#zb1 10th member
soda-bubbled · 5 months
☁️. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ[relationship with zb1]࿐ྂ———͙ – - ˚ · * ˚ ✦
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╭₊˚๑ what's it like with this group?﹕☁️₊˚੭
There's a certain level of bonding that groups formed from survival programs have. It's different from any other type of group and it has bonded these ten together forever. Despite no longer being the youngest member, Haru adjusts quickly. He slips into the role of oldest in the maknae line like he's been doing it his whole life. Despite his quieter nature, he is always joining the maknaes in their little games and teasing the older members, but he is just as likely to help Hanbin rangling them together. Haru was convinced that he would never be able to find a family like the one he made in Japan, but Zerobaseone has proved him wrong time and time again.
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₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hanbin + Haru ➔ HaruBin
Haru thinks Hanbin is easily one of the coolest people he's ever met. Haru has always admired dancers more than anything else and so when he'd looked up Hanbin after the older man's introduction on Boys Planet, he was immediately awestruck. Haru becomes awkward with people easily and this was made very obvious with Hanbin when Haru couldn't be in the same vicinity as him without blushing and stuttering through his sentences. Fans were quick to notice Haru's celebrity crush on Hanbin and fell in love with the two of them.
After the introductions on Boys Planet, Hanbin had felt a tug of empathy towards Haru. How a boy could debut so young was insane to him and then learning that his group had been disbanded on such short notice was awful. They had ended up being placed in the same room for dorming setups and it was an easy way for Hanbin to attempt to start a friendship. It was difficult at first due to Haru's nervousness around him, but through the long journey that was Boys Planet 999, the two ended up becoming a lot closer.
Now, in Zerobaseone, the two are like genuine brothers. Haru almost always goes to Hanbin when he has a problem, even if it's just something as small as needing help opening something. Haru mentioned on a live once that Hanbin really reminded him of one of his old group members and that's why he was so easily drawn to the older.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Jiwoong + Haru ➔ HaWoong
In order to further his understanding of Korean, Haru would oftentimes watch K-Dramas which lead him down a rabbit-hole until he'd stumbled across Roommates of Poongduck 304. He'd nearly passed out when Jiwoong had been announced on Boys Planet and then came the mortifying realization that he'd have to live with him for the foreseeable future. Similarly to Hanbin, Haru was extremely shy around Jiwoong and it was obvious. He'd hardly be able to look him in the eyes, which Jiwoong found incredibly cute and endearing.
Jiwoong was intrigued by Haru almost immediately because of his past. Jiwoong himself had been in the idol industry for a long time, but here was a kid 5 years younger than him that had years more experience than him. Despite his curiosity, it was clear he wouldn't be able to talk with Haru often as the younger would only be able to get a sentence or two out before he nearly broke down. It was fun to tease the younger, which Jiwoong did often until he felt bad about the way Haru looked like he would explode if his cheeks got any more flushed.
After they debuted, Jiwoong felt it would be best to sit down with Haru so the two could get over Haru's nerves. It was honestly a really good and long conversation with the two of them bonding over their shared bad experiences. It was embarassing for Haru to have to explain that he'd watched all of Jiwoong's dramas and had a slight crush on the older man. Jiwoong was nothing but supportive and understanding, explaining that it didn't make him uncomfortable if that's what Haru was worried about. After this talk, Haru was finally able to be around Jiwoong without feeling like he was going to spontaneously combust.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Hao + Haru ➔ Ha2
Haru looks at Hao like he hung the stars. He respects Hao so much as an artist and as a person. The two didn't really have an awkward stage and clicked almost instantly. It was easy for them to get along and so Haru ended up going to Hao for a lot of his problems which he felt bad about for a while before Hao told him he was glad to be a person that Haru could trust like that.
Hao thought Haru was adorable. The younger was like a baby duckling who would just follow him around. Especially considering Haru's size, it was just the cutest thing to Hao so he was immediately smitten with him. Haru is genuinely like his son despite only being three years younger than him. If anything, it's even worse in Zerobaseone and Hao babies him constantly. When asked about it, Hao said that there wasn't really a specific reason that he was so drawn to Haru, it was just that the younger seemed like he needed an older brother to be there for him.
Now in Zerobaseone, the two are very close. Haru typically reverts to calling Hao Gege rather than Hyung just out of habit. The call of "Hao-ge?" was a familiar one in the background of variety content and lives. The two are often together as Haru's quieter personality is a good way for Hao to recharge his social battery as an introvert.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Matthew + Yasuharu ➔ YasuMatt
Matthew was the easiest to approach in Haru's opinion. The man is just walking sunshine and it was hard to be nervous when Matthew always tried to hard to make friends. Matthew was also really curious about Haru's past as a J-Pop idol and constantly asked questions about it, but never pressing too hard when he accidentally asks something a little to personal. Matthew always seems to gravitate towards Haru which the younger doesn't mind. Haru has never really been big on physical affection, but he's quick to accept the hugs Matthew so willingly gives and doesn't question it when the older hangs off of him.
Matthew was slightly intimidated by Haru at first, especially after learning that he'd previously been an idol for 6 years, but that was quickly shattered when he'd actually spoken to Haru. The younger was quiet, but always kept a level-head and thought about things as logically as he could without hurting other people's feelings. Matthew was quick to pick up on the fact that Haru was constantly worried about being too pushy or mean with how he handled different stages, so Matthew always tried to make sure that the younger was alright when he could.
The two are often labeled the cutest members of Zerobaseone together which makes Haru's ears go red everytime it's brought up. Because of Matthew, Haru is now more accepting of physical contact and doesn't shy away from it. If anything, he's started subtly searching Matthew out for physical affection which makes Matthew happy.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Taerae + Yasuharu ➔ YasuRae
When Haru had moved into the trainee dorms at WakeOne Entertainment, he was terrified. His Korean was just barely at conversational and it had been barely 8 months since the disbandment of his former group, so he was understandbly on edge in the beginning. It wasn't until his fourth month at the company when he was paired up with Taerae that he finally managed to make a friend. They both joke that they clicked so fast because they have the same MBTI type so there was a level of understanding they had for each other. Haru is forever grateful that he was paired up with Taerae that day because he's sure that there wasn't going to be another chance for him to make such a good friend.
