#zhang junhao
heymeowmao · 1 year
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做自己的光 | Be Your Own Light E29 ☼ Conspiring.
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melodious-tear · 1 year
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sneak attack! :'D
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bwops · 7 months
永远忘不掉哩是第一次赚了钱 我想的不是钱 而是终于赚了钱 给我婆婆买个手机他们用了好多年
i'll never forget the first time i earned some money i'm not thinking about how i earned some money rather i'm thinking about how i finally earned some money and used that money to buy a mobile phone for my grandmother, which they used for many years
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linggluu · 2 months
Tf 3 gen;
My guesses for debut group;
Zhu Zhuxin, Su Xinhao, Zhang Ji, Zhang Zeyu, Zuo Hang
+either Deng Jiaxin, Yu yuhan or Mu Zhicheng
Zhang Junhao - solo
Chen Tianrun probs solo
Huang Shuo- solo
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tf-family · 3 years
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about me
i decided to make this post because my posts received a lot of likes these days (thank you guys so much!!), so i will put some personal infos and about my tumblr.
my name is matt, i'm 18 years old (may 4 2003), brazilian, black and a gay boy.
this tumblr was my personal acc back then, i used to post random icons and stuff, but since february/march i decided to focus on genshin only and my posts received a lot of attention, but this doesn't make my acc a tumblr to post icons, headers and layouts regularly, i don't accept submissions and only post when i want and have time to, my username isn't even related to genshin and i won't post always layout, but you can still follow me if you want!!
here i tried to do a moodboard with the things i like to draw attention sksksk also you can always follow my twitter or add me on genshin if you want to be friends!!
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sinflowerr · 3 years
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Team Domesticator being a hot mess
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sereiaxz · 3 years
Jojo whining: Its so hard to fight
Yizhou: No never its hard to do it
Drcchen abruptly gets up and goes straight to Siyuan: HAVE YOU THOUGHT IF YOU ARE MY BRO HUH? *pushes Siyuan chest twice*
Crayon: Dont get scared
Siyuan: Im not scared, because he HAS NEVER BEEN MY BRO
*The room explodes*
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-LOVABLE 210423 — Zhang Siyuan (G.G Zhang Siyuan), Duan Xingxing (X), and Chen Junhao (Drcchen)
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nextsevxn · 3 years
This list consists of trainees who were on my list but were unfortunately eliminated or just me preferring other trainees in the top 9. In no particular order I quickly realised it was in their rank order:
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Before you come at me for this, let me explain. I love that he’s a triple threat, and I enjoyed his performance especially “jade” as he was the perfect center for that song in my opinion. The reason why I chose other contestants over him in my final list is because I feel like he would shine more if he was a solo artist as supposed to being in a group. This was one of those cases like shangguan xiai last season where I was conflicted whether I want them in the group or not but nonetheless if 10 was the lineup he would be my 10th member.
This contestant became one of my faves during group battle. I really liked him in “stand” and “domesticator” which showcased his powerful and charismatic side. I admired his leadership qualities and his love for rap. The way he carries himself on stage makes him 10x handsome and his relationship with his brother danfeng is adorable. Also his “go hard” performance was so fire I was having the time of my life. Wishing the best for him and danfeng.
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You have no idea how much I love him despite not mentioning him in my blog ever. He is the definition of an idol and he is what were looking for in the lineup but clearly iqiyi had other plans. He is a beautiful performer and a great singer I’m honestly just blown away. I loved every performance he has done but if I were to pick one, its definitely “history”. Can’t wait to see him on stage again.
His rap is divine. I love this guy and he still has a soft spot in my heart. He may not be the best dancer, he has the stage presence to make up for it and does an amazing job every time. My favourite performances from him are “unworthy” and “domesticator”. Also, him fanboying over THE9 is such a mood I love him. I already miss him and junhao.
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Speaking of junhao, he’s also another honorable mention. He is another triple threat I admire on the show and his friendship with siyuan and sen are honestly the best. My favourite performances from him, well honestly, I can’t choose cause I enjoyed every stage he performed but I will pick “tou tou”. You know what would be awesome? If he, siyuan, sen and chase release a song together, I’d listen to that all day.
