#chanwoo simple
ikonislife · 2 years
Soulmate 3.
- OT7 x Reader
- It’s not all honey and sunshine in the world where soulmates are something of God given will. Will the boys be strong enough to get through the day with their better half or will the relationship will tarnish with the tick of the clock.
-Fluff, slight angst, soulmate au, soulmate!iKon
-Chapter 1: Chanwoo - The Boy with the Baseball Glove
-Chapter 2: Hanbin - The Boy in the Red Flannel
-Chapter 3: Yunhyeong - The Boy in the Chef Apron
-Chapter 4: Bobby - The Boy with the Golden Smile
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“Have you ever consider that you might be my soulmate, Y/n?”
You should’ve been flipping table, throwing a fit, destroying your little apartment at the nonchalantness of his question... At the existent of that very question. Yet here you lay, eyes still glue on the white noises spewing from your TV, not even batting an eye at those words. Not to say that it never did... Just, when you had heard that same question falling from the cherry soft lips of your handsome prince of a best friend thousands of times over, somehow, even as magical as Song Yunhyeong is, it had lost its power. 
Face it, the topic of soulmate in this day and age, although no longer what it once was, still very much something that could strike the heart of the toughest guys and color rosy every girl’s cheeks.
“No, not really, never cross my mind.” 
For any onlooker, that respond was formed almost absentmindedly, a bit too heartless even. However, taken in the dynamic of your relationship with Yunhyeong, it’s anything but. You’d without a shadow of a doubt, unashamedly admit that countless time before you’ve considered it, soulmate, just the simple uttering of the word already sending shiver down your spine... Of course you’ve considered it. 
So then why the sarcastic answer?  That question itself nearly as loaded as the one he had asked, the kind of question that had been mulled over for so many moon it had began taking root, twisting and winding its grasp around your heart until it was unbearable to even look at him. Because it’s a question too hard to swallow, and so deep that the only respond you could utter without dredging up physical matters of the heart is sarcasm.
For one, you’ve lost count of just how many time Yunhyeong had brought up that very concern. Any sign, need not be one out of the ordinary, just any old sign of your mundane life could be the sign. Grabbing for the glass of water at the same time? Soulmate. Blurting out the same order at a new restaurant for your monthly food adventure? Soulmate. Even getting up to go to the damn restroom at the same time could be a sign for him. 
“No shit, Song Yunhyeong, you only mention it like every other second.”
“I know, but have you really consider it though? You as my soulmate?” His sweet voice rings out once more, fighting against the bubbling and clanking of pots in your tiny kitchen.
“I mean...” You pause letting the thought once again steeps your brain in its fairytale liked nature, pausing a bit too long for just how pragmatic and casual you had remained at the sensitive subject. “How much considering can I do when the symptom aren’t there.” You say as your heart clenches with every word your lips utter, why can’t he see that you’ve considered it, dreamt it, wished upon the star it. None of that matter if the cosmic is against you and him, against your heart intertwining in a dance of that searing pain of heartbeat syncing then the beautiful breathtaking moments to follow. The universe is as conniving as it is heartless having your heart’s desire reminding you times and times again of what you can’t have. 
You could almost see his heart drops and a frown beginning to form under that dulling smile of his as a soft defeated “you’re right” tumbles from those kissable lips. No matter how hard Yunhyeong tried to hide the disappointment threatening to vomit from the deep corners of his heart and soul with that brilliant smile of his, it’d always be obvious to you because well, you feel the same way. 
There’s no denying the physical attractiveness your best friend possesses that quite honestly stole your breath on so many occasions, down right had you staring now and then in the most random moments of life.  Not to mention, the chemistry between the two of you could fools stranger into believing you were meant for each other, left people closest to you both wondering how it could even be possible for your hearts not to belong to one another. 
It’s not as if you hated when he brings up this topic, quite opposite actually, you love it with every bits of your soul. The idea of having the boyfriend of all boyfriends being the person to have and to hold for the rest of your life, who in their right mind wouldn’t want that. You love Yunhyeong, no doubt about that, long fallen for the caring man and all of his quirkiness sometimes borderline cringy... Long before the fame and success. 
You’ve even considered just saying yes, to end both yours and his suffering with one simple word, falling into each other arms and get lost in the moment but you love him too much for that, to rob him of his one true love. What’s more, you love yourself too much to bear the thought of maybe a year, a month, or even a day into this fantasy relationship, his soulmate could be strolling down the street to put an end to all this nonsense. That’s not a pain you want to nor did you think to be able to survive. Alas, this is not a world where two people frivolously fall in love and ride off into the sunset without a care for anyone else but themselves. This is a world where everybody is bound by their destiny no matter how much one detest the outcome. If only the soulmate drug works on ordinary matter of the heart also. 
To have him in that moment, to lose yourself in him in that one second is enough for you to be happy for the rest of the days. You love the way he makes you feel as though you’re the most special person in the world, how his smile perks up the moment you step into the room even if he had been dying on the floor from being yelled at by Hanbin for not getting the choreograph right the 10th time that night. It’s comical, stupid even that you’re denying yourself happiness because of some stupid old tradition that meant to ensure the survival of the human race. Aren’t the Earth overpopulated anyways, can the divine stop playing with people’s hearts like sex toys. Life must have a great sense of humor because it had presented you the perfect human being yet all you will ever be allow to call him is best friend. 
A quick wipe of his hands on the white apron so snugly tied around his waist, accentuating his fitted figure a bit too well, Yunhyeong returns his attention to the bubbling pot on the stove, delectable scent permeate through your tiny apartment that was much too peasant-liked to fit his prince image. It was your weekly dinner and as always, Yunhyeong has a recipe or two up his sleeves that he’d like to experiment on you before serving it up to the boys. Although by now, there’s an inkling within your heart that the truth is far from that. Since when has the iKon boys really care what their chef make, they weren’t picky enough of eaters for Yunhyeong to be going through such great length. If anything, they’d love it even more if he experiment more with food at home. 
Sauntering into the boiling hot kitchen, you did your best to peek from the side of the tall man blocking nearly the whole width of your small stove, slaving away with two pots and a few mixing bowls all at once. 
“Yunhyeong, you know we can just do take out, right? You don’t need to work so hard every week cooking for me.”
“Shh, you eat take out too much. Eat some real food for once, plus, I need to practice making these dishes anyways.”
You smile but deep within a sadness lurking about of a future where these weekly “date” will ceased to exist the moment his soulmate comes into play. Cease to exist too will be the flirty banter and carefree playfulness in your words to each other, you will no longer be the only girl he could confide in and snuggle close till you both fall asleep from talking till morning comes. Of course all you want is for him to be happy but you couldn’t help the small part of yourself that want to keep Yunhyeong, to be able to be selfish when it comes to him. You won’t be able to love him any longer and you’re not quite sure how to deal with that, not quite yet. You know Yunhyeong won’t abandon you but the thought of never being anything more than his best friend, it hurts. 
Lost in a world without Yunhyeong, you carelessly pick up the boiling kettle steaming away and shouting by the stout oblivious to Yunhyeong screams of warning. The pain scorching your skin not nearly as intense as the pain still lingering in your heart from the hypothetical world and it wasn’t until far too late that you had let go, clanking of the kettle along with the splashing of scalding hot water sear deep into your arms. The pain slowly sinking in, body curling up to cope with the unbearable pain but the frightful scream stolen from your throat, in place of it, a muted gasping of air. Yunhyeong dives to catch you in his arms, your names tumbling from his lips like prayers, wishing it had been him at the receiving end of the caustic boiling liquid. 
Mind blank and pain unbearable, seemingly all the functioning braincell you’ve managed to control poured into one thing, tears. Tears overflowing like a broken dam blurring away the panic on his face. Your hands clutching desperately, body pressing tightly against his as if Yunhyeong is your last lifeline in the middle of a category 5 storm. 
The how and when seemingly escaped your mind as the next second your frantic mind had gotten a grasp on reality, you were already in a room with blinding lights, kind smiles of the nurse tending to your redden arms sooth just a bit of pain away. Yunhyeong not far behind, feet could barely stay still as he did his best to be out of the way of the nurse. Yet you know, the worry in his eyes, the way he’s balling up the seam of his shirt convey the weight upon his shoulders. No sooner than the nurse had given the poor boy the go head, he flies straight to your side, unsure if it should be a mountain worth of scolding for your carelessness or intense cries of hurt to be first to leave his mouth.