Taerae remembers seeing Haru at WakeOne for the first time and being shocked at how someone that tall could be so cute at the same time. The two of them were basically attached at the hip after their shared monthly examination, inseperable besties that were constantly found together. He's honestly shocked that someone could be almost the exact same person as him, just shyer than him. Taerae is glad that there's at least one other T in the group besides him because they're so different than the Fs in the group.
When Haru's name was called during the final episode, Taerae had felt his knees go weak. There was such a rush of relief in both of them that Haru had basically blacked out during his speech until he found himself collapsing into Taerae's arms on the podium. The two had just held each other as the rest of the newly formed group surrounded them. The multiple angles of the entire thing went just as viral as Hanbin and Hao's moment and fans are glad that these two debuted together.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Quanrui + Haru ➔ HaRui
Ricky was probably the third most intimidating member in Haru's opinion. Ricky seemed really cool to Haru when Boys Planet had started and so he wasn't really sure how to approach the younger for a while, but he quickly learned that Ricky was actually really cute under his cool, suave facade. After that, Haru was quick to approach Ricky to make friends with him. Haru still thinks Ricky is much cooler than him, but he also understands that Ricky has a much softer side as well and the two get along really well.
Ricky didn't really have an opinion on Haru at first. Other than the fact that the older was in an idol group before, Ricky didn't know much about Haru. Obviously, that changed when Haru sought him out with a shy request to be friends. As the two got to know each other, they realized that they had a shared love for strawberry flavored things. They get along a lot better than they originally thought they would.
In Zerobaseone, they don't have as many interactions as Haru does with other members, but fans cherish the few they do. Ricky often softens his voice when talking with Haru, not out of malice, but just habit and fans think it's the cutest thing ever. The two have started doing more and more things on camera though which makes zeroses happy to see them interacting more often.
₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gyuvin + Haru ➔ HaruVin
Haru was almost immediately smitten with Gyuvin. He can't really even explain it, there was just something so charming about the younger that had him captivated. He had searched Gyuvin out the quickest, deadset on making friends with him. It was easier than expected as Gyuvin seemed just as eager to be friends with him. Despite the fact that Gyuvin is rather sporty and Haru has never done a sport outside of dance, the two get along extremely well.
Gyuvin was fully convinced that Haru was younger than him before his age was announced, completely shocking him. It was something that he still mentions all the time, teasing Haru constantly about it. During Boys Planet, Gyuvin was blown away by Haru's stage presence. He was glad that the older seemed to want to be friends just as bad because it was hard for Gyuvin to approach Haru himself at first.
Now, the two are almost always together and they've made a little trio with Ricky. This is actually how Ricky and Haru started becoming closer on screen. Gyuvin and Haru are also incredibly tactile, Haru more so than Gyuvin. Despit their similar heights, fans have noticed that Haru seems to make himself smaller when he's around Gyuvin. When asked about it, he just said that Gyuvin makes him feel safe.
   ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Gunwook + Haru ➔ HaruWook
Haru, like most other contestants on Boys Planet, was convinced that Gunwook had the bad boy aesthetic down and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the younger was just a big softie. They're basically the same height and so fans find it fun to see the two next to each other just because of their drastic differences in appearance. Haru finds Gunwook unbelievably cute and constantly makes it known. He doens't smother Gunwook, but he comes pretty close to it.
Gunwook was almost equally as intimidated by Haru. The whole thing was rather silly as they both skirted around each other for a while until they realized there was literally no reason for it. They got over it pretty quickly and Gunwook adores Haru now. He likes how the older seems so small despite being a centimeter taller than him, he just overall finds Haru just as cute as Haru finds him.
Gunwook likes to flirt with Haru a lot, liking how easy it is to make the older flustered but being careful to walk the line and not push too hard. On very rare occassions, Haru will flirt back and each time it catches Gunwook off guard, causing the younger to go bright red. Haru saves it for when Gunwook is least expecting it because the less he does it, the more flustered Gunwook gets. Haru really enjoys teasing Gunwook though and finds other silly was to joke around with him.
 ₊✩ˎˊ˗ Yujin + Haru ➔ HaruJin
Haru thinks of Yujin like an actual younger brother and the way he treats him is the same. Since Haru was the youngest member of his last group, there is a level of understanding between the two of them, but sometimes Haru likes to use his position as an older member to tease Yujin when he can. However, Haru also understands that Yujin wants to be treated like an adult sometimes and is quick to pick up on it when their teasing goes too far.
Yujin is honestly surprised at how Haru is so mature yet so childish at the same time. Not a bad sort of childish, just in the sense that you can tell Haru has been in the public eye for a long time and never really had a proper childhood. There are times when Yujin catches him playing with little toys on their sets or things like that and just joins in with him as to make him feel less alone. While Yujin could never understand what it was like to debut so young, he's still a kid himself so he tries his best to be there for his hyung when he can.
Yujin has become a safe space for Haru and they probably have the most interactions on camera. Yujin really helps Haru allow himself to let go of the fact that he's on camera all the time and just enjoy the things around him. They're constantly stealing candies together and things like that. The two of them really are like brothers and Haru has mentioned the fact that if he ever had a brother, he'd want him to be exactly like Yujin.
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zb1-minjun · 8 months
ZB1 10th Member
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Stage Name: Min Jun (민준)
Birth Name: Hyeon Min Jun (현민준)
Position: Vocalist
Birthday: December 23, 2006 (12/23/06)
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dog
Height: 175 cm (5’9)
Weight: 68.5 kg (151 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Representative Emoji: 🐭🐣
Nationality: Korean
- His hometown is Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi, South Korea
- Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister
- He dropped out of school after his 7th grade in order to be a full time trainee
- His current company is Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun used to be a trainee at TS Entertainment and Media Line Entertainment before joining Star Empire Entertainment
- Minjun’s training period was 4 years before joining Boys Planet
- His role models are BTS’s Jungkook, SHINee’s Taemin, and TVXQ
- His favourite singers are Sam Kim, Eric Nam, Taeyeon, and IU
- His hobbies include singing, listening to music, reading, and video editing
- Minjun has a habit of chewing his nails and spacing out when he’s anxious or bored
- Minjun has an incredibly bad memory sometimes which can really frustrate others around him but also himself
- He says that his brain is already at full capacity because it is filled with song titles and artists
- Minjun wants to learn other languages in the future but currently finds it extremely difficult
- Eating seafood and meat makes him nauseous so he does not eat it often
- He loves spicy food and hates sweet food
- Minjun describes himself as a homebody
- His favourite song is Love Me by Gaho
- He had 1,263,479 votes in the Boys Planet final earning him 9th place
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marizb1 · 6 months
↳˗ˏˋMari with the Hyung Lineˊˎ˗ ↴
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Mari + Hanbin → Marin
Popularity: 68%
Fans couldn't help but notice that these two were a little awkward around each other at first, but by the time In Bloom was released, they had warmed up to each other. Like Jiwoong, she often helps him out with certain idol related issues since this is her second debut.
