#at the end of the day a pretty good amica endura to have
blackwldcw · 1 year
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, babe. Words. Clearly. In plain neo-cybex. Go."
The Eukarian huffs as they continue to rifle through their tool chest with trembling fingers. "I've had a breakthrough. The missing piece of the formula. It was staring me dead in the eye this entire time. Instead of utilising finite resources for the propagation of energy with a sufficient enough magnitude, we use our knowledge of quantum mechanics and generate a self-sustaining vortex-- an electrical field created from something similar to a black hole. But contained in here."
The other scientist holds a knuckle to his lips as he thinks on it. True, such an energy source had come up in their theoretical discussions, but all experiments had proven futile. Even quantum engines are finite. Their current goal, last he had heard, was to utilise natural phenomena such as geo-thermal and solar energy to create the device.
Of course, that begs the question. What if, billions of years in the future, the planet evolves in a way that the storms cease? What if a certain sea dries up or relocates? What if the sun dies, as all suns must eventually, and their race is forced to move elsewhere?
"That would propel our work ahead of schedule, but-- you're not telling me you've mastered that equation overnight."
Blackarachnia shoots him a small smile, and for a moment, just a moment, Zircon sees the youngling he used to argue with under Shockwave's charge. Not the battle-hardened and jaded being they had become. "I guess you could say it came to me in a dream. Now, are you going to be useful and hand me that actuator over there or are you just going to stand there?"
"I don't know," he hums, and then laughs, narrowly dodging a thrown wrench. "Alright, alright. Whatever you say, boss."
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STUDY :     Ironhide of Simfur
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—    basics.
▸     is your muse tall/short /average? He’s about average? A little on the shorter side at 22ft, but.
▸     are they okay with their height? Sure, at least until he has to have someone grab something from a high shelf for him.
▸     what’s their hair like? Silver-streaked black, shoulder-length and a bit wavy. But you would never guess since he almost constantly has it tied up in a bun. It smells like lavender and he loves it when someone tries to braid it.
▸     do they spend a lot of time on their hair / grooming? Truthfully, no. He likes to stay clean - although after a good workshop binge he’s usually a right mess - but he doesn’t put a lot of thought into anything else unless he has a reason to, or unless someone else volunteers to help. Pulling dents and buffing scratches just isn’t worth it.
▸     does your muse care about their appearance / what others think? Not particularly. He knows he looks a bit odd even by Cybertronian standards, but he doesn’t care. And obviously some people out there like it. ;)
—    preferences.
▸     indoors or outdoors?     outdoors. ▸     rain or sunshine?     sunshine. ▸     forest or beach?     if he has to choose, forest. He’d take the desert over both of them any day, though. ▸     precious metals or gems?     gems. Precious metals are pretty but usually weak. ▸     flowers or perfumes?    flowers. ▸     personality or appearance?     personality. ▸     being alone or being in a crowd?  alone, or with a just few people he’s close to. ▸     order or anarchy?     order. Although a little anarchy always keeps things interesting. ▸     painful truths or white lies?     painful truths. ▸     science or magic?     science. ▸     peace or conflict?     peace. ▸     night or day?     day. ▸     dusk or dawn?     dawn. ▸     warmth or cold?     warmth. ▸     many acquaintances or a few close friends?      a few close friends. ▸     reading or playing a game?     reading.
—    questionnaire.
▸     what are some of your muse’s bad habits? Biting his digits, chewing on objects such as styluses or tools, occasional but excessive drinking, forgoing recharge, forgoing fuel, working himself ragged and/or until he gets hurt, forcing himself into his work when he’s angry or upset and hurting himself...
▸     has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? He lost most of his unit when Simfur fell - the only confirmed death was Shimmer, and Brontide made it out, but he doesn’t know if anyone else survived, including Igneous. Shimmer’s death hit him really hard; she was his closest friend in Simfur and if she had survived they probably would have ended up becoming amica endurae.
Not knowing if Igneous is dead or not haunts him a bit. Despite it all part of him will always care for them, and sometimes he wonders if he should have searched for them.
Sunstreaker hasn’t been officially declared deactivated, but him defecting to the Decepticons shook Ironhide; he and Sideswipe were about as close to kids as he thought he would ever have, and that betrayal stung. And not knowing whether or not Sunny is even still alive...
Watching Optimus die was its own special brand of hell.
▸     what are some fond memories your muse has? Making his first blaster. The first time Shimmer kissed him... and more. His first Festival of Solus Prime as Igneous’ personal guard. Moving to Iacon. Having fun with Kup in the academy The barfight he lost his denta in. His first date with Ratchet. Opening up his workshop in Iacon. The time Sunstreaker broke into his apartment. His first sparring match/teaching session with a newly-appointed Optimus Prime. His first visit to the library of Carsus. Breaking out of a Carsaic prison...
More recent ones? The first awkward interaction driving Lennox home. Holding Annabelle for the first time and not having her cry. Driving way too fast with Sarah. Tearing around the desert with Ratchet and/or Sideswipe.
▸     is it easy for your muse to kill? Hah, no.
