#zevran has his eyes on the prize >:D
lethalhoopla · 2 years
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Even a Warden-Commander-to-be has to get in some training on the rare stolen easy afternoon, y’know?
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Character Sheet - Dragon Age Solona Amell
IWhile I love Elissa, Solona is actually my favorite of my Wardens, though I freely admit to muddling up the story of Origins just a little bit because I really hate certain characters and wanted to give more reason to hate them. I freely also admit that if I had my way, certain events in other games would go differently, and Solona’s story is the same multi-Wardens story as Elissa’s.
Some spoilers as well. though I tried to keep them mostly vague-ish for anything after DAO/Awakenings since Sol also has little to do with 2 (okay, she shows up a few times, but not a key factor in the overall plot of 2 because it isn’t her story), and I haven’t played Inquisition and instead just went on a long wiki walk on the wikia…
Name: Solona Amell 
Nickname(s): Sol, Amell, Mage, Butterfly Lady (Inq Era- by Varric) BFS
Codename: Mage, Warden,
Race: Human
Gender: Female  
Age: Twenty  
Faction: Chantry supporting Circle Mage, Chantry, Grey Warden, Chantry supporting Grey Warden  
Class: Mage, Knight-Mage, Warden Mage, Arcane Warrior, (Post DAO-) Warden Captain, (Inq Era-) Knight-Enchanter, (Inq Era-) Warden Enchanter/Warden Commander
In-Game: HM Arcane Warrior Tank Spirit Healer
Weapon(s): Sword and Shield, Mage Staff  
Armor: Medium weight  
Place of Birth: Kirkwall  
Parent(s): Revka Amell, [Insert name here later]
Sibling(s): Illo Amell (d. Kirkwall, 10+ years before the story started), four younger siblings  
Spouse/Significant Other: Cullen Rutherford (Not very healthy relationship, and more canon-warping)
Other Relatives: Marian Hawke, Leandre Amell Hawke, Templar Carver Hawke, Bethany Hawke, 
Magic-Using Relatives: Four younger siblings, Bethany Hawke, Marian Hawke
Mentor: First Enchanter Irving, Senior Enchanter Wynne, Knight-Commander Greagoir, Warden Duncan  
Ser Vakar (Human, Templar, d. Ostagar)  
Ser Sanni (Elf, Templar, d. Circle)  
Ser (Human, Templar, d. Circle)  
Cullen Rutherford (Templar)  
Jorwan (Human, Apprentice)  
Keili (Human, lay sister)  
Natia Bosce (Dwarf, Rogue, Duelist)  
Serada Aeducan (Dwarf Noble, Berserker Warrior)  
Elissa Cousland (Human Noble, Templar-trained Warrior, Champion)  
Mabar Cousland (Mabari)  
Darrian Tabis (Elf, Duelist Rogue, Ranger)  
Theron Mahariel (Dalish Elf, Crossbow Warrior)  
Alistair (Human, ex-Templar Warden Champion)  
Morrigan (Human, Apostate Shapshifter Witch of the Wilds)  
Leliana (Human, Orlesian Rogue Bard)  
Sten (Quinari Warrior)  
Zevran (Elf, Antivan Assassin)  
Shale (Golem, formerly the dwarf Shayle Carriden)  
Oghren (Dwarf, Berserker)
Alignment: She will get the job done, with her conscience as whole as possible, and as lawfully as possible. She is willing to bend the rules for a little while, or will stand aside when she is overruled, but she will do what she can to keep an eye on when that happens. She does not want the blood of innocents on her hands any more than she already has to have. She has no qualms about lying to protect people who had done nothing wrong, but does react badly to betrayals. She will hunt down traitors and make them pay. Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Good-ish
Warrior/Peacekeeper: Warrior  
Torture/Healer: She has a healing spell and herbalism skills, but she is not a talented healer.  
Range/Melee: Melee, she was training to become a Knight-Enchanter eventually 
Rusted Knight/Greenhorn: She was newly Harrowed when recruited, but she know the dangers of blood magic and demons from living in Kirkwall until she was ten years old.  