Hanbin's thoughts on Mari
"I'm not even sure why we were so weird around each other at first, but she's really grown on me. She's a good friend and I forget she's younger than me a lot."
Mari's thoughts on Hanbin
"I honestly think he was the best choice for our leader. He's really able to look at things in ways the rest of us can't. I think we're really lucky to have a guy like him in our group."
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Mari + Jiwoong → Riwoong
Popularity: 89%
These two have known each other since 2017 as their former companies were located in the same building. There's actually a few photos of the two of them from that era. Fans have taken to calling them platonic soulmates due to how they always seem to find each other.
Jiwoong's thoughts on Mari
"When we first met on Boys Planet, I kept slipping up and calling her Eunji which she found funny. It's honestly surprising to me that we somehow ended up in the same group, but I'm really proud of her and how much she's grown."
Mari's thoughts on Jiwoong
"The last time I saw him in person before Boys Planet was 2018 when I was 15 so I think it was a shock to him at first. Jiwoong is such a strong person and I admire him so much."
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Hao + Mari → Haori
Popularity: 73%
Despite Mari also being an extrovert, she also understand Hao's need to be alone sometimes and is really good at sensing when his social battery is running out.
Hao's thoughts on Mari
"She's cute. Something about her is just really mature for how childish she can be. It's not a bad childish though! She's just really cute."
Mari's thoughts on Hao
"I can't imagine the pressure he's been under debuting as our center so I always try to take some of his stress away. I really enjoy hanging out with him."
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Matthew + Mari → Ma2
Popularity: 93%
These two are insane together. Mari is quick to translate anything for him and there's clips all over the internet of Mari quietly translating game rules and things for him.
Matthew's thoughts on Mari
"I appreciate her so much, she's really been my savior. We also have similar senses of humor so I think it's easy for us to get along."
Mari's thoughts on Matthew
"He reminds me a lot of myself when I first came to Korea. Everyone likes Matthew, if you don't then I don't trust you."
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Taerae + Mari → Marae
Popularity: 95%
Complete T vs F. They constantly bicker together, but they're almost always together. The two of them got close during Boys Planet and Mari immediately sought Taerae out even before she went to Jiwoong when she was announced as the final member.
Taerae's thoughts on Mari
"She's a complete F, honestly. We're total opposites, but somehow I still call her my best friend."
Mari's thoughts on Taerae
"He's so annoying sometimes, but I adore him. I can't imagine not being in a group without him."
Mari's masterlist.
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jebeplanet · 1 year
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230814 김규빈 + 음빠빠
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yujinsnoona · 16 days
i rlly want to be a kpop idol😔 i want to shift but at this point im questioning it, like even tho ik it's been confirmed by researches and all that.. 😔 js being trapped in this reality and not being able to do anything i want is so hard god pls, honestly i still have hopes because like 2 yrs ago i was trying to shift and i felt like an earthquake was happening like it felt so real i got scared and woke up😔 will listen to subliminals 2night
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icewons · 4 months
some ideas i have for future fics! not sure when they will be posted, but they are being worked on !! dont steal pls. 😞💔
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name ( n/a ) | gunwook, smau.
yn is zb1’s 10th member. gunwook has had a crush on yn since their trainee days, but never had the guts to admit his feelings. now, as the group has grown popular, gunwook is forced to hide away his true feelings for yn, being a true hopeless loser in love.
tags : mlm, fluff, crack, bad humor, romance, angst, homophobia, being outed, swearing, just yn and gunwook being two gay losers.
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name ( n/a ) | 04-07 liners, smau.
a silly fun smau where yn is in a gc for all 04-07 liners ( maknaes ) of kpop grps !! this is not supposed to be a serious smau, nor will it be priority of my others, this is for when im on writers block for my works !! will probably be updated randomly. yn is their age duh !!!!
tags : crack, fluff, bad humor, swearing, kys/kms jokes, weird dynamics, unserious, NO romance between yn + any idol, they are just a bunch of losers tbh..
tbd . .
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ideas were thought up by myself and a friend, so dont steal the exact plot. let me know if you wanna be in the tagged list of any of them for the future, i’ll make sure to save it when i start them! :3
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jebewonmorelike · 11 months
✰⋆⁺ Steal Your Heart ⁺⋆✰
*ੈ Part One: The Fool ♡ The Beginning
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♡ Steal Your Heart Masterlist
♡ Read this Introductory Post and the Masterlist for details!
˚☽˚。⋆ Steal Your Heart: An Interactive Fanfiction Game
... Collect Points to Determine Your Love Interest and Special Ending!!
⁺⋆✰ wc: 2.9k (it looks long because of all the media, but it's not i promise!)
⁺⋆✰ reader-insert pronouns: none used; n/a -- reader is the 10th member of AU ZB1, but the group is referred to only as an "idol" group. no mentions or descriptions of gender of reader.
⁺⋆✰ chapter warnings: crime (reader was wrongfully convicted of a crime), swearing, mild violence, mentions of drinking and dui, angst... and the start of a really fun adventure! all ages welcome; pg-13+ themes.
⁺⋆✰ summary: for series summary click here. one day, a glitch in the matrix causes (y/n) to enter a different dimension where they gain special powers that will help them and the rest of zb1 to defeat their evil company once and for all. AU. based on the jrpg persona 5.
⁺⋆✰ please download the scoresheet for the game here!
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
Welcome to the start of our game, Player. Make sure you have your score sheet ready! When there’s a mini-decision or chapter choice coming up, I’ll pop in to give you a brief tutorial. But for now, let’s travel back to where our story begins, shall we?
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“We’ll ask you one more time, (Y/N)-sshi,” a burly police officer says; elbows propped on the metal table as he glares at you distrustfully. Anything you say is the wrong answer. “Where were you the night of June 19th, 2022?”
