#zane's mailbag
want you to know im going to play Radiata Stories thanks to you!
Another soul converted! Let me know how you like it!
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Hold up, is Quasar technically responsible for Algandars??
I'm not sure, to be honest. That ending scene with Aphelion and Quasar seems to suggest that Clarice was the elf king's wife but so many things are unexplained.
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Sort of a weird question, but since RS takes place in the Star Ocean universe, and since the space government considers protecting underdeveloped planets a priority, do you think there could have been a "third option" of getting all the humans off the planet to return balance?
Though that depends entirely on whether the humans are native inhabitants of Tottaus or if they were a group that colonised it centuries before (either before the UP3 was established or behind the Pangalactic Federation's back).
We know that there are human races that live on other underdeveloped planets such as the Elicoorians and then there are humanoid races as well (likely due to intermarriage between humans and the planet's indigenous folk). I'm not too well-read on all the Star Ocean lore but I assume that Elicoorians and Vanguardians and other human-like races that reside on underdeveloped planets got there long before the UP3 was enacted and because of that, they're simply allowed to continue living on those planets without being deported back to Earth or wherever with the other humans. The UP3 just prevents further contact with those planets.
There's a quote from Zane, which is inaccessible otherwise but you can get him to say it if you hack your way into the City of Flowers before the path split where he says, "If only you humans had never appeared in this world then the dark elves would never have known the sorrow that plagues their existence."
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The fact that he mentions humans having "appeared in this world" implies that the humans were always permanent inhabitants of Tottaus which suggests that the humans colonised Tottaus.
It's been a long time so I may be misremembering but I think @robancrow may have theorised this as well and further went on to say that the whole system with the twin dragons came into play to keep the humans under control. I think before the humans came to Tottaus, it was just the elemental dragons and Pinta keeping their world in balance. Wind dragon kept the elves under control, the water dragon kept the orcs under control, the fire dragon with the goblins and the earth dragons with the dwarves. And then Pinta was the overseer of everything. When the humans appeared, it complicated things because someone needed to keep the humans in check, too. That's where the silver dragon and gold dragon come in. Instead of just erradicating the humans or sticking them on a rocket and shooting them back into space, the races of Tottaus let them stay but under the condition that if they start behaving badly and messing with the natural order, their kind will be wiped out.
Now going back to your question of the third option to expel all the humans from Tottaus, I feel like that's something that none of the races in Tottaus really have the technology to do, and ironically enough, the humans, the very race who could develop that technology wouldn't be so eager to send all of their people back to a place they're unfamiliar with either. They've lived in Tottaus for so long that they don't know what it's like to live anywhere else. Their language and culture has become so far removed from that of Earth's that going back to a planet they haven't lived on for centuries would seem like moving to a foreign country.
I also have the feeling that with the new system in place with the gold and silver dragons, it would be difficult for them to go back to the way things used to be. The humans have already made their mark on Tottaus and there's no erasing it. The humans are there to stay.
Though it would be an interesting idea for a story or and AU and I'm sure Zane would be in full support of shooting a rocket full of humans into the sun.
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I fuckin love you man 🤣😂
And I love you too
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NOW happy birthday! 😂💚💚🎉🎂
Haha, thank you very much, Bats!
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“I’m not wearing that.” with Jack?
“A Labour of Love”
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” Adele said as she stood beside Jack, watching with excitement as he uncovered his eyes and peered down at the handmade tunic resting on the kitchen table. She had been working tirelessly on it for weeks and was eager to see the surprise on Jack's face when he saw the finished product.
Jack's smile faded into a frown, “What... IS that thing?”
Adele scowled, “A labour of love for an ungrateful little brother, apparently.” She picked up the garment from the table, feeling hurt at her brother's reaction, “I made it just for you to wear when you try out for the knight's selection trials next week.”
“I'm not wearing that. Aren't knights supposed to wear shining armour or something cool like that? How am I supposed to look tough dressed in this?”
Adele huffed, “It may not be the highest fashion but it's lightweight and durable so your weak little arms won't get chopped off!”
“Whatever. I'm still not wearing it.” Jack pouted, folding his arms.
“Oh, get over yourself, Jack!” Adele grumbled, “There's more to being a knight than just swinging around a big sword and looking cool. Practicality is of the utmost importance when you're out there fighting. Dad knew that, too, and he was the greatest knight who ever lived.” Adele threw the tunic in Jack's face and stormed off, “Wear whatever you want but you'll be sorry!”
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A most happy birthday, My Lord 🎉😁💚
My birthday isn't until July 5th (a week from today) but the early birthday wishes are nonetheless appreciated.
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Thanos/Jarvis “Just stay with me.”
