fandom--desires · 6 years
Happy New Year
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I’m addicted to destiny and I love the Vanguards. There’s not nearly enough of them so I’m going to try and fix that. Send in any requests you have! 
It took a week to decorate the tower ready for the New Year celebrations. Streamers and banners were being hung, booze was being smuggled in and the kitchens were being worked overtime in order get all the food ready. Missions were being wrapped up and the Guardians were coming home. It was shaping up to be a good night, one that you were mostly looking forwards to. The only bit you weren’t looking forwards to was the gift giving.
Tradition stated that you should give a gift to the one you admired. Sort of like ‘Valentine’s day’ from way back when. You didn’t have to gift give, but you’d talked yourself out of it the last two years, so you really should do it this time. You tossed the small box between your hands and chewed nervously on your lip. “Just get it over with.” your Ghost chided you.
“He has no need for this, you know.” you sigh, popping the lid of the box open. Inside was a small moonstone broach of a thousand colours that you had picked up in a market five years ago. You had brought it with the intention of giving it to Zavala, but you had never managed to pluck up the courage to do it.
“It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t need it, it matters that you picked it out for him.”
“Yeah but how many gifts do you think he gets a year? He probably just tosses them all in the trash.”
“You’re just-”
“And what if he accepts it?” you cut your Ghost off. “Then I’ve got to tell him it was me who sent it.” “Well that’ a good-”
“But then what if he doesn’t like me back?”
“You’re really overthinking this.” Ghost sighs, appearing a few inches from your nose. “Just go and leave it on his desk. In and out Nice and quick. 30 second job. I’ll even keep watch for you.”
“Fine.” you groan. “But if this goes tits up I’m throwing myself off this tower and don’t you dare bring me back.”
Ghost laughs, bobbing out the way as you tuck the box in your pocket and shuffle towards the door.
The walk to Zavala’s office seems extraordinarily long today. Everyone you pass seems to look at you in a knowing manner, but Ghost assures you you’re just being paranoid. His office is mercifully empty and the usual guards are absent. “Must be in a meeting.” Ghost muses. “This is good. Quickly now!”
You leave him watching the doorway whilst you slip in and leave the small box on his desk. You leave it just to one side, so it’s not glaringly obvious and maybe, just maybe, it’ll disappear under a load of paperwork.
“For an oh-so-brave Warlock, you’re one big coward.” Ghost chides as the two of you make a hasty escape.
“Oh, do shut up.”
As per tradition, if Zavala accepts your gift he will wear it tonight and you must tell him that it was you who gave it to him before the night ends. If he decides that he doesn’t want to entertain the idea of dating you, then he will return the gift. This is either going to be a really, really good night, or no one is ever going to hear from you again.
You wonder if that last part has something to do with your outfit choice for the night. Black robes with silver embroidery. Easy to blend into the night when no one can see you anyway.
“Honestly, you're giving Warlocks a bad name.” Ghost chirps at your reflection.
“You know the phrase ‘If you don't have anything nice to say…’?”
You're sure Ghost would stick his tongue out if he was capable of doing so.
As the clock ticks past 10pm you steel yourself for what lies ahead and head down to the courtyard to join the festivities.
Guardians are crawling all over the place, laughing, drinking and generally being loud. You spot a few of your regular fire team and push through the crowds to greet them. Your Hunter friend is already drunk and leaning heavily on the Titan of the group. “Evening!” you shout over all the noise. “Having a good night?”
The drunken awoken slurs something about whiskey and the Titan rolls her eyes. “Too much fun for some!”
The crowd jostles and pushes and you eventually end up losing sight of your friends, so decide to find Ikora instead.
Your mentor is on the edges of the crowd, watching the happenings with a gentle smile. A few of the older Warlocks are hanging around her, likely trying to be the ones who get to shadow her for the next year.
“Good evening.” she greets you as you approach. “I trust you're not already drunk?”
“Not yet!” you smile cheerfully, waving a greeting to the hopefuls hanging around. “Just thought I'd come wish you a Happy New Year before we're lost to the night.”
“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Ikora smiles, giving you a look that you can't quite make out. “Should you desire to wish the Commander a Happy New Year too, you'll find him over by Banshee's tent.”
You offer her a confused smile, wondering why she would suggest seeking out the Commander. Was she just trying to make sure you remembered him, or did she know something you didn't. “Have a good night Ikora.” you take your leave and start disappearing back into the crowd.
“Good choice with the moonstone!” Ikora shouts to you before she's lost from sight and your heart is suddenly beating ten to the dozen. How does she know about the moonstone? How did she know that you're the one who gifted it? If she knew Zavala almost definitely knew.
“Do you know how we move on and stop worrying about this?” Ghost pipes up from being you. “We find Zavala, see if he's wearing it, say hi and move onto the next chapter of our lives.”
“Would you please keep your voice down?” you mutter, pushing through the crowd towards Banshee's tent. Ghost is right. You need to get this out the way so you can move on and possibly get blackout drunk.
When you finally spot Zavala you're disheartened to see just how many Titan’s are milling around him. His back is to you so you hope to try and make a hasty retreat, but one of the Titans spot you and call you over. “Good to see you!” he booms, wrapping you in a bear hug once you're within arms reach. “I was just regaling our Commander with the story of that Nessus Raid last month! You remember? That one where we had to drag our hunter friend through most of the ship after a nasty knock to the head.”
“If I remember correctly,” you grunt, wriggling free of the vice-like grip so that just one arm remains draped over your shoulder, “it was your fault he took a knock to the head.”
“Well I told him to duck!” the Titan scoffs and Zavala chuckles.
You risk a sneaky glance at the Commander and your knees go weak when you spot the broach nestled between the folds of his armour. He catches your eye almost immediately (it appears he may have been waiting for you to look up) and you look away blushing, suddenly very grateful for the heavy arm around your shoulders that's grounding you to reality.
“I was wondering if I might borrow you for a moment?” Zavala rumbles and it takes you a second to work out he's talking to you.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sure thing.”
The heavy arm slips from around your shoulder and Zavala motions you away from the Titan group, to a secluded area just to one side of Banshee's tent.
“Are you having a good evening?” he asks, once the crowd has been left being and he doesn’t have to raise his voice to be heard.
“Yup.” you say a little too quickly. “Ears are ringing though.”
Zavala offers a small chuckle and gently places a hand on your arm. “Thank you for the broach. It's truly beautiful.”
“You're very welcome but how did you know it was me?”
“Your ghost told me.” He admits with a small smile. “I tried to get back into my office whilst you were in there. He was only too eager to tell me about how you've been avoiding it for nearly three years.”
“I'm going to fry his circuits.” you grumble.
Zavala laughs and takes your shoulders in his hands. “As much as I would like to accept your offer, you must understand that it will not be easy. My duty must always be to the tower and keeping the people safe.”
“That’s what we do.” you agree.
“And I will not be able to be ‘lovey’.”
You laugh at the thought. “You don’t strike me as the type.”
“And no special treatment.”
“I can live with that.” Zavala smiles and gently kisses your forehead. “Then maybe we can give this a try.”
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