“I was at an event,” you say slowly, watching as the corner of the officer’s lip begins to twitch. “It was an after-party for the premiere of our new tour documentary. The whole company was there! They all saw me there.”
The officer nods. “They did indeed. The problem, (Y/N)-sshi, is that not one of them remembers seeing you leave.”
A blurred memory of colored strobe lights, a black sportscar, and a man in a suit flash in your mind. The truth is that you don’t really remember leaving the party either.
“It was... It got kind of crazy,” you admit, pulling at the skin on your fingers. “I don’t--... I don’t know what happened.”
The officer nods, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms. “You and your group members have a bit of a reputation, don’t you?”
“It’s not like that,” you counter, furrowing your brow annoyedly. “It’s hard, okay? Being an idol is... We just--... We just want to have a bit of fun sometimes, but--.”
The officer’s interest is piqued by your confession. “A bit of ‘fun’? Can I assume by ‘fun’ you mean... partying? Drinking? S--.”
“And?” You spit. “Weren’t you young once? Or were you always a middle-aged assh*le that smells like hot dog water?”
A splash of water hits your face, running down your neck and soaking your shirt.
“You wanna be a smartass?” The officer asks, eyebrows raised. “I’ll book you right now, no questions asked. We already have you at the scene of the crime. We have your fingerprints on the steering wheel of the vehicle. Tell me: what more do I really need from you?”
“I didn’t do it,” you say softly, looking down at your lap sullenly. “I would never drive when I was like that. I wouldn’t.”
“Tell that to Park Junyoung-sshi,” the officer says, standing up from his folding chair and walking to the door of the investigation room. “You can find him in the morgue.”
“Wait! Please! I DIDN’T DO IT! I DIDN’T-- I DIDN’T... I,” you scream, your voice suddenly growing hoarse as it gets harder and harder to speak. “I... didn’t...”
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You groan as the sound of your alarm wakes you from your dream. It could technically be called a nightmare, but you dream it so much that it’s become almost... soothing. 
Forcing yourself up and out of bed, you walk to your closet and throw on a suitable outfit for work. Jeans, a black t-shirt, and athletic sneakers. You open your bedroom door and walk down the hall to the shared bathroom. Taerae is standing at the sink, lazily brushing his teeth.
You smile at him sleepily and he returns the gesture before spitting and exiting the bathroom. You take his place, brushing your teeth, washing your face and examining yourself in front of the mirror. You have to admit: for a convicted felon, you’re still pretty hot.
Not funny, you scold yourself as you walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the kitchen. You find Gyuvin at the table organizing a bunch of papers, photographs and flashdrives. Not this again...
“Oh, hey (Y/N)!” He greets with a grin as he scoops some noodles from a pot at the center of the table into an empty bowl for you. You sit down next to him and start to eat your breakfast. “Today’s the day. I think I finally have enough evidence for KBS to take the story!”
You sigh into your bowl of hot noodles. Gyuvin thinks every day is the day that someone will finally care about Total Control Music’s injustices. The reality is, you couldn’t even get your other group members to care. 
And you couldn’t really blame them. They were tired. Distraught. In financial ruin. On an indefinite hiatus because of a crime that you were convicted of. If you were them, you wouldn’t believe you either. 
“I think the video from the 2018 trainee showcase that I broke into President Kim’s assistant’s office to steal is really gonna sway their opinions once and--,” Gyuvin babbles excitedly as you begin to type something into your phone.
“Can you just stop!?” The AI voice on your phone interrupts. You know losing your patience won’t help the situation, but you continue to type anyway-- the AI screenreader vocalizing your words for you as you go. “I don’t need your help, Gyubin-ah! I never asked for it in the first place. Get a f*cking life and stop obsessing over mine.”
Gyuvin blinks back at you; hurt. It’s not an emotion you like to see on your best friend and it should be enough to make you instantly regret everything you just said. But you’re feeling stubborn this morning. And apologies always come out insincere when read by a robot anyway.
“No,” the taller boy says after looking down at his feet and then back up at you. “I won’t. You can lash out at me all you want. I’m still gonna help you.”
Your bottom lip tucks between your teeth as guilt starts to creep in.
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“I’ll be home at 6,” he says coolly as he gathers his things and walks to the door; stepping outside and letting it slam shut behind him.
F*ck, you think. 
You feel a hand on your waist as someone scoots by you. It’s Hanbin. He’s almost glowing as happiness and fulfillment radiate off of him. Jerk.
“I’m off to work,” Hanbin says, pausing in the hallway and looking back at you. “I’ll be back late, okay? Can you make dinner for whoever’s here?”
Hanbin’s attention is caught by some dirty dishes that are sitting on the floor outside of Gunwook’s room. He shakes his head sadly, walking over and picking them up before placing them in the sink.
“Please, (Y/N)?” Hanbin asks, smiling at you hopefully. You roll your eyes as you agree with a reluctant smile. “See, you’re a good egg when I need you to be.”
You put your hands together in the shape of a heart and he grins, walking back towards the front door. 
“Stay hydrated today! See you tomorrow,” Hanbin calls over his shoulder as he heads out the door to his dance studio.
You look at your phone, checking the time. Sh*t, you think, as you find you only have twenty minutes left til you’re meant to report for duty. There’s two new messages in your inbox: one from Ricky and one from Matthew.
You only have time to answer one...
This is so exciting, Player! It’s time for your first mini-decision. These mini-decisions won’t affect the course of the story too much, but they will be an opportunity to earn points.  So, Player... Who would you like to respond to?
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If you picked Ricky, read below...
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You've received +1 Ricky Point for your choice of Ricky. Please add this point to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
If you picked Matthew, read below...
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You've received +1 Matthew Point for your choice of Matthew. Please add this point to your score sheet.
・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
Continue Reading Here
You stuff your phone in your back pocket, throwing your bowl in the sink and grabbing your work gloves from your cubby in the hallway before heading out the door.
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Your grabber stick closes around a water bottle. It’s covered in a horrifically foul-smelling substance and you’re practically gagging at the stench. You pick it up and throw it into the big trash bag you’ve been lugging around for an hour now. You’ve filled six so far during your “shift”.
The sun is unforgiving on this mid June afternoon. It illuminates the reflector tape on your neon orange vest as you collect trash on the side of the highway. A big sign a few hundred feet ahead of you indicates that you’re on National Route 3 this afternoon. You hadn’t worked on this highway yet.
