gromrig · 2 months
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Three commissioned pieces from this year from the amazing @kiqo-gw2-corner! A pride sketch of Devika ( @guildwuff2 ) and my gal Valora showing off their flag, a sketch page of my fluffy Chronomancer Zexx and his partner Yitu ( @kiqo-gw2-corner )being adorable, and an absolutely stunning full color piece of my celestial druid, Seffi, meditating! Thanks again Kiqo for all this awesome art!
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Uhm, what's the situation? Like, a game or? Or do you just have an situation?
we KNEW someone was gonna ask this fkenfkd sorry 2 be confusing. Its my polycules (me, @mosswolf @the-ipre @willbot) new oc gang. were playing galactic a star wars ttrpg! They are a gang of well. uhm. they WILL be a gang of rebels but for now they run a highly illigal shitty bar called The Situation. My guy is called Scio Zexx (he/they) and he was part of the republic senate and is now. a rebel spy. its Too late for me to do more proper introductions but if people have questions. im vibrating out of my skin.
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captzexx · 2 years
Candells in Space
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(Got a prompt that went off the rails, I kind of like what I wrote so thought I’d put it out here)
PROMPT: with the upcoming Nov. 15 patch coming up (woo Dracthyr, woo Primalist invasions), many players are embracing the three year gap for their story. What has your character been up to in the last three years since the end of Shadowlands?
At long last after years of despair from all parties, the Candells were at last reunited.  The work and acts of the youngest of their party, Gwynn, finally reaching the end of her parents' quest to find the one lost deepest.  For on the fields of Maldraxxus during the siege of the Seat, the young druid guided by her grandfather found a face she long thought lost amongst the chaos.  
Zexx Candell found his family.
As the two embraced, a connection of the multiverse was made and linked by as much blood as spirit.  Confusion filling the man before the young Candell let her memories come to him showing him everything and every road she had fought so hard to find him.  He saw Bea.  He saw himself.  He saw her world.  He saw her being born. He saw his death.
He saw her not alone.
The three running from the field of combat came to a quiet moment near the Theater of Pain, relishing in the moments of breaking the loneliness that had swept them both.  She had one more gift for the hero for hire as she reached within her pouches to produce a tattered strip of red wool.  A confused eye as he held it in his hand, noting its familiar feeling as Zexx stared at Gwynn before she moved away from him to begin drawing sigils upon the rotted earth.  Her staff drew feverishly as she began to whisper words in language he didn't know.  Draconic.
Orbs were placed in direct positions about her circle before taking the cloth from him again.  Asking for her grandfather's hand she broke her staff revealing it to be hollow and taking out an aged hilt with a green gem upon it.
Gwynn, smiling with tears in her eyes, would place the gem and cloth in the center of the circle before slicing her palms with the broken points of her staff.  Her blood dripped into the grooves to fuel the magical energy needed as she bent her head forward to whisper further in that ancient tongue.  The anima would flare and pulse as the gem in the center matched it with a fire fueled anger.  
This was not the way.
Zexx would move forward to try and stop her, her name drowned by the growing pulsing of the energies and thickened by the growing scent of ozone.  Strong hands would grasp the unknown son as Eld kept his matching eyes on the girl ahead of them, never speaking but knowing she had to finish.  The only way now was through.
As the foul combination of magics continued to twist and be fueled by so many different outreaches, Gwynn would begin to spasm as her words tried to cut above the noise.  The center of the circle flashing as the gem stone began to glow brighter and stronger, growing wider and taller.  Revealing a doorway, gasping green and black as the gem had been often known too in the presence of some creatures.
Hands bleeding and eyes a glow with fel light, the druid's mouth would be wide in a smile of agony and triumph.  Bridging the multiverse at last to reveal to help finish her quest.  A figure would step through.
Xaya Candell would step into this mutual world now, stumble more so as she fell forward.  Her leather armor dinged with blood, snow, and burns but nothing would quell the fire in those purple tinged brown eyes.  Behind her would come the heavy footfalls of a metallic foot followed by another, the large shape of an armored giant dragging a broken mace from it's belt and broken horns atop it's head.  In it's arms it would carry a limp form wrapped in a tattered green cloak.
Rey Candell sat unmoving in the arms of the metal golem as it stalked forward, bits of steam and grinding gears announcing their arrival.  Much like her sister, Rey was in the same look of disarray with matching blood and snow.
"She's alive," a deep rumble growled from the metal creature that held the former youngest Candell.
"Thank the light," Xaya murmured as she stood up to her full height again, taking after her father obviously as she leaned on the metal arm of the golem.  "We made it, Gen."
"Xaya," the metal voice spoke again, where it could hardly modulate such a voice it seemed almost desperate to whisper her name.
"Wha-" The young woman's voice caught in her throat as she found the man they called father held tight by his near older match.  "Daddy."
The young woman didn't bother to look at her youngest sibling or anything in the world as she leapt for her father.  Zexx would be released by Eld as he opened his arms and grasped her tighter than anything in his life.  Both began to shake as they held onto each other, coming together after all this time in their grief and joy.
