#zaff answers
zaffrenotes · 10 months
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! 💖
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outlawlost · 5 years
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@sanctitysin ♦ Slow dancing / COWBOY JOHN DLC
meme. accepting!
    emilia  looks  around  inside  the  building,  seeing  all  the  fancy  paintings,  the  potted  plants,  even  when  she  glances  down  to  the  dress  she’s  wearing...  it  brought  back  memories.
    her  father  hosting  parties,  showing  her  off  like  some  prized  possession,  discretely  having  bids  placed  on  her  to  be  some  man’s  trophy  wife.  she  sees’  it  now  and  it’s  unpleasant.  to  be  fair,  emilia  wouldn’t  even  be  here  if  it  wasn’t  for  the  fact  that  fancy  parties  were  her  forte  &  easy  to  steal  some  money.  she  knew  how  to  be  quick  with  her  words,  use  her  charm  to  pickpocket  money,  and  even  seduce  her  way  into  men’s  pockets.
                                                                                          pigs,  all  of  them.
    her  thoughts  disappear  as  her  eyes  land  on  a  man.  he’s  hanging  around  by  himself  and  his  suit  looks  almost  like  the  same  ones  her  dad  would  order  from  overseas.  he  once  said  that  such  craftmanship  must  be  worn  by  only  the  handsomest  of  men.  what  a  load  of  shit.
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    “  forgive  me  sir,  i  couldn’t  help  but  notice  your  lack  of  company,  would  you  care  to  dance  with  me  ?  ”  a  sweet  smile  replaces  the  once  bored  expression  on  her   face,  emilia  takes  this  moment  to  study  him  and  truly  take  in  his  appearance.  the  stranger  is  quite  tall,  he’s  clean  (  along  with  some  birthmarks  kissing  his  face  ),  his  hair,  however,  has  a  few  strands  dangling  in  front  of  his  forehead  (  it  was  kinda  funny.  ),  and  his  suit...  it  looked  like  it  was  worth  a  fortune  !  this  might  be  an  easy  pick  if  emilia’s  careful.
                                 a  dance.  that’s  a  perfect  chance  to  get  close  to  him.
    with  ease,  the  brunette  offers  her  arm  which  he  takes,  leading  her  to  the  dance  floor.  one  hand  rests  on  his  shoulder  while  the  other  takes  his  hand.  she  can  feel  his  free  hand  rest  above  her  hip  and  then  the  music  begins  to  play.  he’s  quite  the  dancer  !  emilia’s  a  bit  surprised  but  she  keeps  her  composure  as  she  keeps  up  with  him.
    “  i  don’t  think  i’ve  seen  you  around  before,  sir.  ”  though  the  same  could  be  said  about  her...  “  i  think  i  would  have  remembered  such  a  defined  jawline.  ”  there  you  go  !  just  butter  him  up  and  get  close  enough...  she  stumbles  forward,  leaning  into  him  with  a  ‘  surprised  ’  yelp.  she  quick  to  look  up  at  him.  “  i  am  so  sorry,  sir  !  i  didn’t  realize  i  would  be  so  clumsy  !  it’s  been  a  couple  of  years  since  i’ve  done  this  !  ”  she  laughs  ever  so  slightly,  her  hand  reaches  for  his  pocket  as  she  speaks  to  him  but  she  doesn’t  get  the  chance  to  as  he  returns  her  back  to  their  position  before  her  clumsy  accident.  damn  it...  well,  emilia...  you  might  have  to  do  a  bit  more  than  bat  your  eyelashes  with  this  one...
    “  say,  would  you  mind  escorting  me  outside  ?  i  fear  i’m  in  need  for  some  fresh  air  as  some  of  these  ladies  and  gentlemen  clearly  do  not  bathe.  ”  emilia  gags  between  words  to  play  on  the  disgust,  her  arms  wrapping  around  his  once  more.
