weightless-feathers · 10 months
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Hey @mica-mice does Via accepts his request? Regardless of your answer, I hope you enjoy this little gift!
Context: This is Mica's OC Via (left) and my OC Zetha (right). They're just silly immortal people, that are figuring out what the hell they want to do with all the time they have left.
For now, Zetha has decided that his life as an waiter (and unintentional assassin) is brighter with a certain woman by his side.
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That was a 100% based on this.
Disclaimer: this is a silly AU.
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vongole-biankou · 1 year
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Felt nostalgic over the Disaster Sapphics, so here's my gal Zetha having a Panik™ over Penny's strong, buff arms 💪
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lothrilzul · 2 years
Playing Dragon Age is so funny because my DnD character is literally a Dwarf Wizard.
He's awesome because until lvl 6 he had more HP than the Dragonborn Paladin, and he has a slightly imba Loremaster Unearthed Arcana school that makes him glass cannon in some aspects.
He already maxed out Dungeon World (another engine with a level cap of 10, but that's like lvl20 in DnD). His party member and friend became king because he was the bastard son of the late queen. And he's good at it.
In Dragon Age, he would make no friggin sense, but it would be fun to make his face in the character creator. Hm.
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
[ Dennou Taisen: DroneZ (XBOX) - Intermission BGM ]
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raccoon-crown · 4 months
Sonic in the Room of Portraits 2
Finally had a chance to keep on with the story!
Well, once Sonic faces his little black kitty new friend he somehow manages to keep the upper hand in the battle, which ended with the black cat acknowledgement. After all no one ever dared to land a hit on him before, so using the excuse of being interested in the hedgehog, he told him the situation he was: He was in a world in between waiting for the candle in his hands, the very one he used to move in the weird room, to die, also confessing that he is the guardian of the rooms of Portraits (known as the Grim Reaper for the mortals).
He also tells him that the portraits in the room are fragments of his story that he was supposed to see one last time before parting, but somehow his candle was still alive so he was stuck there unless he finally surrendered his candle to him to end his job (so the cat could just blow the fire) or the black cat accepted to give him a last chance to live.
When Sonic tries to fight him again to gain a second chance the cat stops him and mention that his friends are still fighting out there trying to protect his unconscious and hurt body, and that even if he went back they'll surely end up with the candles out too.
So he offers him a deal, his candle for his friends. He would have the chance to look for his friends candles through the portraits and if he found them before the fire going out, then he would nullify the mortal damage they could suffer in battle in order for them to survive. And once he was done, with or without candles, he would have to hand him his own.
The hedgehog didn't even think about the options for long, he eventually gives the black cat a hand and accepts his deal before heading to the portraits in the room, while the kitty smiles widely at the expectation of a entertaining show.
First Part - This one - Next
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bumblingbabooshka · 6 months
once again chewing on my pen writing stuff and thinking about how bad i wish we got like more prologue of tuvok being a spy. i need it
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In the novel 'Catalyst of Sorrows' we see some of Tuvok doing undercover work! (Apparently he's also fake married to Selar). When I think of Tuvok doing spy or undercover work I think about lying. Vulcans can lie - it's not a physical impossibility or, I would imagine, particularly difficult. It requires discipline to be Vulcan! But about lying - what is a 'lie' to Tuvok? Does he accept that he'll have to lie as part of his chosen career or does he somehow rationalize to separate his work from his 'self'(katra)? When he lies while undercover is it, to him, HIM telling a lie or him playing a character who lies? Is playing a character not a lie, even if the person you're "acting" in front of is unaware of it? An interesting scene happens in 'Catalyst of Sorrows' around deception. A shopkeeper is suspicious of Zetha, a teenager(?) they're traveling with. She's acting strangely unknowledgeable about the area. Selar then says "My sister's child. She has not been offworld before." when Sisko questions her lie ('I thought Vulcans didn't lie?') Selar says she didn't lie - her sister has 3 children. The statement "My sister's child" and the statement "She has not been offworld before." are two unrelated statements, Selar says. She did not say "This is my sister's child" which would be a lie.
