, but just looking in your slightly angry eyes made him calm down. His mood would switch back to the loving boyfriend you always knew, his PDA still at its highest as he profusely apologized to you, but he knew he had to go through hell and back to gain your forgiveness like always.
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Jealousy level: 1/10
Donghyuk only feels jealous when he’s not your main focus, especially when it’s another guy occupying your time.
He’d become pouty and verbally needy, not ashamed to admit that he’s jealous. His jealousy won’t last long because you’d immediately talk it out, his playfulness keeping things lighthearted and his arms wrapped around you like you’re his greatest comfort.
He wouldn’t mind if you continued conversing with the stranger, especially if you found some way to include him. Possibly the easiest to deal with in terms of jealousy and relationship security.
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Jealousy level: 10/10
He’s petty and he doesn’t care that he’s petty. Anyone looks at you? He glares at them. They smile at you? He scoffs. You smile or laugh back? He rolls his eyes. His jealousy knows no bounds.
You’d find it amusing if you weren’t also a target in his unhinged behavior. He’d ignore you and everyone nearby, arms crossed and lips in a permanent pout as he watched you ignore his upset demeanor, silently demanding you go over and comfort him. But, even if you do, he’ll keep up his bitter act, sarcastically asking why you weren’t talking with your other boyfriend.
He’d be the most difficult to make up with, his jealousy fueling your own anger until you found yourselves in a silent treatment match that’d last but so long once you both went to bed, his arm wrapping around you waist and holding you close, a simple “I’m still mad” leaving him as you drifted to sleep.
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Jealousy level: 5/10
Chanwoo would feel jealous but he wouldn’t know how to go about it. He’d be embarrassed if you knew he was jealous, but he also couldn’t stand seeing you laugh with and hug some guy he never met before. If you brought him along so they could meet, he’d space out, his mind going over everything you might have found perfect about the other guy and doubting if this was just step one of you replacing him and finding a new and better relationship.
He’d mentally detach from the situation before physically drifting away as well, eyes reluctantly glancing at you both to watch the potential demise of his relationship. Once you found yourself back at his side, you’d be able to tell right away he wasn’t himself and, after putting two and two together, determined he was just feeling insecure. He’d need a lot of reassurance, just a simple “I love you” not enough to remind him you weren’t going anywhere.
His jealousy would be more sadness than anger or possession, making it a strange and new experience as you won’t know how to handle it properly, but he’ll talk it out with you eventually and may need some space to realign himself and get back to normal.
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thatmissfit · 3 years
IKON TV Episode One: Behind The Scenes
Right now, you’re walking to the YG dorms to relax with your boyfriend and his group as it’s been a while since you last saw him due to all their growing success and long schedules. You brought along some jajangmyeon for everyone as you’ve been craving it recently and thought the boys would be hungry from today’s concert. You reach the dorm and Jinhwan lets you in as he takes the takeout from your hand and closes the door behind you.
He puts the food on the living room table and both of you sit down on the couch when he asks you, “how’ve you been y/n-ie?"
You smile cutely as you respond with, "I've been pretty good, school’s been such a pain but I’m pushing through it. Plus I've missed my favourite boys,” I say with a cheeky smile and a shove to Jinnie's shoulder. “How are you guys? Being global sensations and all” you asked while pushing his shoulder, teasing him.
He laughs at your statement and responds with “It’s good, seeing the fans, performing, being on stage but I do enjoy moments where we can sit back and look at how far we’ve come with all our hard work.” “I get that. We should probably eat before the food gets cold.”
With that, Jinhwan went to get the boys as you went to the bathroom to wash up to eat. When you get out Yunhyeong, Chanwoo, Jiwon and Hanbin are sitting on the couch. “Noona, I can’t believe you bought us food. Thanks. You’re so sweet to us,” Chanwoo says as you sit down next to Hanbin. “You don’t have to thank me, I just want to make sure you boys aren’t starving yourselves.”
“Our little maknae is so cute,” Bobby says as he pinches Chan’s check. “Yah, stop that. I’m not a child.”
