#yuri plitseski
royactuallystudies · 3 years
Lets talk about how all the music from yuri on ice makes my will to live come back
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fanizzie · 6 years
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This the movie’ s title 
The history of Victor 
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anime4lifw · 7 years
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wingsofwriting · 7 years
au mix it up 46,48,49
Better Than a Rubber Duck:
Otayuri: Tech support, ghost, and psychic connect AU for the Mix It Up Challenge.
Thanks for the prompt! I actually had a lot of fun with this. Can also be found on AO3
‘You’re doing it wrong.’
“You died nearly two hundred years ago, how the fuck would you know?”
‘Because you’re doing it wrong!’
Otabek groaned and pressed at his temples. He hadn’t exactly expected a nosy, loud companion when he’d taken the corner office with the amazing view that, for some inexplicable reason, no one wanted. It was about a week after he moved in that he realized why. The office came complete with a blonde guest, who thought he owned the place and had an opinion about everything.
The worst was when Otabek would be standing in front of this closet in the early morning, contemplating what to wear, when a deep voice would pipe up in his head, complaining about how much plain black Otabek owned. How he needed to liven up his wardrobe with something bold, like the animal print that was so popular these days. Otabek had no idea why he had some sort of mental link with the ghost, or why he though animal print was a good idea, but ever since moving into the office, he’d been privy to a variety of unwanted and entirely unnecessary comments at all hours of the day.
“Do we need to have the conversation about my computer science degrees versus the fact computers weren’t even a twinkle in the eye of the greatest inventors back in 1817? We’ve had that argument before, Yuri. You never win it.” Otabek griped, hoping they didn’t have to; it usually shaved at least thirty minutes off his productivity.
‘Hmph. That’s what you think.’ Came the disgruntled response, Otabek just knew that Yuri had crossed his arm and was pouting somewhere behind him. He didn’t look though, not wanting to give the blonde the satisfaction, ‘But it doesn’t matter, you’re still doing it wrong.’
As if to prove Yuri’s point, the program that Otabek had been trying to run came to a complete halt, error message popping up on the screen. Okay, so maybe Yuri was right, but it wasn’t exactly like coding could be done right on the first time. Or Yuri had the slightest clue what any of the commands did. Never mind that Otabek had been working on this project for over a month now. And this particular section for a week.
Otabek groaned and resisted the urge to smack his computer screen. “Okay, if you’re so certain I’m doing it wrong, enlighten me.”
The air grew colder around Otabek, a sign that Yuri had move closer to him, as if to study the screen, but Yuri’s words belied his true interest and a perfect example of why Otabek found himself regularly rolling his eyes at his ghostly companion, ‘Well because you’re just sitting their staring at your computer like a lump. So explain it to me!’
And here’s the thing, Otabek knew Yuri was right. Through the months of sharing space, they’d discovered something of a system. Yuri knew absolutely nothing about computers, much less coding, and so Otabek could ramble for hours at him, and usually solve whatever problems were bugging up his program. Otabek was loathe to admit it though, which really explained Yuri’s whole insistence that Otabek try explaining it to him in the first place.
A cold touch brushed his shoulder, fingers trailing across it, a fond gesture Yuri had picked up that Otabek shivered at every time, ‘Come on, you know it’ll help. It always does. Just as much I’ll never understand all this techno mumbo jumbo, you know I’ve drastically increased your productivity,’ The tone of voice was haughty swirling in Otabek’s head with a hint of laughter. ‘You know I’m right….’ He taunted.
Just barely resisting the urge to bang his head back against the chair, Otabek sighed, “Fine.” He’d deny the pout on his lips no matter how many times Yuri teased him about it. Because the thing was that Yuri would be cocky for weeks after this worked because it was going to work. It was like that damn rubber duck story every programmer heard in undergrad. Except this rubber duck had opinions and took an inordinate amount of pride in helping, when really all he did was just sit there and complain about the advancements of this world.
Yet, despite his reluctance, Otabek found himself explaining the code to Yuri, going over each step in the process, and each little minuscule detail, until “OH! Of course!” And with that, he was typing away at the keys again, fixing the problem areas and watching the code run through to the proper result this time.
‘Hah! I told you!’ Came Yuri’s response, seeing the victory overtake Otabek’s face, as he still understood none of what actually took place on the computer screen, ‘What did I tell you? I’m awesome!’