“Yunhyeong, I am literally fine. Cease your worrying!” you chuckle, doing your best to ease the tension off his trembling body but you know that was futile. 
“Y/n, be for real right now. Do you know I almost had a heart attack?? How could you be laughing right now?”  He gripes, hands already grab your bandaged one with the most delicateness as if it was made out of snowflakes. 
“I am serious. I am okay Yunhyeong.” You muttered, although uncertainties ravage your brain. The searing pain in your chest was as real as the first moment you had felt it as your world blurred just a few hours ago. Yet what else could you say but to assure your best friend that all was right in the world. You were convinced his head would explode if you even cough right this second. 
“Really? you’re certain?” He questioned you, a strange tone danced between the worries. He finally settled down on the chair beside your bed with an odd expression painted across his face, uneasiness rose in your chest.
“Yea... I think I’d know if I wasn’t okay, dork.” you quipped and settled down too into your bed. Eyes strained on the bright light above, a twinge of nausea rushed through your body. “Hey, you think we can get out of here anytime soon? I don’t feel comfortable here.” You nudged Yunhyeong with a slight smile, tearing him away from whatever dream that was occupied his thought.
“Right, yea, let me check with the front desk.” 
Yunhyeong scuttled off and for the first time in a long time, you were glad your best friend wasn’t by your side. A long sigh huffed from your lungs to mingled with the sterilized air of the bustling ER. What was this strange feeling heavy on your chest? In the short hours between a dinner anticipated ruined by your carelessness and now, something between you and Yunhyeong had changed. Something major yet so subtle, tangible yet whenever you reached your fingers forward it dissipated in an instant. What did you missed? Your thought cut short as Yunhyeong rushed back to your side, papers clutched in hand. 
“We’re all good to go!” 
Another blink and you were back in the passenger seat of Yunhyeong’s car, fast steading home. The silent that was once peaceful now stuffy, heavy. The lyrics vibrating through the dense air of the car, gibberish, nonsense as your eyes trained to the fast passing road. What compelled you to utter these next few words and break the uncomfortable silent, you did not know. However the can of worm your words opened up was one you were wholeheartedly unprepared for.
“Are we alright?” You muttered reluctantly.
Yunhyeong stayed silent. Lips pursed and you could see his knuckles ghosted white as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. You could almost hear the gears in his brain churning, carefully calculating whatever it is that was about to come out of his lips. 
“You really have never considered us...” Those familiar words breathed from his lips yet it wasn’t a question, it wasn’t a joke, or even a statement. The connotation weighed heavy. 
“Yunhyeong... You only bring it up every other hour, any sane person would considered.” You tried to lighten the boulders that was this conversation yet it only seemed to made the strange expression on his features soured further. “I think enough happened today, is it really the time to bring this up again?”
“Is it really that preposterous, the idea of us being more than this limbo we’ve both lied ourselves into?” Yunhyeong gritted his teeth and shattered your belief that he could never be anything other than sunshine and happiness.
“Limbo- Yunhyeong if you have something to say then just say it. I don’t think either of us benefit from this dance we’ve done thousand times before.” You exasperated, searing pain still dancing through your chest. 
“Is it so impossible, me and you. You’ve never once gave me a straight answer. You keep me around as if I’m an option yet the moment i bring up anything remotely close to suggesting we could be more, you laughed it off as if i’m just a big joke.” The words he spoked, it registered yet it made no sense... a joke? how could he think you thought of him as a joke.
“Yunhyeong, how could you thin-” The words lost within the harsh gasp clawing its way out of your throat, harsh enough to earn concern from Yunhyeong. Fingers hastily pressing at the button to roll down the window, cold air hit your face as tears burned your cheeks. “You think it’s fun for me? To have ever other conversation we have circled the drain right into ‘ha ha what if we were more than just friends’...” Your words fighting, muffling against the wind rushing by. If you could, you’d jump right out the window and evaporate within the wind. 
“Well, you’ve never given me any other indication-”
“Song Yunhyeong, have you so wrapped up in your own mind and heart that you failed to consider what it would mean for me to really considered us?” Exasperated, there was no stopping your pain from rushing out now. “For me to let myself fall into this perfect world of being yours, of being on top of the world and in love with my best friend, and then to watch as you get a better... a real soulmate? We all knew this bullshit cosmic chosen one is inevitable and one day... One day I will have to watch you walk out of my life. There goes all our dinner date, the late night phone calls, there go my heart and soul along with whatever time you chose to give me.” Tear, snot, what have you... It didn’t matter anymore. It was not time to be polite, that was long gone. You’ve tried to protect his feelings and yours for far too long now and it bit you in the ass. Perhaps now you both could move on and whether or not this friendship will survive the pain, who knows... Before you knew it, the car had slowed to a stop. Head hung low, Yunhyeong was silent and emotions indecipherable. One thing you were sure of, he was crying, shoulders gently shrugging against the stale air of perhaps the end of you and him. 
“I’m sorry.” That was the first thing to break the sniffles coming endless from both you and him. For the first time since the car had halted to a stop that he had looked up at you, dejectedly. “I’m so sorry, Y/n... I know it was selfish of me...”
“It’s okay, Yunhyeong... There was never an easy way for this conversation to happen... No matter what, we’d be hurt.” At the worst moment of your life, your body gave out perhaps from stress, perhaps from the uncertainties of tomorrow. Hand grasping at your chest, a ragged breath barely escape your lips before his hand was on your back, caressing comfort into your chilled skin.
“I’m so sorry I lost my temper... I was just, frustrated. I don’t know how else to make you see the way I feel, symptoms or not... But especially after tonight, I just lost it.” That soft smile, the same one you’ve dream of once more bloomed on his lips. “You are literally hunching over in pain and you’re still denying it.” Confusion cold against all your features. It felt as if all the air had vacated your lungs, your brain, your blood. A sudden lightness taken over as you stared at the boy you’ve loved for so long incredulously. 
“What...” That was all you could mustered up. 
“Have you not questioned at all why you ended up in the ER? Gave me the worst fright of my life? I mean yea I nearly had a heart attack watching you grabbed the hot kettle bare hand but I know you’re strong. A little burn would have never taken you out like that! The moment I caught you in my arms, it was as if someone had used a stun gun on me. The pain was the worst i’ve felt but it was electrifying!” A cheerfulness levitated, pushing out the cold air that had staled over. 
“Wait... You’re saying...” The weight of the world suddenly dissipated and it was as if you could fly. A loud cry left your lips, startling the boy who wasn’t sure if he should laugh or join in with your cry. However that smile, the real smile that he hadn’t seen in a bit blossoming on your lips, it was all he needed to know. 
The next second he had draped himself across the middle console and pulled you right into his arms. Cries then laughters emanating from your intertwined bodies. His hand gently running through your hair, caressing away all the worries and all the dreads that had built up over the months, years of pining after him... And yours, gripping tightly on the man that will be yours. There were still much to say, much to hash out before you and him could be “us”. However in this moment, in this second where the realization that what you both had wanted but fear was out of reach was now possible, just silent was enough. You had him and he had you, that was enough. The conversation will be had but it was no longer one that was out of reach. It was one of a certain future, of being together. 
The Boy with the Golden Smile. (Coming Soon)
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apcomplexhq · 8 months
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✦ Nome do personagem: Moon Chanwoo. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Hyeongseop - Tempest. ✦ Data de nascimento: 12/03/1999. ✦ Idade: 24 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Masculino, ele/dele. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreano. ✦ Qualidades: Inteligente, independente e honesto. ✦ Defeitos: Sem filtro, indiferente e avoado. ✦ Moradia: Tartaros. ✦ Ocupação: Estudante de Filosofia e Barista. ✦ Twitter: @TT99MC ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: É bem individualista, tranquilo e silencioso. Não costuma se oferecer para ajudar em nada, mas não nega pequenos favores caso seja necessário. Apesar disso, não apresenta muito interesse em participar seja em questões sociais, seja em questões administrativas.