Junhoe, Jinhwan and DK enter the living room as the rest of you guys remove the plastic off the food and start eating. “Y/N-ah, did you hear we’re self-producing our own tv show,” Jiwon asks. “Really, that sounds exciting. Kinda like Going Seventeen or Run BTS.
“Exactly like that but we get to film, choose our own activities and well you get to see my face so for that reason we’re better than all those other shows out there.
“What is it called?” You asked. “IKON TV,” Jiwon replies, “We’re actually starting filming today.”
You turn to Hanbin and hit him in the shoulder gently, of course, you can't bruise your baby. “Yah, Hanbin-ah how could you not tell me you were filming today?” “I don’t see the big deal. Besides I wanted to see you,” he says as he pulls you in for a sidearm hug and kisses you on the temple. You put your head on his shoulder in response, “look at Hanbin-ie, being so cute to his girlfriend.” “Are you trying to say I’m not always cute to my girlfriend? Who wouldn’t be? Look at this cute face,” Hanbin says as he squeezes your cheeks together making your lips pout. “Knock it off Hanbin-ah,” you say as you remove his hands from your face and cutely pout at him. The boys laugh and continue eating.
The sounds of slurping and swallowing are going through the room while you all idly chat about school, new songs, fan meets, anything under the sun really. Even though you’re dating Hanbin the rest of the boys are like your brothers and if you needed anything they would be there for you and vice versa.
“Wah, that was so good. It really hit the spot,” Yunhyeong says as he sits back in, “thanks Y/N.” “No problem guys, but as I said, I just want to make sure you’re all good.”
Eventually, you all go your separate ways in the dorm and you and B.I head to his room as he closes the door and he pulls you into his lap. He sits there with his hands wrapped along your waist as he admires you deeply. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long,” he says quietly just enough for you to hear but not for anyone else to. “I know. I miss my talented rapper-songwriter”
“I’m serious baby, I missed you. A lot.” It makes your stomach flutter to hear him be so honest but you know it’s true. Both of you have been extremely busy; you with your last semester of university and him with ikon so, you understand that being separate at moments of your relationship is required in both of your lives. “And I missed you too,” which of course is true but you know he wants to hear you say it, you know he's just insecure as this is his first real relationship so you make sure he knows you love and care for him.
He leans in as you meet him halfway in a short and sweet kiss, and another, and another before you stop him with, “as much as I love kissing you, don’t you have to film soon?” “Yea, but that can wait. I want more time with my girl,” he tries to kiss you once more but you pull away and place your finger on his lips. “Ah, ah, go film,” with that you get off his lap and force him to stand up but being a whiny little baby he jokes by saying, “yah, so you don’t love me anymore y/n-ie.” “Stop being an idiot Hanbin-ah.” You push him slightly towards the door and he shoots you finger hearts as he walks out.
You lay back on his bed for a few minutes until you decide you want the coolness of the ground so you roll off and lay on the floor as Hanbin walks back into his room to see you on the floor. “You do know there’s a camera up there,” he says as he points at the corner of his ceiling where a go-pro films you, more importantly, you decide to lay on a cold hard floor instead of a comfy bed. “How awkward,” and even though you said that it didn’t prompt you to leave the floor.
“Yeah, a bit of an invasion of privacy but we’ll make the most of it.” He proceeds to take off his shirt which confuses you, “I didn’t know you were into that stuff.” He looks down at you puzzled by your dirty mouth especially since you were being recorded. He nudges you sightly with his food and responds with, “it’s not like that, dirty girl I’m gonna work out, but you can help me if want.”
You sit up wondering how could you help him workout but if this means seeing him shirtless longer you didn’t really mind. He positions you perpendicular to the bed and lays you back down on the floor then, he positions himself to use the bed as support to do his pushups over you. “You’re my motivation so, you’re gonna lay there and look pretty, which you always are,” he gives you that cute smile you love, “and every time I come down you give me a kiss, okay?” Surprised by his boldness especially with the cameras here you still nod at his proposal.
