#yyaaaay updates
birdo-is-here · 1 year
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Know what? Have one more while i’m at it!
This is Puppet! (all pronouns), a silly little guy
Puppet is a literal living doll. Fully sentient! You may be wondering, why on earth does Puppet look like they’re halfway to turning into a bird? Thats.. sorta because they are!
In his universe, there’s a thing called the “Harpy Virus”, which is basically an infection that slowly turns you into a harpy, only it’s extremely painful for people who feel pain and most do not survive, and the few that do are generally driven to insanity by the end of it, ..yyaaaay!
Lucky for Puppet it doesn’t really feel pain (at least the parts that aren’t harpy don’t…), so it’s just kinda vibing with it. For now at least. No one really knows what happens to one’s brain after the Harpy Virus has completely taken over since most don’t survive long enough to feel the effects of it, so i guess we’ll find out!
Puppet doesn’t say much, she can’t really say much actually for whatever reason. She mostly just stares and hums little noises at the other crew mates, and it works, soooo
In case you’re wondering, I do not have any lore reasons as to why xe’s sentient, or as to how xe got infected by the virus, but it shall be updated once the lore has been concocted
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Update (again)
Gasp, Jazz has another Update?! yeah i do. haha. its not really bad dont worry
i was pretty busy the last time i updated so i didnt have time to put this out. pretty soon (June 1st to be exact) My Step dad is heading out of state for work. which means he will not be home for maybe 3-4 weeks at a time or something it kinda depends on what his boss says and all. due to this, its more likely that i might be busier. Without my Step Dad here, im gonna have to help my mom out with some things and especially the house more. (i already do help out with the house a lot of the time, but now My mom and i will have to take over the stuff my Step father helps out with. even though we have my sister, and she will have to help out with things as well, shes very stubborn and actually very much a pain.) Also, the fact that i will be driving a lot more now since my mom cannot drive at night and she does quite a few things at night even if she tries not to whenever he isnt home. so with all this, art will be slower. (as if my art is really slow at all, im constantly drawing and doodling over stress and stuff as it is. im already stressed about june first with him leaving and i have my senior pictures that day already. though, im trying to get actual detailed art out rn haha.)
i will still be here, i usually am. July is definitely going to get crazy after the 13th (i think??) with all this though and art (even doodles more than likely) will be even slower because it will be hard to find the time until band goes back to its normal two days a week schedule (which is after the two weeks of constant practice and hard work to get the rookies started and for us vets to get used to it all once more. its not really hard, just tiring.)
so yeah! big update there. but this new job is very good for the family. i myself was planning to get a job this summer, but with only about a month of actual time for that, and my step dad leaving the state for his job, i dont want to stress my mom out with the house almost to herself, so i will probably not be getting a job until maybe after my senior year. it just depends on how things really go.
as for Art, well, i have some art pieces planned. if you have noticed, ive made big art pieces of the four skeletons, Sloth, Techno, Gear, and Snazz. i have two more of those planned that include a seperate of Peppermint, and one of Dice to complete the collection. so those will hopefully be done soon. i do plan (and i have a sketch actually, a few of you have seen it) to make another good picture of Dice because i havent exactly made any Detailed art of him yet. this will make two detailed pieces of him, and will satisfy me because ive been meaning to do that since i made him. and considering i made him in December of Last year, its been too long. im also hoping to get back into Lyric’s blog. so hopefully an update there will come soon. Asks are to been done soon (except for a couple DiceMint ones as im still planning those out. dont worry, i remember what they are for i promise. im still talking it over with Mango) im also VERY MUCH hoping to get the Draining Sanity comic running once more. i was so stressed and doing others things that i had only made one page and stopped. i have the next two pages sketched out on paper and ill be putting them on computer to draw out and all soon (hopefully haha, you guys have been waiting for the story.) so more of the Insane Trio, Lukas, Kari, a few others, and even Asher will be coming back soon (gasp, Asher?! whats he got to do with Draining Sanity?? XD) also, i may or may not be making a drawing of Krystalia and Scratch. i havent drawn a really good picture of them together in a long time. and being the original (meaning used to be the only siblings) Agons, it needs to be done.
...i think thats it. but hey, if you guys have suggestions of other things i shou;d draw, let me know in my ask box! ill put it on my list!
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