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heavenlyexiled · 5 years
@sanctitysin  SENT    ---    “  John flinches when a snowball hits the back of his head. He looks behind at a grinning Liz and makes a face at her, "What are you, twelve? Stop it." ”    |  RANDOM  INTERACTIONS  ?  ALWAYS  ACCEPTING.
    elizabeth  watches  as  the  snowball  hits  the  back  of  john’s  head,  the  snow  sticking  to  his  hair.  when  he  turns  to  look  at  her  and  questions  her  immaturity,  she  can’t  help  the  snort  that  escapes  her.
    “  thirteen,  actually.  ”  her  voice  chirps  as  she  kneels,  hands  working  away  in  the  snow  to  make  another  ball.  “  oh  ?  stop  it  ?  or  else  what  ?  you’re  gonna  do  something  about  it,  love  ?  ”  she  can  see  his  annoyed  face  and  she  grins  more.  “  well,  how  about  you  make  me  ?  or  i  suppose  you’re  too  chicken  !  ”  and  with  that,  elizabeth  throws  another  snowball  at  john,  her  smile  turning  into  a goofy  grin,  exposing  her  teeth  as  she  sticks  her  tongue  out  at  him.
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    “  the  way  you  whine  makes  you  sound  like  you’re  fifty  !  lighten  up,  john  !  ”  elizabeth  rolls  her  eyes  at  him,  placing  a  hand  on  her  hip.  “  i  could  warm  you  up  inside  as  an  apology...  ”  tone  is  playful,  coy  even  before  she  goes  for  yet  another  snowball.  “  but  you’ll  have  to  stop  me  from  absolutely  CRUSHING  you  at  this.  ”  no,  he’ll  probably  scoff  &  roll  his  eyes  at  her,  might  even  blow  her  off  and  just  head  inside.  party  pooper.
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peacefulapostle--a · 5 years
hey loser - zaff (going anon to hide from ur followers)
listen zaff. ZAFFFFF. i literally love you so much okay. i love love love you. and i’m just a shy bean that wants to be your friend and have all the threads with you. cause wow i love every single thing you write and draw. and you are just so amazing i could cry.
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fire-the-headcanons · 4 years
 "I, uh, got pretty good at carving too." He stood and crossed back to the closet, opening it just wide enough to fish something out of the bag on the floor. Unrolling the rags, he passed her an action figure that fit comfortably in her palm.
 "Wait. You made this?" Summer gasped, lifting the little wooden Grimm to her eye. "It's so cute!"
 He chuckled. "Only you would call a Beowolf cute."
 "But he is! Look at his little teeth!" she said, turning it in her hands. How did he cut such tiny details? "...Is this real bone?"
Follow the Beacon Summer—A Moment’s Peace
[Link to Masterpost]
[I had a bad weekend so I'm posting two chapters. I want to post a nice chapter and leave everyone on a high note this week but the one that was scheduled isn’t fluffy, this one is. Anyway make sure you've read Taiyang—Dannit]
Summer hissed at her scroll in frustration. Of course farmers in rural Anima wouldn't post job listings online—Qrow and Raven barely knew how to use a scroll the first week. But a typical contract would have to include room and board, though, right? It's what made sense.
But then what was going on?
The door clicked, and Summer opened her mouth to ask Tai what had happened—but it was Qrow who stepped through. "Oh! Are you feeling better?"
He stared miserably at his desk before walking to the closet and pulling it open a crack. He shoved his things to the side and hung his dripping clothes over the bar. "Yeah. ...Where's Raven?"
"She went to get food. Where's Tai?"
"...With Dan," he muttered. 
Oh, no. He must have heard Dan yelling—the whole building probably heard it. "I— I don't think he meant that, he was freaking out and—" she cut off as Qrow stared at her, bewildered. "...Never mind."
He half-shrugged before slumping back into his chair, picking up his pen like it was carved from gravity Dust and starting to shuffle through the book.
"Qrow, you should rest!"
"I just wanna get it over with," he said again.
And how is making yourself sicker going to help with that? "Fine. Then I'll help you. It's for history, right? What's it about?"
"...No, you're right, I should do this later." Qrow shut the book on his notes and dropped it in a desk drawer before setting his head down.
Summer scowled at her scroll, considering. It couldn't hurt to do a bit of gentle prying… "Huang—Tai's dad—would always make us oatmeal or chicken noodle soup when we were sick, growing up. Do you and Raven have something like that?"