He does about thirty pushups and for each one he gives you a sweet and short kiss that makes you want to kiss him more. Even though the cameras are recording this it still feels like you guys are in this little world that nothing and no one can penetrate. Being so busy with your own lives, these are the moments you cherish the most so when does the last pushup you give him an extra kiss and he blushes as he turns away from the camera and moves on to the pull-up bar. You sit up and lean against his bed as you admire his back muscles thinking about how your attractive boyfriend is reeling in all types of fans with the show he’s putting on. His workout continues for the next hour but you decide to take a shower and do your skincare since you leave some of your stuff at the dorm for when you stay over.
When you come back Hanbin is now lying on the floor tired, he then complains about being sweaty and gets up to take a shower while he brings his camera as well. Eventually, you hear the shower running which made think of giving ikonics a peek they would like so, you sneak into the bathroom, grab the camera Hanbin left on the counter and started recording yourself at first. You whisper into the camera, “hey ikonics, hope you’re in for a treat.” That’s when he heard you, “what are you doing in here baby?” You make sure to cover the bottom half of the camera so it doesn’t become that type of video and reply with, “I wanna give ikonics a present.” You flip the camera and blow a kiss at the camera then, flip it back towards Hanbin.
He tries to move around which could be problematic, “don’t move! Just say I love you, ikonics,” you prompt him. He puts his arms up into a heart and repeats what you said, “love you, ikonics,” he also draws a heart in the steamy glass door which makes you laugh. You flip the camera back on you and end the recording with, “love you ikonics, hoped you enjoy that scene.” You whisper the next part so Hanbin doesn’t hear, “I’ll try and film sneaky things like that when I can.” You stop the recording and left Hanbin to finish his shower and went to lay down in his bed.
A few moments later he comes back and quickly gets dressed in boxers and sweats so, he can lay down in the bed with you. He wraps his body around you by putting his arms and legs around your torso and shoulders. He kisses you on the temple then asks you, “are you okay?” You turn to him confused why he’d asked that. “Why wouldn’t I be, are you okay?”
“Yea I just wanted to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable with all the cameras and stuff invading our space.” Look at your baby being so cute and considerate, damn you love him to bits but, you do understand why he’d ask that. If you were with someone else you wouldn’t know if they’d stay in such an invasive environment but you love Hanbin, Ikon and all their fans so you wouldn’t change your life one bit.
You squish his face and tell him, “I wouldn’t change this for anything because all of this comes with being with you and I love being with you so yea, I’m good.” You gently brush your lips against his and give him a gentle kiss. He then unwraps his body from yours to grab the television remote from the bedside table and turn on Netflix. “So Sisyphus or Men on a Mission?” Not even a second was needed to think about this simple decision which is, “Men on a Mission, obviously.” He smiles at you as he starts the show and pulls you back into his chest where you snuggle yourself into and eventually both of you fall asleep to the sounds of laughter.
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conquered-the-stage · 7 years
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get ready?
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tacojisung · 4 years
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Part 1
✾ Pairing: Yandere!Seonghwa x reader
✾ Warnings: Yandere behavior, Swearing, Kidnapping, Stalking, Violence, Obsession, Possessive natures, and weird creepy shit going down bro.
✾ Genre: Fluff, Some Angst, Humor, Yandere themes, Smut/Mature
✾ Words: 1k
✾ Summary: Your neighbor next door seemed too nice and welcoming.
✾ A/N: Nice simple start to this series, although as I wrote the last few sentences I actually was getting spooked myself and since it’s 2am, I need sleep bro. Enjoy broski’s!
Update! Will be under construction!
Timestamp | Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2
A loud thud sounds from your room as you dance about in your new kitchen, placing utensils in drawers. You shrug it off as you hear loud cheering and more rukus coming from your neighbor next door. Why couldn’t your neighbor just be the old lady in A2?