Seria totalmente insano da parte de Chanwoo negar que o dinheiro proporcionou privilégios e regalias a sua vida inteira, mas é fato que o rapaz não se relaciona com dinheiro e influência da mesma forma que a maioria das pessoas com quem conviveu a vida toda; nunca se sentiu completamente pertencente, acolhido naqueles espaços da elite, rodeado de pessoas vazias, fúteis e completamente delirantes, sem nenhum tato com a realidade. Desde sua bem novo ia atrás de ter seu próprio dinheiro; não que isso faltasse em casa, mas gostava da sensação de ter algo que fosse completamente e inegavelmente seu, mesmo que apenas um bem material. Fazia pequenos serviços e favores para familiares, vizinhos, amigos, que riam, encarando aquilo como apenas coisa de criança, como se ele estivesse brincando de ser alguém que precisava daquilo; e, de certa forma, pode-se dizer que estava mesmo.
Tinha dezessete quando arrumou seu primeiro emprego de fato, aproveitando o meio período depois da escola para atender na lojinha de conveniência dentro do condomínio onde cresceu. Não era grande coisa, mas era alguma coisa, certo? Seus pais, no entanto, pareciam se incomodar com aquele comportamento. Ele não precisava disso, afinal. Podia só “focar nos estudos” até terminar a faculdade, como seus irmãos e primos faziam. E, apesar de estudar ser sim uma das prioridades do garoto, ele não via como uma coisa poderia interferir na outra.
Vem desde a infância, também, a “voz” de Chanwoo; sua dialética, a necessidade de falar, comunicar, se expressar através, majoritariamente, da fala. Era a criança que falava sem parar, que sentava na mesa dos adultos e que sabia como usar as palavras para impressionar seus tios e tias com suas anedotas sobre a vida na escola. O rapaz nunca sonhou com fama e estrelato, mas desde que começou a entender melhor a vida e o mundo ele já se via, no futuro, usando essa voz.
Assim ia concluindo o ensino médio, imediatamente sendo atingido pelas expectativas de seus pais para a sua futura carreira. Já era de se esperar que a ideia deles para seu futuro era de uma profissão “normal”, aquelas carreiras de prestígio nas quais Chanwoo poderia usar de seus privilégios para manter sua vida de luxo e seu status de elite. No entanto, uma tensão começava a se formar à medida que o rapaz ia demonstra que, diferente dos seus irmãos, não tinha nenhum interesse em manter as expectativas dos pais. Filosofia, era o que ele queria. Abalados com a realidade de não poder usar o próprio filho como um fantoche e sem muita disposição para lidar com isso, veio a brilhante ideia de mandar o garoto para um internato: um ano em Londres, na Inglaterra, para aperfeiçoar seu inglês e conhecer o mundo lá fora. E ele foi, desejando amenizar aquele conflito mas completamente certo de que voltaria e seguiria seus planos sem grandes problemas.
Aproveitou-se, é claro, da situação. Fez amigos, viveu novas experiências, conheceu boa parte da Europa e aprendeu bem mais do que inicialmente tinha como objetivo. Foi lá que ele teve sua primeira experiência como barista, descobrindo ali um grande interesse e uma espécie de talento nato, algo que veio a ele de forma mais simples do que parecia para seus colegas que também eram iniciantes naquele universo. E, exatos doze meses depois, estava de volta em casa, pronto para desafiar aquilo que era esperado de si e retomar o conflito como se sequer tivesse ido embora. Vencidos pelo cansaço, os pais do garoto apenas o mandaram para a capital, com as chaves do apartamento que há uns anos haviam comprado por lá, no Acropolis Complex, e a esperança de que algum dia ele mudaria sua cabeça.
E assim começava a vida adulta de Chanwoo. Não muito depois de se mudar para Seoul, conseguia um emprego num café temático da Hello Kitty — uma de suas maiores obsessões — também conseguindo um programa no circuito interno de rádio da faculdade, que batizou de “nunujjang”, um espaço que usava para abrir a boca e deixar sair o que quisesse sair, comumente divagando sobre nada por meia hora. A excentricidade do “programa”, junto de sua personalidade um tanto quanto única renderam certa notoriedade dentro do campus, validando o rapaz à ideia de que poderia, sim, usar aquela tal “voz” para algo além do que imaginava. Assim, em alguns meses, nascia o podcast de mesmo nome, que nada mais era do que o mesmo programa que fazia na rádio da universidade, mas agora publicamente em outras plataformas, e que ao longo dos anos conseguiu acumular uma audiência singela, mas significativa. No entanto, apesar do reconhecimento moderado, as mudanças que o programa ocasionava em sua vida não eram tão significativas assim. Continuava cursando filosofia e morando sozinho no apartamento de luxo dos pais enquanto trabalhava como barista no café da sua grande heroína. E os pais continuavam ali, insistindo que ele merecia “coisa melhor”, que deveria trocar de curso, largar seu podcast e investir num futuro de verdade. Insistiam que “não estava mais na idade de brincar”. Foi única e exclusivamente por insistência dos pais, inclusive, que Nunu ganhou o carro que vivia estacionado na garagem do prédio. Qual a necessidade de andar de carro numa cidade completamente interligada pelo metrô? Na verdade, o veículo parecia só dificultar as coisas com todo aquele trânsito da cidade grande.
Apesar disso, dirigir em si era algo que agradava o rapaz. Pegar a estrada, sozinho com seus pensamentos e a música no rádio, de certa forma era uma atividade quase terapêutica, e assim o jovem desenvolveu o hábito de, periodicamente, pegar seu carro e dirigir sozinho até uma área mais remota ou uma cidade próxima só para poder aproveitar por um tempo a sua companhia e a estrada. Foi numa dessas, no entanto, que viu sua vida mudar num piscar de olhos.
Era madrugada e ele voltava de um desses passeios espontâneos. Na verdade, já estava bem perto de chegar em casa quando, num susto, acabou pela primeira vez causando um acidente. O problema, no entanto, é que ele não havia batido com o carro em outro veículo, não, isso seria “simples” demais. Havia, no entanto, se chocado com uma estranha figura que tentava atravessar correndo a rua deserta, como se não o tivesse visto ali. Talvez de fato não viu; na verdade ele parecia desconcertado, quase como se tentasse fugir de alguma coisa. E ali Chanwoo ficou, alguns instantes parado no volante, em choque, se perguntando se havia acabado de matar alguém. Quando tomou coragem para sair do veículo, no entanto, se certificou de que o rapaz estava, ainda, vivo, imediatamente chamando uma ambulância.
Agora o rapaz que antes levava a vida de forma tão leve se via obrigado a, talvez pela primeira vez na vida, levar algo realmente a sério. Não sabia como lidar com aquilo, com a culpa, o medo. E pelos dias que se seguiram — dias esses em que o homem atropelado havia passado desacordado no hospital, em coma — Chanwoo fazia um esforço para, do seu jeito, cuidar do rapaz e ao menos se certificar de que sua vida ficaria nos eixos enquanto ele estivesse no hospital. Depois desse período ele enfim pôde de fato se desculpar pelo ocorrido ao rapaz e conhecê-lo de verdade, e assim teve contato com sua história.
Assim, tomado por aquela culpa e pela vontade de recompensá-lo de alguma forma, ofereceu que o rapaz ficasse em seu apartamento, ao menos até conseguir se estabilizar, e também se prontificou em ajudá-lo a arrumar um emprego. Apesar da “voz” que inegavelmente possuía, quando se tratava de sua vida pessoal e suas relações, Chanwoo nunca foi bom em se expressar com palavras, sempre preferindo usar suas ações para tal. E era isso que, ao menos, tentava fazer com seu novo “roommate”.
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ikonwallpapers-blog · 7 years
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iKON - Simple
- Reblog if you save/use please!!  
- Do NOT repost,edit or remove logo!
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nadstylinson · 5 years
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Happy 4th anniversary to the most humble, kind hearted, real and talented group ever. ♥
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ikonis · 6 years
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toddler smiles ♡
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curledlife · 6 years
the contrast between my type and killing me is absolutely INSANE. i am so proud of them! (gonna go cry in a corner now)
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
When They’re Jealous//iKon
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(A/N: the wording is a bit sloppy because I wrote this at work lmao)
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Jealousy level: 2/10
Jinhwan feels secure with both himself and your relationship, so he wouldn’t get too jealous. But he has his moments.
He’d begin to act coldly towards everyone if he starts to feel as if someone is getting between you two, trying to remain nonchalant while simultaneously hoping you hear his silent prays that you do something to remind both him and the potential homewrecker that you’re spoken for.