How charming that your new “job” allowed you to keep partaking in one of your favorite things about being an idol... Travel.
Making your way back to the police tent once your trash bag is full, you join the back of the line to hand in the garbage you’ve collected. You chew your cheek, examining the dirt on your shoes when a soft snickering coming from behind you catches your attention.
“That’s that idol. Isn’t it, hyung?” A male voice asks excitedly. “The one who was convicted of vehicular homicide?”
“Community service? Really?” Another voice huffs. “All I did was rob a corner store. Should I really be serving the same sentence as a murderer?”
It doesn’t bother you much anymore. This happens everywhere you go.
“I hear the President of Total Control bribed the judge for a lighter sentence,” a woman chimes in. “Rumor has it, they’ve even started preparing for a comeback.”
“No way,” the first man refutes. “Everyone sees right through ZeroTalentOne now. All the other members are just lucky they didn’t meet the same fate.”
The woman suddenly sighs dreamily. “That Zhang Hao could still take all my money, though.”
“He’s very good,” the older man agrees. “I saw him on a variety show last week. Did you know he’s classically trained on the violin? I hope he can get away from that garbage group once and for all...”
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Your community service shift ends at 5 P.M. as it always does. You got your license back a month ago after 9 months of good behavior. Trading in your BMW for a less conspicuous car, you’ve been trying to get used to driving again. Unfortunately being wrongfully convicted of vehicular manslaughter didn’t exactly put you in a calm state of mind behind the wheel.
Only 13 more months of your sentencing. You could make it til then. Couldn’t you?
You’ve been walking around aimlessly for fifteen minutes after the bus dropped you back at the police station, trying to find where you parked your car. You reluctantly glance across the street at a large, nauseating building looming over you— it’s your company. A sign that reads “Total Control Music” shines from above the entrance and a few young girls are outside holding protest signs.
You sigh. It’s about time you just accept that you’re lost before you get yourself into a mess. Pulling out your phone, you scroll to find your navigation app-- thankful that you put a pin on the map where your car is parked. 
But something unfamiliar next to your navigation app catches your eye...
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Huh? What the hell is that?
You press down on the app with your thumb, opting to move it to trash. Must be some weird virus...
But just as soon as the app is deleted, it reappears on your screen. MetaNav? Maybe it’s a new navigation app that your phone company is beta testing.
You shrug and tap the app to open it and figure out what it is.
“YOU ARE NOW EXITING THE REAL WORLD,” a robotic, feminine voice suddenly booms from your phone. “NAVIGATION SET FOR: THE METAVERSE. HAVE A SAFE TRIP.”
Oh sh*t, is all you have time to think before the world glitches around you. The air grows hazy and the buildings and vehicles in your line of sight begin to distort. 
You look back up at Total Control Music, expecting to see the girls outside screaming and running around in confusion and fear. But the sight you see instead is far stranger.
Where your company headquarters once stood, there is now a giant, golden castle in its place. 
You squint your eyes shut-- wondering if maybe that foul-smelling substance from earlier was toxic waste. That maybe your brain is turning to mush and projecting hallucinations before your inevitable death. 
Or that, maybe, you’ve just finally lost it...
You stare at the palace in front of you for a few moments. If it really is the end, you think... I might as well see it through.
Cautiously, you make your way across the street and up the grand steps of the castle. Your brow furrows suspiciously when you realize that the giant embellished doors are wide open. Like someone left them open just for you.
Don’t be ridiculous, you think; shaking your head annoyedly. This isn’t real. Just go inside, (Y/N).
Your body tenses as you step through the doors and into the castle. It’s unbelievably lavish-- marble pillars and red carpet lining the hall. You gasp as you turn your attention to the decorated walls.
They’re lined with guilded portraits of young, beautiful people. People you recognize. 
You walk up to one of the portraits to examine it more closely. It’s of a handsome young man-- a distinctive, broad grin on his face and cavernous dimples.
It’s Kim Taerae.
Dazed, you walk up to another portrait beside it; instantly recognizing the youthful glow of the young man to be your maknae— Han Yujin.
What is this place? 
Just then, a loud grunt comes from the other side of the hallway. Your eyes land on what appears to be a huge castle guard bumbling down the corridor. He’s wearing the armor of a knight but, as he gets closer, you realize he doesn’t have a face. Instead, black mist swirls in its place. He seems to be some sort of... Shadow.
“WHO GOES THERE?” The shadow guard shouts. For someone without eyes, he sees quite well. 
You blink at the guard; swallowing nervously as he bounds angrily towards you. It’s a good thing this is just a hallucination.
“I SAID, WHO DARES INVADE THE KING’S PALACE?” The shadow guard bellows as he grabs you by the arm. It hurts.
Five more shadow guards suddenly appear as the first one kicks the back of your knees, causing your legs to buckle. You fall to the ground as your free arm is now restrained behind your back as well.
Your eyes widen at the name. Kim Hyunwoo?
President Kim Hyunwoo?
Adorned in a long, devastatingly garish red robe and golden crown, “King” Kim Hyunwoo enters the hall. The shadow guards bow to him furiously. As he approaches, your jaw drops.
It really is him. President of Total Control Music, Kim Hyunwoo. 
“It’s been a long time since you’ve been inside this palace. And, if I’m not mistaken, it should’ve been longer. Your banishment is far from up,” he says, smiling at you cruelly. “But tell me, (Y/N)-sshi, how have you been?”
You stare at him, dumbfounded.
“Oh, that’s right! You lost your voice. Silly me,” President Kim says with a laugh. “It’s not like anyone really cares about that though. It was never as good as my voice anyway.”
Perplexed, you frown. President Kim had been an idol once. He made a couple hit songs in the early 2000s and, after being unable to match his success, founded Total Control Music in 2010. ZeroBaseOne became the company’s only successful idol group when you debuted in 2019. It was assumed that, after everything, you would also be the last.
President Kim was a bit incompetent... A little eccentric at times... Hit on every woman he met just to be turned down... But the look you saw in his eyes now was one you’d never really seen before. It was sinister.
“If it weren’t for my accident--,” he starts and then corrects himself with a smirk, “I mean, your accident, I would’ve finally made enough money off of you to fund my comeback. Now I have to pretend to put all my efforts into that Hao kid and sell your intimate details to the media for extra cash. I suppose I should thank you for taking the fall. Though I guess you didn’t really have a choice, did you?”