You continue to place more stuff in their rightful place around the kitchen, trying your best to ignore your neighbor and his loud ass friends. Because you just didn’t want to become that neighbor and storm over and kick his ass along with his friends’ asses for being so damn loud and banging the walls with what sounded like a ball - which who the fuck even plays soccer inside? Well, little kids do when they're bored out of their mind and want to live wild for once and then run away when their mom finds out that they broke one of her most expensive vases.
“Hey! Did you know that you have five year old neighbors?” Jinhwan asked as he walked into the living room, carrying a few empty boxes with him.
Turning around to look at him with a blank face you replied, “You don’t fucking say?”
He frowns at you just as he was about to say something back when Bobby and Yunhyeong appear from the hallway to your bedroom and bathroom.
“Bathroom is all set and clean! Man, I wish I could have my own place, sadly I’m still dorming with these idiots.” Yunhyeong throws more empty boxes to the pile Jinhwan has made, flopping himself onto your couch.
“Hey, at least these idiots help you clean sometimes!”
“Yeah, whenever I ask Hanbin to help me clean he goes to you guys and threatens you or manipulates you to do it for him.” Jinhwan stares at Yunhyeong.
“It’s true man, he does do that to us.” Bobby speaks up from the counter behind you, his gaze not leaving whatever he has in his hand.
“He once manipulated me to clean Kihyun’s car after he was the one that had spilled choco ice cream all over the dash.” You say as you breathe deeply. A traumatizing memory for you since Kihyun had literally thought you were the culprit that his dash in his car had smelled of ice cream for an entire week, but luckily he had forgiven you and had a recording of what really happened that day.
“Doesn’t Kihyun have a dash camera in his car?”
Putting the last dish in the cabinet above you with a little help of your step stool that Donghyuk and June had gifted you - which you had cursed them out since they had made plenty of jokes about how short you were and that you just needed a little help to reach places without having Chan or Mingyu help you.
Turning to Jinhwan you smiled. “Yeah he does!” You chuckle as you remember vividly as Kihyun had called you to apologize and say that he had seen that Hanbin was the one who had spilled the ice cream, and that he would make it up to you since he had a video of Hanbin driving his car, that he had borrowed to get to a meeting that day and that after the meeting he was at he had gone to an ice cream parlor, and drove around the city in which he had made a sharp turn, which resulted in him using the brakes hard as a another car was going to make a u-turn.
“He has three camera’s in his car. The dash board one, the bumper one and he has one hidden in the dashboard in case someone decides to steal his car.”
All three guys start laughing as hard as they can as another loud thud sounds from your bedroom, following with a loud “Oh shit!”
You roll your eyes at that. Stupid neighbor and his friends.
“So-so, that means Hanbin never saw that camera?” Bobby says, a hand on his stomach.
You smirk as you look over to him, but you frown as you look at what is in his hand. “Are those my panties?!” You point at him as he stops laughing, Jinhwan and Yunhyeong stopping as well.
Bobby looks down and immediately pulls them behind his back. “No?”
“Give them back.”
“Bobby.” He starts backing out of your kitchen and walking backwards to the living room as Jinhwan and Yunhyeong stare at you both.
“Give it!” You yell, running after him as he takes off. Both of you run in circles around your living room until he runs off to your room and shuts the door on you, locking you out of your own new room. “Bobby, I swear to god if you don’t open this door-”
“You’ll what?” He yells back from the other side of the door.
You growl lowly, an angry pout present on your lips. “I will punch you in the throat and tear out your spine and shove it so far up where the sun doesn’t shine.”
You can hear Bobby chuckling. “Why does that turn me on a little?”
“That’s because you're weird and like weird shit!” Yunhyeong yells from the living room.
“And because you stole Y/n’s panties before and keep them in a secret place back home!”
“And you once told us drunkenly that you had a thing for when girls are dom with you!”
“Oh my god…”
The sound of the lock clicks as the door opens and Bobby’s red face is shown, your panties in his left hand. “Give me those.” You say, snatching your panties back and pushing Bobby out of your room.
“Thanks for exposing me guys.”