He can get a bit pouty even when things die down and it’s made clear you’re happily taken, still upset you weren’t all over him the way he wanted, but that’s another issue for another time.
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Jealousy level: 0/10
Like Jinhwan, he’s secure with himself and your relationship, but he also trust that you can put an end to any flirting or advances made towards you.
But Yunhyeong is no idiot.
He would tell you with a bright smile to go out with them for dinner or to the movies, to enjoy your time with them as if the situation didn’t faze him, but he knew it’d bother you. You’d feel like he was pushing you away, probably upset you were talking about and hanging out with another man that wasn’t him, maybe even upset you haven’t given him the same attention recently.
And, like clockwork, you’ll cancel all your plans to spend your time with Yunhyeong, his demeanor still nonchalant and unbothered while you tried to prove to him you were 100% committed to your relationship. It wasn’t his plan per say, it was clearly your idea to stay with him, he just gave you a bit of a push to come to that decision.
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Jealousy level: 2/10
Another member that has no doubt that your relationship is perfect and indestructible. He doesn’t mind people flirting with you or even offering to take you out, a running joke between you two that someone might take you away from him one day. But the thing Bobby didn’t find funny? When guys were a bit too bold with their affection towards you.
You weren’t one to tell people off, especially strangers, leading to some people taking your silent bashfulness as compliance. The way guys would wrap their arms around your shoulders and pull you close drove Bobby crazy but, the way you awkwardly smiled and grimaced at the closeness between you and said stranger, killed any jealousy he felt.
He’d go into a protective stance, being your voice against unwanted predators. He was fine with seeming like the jealous boyfriend, as long as you were safe and comfortable.
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Jealousy level: 8/10
Hanbin is a great boyfriend, but his jealousy can make you question your relationship at times.
He could go from silently glaring at the man stealing your attention to wrapping himself around you like a snake, taking PDA to an all-time high to ensure they got the hint but, if they didn’t catch on or if you brushed him off to focus on the stranger, he’d get angry.
He’s a sweet guy, but if he’s angry enough he’ll verbally tell them off, gritting his teeth and giving a stern warning to leave and never come near you again. He’d try to scold you as well, wanting to chastise you for allowing their flirting to go on for so long, but just looking in your slightly angry eyes made him calm down. His mood would switch back to the loving boyfriend you always knew, his PDA still at its highest as he profusely apologized to you, but he knew he had to go through hell and back to gain your forgiveness like always.
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Jealousy level: 1/10
Donghyuk only feels jealous when he’s not your main focus, especially when it’s another guy occupying your time.
He’d become pouty and verbally needy, not ashamed to admit that he’s jealous. His jealousy won’t last long because you’d immediately talk it out, his playfulness keeping things lighthearted and his arms wrapped around you like you’re his greatest comfort.
He wouldn’t mind if you continued conversing with the stranger, especially if you found some way to include him. Possibly the easiest to deal with in terms of jealousy and relationship security.
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Jealousy level: 10/10
He’s petty and he doesn’t care that he’s petty. Anyone looks at you? He glares at them. They smile at you? He scoffs. You smile or laugh back? He rolls his eyes. His jealousy knows no bounds.
You’d find it amusing if you weren’t also a target in his unhinged behavior. He’d ignore you and everyone nearby, arms crossed and lips in a permanent pout as he watched you ignore his upset demeanor, silently demanding you go over and comfort him. But, even if you do, he’ll keep up his bitter act, sarcastically asking why you weren’t talking with your other boyfriend.
He’d be the most difficult to make up with, his jealousy fueling your own anger until you found yourselves in a silent treatment match that’d last but so long once you both went to bed, his arm wrapping around you waist and holding you close, a simple “I’m still mad” leaving him as you drifted to sleep.
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Jealousy level: 5/10
Chanwoo would feel jealous but he wouldn’t know how to go about it. He’d be embarrassed if you knew he was jealous, but he also couldn’t stand seeing you laugh with and hug some guy he never met before. If you brought him along so they could meet, he’d space out, his mind going over everything you might have found perfect about the other guy and doubting if this was just step one of you replacing him and finding a new and better relationship.
He’d mentally detach from the situation before physically drifting away as well, eyes reluctantly glancing at you both to watch the potential demise of his relationship. Once you found yourself back at his side, you’d be able to tell right away he wasn’t himself and, after putting two and two together, determined he was just feeling insecure. He’d need a lot of reassurance, just a simple “I love you” not enough to remind him you weren’t going anywhere.
His jealousy would be more sadness than anger or possession, making it a strange and new experience as you won’t know how to handle it properly, but he’ll talk it out with you eventually and may need some space to realign himself and get back to normal.
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thatmissfit · 3 years
IKON TV Episode One: Behind The Scenes
Right now, you’re walking to the YG dorms to relax with your boyfriend and his group as it’s been a while since you last saw him due to all their growing success and long schedules. You brought along some jajangmyeon for everyone as you’ve been craving it recently and thought the boys would be hungry from today’s concert. You reach the dorm and Jinhwan lets you in as he takes the takeout from your hand and closes the door behind you.
He puts the food on the living room table and both of you sit down on the couch when he asks you, “how’ve you been y/n-ie?"
You smile cutely as you respond with, "I've been pretty good, school’s been such a pain but I’m pushing through it. Plus I've missed my favourite boys,” I say with a cheeky smile and a shove to Jinnie's shoulder. “How are you guys? Being global sensations and all” you asked while pushing his shoulder, teasing him.
He laughs at your statement and responds with “It’s good, seeing the fans, performing, being on stage but I do enjoy moments where we can sit back and look at how far we’ve come with all our hard work.” “I get that. We should probably eat before the food gets cold.”
With that, Jinhwan went to get the boys as you went to the bathroom to wash up to eat. When you get out Yunhyeong, Chanwoo, Jiwon and Hanbin are sitting on the couch. “Noona, I can’t believe you bought us food. Thanks. You’re so sweet to us,” Chanwoo says as you sit down next to Hanbin. “You don’t have to thank me, I just want to make sure you boys aren’t starving yourselves.”
“Our little maknae is so cute,” Bobby says as he pinches Chan’s check. “Yah, stop that. I’m not a child.”
Junhoe, Jinhwan and DK enter the living room as the rest of you guys remove the plastic off the food and start eating. “Y/N-ah, did you hear we’re self-producing our own tv show,” Jiwon asks. “Really, that sounds exciting. Kinda like Going Seventeen or Run BTS.
“Exactly like that but we get to film, choose our own activities and well you get to see my face so for that reason we’re better than all those other shows out there.
“What is it called?” You asked. “IKON TV,” Jiwon replies, “We’re actually starting filming today.”
You turn to Hanbin and hit him in the shoulder gently, of course, you can't bruise your baby. “Yah, Hanbin-ah how could you not tell me you were filming today?” “I don’t see the big deal. Besides I wanted to see you,” he says as he pulls you in for a sidearm hug and kisses you on the temple. You put your head on his shoulder in response, “look at Hanbin-ie, being so cute to his girlfriend.” “Are you trying to say I’m not always cute to my girlfriend? Who wouldn’t be? Look at this cute face,” Hanbin says as he squeezes your cheeks together making your lips pout. “Knock it off Hanbin-ah,” you say as you remove his hands from your face and cutely pout at him. The boys laugh and continue eating.
The sounds of slurping and swallowing are going through the room while you all idly chat about school, new songs, fan meets, anything under the sun really. Even though you’re dating Hanbin the rest of the boys are like your brothers and if you needed anything they would be there for you and vice versa.
“Wah, that was so good. It really hit the spot,” Yunhyeong says as he sits back in, “thanks Y/N.” “No problem guys, but as I said, I just want to make sure you’re all good.”
Eventually, you all go your separate ways in the dorm and you and B.I head to his room as he closes the door and he pulls you into his lap. He sits there with his hands wrapped along your waist as he admires you deeply. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long,” he says quietly just enough for you to hear but not for anyone else to. “I know. I miss my talented rapper-songwriter”
“I’m serious baby, I missed you. A lot.” It makes your stomach flutter to hear him be so honest but you know it’s true. Both of you have been extremely busy; you with your last semester of university and him with ikon so, you understand that being separate at moments of your relationship is required in both of your lives. “And I missed you too,” which of course is true but you know he wants to hear you say it, you know he's just insecure as this is his first real relationship so you make sure he knows you love and care for him.