▸     what’s it like when your muse breaks down? He doesn’t. He shuts down. He keeps going. He forces himself to just keep going, hides in the workshop and takes his anger or frustration or sadness out on some metal until he accidentally hurts himself - then he breaks down. He gets mad. He tears apart the workshop. He hurts himself more, until he finally just starts crying.
▸     is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Yes. He trusts far too easily.
▸     what’s your muse like when they’re in love? He’s soft. Quiet. A lot more open emotionally. He’ll try to take care of whoever’s on the receiving end of his affections, and he’ll try to impress them.
Tagged by: @venenataa​ Tagging: I don’t know I’m tired, say I tagged you.
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MTHTMTE Ch. 3: The Lost Light
"Yeah, I'm definitely lost." I finally admitted after roaming around the ship for about half an hour. It just seemed like every turn at the end of a hallway led to an identical hall. To be quite frank, at this point I was certain I was just going in one big circle. Like one of those Earth horror movies that Rodimus had sent me while he was on the organic planet.
The humans seemed like a pretty nice race if only a bit morbid, and I would like to go to their planet one day. I still remember the first time he ever showed me one of their infamous films. He had just gotten back to Cybertron after visiting the small blue planet for the first time and said he had something "totally rad" to show me.
These movies were actually how I got introduce to the idea of the female gender.
"There's no way that house is that big." I stared quizzically at the screen while clutching at my energon treats.
"That's why it's scary." Hot Rod spoke lowly with a mischievous look from his spot next to me on the recharge slab. I watched as the human male and female, as he called it, ran through the dark, abandoned house, trying to get away from the big furry monster chasing them.
Eventually, the two organics found a room with a red door and barricaded themselves in there using a storage unit that Hot Rod called a "dresser".
"I'm so sorry I got us into this, Jason." The female began to cry. "I never should have brought us here."
"It's okay, Elizabeth." 'They have some really odd names.' The male reached over and hugged her close to him. "We'll get through this. Together."
"In case we don't make it out of this, there's something I need to tell you." The female looked up to the male with red, puffy eyes. 'I didn't know organics could change color and shape at will.'
"Don't say that, Lizzy. We'll get out of this."
"Please." The female pleaded. "Just listen."
"Alright." The male gave in.
"Jason, I love you."
"I love you too, Elizabeth." They then pressed their faces together, connecting their lips, and- it looked like they were doing something with their tongues every once and a while. I leaned closer to try and figure out what they were doing, but I had no idea.
"What are they doing, Roddy?" I looked back over to Hot Rod to see him smirking. For a moment, I thought I saw a shade of energon pink on his face, but it must have been the light from the movie because when I blinked it was gone. He took a second to pause the film before answering me and I perked up to listen to him.
"The humans call it kissing. It's how they show affection. Like a bomp, or touching foreheads."
"So it's something they do with their Conjunx?" I tilted my head in thought
"Not necessarily. I've seen them do it with their Amicas too. It's kinda like how some bots interface with their Amicas."
"Oh." I slouched down again as I began to think about it. Even though he was my Amica Endura, I had never done something so intimate with Hot Rod before. Or anyone for that matter.
"Would you... like to try it? Kissing I mean!" Hot Rod asked and corrected himself with highly uncharacteristic nervousness. I was a little caught off guard by his question, but I considered it none the less.
"You don't mind?"
"No!" Hot Rod immediately replied. "Not at all! You're my Amica. I care for you deeply."
"Have you ever... kissed someone before?" I was curious to know, but I wasn't sure if I was using that word right.
"No, I haven't... But I would like to with you." He seemed a little sheepish that he hadn't done it before. This was the first time I had ever seen him so... unconfident.
"Then sure!" I sat up straight with an excited grin. "Let's do it!" I looked over to the viewing screen again to get another look at what to do.
When I thought I had a good idea of how I needed to go about this I turned back to Hot Rod. I moved to sit on my knees between his open thighs and pressed our flat metal chests together, just like the two humans. "Is this okay?"
He didn't respond verbally, but he did nod his head rapidly. He sat up straight so that he didn't need to lean back on his arms for support. Hot Rod then wrapped his newly freed limbs around my waist, pulling my frame flush with his.
I began to get a bit nervous. I've never been this close to another person before in my entire life. This was apparently something that some people do with their Conjunx after all, and I felt my face start to flush pink.
Since it seemed that Hot Rod had decided to take the position of the male I took that of the female and wrapped my arms around his neck. Hot Rod was the first to move from here and I followed suit.
The first brush of contact my lips had with his startled me and I flinched back. I wasn't sure how Hot Rod was going to react that. I didn't want him to think I wasn't comfortable enough with him as my Amica to be like this. However, his carefree chuckle reassured me.
"Heh. Sorry." I apologized, shifting my gaze away from his eyes.
"Don't be. It's okay. Do you want to try again?" Hot Rod tilted his head and gave me a soft look.
"Yeah. It just surprised me. And I've never seen another Cybertronian do this."
"It's mainly a human thing. Is that okay?" He looked like he was becoming more and more unsure of continuing.
