mutehaliaetus · 8 years
❝ How do I choose the box to bury my friend in? ❞
@zeppoueita ✩ some meme lost in the great meme sea 
    ✩ If it was one thing Taichi has learned through the course of his life, it was that Death did    not discriminate. Death did not care for the sinners or the saints, the children or the old,     the sick or the righteous. Death did not care as He took them all, reaped what life sowed.     He had known this for such a long time now and to think themselves as IMMORTAL     would be foolish as it was arrogant. There was always wishful thinking though, one that    even he commits to during the late hours of the night or even the early hours of the     morning. It was always WISHFUL THINKING that there would be no casualties on their     side even when negotiations go awry. 
                                                       War would always be painful.
    His gaze turns to the man beside him, the one he called his QUEEN to the great KING in     which they served. Hypothetical? He looks back towards the front of the line where red     hair is visible among the pack of hyenas that walk beside the knight. Satori? He would     need no such thing. They have survived and they have endured. Why would they need to     worry over a future that will be theirs, a victory guaranteed? 
                                                                     ❝ You don’t. ❞
    The young knight says, black armor a contrast to the white of his familiar’s fur. He breaks    away from Eita’s side, the ice bear making his way through the armor of BLACK to join     his mentor in the front. 
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kaiju-suisoku · 8 years
all he wanted was some peace and quiet. a chance to rest from his own rowdy roommate (he should've gone to wakatoshi's room for that). he doesn't have enough time to move out of the way or even to let out a sound of surprise before there's a body crushing his and all the air is forced from his lungs leaving him gasping for breath. "Fucking... Satori, you fat shit... I can't breathe."
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“You come to my room--to my bed--you gotta deal with me buddy boy” Being the stubborn and annoying boy he was Tendou stayed on, wrapping his arms around him and tangling their legs together. He was so getting killed for this. “So whatcha doing here Eitaa~?”
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benkeikari-blog · 8 years
"Look there's nothing wrong with aspiring to be a trophy wife."
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“I... suppose.... If that’s really the kind of life you’re interested in....”
Mama Eagle is concern for smol pretty babb but also wants to be supportive.
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ohireon · 8 years
“Royal balls are such a bore, aren’t they?”
reon glances over to the prince of the realm, who has suddenly appeared beside the baker’s apprentice. although he’s known the prince for a long time, the watchful eyes trained on his somewhat simple clothes remind the baker-sportsman that he must be careful with how he behaves. clasping his hands in front of him, careful to hide the newest burn, ohira raises his voice to a soft conversational tone. he doesn’t want to be too loud, as some might recognize his voice from behind the carefully crafted mask. “indeed, prince eita. perhaps it’s presumptuous, but i suppose a quiet night reading would be preferable for us both.”
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ahomine-daiiki-blog · 8 years
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“...” The tall young man stared blankly, eyeing the other before him as he walked by. Something about him just drew his attention, his curiosity. Not like he’d spend the energy trying to talk with him, but hey, he could look.
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kaiju-suisoku · 8 years
sneaks into satori's dorm room to sleep in his bed
You know it would be such a cool idea if these dorms at least had bathrooms in the rooms, that way he wouldn’t have to WALK DOWN THIS COLD HALLWAY. Such a big school, such sad dorms. Now entering his room he was ready to curl up in his sheets and read manga, onlytofind another life form on his bed.
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 He thought for a few seconds before a stupid idea lit upinhis mind and a grin stretched across his lips. With no hesitation he jumped on the setter. “EITA!” 
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rexaquilae-blog · 8 years
i'm still strong now. just not in the way you want me to be. i'd still be starting setter at any other school. for example, itachiyama.
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         “ don’t be presumptuous, kid. just because you’re close with their players doesn’t mean you know a thing about how to organize a team. ”
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grandestofall · 8 years
Send my character a ★ and I’ll bold everything they feel toward your character.
I like you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you ( ????? idk he’s setter and pretty and nice ???? ) // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you ( you spend all day with USHIBAKA-KUN ) // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re good-looking ( oh no, he’s hot ) // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart ( he’s half foreign!!!! ) // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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dokitsuu · 8 years
examine eita
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a pretty person beyond compare. He's not nearly as confident as he makes himself out to be and looks far better in a dress than you ever could, but that doesn't mean that you particularly envy him or anything. He's one of your best friends and you'd do anything for him and he's of the few that you're sure would do anything for you!
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kaiju-suisoku · 8 years
A lunch box doesn't seem like enough of a present for his boyfriend. He gives everyone else the same for their birthdays, and it's not like Satori doesn't like food, but Eita feels like it's not enough. So instead, he forgoes a gift at all and instead greets him with a brush of lips against lips and an offer. "Happy birthday, Satori. Can I take you out tonight?"
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Nothing makes him happier than the sight of his boyfriend coming his way. Well that’s a lie...a lot of things make him happy but seeing Eita can bring a smile to his face no matter what mood he’s in! He gives a hummed ‘thank you’ in response as he presses foward a little so their lips do more than just brush against one another.  “You can take me out anyday~”
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ushijiwa-blog · 8 years
               Send me 🌺 to place a flower in my muse's hair.
                     Wakatoshi wasn’t sure exactly when Eita had joined him outside , hadn’t fully been paying attention to his surroundings , but the company wasn’t unwanted . the two got along well , quite easily actually , and it was rather enjoyable .
                   it wasn’t until the other beside him started to move around , the ace catching various motions from the corner of his eyes , checking between breaks in sentences on the page he was currently reading .                             he felt eyes on him , silently , and after a few moment of letting it linger he finally turned , meeting the gaze of the male . 
       “ye-”                 Wakatoshis’ sentence was cut short when Eita leaned forward , one hand brushing back the aces’ dark strands and the other sliding a freshly picked flower behind his ear . 
                his eyes widened , held captive by the others gaze before he managed to sit back . his hand went up , finger lightly touching one of the delicate petals that touched the side of his head . he wasn’t fully sure why the other wanted to do what he did , why he thought to do what he did , but he supposed it was a simple enough action . it really wasn’t that big of a deal , he supposed , just mildly confusing .
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                his mouth opened , wanting to thank the other for his consideration , for his ‘gift’ , but nothing came out . so he closed it , shifting once more in his sitting position before he reached to his side , fingers careful as they plucked a small white flower from near them .                               he leaned forward , continuing to be careful in his actions as he shifted away the opposites’ hair and slipped the flower behind his ear .
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rexaquilae-blog · 8 years
that makes me curious, though, y'know? what made you want me for the high school team in the first place? especially after the whole shattered elbow thing.
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        “ well, my impression of you that i had for you was from your middle school playing was that you were strong. you were, then. ”
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