I thought I wouldn’t like him but I can’t help it. He is too adorable for words watch out chase. I noticed him when he was forced to do “stand” and I felt bad that he had to perform a song he didn’t want. Either way he is now someone who I look forward to on stage and I love his performances, especially “superpower”. I also enjoyed his “close to you” and “monsoon” stage. His pose in that photo ashsjs so cute!!!
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I love his voice. His vocals are out of this world. I knew he was good at singing but when he did “stop sugar” for the studio group battle challenge thing no idea where i went with that I swore my heart skipped a beat. He was great in “tou tou” but “stop sugar” was made for him. Anyway, his performances were so good especially “close to you” and “forever love” which was not aired screw you iqiyi.
My underrated favourite. He is another triple threat I like and is quite handsome I need to promote my faves you guys. I knew he’s a great dancer and rapper but when he was center for “stop sugar” I was blown away. My favourite performances were “history”, “stop sugar” and his part in “kick it”. His stage presence is amazing and I need people to know that he exists. Please look out for his future activities.
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His vocals. Thats all I’m gonna say. It’s disappointing to see that viewers slept on this guy when he has a dynamite voice. In both performances he did, he showcased his stellar vocals and his dance capabilities. Out of the two performances, I loved “let me stay” which highlighted his vocal ability but “never get low” was good too those light up fans were so cool I want one.
I was so mad when he got eliminated. He has such a deep sexy voice hold it together vivs and he’s a decent dancer. I love his performances in “unworthy” and “jade” oh not to mention “heartbreaker”. It’s sad that the only time people knew him was when liang sen delivered the iconic line “don’t touch my johan!” when ailizati wanted him to join his group but I’m excited to see what he does in the future.
Those are my 10 of many honorable mentions. It was so hard to pick just 10 to talk about because if I wanted to talk about all of my faves, this would be a long post like last season. Let me know who your faves are!!
link to my final top 9 ✨
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kungfuwushuworld · 2 years
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Tai Chi by  Junhao Zhang
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shadowetienne · 3 years
Qing Chun You Ni 3, Third Elimination Thoughts...
... and my personal top 9 going into the final.
I’m going to put this under a cut for spoilers reasons. I definitely have Thoughts. It’s going to be interesting to see how the move from 2-pick to 1-pick for the vote affects things for the final.
First of all, a sad goodbye to some trainees I really liked:
Jiang Jingzuo: I’ve liked him since Idol Producer and Tangram, and I really hope that things go smoothly for him from here. He’s so well rounded and has improved so much since IP and has such a lovely personality and dynamic with other contestants. I had hoped (and kind of expected) for him to get all the way to the final, even if I wasn’t sure that I believed in the chance of him debuting.
Wang Jiachen: I’m sad each time a member of Team Hunter leaves, they were one of the auditions that left the biggest impression on me. Also, Sun Yinghao gets so sad every time, and he’s my favorite, so that definitely contributes to me not wanting the others to be eliminated.
Cao Yu: Amazing dancer, and really great big brotherly energy towards a lot of the other trainees. Going to miss that for some of my favorites.
Chen Junhao: I just really like the music he makes, and he’s got great vocal and rap (and raps in a style I like, a rarity). He’s also really entertaining.
Zhang Siyuan: A rapper I like (again, this isn’t super common for me to like a rapper as a rapper) who is also an excellent vocalist. He’s also just got a really great dynamic with so many trainees, and it was fun to see him balance saying something very real about some of the remaining trainees skills while still not making it harsh.
Deng Zeming: Going to miss those vocals on the show. I wish he’d tried a few things a little further out of his comfort zone, he was so close to making it through.
There were other trainees that I liked (a lot of them at this point), but those are the ones that were eliminated this round that have been on my mind.
Some Disappointments from this Elimination:
(Other than eliminations)
Liu Jun dropping out of top 9. I’ve been worried that it might happen, and I do still hope that there’s a chance of him climbing back up. The vote margins are so tight from 8-20 honestly that there’s so much that could happen!