Cynical/Optimist: Optimist, innocent until proven guilty. However, once someone has been found guilty, she doesn't feel remorse for meting out justice in accordance to the law.  
Appearance: She's taller than most of her peers, and has maintained an aura of nobility even as she was stripped of her rank for being a mage. Tired of the other apprentices teasing her for being vain about her dark hair, she took a knife to it and cut it very short, keeping it that short for years. She has a paler skin tone due to being indoors most of her life, her skin tans when she's fighting the Blight, but not by much.  
Disability(ies)/Health Concerns: Nightmares of the Fade, of her brother's death, the Blight, the Circle (after The Broken Circle), the False Calling (much later); Grey Warden Taint;  
Scar(s): Collects many during the Fifth Blight- mostly well healed with herbalism, but on her waist she has the one from Ostagar as the most notable, sometimes the Taint is more visible than other times  
Tattoo(s): The Templar cross on her inner arm, the outline of manacles on her wrists that are charmed to bind her to her Watchman when she has one, as was deemed necessary by a previous Knight-Commander in Kirkwall the night her magic was discovered.
Accent: Kirkwall, but it has faded into a blend of Kirkwall and Ferelden. -Wise and Mystical voices mixed and slightly younger, she ages into it-
Prized Personal Possession(s)*: Shoulder and arm guards to a Templar's Armor set, two Templar amulets, a Warden Amulet, (Inq Era- a greatsword),
Pet Peeves: When mages turn to blood magic; Templars who judge all mages to be monsters; Apostates who use blood magic;  
Likes: Spirits; Protecting against demons; protecting; laws being followed; freedom; having a place to call home;  
Dislikes: Blood magic; demons; betrayal; being reliant on the Chantry; Zealots;  
Vice(s): Her hatred for bloodmages; Lyrium addiction from over draining her personal mana store;  
Natural Abilities: Magic that leans heavily towards the Templar talents; (As a Warden) Darkspawn detection;  
Trained Abilities: Sword fighting; specific spells and magical techniques; Arcane Warrior magic; Templar techniques;
Understand Language(s): Common, learns a smattering of Quinlat to the point of being able to have a basic conversation, (Inq Era-) Darkspawn,  
Communicable Language(s): Common, what little Quinlat she knows, (Inq Era-) Darkspawn  
Signature Outfit: (Origins Era-) She shortened her orange Harrowed Mage robe into a tunic and wears leggings underneath in order to wear armor and chainmail over her clothing. (Original Mage Tutor Robes in Improved Atmosphere, but that went away and made me sad with a fixpack) (Inq Era-) Templar armor put together for more mobility over a red tunic and breeches; or Grey Warden armor over a blue tunic; or a robe shortened into a tunic with breeches.  
Formal Attire: (Origins Era-) Grey Warden Robes. (Inq Era-) Full Templar set and robes; or Grey Warden robes; or an Enchanter's robes, all depending on the situation.
“Tainted” Attire: She would look like herself, only twisted into an Abomination; Blood everywhere; A Ghoul or Shriek;  
Lazy Attire: Parts of her armor are removed, or all of her armor is removed, leaving her in whatever tunic she had been wearing.  
Catchphrase(s): "Magic is to serve man, not to rule him"; "I am a mage";
War Cry: Most of her combat is her muttering passive spells under her breath as she fights, so she doesn't waste time on a war cry.  
Nightmare(s): Turning into an abomination; Her brother being turned into an abomination in front of her before she killed him; Blight dreams; What had happened to Kinloch Hold Circle; Ostagar dreams; (Inq Era-) False Calling; Fallen Circle Tower (unnamed) events and the demon’s promises;  
Hope/Goal(s): A balance being found between mages and Templars; Becoming a properly trained Knight-Enchanter;  
Secret(s): Warden secrets; She used to sneak out at night to practice spells until she drained her mana and had to reload on Lyrium; Her own infatuation with Cullen; (Inq Era-) a Lyrium addiction is at the almost same level as Cullen’s when he gets off Lyrium and she uses it to try and drown out the Calling;
*Story behind this/these  
Templar Armor pieces- The pieces of armor she prized used to be her brother's they were the smaller pieces a ten year old could wear under robes while in transport from Kirkwall to Kinloch. She will always wear them, and cares for them obsessively. They are the shoulder and arm guards.  