“Anytime!” Jinhwan laughs with Yunhyeong, the sound of two people high-fiving being heard from the living room.
As you walk towards your dresser you feel as if someone is watching you, but as you turn around you see that Bobby isn’t there and is most likely already in the living room with the other guys. You frown to yourself and put back your panties that Bobby had originally taken out of your drawer. 
Looking around your finished unpacked new room, you feel those eyes again, but you don’t know where they are coming from. Must be the realization of moving alone. But you feel as if it is not just that. With a shrug of your shoulders, you turn and leave your room, your neighbor and his friends finally quieted down as you make your way to your living room to challenge your friends to a game of Mario Kart.
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ikonwallpapers-blog · 7 years
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iKON - Simple
- Reblog if you save/use please!!  
- Do NOT repost,edit or remove logo!
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ikonist · 4 years
my plan for ikon on kingdom is very simple: i’ll use bobby as bait first for the bisexuals and the lesbians (main public), donghyuk will conquer the milfs & furry enthusiasts (don’t ask), yunhyeong comes third for all the dilfs (he can make any man call him prince) and then i’ll send jinhwan in his 165cm of magnitute for the gays. junhoe and chanwoo as the hetero representatives will remain backstage in case of an emergency. done. ikon took the crown in the 1st episode
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lunnanunna · 4 years
iKON Extra Member AU
Summary: iKON does a live, and one of the managers annoys Bao.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @kimonmars​ @markszone​ @atinygracie​ @poutychangbinnie​
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open for each girl! Please let me know what you think.
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Bao sat criss-crossed on the ground in between Bobby and Donghyuk. A camera was set up in front of them and the rest of the group as they went on V Live. They were giving a simple group update to iKonics who have been patiently waiting for an update from them. Sadly, they had no update yet as a group, but they did for Bao’s mini album and Bobby’s OST.
“Perfect,” Jinhwan hummed as the staff placed four boxes of pizza in front of them. It was around dinner time and their managers thought it’d be nice if they did a sort of mukbang live.
“God, I’m starved,” Bobby moaned as he quickly grabbed a slice and bit into it.
Bao rolled her eyes, but reached for a slice of meat lovers. “Holy,” Bao mumbled after taking a bite, eyes closed. She understood what Bobby meant. The pizza itself wasn’t the best (Definitely not the place that they usually got theirs from), but seeing as they were all so hungry, it tasted devine.
“Guys, this is honestly so good,” Yunhyeong spoke through a mouthful of pizza to the camera. Everyone hummed and nodded in agreement.
“‘What kinds did you get?’ Hmm, well we have meat lovers,” Junhoe answered. Bao held up her slice when he mentioned the type that she was eating.
“We also have cheese and pepperoni,” Chanwoo pointed out the two boxes.
“And chicken bbq,” Bobby added, already grabbing another slice of said pizza.
“Hand me a slice of that,” Bao said, holding her plate out towards Bobby. The older grabbed a slice and placed it on her plate. Bao nodded in thanks and took her plate back. She finished off her first slice and went to eat the second one.
“Noona, can you give me a slice of cheese please?” Donghyuk spoke up. Bao nodded, mid bite, and reached to grab a cheese. She handed it to the dancer who smiled in thanks.
The group continued to eat and answer questions for the next 20 or so minutes. Chanwoo, the savage maknae he was, dissed everyone, Junhoe was as loud as always, Yunhyeong and Jinhwan tried to keep things civil, and Bao, Donghyuk, and Bobby watched in amusement.
Placing her plate on the floor in front of her, Bao reached for her soda. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Donghyuk finish his first slice, and eye the box of chicken bbq. Wordlessly, she reached for a slice and placed it on his plate.
Donghyuk hadn’t noticed that Bao was watching him, so he startled when she handed him the pizza. He sheepishly smiled at her and took a bite. Bao smiled back, giving his knee a pat.
“‘Aw, caring Bao-unnie!’” Junhoe read, snickering as he looked over at Bao.