Several trainees who really just don’t have the debut skills ranking pretty high. I’m not going to name names, but you probably know who I am thinking about. I don’t mind any of them individually, and honestly find all of them at least charming to some degree. It’s going to be a strain on the group’s ability to be good performers if more than one of them breaks into the top 9 for the final though, and one of them seems nearly guaranteed to make it. This isn’t a new disappointment/worry, but it was a rather vivid one for this elimination.
Some Excitements from this Elimination:
Wang Nanjun made it through! I was worried about him, and I like him quite a bit. I’m glad that he’ll make it as far as the final even if I’m not sure that he has any sort of chance at debut at this point.
Yang Haoming made it through! Basically the same thing as Wang Nanjun, they’re both so talented, and I really enjoy their personalities and friendships on the show. I’m glad to see them both go to the finals.
Liu Guanyou into the top 9! He’s an excellent all around performer, and he’s adorable. I think that he’d be a really good part of the line up, and it’s good to see him getting that recognition.
Sun Yinghao (Kachine) having his rank go up a little! He is my favorite and he continues his steady climb. It makes me less worried for him going into the final.
Duan Xingxing staying in the top 9 (though going down a rank makes me antsy). One of the two stars of Team Hunter, and he’s also super well rounded as a performer.
Lian Huaiwei’s seeming stability in the upper rankings. He was someone I was worried might drop going from 9 pick to 2 pick, and he didn’t, which makes me less worried about him dropping going to 1 pick as well (though not completely unworried). I just want him to debut this time. He was so close in QCYN1.
My Personal Top Nine Going Into the Final:
Sun Yinghao (Kachine): Amazing dancer, and I really like his relationship with gender presentation. He’s a good, caring team member, and he’s a solid dance teacher (something that I expect that the final 9 may need a few of). Also just his attachment to his teammates and the way he cries over people leaving makes me soft. His vocals/rap do still need work, but considering that he came in with next to no vocal/rap training, and he has potential, I’m not too worried about it. One of the nice things about being in a group is that you can select lines for people based on their strengths.
Liu Jun: Amazing dancer, amazing choreographer, so very sweet and kind with other trainees, really good at teaching and breaking down dance for others (and look this is probably going to be a skill that the final team needs). Also charming and ridiculous. I really really want him to have the chance to be in the debut team because he seems to want it so much. Like with Yinghao, his vocals need some training, but he’s definitely got (a lot of) potential on that front.
Wang Nanjun (Krystian): It’s been creeping up on me how much I like him. If he wasn’t really all around skilled and a considerate teammate (it didn’t get focused on much, but there were a lot of snippets of him helping in the background of “Bamboo” practices after everything reshuffled), I could see how some of his personality might annoy me a little bit, but instead, it’s endearing to me, especially because of how the other contestants (especially Liu Jun) respond to him. I don’t have high hopes of him actually getting in (he just made it through this elimination), but I really do like him and want to see more from him.
Duan Xingxing: Another amazing dancer, also a really well-rounded contestant and performer just in general. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by his voice. I love how he’s so into cuter concepts despite initial impression.
Yang Haoming: He’s grown on me a lot as the show progresses! He’s amazingly well rounded, and he’s really held his own in very competitive stages! I want to see more performances from him.
Liu Guanyou: Another very versatile, well-rounded performer. His interactions with other trainees (especially Duan Xingxing) and how adorable he is really sell him as a final member for me.
Lian Huaiwei: He’s gotten so much better since QCYN1, and he was already honestly ready for the group then. I love how he’s meshed with this group, and I have really high hopes for him to debut.
Luo Yizhou: I’ve liked him pretty much from the start, and he’s finally making it onto my list. I do think that he’d make a good center (he did really well for the theme song), and he’s really well rounded, but also, excellent dancer. More vocal stability from him will definitely come with more training too.
Yu Jingtian (Tony) or Sun Yihang: I cannot choose which of the two I like more. I’ve liked Yu Jingtian since PDX101, and he’s gotten so much better since then, but he still feels incredibly young, and I’m worried for his current stress levels. He’s the slightly better rounded contestant of the two of them, but they’re both solid on that front. Sun Yihang appears in many ways to be the more mature of the two (sometimes that year-ish makes a big difference), and he’s an amazing dancer. I really love his dynamics with a lot of other trainees (especially Lian Huaiwei). Also, the idea of there being two SYHs in the group is really funny to me.