He leans in as you meet him halfway in a short and sweet kiss, and another, and another before you stop him with, “as much as I love kissing you, don’t you have to film soon?” “Yea, but that can wait. I want more time with my girl,” he tries to kiss you once more but you pull away and place your finger on his lips. “Ah, ah, go film,” with that you get off his lap and force him to stand up but being a whiny little baby he jokes by saying, “yah, so you don’t love me anymore y/n-ie.” “Stop being an idiot Hanbin-ah.” You push him slightly towards the door and he shoots you finger hearts as he walks out.
You lay back on his bed for a few minutes until you decide you want the coolness of the ground so you roll off and lay on the floor as Hanbin walks back into his room to see you on the floor. “You do know there’s a camera up there,” he says as he points at the corner of his ceiling where a go-pro films you, more importantly, you decide to lay on a cold hard floor instead of a comfy bed. “How awkward,” and even though you said that it didn’t prompt you to leave the floor.
“Yeah, a bit of an invasion of privacy but we’ll make the most of it.” He proceeds to take off his shirt which confuses you, “I didn’t know you were into that stuff.” He looks down at you puzzled by your dirty mouth especially since you were being recorded. He nudges you sightly with his food and responds with, “it’s not like that, dirty girl I’m gonna work out, but you can help me if want.”
You sit up wondering how could you help him workout but if this means seeing him shirtless longer you didn’t really mind. He positions you perpendicular to the bed and lays you back down on the floor then, he positions himself to use the bed as support to do his pushups over you. “You’re my motivation so, you’re gonna lay there and look pretty, which you always are,” he gives you that cute smile you love, “and every time I come down you give me a kiss, okay?” Surprised by his boldness especially with the cameras here you still nod at his proposal.
He does about thirty pushups and for each one he gives you a sweet and short kiss that makes you want to kiss him more. Even though the cameras are recording this it still feels like you guys are in this little world that nothing and no one can penetrate. Being so busy with your own lives, these are the moments you cherish the most so when does the last pushup you give him an extra kiss and he blushes as he turns away from the camera and moves on to the pull-up bar. You sit up and lean against his bed as you admire his back muscles thinking about how your attractive boyfriend is reeling in all types of fans with the show he’s putting on. His workout continues for the next hour but you decide to take a shower and do your skincare since you leave some of your stuff at the dorm for when you stay over.
When you come back Hanbin is now lying on the floor tired, he then complains about being sweaty and gets up to take a shower while he brings his camera as well. Eventually, you hear the shower running which made think of giving ikonics a peek they would like so, you sneak into the bathroom, grab the camera Hanbin left on the counter and started recording yourself at first. You whisper into the camera, “hey ikonics, hope you’re in for a treat.” That’s when he heard you, “what are you doing in here baby?” You make sure to cover the bottom half of the camera so it doesn’t become that type of video and reply with, “I wanna give ikonics a present.” You flip the camera and blow a kiss at the camera then, flip it back towards Hanbin.
He tries to move around which could be problematic, “don’t move! Just say I love you, ikonics,” you prompt him. He puts his arms up into a heart and repeats what you said, “love you, ikonics,” he also draws a heart in the steamy glass door which makes you laugh. You flip the camera back on you and end the recording with, “love you ikonics, hoped you enjoy that scene.” You whisper the next part so Hanbin doesn’t hear, “I’ll try and film sneaky things like that when I can.” You stop the recording and left Hanbin to finish his shower and went to lay down in his bed.
A few moments later he comes back and quickly gets dressed in boxers and sweats so, he can lay down in the bed with you. He wraps his body around you by putting his arms and legs around your torso and shoulders. He kisses you on the temple then asks you, “are you okay?” You turn to him confused why he’d asked that. “Why wouldn’t I be, are you okay?”
“Yea I just wanted to make sure you weren’t uncomfortable with all the cameras and stuff invading our space.” Look at your baby being so cute and considerate, damn you love him to bits but, you do understand why he’d ask that. If you were with someone else you wouldn’t know if they’d stay in such an invasive environment but you love Hanbin, Ikon and all their fans so you wouldn’t change your life one bit.
You squish his face and tell him, “I wouldn’t change this for anything because all of this comes with being with you and I love being with you so yea, I’m good.” You gently brush your lips against his and give him a gentle kiss. He then unwraps his body from yours to grab the television remote from the bedside table and turn on Netflix. “So Sisyphus or Men on a Mission?” Not even a second was needed to think about this simple decision which is, “Men on a Mission, obviously.” He smiles at you as he starts the show and pulls you back into his chest where you snuggle yourself into and eventually both of you fall asleep to the sounds of laughter.
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conquered-the-stage · 7 years
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get ready?
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kpop-wallpaperss · 7 years
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iKON - Chanbin (Simple)
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Copyright to the rightful owners
Cr: Boo
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daisyjoners · 3 years
“ you weren’t there when i woke up. ” (chanwoo e eunchae)
ask quase perdida indo em sequência
sentimentos nunca haviam sido a área favorita de eunchae para ter de lidar com terceiros e, ainda mais, com os desejos inconvenientes que provinham de seu coração quando estes estavam envolvidos. desde sempre se considerava como uma pessoa especialmente prática, não possuía a paciência necessária em relação a problemas que não conseguiria resolver tão rápido quanto gostaria, e não gostava de colocar em jogo o que não era necessário naquele momento. detestava a ideia de misturar o que não deveria no âmbito de suas relações com os demais, afinal, estava certa de aquele ser um dos pouquíssimos pontos de sua vida nos quais poderia colocar um mínimo de controle, mesmo que se limitasse apenas a não se colocar em posições potencialmente desconfortáveis e facilmente evitáveis. portanto, qualquer um que percebesse o que estava acontecendo entre ela e o ex-namorado concluiria que eunchae estava deveras perdida em seus próprios objetivos. anteriormente aquela nem sequer era uma possibilidade para a han nos momentos em que chanwoo cruzava nostalgicamente sua mente, pois nunca deixavam de ter já em sua sequência os motivos pelos quais possuía a sua parcela de rancor quanto ao término de ambos. sua visão do amor, então, desenvolvida com o decorrer dos anos e mais influenciada do que gostaria pelas desventuras românticas de sua mãe, somente colaborava em manchar ainda mais sua imagem para ela, embora neste quesito não houvesse como ele possuir uma parcela tão alta de culpa quanto acabava por lhe atribuir ao compor uma alternativa deveras mais simples. de toda maneira, não existiam dúvidas no interior da estudante sobre como o encontro de ambos fora um erro; a última pessoa com quem deveria ter entrado em contato durante os acontecimentos do maldito casamento deveria ter sido ele, quando o conhecimento que o mais velho possuía de si facilmente transformava suas falas em confortáveis, mais que qualquer um conseguiria num momento em que ela se encontrava praticamente fora do controle de si mesma sobre suas emoções. estava vulnerável, e se culpava por ter permitido que isto a levasse até a residência dele com tanta facilidade justamente pelo desejo de esquecer cada um dos minutos passados naquele evento. não o culpava de maneira alguma, em todo caso, porque ele não tinha nada a ver com isso. era eunchae quem deveria ter compreendido como um momento de alívio de seus problemas, que parecia tão simples no momento e despertara tantos sentimentos que aparentavam estar adormecidos e somente aguardando sua chance de retornarem para a superfície de quem era, não valeria tudo o que as percepções da realidade lhe trariam em seguida. teria de lidar não apenas com todo o estresse a que ela já estava envolta, mas com aquele extra que fizera praticamente questão de arrumar para si mesma. em momentos anteriores, havia tentado negar para si mesma a possibilidade de que chanwoo reagiria com as emoções mais à mostra que ela; entretanto, tê-lo a confrontando sobre o acontecido mesmo que com a suposta tranquilidade de quem não queria piorar as coisas entre eles, era a prova exata do contrário. e agora lhe restaria cuidar disso, cortando o mal pela raiz antes que alcançasse um patamar acima de seu controle. “porque eu nem sequer deveria ter estado lá em primeiro lugar, entende?” pronunciou a sentença com sua costumeira firmeza, afastando com a canhota a mecha de cabelo que escapara de seu rabo de cavalo. “não foi nada demais, e não deveríamos tratar como se fosse. eu estava querendo uma descrição, você estava sozinho, nós dois queríamos estar com alguém, e acabou rolando. não significa que necessariamente eu precisasse estar com você.” colocando ênfase em suas palavras, a estudante crispou os lábios. uma parte de si insistia que aquilo não teria funcionado com outra pessoa e que fora justamente chanwoo que tinha buscado em seu momento de necessidade, mas não gostaria de dar ouvidos a ela. “a gente não é mais nada, não precisa se apegar a isso. tudo bem? achei que nós tínhamos deixado bem claro que era só uma distração. não vamos tornar isso algo que não é, chanwoo.” declarou, afundando as mãos nos bolsos do jaleco. “é melhor você voltar pra sua aula, não acha?”
