#zantanna zatara: 001
ghostthwip · 4 years
@mistressofmagic​ flashback 
Gwen sat on the edge of the rooftop, her mask off as she stared out at the New York City skyline. Her heart felt heavy as she remembered what the day was. She hadn’t even gone to the cemetery yet, she didn’t know if she would. She was a coward like that. This day lived in her head on a constant loop, in her dreams like a reoccurring nightmare that won’t leave. The only thing was that she didn’t get to wake up and shake it off because it was a memory, one that left her shaking and in tears as she remembered the way Peter curled up in her arms, whispering that he had only wanted to be special, like her. All she had done was hurt him. Broke him. 
She could even find the fucking courage to go to his grave. 
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Letting out a shaky breath, Gwen squeezed her eyes shut and felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her breath stuttered and she wiped at her cheeks to get the tears to try to stop, only managing to not fall off the building because of her reflexes when a loud noise tore her out of her misery. She whipped around and tugged down her mask, ready to attack as she saw a portal form on the rooftop. “Of course. Never can be an easy night, can it?” Gwen muttered to herself, prepping herself to be ready as a woman stepped through. 
“Well, I gotta admit, I was expecting like...a robot army. Or aliens from a different dimension.” Gwen said as she faltered, slightly confused, and lowering her arms. The woman didn’t feel like she would attack...she was clearly powerful, but Gwen had a feeling this woman wouldn’t harm her. “You’re not going to attack me, right? Not gonna lie, been a shitty night so I really wouldn’t be a fan.”
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