"Of course! It's just different. Which isn't a bad thing! I-" I cut myself off before I could start rambling. "I think I'm ready now."
"Hehe. Alright." Hot Rod pulled me flush with him again. This time when our lips met I was prepared.
It was honestly a bit awkward at first, but after a few tries with different angles, we managed to find a good rhythm. I was sure that I had it down. That is until Hot Rod's lips parted mine and his tongue traced my top lip.
This time I didn't pull away despite my shock. I wasn't confident enough to openly reciprocate, but I did move my own tongue to the edge my lips. Hot Rod then resealed our lips and tangled our tongues together.
Now I had no clue what I was supposed to do, so I just let my Amica take over the interaction. This isn't unusual for us. Hot Rod has always had the more dominant personality out of the two of us. It's not uncommon for him to take charge of situations when we're together.
The kiss went on for a while and ended up getting very intricate and heated. At some point, Hot Rod had grabbed my thighs and hooked them around his waist so that I was sitting in his lap. I was beginning to wonder if this is how all kisses go, and if this is what human friends do, then what do human lovers do?
Then Hot Rod's engine revved. We both instantly let go. I pulled back and slid off of his lap, but kept my legs draped over his. "Sorry."
"It's alright. My fans were about to turn on anyway." I reassured him.
"Well, that makes me feel a little better." He chuckled and leaned forward, placing his forehead on my shoulder. I leaned my head on top of his and we stayed like this for a while in comfortable silence. Hot Rod was the first to break that silence. "Wanna continue watching the movie?"
It was a pleasant memory with my Amica, and it was only later, after watching the other movies Hot Rod sent me, that I found out that human friends do kiss sometimes but not like that. I'm sure Hot Rod didn't know at the time either and must have been too embarrassed to tell me otherwise himself.
Unfortunately, we haven't had the chance to recreate our bond since Hot Rod was reformed into Rodimus. When Hot Rod merged with the Matrix and became Rodimus all ties he had to anyone were severed. I was hoping that this trip would allow us the chance to become Amica Enduras again. 'If he still wants to be that is.'
This time when I turned a corner I decided to start opening doors and hope for the best. The best being Rodimus behind one of them or someone who could lead me to him.
After opening every door down two different hallways, and finding nothing but small storage units, I stumbled upon the hab suites.
"HOW BIG IS THIS PLACE!?" I yelled in utter surprise and lifted my hands up to my head and rubbed harshly at it. I quickly got bored of walking around and decided to choose one of the rooms, so I could set my stuff down and look for Rodimus faster.
The fifth room I looked into seemed nice and everything was low enough for me to use without any hassle. I sat down so that the bottom of the case was flat on the floor and unhooked it from my shoulders and hips.
I got back up and stretched out, turning my abdomen left then right, and then rotating my shoulders. Thanks to my body's nature the box and its contents weren't heavy, but the constant weight on my frame did cause some discomfort after a while, and I was in line for a few hours.
I began to hear the quantum engines startup meaning we were about to leave. "I better go find Rodimus before he thinks that he left without me or that I didn't come."
Rodimus was now in a very foul mood. He didn't want to deal with Nova Gen going back on her word, and he certainly didn't want to deal with whatever Red Alert was saying Ratchet brought on board. He trusted her. Something he didn't do very often.
'The least she could have done was call and make up some half decent excuse for not even showing up. In the past, she would always tell me if she wouldn't be able to see me and why. Ninety percent of the time it was because of her stupid job, but she said she quit.' Rodimus didn't even take the time to realize that she wouldn't do something like that to anyone, let alone to him. He was too upset.
"It can wait. It's time we were off," Rodimus said, not even bothering to hide the anger and irritation in his voice.
"I'm sorry your friend didn't come, Rodimus." Drift came up behind the red mech and rested a comforting hand on his shoulder, but Ultra Magnus spoke up before Rodimus could reply.
"Incoming call from Bumblebee. Want to take it?" Rodimus shrugged Drift's hand off of his shoulder without so much as looking at him.
"No." With that Rodmius gave the command to lift off.
I felt the ship begin to leave the surface of Cybertron, so I made my way to the door. I pressed the button to open the door when suddenly a huge explosion went off somewhere on the ship not too far from my position. I was propelled to the other side of the hab suite by the sheer force of it. Whenever I hit the back wall I could feel throbbing pain spread throughout my head and into the internal neural network of my brain.
Shadows began to creep into the outer edges of my vision, making everything around me fade into darkness. 'Well,'
'That... can't be... goo~...'
