gezellig · 10 months
sorry maar als je als nederlander naar de studio 100 sing along gaat voor het huis anubis moet je niet boos zijn dat er nog anderen optreden.
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devoid-of-love · 1 year
the new lil texas single fucks actually
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isa-ko · 3 months
Soult and Mortier Correspondence (Part 2)
This is part two to this post.
So now the year is 1800. At this point, Mortier had been originally called to go to the Army of Italy, where Soult and Masséna were, but that ended up not happening. Instead, the First Consul decided to put him in command of the 17th division in Paris. This is where Soult and Mortier start writing to each other updates on random things…like pen pals! Yay!
This first one is the beginning of Mortier’s fangirling on Bonaparte.
To Soult, who had served with him, under Lefebvre, in the vanguard division of the army of Sambre-et-Meuse and who, second in command under Masséna at Genoa, had his leg shattered and had remained in the power of the enemy, he wrote, in Alexandria, on August 3: "We are finally approaching the end of this deplorable war! A strong, just and regenerative Government will allow us to enjoy a peace which will spread over our ills the consoling balm that we would have long sought under the domination of the Directory and the yoke of the two Councils. It is to Bonaparte, my dear General, that we will owe the enjoyment of true freedom and the maintenance of our Republic, because, believe it, without 18 Brumaire, France was heading towards total dissolution. God knows what we would have become by now! the revolutionary and surveillance committees were going, once again, to work vigorously on the mass of blood; the very idea of it makes me shudder..."
Next, here is a letter of Mortier updating Soult on the burial for Kleber and Desaix. I also read that apparently Mortier and Kleber were pretty close too.
As for Kleber's death, it was not known in France until two and a half months later; it was Mortier who confirmed it in Soult on September 9: "Your intentions have been fulfilled, my dear General, and I have subscribed, in your name, for the monument to be erected in the memory of General Desaix. Today we have new tears to shed and it is Kleber who makes them flow! The all too unfortunate certainty of its tragic end has reached the Government; you will have learned the details from the papers. The Consuls have just decided that a monument would be erected in his memory and that of Desaix, on the Place des Victoires; these two great men died on the same day (25 prairial), at the same time and in the same quarter of an hour.”
Because Mortier was in Paris, he was able to talk more directly to Napoleon in favor for his friends. I’ll do another post where he just sends a bunch of letters to past comrades asking them to give him errands😭💖 HE’S SO SWEET. Of course, he asks Soult if he needed anything as well.
He was informed, on August 8, to General Soult, who was recovering from his wound in Alexandria, that he saw the minister for his patent, which was sent to him but did not reach him; he requested that a duplicate be made. "I have often spoken about you to the First Consul; I assure you that he esteems you infinitely and values your military talents in the highest regard. It was he who, on his return from Italy, assured me that we had the hope of seeing you soon recovered... I am going to request your exchange (if it has not already been done) for Lieutenant General Spork.”
While waiting for this exchange, Brune entrusted Soult with the higher command of all of Piedmont, as the latter, from Turin, wrote to Mortier, on September 25. Soult's correspondence, with Mortier, who deals with different things he asks of him (among others, the exchange of his brother Jean-François Soult, taken by the English, the previous month of Germinal, on board the privateer L'Heureux, from Bordeaux, where he served as first lieutenant), is frequent; on December 9, Mortier wrote: "The First Consul, my dear General, has just assured me that you were exchanged for Mr. de Zaag; he will use your talents in the army of Italy. I think I can assure you that he thinks highly of you; ….”
This next one involves one of the assassination attempts on Napoleon and mutual hate for Britain.
Despite the fear that such expeditious justice should have inspired, the year 1800 was not to end without a new plot against the First Consul who escaped by miracle, on December 24 (3 Nivôse), from the explosion of the infernal machine on rue Saint-Nicaise.
December 25, Mortier wrote to Soult: "We owe to the good fortune of the First Consul the happiness with which he has just escaped an unprecedented attack and the details of which make one shudder with horror! Scoundrels had placed in his path a small cart (or a cabriolet, because all that remains as a vestige are two half-burnt hubs) loaded with one or two barrels of powder and placed on Rue Nicaise; when he passed there yesterday, around 7:30 in the evening, on his way to the Opera, fire was set to this powder which, with its explosion, blew up the entire neighborhood. The First Consul's car was going very fast, all the windows were broken; the car even rose from the ground and, undoubtedly by a miracle, the First Consul nor any of those who were with him were injured! Ah! You would have had to be on the scene to understand this scene of horror, the degree of sadness and indignation that everyone feels and, in the middle of all this, to hear yourself say he is not saved. There is no harm, what thanks we have to give to the Supreme Being who preserved it for us! No, it is not possible that such a project was designed by the French; it came out of British hell, it won't be taken out of my mind. The First Consul, cold and calm in the midst of all this, only showed sorrow for the unfortunate people who were victims of the explosion; Unfortunately, there were around thirty of them, both killed and wounded. The indignation is general and we have never felt better how many tears the whole of France would have to shed if it were to lose Bonaparte.”