"You promised."
"I know."
"You said you'd come back."
"I know."
"Why?" Xaya wept into her father's chest and felt her hands grip him so tight it might crack his ribs.  The hero didn't care.
"I don't know."
Eld would have gone to Gwynn now, easing her up to sit up straight obviously drained from what she had just done.  The girl had cracked reality.
A sound like glass breaking would shatter the reunion as father and daughter would peer up into the sky.
“What’s happening?” Xaya would whisper.
“I don’t know.” Zexx replied.
“Should we run?”  The golem stalked forward with heavy thumps of his feet.
“Where would we go?”  Eld growled as he eased Gwynn up to her feet again.
“I don’t know.  What should we do then?”  The golem answered with a worried ache to his hollow tone.
“We stay together," Zexx looked up into the sky as brilliant purple cracks began to form in the green chaos swam above.  He had no idea if anyone else in this hellscape could see it but it chilled his heart to see.
“I love you,” Xaya began to weep again as she wrapped her arms about Zexx's neck, hanging on for dear life.
“It will be alright.”
The Astral Sea is endless and infinite. A cascading collage of color and shapes as it ever expands the multiverse of which it is built upon by the very will of reality.  Upon this never ocean of possibility ride the many vessels of those brave enough to ponder and wander it's chaos.  Spelljammers.
The Wayfarer is one such vessel and it's crew don't know where they are headed or why, but they're together.  And that's what families do.  They stay together.
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(It’s been a year.  But this has been on my mind since, forever and a half.  It could definitely be more flesh out and should be, there’s likely lots of questions if you follow any of them from before.  But it was nice to put something to paper for them.  To set them on a new adventure in wild space.  No blog yet or plans with it yet, but who knows maybe some day.)
@zexxcandell​ @eldridgecandell​ @gatesofthetroupe​
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sailsonaseaoffate · 2 years
DWC February -  Day 3: Velvet
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The sharp clack of heels struck the metal floor as the astral elf walked across the small room to stand before the holding block, her thing hands held pleasantly enough in front of her blue swirling dress as she eyed the mismatched eyed man before her.  Her smile was as cool as her words tried to hide in their warm greeting.  "We meet again, Mister Candell.  Or is it captain now?"
A weak grin would cross Zexx's face as he looked up to the woman, his once towering frame well below her as the metal gauntlets kept him tied to the floor by the limb separating power of the magnets set in them.  "Oh yer ladyship, you know you could always just call me Zexx."
Governor Ana'lyse Centaruiach did not so much as flinch as she reached forward to pat his head gently,  as she began to circle him like a cat with a caught mouse in a trap.  "No Mister Candell, we are not on friendly terms at all so I will refrain from your request.  Though I have to say I'm surprised to see you again so soon.  As I last remember when you graced our halls, you and yours were informed not to grace the steps of Antioch again."
"Well if you call being 'asked' by being fired upon by cannons and driven off by a cadre of your little stingers.  Yeah, I'd say you were very polite in your request," Zexx grunted as he tried to adjust his awkward stance against the floor, his knees and back aching from the odd crouch he had to keep.
"It was not a request," the governor responded in kind as she circled again, her dress shimmering and changing shades by every few steps she took.  Magic cloth was quite the fashion as deep blue shifted to black.  "For there is quite a penalty for stealing.  Especially such a priceless item as a spelljammer.  Did conscience led you to return what you taken?"
The hero for hire wince and shrugged softly.  "Well, that would mean lean into the idea of me just borrowing it.  But if you'd like to me to try and find a few floating chunks of debris from before I'd be happy to give them to you."
"I see, so you came with a new ship as repayment?  A crude trade for sure with your sloppy finding, but I'm sure we can use it for scrap none the less."
"Look she ain't much but I'm sure scrap is kind of insulting don't you think, my lady?"  Zexx grimaced as he finally gave up to rest on his knees before the woman, a brief flash triumph in her cold smile as Ana'lyse paced about her 'guest'.  "So what's the penalty your ladyship?  Do I owe a fine?  Time?  My life?  Because honestly, the way my wrists chafing in these things I'm starting to see the value of being chucked out into the sea."
Centauriach came to a halt in front of Zexx, her dress shimmering again as it began to lighten from the black into a crimson as the fabric began to match the color of her lips while she looked down at him.  "Your life.  Your life, Mister Candell, is not worth the air we currently think we're breathing."
"But your children."
A flash of rage came to the one blue eye as the mechanical green eye only did it's best to copy the movement of the true one.  "Leave them alone."
"Mmm, is that where your bravado ends?  And so quickly too.  I had hoped we'd have more banter or at least more witty words," Ana'lyse sighed as she tutted the trapped warrior, smoothing the front of her dress as the red began to fade out now from just the brush of her hands.  Stark white began to flow from her midsection from down to up as her own lips began to change color to keep up with the magic of the garment.  "I will return in a few hours, I have a previous engagement to attend.  Not nearly as interesting as this one, but perhaps I will bring you a souvenir.  I do have four to pick from."