“Yes, yes, you’re the best Russian rubber duck around,” Otabek said, not really listening as he double-checked everything one more time before closing down everything, making sure his progress was saved. Sure that was only one step in the entire project and he still had a bit to go before he was truly done, but it was one he’d been stuck on for forever, so he figured he deserved a bit of a break.
Finally, he turned to look at Yuri and couldn’t help a fond eye roll. Yuri just looked so damn happy like he’d helped Otabek save the world or something. Otabek had to remind himself once again that Yuri was supposed to be a nuisance; an unwanted presence in his life. Not someone he’d totally date if they’d been born in the same century. But with how corporeal Yuri looked it was easy to forget sometimes that the other wasn’t really alive. Really, it was mostly the fact that Otabek could hear Yuri’s voice in his head, and not out loud, that reminded him more often than not. Perhaps that was why he was often so reluctant to look at the other.
Yuri noticed his gaze and grinned, ‘Does that mean you’re taking a break now?’ He asked, excitement coloring his tone, though the ghost would pout for days if Otabek even dared called him on it. ‘Does that mean I can tell you more stories about the ballet?’
Otabek nodded, “Sure, I think I’ve earned a break, besides I know you’d just whine if I didn’t.” Because that was their routine when Otabek took a break, especially after a break through on a stubborn piece of code, he’d listen to Yuri’s stories from his life, before he died. To stories about being in the ballet and dancing and being the absolute best in the world, before illness cut his dreams all too short. And while Yuri’s early death left some sort of melancholy hollow feeling in Otabek’s chest, the joy the ghost still held for his profession was delightful. Otabek could listen to his stories for hours, and often had, losing track of time as he imagined being back then with Yuri.
Just as Otabek knew Yuri would listen to him ramble about code for hours. Not understanding a word, but just enjoying the cadence of his voice and the companship these two disparate people had come to find by nature of a pecular situation. It was a bit unorthodox that Otabek’s best friend hadn’t been living for so long and that Otabek couldn’t really touch him. But Otabek didn’t regret taking that corner office in the slightest. It wasn’t normal, but it worked for them, and maybe it could be the perfect love story in a different time, with different circumstances. But, right now, Otabek was content to just listen to Yuri’s story and let the day fade away as images of an ancient Russian ballet flitted through his head.
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ned-kiwi · 7 years
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hp-yaoi · 6 years
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thetwolattes · 7 years
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How do you motivate yourself?
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siren-baroque · 2 years
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Un au de Yuri Plitsesky dónde era un hada y le ponía flores al cadáver de Yuuri K. Amo está shipp. #YurionIce #YuriPlitsesky #YuYuu https://www.instagram.com/p/CaQTVbhPU8O/?utm_medium=tumblr
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h-i-z-a-s-h-i · 7 years
8 Yuri Plisetsky? Obg
— Yuri! — ela chamou de longe. — Oi. — ele ajeitou a mochila e pôs as mãos nos bolsos da calça. (s/n) recuperava o fôlego pela pequena corrida que havia feito. — Sabe… — ela respirou. — estou indo fazer o trabalho com uns amigos na biblioteca. — Quem são esses amigos? — Daqui da escola mesmo. — o sorriso dela começou a desaparecer. — Não vou demorar. — Não. Você não pode sair hoje. — Como assim? — ela franziu a testa. — Você me ouviu, (s/n). — os olhos azuis dele eram frios como gelo. — Eu preciso ir. — ela virou as costas. Ouviu os passos de Yuri logo atrás. — (s/n), seja uma boa garota e não faça movimentos bruscos. — ele sussurrou próximo ao seu ouvido. Quando se mexeu um pouco, pôde sentir um objeto pontudo perto de suas costelas. Olhou para baixo e viu que se tratava de um canivete. — O que você está fazendo? — ela perguntou, sua voz estava trêmula. — Estou fazendo você me obedecer, se não for por bem… Será por mal.
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the-settingsun · 4 years
At this point I've lost count for how many blonde femboys I have fallen
1. Armin Arlert
2. Kurapika Kurta
3. Yuri Plitsesky (is that how u spell it i dunno)
4. Kenma Kozume
5. There surely is more I just cant remember bcs my back hurts
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anamor00 · 3 years
Fanfics de YURI ON ICE (BL)
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Hola chicas y chicos, chicos y chicas.
Esta es una selección de fanfics del anime/manga Banana Fish que he leído o estoy leyendo y que me han gustado.
-> En esta lista va a haber YAOI/BL.