She scowled at the vocalist then turned to the camera. “Only to Hyukie and Channie,” Bao patted Donghyuk’s knee again, and sent the maknae finger guns which he returned.
“She plays favorites,” Jinhwan glowered, throwing a piece of chicken at her.
“We’re live, so I won’t swear,” Bao said with an unimpressed look, flicking the chicken to the gorund.
“Jesus, Noona,” Chanwoo chuckled, shaking his head.
“This is why you can’t do solo lives,” Yunhyeong said, wagging a finger at her.
Bao shrugged. “I said I wasn’t going to swear ‘cause we’re live,” she raised a brow at them, lips pressed into a line.
“She did say that,” Bobby said chuckling, leaning back, hands behind him.
Bao sent him a thumbs up, turning to face the camera and smiling. “I’m behaving for iKonics.”
“Not like they don’t know your true nature,” Jinhwan said, rolling his eyes.
“True, but I’m being watched by,” Bao rolled her own eyes in annoyance and pointed up at the sky (And no, she didn’t mean God. She meant the company’s higher ups.) The others nodded then changed the subject as Yunhyeong read more comments.
Bao turned to Donghyuk, feeling him poke her thigh. He looked at her then at the last slice of chicken pizza. Smiling and shaking her head, Bao handed it to him. He laughed as he took it.
“Thanks, Noona,” he smiled, taking a bite. Bao nodded and turned to face the camera again.
While doing so, she caught  a glimpse of one of their newer managers, Soobin, scowling at Donghyuk. Bao turned to the younger and saw him looking at Soobin with wide eyes. She watched as Donghyuk placed his plate on the floor, pizza barely eaten, then he picked up his phone to read some comments, his face flushed. 
Leaning in subtly, almost as if she was going to read some comments off his phone, Bao whispered, “Everything alright?”
The younger nodded, not looking up. Bao knew him well enough to know when he was lying, and right now she could smell his bullshit. She turned back to look at Soobin, brow raised as she tried to figure out what just happened.
The next few minutes went by with Donghyuk silently reading comments –though Bao could tell that he wasn’t really reading, eyes glazed over– and her taking quick glances at his uneaten pizza.
She had found it weird that he had basically asked her for it, then after only one bite, forgot about it. Or maybe it wasn’t weird. Soobin had sent Donghyuk a weird look right before he put the pizza down. And that’s when she realized what happened.
She fucking hated the staff sometimes, especially the ones who were new and thought that they were entitled to change things to how they liked it.
Subtly, she reached for Donghyuk’s plate and moved it closer to him. Said boy looked at the plate then up at her with questioning eyes. She nodded at him, then turned to face Soobin, who Bao knew, would be watching the whole interaction.
And there he was, arms crossed over his chest, not only glaring at Donghyuk, but now at Bao. She raised a challenging brow at him, placing a hand on the dancer’s knee. Without looking at him, she whispered through clenched teeth, “If you’re still hungry then eat.”
Donghyuk gave the slightest shake of his head, but Bao caught it. She turned to him and smiled wide, giving him a nod. He looked at her then at the manager (Bao really wished that idiot would go away) then back to her, eyes wide.
She took his phone and smirked as she pretended to read comments. She mimed signaling out some comments then said out loud. “Is DK going to finish his pizza? It’d be a waste.” There was no such comment, but with how fast they were rolling in, no one would be able to say otherwise.
“They’re right, Hyukie,” Bao said, grinning at the boy who seemed to catch on, if his blush was anything to go by.
The younger hesitated, but reached out to grab his plate. Bao took this moment to look up at Soobin, glaring. She didn’t care that the fans would be wondering who it was directed to, she just needed Soobin to get how annoyed she was with him.
He was new. He had no right to stop Donghyuk or any of her boys from doing anything that they wanted to do, especially eating. Bao hated the idea of dieting, mainly if it wasn’t needed.
Soobin looked down at her, challenging, but Bao stared right back. He was lucky that they were live, if not she’d have chewed his head off. 