The hero for hire sat helpless as the governor turned away from him and walked with that same click of her heels, the white already shimmering to silver.  It was as if the very stars of the astral sea were on draping her in triumph as she left him to fester with how she held the pieces so close.
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fantasy-so-far · 2 years
Encounter in the Clouds [pt.2]
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[This rp is continued from here.]
Zexx Wrote:
"Mint?" As Zexx held it out he would grow contemplative for as he thought on her questions, opting to answer them all at once as best he could.  "What attracted me to this vocation?  Certainly wasn't much of a calling as most wouldn't want to answer what I wanted."
"And what I wanted, well I don't know if I'll get it but I still want it," as he lifted a hand to point off into the distance.
Into the horizon.
Alice did not so much as flinch when Zexx startled. She just watched him, greedily drinking in the full impression of his reaction. The smile on her face remained steadfast, though it twitched a bit at the corners until he started to laugh. She couldn’t help but join him, raising her hand to cover the lower half of her face as if to mimic him. She giggled delightedly while considering his words.
“It wasn’t my intention. I tried to stand in your peripherals before I spoke, so you’d acclimate to my presence,” she snickered.
Her jade green gaze swept over his features, lingering on various markers on his face and hands before making eye contact again. Her own youth-kissed features belied the mature intelligence beyond, and her quirky way of interacting with others only seemed to surface when she spoke. Then again, it may have seemed odd when she subtly leaned forward and took a discreet, albeit deep, breath through her nose when Zexx started to eat a piece of candy. When it was offered to her, she even hesitated.
“Are they…sugary?” She asked curiously as she peered at the bag. Before he could answer, she would reach out to claim one. “Yes, thank you.”
She put the treat into her mouth, sucked on it a few seconds and then not so subtly spit it into her hand. She closed her fingers around it and tucked her arm behind her back until she could privately dispose of it.
Who would have guessed candy is sugary?
Alice gave it no further attention unless he called her out because her attention was intensely set on his response to her questions.
“I really like that,” she responded brightly. Her gaze followed his gesture, and she searched it for that thing he wanted. “I don’t exactly know what it means, but I like it. It is like something I could read in an adventure novel. This is my first adventure. My first time traveling since leaving Ishgard. What is the closest you have ever gotten to having what you want? I assume it is an abstract desire, but…surely something continually taunts or teases you.”
He turned her stare back to him, watching him with continued intensity.
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memoriesofivalice · 2 years
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Time was a funny thing when the whole world is always moving fast. One moment you're walking the planks of Limsa Lominsa wide eyed and confused as the bustle of the city blows your mind. You find purpose, you find love, you find adventure, you find the life you'd dreamed about. But then the nagging feeling that it's not enough. It's never enough.
So you go forth and you search low within the dark parts of the cities, cresting the waves of the sea as adventure finds you as much as you seek it. You cross the world back and forth, gaining the experience of a lifetime in only a few short months. It's a lot to take in. It's a lot to take in before you look high.
High into the sky you catch sight of the passing ships, sailing on the currents of the wind and chasing the rising sun more then being passed by it's setting. Airships. You want to fly. You have to fly. But there's a cost.
Zexx yawned as he leaned on the railing of the Joiner, his eyes bleary against the wind but enjoying every second of the fresh air. Long hair tied back tight while a pair of goggles jiggled against his neck as he kept his eyes cast down to the clouds below keeping an eye out on things.
Watch duty wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but he was in the air. He was learning and applying those same skills to the real world now, it was a heft burden but an enjoyable one on the passenger ship. A night of low thrumming propellers and the wind all about him had made the night shift pass as best it could. Now with the rising sun he knew the passengers would begin to stir and come out on deck.
There might questions. More likely complaints. Maybe a compliment? Not likely. The day was young yet, who knew what might lay in store on this supposedly quiet journey east toward Uldah.
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a list of c, k and z names I did for someone bc they are super cool (the names and the person ^^) you can switch the k for c's in some of these names!!
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donotstealoc · 7 months
Blorbo Spotlight: Trynnt
Howdy gamers! In today's spotlight we have a character from Pip/Pyppyn (he/they) @pyppyn. Go check out their blog!
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Who do we have the pleasure of speaking with today?
Excelsior! I'm Trynnt! That's Explorer or Artificer Trynnt if we're using titles, but I just like my name.
What's your background? Where do you come from?
I'm from a smaller settlement on the Tarnished Coast called Rata Kasus. It's a good way away from Rata Sum but there are just as many krewes and labs at work out there. Fishing too, your regular coastal town. I graduated from the College of Synergetics and apprenticed with a few different krewes before making my own way in the world. These days I live in Lion's Arch with my family!
What are some important relationships in your life? (romantic, platonic, familial, etc)
I'm lucky to have two romantic partners - my wife Seffi and our other partner Welxx. His name may not be on our marriage contract but he's every bit important to us. They both mean the world to me and I'm glad to have made a life with them.