Templar Amulet- Her brother's proof of identity he threw to her in his last moment of lucidity as an abomination. She keeps it because she feels like he's watching over her from the Maker's side. It eventually goes to Greagoir Irving. Before she gives it to her son, she included one for herself when the Chantry finalized her Knight-Mage status while among the Warden Recruits before Ostagar.  
Warden Amulet- Leftover blood from the Joining are made solid into amulets for the Wardens who survived to remember the ones lost from the start.  
(By DA2/Inquisition-) Greatsword- Cullen's sword she took before his transfer out of Kinloch and replaced with a different sword after claiming she broke it when trying to place a permanent ice and fire spell on the blade. He had taken her Knight-Enchanter/Knight-Mage blade hilt first by mistaking it for a broken weapon.
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Character Sheets - Dragon Age Elissa Cousland
I love my Elissa to bits, though I freely admit to muddling up the story of Origins just a little bit because I really hate certain characters and wanted to give more reason to hate them. I freely also admit that if I had my way, certain events in other games would go differently, and Elissa’s story is a multi-Wardens story.
Some spoilers as well. though I tried to keep them mostly vague-ish for anything after DAO/Awakenings since El has little to do with 2, and I haven’t played Inquisition and instead just went on a long wiki walk on the wikia...
Name: Pioup Elissa Cousland (Prefers Elissa)
Nickname(s): El, Pup, (Inq Era- Queen, The Commander, Varric calls her Snow)
Codename/Title: Lady, Teyrna, Warden, Highever, (Inq Era- Queen, The Commander)
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty-Three
Faction: Grey Warden, Ferelden,  
Class: Noble Warrior, Shield Maiden, Grey Warden, (Post DAO-) Warden-Queen 
In Game Class - HN Warrior Shield and Sword Templar Champion
Weapon(s): Sword and Shield
Armor: Heavy plates
Place of Birth: Highever Castle, Teyrnir Highever, Kingdom of Ferelden
Parent(s): Brysce Cousland, Eleanor Cousland
Sibling(s): Half-Brother Fergus Cousland
Spouse/Significant Other: Alistair
Other Relatives: Most of the Ferelden Nobility, sister-in-law Orianda and nephew Oren.
Magic Using Relatives: None she knows of
Mentor: Matron Myrand, Ser Riggs, Fergus, Warden Duncan (d. Ostagar),  
Ser Gilmore (Knight, d. HN Origin)
Ser “Te’pler” Riggs (Elder Templar, d. HN Origin)
Matron Myrand (Shield Maiden Commander)
Mabar Cousland (Mabari)
Solona Amell
Natia Brosca
Serada Aeducan
Darrian Tabis
Theron Mahariel
[More to be added as I remember them]
Alignment: Has her Lawful Stupid moments, but she tries to be Lawful Good. She believes in the laws, but also believes the laws can be too harsh. She would rather destroy the truly evil, instead of those forced to work for him or her.
Warrior/Peacekeeper: She wants what is best for Ferelden and joined the Wardens to better defend it when it became clear her only future was as the Spare or a marriage pawn.
Torture/Healer: She has no healing skills except for tossing a bottle of health poultice, Lyrium, or injury kits.
Range/Melee: Melee. She can use the archery skills she had been taught, but her aim has been reportedly as poor as her pre-Blight cooking skills.
Rusted Knight/Greenhorn: Greenhorn, she’s only had the training to become a Templar-like Shield Maiden, but until the attack on Highever, she never actually fought to kill anything more than rats and other pests. The loss of her family home to darkspawn and Lord Howe’s attack after has made her more focused on justice being met under the law.  
Cynical/Optimist: She wants to believe in the best in people, but she reacts volatilely when betrayed, though not as violently as Solona does. Instead, if she is betrayed, she only seeks what the law says the betrayer deserves. Except for Arl Rendon Howe, since he arranged for his best friend, friend’s wife, and friend’s heirs to be murdered.