"We ate whatever the farm's cooks gave us."
Not very helpful for cheering either of them up, but it did answer the room and board question. "...Well, what did you do for fun, then?"
Oh, right, she could give him the Grimm Reaper scans! That'd cheer him up. ...Right after they were done talking. "Just comics?"
"Yeah, pretty much," he mumbled. "They're—they don't take up much space." 
"I, uh, got pretty good at carving too." He stood and crossed back to the closet, opening it just wide enough to fish something out of the bag on the floor. Unrolling the rags, he passed her an action figure that fit comfortably in her palm.
"Wait. You made this?" Summer gasped, lifting the little wooden Grimm to her eye. "It's so cute!"
He chuckled. "Only you would call a Beowolf cute."
"But he is! Look at his little teeth! " she said, turning it in her hands. How did he cut such tiny details? "...Is this real bone?"
"Cow, deer, whatever was lying around," he shrugged. "I stained the fur with coffee and vinegar. Paint wasn't, uh, easy to get."
"We should get some! You could do the markings and eyes!"
He scratched his neck, looking at the rags in his hand. "I dunno… I've never even held a brush before –"
"Aww, come on. This little guy deserves a face," she mocked a pout, holding it up next to her cheek. "I wonder what kind would work best…"
"Bone's fairly porous, I don't think it'd be hard to find something that sticks."
"Are there more?" she asked, with a pointed glance at his hand.
"Y-yeah." He dragged his chair closer, setting two more bundles on her desk. Gently, she unwound the first to reveal an absurdly detailed Nevermore. Individual feathers were etched into the wood, some even carved to look like they were blowing in the wind as it flew. The second—
"Look at her tiny scythes!" Summer squealed, setting the Nevermore down and snatching the Grimm Reaper up instead. She wasn't stained dark like the others, though her mask and blades were bone. "And her mask! This is amazing! Qrow, we have to get you some paint."
"There's no way I could paint that one! Everything would be too small."
Summer set the figure on the desk next to the other two and crossed to her own closet. "Well, I have no idea how to carve, but I did learn to paint figures when Tai and I started playing Grottoes and Grimm…" She pushed aside some of her clothes, taking out a small box from the shelf behind. "I didn't bring all my stuff, but I've got our player characters. Here!"
She drew a couple pieces from the box and headed back over to him, dropping them into his hands. "The figures are just molded plastic, but I did the color."
"They're amazing," Qrow said, peering at the little spear-wielding Huntress with a small smile. "Why don't you paint them?" he asked, looking back at his own figures.
She blinked. "I—I couldn't! They're yours, and –"
"You should! You're really good."
"O-okay." She fought back a huge smile. Keep it cool. "I'll bring my paints back after winter break. It'd be fun to try playing Grottoes and Grimm, but Zaff was our GM…"
"Oh, that was Dan's old partner. The one at Atlas."
"...Did Dan play?"
Summer rolled her eyes. "Never had the patience. …Actually, I'm not sure Raven would either…" 
He glanced at the little Grimm Reaper before staring at his knees. When he spoke, it was barely audible. "What's Dan like?" 
Summer's shoulders sagged. "I'm sorry… he's not usually so rude. I mean, he's rude a lot, but not like he's been with you and Raven." The jokes had ranged from mean-spirited to downright crude until she and Tai finally got him to stop. "I mean, we weren't… trying to be mean with the skirt thing…" 
Qrow laughed. "No, that was pretty funny. And I've been getting compliments on my legs all semester, so…"
Summer snorted, covering her mouth and nose with a fist. 
"But, he's never… scared you or Tai, or…"
What the hell? "What happened?"
"N-nothing!" he shrugged, shoulders too tense, avoiding her eye. "I... just get a weird feeling from the guy sometimes."
"...Why are you lying? He's said some awful things to you."
Qrow stared silently at his knees for a few seconds before answering. "He—he's your friend, I… I don't want to cause problems."
Summer grabbed his hand and stood, pulling him to his feet and into a hug. "You're our friend too."