My other closest relationship would have to be my older brother Czoll. He and Seffi always looked out for me when we were little and to this day he's the kindest, most caring person I know. I love 'ya, big guy.
I have some great friends as well! i could talk to Zexx for hours about jewelcraft and chronomancy and the same goes for Neffh's understanding of the magitechnical use of necromancy. It's been a delight to work and learn with them and I'll always enjoy the time we spend together. True geniuses and great people, both of them.
This ah- this list would get really long if I kept going, so I'll move on!
Have you done anything you'd like to brag about?
You're giving an Asura an opportunity to brag? You're either very brave or very foolish and will regret this by the time I'm done!
I'm an elementalist - a weaver specifically - and I've always been fascinated by the way different kinds of magic interact. It all exists in a kind of balance across a broad spectrum. Not just the four elements, but everything! It's always changing, working in harmony at one point or total dissonance at another. That kind of ordered chaos got me thinking.
I'm also an artificer - an inventor. I make machines and technologies that I hope to use to better the world around us. Tyria's changed a lot in the past decade, and now more than ever is it important that we rebuild and we've been given an amazing opportunity to do that thanks to Aurene and Her unique fusion of different magics that should react violently - but don't!
-ah bolts, I'm rambling. I made a machine that uses prismaticite to alter the state of magic from one input to another! I call it the Prismatic Aetherconverter. Turns out if you cut those crystals in the precise way, you can alter their output of magic. Put that assembly in a channel and feed magic through the whole system, you get a means of shifting its attunement to your exact specifications.
I use this for my other craftwork. It's a great way to speed up enchanting or charging magitech and it's a great source of magic for study in lab environments! I hope to improve its scalability and introduce a number of different form factors in the coming years, make magic more accessible to the masses.
What's your profession? What does a typical day look like for you?
I'm an explorer with the Durmand Priory. I joined almost ten years ago now and my responsibilities there vary from day to day.
If I'm out in the field it probably means I'm part of an expedition or a Pact taskforce looking to discover something or solve a problem. For me that often means I'm a small part of a much bigger team. Excavation, ruins-delving, anomalous materials handling. Everybody's important and everybody's got their role to fill. What we uncover tends to end up in my lab for analysis and adaptation into artifice.
If I'm working back at the Priory proper, I serve a logistics role. Any equipment requests for advanced technology, enchanted items, and specialized tools flow through me and artificers like me - a golem suit for hazardous environments, a camera designed to look into the Mists, or special munitions for use against dragon minions, for instance.
I find the work to be quite fulfilling!
What are some hobbies you enjoy?
I like to collect and restore old technology for starters! Really old - stuff my grandparents would have used. Datapads, audio devices, communicators, golems and golemites, that sort of thing. A lot of it doesn't work but it has a history all the same. We Asura don't have many connections to our past because of the Elder Dragons, so it feels like a way to look back on where we came from.
I play Polymock too. I was never good enough for the pro leagues but what could be more fun than some simulated holographic violence between Tyria's deadliest monsters? There's a card game variant too that makes for good entertainment on longer expeditions.
If all of that wasn't enough, Seffi's good at keeping me active! We swim or go on hikes or head out to Tyria's different mountain ranges for rock climbing. We don't bother with climbing back down though - that's what gliders are for! She calls me a cheater for using earth magic to speed my way up the cliffs, but she sure doesn't complain about more airtime after the fact. The Festival of the Four Winds is the best time for it - tall rocks, strong currents, and the summer sun? Alchemy, that's just perfect.
That's all for today! If you're an UWU guild member and would like to put your character in the spotlight, use this form!
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eldridgecandell · 8 months
Eldridge Candell, Inquisitor of the Order of Embers
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The Basics ––– – Name: Eldridge Candell Nickname(s): Eld Age: 63 Birthday: Spring Race: Human Gender: Male Marital Status: Single
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Physical Appearance ––– – Hair: Thinning gray Eyes: Blue Height: 6′2 Build: Gnarled Distinguishing Marks: Nothing out of the ordinary for a history of violence Tattoos: Two, a lion of Stormwind and another on the inside of his wrist hidden by leather strapped bracer Piercings: None Common Accessories: Old Alliance dwarven made rifle marked with an 'RL' with appropriate powder and shot; new blackpowder pistol; a small steel crow's skull; trappings and equipment of the Order of Embers Likeness: Iain Glen
Personal Information––– – Profession: Scout, Soldier, Farmer, Miner, Witch Hunter, Inquistor Hobbies: Painting, Traveling, Cooking Languages: Common; Smattering of Gutterspeak and Orcish Residence: Nomadic; Arom’s Stand Birthplace: Stormwind Religion: Holy Light (nonpracticing) Patron Deity: None Fears: Plague, Drowning
Relationships ––– - Spouse: Widower (Marien Candell) Children: S = Zexx (MIA); D = Sarasam Parents: F = Ser Erlain Candell (Deceased); M = Nora Candell (Deceased) Siblings: Peter (Deceased); Jaine (Deceased); Bella (Deceased) Other Relatives: Gwynn Candell (granddaughter); Rey Candell (granddaughter); Gendry Candell (grandson); Xaya Candell (granddaughter) Pets: Stern, an emerald eyed crow
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: Active Turn ons: Intelligence, confidence, patience, kindness, adventurous. singers Turn offs: Drama Love Language: Privacy Relationship Tendencies: His heart died in the Third War, but he’s still alive.