Your lip quivers as you stare at him in horror. You can’t be hearing him right. That can’t be true. Did President Kim really frame you that night?
“It was so easy, (Y/N)-sshi,” President Kim hisses with an evil glee. “You and your members had already built your slightly questionable reputations on your own. All I had to do was wrap your fingers around the steering wheel. You couldn’t even stumble away fast enough before someone saw your face at the crime scene.”
Rage like you’ve never known is broiling underneath your skin. All this time... You’d fallen so painfully from grace. You watched your friends follow-- all of your lives and careers, destroyed.
 In the back of your head, you’d even started believing that maybe you’d really done it.
“And the loss of your voice was just a fun bonus,” President Kim says with a smirk. “I had planned to pay off some witnesses to negate your testimony in the courtroom, but how convenient it was when we found out you couldn’t even give one!”
Something in you snaps. A white hot flash blurs your vision as an unfamiliar voice suddenly echoes in your head; a sharp pain searing through you. 
Well, well, well... It took you long enough to grow a backbone, my friend. The name’s Arsène.
You grip the sides of your head, trying to make the voice stop.
I can help you fix this, my friend. You can finally seek retribution from the people who have wronged you. Are you going to let him get away with this?
I... I--...
The pain is so unbearable that you’ve almost gone completely numb. It’s coursing through your whole body, burning you from the inside out and remaking you in its own vision: your true vision. Suddenly, something is forming around your face and fusing to your skin -- a mask? 
Or are you finally going to stand up for yourself and take back what is yours? Come on, answer me! ANSWER ME!
꩜˖ ݁ 𖥔. “I AM!” .𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜
The frantic scream rips from your throat as you rip off the mask that has attached to your skin. You don’t even feel the pain.
The wound heals as soon as it's opened and a new mask sits delicately across your eyes. It’s suddenly clear to you: you are Arsène. Arsène is you. You are silent no more.
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・゜゜ . . * ✧・゚・ ✧・゚: ・゜゜・.
You smile at President Kim, noticing a glint of fear in his eyes. 
“I’d like to make my testimony now.” ‧ ₊ ✫ ˚・
President Kim begins to back up before turning and sprinting out of the hall. The shadow guards lunge for you, but you reach out your hands to stop them. A heavy gust of wind flows from your fingertips; knocking the guards to the ground.
New Skill Unlocked: New Kid on the Block ˖꩜
You glance in the direction that President Kim took off, about to run after him when screeching sirens begin to sound. More shadow guards begin to appear and you’re afraid you’re outnumbered. You sprint to the doors instead, running through them and down the steps of the palace. You start to run to the other side of the street as two guards follow you down the steps. 
“F*ck, get me out of here!”
“GETTING YOU OUT OF HERE,” a robotic feminine voice announces from your back pocket. “RETURNING TO THE REAL WORLD. PLEASE VISIT AGAIN SOON.”
You stand still as the world distorts again, the air growing hazier and the objects around you shaking before finally returning to normal. Out of breath and scared sh*tless, you look back at the castle behind you...
To find the regular, plain-old Total Control Music building in its place.
“Holy sh*t,” you breathe out.
“Holy sh*t,” a voice says behind you. You turn around to find Gyuvin gawking at you; his jaw in danger of touching the floor. “Did you just... speak?”
⁺⋆✰ Chapter Choice ✰⋆⁺
Well, Player, you've reached the end of the chapter and your first chapter choice. Chapter choices won't always come at the end of the chapter-- they might be somewhere in the middle instead. You can enter your choice in the poll below if you like, but you don't have to! It's just there because your Game Master is curious as to what you'll pick. ;) Your choice will have consequences in the next chapter that may earn you points, so remember which option you picked so you can read the corresponding excerpt!
So, Player, will you choose to...
CHOICE 1: Lie to Gyuvin
CHOICE 2: Tell Gyuvin the Truth
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ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원), also known as ZB1, is a 9 member kpop group managed by WAKEONE Entertainment. They were formed by MNET's survival show BOYS PLANET. They debuted on July 10th, 2023.
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☆ Full group
☆ Astrology
☆ Comebacks
☆ Tea
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☆ Hanbin 한빈
☆ Jiwoong 지웅
☆ Zhang Hao 장하오
Zhang Haos Love Life (September, 2024)
☆ Matthew 매튜
☆ Taerae 태래
☆ Ricky 리키
☆ Gyuvin 규빈
☆ Gunwook 건욱
☆ Yujin 유진
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© risathefairyofshampoo
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symeraid-s · 8 months
2023 Retrospective: Rookie of the Year
Jay Chang (Rockstar, I'll Be There)
Alright, I’ll admit, I actually watched Boys Planet for him. I wasn’t in the trenches like other people, but his audition was suggested to me, and I was hooked. I watched all of his performances. I thought he would probably debut as place 9 or 8. I am stupid. Of course, he would finish as 10th. I can never have anything nice.
But maybe he got lucky. Because I don’t have any feelings about ZB1, but all the feelings about his solo debut. Late Night was a really good debut album and, by God, do I hope that he’ll be able to build on it for some more time. He really might become one of my new favourite 4th/5th Gen vocalist. Also, a shout out to ONEPACT. That’s it, that’s the shout out.
Honourable Mentions:
XODIAC (CALLING, Throw A Dice, Lemonade, Only Fun)
While I have to admit, that their pre-debut release was their best song they released this year, I can’t say they don’t try their damn hardest. Lemonade and Only Fun were, well… fun, but in the end, I didn’t end up downloading them. I will continue keeping them on my radar though, because I think they could become really good.
It really seems like every person on Boys Planet that didn’t manage to debut in ZB1 is getting what they deserve. EVNNE’s debut was really good. While I’m not always the biggest fan of noise music, I have to admit, I like it when someone actually has a really good instrumental and lets it speak in. TROUBLE is a banger and might become one of my favourite boy group debuts in the future. I am also really looking forward to their comeback.
KISS OF LIFE (SHHH, Bad News, Nobody Knows, Bye My Neverland, Sugarcoat, Kitty Cat, Play Love Games, Countdown)
Girl Groups were on fire this year and this group was no exception. SSH and BAD NEWS are fine enough as songs, but all of the B-Sides and the debut roll out for this group was amazing. All of the members are really good at what they do, and I hope they have a bright future ahead of them.
