#zatanna: 001
woodcries · 4 months
@rivalsunraveled sent: i like rules. they bring order to the chaos. -- bruce @ zatanna
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she couldn't help the smile that pressed to her lips, focusing instead on undoing the gloves and cuffs of her stage costume before they were folding themselves with the snap of a finger.
' that's why you could never really get along with my father. ' she remembered the more frustrating days of training she'd witnessed more than the good ones. while escape artistry and stage presence were things that weren't strictly magical, they certainly required a little more flexibility than he could muster up.
' ...i just think it's funny you're bringing this up to me of all people. i mean, my work is nothing but chaos. '
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screenviolense · 2 years
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            ‘ how nice of you to visit me after my show. you didn’t bring flowers, but i can overlook that. ‘ with a wink, the magician set her top hat on her dressing room table, shaking her hair out. ‘ now... are you here to talk or is there something spooky that needs my expertise? ‘
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sinchais · 1 year
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✽  . ˚   &.  「   DAVIKA  HOORNE.  THIRTY-TWO.  DEMI  WOMAN.  SHE/THEY.  」  THEODORA  “THEO”  SINCHAI  occupies  LEVEL  EIGHT: #800.  you'll  know  THE  GEMINI  is  home  if  you  hear  lifted  by  CL  blasting  through  their  speakers.  the  principal  ballerina  has  been  living  in  wisteria  for  SIX  MONTHS.  since  then  they've  built  a  reputation  for  being  nurturing  and  evasive  ,  typical  for  THE  SOMEWHAT  OBSESSED  ARTIST.
penned  by  HECATE  (  she/her  ,  pst  ,  21+  )
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NOTE  :  theo’s  pronouns  are  she  and  they  so  please  keep  that  in  mind  !  please  don’t  use  only  she  and  only  they  exclusively  .  my  writing  will  be  using  both  pronouns  !
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FULL NAME: theodora sinchai
DOB: 06/10/1990
AGE: 32
ZODIAC: gemini
GENDER: demi woman
PRONOUNS: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs
LANGUAGES: thai , dutch , english , french , spanish
AESTHETICS:  highlighted  passages  ,  the  smell  before  the  rain  ,  worn  out  pointe  shoes  ,  scattered  polaroid  pictures  ,  the  constant  need  to  excel  at  your  craft  ,  a  faint  whiff  of  miss  dior  ,  sitting  in  a  cafe  with  a  good  book  ,  people  watching
CHARACTER  PARALLELS:  lydia  martin  (  teen  wolf  )  ,  zatanna  zatara  (  dc  comics  )  ,  daphne  blake  (  scooby  doo  )  ,  freya  mikaelson  (  the  originals  )
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001.  theodora  sinchai  is  born  in  bellevue,  washington  to  chayaphon  “atlas”  sinchai  and  rosalind  laurent  as  the  eldest  of  two  children.   atlas  craved  stability.  with  an  established  career  in  finance,  he  was  more  than  content  to  eventually  settle  down.  rosalind  was  flighty.  always  looking  for  an  adventure.  and  that’s  how  she  meets  atlas.
somehow  the  two  ended  up  married  with  kids.  maybe  money  had  something  to  do  with  it.  or  it  was  love.  either  way,  the  sinchai  family  are  by  no  means  poor.  and  neither  are  the  laurents.  atlas  is  able  to  afford  the  stability  he  so  desperately  wanted  for  his  family.  rosalind  on  the  other  hand,  quickly  grew  tired  of  suburban  life  in  bellevue  soon  after  her  children  were  born.  she  never  wanted  to  be  around  her  children.  often  looking  for  excuses  to  jet  off  on  a  trip.  growing  up  around  that  wasn’t  easy.  theo  is  more  often  than  not  under  the  care  of  their  father  or  paternal  grandparents.
002.  at  age  7,  theo’s  parents  are  told  that  she’s  a  ballet  prodigy.  they’ve  got  promise  and  it  can  only  get  better  if  they  continue  their  training.  and  that’s  what  she  decides  to  do.  what  does  she  know?  she’s  only  7  at  the  time  and  thoroughly  enjoying  ballet  class.  
things  do  change  a  little  when  her  mother  starts  paying  more  attention  to  her.  theo  isn’t  used  to  it.  but  it’s  also  comforting  for  her  mother  to  want  to  spend  time  with  them.  at  age  10,  theo  auditions  for  the  joffrey  ballet  school’s  new  york  city  ballet  summer  intensive  program.  she’s  accepted.  no  surprise  there.