Traits ––– -
Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Sometimes Drugs: Rarely Alcohol: Sometimes
RP Hooks ––– – Witch Hunter/Inquisitor - It’s his profession and life roaming the countryside of Drustvar for Witches, Drust, and other spooky creatures that look to harm the innocent. But that evil has defintely not exclusive to the island of Kul Tiras, finding the tides of darkness sail to all shores of Azeroth and beyond. Ride with him, ride against him, or call for aid and he will come, alone or with others. Having been at this work for some time he has been known to take on apprentices as ordered such as Cheryl Duun and Josiah Nuebern.
War. War never Changes - Eld has seen four different wars from both sides of winning and losing. A refugee from Stormwind during the First War, freedom fighter in the Second, a victim of the Third, and then a monster in the aftermath. The Fourth War sent him into his current life and redemption arc that never seems to find an end on the isle of Kul Tiras. As time passes, friends grow fewer and enemies grow plentiful. Be you friend or foe?
Beyond the Stars - The Shadowland Fiasco sent Azeroth into a mass hysteria that sent thousands into a introspective self diagnosed mind therapy that gripped the world in a collective held breath. Eld was no different. Delving beyond the Veil had numerous consequences that lead him to believe it was more than a dream, it had taken him beyond life or death. The memories are scattered at times but the feelings are still there of his missing time. A ship, a family, a journey, losses, and a final goodbye. There is a hole in his heart that will never be filled, but he doesn't want to fill it. That hole is a badge to something he never thought he'd have again.
Old Dog, Same Order, Unending Work - There is a darkness coming to the world and the Order will not sit idle while it goes to hell in a hand-basket. As small as the group may be, they are travelling to face the darkness beside any allies they can find. Beware the dark, depths, and the Black Rainbow that will feast on the sky.
HOW TO CONTACT: OoC - tumblr, Discord ( Mogwai Kraken#7988); In-Game: Eldridge (WRA) or Candell (MG)
IC––– – Dawn's light came trickling through the basement window, the frosted glass sending fractured spindles to chase at the shadows of the dark room. Eld was already awake sitting on the bed, but he was doing his best to stay out of it for a bit longer. The days had gotten longer to match the roads and it was not being kind to his bones. Joints and muscles would groan internally for his inner monologue to chastise at being soft. Getting old was awful.
Reaching up, the witch hunter would rub at his face with his calosed hands. His palms and fingers massaging at the sleep tinged eyes in hopes of releaving the ache of sleeping. They weren't doing a good job of it.
Sighing softly as Eld lowered his hands to his knees, his bleary vision would eye his bruised and sore feet as he tried his best to stretch the toes out for a bit of relief. There was a soft pop and stretch to his calves as he sighed softly feeling a moment of respite.
"On your feet Candell," the inquisitor would mutter, echoing the phrase spoken to him countless times on countless battlefields. His blue eyes would lift to spot the folded over tabard and mismatched gear that he'd been given by Dewitt and Langston. "Let's get to it."
Eldridge Candell, Inquisitor of the Order of Embers, had returned to Azeroth.
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embersoftheorder · 1 month
Eldridge Candell
Inquisitor of the Order of Embers
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The Basics ––– – Name: Eldridge Candell Nickname(s): Eld Age: 64 Birthday: Spring Race: Human Gender: Male Marital Status: Single Physical Appearance ––– – Hair: Thinning gray Eyes: Blue Height: 6′2 Build: Gnarled Distinguishing Marks: Nothing out of the ordinary for a history of violence Tattoos: Two, a lion of Stormwind and another on the inside of his wrist hidden by leather strapped bracer Piercings: None Common Accessories: Old Alliance dwarven made rifle marked with an 'RL' with appropriate powder and shot; new blackpowder pistol; old well used bayonet; a small steel crow's skull hung on a chain of silver; trappings and equipment of the Order of Embers; assorted eclectic trinkets of the world (rosary, dried onion, a holy light symbol, salt, etc) Likeness: Iain Glen
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Personal Information––– – Profession: Scout, Soldier, Farmer, Miner, Witch Hunter, Inquisitor Hobbies: Painting, Traveling, Cooking Languages: Common; Smattering of Gutterspeak and Orcish; Drust, read and write; Residence: Nomadic; Arom’s Stand Birthplace: Stormwind Religion: Holy Light (nonpracticing) Patron Deity: None Fears: Plague, Drowning
Relationships ––– - Spouse: Widower (Marien Candell) Children: S = Zexx (MIA); D = Sarasam Parents: F = Ser Erlain Candell (Deceased); M = Nora Candell (Deceased) Siblings: Peter (Deceased); Jaine (Deceased); Bella (Deceased) Other Relatives: Gwynn Candell (granddaughter); Rey Candell (granddaughter); Gendry Candell (grandson); Xaya Candell (granddaughter) Pets: Stern, an emerald eyed crow
Sex & Romance ––– - Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Preferred Emotional Role: submissive | dominant | switch Preferred Sexual Role: submissive | dominant | switch Libido: Active Turn ons: Intelligence, confidence, patience, kindness, adventurous. singers Turn offs: Drama Love Language: Privacy Relationship Tendencies: His heart died in the Third War, but he’s still alive.