Thoughts on 2-Pick to 1-Pick:
Trainees with strong pair ups in voting are likely to take a hit from 2-pick to 1-pick, and the question becomes: how even is the actual vote distribution/which trainee takes more of the pair pick.
Some pairs that I feel like this could notably effect:
Sun Yinghao and Chang Huasen: My instinct on this one is that we’re going to see Chang Huasen drop several places from this, and Sun Yinghao will carry a lot of the 1-pick. I do know that Chang Huasen has a pretty dedicated following of his own, and I’ve not looked at the fundraising data enough to be sure, but the narrative being shown on the show very much seems like Sun Yinghao is the one carrying this, but it could definitely be a notable vote hit for him (I’m not too worried about his place in the top 9 though, just a little, especially because he’s my favorite). To be clear on this front, I think that Chang Huasen is charming and very pretty, but he’s very much nowhere near my top 9 because his skills are in need of quite a bit more work.
Duan Xingxing and Liu Guangyou: I feel like this is one where they might be a pretty even match up (though either Liu Guangyou picks up more spare second votes or has developed a stronger individual fandom based on him shooting past Duan Xingxing, my guess is on the former actually). This is concerning to me for both of their sakes because I could see it basically halving both of their vote rates. Hopefully they both have strong enough fandoms to carry them through.
Luo Yizhou and Tang Jiuzhou (Jojo): I suspect that this will hit Tang Jiuzhou harder than Luo Yizhou at this point (this might not have been true early in the season, but I do think that Luo Yizhou is very solidly one of the top fandom powers in the show at this point). I do think that most Tan Jiuzhou voters are probably also Luo Yizhou voters, and people who like the two of them as individuals pretty equally strike me as being more likely to vote for Luo Yizhou (the initial center, and much more skilled trainee) in 1-pick. However, while I predict there’s a good chance of Tang Jiuzhou’s rank dropping a little bit, I think that he’s pretty likely to stay in top 9. I’m honestly not sure that he’s ready to debut, but he does seem to work hard and is receptive to teaching, so I’m getting myself used to the idea.
Lian Huaiwei and Sun Yihang: This is another I suspect that there’s a pretty even split pair, and I’m worried that it’s going to negatively impact both of their rankings a fair bit for the final. I’m hoping that that’s not the case and that they both are able to hold onto their positions well.
A trainee that I worry might have a sudden drop because he strikes me as a potentially common second pick is Shi Qi (Chase Lee). He’s got great dynamics with a bunch of other trainees (including Yu Jingtian), and I worry that that will end up with him falling drastically.
Some Random Episode Thoughts:
I don’t love the ghost prank in general (though it’s a staple of this show at this point, so I’ve come to accept it will be a thing). But Sun Yinghao and Yang Haoming just being like, “Sorry I’m too busy having emotions to engage with this prank, let me cry,” was probably my favorite reaction that I’ve ever seen to these pranks (I am so soft for both of them about this).
I am really looking forward to mentor collab stages!
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biotechworld · 4 years
Semiconductor nanogrooves enhanced broad spectral band mmW and THz detection
Semiconductor nanogrooves enhanced broad spectral band mmW and THz detection
Credit: by Jinchao Tong, Fei Suo, Tianning Zhang, Zhiming Huang, Junhao Chu and Dao Hua Zhang Millimetre and terahertz wave detectors have a wide range of applications in areas such as communications, security, biological diagnosis, spectroscopy, and remote sensing. They are the components that can transform light information loaded by long-wavelength millimetre and terahertz waves into…
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rqs902 · 4 years
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ITS MY BOY ENYU!!!! ON THE FRONT PAGE???? okay also a big deal for zhaohao and li hao too!!!
ok now into part 2 of the ep
interesting that they focused on junhao for everybody. can understand he probably has the most different and struggle experience so probably more interesting for dramas sake lol im surprised they dont spend more time on shengen, considering his popularity. 