She watched as Jaehyun moved over to him and whispered something in his ear. Soobin seemed unhappy, so she knew that Jaehyun had gotten her message across.
Jaehyun was good like that. He could read Bao just as good as her boys, and knew that things like dieting were stupid and unnecessary. Jaehyun, like Bao, preferred it if none of them had to diet.
Soobin looked at Bao one last time then looked away. She smirked, nodding in thanks to Jaehyun who nodded back. 
“Thank you, Noona,” Donghyuk whispered as he leaned his head down as if to read some comments from the phone in her hand.
“Of course, Hyukie,” she whispered back, smiling down at the phone.
Bao’s Masterlist
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p-jiminaa · 4 years
Fated to you. (Part 4)
Kim Taehyung and You
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Summary: You have no other choice other than to marry him.
Genre: Angst.
Gif is not mine, credit to the owner.
| #1 | #2 |#3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 |
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"Is everything okay?" His voice snaps you out from your reverie. You turn your head to him who is looking at you amusingly. How can you freeze in front of him Well, whoever enters this household would have the same reaction as you. When he told you that you're moving to his penthouse, you had imagined a clean home but what you can see now is a large pile of mess. There's litter everywhere. There's also high of a pile of uncleaned cloth on the couch and when you walk to the kitchen you almost faint when you see dirty dishes not only on the kitchen island but also everywhere.
"Oh my God." You say under your breath.
You heard him clearing his voice so you swirl around. "I fired the helper last week because I found her resting on my bed."
"And you can't clean by yourself?"
"I don't have time for that." Rolling your eyes, your walks to the stairs and you let out a breath of relief because at least this floor is clean. You did not aware that he follows you that suddenly you feel his presence as he stands right behind you.
"This will be our room and there's connecting room over there." He pointed to the left side where there a white door. "That will be the dressing room. You can use half of the space. I built a new one for you." Oh wow, did you hear it wrong? Did he build a new closet just for you? How thoughtful.
"I thought you'll be asking me to use a guest room."
"We're married. What is the use of having a wife if at night I am not going to share a bed with her." You felt the proximity. You heard it very well how deep his voice is. You even feel his breath beside your ears.
"You're crazy if you think his deep voice is beautiful." You mumble incoherently and slink away from him to go downstairs to clean whatever needed to be clean. You just need to distract yourself. One thing for sure is that you need to distract yourself from thinking about your hus... ahh just say the word Y/n. Husband. Yes, your husband. God! Please protect my heart.
Done cleaning everything, well not everything though. You just gather his uncleaned shirt into a pile and throw everything into the washing machine. Well for the dirty dishes, you have never been so happy when you found out that he has a dishwasher. So you just have to put it in and it'll do the work and the only thing you do is vacuuming the floor as well arranging everything.
And when you finished everything, you plopped down on the couch, and that when you saw Taehyung wearing simple outfits. He did not even realize you sitting there since you're not turning the tv on. "Where are you going?" He seems startles as you saw how he turn around instantly upon hearing your voice.
"I am going out. Don't wait for me." He says while closing the door and he's gone. You almost forgot that Taehyung is actually a bastar* who goes around from one girl to another and just now your heart is almost affected by his voice. Oww, how stupid are you!
It's been a long and traumatized day for you that you are finally able to have a long shower. You just can't wait to sleep but then you remember that you never unpack your things. Oh, God! Another one thing to do.
When you open the dressing room you were actually surprised that his things are neat, very neat in fact. Like even his shirt are arranged according to colors. But what caught your attention is a long cushion bench that was placed in the middle of the dressing room that divides the area perfectly. There's a medium-size glass table placed beside the bench and that what actually caught your attention is when you found a  picture in a frame. This is not the same girl you met at his office. So you do what every wife does. You took a picture of the girl but sending it to someone. Someone who you can trust and knowable to dig information about this girl, Yunhyeong. Well because he knows almost everyone and you know he can anything to dig this girl's background. Not that you always asked him this kind of request but you just feel this girl is special to Taehyung because if she's not, he would never hide her from you.