Traits ––– - Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between / Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Cultured / In Between / Uncultured Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– – Smoking Habit: Sometimes Drugs: Rarely Alcohol: Sometimes
RP Hooks ––– – Witch Hunter/Inquisitor - It’s his profession and life roaming the countryside of Drustvar for Witches, Drust, and other spooky creatures that look to harm the innocent. But that evil has definitely not exclusive to the island of Kul Tiras, finding the tides of darkness sail to all shores of Azeroth and beyond. Ride with him, ride against him, or call for aid and he will come, alone or with others. Having been at this work for some time he has been known to take on apprentices as ordered such as Cheryl Duun and Josiah Nuebern.
War. War never Changes - Eld has seen four different wars from both sides of winning and losing. A refugee from Stormwind during the First War, freedom fighter in the Second, a victim of the Third, and then a monster in the aftermath. The Fourth War sent him into his current life and redemption arc that never seems to find an end on the isle of Kul Tiras. As time passes, friends grow fewer and enemies grow plentiful. Be you friend or foe?
Beyond the Stars - The Shadowland Fiasco sent Azeroth into a mass hysteria that sent thousands into a introspective self diagnosed mind therapy that gripped the world in a collective held breath. Eld was no different. Delving beyond the Veil had numerous consequences that lead him to believe it was more than a dream, it had taken him beyond life or death. The memories are scattered at times but the feelings are still there of his missing time. A ship, a family, a journey, losses, and a final goodbye. There is a hole in his heart that will never be filled, but he doesn't want to fill it. That hole is a badge to something he never thought he'd have again.
Old Dog, Same Order, Unending Work - There is a darkness coming to the world and the Order will not sit idle while it goes to hell in a hand-basket. As small as the group may be, they are travelling to face the darkness beside any allies they can find. Beware the dark, depths, and the Black Rainbow that will feast on the sky.
HOW TO CONTACT: OoC - tumblr, Discord ( Mogwai Kraken#7988) In-Game: Eldridge (WRA A-H 70 hunter) or Candell (MG A-H 70 rogue)
IC - "He's been down there a long time," murmured one of the miners as the pack of workers stared at the cave with worried glances. They shouldn't be this frightened but after so many years of torment by the Coven, Hexsworn, demons, and Tides knew what else had climbed out the gloom they had every right to be. Things in the night rarely didn't bump.
Foreman Strohnev crossed is arms and shook his head at the miner's whine, a loud 'hurmph' coming out from his thick walrus mustache. "Give em time."
For weeks things had been going well at the silver mine. Resources plentiful, work steady, and morale high as the profits that lined their pockets. The New Lion Mining Corporation was on it's way to becoming one of the most successful business ventures of this new Drustvar. A small work town had begun to spring up nearby in hopes of perhaps beginning an actual settlement as money was pumped back into the community.
Then the wailing had begun.
Most had hoped it would be some kind of soft cooing in the depths of the mine, something that would cause the willies and startled heads to rise thinking something was over their shoulder. This voice would have none of that. As a pick had struck rock, it came sharp and clear as a meal time whistle exploding through the carved tunnels to reverberate against stone and into flesh. High above in the upper corridors of the mine, men and women had cast aside tools to clutch at their ears in shock as they looked for the source. All eyes had traveled to the elevators further into the depths, whispers of those who might remain below.
None had come back up.
A search party was sent to investigate, the supervisor a hardy dwarf who had been down in the dark for years in the old country hills of Ironforge and Dun Morgh. Troggs, trolls, and beasts had plagued his life since he was a young beardling. He could handle a wail in a cave with a few other muscles to help him out.
The New Lion Mining Co was now short 12 men and had put up a posting for a new supervisor.
They hadn't had an interview yet.
Since the initial wail and disappearances, no one had dared to go down into the mine and memorials had already been scheduled along with letters of condolences to the families of those lost. Sad letters and pocket watches did not fill bellies or pay for supplies though, and word was sent east for aid from House Waycrest. Perhaps the guard would come or maybe a wizard to blast out the mine for the growing tragedy of New Lion as it was being whispered about. Foul moods, broken hearts, and no profits were stunting the fragile growth of this new colony.
The inquisitor arrived on a Tuesday afternoon upon an old black horse with a matching silent crow astride his shoulder.
He was an older man, his hair thin and gray to match the shabby beard he wore but his eyes spoke of a steel that ran deep and true despite the feet at the corners of them. With a crooked nose, chapped lips, and a voice to make men grimace as hard as him he had come to the office of the foreman. Broken leathers, tattered tabard, and an eclectic assortment of Tides knew what clinked among his carried belongings. The Order of Embers was always in dire straights with finances, but in service of Drustvar and House Waycrest there were none better to handle this sort of thing.