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changbinsnmb1simp · 1 year
My thoughts on the ZB1 lineup.
Not proof read.
So while I don't HATE it, it's not the greatest. All the boys in lineup besides two are Korean. They dont even have a Japanese member. Keita and Jay were robbed fr but anyways. Here are my thoughts on the members, and just what I have to say about the group.
lets see if yall can tell who I'm probably gonna ult just by reading this lol.
P01 - Zhanghao: Honestly, ever since the 3rd elimination I was rooting for him to take over shanbin's spot just once. I thought it would be funny, iconic, and legendary if he did it. One thing I didn't expect was for it to happen in the finale. HOLY CRAP i was shocked. The first ever non Korean to win 1st place in an Mnet survival show, and one of the only few who in survival shows in general (from what I have seen anyways). He caught my eyes from he start, mainly because of his adorable ears that stick out. he wears them proudly and i love him for that. truly an icon. He doesn't suit Korean beauty standards, he was the nugu center, he had no prior fanbase, and he worked himself up from the bottom to the top. I am SO excited to hear his voice shine be itself in a solo song, and standout amongst the rest of the voices in ZB1 (I was bouta call them bep1er no joke). Charisma Zhanghao!!
P02 - Shanbin: I mean we all new he was debuting. He is the Korean center, hes been popular since day one, he is extreamly loveable, talented, FINE oh my gawsh (go look at the recent photoshoot he did omfg sir) He did a great job maintaining his 1st place spot until the end, and I salute to him forbeing able to hold it. I can already see it. The 5th gen IT boy! Or prince. Idk there are like 3 different titles he could have. He could also be the 5th gen ace or visual. Which one do Y'all think?
P03 - Matthew: I have been rooting for matthew since day one. As soon as i saw there was a Canadian on the show I jumped (as I am also Canadian lol). It was my lifes mission to make sure he debuted. After Haruto (my original 1 pick), I knew I was switching to Matthew and Jay ( I have been supporting Jay since 2019 it only made sense for me to continue so I voted them on seperate devices). Matthew has always just been there to make my day. Just looking at him makes me smile. I am so happy we managed to get him back up higher i the top 9. He was shocked when he heard his name, and so was I. I cried happy tears with his sister lol. I like spammed her in instagram congratulating her. it was an emotional 10 minutes. DESERVED MATTHEW SEOK
P04 - Ricky: I was not expecting to see him sky rocket that high. When I first heard his name I was like "His one pick was that strong!?". I didn't see many people voting for him online other than a small group on a discord server I am on. Don't get me wrong he was in my top 9 but I really didn't expect his fandom to come through at all. I am so proud of him, and so happy he ranked as high as he did. He truly deserved it.
P05 - Gunwook: While I was expecting him to debut, I didn't hink he would ran so high. I was expecting maybe between 7-9th area especially because he has never been above rank 9 before, but his 1 pick came in clutch. I know he has had a solid fanbase since the beginning of the shw, I just thought other people would make it in front of him? I almost cried when I saw he was called. I was like "Holy shit he actually made it!?!?!". Proud mother moment fr.
P06 - Taerae: to say I was shocked. I mean 3 days before he was 11th place!? I was not expecting his 1 pik to sky rocket THAT MUCH. I mean deserved! ZB1's highnote boi!! I love his vocal tone, and though he wasn't in my top 9 he was very close to it. He was like my 10th/11th pick I can't remember anymore, all I know is i am sad none of his other wakeone boys made it in the group with him and i really hope he adapts fast. He isn't as close with a few of the members from what i know but i am sure he will warm up. CONGRATS TAERAEEEE.
P07 - Gyuvin: Tbh, he didn't catch my eyes. I didn't hate him, I actually thought he was really cute and funny, I just though other people were a bit better than him. That was a while ago though. Over the past 3 weeks, Gyuvin grew on me a lot. While he may not be the most rounded, he is def talented and def deserved a spot in ZB1! I am very proud of him, and I as quite shocked considering he has dropped to 16th before. I didn't have much hope in his 1 pick, but I was pleasently surprised. SLAY GYUVIN!!!!!
P08 - Jiwoong: I knew he was going to debut, I just didn't know at what rank. He has always been one of my picks, ever since i first saw he was going to be on boys planet. I have watched his past dramas, and heard much good stuff about him. I am vry happy a BL actor has made it in the group, just because it can open so many oppertunities for zb1 in the western audience and really just any audience, jiwoong will also soon be staring in a new drama I believe so look out for them! I really cherish Jiwoong. I think he is very talented. The groups hidden all rounder if you would. I can see him or ZHanghao being an amazing leader, but I thik I would perfer Jiwoong be leader.
P09 - Yujin: Just like Gyuvin, he was kinda just there for me throughout the show, but I am sure as he gets more screen time and we get to see the real him, he will grow on me more. I have never at any point ever hated any of the trainees. they are all sweet to me in their own ways, and some more than others. I am very proud of Yujin, and in my op he isn't too young to debut. I could argue that here for hours but I would rather just leave it at this and if you are curious to as why I think that just ask me in the comments. Also, seeing Yujin and Jiwoong harmonize the other day...man... that kid has a voice, hes just a teenager lol, so ofc his voice is gonna crack and change and sound weird at times. I think he deserved this spot a lot tbh, he is a great maknae for the group!
SO overall, I do really like this lineup. I am def going to be ulting this group, I know that for sure. 6/9 of my picks made it (Matthew, SHanbin, Zhanghao, Jiwoong, Gunwook, ricky)
extra; positions I think will be given toeach member.
Zhanghao - Leader, lead vocal, center
Shanbin - FOTG, main vocal, main dancer
Matthew - vocalist, sub rapper,
Ricky - Sub vocal, rapper, main dancer
Gunwook - Main rapper, vocalist
Taerae - main vocal, prince of the group (i made that up but eh)
Gyuvin - lead dancer, lead rapper, visual
Jiwoong - leader 2, rapper, sub vocal
Yujin - Maknae, rapper, main dancer
keep in mind though, since this is 5th gen, they may just discard the whole "position" thing and have them all do a bit of everything considering they all have very unique voices (especially Hao, Taerae, and Jiwoong. Somewhat shanbin) but if we are following your usual 4th gen 9 member group structure, i think these would be the positions.
now... line distribution... well.