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ikonist · 4 years
my plan for ikon on kingdom is very simple: i’ll use bobby as bait first for the bisexuals and the lesbians (main public), donghyuk will conquer the milfs & furry enthusiasts (don’t ask), yunhyeong comes third for all the dilfs (he can make any man call him prince) and then i’ll send jinhwan in his 165cm of magnitute for the gays. junhoe and chanwoo as the hetero representatives will remain backstage in case of an emergency. done. ikon took the crown in the 1st episode
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psychemeanscure · 4 years
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“Did you really expect me to let you drive by my watch? I don’t trust you, move.”
As he expected indeed. He was supposed to protest even, if he only hasn’t sense her stern look as if she’s going to bait him alive thus he had no choice but to snort and just move from the driver seat to the passenger side. “Tss. I can’t understand you really. Most woman would rather go crazy if a man offers a gentleman act. Then there is you who’s totally opposite. Are you sure you were from this earth? Don’t you think you were actually from different planet, because I do think you a--- hmp! Hey! What’s wrong with you, woman?”
His prompt halt from his rants for he has been hit by a tossed pack of wet wipes, only to be answered casually of his bulldozer. “Wipe that stain of blood on your knuckles, it creeps me out even a while ago. Tss. Do you really randomly punch someone that even mornings aren’t acceptable? Poor day.”
Her nonchalant blusters surely after closing the small compartment in front of him, putting her phone from her coat’s pocket. While he in the other hand only had to groan unpleased, urging to follow her instructions anyway. “Now what a word to say welcome. You do love tossing things on my face eh? I can’t even tell if I had to say thank you or rant with your behavior. Jeez, I can’t understand woman really.”        
Unbothered anyhow, as she starts the engine instead and clasp the steering wheel. “So? Where are we heading, then?” getting a swift coy expression from him somehow like he himself is as well excited from his own idea for he encodes the exact location on its car’s installed GPS navigation device in no time. “There you are. Feel free to process anything. I can wait though.” Truly she should, as she even has to blink twice, eyeing between the device and the man who is looking at her with an elbow leaning to its car’s door panel to be able to rub his playful smirk by his forefinger. Expectant brows, waiting for her obvious positive answer. “What? You, in?”
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Finally, the snickering laugh she keep on holding vent into actions. “God! I can’t believe I am actually biting this idea of yours Jang Taeyoung.” Her unbelievable approval from herself truly that another laugh had to come into her again. “Fine. But just one thing, Jang. No shed of blood. please?”                
Contemplating from the thought but solve it in a way. “Hm?... I can’t promise though. But since you say so. Then noted, my lady.”
“Thank you.” Trusting his words definitely, as she steps on the pedal to finally start their drive ultimately.
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“Now wha--- Oh sh--- Yah!”
Her supposed to be question the moment they arrive from the location, only to be startled totally that she almost jumps onto her seat. For she certainly not notices the Jang Taeyoung beside her casually putting a peculiar mask she never expected. Given his intention to actually lean purposely straight close to her face with his intimidating aura. Who wouldn’t be surprise indeed. Opposite to now laughing him, that a frown came into her seemingly. “Stop laughing you, cabrón.”  Just to hear his proceeding faded laugh anyway. “Sorry. My bad. Did I frighten you?”
That she had to only look him with piercing eyes. “What do you think, loco?” Garnering another laugh from him then. “Shut up.” Her stern warning finally, thus he decides to bring back his composure. “Hoo. Alright. This is hell of enough indeed.” As he tends to fix his silver crystal-like mask by the rear view mirror of the car, that later made her cringe somehow. “Do you really have to wear that one? Weird.” Her criticizing statement definitely, only to earn a smirk from him.
“You think you were the only one who has a disguise? Mind you my lady, I have mine too.”
And it was enough for her to stilled. Not because of his fancy mask, nor the content of his remark. It’s because she is seeing a different Jang Taeyoung. A different voice she never knew existed. A face that could make anyone stutter. He is that one, the one who is right now. Sensing her astonishment someway, he retaliates another remark certainly. “Surprise? Nah, my volatile. Save that for later, for we have work to be done. Though you just have to sit here and relax. Alright?”
“It’s show time.”
By the moment his watch strike with another tick, and a chew of his freshly open bubblegum. He finally went open its car’s door, winking at her for the last time. “Watch me.” His last sentence as well, closing the door, leaving the still tongue-tied her who just had to watch his every move from afar. 
That’s what she did anyway, except for the fact that she’s still in processing things from her thoughts. Just later to notice his selected men who actually came for nowhere with mask on as well different from him though. “So he planned it all along? Look this peccable man, really. Tss.”
She doesn’t want to admit, but she does enjoy the little rebellious act he gave truly. That at every stumble and fall of the kiddo’s men makes her heart boil in rejoice. The way they smoothly ruin the things inside the warehouse and as how the shuttering expression of the young Alcaziar is nothing but achievement.  
“Oh ow.” Yet, just how she thought it went smoothly as she can see less men from the enemy. For it’s actually the other way around after learning there’s still tons of them coming. Then she decided. “Guess, a little contribution might help.” She starts without a doubt definitely.
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“Get in.” her firm suggestion indeed, the moment she roll down the backseat window by the driver side window switch. Turning to him who swiftly jumps inside it expertly, taking off his mask surely after another roll up of the window.  
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“Faster, Sung Eunyoung.”
His straight request later after taking its glances to the rear glass. Allowing a sinister laugh to subdue. “Catch morons, catch! As if you can.”  Proceeded with another laugh again, enjoying every show he started through the presence of his chewing gum. While she in the other hand, manage to drive every alley of narrow streets she can seize. She’s loving it as well. Given police cars tried to chase them as well as the enemy’s drive. And it only increases the wonderful excitement of emotions inside her that she can’t even help but to squeal from their blasting overdrive. “Wohow! I’m loving this very much! Really~”
“Want to make the live action more pleasurable?”
He even succeeded offering his own sunnies that she gladly accepted as well. “Truly.” And with the last puff from a random engine…
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“Bang yah!”
His urging eagerness and her screeching cheering surely vent into unison. Appearing clasp by each other’s hand from the menacing fun they just surpassed.  
“That was fun.”
Her flowing satisfaction from just finished fuss indeed. After a clink of each other’s canned beer while siting the nightly overview of Han River. “Loving my present?”
“Guess we did click as business partners after all, eh?” Her approving words after a sip of her beer somehow. “Really? I’m even close on hiring you as my drifting partner even. You do have a knack for escaping. I like it. Would you allow me though?”  
A shake from her head takes in, while he starts to sip with his own beer as well. “Shut it, Jang Taeyoung. I will never. Thanks anyway.”
“There you are with your rejection again. Tss. I’m sure you had done it before either.” He decides to sit on the trunk of the car near the rear window at that point making them a bit close since she was leaning to the backseat car door as well. Remembering a certain event somehow. “Well. Kind off. I once help Lee Chanwoo when his MCMC nightclub had been jeopardized. But the coño just complained about me bumping his car with another. Jeez.”
As she rests her left hand under her right elbow, sipping another taste of her beer. Yet, a simple nuance that made him praise her again. Savoring the once in a while moment where they were just randomly talking about things.      
“Wah… It’s been a long time since I talk with this classy, you, huh? I realize I missed it.”
An arching brow give in to her surely. “Eh? What are you talking about, I’m always classy you, lo---“
“Without insulting me. Yes, you do still classy.” Guilty indeed, but not quite as she remembers the reason why. “What is this? Am I to be blame now? It’s your fault anyway. If not, you being a troublemaker and sl---“
“Sly fox? Fine, I admit. I am that person. But hey! I only act like that with you though.”
