#zae's masterlist
ladystarksneedle · 1 year
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Welcome to my blog! This is a list of all the moodboards, headcanons, drabbles and fics that I've created for House of the Dragon up till now. Hope you enjoy!
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Fics and Drabbles
Zae's fics
Character Inventory:
Secrets of the keep (Aemond x lady reader)
Virtue and Vice (Aemond x maid reader)
In the shadow of your heart (Aemond x niece reader)
A fall from grace (Aemond x Melissa Hightower) (ofc)
Guts (Viserys Targaryen through the eyes of a lady at court)
Greedy (Daemon x Belinda Celtigar) (ofc)
Don't tease me (Helaena x Aegon)
Cherries and Wine (Aemond x fem reader)
Say yes to me (Aemond x fem reader)
Darkly, delicately (Aemond x Meynara of Norvos) (ofc)
Fruit posts
Aemond fluff imagine
The green family
Alicent and Criston
Hotd colour wheel
Royal gifts ( Fits and accessories )
Dragon outfit series
Got house aesthetic
Houses as mythical creatures
Hotd characters as Greek gods
Hotd alt universe
Daemon and Aemond
Alys and Aemond
The greens as art
Dragons and their riders
Hightower core
Velaryon core
Targaryen Queen Aesthetic
Hotd characters and songs
Women of awoiaf
Gifs and edits
Crack posts
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You can also find me: @rosesaviolets and ao3
Last Updated: 27th April 2024
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zae-heeyyy · 3 months
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@zae-heeyyy's Masterlist
♘ Arthur
♖ John
♛ Requests
♡ fluff | ♤ angst | ♢ smut 18+ MDNI | ♧ platonic |
Chiaroscuro ♘♡ You're very fond of silk scarfs and Arthur Morgan. Pastiche ♘♡ ♤ You and Arthur escape through writing. Recalcitrance ♘♡ ♤ You and Ms. Grimshaw just can't get along. Seraphic ♘♡ ♢ You are Arthur's angel.
Stelliferous ♘♡ You stargaze with Arthur.
Erudition ♘♡ ♤♢ Arthur teaches you how to read.
Valor ♘♛♡ ♤ Arthur takes you on one of his adventures.
Resumption ♘♛♡ ♤ You and Arthur revisit the past.
Boisterous ♘♢ Arthur takes you to The Loft.
Hiatus ♖♧ You meet John during his year away from the gang.
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Welcome To The Vibranium Vault
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ღ Navigation ღ
Requests: Closed
ღ About the Keeper ღ
Hey boos and baes. I'm the keeper but yall can call me Zae. I'm a 27 years old black writer and I enjoy writing fics when I don't have major writers block. My current fixation is Ghostface!Shuriri. That is all lol. I write fluff, smut and angst. Any further questions about what exactly I write can be found in my FAQ which it linked above. I am a bit shy when it comes to talking to others but I'd love to chat with anyone!
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zaenight · 2 years
Masterlist 2
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Wattpad : zae-night
a03 : zae_night
tiktok : zaenighteditz
ch1 ch5 ch9
Ch2 Ch6 ch10
ch3 ch7 ch11
ch4 ch8 ch12
ch1 ch7
ch2 ch8
ch3 ch9
ch4 ch10
ch5 ch11
ch6 ch12
Crazy but she's mine // Ez reyes x Oc(COMPLETED)
ch1 ch5 ch9. ch13 ch17 ch21
ch2 ch6 ch10 ch14 ch18 ch22
ch3 ch7. ch11 ch15 ch19 ch23
ch4 Ch8. ch12 ch16 ch20 ch24
The dragon and her knight // Bellamy blake
ch1(236 yrs ago)
ch2. ch7 ch12
ch3. ch8. ch13
ch4. ch9. ch14
ch5. ch10. ch15
ch6. ch11
Act1 | Act2 | act3
ch1. | ch1 | ch1
ch2. | ch2 | ch2
ch3. | ch3 | ch3
ch4 | ch4 | ch4
ch5 | ch5 |
ch6 | ch6 |
| ch7 |
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Wherever You Are (Jungkook x You Oneshot)
This story is heavily inspired and based on 5SOS - Wherever You Are. The words in bold and italic are parts of the song. For better enjoyment, listen to the song while reading. Hope you enjoy!😍
2k+ words
Some angst and fluff
For a while we pretended That we never had to end it But we knew we’d have to say goodbye
“We cant do this Jungkook. You know you will be leaving soon,” Y/N weeps, her voice muffled by Jungkook’s shirt as he hold her tight to his chest.