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA JUNHAO FREAKING OUT over the fact that they only learned the dance for 40 mins. LOL thats the level of tyger + kou cong + shengen, i can imagine the struggle of the yang guang nan hai group in comparison AHAHA i just imagine him running down the hall freaking out like HOW DID THEY LEARN THE DANCE IN JUST ONE CLASS WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE 
lollll “theyre all dachang boys” “theyre all zhang yixing’s students” HAHAHAH you know even though he is slightly struggling compared to the rest, he aint bad and theyre all taking it light hearted with laughter so seems like a good learning environment! and he’s confident he’ll get it LOL thats good! i think thats what makes him so amusing 
HAHAHA i love how lin mo just keeps giggling at junhao like he genuinely just finds him so amusing LOL yay for making new friends 
awww bc junhao’s always been a leader i feel like for him to finally feel like hes being taken care of is so nice. i have absolute confidence that this group will treat him kindly. AW HE CALLED HIM MOMO 
im still disappointed they have YET to show zhan yu’s funny/strange personality and this wouldve been a great opportunity bc hes surrounded by friends he’s comfortable with!! like his friendship with kou cong! or akey and lin mo! but sigh...
wow the lyrics are so fitting for lin mo to scream LOL but also ay his vocals?! aw im glad they put in a little rap for shengen and akey! honestly was kinda hoping for more bc they havent had a proper stage together before and i feel like itd be awesome but also junhao and zhan yu vocalization at the end was on point!!
lol all the kids being like zhang pd’s words are so detailed and professional... sigh theyve been missing out until now 
im glad they really pointed out how each member of this team did well! they really all did a great job with each of their parts, and they each got a little part to shine, and when put together, it was a complete performance. im proud of them and happy for them!
aw.... i feel like we’ve been waiting so long to hear lin mo get complimented.... i feel like it’s been since qcyn namanana that we’ve been waiting for him to redeem himself and climb back up to the peak. ugh its been nearly a year and a half. im just so terrified of whats gonna happen next bc im way too skeptical at this point to expect this high to continue, esp with what happened after namanana last time......... but for now, im happy. relieved hes finally getting the recognition he deserves and im happy that hes happy. lol i was also half scared we were gonna get spirit of the knight-ed again with his pink hair (nightmare flashbacks to lin mo and changxi’s deletion from that perf) i dont think ill ever get over that :( i feel like as a lin mo stan, ive been trained to not keep my hopes up and to prepare for the worst bc hes the type of person who just always gets the short end of the stick, it feels like. 
aw the part when they go back to the waiting room and jin fan is waiting for them with an encouraging smile and the whole exchange of "帥的真的帥的" "哇~可以吧" "我沒想到" "那必須的" our leader did them proud :’) 
ugh the part where luo jie calls them and tells them he can’t come back........ heart breaking. i can see why lin ran and xikan would be really affected. lin ran has been luo jie’s go-to since he left and knowing how their usual friendship involves making fun of one another and jokingly complaining about each other, it hits hard when lin ran says he cried his eyes out. it hurts that they didnt get to share the stage again before he left. xikan may not have shared the stage with luo jie during ip, but hes known him since then and has been with him through both rounds here. it interesting bc i feel like the namanana perf was very light hearted on qcyn but i cant see that happening here, esp with their outfits? 
aw shiwei and chaowen taking charge to raise their spirits :’) 
lin ran’s voice fits so well with this song wow! i really like his lines! also lol i didnt know xikan would have abs but okay and tbh im always hesitant about dances with props bc it always is so easy to look messy..... like every slight difference in angle in the way you hold your arms is immediately magnified 
and like sxl’s fan is obviously broken and having performed fan dances myself i know that that’s like the most annoying thing to happen on stage, and can be really difficult to deal with, even tho it happens ALL THE TIME with those types of fans ugh :( 
i mean its super kind of them to leave luo jie’s space empty for him, but its kinda weird to have parts of the audio missing sadly :( and also chaowen’s voice did something weird in the middle there, like its sounds weirdly weak 
wait didnt yixing tell them to close the fan? but they didnt? 