This inquisitor said his name was Eldridge. Eldridge Candell.
On Wednesday morning, the inquisitor had tied off his old horse and gathered his assortment of oddities to make his way into the mouth of the mine. He hadn't said anything to anyone, only asking for extra oil and a couple of lanterns to match some rough travel rations. With an old axe strapped to his belt to match an even older bayonet, Candell had swung a pack over his back and entered the mouth of terror.
The crow had planted itself in silent watch as the inquisitor disappeared.
Wednesday came and went.
Thursday passed without a sound.
Friday the miners began to murmur.
Saturday they gathered a watch.
Sunday broke with burning red sunlight and night fell with a spring storm.
Monday came with talk of what to do with the horse.
Tuesday was gone with the wind.
A week had gone by. No work. No news. No sound. No money.
No hope.
The crow sat silent in it's vigil. Was it waiting for the inquisitor's return? Or was it guarding the mine from the miners going in?
Or from what might come out?
Strohnev rubbed his mustache as he ordered the workers to get back to work. What work they would do, he didn't know but he wasn't getting anything for his coin having them worry and fret staring at a hole in the ground. He was not looking forward to writing to the Stand about needing another inquisitor or for them to at least come pick up the remaining effects of the missing man. Another man dead for this, what the hell was he gonna tell the authorities?
The crow let out a sharp croak, that made the foreman nearly jump out of his skin as he looked back to the mine entrance.
"Tides preserve," came a whisper that Strohnev was more shocked came from him as he stared at Inquisitor Candell.
The man leaned wearily against the frame of the door, his face grim and coated in thick layer of coal dust as his grimace caused the wrinkles to crack white lines across him. His pack was missing, his tabard was black and indiscernible of the colors of the Order. His knife was in his belt and a broken lantern hung loosely from the same. The man looked like hell had given him a proper chewing and spitting like he was the bitterest chew.
The foreman strode forward as the other miners spotted him and began to call out at the return of their 'savior'. A sick wet thud stopped him in his tracks as a stained leather sack flopped into the loose gravel.
A few tentative steps forward brought him to the sack as he leaned down to gently peer into the rank leather bag. The torturous withered face of an eyeless woman stared back at him, her face pockmarked with holes like a termite ridden floorboard. Her tongue languished out of her mouth, stained with black much as the stump that might have been her neck.
Foreman Strohnev shuddered as he quickly covered the bag back up and looked up to find the inquisitor standing over him looking grim. The older man grimly reached up to his shoulder and growled as he plucked something from his neck, a soft high squeal much like a piglet. It was insanely unpleasant as he felt his hands come to his ears, holding them tight as he looked in the inquisitors hand.
Squirming in his gloved hand was the oddest bug he'd maybe seen in his life. Bulbous red eyes, black body, orange legs with crystalline orange wings to match. It buzzed and flitted a bit in his hands as it struggled to right itself in his palm, the flecks of the old man's blood still shining on it's pincer mouth as it continued to wail.
It didn't last long as Candell closed his hand around it and squeezed hard enough to shake with as much violence as it took to snuff out the insects life.
Strohnev gaped at his hand and looked up into the inquisitor's face as he finally spoke with a dry cough and hoarse growl.
"Get back to work."
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Écouter / acheter: La Flore Intestinale / zexx-ee de La Flore Intestinale / zexx-ee
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gromrig · 1 year
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A full sketch page of my purple fluffy Chronomancer, Zexx! Done by the ever amazing @kiqo-gw2-corner. With special guest star of Kiqo's own Yitu doing a selfie with him. I love how this turned out so much, it captures him perfectly! I especially love him all tucked up reading one of his favorite trashy romance novels!
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17, 28, 31, 39, 47 for scio >:3c
17. Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult?
WELL let me introduce you to senator Mellow Rouselle. Their ex who is like 15 years older than them. their first love and possibly the only person they have ever Really been soft for. this relationship all went to shit after the empire took over and Scio wanted nothing to do with politics anymore. Since then they have been soft for no one and never will be <3
28. If your character was in today's world, what social media platforms would they avoid? Or be prominent on?
TRAGICALLY hed be an instagram girlie. love to post his lil drinks and tasteful thirsttraps. Runs a tastefull professional twitter rbing petitions and shit.
31. Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
we NEED a masquerade episode. we NEED it. Its definitly gold and shimmery and in the form of a vague butterfly so that is covering most of their face. i know this only asks for mask but he'd wear something that has the vibe of leatherharness dress (dont ask me how im no fashion guy) black with gold accents.
39. What's your character's guilty pleasure?
I think he has a lot of grew up rich guily pleasures now he is part of the rebellion and living paycheck to paycheck. loves expensive little creams and hair exfoliants. misses high end coruscanti restaurants everyday. ALSO his guilty pleasure are the shitty fries they serve at the Situation. he prefers them cold and mushy.