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This is a classic exchange! And one I think about often. Tuvok asserts that he is "at all times honest" which I think would ring false to a lot of people given his job. But what I'm more interested in is why it rings true for HIM. It would be easy to just say "I'm honest when I can be" but he instead claims to be honest "at all times" which then is elaborated on as being "honest to [his] own convictions within the defined parameters of [his] mission." Honesty, truth, deception - it's all very interesting to me! When Tuvok says to Chakotay "I am interested in joining the Maquis" it isn't a lie and When Selar says "My sister's child" it isn't a lie but it isn't necessarily being 'truthful'. I think this sort of lie by omission or carefully worded self-deception is very interesting and one of the things about being a Vulcan spy who continues to uphold their own convictions of truth and honesty that would be fun to explore. I wish canon had explored it via an in depth undercover mission but I guess nooot. When Tuvok's undercover with the Maquis it doesn't appear he acts differently other than being loyal to the Maquis. I'm guessing that's because his cover story was something like being a Starfleet officer that defected - so he didn't have to change that much about himself. Tuvok says at one point that he's bad with improvising (it's implied he specifically means coming up with lies on the spot) which I /do/ make fun of him for. I /do/ have a laugh at that one because he's a spy BUT if I take that as a non-contradictory fact about him I do like it. It implies that he, Tuvok, is bad at improvising a lie on the fly which may not be true if he's playing a character. If he asks himself "What would Tuvok do" the answer would not be lie. If he asks himself "What would [cover name] do" perhaps again it's more of an acting exercise, a fiction which doesn't necessarily reflect on himself.
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I think about Tuvok's approach to writing a fake scenario. He seems to value realism above all else - logic. Why might this happen? How likely would it be for this to happen? Why would a character say this, do that? He runs probability studies and he apparently takes detailed notes on at least Janeway's behavior as he straight up tells her in another episode. I wonder if Janeway's the only person he does this for and I wonder WHY he does it. It's not part of his job and it's implied he's been doing it since before Voyager even got stuck in the delta quadrant. Oh but god what was I getting at? I think it's endlessly fascinating to think about what a Vulcan like Tuvok, a Vulcan who is unwilling to become 'less Vulcan' or compromise his own morals/convictions, would do in undercover scenarios. It brings up so many questions: What is a lie? What does Tuvok consider lying? What is 'the truth' and how do we know it's being told? What does it mean to be honest in social interactions? At what point is heavy implication lying? What are Tuvok's convictions and how does he stand by them in his line of work? Why is he in the line of work he is - both security and as an undercover operative? What is it about these professions which draws him? Something that drew me in about one of the scenes in 'Catalyst of Sorrows' is that very last one. Jarquin hesitantly asks Tuvok, who's undercover as a Romulan merchant, if he would please ask about his missing sons. Tuvok hesitates then agrees to do it. What interested me about it is how he deems this as "illogical". I didn't understand what he meant by that at first but now I believe he meant that it would be somewhat out of character for Leval, the Romulan merchant, to agree but Tuvok's convictions would not allow him to turn the man down. It goes minorly against what the character Leval would do (illogical) BUT it would be perhaps a larger blight on Tuvok's katra to refuse such a small yet meaningful favor from someone who's helped him. There are plenty of things which aren't strictly 'logical' in the coldest possible sense of the word but which Vulcans do. Because they're people. There's also at many times implied to be another thing in tandem with logic - a sort of pacifism or kindness, an 'anti-cruelty' which stems from Vulcans past. It may not be "logical" (in again, the coldest possible sense) to sing your children a sixty verse lullaby when they can't sleep but if you CAN do it, why wouldn't you? If Tuvok CAN help this man (IE: It's not against his morals or the parameters of his mission) why wouldn't he? Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. It's as changeable and gray as emotion is. Vulcans cannot be led by emotion so they're led by logic - that doesn't mean they are black and white thinkers. They'd be a hivemind if they were! I think of 'Prime Factors' where Tuvok says "My logic was not in error but I was." I wish we'd been able to explore more about logic with Tuvok as well. In thinking of Tuvok I think of how the memory beta wiki says that the term 'logic' is just the typical translation of the Vulcan concept 'cthia' which might be more accurately translated as 'reality-truth'...