xikan’s facial expressions are perfecttt, good for him! wish they gave more screen time to shiwei during shiwei’s lines lol... but also i cant help but hear lin mo’s voice during that part LOL ugh speaking of which i miss that team dynamic namanana team a on qcyn HAHAHAH hwx being a brat and fjj running around wild and lin mo giving up on them all just laughing like idiots for hours on end while bo yuan just judges them from a corner LOL i love the beginning of the wenxuan and lin mo friendship good times :’)  
HAHAH ENYU AGAIN WITH THE REALEST COMMENTS - i agree AHHAHAH i love these kids too but there was something off about this stage 
im surprised but also not surprised by what the judges are saying 
o didnt realize sxl was supposed to be center but i guess that explains the big puffy thing on his shoulder lol.......... agree with cx tho, even without his broken fan, i think the fans made them look worse bc it just looked messy 
well idk if we’re getting all the stages today but at least jin fan’s is also getting aired! TYGER HUG FOR JIN FAN YESS
jin fan teaching them dance? yes thank you for showing us he is a good dancer. oof jin fan’s just too nice :( hes trying to avoid conflict too much that it caused conflict smh......... lol oscar trying to talk to su er hes having such struggle i feel that bro LOL hes doing really well though, tbh being relatively young, hes really trying his best and is being reasonable. 
LOL HE CALLED HIM JIN FAN GE i forgot jin fan is considered old lol..... jin fan really taking the higher road here and im glad they sat together and talked it out a bit
THE JIN FAN VOICE YESSSS hahahhaha kou cong holding the tyger sign!!
oo is that some of his bel canto-style singing coming through LOL 
AY NICE for hong weihao and oscar to put in some rap 
some of those high notes were a bit questionable at the end but okay jin fan is really claiming that vocal + dance teacher role i see.... interesting 
but agree with yixing that he doesnt need to force himself to do high notes bc his voice is so nice regardless!! yay for oscar getting recognition! im still waiting for jin fan to do a cool dance performance sigh
wasnt expecting an enyu feature BUT ILL TAKE IT 
oof huang enyu saying hes really trying to put himself out there by going for leader and the realest comment that he hasnt considered getting to debut he just wants to pass this round oof and he feels like his opportunities may be cut short bc hes getting old oof
enyu and chenxu crying watching the movie 
AW THEIR HAHA VIDEOS ARE THE CUTEST THING I LOVE THESE KIDSSS so sad that so many of them are at risk of elimination :(  im glad these vocals made their own friend group! I hope itll be a memory they carry forward. they do all have shared experiences as vocals on this show. 
this reaction to junrong’s voice
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same tho :’) but actually all of their voices are so so nice like actually these 5 are all people whose voices ive really listened for on this show, but wow renyu’s voice in particular like really ugh just sounds so pure 
also enyu looks really nice in this performance but thats a side note okay moving on
i mean literally these reactions
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and li hao crying while singing and so many kids in the waiting room crying while watching OOF this perf has got me emotional 
UGH ENYU his plea just.... the way he yelled it bc it mustve taken courage and it mustve been a frustration on his mind for a while now and bc maybe he wouldve broken down if he hadnt yelled it out but im really crying now.... and its so out of character for him that you know he really really is feeling desperate and feels the need to speak out
lol wait gjm posted on weibo about him? is that why hes getting more attention lol..........
i really hope the vocals win :( 
no tygers in the next ep preview? hmmMMMMMmm okay 
well also interesting that they put the other 4 perfs with the elims...... seems sketch but at least most of my kids got to go this week ahhhhhh i feel bad for the other groups already. esp the ones with the kids who arent as popular... 
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sinflowerr · 3 years
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Jojo the rose
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sereiaxz · 3 years
Hey sereia, do you have that pic of xingxing carrying both zhang siyuan and chen junhao in his arms or something bc I've been looking for it and couldn't find it (was it something I've dreamt of?)
Idk why I read this as Liang Sen instead of Xingxing, I put that pic but then said no its Liang Sen and I started to search this for 10 min then I got carried away with Yinghao pics then I realized now it said Xingxing here you go
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If I find another one from different angle I will add it
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