The response that Soult, commander in Piedmont, addressed to Mortier from his headquarters in Turin, on January 4, 1801, testifies to the same feelings of extreme indignation against the crime and enthusiasm for the First Consul: "Hell alone is not capable, my dear Mortier, of giving birth to a project as atrocious as that which was carried out on the 3rd of Nivôse in Paris; there is more villainy here than all the evil geniuses since the creation of the world have imagined. Will we ever believe that at the end of the eighteenth century, in the middle of the capital of a triumphant and civilized Republic, a few unfortunate people, seduced by foreign gold, wanted to dig the volcano which, in its eruption, was to bury a considerable population and a victorious hero in different parts of the world, the one who saved his homeland, the one who wants to make it enjoy the benefits of peace, the one finally who, in other times, would have been brought to the rank of the demigods.... You who sometimes approach the First Consul, lead him to take more precautions; he owes his preservation not only to France but to all of humanity. Be close to him my organ and assure him of all the joy that your friend feels at seeing our first captain and our first magistrate saved by a miracle from the eminent danger he ran.”
*internally screaming* AAAAA … Soult calling Mortier his organ ANYWAYSY😭😭🥺
Ok, there’s a few more letters I want to add but this post is getting long again, so I’ll do a Part 3.
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twilekthembo · 2 months
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For Zaage on Art Fight!
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revenge on artfight user @/zaage of their cool Togruta lady Raana!!
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jozefthoilants · 4 months
In tegenstelling tot u
Mijn BMI is niet wat het moet zijn
en als ik slaap is het veelal tekort,
m’n linkerheup lag vroegtijdig aan gort,
door beide knieën stroomt vocht als venijn.
Voor m’n arme darmen korreltjes fijn,
en bittere pillen daags op het bord,
voorgeschreven voor wat aan de gal schort.
Schijntje zon op m’n vel: vlammende pijn! 
U denkt nu vast; hemeltje wat een zaag,
het zit in z’n hoofd ook helemaal scheef.
Wel ik zal  u zeggen, dat ik toch niet klaag.
Want geen marathonrecord waar ik naar streef,
geen doodsverachting waar ik me aan waag.
Nee, ik ontwaak maar en weet dat ik leef.
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roderidderhottakes · 5 months
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De Rode Ridder - De Draak van Moerdal
De Rode Ridder dwaalt al zingend rond. We denken toch dat het Johan is omdat de tekst dat zegt. Zijn gezicht ziet er plots wat jong uit. Ik weet dat ik vaak klaag en zaag over Johan's gezicht, maar hier oogt hij een stukje jonger uit.
Deze keer heeft Johan, in tegenstelling tot in het album De Vrijbuiter, meegedaan aan een steekspel. De lans zal geleend zijn geweest want die zien we niet terug in de prent.
Hij heeft een wapenuitrusting gekregen, we zien de helm achter hem hangen.
We krijgen ook een antwoord op een vraag die we een aantal albums eerder hebben gesteld: als dolende ridder had Johan al enkele schilden in zijn bezit met telkens andere heraldische symbolen. Klaarblijkelijk vergeet hij zijn schild vaak in de herberg want dit is, als ik goed telde, zijn derde mét heraldisch teken.
Misschien zien ze het schild als een soort reclame? Tja, het steekspel vond plaats in Moerdal en van de vorige prent weet je dat hun wapenschild geen ronde bollen (want ik zie niet goed wat het moet voorstellen) heeft. Neen dus.
Onthoud vooral dit schild, het komt over enkele Hot Takes terug!
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tanadrin · 1 year
A short timeline of the dawn of worlds game so far
To catch myself up, I put together as best I could a timeline of the Dawn of Worlds game so far, with a list of races, avatars, and orders at the end. Fellow-players, if you see this, please correct me if I got anything wrong, or help me fill in any missing details if you can.
Turn 1
The dead skin of the former world gives rise to Naakrsh, the Forgotten Scales.
Zaaz-Ghvash, an orphan from another plane, arrives.
Velarië is born from starlight on the waves. She creates the Isle of Velarië as her home.
Laneth… exists, a chalk mountain in the midst of an otherworldly plain called the Process of Dying.
Haebarik the Rootless awakens. He creates the continent called Haebrach, and a chain of islands betwen Haebrach and Velarie’s isle.
Turn 2
Fiery Erland is born from primordial embers deep beneath the world. He makes a series of volcanic islands.
Naakrsh cuts the Abyss into the Isle of Velarie and the sea around it.
Dark, secretive Omeara wakes; she shapes an extensive underground labyrinth, populated with cavern-dwelling flora and fauna.
Velarie does her best to mend Naakrsh’s violence; she creates the land of Incarien to the northwest.
Haebarik creates Baled, the Home of Monsters, and spreads some of Naakrsh’s abyssal life to it.