His defense indeed, just to be responded by a rolling of her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. As if I care, mister. Care to share your first happenings with that knuckles instead?” her abrupt shift of topic somehow, after seeing his now band-aided hand, that he knew what she meant. The encounter before their prompt live action started. The one he chose not to be heard by her. “Ah… This? Nah. Not so important. No need for your concern.”
“Concern in your dreams, loco. Tss.”
Thus a nonchalant laugh came into him. He does love teasing her, really. “Oh come on, love. Don’t deny… I know you d---“
“Another word of that love of yours, Jang Taeyoung. And am I going to choke you for real.”
Threatening him finally, as she had been keeping that rant all throughout the day. But what can she expect for a sly like him either. “Ah. Is that so? Mi amor it is, then.”
“Yah. You’re not listening, are you?”
Ready to throw her empty can surely, if he still insists. “What? It was you who suggested that. It seems to be your liking. Don’t you remember?” He did exactly so. Not her disappointed by how he swiftly dodges it as soon as he gets off on the trunk, running and laughing by her gloomy face. “Come back here! You, loco!”
There she ends up chasing him without a doubt. If not for his assistant’s arrival to junk the car they had just used. They wouldn’t stop rather. “Take care of it, alright?” Tossing the key of it indeed, before turning to her who was halt from stepping into the passenger seat of another car they intended to drive. “Before I forgot.” Purposely stopping his words to leaning closer to her. “You look stunning back there.”
She sure not following what he meant by his whisper. The only thing she knew right then, was that he’s starting with his tactics on her again that she had to shake her head from the obvious. “Whatever, Jang Taeyoung.” And with his last coy smile, he finally closes the car door for her. And just how he simply got the chance to drive her home again.
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“Thank you for today, Jang. I sincerely am.”
Her overwhelming gratitude that he gradually welcomes even. Little not knowing, that it could probably also the last day they’ll be in sync.
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ikonwallpapers-blog · 7 years
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iKON - Simple
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lunnanunna · 4 years
iKON Extra Member AU
Summary: iKON does a live, and one of the managers annoys Bao.
Warnings: swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @galacticstxrdust​ @kimonmars​ @markszone​ @atinygracie​ @poutychangbinnie​
A/N: Hope you enjoy!
Requests are open for each girl! Please let me know what you think.
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Bao sat criss-crossed on the ground in between Bobby and Donghyuk. A camera was set up in front of them and the rest of the group as they went on V Live. They were giving a simple group update to iKonics who have been patiently waiting for an update from them. Sadly, they had no update yet as a group, but they did for Bao’s mini album and Bobby’s OST.
“Perfect,” Jinhwan hummed as the staff placed four boxes of pizza in front of them. It was around dinner time and their managers thought it’d be nice if they did a sort of mukbang live.
“God, I’m starved,” Bobby moaned as he quickly grabbed a slice and bit into it.
Bao rolled her eyes, but reached for a slice of meat lovers. “Holy,” Bao mumbled after taking a bite, eyes closed. She understood what Bobby meant. The pizza itself wasn’t the best (Definitely not the place that they usually got theirs from), but seeing as they were all so hungry, it tasted devine.
“Guys, this is honestly so good,” Yunhyeong spoke through a mouthful of pizza to the camera. Everyone hummed and nodded in agreement.
“‘What kinds did you get?’ Hmm, well we have meat lovers,” Junhoe answered. Bao held up her slice when he mentioned the type that she was eating.
“We also have cheese and pepperoni,” Chanwoo pointed out the two boxes.
“And chicken bbq,” Bobby added, already grabbing another slice of said pizza.
“Hand me a slice of that,” Bao said, holding her plate out towards Bobby. The older grabbed a slice and placed it on her plate. Bao nodded in thanks and took her plate back. She finished off her first slice and went to eat the second one.
“Noona, can you give me a slice of cheese please?” Donghyuk spoke up. Bao nodded, mid bite, and reached to grab a cheese. She handed it to the dancer who smiled in thanks.
The group continued to eat and answer questions for the next 20 or so minutes. Chanwoo, the savage maknae he was, dissed everyone, Junhoe was as loud as always, Yunhyeong and Jinhwan tried to keep things civil, and Bao, Donghyuk, and Bobby watched in amusement.
Placing her plate on the floor in front of her, Bao reached for her soda. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Donghyuk finish his first slice, and eye the box of chicken bbq. Wordlessly, she reached for a slice and placed it on his plate.
Donghyuk hadn’t noticed that Bao was watching him, so he startled when she handed him the pizza. He sheepishly smiled at her and took a bite. Bao smiled back, giving his knee a pat.
“‘Aw, caring Bao-unnie!’” Junhoe read, snickering as he looked over at Bao.
She scowled at the vocalist then turned to the camera. “Only to Hyukie and Channie,” Bao patted Donghyuk’s knee again, and sent the maknae finger guns which he returned.
“She plays favorites,” Jinhwan glowered, throwing a piece of chicken at her.
“We’re live, so I won’t swear,” Bao said with an unimpressed look, flicking the chicken to the gorund.
“Jesus, Noona,” Chanwoo chuckled, shaking his head.
“This is why you can’t do solo lives,” Yunhyeong said, wagging a finger at her.
Bao shrugged. “I said I wasn’t going to swear ‘cause we’re live,” she raised a brow at them, lips pressed into a line.
“She did say that,” Bobby said chuckling, leaning back, hands behind him.
Bao sent him a thumbs up, turning to face the camera and smiling. “I’m behaving for iKonics.”
“Not like they don’t know your true nature,” Jinhwan said, rolling his eyes.
“True, but I’m being watched by,” Bao rolled her own eyes in annoyance and pointed up at the sky (And no, she didn’t mean God. She meant the company’s higher ups.) The others nodded then changed the subject as Yunhyeong read more comments.
Bao turned to Donghyuk, feeling him poke her thigh. He looked at her then at the last slice of chicken pizza. Smiling and shaking her head, Bao handed it to him. He laughed as he took it.
“Thanks, Noona,” he smiled, taking a bite. Bao nodded and turned to face the camera again.
While doing so, she caught  a glimpse of one of their newer managers, Soobin, scowling at Donghyuk. Bao turned to the younger and saw him looking at Soobin with wide eyes. She watched as Donghyuk placed his plate on the floor, pizza barely eaten, then he picked up his phone to read some comments, his face flushed. 
Leaning in subtly, almost as if she was going to read some comments off his phone, Bao whispered, “Everything alright?”
The younger nodded, not looking up. Bao knew him well enough to know when he was lying, and right now she could smell his bullshit. She turned back to look at Soobin, brow raised as she tried to figure out what just happened.
The next few minutes went by with Donghyuk silently reading comments –though Bao could tell that he wasn’t really reading, eyes glazed over– and her taking quick glances at his uneaten pizza.
She had found it weird that he had basically asked her for it, then after only one bite, forgot about it. Or maybe it wasn’t weird. Soobin had sent Donghyuk a weird look right before he put the pizza down. And that’s when she realized what happened.
She fucking hated the staff sometimes, especially the ones who were new and thought that they were entitled to change things to how they liked it.
Subtly, she reached for Donghyuk’s plate and moved it closer to him. Said boy looked at the plate then up at her with questioning eyes. She nodded at him, then turned to face Soobin, who Bao knew, would be watching the whole interaction.
And there he was, arms crossed over his chest, not only glaring at Donghyuk, but now at Bao. She raised a challenging brow at him, placing a hand on the dancer’s knee. Without looking at him, she whispered through clenched teeth, “If you’re still hungry then eat.”
Donghyuk gave the slightest shake of his head, but Bao caught it. She turned to him and smiled wide, giving him a nod. He looked at her then at the manager (Bao really wished that idiot would go away) then back to her, eyes wide.
She took his phone and smirked as she pretended to read comments. She mimed signaling out some comments then said out loud. “Is DK going to finish his pizza? It’d be a waste.” There was no such comment, but with how fast they were rolling in, no one would be able to say otherwise.
“They’re right, Hyukie,” Bao said, grinning at the boy who seemed to catch on, if his blush was anything to go by.
The younger hesitated, but reached out to grab his plate. Bao took this moment to look up at Soobin, glaring. She didn’t care that the fans would be wondering who it was directed to, she just needed Soobin to get how annoyed she was with him.