-> Intento que los fics que recomiendo estén bien escritos y la trama sea interesante.
-> La fecha que hay en el título es el dia-mes-año en el que he actualizado la lista, después de todo los fics que están muy bien no dejan de aumentar, aunque sea poquito a poquito.
(Si algún enlace falla, decidme lo por favor e intentaré solucionarlo)
Para evitarme problemas voy a decir desde ya que ninguno de estos fics (a menos que diga lo contrario) son míos. Las historias están ordenadas por web o aplicación en la que están publicados y por el autor (todo por orden alfabético para facilitar su búsqueda y porque creo que es más cómodo de esta forma). Si sois el autor o la autora y el usuario que hay no es el vuestro, comprobad que la historia es o no vuestra y solucionarlo con el plagiador si se da el caso (hay que tener en cuanta que la gente cambia su usuario a veces y puede que yo no me de cuenta de esto, no me lapidéis antes de tiempo. Esta aclaración es para los lectores puesto que imagino que un autor sabrá reconocer sus posibles antiguos usuarios).
Por último espero que disfrutéis tanto como yo leyendo estas fantásticas historias.
En este sitio la mayoría de fanfics están en inglés, así que voy a proporcionar dos opciones que hay que tener en cuenta.
1. Si posees un nivel de ingles suficiente no vas a tener ningún problema para seguir lo que se narra a la perfección. Este tipo de lector no va ha tener ningún problema relacionado con el idioma del fic.
2. Para aquellos y aquellas cuyo ingles está un poco deteriorado os proporciono una solución. Se puede configurar el navegador Google para que te traduzca el texto. De esta forma cada vez que te aparezca un texto escrito en ingles se traducirá automáticamente (en los móviles) o te dará la opción de traducirlo (ordenador). Es muy útil y solo tienes seguir tres simples pasos:
        1. Pulsar Configuración
        2. Entrar en Idiomas
        3. Añadir el idioma que deses que se traduzca e indicar ofrecer traducción
Pero hay que tener en cuenta que en ocasiones el traductor se confunde y no proporciona la traducción óptima. Por ejemplo:
                  - Right [El autor quiere decir “tienes razón” o “es verdad”] (1)
                  - Fine [El autor quiere decir “bien”]
                  - Derecha [te lo traduce de forma errónea] (1)
                  - Multa [lo traduce mal]
Para intentar conseguir una traducción de los fanfics publicados en FANFICSTION.NET es necesario leerlos desde un navegador y no desde la aplicación. Después solo hay que seguir los pasos anteriores para que el móvil te traduzca el texto.
Antes de que empecéis a clicar en los enlaces quiero que tengáis en cuenta de que la gente cambia sus nombres de usuario. Así que habrá veces, bastantes me imagino, que no pondrá el mismo nombre en esta publicación y en el sitio web, no os preocupéis.
To Get To You (Otabek Altin x Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri x Yuri Plitsesky, Otabek Altin x Yuuri Katsuki, acabado, 1 capítulo, Omegavers, almas gemelas)
Los gatos no tienen nueve vidas (Otabek Altin x Yuri Plisetsky, acabado, 19 capítulos, CONTENIDO ADULTO)
Mi dulce regalo (Yuri Katsuki x Yuri Plitsesky, acabado, 28 capítulos, CONTENIDO ADULTO)
He is a good boy (Otabek Altin x Yuri Plisetsky, acabado, 31 capítulos)
The snow must go on (Jean Jacques Leroy x Otabek Altin, acabado, 1 capítulo)
Navidad con los Crispino (Emil Nekola x Michele Crispino, acabado, 9 capítulos)
En mis sombras (Victor Nikiforrov x Yuri Katsuki, acabado, 24 capítulos, au - OMEGAVERSE, CONTENIDO ADULTO)
Fall (Jean Jacques Leroy x Otabek Altin, acabado, 1 capítulo)
Consecuencias (Otabek Altin x Yuri Plisetsky, acabado, 34 capítulos)
Mi pareja destinada (Victor Nikiforrov x Yuri Katsuki, acabado, 36 capítulos, au - OMEGAVERSE, CONTENIDO ADULTO)
Amor de mi vida (Otabek Altin x Yuri Katsuki, acabado, 13 capítulos, CONTENIDO ADULTO)
Como en los viejos tiempos (Victor Nikiforrov x Christohe Giacometti, acabado, 1 capítulos, CONTENIDO ADULTO).