47. What is your character's reaction when someone does something nice for them?
It really depends what kind of nice! But overall it makes him think people want something from him. and hes usually right too! He doesnt mind trading favours or owing people tho so he'll take all the nicies he can get!!
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captzexx · 2 years
☯:  is my muse more idealistic or cynical?
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"Getting everything you wanted has a way of making you see the sun a bit brighter than before," Zexx smiled as he did his best ignore the explosion behind him as his children intercepted the boarding Nautiloid crew.
"Hmm," Eld grimaced as he loaded his crossbow with a shake of his head. "Go help them already."
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sailsonaseaoffate · 2 years
DWC February -  Day 4: Distant
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Above and beyond the rich purple haze of the astral sea stretched as far as the eye could fathom lending a beauty of unending promise to any that beheld it.  The endless stream of slow moving stars and galaxies lazily spiraling about those who traveled these cosmos.  Some for wealth.  Or power.  Or even just adventure.  For the witch hunter, it was just a need to find a way home.
Eld Candell sat silent at the prow of the ship, his hands idly oiling the practically ancient crossbow that he had carried since he was a boy in the kings army to beyond the fringes of life into death.  And now he was here.  Alone in the empty void of space.  Not truly alone but it felt like travelling with ghosts and figments of his imagination.  Was it a dream or was it a nightmare?
A nuzzle of a wet nose caused him to start a bit as he looked down to into the black void of Bandit's eyes, his placid face calm and dangerous as ever.  He was never for want or need, but Eld still knew when it was time to give scratches.  His hand did as was bidden of the dog.
"Eld."  Came the voice of the ghost he wished to avoid the most.
The witch hunter steeling his voice as much as his heart as he spoke.  "Zexx."
The warrior came to sit nearby the older Candell with a sigh, his hands coming to rub one another in the perpetual habit of never being able to hold still.  To say it was aggravating was an understatement.
"You holding up alrite?"  And then of course the man had to speak.
Eld sighed with his nose as he set his weapon aside to focus on petting his dog and avoiding looking at Zexx as much as possible.  "I'm fine."
"Right, right course ya are," Zexx would answer right away as he rubbed his hands again looking away as well.  The awkward pause between them filling up as much as the dark Wildspace that filled the cracks of their surroundings.  Who would break first?
"But ya see," Eld tried not to sigh as of course Zexx would fill the silence as quickly as he could again.  "The kids are getting kind of worried about you.  I mean ok with what you do cause you know, you do what you do.  But I mean they're worried that you might be getting kind of isolated."
The older Candell would make no move to acknowledge the concern, focusing on petting the hound's head.
"I know you've seen quite a bit of shit and this," the formally one eyed warrior would wave about at the endless sky around them.  "This is hardly ideal for you.  Hell it's hardly ideal for any of us."
Ideal?  Light, he just never shuts up though the inquisitor as he did his best to hide his growing resentment and frown lines.  His thickening grey beard doing well to hide those lines of stress and unhappiness but it seemed to only help emphasis his growing detachment from these Candells.
"Does that make sense?"  Zexx had been talking still, though Eld hadn't really been paying much attention.  When you talked as much as him, it kind of all ran together after awhile.  "Eld?"
The witch hunter coughed and cleared his throat as he responded now.  "What would you have me do?"
"Do?  I dunno, maybe just hang out with your grandchildren?  Teach them?  Be a part of us?"  Zexx's voice had grown a bit exasperated and frustrated as his mismatched eyes would lock on what should be a mirror of his own face.  "I mean we're family."
The witch hunter looked up now and locked eyes with what should be his own eyes.  As much as the colors might match, they couldn't be any further apart.  "Family?  We're family?"
Zexx stared, his mouth tight as the wall could be seen as much felt between the men.  Words might have want to be said but there didn't seem to be much to say.
"Zexx," Eld said softly with danger to match menace, rising up to his feet to look down at the taller man.  "We are not family."
"We have the same name.  We have the same colored hair and eyes.  But we both know the real truth.  You are not my son.  They are not my grandchildren," Eld continued to speak quietly as he loomed above Zexx, one hand slowly and perhaps involuntarily squeezing into a fist.  "I'm not your father.  My son died.  I saw it.  I buried him.  I bled for him.  I made my peace with him.  You did the same for your father.  We are not family."
"We're just ghosts."
The witch hunter turned and walked away from the man, his boots silent against the wood deck of the Wayfarer to match the shadowing hound at his side.  He would never look back to see the slumped shoulders and bowed head of a lonely boy.
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memoriesofivalice · 2 years
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
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A thin hand would come up to touch one of the gold hoops in his ears with a sad smile. "Oh yeah, got these for my birthday one year long time ago."
"They're very nice."
"Yeah, it was very surprising to receive," Zexx nodded to the fellow patron as much as himself. "Back then, birthdays were mostly just for a nice meal and quite a few to many drinks."
"You must of meant to a lot to them."
"And he meant a lot to me. You want another? Cause I'm gonna definitely need a few more."
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