003.  when  her  mother  hears  of  this,  theo  is  suddenly  spending  A  LOT  more  time  with  her.  and  very  focused  on  advancing  her  daughter’s  dance  career.  it’s  the  most  time  theo’s  spent  with  their  mother  in  years.
at  15,  her  parents,  namely  her  father,  tells  her  and  her  sibling  of  their  divorce.  so  theo  slowly  starts  to  fixate  on  her  dancing.  perfecting  every  move.  becoming  a  soloist.  landing  the  lead  in  productions.  they  don’t  know  it  yet,  but  their  mother  uses  their  talent  as  an  accessory.  a  way  to  say  she  “successfully  raised”  a  prodigy.
at  18,  she  leaves  for  college.  she  works  her  ass  of  and  gets  accepted  to  juilliard  for  dance.  and  they’re  ecstatic.  again,  can’t  really  narrow  down  why.  is  it  the  validation  of  being  accepted  into  a  competitive  school  for  dance,  no  less?  or  maybe  it’s  because  theo  can  finally  get  away  from  their  mother?  also  possible.
004.  at  22,  theo  auditions  for  different  ballet  companies.  the  royal  ballet.  new  york  city  ballet.  los  angeles  ballet.  and  eventually  makes  the  decision  to  sign  a  contract  with  los  angeles.  ultimately  making  the  decision  to  relocate.  to  no  one’s  surprise,  she  thrives.  theo  slowly  moves  up  the  ranks.  principal  dancer  is  in  her  sights.  and  at  27,  it  pays  off .  and  most  recently,  theo  decides  to  sign  a  lease  with  wistera  ,  making  the  commute  to  work  that  much  closer.
 BACKGROUND  TLDR  ;  mom  friend  mixed  with  the  slightly  obsessed  artist  trope  .  very  focused  on  their  craft  and  is  determined  to  be  the  absolute  best  they  can  be.  born  and  raised  in  washington  but  has  relocated  a  couple  times  (  new  york  and  then  los  angeles  )  .  has  held  the  position  of  being  principal  ballerina  for  the  los  angeles  ballet  for  five  years  now  .  recently  engaged  which  is  part  of  the  reason  why  they  moved  to  wisteria
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theo  can  come  off  as  a  little  detached  and  analytical.  she’s  open-minded  and  cares  about  the  truth  and  feel  the  need  to  understand  what’s  going  on.  but  most  of  the  time,  people  view  her  as  patient,  nurturing  and  objective.  your  typical  mom  friend  who  always  has  her  shit  together.  and  almost  always  willing  to  lend  a  helping  hand.
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this  section  is  a  wip  and  will  be  updated  when  i  think  of  more  things  !  <3
 only  responds  to  theo.  please  DO  NOT  call  them  theodora.  they hardly  ever  introduce  themselves  as  theodora
has  a  white  persian  cat  named  poppy
 learned  how  to  play  chess  at  a  young  age.  it  was  a  fun  way  to  bond  with  her  grandparents  and  now  sees  it  as  a  useful  way  to  strategize  
 along  with  the  joffrey  ballet  school’s  summer  intensive,  theo  has  also  trained  at  juilliard’s  summer  intensive  program
if  you  ever  hear  banging  coming  from  her  floor,  sorry.  she’s  just  breaking  in  new  pointe  shoes
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artcrock · 4 years
“Don’t bite me. That’s rude.” // @magicalessence​
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“You weren’t paying attention to the movie. I had to get your attention away from that phone of yours.” Artemis had her suspicions about who Zee was texting, but she didn’t want to have a conversation about feelings. “The point of girls night is to hang out and ignore the rest of the world. Now give me that thing,” she said, giving her best friend a stern look as she held out her hand. “I’m turning it off.”