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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teechew · 6 years
Transformers OC master post
They’re made for the IDW-verse. All the girls find themselves on the same shuttle, heading for Cybertron. Queue adventures. Bot size (Megatron for scale):
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Holoforms size comparison:
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Tag: Ironfury Alt-mode: drill truck Role/Job: Foot soldier/Miner Affiliation: Ex-Decepticon - She tries to go along anyone. But if you attack her you’ll get a punch back Type of spark: Constructed cold - A malfunction made her spark split in two. Her brother simply got the next constructed body Age: Was already online before the war Weapon: Hand-to-hand specialist, The crane on her back can be used as a whip or a long sword. Her fighting style imitate the tiger school of martial art. She own build-in canon in her palm and shoot magma amunition Particularity: Specialized in metal schreding. She posesses a lava core around her spark. This give her a highter intern temperature. Fury possess a synchronised spark brother (twin),  They do NOT look alike
Personnality: Loudmouthed, hot-head and short fused are gentle words to explain that Fury has anger issues and a big problem with authority. She is of a joker nature and will gladly go out of her way to help her friends instead of obeying orders. Being isolated during a long period of time she can be pretty talkative and familiar
Backstory: She spend most of her days underground ; she actually liked her job, unlike her brother. When the revolution started she didn’t join immediatly, it’s only when it became a civil war and that her brother decided to participate that she joined... As a decepticon. She mainly wanted to be with her twin and tried to stick with him. Unfortunatly their superiors had other plans and they ended up separated. The abscence of her brother coupled with autoritarians orders made her lose sight and she left the Decepticons. On the run since then she tries to avoid staying in one place too long because of the DJD. Even though the war ended she still unsure she can go back on Cybertron without getting in trouble.
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Tag: Boombox Alt-mode: Glitter car with complete sound system. Role/Job: Scout Affiliation: Decepticon, Though she was constructed by the Autobots Type of spark: constructed cold - M.T.O Age: She was activated less than 100 years before the end of the war - She’s considered a sparkling by some. Weapon: Regular guns and a sound blast. She’s also quite fast on her wheels. Particularity: Despite her paintjob, her continuous beat streaming and her talkative personnality she’s REALLY good at sneaking around. She has an Amica Endura in Sugarush - They have a duo attack where Boombox amplifies Sugarush’s sonar in a sonar scream.
Personnality: Exhuberant and confident. She’s a team player that can’t process well when alone. A real chatterbox you often ask yourself how she’s so good at sneaking around. An excellent liar, she’s very good at playing the obvious and clueless. Being young she’s reckless and dare a lot of stun, she likes speed and adventures but she’s also very loyal to her friend. She’ll defend shy Sugarush agasint the whole world if she has to !
Backstory: Immediatly threw in the battleground after her activation, Boombox never knew better than the war. She survived thanks to her lies and quick thinking. She met Sugarush, an other MTO, and both worked so well together that non only their superiors were always putting them on the same mission but they became Amica Endura. The only time they got separated was when Boombox was sent on Earth for a scouting mission - there she discovered the many music style and LOVED IT ! Now that the war is over she’s excited to know that peace is all about. So far: politics is annoying.
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Tag: Sugarush Alt-mode: Shark Submarine Role/Job: Scout / Assassin Affiliation: Decepticon. Type of spark: constructed cold - M.T.O Age: Activated 200 years before the end of the war - She’s considered a sparkling by some. Weapon: Hidden blades in her forearms. She also can produces a sonar pulse - originally she uses it to locate herself in deep/dark waters. Particularity: Her forehead is an echo chamber, any small bump on it get amplified and can knock her out. She’s an excellent cook and do energon croquettes like nobody else ! She has an Amica Endura in Boombox - They have a duo attack where Boombox amplifies Sugarush’s sonar in a sonar scream.
Personnality: Due to isolation after her activation she was unable to pick up social skills and end up very shy and akward around people. She’s better when left alone or with close friends. However she’s a flight or fight type of friend and will go against her will just to help her friends! She’s brave but needs encouragment to do well. Stressed at all time she often imagine the worst scenarios. She has a knack for sweet food and exploration. She’s the happiest when water is involved and loves swimming.
Backstory: Nobody though the hydrobot would survive once activated. Because her alt-mode was only suited for water environment she was often put on the side of mission and was isolated - This let her discover her cooking skills but she felt miserable and useless. So she trained according to her weakness to make them assets instead. From a slowish bot she became one of the fastest running scout. She also learned how to move gracefully outside of water and doing it silently. She became an excellent assassin able to find her way in vents and corridors with ease thanks to her internal sonar. Her name was orinally Steelfang but everyone started calling her Sugarush due to her sweet tooth and the fact that she would shake everytime she got to talk about a topic she liked. One day she was paired with a chatterbox and despite their opposite personnality they became best friend and worked together since then. Sugarush is excited for the war to be over. She hopes to get some exploration done on Cybertron with Boombox.
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Tag: Starlight Alt-mode: Bike-copter Role/Job: Mascot Sniper/First aid Affiliation: Non-aligned Type of spark: Unknow Age: Seems to be less than 15 years old. Weapon: Thanks to her scavenging knowledge she build herself arms that she can use as weapons. She prefers long range one like sniper rifle. She’s also amazingly ressourful. Particularity: Missing her right arm she doesn’t seems handicaped by it and can even transform just fine. Her left-forearm is equipped with medical tools - she don’t know how to use them much and is in need of a proper medical formation. She’s a bit clumsy and trips on her blades often.