Appearance: Slender and soft build from life as a noble despite her Shield training, almost completely lacking in pigmentation so she has white-silver hair and red eyes. Braided and pulled around her head hairstyle.
Disability(ies)/Health Concerns: Blighted while fighting for her home (’cured’ by joining the Wardens); Light sensitivity to very bright light (She wears her bangs loose around her eyes to try and block out some of light);
Scar(s): She collects several after Highever is attacked- The most notable one is her shoulder where darkspawn taint was shot into her shoulder after she killed an ogre; mental scars include abandoning her family in Highever during the attack, Ostagar, Warden dreams, and then Aramathine
Tattoo(s): Sword behind a shield bearing the mark of Andraste on her right shoulder blade which marks her as a Shield Maiden
Accent: Ferelden Nobility – Human Experienced Voice-
Prized Personal Possession(s)*: Family Sword; Family Shield; Family armor; Warden’s Oath pendant;
Pet Peeves: Being mocked for her unusual coloring (technically lack of coloring); being reminded that she is Fergus and Oren’s heir; not having a proper ‘place’ 
Likes: Family; Honor; Lawfulness; Duty; Dogs
Dislikes: Being the Spare; Arl Howe after HN Origin; the idea of getting married without being in love; having her cooking skills (lack thereof) mocked without truly helpful tips to improve with; Being set up with a romantic match by her well meaning friends and family;  
Vice(s): Hates being referred to as a spare; Tries to find the best in people even if they don’t deserve it; (Awakening) Drinking
Natural Abilities: Charisma (apparently) and passive Champion talents; (As a Warden) Darkspawn detection;
Trained Abilities: Swordplay; Templar talents;  
Understand Language(s): Ferelden Common; some Quinlat over the course of Origins; “Darkspawn”
Communicable Language(s): Ferelden Common; Some Quinlat; (Inq-) “Darkspawn”
Signature Outfit: Cousland House armor set; Warden Commander armor
Formal Attire: Warden Commander armor; Queen’s garb
“Tainted” Attire: Broodmother at worst; Ghoul/Shriek; 
Lazy Attire: Tunic and leggings, might have some light armor pieces over it or parts of her plate armor over it.
Catchphrase(s): “I am a Cousland.” “Couslands have always [been] [insert ideal trait/concept here].” “Shield Maiden, not Templar. We don’t deal with magic for one thing.”
War Cry: “Highever!” “Ferelden!”
Nightmare(s): Taking over Highever because Fergus won’t or can’t; Warden Dreams; Civil War; (Inq) False Calling; People of Kirkwall blaming her for recruiting Anders instead of sending him to the Templars; People who died fighting the Blight blaming her for their deaths
Hope/Goal(s): Ending the Blight and making sure her family, whatever is left, is safe; Marrying out of love; Making her own way;
Secret(s): She is terrified about being the Spare and has no desire to fulfill the duties of the Spare if she is required to; She didn’t really want to join the Wardens, but in her state, she had little choice; Really does not want a fancy title
*Story behind this/these
Family Sword - She used it in the fight to retake the Highever estate from Darkspawn, and her family insisted that she take it with her as she joined the Wardens. It’s an otherwise simple longsword with a handle that has branches lightly engraved to appear woven around the guards. At some point in the past, a dwarf had refashioned the blade so the handle could be removed and a replacement blade installed more easily instead of retiring the sword from use.
Family Shield - Like the sword, Elissa used it while taking back the estate, and her family also insisted she take it with her as she joined the Wardens. The shield looks like any other metal shield, except the leather handles have the family motto stitched into them.
Family Armor - Heavy plate armor with an underlayer of quilted fabric embossed with an uncolored image of the family crest on the shoulders, chest, and knees. She received this armor as she leaves Highever.
Warden’s Oath Pendant - The pendant made from the Joining. When the party reaches Lothering, she asks the local blacksmith if he could have the names “Jory” and “Daveth” engraved onto the back for her.
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