#ftf: zatanna zatara
rxdshood-a · 3 years
(STREET FIGHTER): for OUR MUSES to get jumped by a gang of feral animals. @mistressofmagic​
Jason didn’t really think that going out for food with Zatanna would turn into this. Attempting to shake off a cat who was clinging onto his jacket on his back for dear life, babbling on to him that he needed a hair cut while another cat was seemingly clinging to Zee as well in front of the deli they had settled on for food. “Literally what the fuck. Zee, make them stop!” He sputtered, shaking his head as the cat moved up onto his shoulder. “I just wanted to get a sandwich. That’s all I wanted. Now I’m being attacked by a feral cat. Literally what the fuck even is my life—” 
“You should really cut your hair—” The cat mused out loud, yowling in irritation when Jason tried to shake him off again.
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ghostthwip · 4 years
@mistressofmagic​ flashback 
Gwen sat on the edge of the rooftop, her mask off as she stared out at the New York City skyline. Her heart felt heavy as she remembered what the day was. She hadn’t even gone to the cemetery yet, she didn’t know if she would. She was a coward like that. This day lived in her head on a constant loop, in her dreams like a reoccurring nightmare that won’t leave. The only thing was that she didn’t get to wake up and shake it off because it was a memory, one that left her shaking and in tears as she remembered the way Peter curled up in her arms, whispering that he had only wanted to be special, like her. All she had done was hurt him. Broke him. 
She could even find the fucking courage to go to his grave. 
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Letting out a shaky breath, Gwen squeezed her eyes shut and felt a tear roll down her cheek. Her breath stuttered and she wiped at her cheeks to get the tears to try to stop, only managing to not fall off the building because of her reflexes when a loud noise tore her out of her misery. She whipped around and tugged down her mask, ready to attack as she saw a portal form on the rooftop. “Of course. Never can be an easy night, can it?” Gwen muttered to herself, prepping herself to be ready as a woman stepped through. 
“Well, I gotta admit, I was expecting like...a robot army. Or aliens from a different dimension.” Gwen said as she faltered, slightly confused, and lowering her arms. The woman didn’t feel like she would attack...she was clearly powerful, but Gwen had a feeling this woman wouldn’t harm her. “You’re not going to attack me, right? Not gonna lie, been a shitty night so I really wouldn’t be a fan.”
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missmxrtian · 4 years
“Keep it. It suits you.” @mistressofmagic​
“Are you sure? I feel like pink never looks good on me with my skin tone. Like I’m one second away from shapeshifting into a platter of watermelon.” M’gann held the pink sweater up to herself, “Hm. Okay. I like fuzzy things. Thanks, Zee.” She smiles at the woman who she had all but considering her sister. (Maybe one day she’d admit out loud that the form she had taken was because of her—to look like she could be her sister.) 
She had J’onn, she’d always have J’onn, but she had found her family on Earth. There wasn’t a day that went by that M’gann didn’t miss her parents. She’d think about what the government had done to them and fear with what was happening with Agent Liberty meant it’d happen to her too. She missed her mother’s hugs and her father’s smile. She knew Zatanna felt similarly with her own father and that time each year that came around, boiled down to one hour that she deserved so much more. M’gann hoped she could be as much of a family to Zatanna as she was to her. 
“I didn’t come just to raid your closet, I just wanted to check on you.” M’gann told her as she sat on the edge of Zatanna’s bed. “That you can talk to me,” a pause before M’gann said in the other woman’s mind, ‘even if it’s telepathically. That way no one can hear. You know I prefer this way anyway. It’s what I’m used to.’ 
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rxdshood-a · 4 years
It had become a sort of silent tradition that neither one of them seemed to voice. They picked at each other insistently and enjoyed it far too much, but they also clearly enjoyed each other’s company. Jason wouldn’t let her pick at him like she does if he didn’t like having her around. Not that he’d ever admit to that, he’d rather turn over in his second grave before uttering the words ‘Zatanna, I enjoy your company’ like some schmuck. He didn’t even tell Roy or Kyle that he liked having them around and they were some of the people he spent the most time with. 
Fuckin’ Kyle. Idiot. Stupid good looking idiot that made Jason feel completely confused and flustered all at the same time. He hated him. Hated him. (Not really. He doubted he ever could. He could hate anyone, but not him.)
The mere thought made Jason’s nose wrinkle up as he tried not to stab his chopsticks into the lo mein he had. “This show is fucking stupid,” he finally voiced out loud to Zatanna as he scooped up some noodles and shoveled them into his mouth. “This soap opera shit is just like the k-dramas my ma used to watch. She’d make me watch them with her when it was just us in the house. At least they were more tolerable than whatever this garbage is.” It was hard for him to open up about his mom. He missed Catherine a lot despite all the pain his childhood was filled with from trying to help her through her addiction, but her ultimately succumbing to it. Very rarely did he let tidbits like that slip he belatedly realized. 
Zatanna, as much as he was loathe to admit it, was safer than he truly realized. 
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rxdshood-a · 4 years
She wasn’t here. It was an unspoken tradition, the shitty TV shows or movies they could find. They’d eat whatever takeout on whoever’s turn it was to pick that week. No text, no call. There was something gnawing at Jason that something was wrong. She would have told him if something came up or if she didn’t have it in her to do anything that night (even if they could just sit in silence, a book in his hand and his offered presence in case she wanted it). He knew he was paranoid; he had been for as long as he could walk on his own two feet. Something itched and itched at him until he finally snatched up his keys and phone before heading out of his shitty Gotham apartment to go to Zatanna himself. 
Jason moved between traffic on his motorcycle, maybe driving rather reckless, but the pressure in his chest drove him towards his best friend’s home as fast as he could get there. Booted feet pounded on stairs and his breath was coming in sharp, quick succession as he took a moment to gather some more air into his lungs. Scarred fingers hovered over the door before curling up into a fist and knocking rapidly, jaw clicking as it clenched and he waited with bated breath. The door finally eased open and the air that had been frozen in his chest left with a relieved sigh. 
“...you missed movie night.” He offered quietly after a moment. The moment felt entirely too fragile. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Physically, Zatanna looked fine, but it didn’t seem like that she was fully okay. 
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