Personnality: Because she was left isolated for so long she’s very curious of everything and ask a lot of questions ; but she’s well behaved and do so with politness. She still very naive and thinks everyone is kind and friendly - often at her own expense.
Backstory: Nobody seems to know where she comes from and how she came to be and WHY such a young sparkling was left alone, scavenging for her survival, on a wasteland planet where the Cybertronian war left nothing but corpses and crashsite. Left unchecked the sparkling learned to build weapon and shelters on her own. She had no idea that a big war was happenning and was simply surviving , wainting for someone to come and tell her what to do. She’s excited to see Cybertron and makes other sparkling friends !
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Tag: Coredive Alt-mode: Car Role/Job: Technician / Hacker Affiliation: Non-aligned - Velocytronian Type of spark: Forged Age: Approx 2 million years old. But due to being a colonist she did not participate in the war. Weapon: Regular guns. She posesses an invisibility cloak as well as hacking fingertips. She’s best suited for infiltration without confrontation. Particularity:  She can uses her fingers and hair for better hacking, projecting herself directly in the systems ; this is not without risks. Her foot model are design to make no sound when she walks. She’s very intelligent and can think twice as fast as anyone.
Personnality: Confident, vain and shallow, Coredive isn’t your friendly-neighbour and will complains about you and your paintjob right after you met her. She likes when things are done fast and well and if possible without much effort and trouble involved. She will not trust you until you’ve prooven yourself  and if you are wary of her she won’t blame you ; but she’ll certainly won’t do much to help you trust her. Once you get to know her she’s a very insecure person with a constant need of validation. Like any Velocitronian she enjoy speed and races.
Backstory: Meet the official owner of the shuttle. Her mission was simple: leave Cybertron, get the cargo on this lost-in-space station, come back, get paid. But apparently her shuttle has the words “FREE RIDE FOR CYBERTRON” written all over it. Cause now she lives with 5 bots she never met before. Originally her mission was a punishment for hacking in a community computer and got caugh. She was more than happy to leave Cybertron where everyone seems to know her and her bad reputation from Velocitron and her so-many hacking job at changing races scores for her various employers. Althrough she likes speed she embraces any deviation from their original course to Cybertron, she doesn’t want to go “home”.
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Tag: Cometstrike Alt-mode: Spacebound jet Role/Job: Soldier (ex lieutenant) Affiliation: Rogue Autobot - currently has a bounty on her head Type of spark: Forged Age: Was activated long before the war. Weapon: She posesses energon blades on her forearms and exceles during flight fight. She’s an experienced soldier and good strategist. Particularity:  She’s design to fly and walking feels akward to her so she hoover above the ground. Her wings are fully articulated. Her right eye is her blind spot.
Personnality: A natural send of the justice and fairplay, Comet is a stern person whom clearly saw too much during the war. A bot of few words she prefers acting than talking and is a natural leader. Though she knows when to listen and follow orders when giving some. To relax and unwind she can often be found flying around and do acrobatics, she just love flying. Surprinsigly she’s self-conscious about her scars and hide them with her visor at all time.
Backstory: She was a good autobot, a promessing soldier that was climbing the rank slowly but steadily... And then she became rogue. She doesn’t like to talk about it but when she does ; she simply said that she didn’t betrayed the cause, that the cause betrayed her. Just like Fury she’s on the run but don’t hide from her hunters and even confront them. She’s the one that found Starlight and agreed to stay around her only until she get proper helps on Cybertron. 
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captainbaneberry · 7 years
Nautica/Firestar. Nautica is fixing a control panel in a vent and her lower end is sticking out of the vent in a hallway. Firestar comes by and sees her sticking out and decides to take the opportunity that is presented and frags Nautica silly. Nautica gets moaning and it echoes thru the ventwork.
“Solus, the wires are such a mess.”
Firestar exvented, checking her chronometer. She looked at Nautica across the room. Nautica’s top half was wedged inside an open vent as she worked on the fixing… God, Firestar couldn’t remember. She’d been repairing the damn panel for nearly an hour now, and Firestar was getting impatient.
“Just promise you’ll fix it in the next thirty minutes,” Firestar pleaded, sitting back on the bench. The room was tiny, and Nautica’s rear was… very close to Firestar’s face. Not that she minded; Nautica had a nice aft. But she had made plans with her amica endurae that evening, and wasn’t keen on breaking them.
“You can go without me, Star,” Nautica reassured, binding two shredded wires.
“You’re always trying to get out of these things,” Firestar huffed, glowering at Nautica’s behind. “Besides, it’s just a little get together. Rosanna and Glyph are throwing a party after officially becoming amica endurae. They only invited me, you, Astroscope, and Cryostase. Glyph and Astro are huge nerds, so you’ll get along with them fine.”
“I just don’t want you to feel you’re forced to stay here,” Nautica explained.
“It’s to keep you company. S'what amica endurae do.”
Nautica smiled. “Yeah, true.” Even if that also meant going to parties they had no interest in, to support their friend. Firestar was also hoping to introduce her to more friends, to get Nautica out of her shell. “Well, Firestar, got some good news,” she said, quickly reconnecting the last three wires. “I’m all done!”