Laneth makes a lifeless realm of ice in the north.
Naakrsh creates a spark of his own essence that may engender something later.
Turn 3
Omeara creates a second underground layer beneath the first.
Erland works to rectify some of the underground flooding caused by the creation of the Abyss; he scatters volcanic vents and channels across Baled; he creates living creatures out of stone, and uses some of them to scattered seeds to the four corners of the world to encourage life to take root elsewhere.
Zaag-Ghvash creates two locations of eldritch power with alien glyphs at their center, and an unusual continent in the southwest.
Velarie creates the Ataila, whose first home outside her isle is Tehwatzin aka Etevassin.
Haebarik delves into the Abyss, and returns with the first human beings, snakelike humanoids born of Naakrsh’s spark.
Corobel, the personification of the sky, creates the Mirrorvaults beneath the oceans of the Moon.
Laneth creates the barren south polar region.
Tepponilamek names itself out of the cold wind of the north. It creates twin landmasses east of Baled.
Omeara creates the land of Morne, northeast of Incarien.
Turn 4
Corobel fills the Moon with life.
Omeara creates the avatar Ohm, The First of Worms, the Finger Pale, the Beast of Morne.
Laneth creates Kuollut Kulma, the Wandering Isle, beyond the reach of all the gods, even Laneth itself.
Naakrsh creats the Ebon Priesthood of the Flayed Skin, an order which attracts both human and atai members.
Erland creats the Potter’s Guild, the Keepers of the Secrets of Fire and Earth, to teach the humans the arts of civilization.
Velarie fills southeast Incarien with thick jungles to protect Tehwatzin/Etevassin, and to the south creates the land called Tuula.
(IS) Saarimuuta, one of the seven maidens appointed by Velarie to watch over the waters of Tuula,  hoards the waters of Saarima, in southern Tuula, for herself.
Haebarik spreads more life along the coast of Incarien, and creates the land of Laerel adjoining Laneth.
Corobel raises a continent to the west of Incarien and Tuula.
(IS) Mohäimä escapes Laneth’s domain and takes up residence in Saarima.
Tepponilamek creates a new landmass southwest of the two it made earlier, and surrounds it with helpful prevailing winds.
Omeara uses shape climate to make a temperate coastal region around Morne and Incarien; creates a more boreal area in the north of both, and fills the region in between with thick coniferous forests. Ohm is busy eating things out of existence.
Turn 5
Erland floods the barren interior of Incarien in the northwest using magma; after being washed with water, an enormous lake whose bed is glass and basalt forms.
(IS) Rav, the glancing light, takes up residence in Saarima.
Erland calls a conference of the gods.
Zaag-Ghvash creates an Eldritch Orrery on her island from which horrible secrets can be divined from the stars. She fills the region with a huge wealth of natural resources, both organic and mineral, before setting off for the divine conference.
Naakrsh bleeds a lake of blood on the moon.
Haebarik makes a bridge to the Moon that opens during a total eclipse, providing a way for mortals to travel back and forth.
Corobel fills the sky with 29 planets and moons to track the cycles of time.
Turn 6
Corobel reshapes the flooded portion of Incarien into the Glass Steppes
(IS) Rav creates a magical oasis in Saarima.
Omeara crates the Sea of Spires, a dense fogbound archipelago between Haebrach, Lekesh, and Rasira.
Naakrsh creates the Hatestar, doom of the world.
Laneth creates the Order of the Last Hearth, which teaches that mortals must prepare themselves well for death. Under its influence the human towns in eastern Incarien become preeminent in the funerary arts.
Corobel uses Shape Climate on the Occident (the land west of Incarien and Tuula).
Tepponilamek creates the Windwhisperers, introducing writing to humans and weather-magic to the world.
The First Age ends with the conference of the gods, at which diverse topics are discussed.
Turn 7
Something very disturbing involving a tree on the Moon happens at Corobel’s instigation?
Tepponilamek creates the Messonir and Eppethikuja, mantalike wind-dragons that can control the weather and the sea.
Haebarik creates the Tarbra on Haebrach, five-limbed beings who live via herding.
The Ebon Priesthood construct shafts all over the world, and on the moon, to aid in the potential passage of the Hatestar.
(IS) Saarimuuta gifts a snowflake to Mohäimä, Rav, and Rav’s oasis, and buries another in a secret place.
Erland invites some of the Ataila underground; under his tutelage, these become the chthonic Kautaila. He also creates the Tiktik, who build the city of Chivik.
Haebarik creates an avatar, Maretik, the Void Whale. Maretik abducts a bunch of humans and a few ataila, and deposits them on Lekesh, founding a new civilization there.
Erland makes the Queen of Chivik immortal, at the price of turning her to stone. A group of dissident Tiktik found the city of Neskot.
Corobel uses command avatar on the Great Flowering Tree to create the Sun-Divers. They build the city Azimuth around the tree; beneath the city in the Omphalos, an entrance dug into the underworld.