It took you less than a day to find out about the girl. Her name is Jung Hana, the same age as you and now residing at one of the high-class hospitals in Korea because she's dying and she's your husband's lover, not for two but for almost five years.
You went to his company again this morning and coincidentally, not really coincidently because the real reason you're here is to meet her, the secretary while on her way to enter the building.
"Hey" You call her, stopping the car beside the road in front of your husband's company. She stops and her faces hard when she realizes it was you. "I need to talk to you."
"I don't think I can talk to you now since office hours started in fifteen..."
"I know and that why I am going to make this talking short and simple."
"Why don't you get in the car now. It'll save more time."
She folds her hands across her chest as if she's challenging you and showing you that she's not going to comply with your request. You let out a smirk and got off from that car and walks to her before taking her hair in your hand while pushing her to your car.
"Yah, you crazy bi*ch!" She says as you push her towards the car. You don't care if you're attracting any unnecessary attention. This girl needs to be taught a lesson.
"I told you clearly to get in the car."  Heaving a harsh breath, she gave up and got in your car. Hurriedly, you got in the car and drive away from the building. You stopped the car at some empty parking lots not far from the office. You took a white big envelope from the back seats and throw it on her laps. "Open it." You say as you see her staring at it.
She tried to control her expression but a woman like her is easy to read. Under her calm and confident demeanor that she tried to show you, you know she's nervous, very nervous by the way how she grips the end of the envelope tightly and slowly pull out the picture inside. You looked at her calmly while enunciates every word slowly so that she understands you.
"Is my husband still with her?" She nodded her head slowly. "Then he only paid you to be his girl?" She nodded her head again. She then goes on with explaining everything from how he always out on time from the office so that he could take care of her to the moment he hired his own secretary to act out the playboys' drama.
You heave out an airy chuckle. So the reason he flaunts her playboy side is so that you could disagree with the wedding and he wanted to be with her. He's not the bad guy you thought all this time. He just wanted to take care of his sick lover. He doesn't want to hurt her. But he doesn't want to disappoint his father too so that why he chooses to show you that non-existed side of him, the bad-ass man when he's not that kind of guy. You wonder what kind of secret he hides more from you because you stop her when she says his father's name and his plan. You didn't want to know more, you stop her when she said the plan he prepared something just to hurt you.  You don't want to know more. It's shocking to know that they planned on hurting the baby if you ever get pregnant. For God's sake, the baby (if you're actually pregnant from that one session at the hotel) is innocent and that their blood and flesh. Just what kind of monster are they?
"I am sorry, Mrs. Kim." You suddenly snap out to reality when she addressed you like that. "I didn't mean to do that with him. It's just that... he tells me to do it."
Stuttering she replies to you. "W-What?"
"Out. You're late for work." You said fiercely.
Her eyes are wide in disbelieve. "You can never take her place." She said angrily and got off your car. So she met her. You instantly drive away and after fifteen minutes driving you found yourself stopping in front of the hospital she was in but you're not going to meet her, not yet.
It was around 7PM that you heard the front door open. He came home. You did not expect that. You thought he'll go to her straight after work. That's what her secretary told you.  
You ignored his presence at the kitchen's door, hand folding above his chest observing you. "So did you found the answer you're looking for?" He finally asks you.
So he knows but you pretend to be clueless. "What?"
"I saw what you did today and she reports to me everything. You're speaking to my employee so do you think they'll keep whatever happens today as a secret?"
"Let's just say I know everything. What can you say about that?"
He shrugged his shoulder and steps forward to you. "Just to remind you Y/n, I agreed to this wedding because of my father. There's no promise that I'll stay with you." His eyes lock with yours.
"And that including killing your baby if I were pregnant?" You meet his hard gaze and you intentionally say 'your baby' because he needs to realize that if he's hurting the baby, he's hurting his own flesh.
"That's the initial plan... before I agreed to marry you."
"And what changes now?"
"If I do it, there's no difference between me and your father."
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