Firestar bumped a fist, mouthing a wordless “yes!” “C'mon, glitch,” she said, standing, flames on her head flaring. “Let’s get you polished up then go party!”
Nautica nodded. “Yup.” She braced her hands against the walls, using them to push herself out. “Just a second…” Except… nothing happened. She pushed a little harder, but armor and kibble along her back and shoulders got in the way. Armor that could not be removed properly at this angle.
“What’re you doin’?”
“Uhh…” Nautica shoved and wiggled a few more times. “I’m… sorta… stuck.”
“Stuck?” Firestar gawped. “How’d you even get in there in the first place!”
“I just–crawled in! I don’t know!”
“Well, can we take the wall apart a little?”
“No way! We’d get into so much trouble!” Nautica disagreed, shaking her head. “Why don’t you try pulling me out? I might dent a few things, even tear my pauldrons, but… Well, the show must go on.”
Firestar nodded. She took Nautica by the legs. “Ready?”
Firestar started pulling. Nautica struggled, until the pain shooting and jabbing through her torso was unbearable. “S-Stop! Stop!” she cried, dropping her fhead. Venting heavily as her spark skipped and jolted in her chest.
“Why don’t we call maintenance?” Firestar suggested.
“Maintenance isn’t here,” Nautica exvented low and long. “That’s why they asked me instead.”
Firestar stamped her foot, pouting. “Well… I’m sure one of them could come back. Or we could call an ambulance. There’s a clinic a few blocks away. So long as we’re out in forty-five minutes, we’re good.”
Nautica groaned. “I suppose. But I can’t comm anyone from inside this thing. Blocks signals.”
“Mm'on it, bot,” Firestar chuckled, opening a commlink. Nautica, ashamed with her face buried in her hands, listened to her friend explain the situation. A minute later, she closed the transmission, and now Firestar sounded grumpy. “They said it might take about thirty minutes to get here, maybe more. I don’t think she took me seriously.”
“Just go to the party without me, Star.”
Firestar rolled her optics, flopping over Nautica’s rump and resting hands on her back. “We’re stuck. You in there, me with you,” she snorted, half-grinning. “If they take any longer, I’ll ring up Rosanna and explain what’s up. The party ends before night simulation anyway, and that’s in four hours.”
“I’m really sorry.”
Firestar was about to say something, when suddenly an idea struck her. One that made the fire crackling from her helm brighter and stronger. “No need to apologize, Nautica,” she said, cupping her friend’s aft. “I think I know what we can do while we wait for help to arrive.”
Nautica’s optics flickered, twin beams of blue light in the dark shaft. “… By the, uh, hand on my aft,” she gulped, “I’m assuming…?”
“Like this?” Nautica squeaked. “B-But–”
“No, no, it’s perfect,” Firestar chuckled, tapping her fingers on Nautica’s panel. The purple bot jumped. “Unless you don’t wanna, and we just… stand here and complain.”
Nautica chewed her lip. “W-Well… I mean… I guess it’d be… interesting?” Firestar was always trying to get her try and do new things. Maybe this qualified as one of them? “Okay, but! The moment I hear someone on the other side of those doors–”
“–Right, right,” Firestar snickered, “cut me some slack. It’ll be great, trust me.”
Nautica trusted Firestar–with certain things. This… not so much. It’d be a first time for the both of them. Or, at least, Nautica figured it was. Firestar was known for having some interesting kinks, after all. She didn’t expect much out of this experience; it was probably going to be more awkward than pleasurable. Uncomfortable, given her position.
… Nautica had been wrong before. Because what did start as weird and slightly discomforting fondling and prepping turned into something too ridiculously incredible for a situation like this. Firestar was soon holding her hips, lining herself up to Nautica’s channel before sliding inside, inch by inch. Nautica gasped, slamming a fist against a wall; the vibrations rattled through the entire shaft, metal wobbling.
Firestar was much more skilled when it came to interfacing. Nautica had done her fair share of fragging, but not nearly on the same level as her amica endura. She knew what to do to have a pretty good time, but this… Interfacing with Firestar was always a wild ride. This took the cake, and Nautica wasn’t exactly sure why. It couldn’t have been her own slight exhibitionist streak; she was a mostly introverted person. But Nautica knew the sounds she was making were loud enough to travel through the shaft and out the vents into rooms, some with probably really confused people inside.
“S-S-Solus, Firestar, oh mm–” Nautica whined, panting. Firestar was fully seated inside of her; sometimes slamming half in, half out, other times pulling out to the tip then thrusting, over and over again. The pace was too fast, unpredictable, and all Nautica could do was cry and whimper and clumsily shake her bottom half in Firestar’s arms.
Nautica could just imagine Firestar’s unit–red, orange, with blue biolights along the shaft and top of the head. The heat of their light radiated against her channel walls, wet and expanding to take more of the fiery bot. Her channel, obscenely open and dripping so much lubricant; she could feel it on her thighs, down her legs, and wondered just how big a puddle she’d made so far. Fun explaining that to the EMTs when they came around. Nautica might have complained, but all that she could say was Solus and Firestar’s names, peppered with plenty of profanities and mewls.