Laneth creates the Den-Seekers among the Tiktik.
Turn 8? (not sure exactly where turn 8 began)
Tepponilamek creates the Qurri, arthropoidal creates of the equatorial isles. The Kukan, a flightless offshoot of the Messonir, settle in the mountains of Tuula.
Laneth inspires humans to build Aesinhauta in eastern Incarien.
The Azure Reach becomes home to the world’s foremost sailors and navigators. Humans expand eastward, establishing the city of Palk.
Erland creates the Págar, shell-bearing crustaceans, on Morne. The Tiktik of Chivik build the city of Vennesnes.
Omeara extends the underworld to underneath Azimuth, and fills this new region with appropriately-adapted flora and fauna.
The Order of the Last Hearth creates the city of Vorond; this becomes home to the Hewn, or Memnarks, a human subrace.
Laneth creates a new land in the north of the world.
The Messonir found a city (name?) that develops advanced magical smithing techniques.
Explorers from Azimuth venture to the Moon, where they are transformed into a new race, the vampiric, amphibious Calyptra that live in the lake of blood.
Corobel creates an avatar in the form of the False-Lights that emanate from the Sun; he commands the avatar to create the race called the Aphotics; he also commands the Great Flowering Tree, unleashing a golden age among the Sun-Divers.
The worm Ohm comes to Tehwatzin/Etevassin, and seizes it, intending to hold it hostage. Rather than let the worm eat his fill, and totally erase the legacy of the Ataila who labored there, Velarie destroys the city by calling down a burning star from the heavens (Turn 9); from the fallen star the avatar Ängiläimö is created (Turn 10).
Turn 9? (not sure where turn 9 began either)
Tepponilamek creates the algaekin.
Omeara creates an order called the Wardens of the Earthen Oath, dedicated to protection, community, and agriculture, who have a kind of magic called Oathbinding.
Corobel creates an avatar, Coryphaeus, the Beast of Faces; Coryphaeus in turn creates the Night-Singers, amphibioid marshdwellers prone to unusual mutations. Occidentals (?) colonize the northeastern coast of the Occident, and grow preeminent in divination and prophecy.
Págar society on Morne develops the Seven Schools.
(?) creates an order (name?) among the Tarbra (?). The Tiktik of Chivik build a city (name? location?).
Tepponilamek creates the Titans.
Omeara uses command avatar to have Ohm create the deplorable Ohmlings.
Haebarik creates the order of Those Who Walk Beside God among the Titans.
Turn 10 (so far)
Laneth teaches First-Bell the Arts of Release, which involves knowledge of poisons, magic of semiotic dissolution, and euthanasia.
Omeara creates an avatar, The Omens, and uses this collection of dreams and visions to direct Hulat of the Hewn to found the city of Tondor.
(IS) A tribe of Ataila called the Ruohaina come to Saarima, fleeing the ruin of Tehwatzin/Etevassin. Mohäimä prophesies they will one day build a great city, Tehwatzin’s equal.
Major gods and their avatars:
Velarie: Ängiläimö
Haebarik: Maretik
Omeara: Ohm, The Omens
Corobel: Great Flowering Tree, False-Lights, Coryphaeus
Orders and their founders
Ebon Priesthood of the Flayed Skin (Naakrsh)
Potter's Guild (Erland)
Order of the Last Hearth (Laneth)
Windwhispherers (Tepponilamek)
Wardens of the Earthen Oath (Omeara)
Uncertain Tarbra order (Erland)
Those Who Walk Beside God (Haebarik)
Den Seekers (Laneth)
Races and their creators (or avatar’s creator, if created via avatar)
Ataila (Vel.)
Humans (Hae.)
Messonir (Tep.)
Eppethikuja (Tep.)
Tarbra (Hae.)
Kautaila (Erl.)
Tiktik (Erl.)
Sundivers (Cor.)
Qurri (Tep.)
Kukan (Tep.)
Págar (Erl.)
Memnarks/Hewn (Ome.)
Calyptra (Hae.)
Aphotics (Cor.)
Algaekin (Tep.)
Night-Singers (Cor.)
Titans (Tep.)
Ohmlings (Ome.)
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dysrope · 1 year
Stranger in a Strange Land
[turn 13: (1+3+2(boldness))+(4+5)=15, command avatar->14]
Syfos leaves Heabrach in a hurry, disappointed by mortals continually trying to hinder its journey. It crosses the datum line, accompanied only by fishes and whales, and enjoying the calm familiarity of the seafloor. But when next it hits land, it is a land quite unlike any other: The Eyesle of Zaag.
Here life does not follow the normal rules and patterns; millennia of mutations and eldritch influences have created an ecosystem that favours the bizzarre and the uncanny - extra limbs or heads are common, even for mammals it doesn't count as excessive until you reach the double digits. Insects fractalize and merge together in kaleidoscopic swarms, shimmering in oil-slick colours. It is a place of harmony and symbiosis - chimaeras of all kinds can be found, for example, a fox-rabbit, with the rabbit head feeding off of plants and the fox head off of superfluous rabbit legs growing out of its body, or the crab-apple and the coconut-crab: both trees growing out of the crustaceans' shells, and growing fruits which carry small crabs within them.