“I’ve been everywhere Y/N, and I have never met anyone who makes me feel like you do. Just even the thought of you makes me fall asleep smiling and waking up grinning. You dont know how happy you have made me,” Jungkook softly carressed her hair. “Please Y/N…”
“But Jungkook-”
Jungkook release her from his embraced and cupped her chin. His eyes staring deep into hers  "Let’s just pretend. Even for a while. Let’s just pretend you are mine. I love you Lee Y/N. I love you so much,“
Tears starts to cloud Y/N’s eyes and she hugged him tightly. Wishing with all her might that this moment will last forever. "I…I love you too Jeon Jungkook,” she choked out.
Jungkook once again cupped her face and placed their lips together, sharing their first ever kiss and it was sweet, passionate and full of love that they both wish it can stay that way forever.                                               —————— Y/N and Jungkook met at one of his fansign during his world tour. To them, it was fate that brought then together as Y/N dont even know what and who BTS is. She ended up at their concert and later the fansign because her brother bailed on his 9 year old daughter, her favorite niece, that he was supposed to take to the concert as a birthday gift. So Y/N had to take her instead.
As for Jungkook, he knew he fell in love the moment the 9 year old girl kneeled in front of him, passing him her cd to sign and he heard her whined, “Auntie, can you please at least act like you know them? You are embrassing me in front of the other Armys!”
Jungkook looked up at that, chuckling and expecting maybe a 40 year old woman looking bored as hell but instead he was met with a beautiful young girl who looks like she is about his age, looking confused. He was immediately star strucked by her even though he is the star here.
“I’m sorry Zae. You should have brief me on who’s who before we came here. I will do better okay. Dont be sad. Its your birthday,” she answered and gave Jungkook who was looking at her a small apologetic smile.
Jungkook snapped himself back to reality and continue flipping through the CD to find where he was supposed to sign. “Hi. What’s your name?”
“Hello Oppa. I’m Zae! I love you so much. You are my bias but please dont tell Teahyung oppa,” the little girl squeal. Jungkook laugh at that. “Is that your auntie?”
Zae nodded. “Yes. But she doesnt know much about BTS. Please dont be mad at her oppa,”
“Zae!” Y/N scold her little niece. “I’m sorry. I’m not really a fan…” she said sheepishly at Jungkook.
“It’s okay. But tell you what,” Jungkook motion his fingers for Y/N to come closer so he can whisper to her. “Tell me your messenger ID and maybe I’ll will give you a BTS crash course later,”
Y/N’s eyes widen, suprised that a supposed world star would say that. Is this what stars do? Flirt with their fans?
“Urm no thankyou,” Y/N shakes her head and before Jungkook can say anything they were ushered off to the next member.
The day ended and Y/N was glad that her niece enjoyed herself so much. She felt asleep not even remembering what happen with Jungkook earlier.
Little did she know that while she was in the toilet earlier at the fanmeet, Jungkook had sent out a manager to asks her niece for her phone number or messenger Id. Anything. And the naive little thing provide the manager with everything that she knows.
After a few days of texting back and forth, they have establish some sort of a friendship, and Jungkook cant be happier.
Y/N was reluctant to start anything with him as she knows he have to leave sooner or later. But her heart wants what it wants and although they both know that Jungkook is only going to be in Y/N’s country for a month until the end of tour, they still continue their relationship with whatever time they still have left.
Until the day they have to say goodbye.
You were crying at the airport When they finally closed the plane door I could barely hold it all inside
They had a wonderful month together. After their confession a week after the fanmeet,  Jungkook spend all his free time with Y/N. Exploring the city, trying new things, sharing secrets under the stars, stolen kisses, late night walks and ice cream runs, even movie nights.
The last night before Jungkook has to go off was spend almost in silent. No words are spoken. Only kisses and tears. There is no need for words to express the heartache that Y/N felt that night. They both knew this day will come and they both are still stubborn enough to went through with it.
Jungkook and his members were swarmed at the airport. Mask and sunglass covered his puffy eyes that roam around looking for Y/N. He spotted her by the gate’s corner, her face wet with tears that is still flowing.
The sight makes his heart breaks even more. He just wants to run to her and hold her tight and just to tell her that he dont ever want to let her go. For God’d sake, he cant even say his last goodbye or kiss her one last time since his fans are everywhere. The only thing that both of them can do is stare at each other from afar.
“Come on JK. Let’s go. It’s time,” Taehyung and Jimin patted his shoulder, both knowing the situation, looking at him with sympathy.
Jungkook looked at Y/N one last time and pull down his mask. With one last look he mouthed to her, “I love you, Lee Y/N,”
And with that he entered the gates and boarded the plane, breaking down in tears once he settled down, with Taehyung quietly rubbing his back.
I just can’t stop thinking of you Wherever you are
Days turns into weeks. And Jungkook is occupied with his super pack schedule. He is, afterall on a world tour. He puts on a smile for his fans during fanmeets and do his best dancing and singing when he’s on stage.
But late at night when all seven of them is back at the hotel, all he could think about is her.
What is she doing right now? Have she eaten? Is she well? Did she think about him as much as he did about her? Does she miss him at all?