[publicado; 19-12-2021; actualizado: 26-12-2021]
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kuinmaru · 7 years
My OTP’s List (Anime Edition)
There’s no special order.
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito ‘Yue’ (Sakura Card Captor)
Sousuke Yamazaki x Rin Matsuoka (Free!)
Viktor Nikiforov x Yuri Katsuki (Yuri!!! on ice)
Hajime Iwaizumi x Oikawa Tōru (Haikyuu!!)
Rogue Cheney x Sting Eucliffe (Fairy Tail)
Yuuichirou Hyakuya x Mikaela Hyakuya (Owari no Seraph)
Makoto Tashibana x Haruka Nanase (Free!)
Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shōyō (Haikyuu!!)
Korra x Asami Sato (Legend of Korra)
Mikasa Ackerman x Annie Leondhart (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Goto Hidenori x Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Levi Ackerman x Eren Jeager (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Nezumi x Shion (No. 6)
Otabek Altin x Yuri Plitsesky (Yuri!!! on ice)
Kuroo Tetsuro x Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!!)
Laxus Dreyar x Freed Justine (Fairy Tail)
Tsukishima Kei x Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!)
Sebastian Michaelis x Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji)
Asahi Azumane x Yu Nishinoya (Haikyuu!!)
Hazuki Nagisa x Ryuugazaki Rei (Free!)
Mila Babicheva x Sara Crispino (Yuri!!! on ice)
Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail)
Syaoran Li x Sakura Kinomoto (Sakura Card Captor)
Inuyasha x Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Son Goku x Milk (Dragon Ball)
Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
Usui Takumi x Misaki Ayuzawa (Kaicho wa Maid-Sama)
Sasuke Uchiha x Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Jellal Fernandes x Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
Shinya Kogami x Akane Tsunemori (Psycho-Pass)
Julieta Capuleto x Romeo Montesco (Romeo x Juliet)
Akihito Kanbara x Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata)
Ryuji Takasu x Taiga Aikasa (Toradora)
Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell (Full Metal Alchemist)
Yona x Son Hak (Akatsuki no Yona)
Kraft Lawrence x Holo (Spice & Wolf)
Oreki Hotarou x Chitanda Eru (Hyouka)
Gray Fullbuster x Juvia Lockser (Fairy Tail)
Ririchiyo Shikarin x Soshi Miketsukami (Inu x Boku SS)
Asuna x Kirito (Sword Art Online)
Oz Bezarius x Alice (Pandora Hearts)
Nami x Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Many of my OTP’s are missing, I can not remember them all now.
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awkward-green-gal · 7 years
I got tagged by @condescending-writer for the this meme, name 10 characters from different fandoms and then tag 10 people.
So, lets begin:
1: pidge gunderson; voltron legendary defender
2: emerald; pokemon special manga
3: haruhi fujioka; ouran highschool host club
4: prussia; hetalia
5: kayo; erased
6: crona: soul eater
7: yurio plitsesky; yuri!!on ice
8: hide ; tokyo ghoul
9: peridot; steven universe
10: meiko honma: anohana
I tag
@monxanime,@anime-lover-x ,@drawbauchery , @beautysnake,@dement09 ,@efdh ,@hubedihubbe ,@heavenseveneleven ,@maddox-rider
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yuuri-on-heelys · 7 years
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bluecatrose · 7 years
Tagged by @jasesims.  First time! Thank you!
Rules: tag 9 people you wanna know better
Relationship Status:  None
Favorite Color:  Blue
Lipstick or Chapstick:  Chapstix
Last Song Listened To: Call me your master, Blood on the dancefloor (nightcore version)
Last Movie I watched: Warm bodies
Top 3 Fictional Characters: Yuuri Katsuki (Yuri on ice!), Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age Inquistion)  Ezreal (league of legends)
Top 3 Ships: Yuuri & Victor aka Victuri (Yuri On Ice!!!), Otabek and Yuri Plitsesky (Yuri on ice!!!) and Dorian Pavus and The Iron Bull (Dragon Age Inquistion)
Books I’m Reading: Warm bodies and a million of boys love/ horror fics.
I Tag: @lilinabe @randuhhxx@soloriya@remussims@iwatzuka @claudiasharon @preferatajaferoj@simswiththedane@serenasims@aoihana2510
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ned-kiwi · 7 years
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(Click for better quality!)
I just updated my Clip Studio Paint (pfft, it was like the update from December). So I tried out some new brushes and techniques.
I need to practice better lineart on these things.
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