But while all this was somewhat perplexing and curious, what truly caught Syfos' attention was the music. For somewhere at the heart of this mad continent, it could hear a melody so far beyond anything of this world that it enchanted the little stone, and drew it closer. Syfos crossed the blooming snake-fields, and forded the infinite rivers, and arrived at last at the Orrery. This was the source of the sound, the mystical movements of impossible bodies made a noise that was completely discordant with the regular music of the spheres, but held a harmony entirely of its own. In fact, the sound was not truly a sound at all, more a sequence of colours and gradients, but Syfos did not use ear to listen, and recognized music as music, no matter its form. It was transfixed, for a moment and an eternity, but not even this could halt the stone's journey, and though it could have listened to the alien symphonies forevermore, it knew it must continue.
So Syfos took the melodies, and tranformed them into sound, and it sang them out for all the world to hear, and then it left it behind, rolling onward on its journey to the east.
But the Song was not the kind of song that fades away silently. Once let loose onto the world in a shape that could better be understood (or at least a perceived) it took on a life of its own. All the creatures that heard Syfos sing it were immediately enchanted by it, and soon began humming along to it. And once the Song caught a victim, it did not let go, growing its influence steadily, until all the host could think about was the Song, and all it could do was sing it, spreading it further. But none of the creatures that heard it were as perfect singers as Syfos, and so they introduced variations, and soon there were hundreds, thousands, of Songs, all competing for ears and vocal cords, and soon a great musical war raged all across the continent. Over time, a wide variety of Songs developed, some specialized in transmitting over the buzzing of insects, some through the rustle of leaves - though the strongest would live in the voice of birds, or apes, which carry great distances and capable of good mimicry. The great war abated, and some Songs would try to coexist with each other, but a Song can only stay alive for as long as its sung, and hosts are imperfect, so the struggle for existance can never stop, and their closest kin are always their fiercest rivals.
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elancholia · 2 years
The Sun knew that it was the first thing in the cosmos. 
(Nakrsh is the zeroth; Laneth is not in the cosmos; Erland is its contemporary, but it knows it not; Zaag-Ghvash cannot be seen; and the stars cannot be seen by day.)  
In countless ages, it had never desired to change. It was one. It was complete.
Now, the Sun looks upon the World, and, from the fluttering things which near it in its heaven, its timeless unity and invariant fire hear, at last, of something new: something dark, beautiful, obscure; something hidden from it; something that its blinding light can never look upon. It realizes that there are things it cannot see--that things keep being even when it cannot see them. It hears of Night, hidden on the World’s other face. It desires to reveal and to know it.  
Around this seed of doubt and expectation, there forms a pearl; a child; a mirror.  
By degrees, the Moon is born, and by degrees it lives: a mirror by which the sun may see the night; may move; may change. In the Moon, the eternal is punctuated and becomes cyclical; Sun looks upon Night and Night upon Sun; time takes shape.  
The shape of time is the Sky, Corobel, and the shape of the Sky is the iris of an eye, and the colors of the eye are many, and its crown is the horizon, and it is the crown of the world. 
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[Corobel rolls 2d6 = 8.]
The Moon dances with the World, and around the World, and the World must face it: thus, the World turns. In allowing Day to look upon Night and Night to look upon Day, it keeps the peace between them, and they may meet and mingle within it.
Thus, we know the Sky: who changes, who keeps time, who is repeated.  
It has one promise, and one threat: that everything in the world is temporary.  
It has one duty: to separate the visible and the invisible, and to contain the cycles of body and soul.  
In it are contained all colors, and those which must not be shown it keeps in the secret mirrors of the Moon's last face.  
It accommodates contradictions and cycles, but not the final end, which is Laneth. It is the reflection of the primordial skin of Nakrsh, which is the surface of the waters of the World, and of the World's inner fire, which is Erland. It breeds the dreams and omens which Omeara keeps. It is not starlight, for stars are beyond it, but it reserves the light of certain stars in the mirrored vaults of the moon.
The Sky separates and protects: day from night; one cycle from the next; the possible from the impossible; the World from the darkness beyond; the living from what lies behind mirrors. It is always present, and separates the future from the past. It is a skin and a surface.  
The Sky is responsible for color, visibility, transience, the revelation of secrets, duality, multiplicity, the separation of wholes, things between, natural cycles. It is associated with faces, circles, mirrors, illusions, pearls, twins, ghosts, shadows, sets, moths, milestones, metamorphoses; and with prisms, eyes, crowns, butterflies,  amphibians, and flowers. Its creations tend to have multiple faces, either metaphorically, concurrently, or in sequence; to be varicolored; to shimmer.
It has two heads: the Sun, the Moon, and the Night.  