He was new. He had no right to stop Donghyuk or any of her boys from doing anything that they wanted to do, especially eating. Bao hated the idea of dieting, mainly if it wasn’t needed.
Soobin looked down at her, challenging, but Bao stared right back. He was lucky that they were live, if not she’d have chewed his head off. 
She watched as Jaehyun moved over to him and whispered something in his ear. Soobin seemed unhappy, so she knew that Jaehyun had gotten her message across.
Jaehyun was good like that. He could read Bao just as good as her boys, and knew that things like dieting were stupid and unnecessary. Jaehyun, like Bao, preferred it if none of them had to diet.
Soobin looked at Bao one last time then looked away. She smirked, nodding in thanks to Jaehyun who nodded back. 
“Thank you, Noona,” Donghyuk whispered as he leaned his head down as if to read some comments from the phone in her hand.
“Of course, Hyukie,” she whispered back, smiling down at the phone.
Bao’s Masterlist
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l000ey · 3 years
don't forget us ━ skyler
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𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 ━ 𝗓𝗁𝗈𝗎 𝗃𝗂𝖺 𝗑 𝗄𝗂𝗆 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖻𝗂𝗇 ( 𝖿𝗍. 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗂𝗄𝗈𝗇 )
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 ━ 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝗅𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 ━ 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝖻𝗂𝗇
𝑨/𝑵 ━ 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖽𝗈 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋? 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍, 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌?
𝑺𝑬𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑫 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑶𝑭 ━ 𝗋𝗎𝗇 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒
𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹 ━ 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
• 𝘴𝘬𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Silence flooded the room, she didn’t know if it was possible but suddenly an alarm began to sound in her head. What was she going to do now? She loved Hanbin but she had already managed to be happy and calm, her life had stabilized a bit, she had bought a nice house where she lived with Jiho and –oh god, Jiho, what was she going to say? What if he was arriving just now? How was she going to explain the situation to him?.
She felt bad, the whole situation felt bad. Jia felt as if she had cheated on the man who had helped and loved her these months. No, she couldn't do this now.
She broke eye contact with the boy who was still kneeling on the ground and sighed, took her hands away from his jaw and closed her eyes hoping it was all a simple nightmare.
But no, it wasn't. He was still here, he kept looking at her as if it were his only salvation, the only thing that held him to life. She bit her lip trying not to cry when she heard him call her again.
She looked down again, analyzed his face and Hanbin didn't like that because he felt like she was memorizing it because she was going to say goodbye and she was never going to see him again. His grip on her pants tightened as the tears began to fall again.
“Please, Skyler. Let's go anywhere, I don't care where but I need to be with you. I need you” He murmured in a sob, his forehead collided with her belly and his arms went around her waist, grabbing her as if she were going to disappear at any moment even though she was there, in front of him.
"Hanbin..." There wasn't much left for her to start crying, she knew it, she felt her eyes start to flood and her throat start to itch, it was a feeling she seemed to be used to. She wiped away the first tear, keeping it from reaching her jaw. She refused to cry, she didn't want to cry anymore.
She looked at the ceiling as if it were going to speak to her and give the solution to all her problems. When it didn’t speak to her, she put her fingers between the blonde locks again and suppressed a sob. Suddenly all the memories created with the boy who held her in his arms slapped her and she wanted to die. How had this happened?
It seemed like a few seconds ago that they were both excited kids to be idols and now they were here, both screwed up by their own dreams. It hadn’t been long since they were in that television contest to fight Winner for the debut and now they were outcasts of the music industry.
It hurt, it hurt a lot that everything they had tried to fulfill a simple children's dream then everything would go to shit.
She sighed again before letting her knees touch the ground, this caught the attention of the boy who moved a little away from her to look at her face better finding that she was already looking at him.
"Let's go" She told him and he was stunned, he didn't think she would say yes. He opened his mouth in surprise and tried to speak but couldn't, he smiled and nodded a couple of times to get up and extend his hand to her.
The chinese girl looked at the hand in front of her and after thinking about it for a few seconds she took it, letting him lift her from the ground, holding hands they got up and went to the door, behind it was Shaoran who looked at them with a frown.
"Jia what..?" His confusion was cut off by the girl, who gave him a small smile.
"I need to go, I'll take the car" She approached him and hugged him, pressed her lips to her ear "Trust me."
At his boss's whisper the bodyguard's brow furrowed even more but he still nodded giving her the car keys. The young couple quickly left the house, the girl headed for the pilot's seat but she was stopped by Hanbin.
"I’ll drive, you must be tired" She denied giving him a small smile, caressing his cheek.
“Your eyes are still full of tears, you will make us crash. The airport is not very far, relax” She guided him to the passenger door and waited for him to get into the car to close his door, quickly took out her phone and wrote a message before getting into the car.
The former leader smiled leaning his head against the window as the car's engine roared "Where would you like to go?".
"I don't know, where would you like to go?" She was nervous, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel gave her away. She was thankful that Hanbin was too entertained looking out the window at the streets of Seoul.
"Maybe we could go to the United States or Europe, we could go to Paris" He shrugged turning to look at her, when she noticed that he was looking at her, she turned to smile at him making him take her hand, intertwine their fingers and kiss the back of her hand in a loving gesture.
Jia's heart clenched into her rib cage.
She nodded, pulling her hand away from his to turn the wheel "Paris would be ideal" She turned her gaze to the road to concentrate on not crashing the car "Do you mind if we stop for a moment? I need to get some things.”
"Sure, what do you have to take?" He looked at her curiously.
“Oh, uh, money, the passport, clothes… things like that. I have a bag kept at a friend's house, in case an emergency happens” She shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow moving in his seat "Is this how you ran away to China? I remember you left all your things in the dorm, including your passport. We thought you were still in Korea" She nodded, looking at the time on her phone for a moment “How did you come up with that?”.
"Red" She didn’t say more, it was not necessary. Hanbin knew that their sunbae was smart and meticulous in everything she did, it made sense that the older had taught Skyler some things, they were very close.
"Did she know you were in China?" The blonde girl denied, feeling guilty for her friend.
"I haven’t spoken with her since I left" The thing was somewhat complicated because the older rapper had tried to communicate with her since Bobby had told her that she had disappeared, had sent her many messages and had called her many times with no success.
"She is pregnant, did you know? Mino told us recently, he was very happy. Apparently she has gone to Japan to be with her parents during her pregnancy, they want their child to be born in Japan like her” The smile on his face was somewhat sad because he had had feelings for the kpop queen but was still happy for his friends.
Skyler didn't answer, of course she knew. She had read all of her messages despite not having answered one. When this will be over she needed to talk to her.
A few minutes later the car stopped and the silence that had surrounded them became uncomfortable. Jia sighed turning in her seat to look at him better, she looked at him sadly.
"I am sorry".
Kim laughed confused "Why are you sorry?".
She couldn’t answer because the passenger door was abruptly opened and someone hugged the boy, he immediately panicked when he recognized his mother.
"Hanbin-ah, where were you?!" The woman was crying, hugging her son. "You had me very worried, your sister hasn't stopped crying."
The boy was speechless, he looked over his mother's shoulder to meet the rest of Ikon. He looked at Skyler and she sank into her seat at the betrayal painted on his face.
"Mom, I ..." He couldn't speak because his mother had already pulled him out of the car and was dragging him into the house while she cried about how worried she was for her son.
She watched as mother and son disappeared through the door of the building and grimaced.
"You did the right thing." She raised her head to see Jiwon crouching down and staring at her from the open passenger door.
"Why doesn't it feel like that then?" She looked at him with tear-filled eyes, this time she let the drops of salty water run down her cheeks.
"Because you love him." A sad smile played on his lips. He looked her up and down, they hadn't seen each other for months and Bobby had the feeling that after today they wouldn't see her again "You should go."
He made the move to close the door but his name coming from the girl's lips interrupted him "I'm sorry, for everything."
“We will always be there for you, Sky. Just remember it, don't forget us” And after those words he closed the door and headed towards the house, passing the other five boys who were there, frozen as they watched the girl in the car.
She gave them a smile and started the car, not being able to be there another second.
"She’s not going to coming back, is she?" The pout on Chanwoo's lips was present when he spoke.
"No, she won't." The oldest of the group patted the maknae on the shoulder and he began to cry.
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