“I—it just—" he stammered, rigid with surprise. 
"He's the one being an ass." She sighed. "Okay. I get not wanting to fight with Tai's boyfriend. If he's weirding you out just… come find us. Or a teacher. He won't bother you if there's other people around." 
Slowly, his tension flowed away. "Thanks."
"...You can hug back, you know," she teased, and he quickly wound his arms around her back in return. “Wanna read the Grimm Reaper comics? We could put the scans up on the obscura, it’s kind of hard to see on a scroll—”
“Hell yes.”
[Finally... a much-needed hug.
The obscura is the television. It feels weird to use the word television in a world that calls phones "scrolls"]
Next Chapter: Taiyang—Off Track
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iscariotsdeputy · 4 years
sacramentalis for the positivity!!
Send Me a URL and I’ll Write Some Positivity For It
    ZAFF!!!! Amazing writing!! Amazing drawings!!! Amazing personality!!! Also puts so much thought into John and it’s obvious because every answer is like. Researched and well thought out, everything intending and falling into place with the character established for John!! Everything we write together or even explore is awesome and I have fun even when we back and forth send memes!!
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ixvyupdates · 5 years
6 Steps Towards Restorative Justice in Your School
In all the talk about the importance of reducing suspensions and other exclusionary discipline practices in schools, one question looms large for most educators and administrators: What do we do instead?
For many people, part of the answer lies in restorative practices (RP), in which the school tries to understand the root cause of the student’s behavior and help them repair the damage through interventions like group discussions, mediations, peer courts or family group conferences.
Though researchers say restorative practices are more likely to actually change student behavior than expulsion or suspensions, experts also acknowledge that these practices can be tough to implement and take years of work—requiring a shift in mindset to be effective.
A recent report by the Center for Promise, “Disciplined and Disconnected,” provides insight from school leaders who have done just that sharing best practices that helped them to successfully implement restorative practices in their schools.
Here’s what they had to say:
Address staff skepticism
Exclusionary discipline policies and practices have a long tradition in American public schools, so part of the challenge lies in convincing teachers who may be skeptical to change.
School leaders described the pivotal importance of engaging the skeptics and how impactful it can be to get them on board with the idea of exploring restorative practices.
“I picked three people to go to, two who I knew would love RP and one that I kind of figured would be a skeptic, ‘cause if she didn’t buy in, nobody’s buying in, because she’s our senior member here,” one principal said.
“She came back, she said, ‘We’re doing it, I’m sold,’ and it’s been a positive thing for our staff all along.”
Build trust
Building trust among staff is also crucial. One principal explained how they use group discussions, or “circles,” to address faculty concerns as well as in their work with students.
“[I]n that staff circle it’s almost like therapy for free, where people can kind of just let it out, what’s going on and how they’re feeling about it, and we encourage that. Because what we do is hard. Whether we’re alternative education or in mainstream, it’s hard. It’s hard work.”
Get district and state buy-in
Multiple school leaders also described the importance of support—such as additional staff and training—from district and state policy makers, and the power of that support in generating momentum and excitement.
“Teachers are asking for and need assurances that they will have the resources and backing of a school’s administrators to implement effective restorative justice practices,” said Jon Zaff, executive director of the Center for Promise.
Getting this support from district personnel and policymakers paves the way for schools to adopt non-exclusionary discipline practices. It also gives school leaders the latitude to connect with other organizations and people for professional learning and support.
Invest in professional learning opportunities
Each school leader in the report emphasized both the work they did to help their staff learn about them and the importance of getting support from district and state policy-makers.
For instance, this principal described bringing a core group of people from their school to a conference to begin building internal knowledge about RP.
“We met during the summer with our rep…who does restorative [practices], and we met with an independent contractor [who] just retired from the Minnesota Department of Corrections [and] has been doing R[P] down there forever.
“So between those two women and my core group, we just met monthly during the summer a couple times. Then we had a two-day training with all staff, which was unbelievable.”
Engage students as leaders
Other principals talked about the importance of engaging students in the process and creating structures to leverage their leadership.