“Y-You open s-so nicely for me,” Firestar sneered, chewing on her tongue. Bending over the purple bot, one hand still holding a hip as the other steadied itself against the wall. She snapped her hips faster, repressing laughter at the loud squeals coming from inside the shaft.
Nautica was rocking hard and fast, the armor and kibble keeping her stuck in the hole pounding against its edges. Didn’t hurt–at least, she couldn’t feel any pain. Nothing strong enough to tear her hazy, spinning mind from all the heat and sensations racing from her channel through the rest of her frame. “F-Fire-s-star,” she stammered, crossed optics lidded and tongue hanging from her mouth. Fingers digging into the walls at her sides intensely enough to dent the metal. It was getting far too humid in this shaft, making her even more dizzy. Two stories above, a Camien was peeking inside their vent, wondering about the strange muffled noises.
“Scrap, Nautica,” Firestar snarled, watching her unit move swiftly in and out of the purple bot’s channel. Never too much; the wet, clanging noises as her pelvis hit her aft not nearly as loud as Nautica’s yelping. “Could do t-this all day.”
Nautica vented out a string of oh-oh-ohs, coolant spittle flying from her lips and dangling tongue with each violent sway of her body. She grabbed her chestplates, finding a seam and probing it with two fingers. The low groan she made was fairly embarrassing, but only about three or so people heard it. No one could see her, thankfully, and she couldn’t hear anyone above or below complaining or questioning or suggesting checking the shaft for the source of the moans.
“You m-make such filthy s-sounds,” Firestar grinned, teeth clenched. She reached down, thrusting a finger beneath Nautica’s hood and stroking the node alongside her unit.
Nautica screamed, vision going white. Her visor snapped into place over her head. A second later, she heard a faint voice coming from below: “I-Is someone up there?”
“F-Firestar, Firestar,” Nautica croaked, “I’m gonna–harder, just a little–”
Firestar snarled. “Yeah, yeah, I’m just–”
The two overloaded, almost at the exact same time, give or take a few seconds. Firestar howled, tugging and yanking on her friend. Nautica cried out again, jerked just hard enough–both bots squealed as Nautica suddenly tumbled out of the hole, hitting Firestar and knocking them to the ground a few feet away.
Nautica slowly sat up, Firestar’s depressurized unit limp against her thigh. She glanced back at the red-yellow bot, blinking behind her visor.
Firestar snorted, then started laughing. “Your visor!”
“That was… What?” Nautica giggled, pushing the visor back. “How in the Forge…” She looked around, awed and baffled.
“Well,” Firestar exvented, “I think we can call off the ambulance.”
“Yeah,” Nautica agreed, wiping her optics dry. “You do that. I’m gonna… find some cleaner. And a mop.”
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though, not loud.  they were not screaming in agony, nor crying from sorrows.  no, they were muffled;  though forcefully so, as if any louder and they would be harmed because of it.  rodimus recognized this place, recognized the cries, the forced silence.  and just like that, he was home.
the acroplex.
optics darted around the place, looking for a tangent of something that indicated it wasn’t real, but it was all too real.  he glanced at himself.  it was an older frame, his frame.  he was hot rod.  he was home after a long day of trying to counter whatever zeta prime had planned.
when he glanced around again, he picked out a few familiar faces.  friends, ones he grew close to.  they were more like family than anything.
he could distinguish each one of them just by looking at them.
there was flarestrike.  a mech who bore a deepened red colour for his paint job, proudly so, though decorated with white “  flares  ” to compliment his name.  while his frame was inviting, his optics seemed quite the opposite;  amazing what optic color does to change perspective.
(  “  don’t be scared,  ” states hot rod,  “  flarestrike’s truly friendly, with a spark of gold and the personality to match.  his optics might be red, and you might feel like you need to run, but he’s not like that.  he won’t hurt anyone  ”  some listen to his pleas, others ignore the truth.  he feels bad for those missing out on one of the kindest mechs he had met.  )
then there was reeler.  though with an alt mode he never used, and having never been outside of nyon, he was the joker of the small group.  moss green, black and white complimented his frame, and while it made him seem like a serious mech, he was surely the opposite.
(  “  our resident joker, reeler,  ” is how hot rod introduces reeler every time,  “  his jokes may be crude, and he might seem like a serious guy, but he’s so far from that.  ”  hot rod enjoys his time with reeler, probably a little bit too much, considering the amount of trouble these two could get into if left unchecked.  though, hot rod’s amica never explicitly argued against it...  )
and, of course, seabind and helix.  the resident lovebirds-but-won’t-admit-it couple of the group, seabind and helix are almost complete opposites.  seabind, with a deep blue and black colour scheme, has an aquatic alt mode just as the name suggests.  helix, with his silver and gold contrasting colour scheme, is a flier hailing from vos who ended up in nyon many years before the city became what it was.  they were definitely the closest to each other.