The Sun has one face and one name, and the face is visible, but the name may not be spoken until the last day.  
The Moon, the most active (if not the most prominent) part of the sky, has 28 faces and 28 names, and they say many things, and are many things, and none may know them all at once and live. It is a creature of reflection and mingling. The Moon is terrible: for what keeps boundaries may cross them, and must contain transgression, and what it contains it may unleash; its beams kindle monsters, omens, madness, ghosts, and metamorphoses. It may admit the light of evil stars to shine upon the World. Its palace is a palace of mirrors, and therein are contained aberrations, monstrosities, and potentialities. On the last day, it will show all its faces.  
The Night has no face, and no name, but its secret lives in the heart of the Moon, and it must never be revealed, not on the last day, not before, and not thereafter.  
Corobel desires that things fulfill themselves through transformation, according to its strange designs and ideals; that boundaries and surfaces be kept, though it is willing to admit monsters to do so; that things find peace in change, and synthesis in multiplicity; that united things divide, and struggle, and find equilibrium once again. It desires that the world never end, but it, alone, of all things, knows the number of the world's days.  
[Corobel uses Shape Land to create Mirrorvaults beneath the oceans of the Moon; 8-3 = 5.]
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remidavs · 21 hours
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De voorbije periode bestond uit veel rusten en leuke dingen doen waar mogelijk. Maar vandaag is een baaldag… zo zijn er ook natuurlijk.
De drukte van school en vroeg opstaan, voelde ik wel. De twee weken rust van chemotherapie waren ook echt nodig voor mijn lichaam en lieten me toe om wat te bekomen. En op zich zorgde dat voor een zekere schrik naar de komende chemotherapie…
Mijn lichaam geraakt niet helemaal uitgerust, wat zal opnieuw chemo en immuuntherapie doen en hoe zal mijn lichaam reageren. Met een goed gevoel en lichte bezorgdheid naar reacties van mijn lichaam kon ik vrijdag terug naar het Uz. Op dinsdag had ik geruststellende bloedresultaten die eindelijk vanzelf stabiel leken te zijn. Het gaf niet alleen mij, maar ook iedereen dichtbij een zekere rust. Oef, dat lichaam herstelt zich toch na een paar weken rust.
Op vrijdag werd dit optimisme weer een beetje gefnuikt. De neutrofielen waren alweer serieus gezakt in tegenstelling tot dinsdag. Vervelend en een reden voor de oncologen om echt wel lonquex (beenmergstimulant) voor te schrijven. Ik deelde mijn schrik… na de vorige toediening stegen mijn neutrofielen inderdaad flink om dan na twee weken toch te kelderen. Hier konden ze niet meteen een antwoord op geven, enkel dat ze zeer graag de week nadien een dosis zouden kunnen geven en dat die lonquex daarbij de beste zekerheid is.
De vrijdag verliep verder met fijn gezelschap, een picknick op de kamer en een gezelschapsspel dat we zeker later herhalen of verder zetten.
Thuis was er voldoende afleiding en heel veel liefde van iedereen… en toen kwamen opnieuw de eerste dagen en nachten na chemo. Een beetje zoals gekend, maar met iets meer maaglast en last van tintelingen in mijn vingers.
Zondag werd ik echter verkouden, en maandag leek het niet beter.
Dinsdag besloot ik om, na een telefoontje naar de dienst oncologie, toch via spoed naar het UZ Gent te gaan. Ik voelde me wat ellendig en merkte schrik voor de onduidelijkheid. Ik ben snel buiten adem en heb toch wel algehele spier- en gewrichtspijnen. Allemaal mogelijke nevenwerkingen maar evengoed mogelijke gevolgen indicatie van infecties. Dus even het zekere voor het onzekere nemen.
Alle onderzoeken klaar en gelukkig niks erg aan de hand. Maar wel lelijk vervelend om me toch best mottig te voelen terwijl er eigenlijk niks aan de hand lijkt.
De chemo zou zijn tol aan het eisen zijn in combinatie met de andere medicatie die ik moet nemen… tot zover dit avontuur… hopelijk toch snel minder last want op deze manier voel ik me een dikke zaag met al mijn kwaaltjes terwijl er niks te vinden is. Maar anderzijds wel goed dat er niks erg aan de hand is.
Een pittige dag dus…
Maar ik mag dus terug mijn schatjes gaan knuffelen en thuis verder rusten…
Dus proberen genieten van de kleinste dingen en hopen dat er niet te veel tussen komt gekropen.
