#zircon calls ba “babe” platonically
blackwldcw · 1 year
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, babe. Words. Clearly. In plain neo-cybex. Go."
The Eukarian huffs as they continue to rifle through their tool chest with trembling fingers. "I've had a breakthrough. The missing piece of the formula. It was staring me dead in the eye this entire time. Instead of utilising finite resources for the propagation of energy with a sufficient enough magnitude, we use our knowledge of quantum mechanics and generate a self-sustaining vortex-- an electrical field created from something similar to a black hole. But contained in here."
The other scientist holds a knuckle to his lips as he thinks on it. True, such an energy source had come up in their theoretical discussions, but all experiments had proven futile. Even quantum engines are finite. Their current goal, last he had heard, was to utilise natural phenomena such as geo-thermal and solar energy to create the device.
Of course, that begs the question. What if, billions of years in the future, the planet evolves in a way that the storms cease? What if a certain sea dries up or relocates? What if the sun dies, as all suns must eventually, and their race is forced to move elsewhere?
"That would propel our work ahead of schedule, but-- you're not telling me you've mastered that equation overnight."
Blackarachnia shoots him a small smile, and for a moment, just a moment, Zircon sees the youngling he used to argue with under Shockwave's charge. Not the battle-hardened and jaded being they had become. "I guess you could say it came to me in a dream. Now, are you going to be useful and hand me that actuator over there or are you just going to stand there?"
"I don't know," he hums, and then laughs, narrowly dodging a thrown wrench. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say, boss."
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