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gwencm · 4 years
[guard] for your muse to step between my muse and danger // @magicalessence​​
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Gwen was out walking when she spotted the clowns coming towards Zee, who had her back to them. “Zee, watch out!” she yelled, swinging over to the building she was outside of, landing behind the clowns. Black tendrils twisted around her arm, a scythe appearing at the end of it. "Hey, Chuckles and Bobo,” she said, waiting for them turn around. When they did, she swung her arm, the scythe slicing both of their stomachs. They’d live, luckily. Venom had a habit of being a little bloodthirsty lately, so she was thankful that he’d left her in control of this. “That was a close call,” she said to her friend, with a smile.
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leethompkiins · 4 years
closed starter // @magicalessence​
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“Zee! Hi!” Lee greeted, happy to see her close friend. It had been a few weeks, due to Lee being busy with the Narrows, and trying to guard her territory from Joker and his side piece. “What brings you to the clinic?” she asked, eyeing the other woman, trying to see if she had any injuries. “Are you here for business or pleasure?” she teased, gesturing to the chair. “Take a seat, it’s been a while.”
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👗  // @magicalessence​
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Lee smiled as she watched Zatanna change into a dress. She must’ve been going on a date with Dick, or she just wanted to dress up. “You look beautiful,” she told her friend. Walking over to her, she pressed a kiss to her cheek before helping her with the zipper. “It’s been a while, Zee. How’ve you been? Besides getting engaged. I never thought I’d see the day,” she teased. Zatanna had been so carefree whenever they spent time together -- it seemed like she’d never settle down. But maybe that was an act. “I’m happy for you, really. You deserve this.”
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themysciraswonders · 5 years
            physical contact starters || “wait...are you braiding my hair?” || @zztophat​​​
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Braiding Zatanna’s hair reminded Diana of simpler times, back when she was a child, growing up in Themyscira. Hippolyta used to spend hours playing with Diana’s hair, and braiding it. Especially when she was sleepy, and she begged her mother to sit at her bedside until she fell asleep. “Yes, I’m sorry. I should have asked if it’s okay. Do you mind?” The question was a little too late, but she suspected that Zatanna wouldn’t be angry or upset by her actions. “You have lovely hair, by the way. It is the perfect length for this sort of style.” 
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screenviolense · 2 years
@pixietm sent: i’m not gonna hurt you!  see? look, I’m putting down the sword. ( Rose @ Zatanna )
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the magician's glowing hand stilled though her eyes remained narrowed and suspicious as before as the sword in question was set down. there were far too many who would seek to ambush her, but very few who would ever think to bring a sword to a magic fight. that much should have clued her in.
' ... good. it's a lovely sword; i would have hated to turn it into balloons or flowers. ' zatanna huffed, the glow fading from her hand. ' what do you want? you set off my protection wards. '
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screenviolense · 2 years
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          ‘ if you’re involved with this mess i will be sorely disappointed. ‘ gotham was already messed up enough-- enough that she couldn’t even stand being there longer than a few nights for shows and sometimes bruce without leaving the first flight out-- but it seemed to attract dark magic like no other city she knew. it made sense, given the kind of people that made it up, but that didn’t mean she had to like being dragged out every time things left the realm of weirdos in costume. the creature in the shadows was not the result of an accident in a lab but something borne of old and ancient evil.
          ‘ weren’t trying to summon something, i hope? ‘ zatanna yanked her gloves on, knowing they would be dirty soon enough. ‘ no making any crossroad deals with the devil? just wrong place, wrong time? ‘
@babydxhl​ / fall starter call: horror edition      
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screenviolense · 2 years
@theseviolent​ sent: “   this  is  the  last  time  i  go  anywhere  with  you .   ” zatanna from translucent hehe 
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               ‘ what do you mean? here i was thinking that you might like going out with a real justice leaguer, not just the stuff you do for show. ‘ of course, that work wasn’t always as glamorous and camera ready, though she was a showman at heart. he wasn’t the kind of person she usually teamed up with ( she and john were on the outs again. ) but she could make do.
               ‘ you’re not scared of witches and warlocks are you? ‘ this area almost crackled with magic, a black market of hexes and curses just underneath the surface. ‘ worried you might end up turned into a frog? ‘
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