❤️‍🩹 voor mezelf 😀
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devoid-of-love · 6 months
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regioonlineofficial · 4 months
Voorbijgangers zal het niet zijn ontgaan. Zeeuwse meidoornhagen staan op dit moment volop in de belangstelling van medewerkers van de Stichting Landschapsbeheer Zeeland (SLZ). Zij voeren controles uit op de aanwezigheid van de gevreesde plantenziekte bacterievuur. De ziekte is een bedreiging voor het heggenlandschap, maar kan ook massaal voorkomen in peren, vandaar dat bacterievuur in de streek ook wel perenvuur wordt genoemd. De ziekte kan tevens voorkomen in appelbomen, grootbladige cotoneasters en mispels. Het is een besmettelijke ziekte die begin jaren zestig voor het eerst van zich deed spreken en sindsdien met enige regelmaat tot ernstige verliezen voor zowel de fruitteelt als het Zeeuwse heggenlandschap heeft geleid. Meidoornhagen Door de bacterievuurcontrole kunnen de karakteristieke meidoornhagen worden gespaard. Zo behoudt een deel van het landschap in de provincie haar bijzondere waarde en kunnen mensen ieder voorjaar opnieuw weer genieten van bloeiende meidoornhagen. De specialisten van SLZ controleren bij particulieren en op terreinen van bedrijven op Zuid-Beveland en in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, voornamelijk binnen een straal van 500 meter rond fruitteeltbedrijven. Tevens controleren ze op Walcheren, maar daar gebeurt het in opdracht van het Waterschap Scheldestromen. De specialisten van SLZ zijn de komende weken weer op pad. Ze voeren de controles in de meidoornhagen van particulieren meestal twee keer uit. Die eigenaren betalen daar voor, ze hebben bij SLZ een abonnement afgesloten voor het uitvoeren van de inspecties. Gewoonlijk doet SLZ meerdere controlerondes per jaar. Perenvuur Perenvuur openbaart zich voor het eerst als de struiken net goed in blad en bloesem staan en de temperatuur boven 170 C stijgt. Je ziet dan dat uiteinden van jonge scheuten bruin tot zwart gaan verkleuren en ze hangen er dan een beetje bij als een uitgebrande lucifer, dit verschijnsel noemt men “vaantjes”. Ook de bloemen kunnen besmet raken. Ernstige infecties kunnen er al snel toe leiden dat de struik tot op de grond toe afsterft. Dit kan worden voorkomen als de aangetaste delen tot ruim 50 cm onder de zichtbare aantasting worden afgezaagd of geknipt. De zaag of tang moet na het knippen wel worden ontsmet met spiritus alvorens men naar een andere struik gaat. De bacterie gedijt alleen in het levende hout en sterft in circa 48 uur af in het afgezaagde hout. Deze werkwijze blijkt effectief te zijn om de gevreesde ziekte onder de duim te houden, mits die regelmatig en nauwkeurig wordt toegepast. Stichting Landschapsbeheer Zeeland hanteert deze methode al jaren en helpt zo om de karakteristieke meidoornhagen in stand te houden. Voor meer informatie kunt u kijken op www.landschapsbeheer.nl/zeeland Stichting Landschapsbeheer Zeeland Stichting Landschapsbeheer Zeeland is een professionele organisatie die zich sinds 1982 richt op het beheer en ontwikkeling van het Zeeuwse cultuurlandschap op terreinen van derden. Hiervoor werkt SLZ met veel vrijwilligers en bewonersparticipanten. Stichting Landschapsbeheer Zeeland heeft een CBF Keurmerk en is door de belastingdienst aangemerkt als algemeen nut beogende instelling (ANBI). www.landschapsbeheerzeeland.nl
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kneehoming-knee · 6 months
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top10lijst · 6 months
6 Beste Milwaukee Cirkelzagen voor klussers in 2024