“Wellness Check”
Watching the guild members come and go was part of Thanos' daily life. They would check in, pick up any assignments, and be on their way. He kept track of everyone who came and went and so far, everyone was accounted for, except one. It was already early afternoon and Jarvis hadn't shown up for work yet. He would have just dismissed it as him having returned late from the bar and still being in bed but if there was one thing he knew about Jarvis, it was that no matter how hungover he was, he always managed to pull himself out of bed and drag himself into work by 10. He would be discombobulated and cranky but, to his credit, he would always show up on time. It was one of the few positive things Thanos could say about him.
Going out for his 2 o'clock smoke break, he decided to head up the road toward Jarvis' residence. Not wanting his entire break to be wasted on a wellness check alone, he lit up his cigarette on the way. Upon reaching Jarvis's house, he knocked on the door. No response. He gave it a couple more raps before he jiggled the handle. To his surprise, the door was unlocked.
He entered the cold, dark residence and called out for Jarvis. Silence. He took another puff of his cigarette and scanned the room where he found Jarvis unconscious on the floor with a bottle of hard liquor in his hand, completely empty.
“Geez, I knew you were an alcoholic but this is the hardest I've ever seen you party.” Thanos glanced around the dark and messy room once more, “And from the looks of it, it wasn't a particularly festive one.”
Jarvis didn't respond. He just laid there motionless.
“Oh, for Pete's sake.” Thanos mumbled through his teeth as he kept the cigarette in his mouth. He picked up an empty bucket and headed to the kitchen faucet to fill it with a cold water. He held the bucket of water over Jarvis' head for a moment before Jarvis' eyes cracked open. Thanos dumped the water on him anyway.
Jarvis jumped in surprise, “What was that for?!”
“I already filled the bucket. It was getting dumped on you no matter what.”
“Why are you in my house? Can't you just let me rot in peace?!” Jarvis groaned.
“I would but the smell would eventually disturb the neighbours. Why weren't you at work?”
Jarvis was silent. He was unsure if he wanted to disclose the reason.
“Cat got your tongue?” Thanos took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it between his fingers.
“It's none of your business!” Jarvis snapped.
“It is my business when I'm in charge of seeing to it that employees properly clock in and out. You gonna make me lose my job because your lazy ass doesn't wanna get out of bed?”
“I survived the night...” Jarvis stared down at the liquor bottle, “I thought if I drank enough of this stuff, it would do the trick.” He let out a small chuckle before sighing, “I guess my tolerance is too high.”
Thanos furrowed his eyebrows. He decided that now was not the time for his snide comments.
“Someone said something to me at the bar last night. I don't consider myself thin-skinned or oversensitive or anything like that but for some reason, that comment cut deep. It sent me over the edge.” Jarvis gripped the neck of the bottle. “I would have tried the rope but something about not being able to breathe scares the shit out of me. Alcohol is all I've known. I figured if I were to go out with any poison, it would be the one that's responsible for making me the way I am: a fuck-up.”
“You quit feeling sorry for yourself,” Thanos' was curt, puffing his cigarette. “You think you're a fuck-up? Look at me! I'm just a nobody with a desk job. At least you still managed to stay a sergeant. You didn't get demoted once Alicia got the best of you. I know the other guild members look down on me but you know what? Fuck 'em. They're not paying my rent; I'm making sure they can pay theirs!” Thanos grabbed Jarvis by the shoulders, “Don't let anyone make you think you're a fuck-up. You owe them jack shit and between you and me, that just sounds like projection. So what are you gonna do about it, huh? Let them get the best of you? Or get up and show them that no matter how many times you get knocked down, you'll just keep getting back up again. Do it just to spite those cunts!”
Jarvis smiled slightly, “Yeah.”
“Just stay with me. You'll be alright.”
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Hey, many years ago I think we met on DeviantArt and you drew my OC, Faux. Cool to see you're still around the internet.
DeviantArt... Haven't heard that name in years...
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Happy birthday, hope its great!
Thanks, Lavos!
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Heyy, idk if you remember me. But I knew you on Facebook back when you had all those Zelda RP accounts. Uhhh, hi!! 😅
I’m not sure that I do remember, unfortunately.
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Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy it!!
Thanks, Psi!
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It's your birthday today? Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one!
It is, yes. Thank you!
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...I'd supressed the knowledge of the Twilight Sparkle husband...
Bet you thought you’d seen the last of it.
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Genius only wants to get into The CoF bc it means he can see his little Research Crush, Zane.
Oh, there’s no doubt about that. I’m sure Nogueira knows it, too. He’s just doing everything he can to keep nerdy human creeps from stalking his little brother. Gotta protect his baby bro, after all.
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Yo just a reminder you’re a great friend and my favorite homie and I love you bro
The feeling’s mutual, my dude. I love you too.
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