“So we have what’s called student ambassadors who are trained specially to work with our new students, and to assist students in various ways. Whether it be in restorative chats, restorative conversations, restorative circles, always with that ultimate goal of identifying what happened and how can we fix it.”
Another principal expressed this same sentiment, describing how students who have internalized the RP process can help other students understand the RP process.
“Those kids become our shining stars, the ones that have successfully completed R[P]…they know how it works, they know what the impact is and can have, so they’ve been our shining stars here with that.”
Build capacity by sharing best practices
Once schools have the expertise, they can teach others. One principal talked about the support she received from the superintendent and how her school is now hosting trainings for other schools.
She also offered advice for other schools. “So just take it slow, find people that know what they’re doing. Talk to other schools that are trying to do it.”
An original version of this piece appeared on America’s Promise Alliance as “Six Steps to Implementing Restorative Practices.”
Photo by Alex C-C, Twenty20-licensed.
6 Steps Towards Restorative Justice in Your School syndicated from https://sapsnkraguide.wordpress.com
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
I saw a trailer to a movie called Missing, which is a sequel to Searching starring John Cho and I saw Daniel in the trailer
soooooo Henney just posted a reel on IG with what I'm guessing is the same preview (movie's set for a January 2023 release) and I--
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wassup Agent 👀 😏
🐷 YOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH🐇 @the-soot-sprite @ao719 @burnsoslow @ofpixelsandscribbles @neotericthemis @nikakatt
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zaffrenotes · 1 year
Not an April Fools joke -
I just wanted to wish you an amazing day, and if it's not an amazing day, I hope tomorrow will be easier. 🌸 Drink some water, get some rest, and know you're loved.
Feel free to pass on this message to whoever may need to hear it.
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^^^ how this ask made me feel when I saw it in my inbox ☺️ drinking my (flavored bubbly) water and chilling after a long walk this afternoon to clear my head. thank you for thinking of me @peonierose!
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zaffrenotes · 1 year
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Happy Henney-mas to you too 😂 @the-soot-sprite
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zaffrenotes · 1 year
Henney anon here. There's a k-drama on netflix called behind every star and Daniel is set to make a guest appearance in this tuesday's episode. You can also encourage any of your fellow Team Henney mutuals if they're interested in watching it
meant to queue this yesterday but...🤷🏻‍♀️ life
to my fellow Team Henney friends...
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@ao719 @burnsoslow @the-soot-sprite and I know you're not in the US but you're on the team - @neotericthemis @ofpixelsandscribbles yes I really need to find my taglist
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zaffrenotes · 1 year
guess who's birthday it is today
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🎉 Happy Birthday, Daniel Henney 🎉
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
I love your new profile pic 😘
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
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did you just send me a potato?
because if you did, this is me now 😆
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
I just saw the panel for Wheel of Time and one fan had a question for Daniel, which was about him getting a role like Lan where he's not underutilized after appearing in so many stuff where his character gets killed off, and she also mentioned watching kdramas that has him in it as well as asking what it's like being a sex symbol(which prompted a lot of cheers). If you saw his reaction, you can see how excited and a little flustered he was by that question
I've seen a few IG posts from NYCC and got super excited about the WoT S2 sneak peek trailer, but I haven't really been deep diving to find info (busy/weird week for me). I'm glad to see that Henney's finally in a role where 1) his character sticks around for a good long time 2) while Lan himself is rather stoic and stony as a character trait, Henney has been able to emote so much more, even with just a few seconds of screen time for some scenes (e.g. casting a knowing look to Moiraine, expressing disapproval/disappointment/sadness with a glance) and truly bring Lan to life 3) Henney is aging like a delicious, fine wine and we've seen the insane effort he put into training to achieve Lan's lewk, haha, bulking up his already fit physique....he should be proud of that! Man's looking FOINE
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zaffrenotes · 2 years
💗 incoming love train! I appreciate you and recognize the amazing presence you have on this site, thank you for contributing to our community! 🌷send this to all the blogs you love! Don’t forget to share the love. 💌💐🌷🌻🌺💐🌸🌹
aww, thank you for thinking of me! also... right back atcha ❤️
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