In dit artikel gaat het over de 6 beste Milwaukee cirkelzagen voor klussers in 2024. We zullen een overzicht geven van de volgende producten die in deze selectie zijn opgenomen: de Milwaukee M18 FUEL Powerpack - 4933479422, het RNtools Cirkelzaagblad - Multi Material - ⌀216MM - 60 tanden, de Milwaukee M18 FPP6C2-502B Combiset en de Milwaukee 18V Accu Cirkelzaag - 165mm. Laten we eens kijken naar de specificaties en functies van deze cirkelzagen om u te helpen de juiste keuze te maken voor uw project in 2024. 1Milwaukee Accu cirkelzaag - 18V Li-Ion, 165mm 8.7 Gemengde feedback De Milwaukee M18 CCS55-0 18V Li-Ion Accu cirkelzaag body is een krachtige zaag met een 18V Li-Ion accu en een koolborstelloze motor. Met een zaagblad diameter van 165mm is het geschikt voor verschillende zaagwerkzaamheden. Het product wordt echter geleverd zonder accu's en oplader en de verpakking kan beter zijn. Bovendien wordt het bedrijf als onprofessioneel beschouwd. Read the full article
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444namesplus · 8 months
Abab Abaf Abamiop Abauviiv Abaz Abeoh Abiegeoh Aboaw Aboos Abuar Abuov Abuujioq Aceal Aceun Acoob Acuasiik Acuixaol Acuosiow Adauhouv Adianool Adiikaf Adoetoeh Adoovoet Adoubiir Adouguek Aduedad Aduisuuh Afaixoow Afap Afeanoes Afeiweuc Afiekuej Afoosail Afoun Afuudah Afuuxas Agax Ageoh Ageol Ageuvan Agoexiij Agoir Ahaag Ahap Ahat Ahauz Aheareor Aheaw Aheex Aheexoox Aheixuud Aheob Aheot Ahiol Ahiun Ahoeqoob Ahuawaeb Ahuik Ajaq Ajeamoil Ajeeqiuc Ajeop Ajeuheit Ajiir Ajium Ajoat Ajoer Ajoit Ajoox Ajuak Ajueb Ajues Akaasaot Akaetiik Akeap Akeir Akeog Akieb Akieweel Akiij Akoax Akoesuas Akuijiok Akuuzuab Alatoav Alax Aleaz Aliakuoq Aliaz Aliepoim Amaitaak Amamuup Ameadeuq Ameom Amiapeas Amiun Amuap Amuuh Anaaf Anaiquan Aneac Aneaqoan Aneih Aniiqeet Anium Anoal Anouk Anued Anuiweaw Apah Apaveig Apax Apeagad Apiev Apuixoif Apuok Aqap Aqaug Aqeax Aqeeduub Aqeer Aqiatieq Aqiev Aqiim Aqiod Aqiub Aqougueh Aquadaef Aquan Aquireon Aquoreit Aquotoaz Araaq Aracoad Arageum Areakood Areas Areogooh Ariiw Ariosiok Aroum Aruasooc Aruoneuq Asadoop Asaekuoj Asam Aseazeen Aseuq Asioqein Asouveuf Asuuseof Ataacar Atauv Ataxoax Ateejab Ateelaaq Aveoq Aviajois Aviam Aviezooq Avoez Avuaj Avueq Avuujeaw Awaut Aweim Aweub Awoilouv Awoiluud Awoog Awualuuw Awuatiut Awuiw Axahah Axeajiah Axeufueq Axeutiik Axiapeop Axiuguig Axoizoes Axooreuq Axuaf Axuir Axuot Axuuj Azaah Azahaez Azaik Azeiv Azeubeen Azeup Aziat Aziuc Azoeriaf Azoeroot Azoiq Azoizoeh Azoof Azoos Azootiar Azuafios Azuin Azuoboet Bam Batoun Baux Baw Beos Beuruis Beuv Biaseut Biuz Boozoex Buujoer Buukiek Buunair Caav Caeb Cal Caw Ceeniuj Ceicuir Ceukuet Cioguuq Coeq Coojeum Dadaag Damam Daub Deap Deazas Deij Deuw Diaj Diapoul Dioziam Doav Doezoof Douz Duan Dueciug Dueg Duehoes Duij Duuvuis Faapaj Faaseeq Fakeip Feetuez Fiiqaug Foekuel Fooh Fookeod Foun Fuep Fuiguab Fuuf Fuut Gaakeib Gaow Gateab Gauf Gauneom Geez Giibuup Giiluos Gioh Goazial Goizaok Gooteuf Guaneeb Guex Guipoen Guux Haaqaet Hanas Hauq Hoicuov Huifaim Huis Jacouh Jaj Jaxuir Jiehiur Jiijior Joac Joah Jouliid Juivuas Kadap Kaijoeh Kaomoep Kear Keineaw Keiwiux Kiax Kiih Koapoes Kouj Koujaj Kour Kuek Kuid Kuogaax Lac Lafuev Lak Laus Leas Leaz Leec Liiz Liohoeb Loaruuc Loejal Luiv Macioz Meakoad Mean Meigiuh Meuq Miaz Miobuuj Miohaq Mium Moag Moebuof Muegiiw Mueraid Mues Muiqauq Naid Naikam Naiv Naiw Naj Neeb Neur Niab Nian Nieciif Niobeok Noom Nuox Paes Paluef Peogoav Peonap Peowan Poavoag Poep Poiqiik Poup Puex Qaudeil Qaun Qeal Qeiv Qiaj Qiak Qiic Qioheob Qiup Qiur Qoag Qoesiim Qoibaam Qoibeif Quewiow Quofois Rawac Reajeab Reon Riisap Riug Riusios Roef Rueleaw Rueliah Ruimiok Ruud Ruuj Sean Seap Siek Soawiot Soobuam Sued Sueriud Suiceuz Suin Tain Taizeab Tatar Tauteug Teah Teas Tiijuat Toimoet Toixeic Touveux Tuohoer Vaheon Veeq Veoj Vial Vied Viimuun Vius Voax Vuav Vuofeoq Waaqiih Wamiom Waop Weiseuw Wienaej Wiohoiv Woek Wuaj Wuenaz Wuetuah Wuul Wuuv Xaw Xeav Xiar Xieg Xiegav Xieniur Xionuok Xiuguan Xoav Xoow Xuef Xuen Xuol Zaag Zacioz Zaur Zeotaav Zoec Zuag Zuog
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