ardentglory · 6 years
he PLUCKS another star from the firmament, and holds it between golden, twisting limb-like extremities. the sky rips open, bathing the earth in the light of one thousand suns. 
before the star is tossed into the hellish maw to be consumed.
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starthathates · 6 years
The Destroyer walked on two, the human-like form so odd and weaker than that of her glorious dragon. "Lucifer, what do you remember?" (from zathrada
“I remember an abyss. A prison of cold nothingness. Long before the creation was but a dream. I remember the radiant light of god, for no matter how many eons pass, I shalt not forget such a thing.  I remember the songs and worship ; the endless expanse of golden meadows, and the aegean seas. I remember... a feeling, fleeting, before I was cast out. Pain? Or perhaps sorrow?”
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lcstrega · 6 years
💚💙 - for Ryven, Aellyon and Zathrada
💚 - friendship - she can never have enough friends, tbh, beCAUSE SHE HAS NONE.
💙 - kinship - this would be really interesting to talk about. :3
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