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impossibl3e · 5 months
z Tobą odbiłem się od dna, gdzie spadłem sam
qry, zetHa - tylko raz
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senyorspock · 1 year
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Went to @trillscienceofficer with this thought- Cretak walks into her office in the morning with Kira's lipstick still on her ear
-I think Cretak would suddenly notice everyone pointedly trying not to look at her and just "...what is it?"
-"With great dignity she draws herself up, takes a kerchief from Zetha, wipes off her ear, and looks around imperiously daring anyone to comment" Everyone pretends to look really busy
-later one of her assistants is in the corridor walking past Kira and recognizes the lipstick colour. Looks away quickly.
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timidgarden7 · 1 year
Art Trade
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My part of Art Trade for @weightless-feathers.
I drew their OC Zetha with darkness surrounding them. I hope you really like.
Bonus a speedpaint:
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lothrilzulcreates · 1 year
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19 Zetha : 55 Winter : 83 Death 63 Nate Irwin : 81 Jenna Sajpa : 54 Arthur Maxson 66 Paladin Danse : 22 Fenris : 77 Anders
Second nine palette entries, from 2017-2023, in chronological order. You can see my muse shifted from Skyrim (there’s still one OC here) to Fallout (4 pieces), there’s another RPG character and now Dragon Age joined the party. The outlier is a good friend’s webcomic’s protagonist, “Death”.
Palettes by @virize
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gurumog · 2 years
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The Phantom Planet (1961) American International Pictures Dir. William Marshall
Dolores Faith as Zetha Richard Kiel as The Solarite
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Hey I finally finished something! I'm just leaving it here and going back to my 28-page-group-essay-project for uni.
Zetha is just having some fun with their shadows. Be careful, they might want to play with you too.
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vongole-biankou · 2 years
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A Zetha x Penny doodle from 2020: Obviously the best time to flirt is when you’re in the middle of combat fighting for your life 😘
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dragonanne · 2 years
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Inktober Days 5 & 6
Descriptions below the cut ✨️
Day 5: the Jade Torch flame
The official prompt worked perfectly today 😁 This is the Jade Torch flame (aka the namesake of my story)🔥💚
There is a magic system in the Jade Torch narrative. And the Jade Torch flame is a part of it. I won't get super deep into what the Jade Torch actually is and does, but I will say that it plays a part in the peaceful relationship and the unity between the dragons and humans of Havanell.
Day 6: the Late Queen
When Lune was quite young, her mother, Zetha, was assassinated. It deeply affected Lune's life and changed her path going forward.
Zetha was born into a noble family from the neighboring kingdom of Lustance. As a young woman, she married Lune's father, Kent, the crown prince of Havanell. Not long after her marriage, Kent ascended to the throne, and she became Queen of Havanell. But we'll get more into her background in coming days.
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raccoon-crown · 6 months
This candle holds a secret between you and me, Got it?
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Some words from Zetha the Reaper Black Cat.
And this is the only remaining thing I would do for the Room of Portraits, thank you if ya read it and if you didn't don't worry about him.
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wahwealth · 5 months
🚀The Phantom Planet (1961) Science Fiction Film | Full Movie English
Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Anthony Dexter, and Francis X. Bushman star in this full-length science fiction film.  The movie is in black and white and was released in 1961.  The time is 1980, and the Air Force's Space Exploration Wing already has built bases on the Moon.  They are on the eve of a mission to Mars, when one of its spacecraft mysteriously disappears, and this begins fears of space monsters and phantom planets.   Captain Frank Chapman and his navigator Lt. Ray Makonnen are ordered to investigate. Cast Dean Fredericks as Capt. Frank Chapman Coleen Gray as Liara Anthony Dexter as Herron Francis X. Bushman as Sessom Jimmy Weldon as Lt. Webb Dolores Faith as Zetha Richard Weber as Lt. Ray Makonnen Al Jarvis as Judge Eden Dick Haynes as Col. Lansfield Earl McDaniels as Capt. Leonard Mike Marshall as Lt. White Richard Kiel as The Solarite Merissa Mathes as Juror Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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