He just cant stop thinking about Y/N. He just hopes she is thinking about him too, wherever she is…
Every night I almost call you Just to say it always will be you Wherever you are
Every day and night Jungkook would stares at his phone.  His fingers ached to just click the green call button on Y/N’s name. Just so he can hear her voice again. Just so he can hear her call his name just once. Just so he can tell her that he miss her and that it will always be her.
But he knows he cant.
Both him and Y/N had promised each other that when the time comes to separate, they will cut all communications. They knew this relationship wont work out. Jungkook is an idol and Y/N is just a normal college girl living across the world from him.  Even if they can make it through the stress of being with an idol, the distance between them will surely break them apart. So they decide to end it once and for all once the time comes.
I could fly a thousand oceans But there’s nothing that compares to What we had, and so I walk alone
Weeks turns to months. And his world tour almost ended. His hyungs keep on asking him to enjoy himself, to have fun. There are many new places to visits, new faces to meet.
Its not like Jungkook didnt try. He did. Oh boy, he really did. He met up with all the girls that his hyungs introduced him to. New faces at new places but at the end of the night, he will say goodnight and went back to his hotel room alone, mind full with thoughts of her.
None of the girls he met is even half as fascinating and interesting as her. None of them are able to hold his attention long enough. None of them can compare to what they had shared. None of them can compare to you.
I wish I didn’t have to be gone Maybe you’ve already moved on But the truth is I don’t want to know
Although he is thankful and happy with his life as an idol, sometimes he wishes that he is just a normal guy. A normal guy who can have a normal relationship with her. He wish he didnt have to go, to leave, when his heart is bursting with love and happiness like he had never felt before.
Sometimes, while thinking of Y/N, he wonders if she has already moved on. Its been almost a year. Y/N is a beautiful, smart, young and an incredible woman. Its not a suprise if she really did move on. But even if that’s true, Jungkook doesnt want to know. He doesnt even want to imagine it at all. He will just keeps on telling himself that Y/N’s heart is still his, wherever she is.
Nothing lasts forever Nothing stays the same So why can’t I stop feeling this way
His hyungs keeps on telling him, that with time, his feelings will fade. He will forget about her. They said that nothing lasts forever, including his feelings for Y/N.
But its already been more than a year, and Jungkook wonder if he will forever feel this way? Clouded with the memories of the one month they spend together.
You can say we’ll be together Someday
“If its meant to be, we will be together again… someday,” that’s what Y/N told him a few days before his departure. But when will someday come? He is tired of waiting for the someday that she spoke about.
Jungkook’s heart is breaking every single day. Missing her and beating for her presence every day. He can no longer wait for ‘someday’ to come.
I know I shouldn’t tell you But I just can’t stop thinking of you Wherever you are
“Jung…Jungkook?,” she stuttered. Not believing this is real. Its been over a year. She hadnt heard his voice for more than a year but her heart immediately recognizes the voice. The voice that keeps replaying in her dreams every single night.
The phone call shocked her so much she almost slipped on the icy road that she is walking on to get home.
“Hi…” he paused. “Y/N, I know we promise not to call each other anymore. I know I shouldnt call you and I know I definitely shouldnt tell you this, but I miss you. I miss you so much Y/N,”
“Jungkook… I- I,”
“Please tell me you miss me too. I cant stop thinking about you Y/N. Tell me you think about me too,”
Tears starts to welled up in Y/N’s eyes. Combined with her being out of breath since she currently climbing the stairs to her apartment, she can only sobbed.
“I miss you too Jungkook. I had always been missing you,” she finally able to say once she reached her floor.
“Y/N, I love you. I wont hold it back anymore. I love you,”
“I love you too Jungkook. All this while, I cant believe you still love me,” Y/N starts to sobbed. Not believing this is actually happening.
“Hey Y/N…”
“Look up,”
Y/N, puzzled by the request, finally raised her head that has been staring at her shoes because of her excessive crying. Her mouth dropped open, her phone dropped, its existance no longer remembered nor important, and tears falls even more heavily on her face.
Standing there, in front of her apartment door is Jeon Jungkook, smiling widely, tears in his eyes. He ended the phone call and walk slowly towards the shocked Y/N.
“It will always be you. Wherever I go, wherever you are, it will always be you, Y/N,”
it always will be you Wherever you are
A/N: I really hope you enjoy my version of 5SOS - Wherever You Are! But seriously, its such a cool song, go and listen to it!
And if any of you have any suggestion on what song I should write on next, let me know! ♡
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ladystarksneedle · 9 months
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Secrets of the keep
Dividers by @saradika
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Summary: A lady at court navigates its trials and tribulations amidst the volatile family of the dragon.
Part I: In attendance
Part II: A dragon's embrace
Part III: Heads and Tails
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Taglist: @witheredoffherwitch @arcielee @chompchompluke @barbieaemond @watercolorskyy @paprikaquinn
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