Most to least:
Shanbin 30+ seconds
Taerae (he will have a lot of adlibs) 17-20 secs of acual lines +10 for adlibs
Zhanghao 24-27 seconds
Gunwook 20-23 seconds
Matthew/Jiwoong (back and fourth it depends) 15-17 seconds
Gyuvin/Yujin (same with Jiwoong and Matthew) 14-16 seconds
Ricky (I just have that really good feeling hes the Xiaotng of the group) anywhere between 8-17 seconds (hes's mostly last cuz he will vary)
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soda-bubbled · 5 months
╭₊˚๑ happy one year!﹕☁️₊˚੭
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Haru's letter to Zerobaseone
Haru watches as all nine of his group mates read out their letters, feeling their emotions wash over him as he does. All of them had written such heartfelt letters for the group, explaining just how much this means to them. After hearing nine different letters, it's scary to realize that his is going to be read last and that he has to read it himself.
Before he even starts, he can feel his eyes well up with tears that he desperatly tries to blink away as the members start to coo at him.
"Aigoo~ don't cry Yasu!" Matthew calls from across the lawn
He clears his throat and manages to start reading.
To my Zerobaseone,
It's been a year already... A full year of being by your sides. It scares me how fast our time is going and how soon I'll be far away again. When I first came to Korea, I was scared of finding a new home because of the fear that I'll have to say goodbye again. How funny that my fear is coming true but instead of the all consuming dread I thought I'd feel, it all feels warm. In moments like this, where I'm surrounded by all of you, I'm not scared or worried about the future. I've always been told I worry too much, especially about things that are out of my control, but thanks to all of you I think I'm finally learning how to let go of that and just enjoy what's around me.
I love all of you, please don't forget that even when I fall back into my shell and hide away from you. I know I can be difficult sometimes, but I promise I don't do it on purpose.
Thank you for being patient with me and waiting for me. I hope that the ten of us can continue long after our time on camera has ended. You all have become such a big part of my life and I hope one day I can show you around my home city and the neighboring areas. Let's all wait for that day together.
Here's to forever,
Your Yasu~
He does his best to power through the sobs that get stuck in his throat, ignoring the tears that drip down his face as he finishes reading. Pulling the paper in front of his face, he tries to hide away from the cameras as he cries.
It isn't until he feels multiple pairs of arms wrap around him that his sobs become audible. Someone pulls him into their chest and cards their fingers through his hair, Hanbin's voice filtering through his ears to comfort him.
It takes a moment, but he finally manages to calm himself down with the comfort of his members. He feels his face flush as he pulls away from Hanbin, gently wiping his eyes as to not ruin his makeup anymore than he already has.
"Our sweet Yasu~" Taerae coos, softly pinching Haru's cheek.
Yeah, Haru thinks he could see forever in them.
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zb1-minjun · 8 months
Hello! This is gonna be a new blog dedicated to my oc Minjun who is the 10th member of ZB1.
Surprisingly haven’t seen one made yet…
I have a few things planned out but if anyone wants to request anything please feel free to do so!
Hopefully I can have some things out soon!
-Chelsey :)
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marizb1 · 6 months
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Stage Name: Mari
Birth Name: Hyeon Mari
Position: -
Birthday: December 31, 2003
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Goat
Height: 165 (5'5")
Blood Type: O
Reoresentative Emoji: 🦦
Nationality: Korean-American
Face Claim: Hyunbin (Tri.Be)
Hyeon Mari Facts
-- She was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts.
-- Mari has three brothers (One older, two younger).
-- Her emoji is an otter because she's constantly holding hands with people. She's said it's a nervous habit.
-- Mari can speak English and Korean.
-- She was a member of the girl group PUZZLE under the name Eunji from 2017-2020.
-- Mari trained for 3 years and two months before BOYS PLANET.
-- Her role models are KARD, Monsta X's I.M., and (G)I-DLE's Miyeon.
-- Mari was the only female to make the debut lineup of Zerobaseone and was heavily debated by netizens, in the end WakeOne Entertainment chose to keep the fan votes and debut her with the group.
-- She had 1,074,236 votes in the BOYS PLANET final.
-- Company: WakeOne Entertainment
Mari's masterlist.
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zb1-sunhi · 9 months
zb1 10th member ! ? ! coming soon
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gyubaseone · 1 year
i had this idea of making a 10th member book for zb1 on wattpad because i was on that before here but now... i mainly write on tumblr so i was thinking of just writing it here but it would be very long 😭 idk because i want to write it but it would be atleast 20 chapters.. but here i don't have a limit on chapters unlike wattpad so maybe i can..
also its not a reader x member fic.. i actually made a whole oc for it so it would be easier for me to write but it was an oc x gyuvin fic since he was my main pick on boy's planet .. 😪🤞🏻
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ultdyknn · 1 year
hey! long time no see  (•◡•) / !!
it’s been a very busy few months for me.. i was so busy with exams, work, and my summer classes that i’ve barely had time to be on here. however, i’ve stayed active on my twitter account @/ultdykn .
so many things have happened! kamden had a two-day fanmeeting 9-10 of june. even though i couldn’t be there (i’m not going to fly to the other side of the world sorry..) i was able to get my hands on a ton of videos and pics from the event. literally bless those fansites because they’re keeping us international fans alive and well 
(here’s a vid of him covering rover! i literally couldn’t stop watching this for days ᵔ.ᵔ !!):
in other news, zb1′s debut has been scheduled for july 10th! so many people have pre-ordered the album to the point where zeroses (the fandom name) literally broke records! me, personally, i didn’t pre-order it. sure, i would have gotten some benefits but really all i want is the album itself and the photocards. the whole photocard business is a whole other story...
each member gets 2 photocards per version of the album (there are two versions), but only one of the member’s photocard is going to be in there. so, you’d have to buy two of each version (four albums) in hopes that you pull the same member in each. even though i can afford this, there’s no way i’m buying four albums! i’m just hoping and praying that i pull the members that i want (ricky, jiwoong, taerae) because if not, i’d have to buy them for $100+ from someone else  (╥﹏╥)
i hope i pull their photocards.. fingers crossed!
there are quite a few things that i could write about in this update, but i could go on forever. i’ll end on this: i hope that all of you have been doing okay and i’m glad to be back! 
here’s a pic of kamden again as my sign-off photo:
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- Starr ☆
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