(  “  and this is seabind and helix, the inseparables,  ”  always said with a smile on his face and a smile in his tone,  “  both with their redeeming qualities, of course.  don’t ask for seabind’s alt mode, and don’t go near helix without permission.  it’s how it works.  ”  it was amusing, how everyone gawks at how impressive helix is in looks, or how large seabind really is.  )
and, of course, his amica.  the one he’d known since waking up in nyon, the one that stuck by his side through it all.  one of the only ones that he knew decided to stay to make a difference.
how he loved his amica so.  recall and he were almost inseparable, simply because of their strong bond shared with not only the length of time they’d known each other, but because of the amica endurae bond.  recall was primarily turquoise in color, with complimenting strips of blue, contrasting hot rod’s own brighter color scheme.  recall decided against same colors.  it seemed fair, and in the end, the cooler colors were better suited to recall’s calmer and more thought-out decision making.  they were opposites, but not to the point that they disgreed with each other.
(  “  last but not least, recall!  fastest reflexes ever,  ”  is how hot rod introduces recall.  “  he can retrace his steps ‘n’ everything.  he’s pretty awesome.  he’s my amica.  ”  hot rod is very proud to have recall as an amica endura;  together, they’ve done a lot of good.  they’ve completed a lot of goals to help nyon, the people that live there and their home.  )
but these thoughts, these memories, weren’t what he was seeing right now.
rodimus  ━  hot rod  ━  wandered to his amica endura, source of energon in his servos, as he knelt down beside him.  it was a steady and careful process, trying to get recall to drink in the energon he had stolen, the energon that recall so desperately needed.  ever since zeta prime abandoned his people, hot rod was the lucky one to have not suffered out of his friends.
“  drink,  ”  hot rod spoke, in a weary voice.  “  you got to, or we won’t make it out.  none of us will and you know how important you are.  how important you all are.  ”
“  hot rod, we’re going to die.  ”
“  not if i can stop it.  drink the energon, recall.  i got more for the others.  ”
“  ha...  you care too much sometimes, i swear.  it’ll be the death of you one day.  ”
recall smiled weakly to hot rod, shakily taking the energon, sipping on it with such wariness, as if he was worried about something...  yes, he knew hot rod knew what happened to him.  what happened to his other friends, what happened to all of these people in the acroplex.
ever since the first  ━  reeler  ━  fell to the horrors of what zeta prime had planned, hot rod had taken it upon himself to take care of each one as they fell.  it didn’t matter to him the dangers of attempting to take care of each and every one of them, but hot rod had this inner need to do what is right by his people.  recall knew this too well.  the suffering of those of nyon?  he knew that in itself must’ve been weighing hot rod down.  maybe helping his friends eased that.
“  psst.  recall.  i think i can finally get help.  ”
“  ...  what?  ”
“  no no, wait, bear with me here for a second.  i saw some of the autobots the other day.  i think they noticed me because they seem to be hanging around nyon.  i’m gonna bring ‘em here, prove to them that their prime is corrupt and━  ”
“  hey, slow down...  hot rod.  hot rod.  i know you want to help but what if...  ”  recall winced.  he coughed soon after.  staying awake was hard...  “  what if they won’t help you even after?  ”
“  then they’re blind to the truth and i’ll deal with it myself.  slinger will help.  ”
ah, just like hot rod, recall thought.  always jumping ahead, always rushing in, as if he was running out of time.  how did he survive so long without me giving him reason?
(  determination to keep you alive, rez.  )
“  hmm.  i believe you.  ”
“  of course you do.  what kinda amica would you be, huh?  ”  hot rod laughed, nudging recall ever so lightly, getting up and wandering to the other four to give them a small portion of energon each.  it wasn’t much, but unfortunately there wasn’t much to go around in the first place.  he wanted to give some to everyone there, but...  “  hey, rez?  ”
“  mmmm?  ”
“  when we finally get outta here, how ‘bout i treat ya to some high grade?  i mean, all you’ve had is mid grade since this happened to you and i think it’d be great for you to have high grade.  ”
recall hummed in response, a slight smile crossing his weary face.  he was always planning for the future, ever so positive that things would work out in his favor.  and they usually did, but he had a feeling...  just a nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, it won’t be one of those times.
“  ...  yeah.  sounds great.  hope you’re not broke.  ”
hot rod snickered, returning to recall’s side, patting his amica on the shoulder.  he always knew what to say in the most tense moments, to get him to ease up.  it was certainly relieving.
“  i’ll be back soon.  ”
it felt like no time had passed between the time he brought the autobots to the acroplex and the time he was told to evacuate the city.  it was like no time at all had passed.
and in a way, it hadn’t.  except a lot of his time now was being consumed by desperate attempts to get any of his friends back on their pedes, to try and get them to safety.  he had slinger with him, helping him try and lift seabind, and helix, and flarestrike and reeler...  to no avail.  they were all too weak.  they couldn’t move far.
hot rod watched slinger flee as he attempted to lift his amica, slight winces coming from the other mech as he attempted to carry him out of the acroplex, though painfully so.
“  you’re gonna survive this, recall.  you’re gonna survive this and we’re gonna go get that high grade i promised you and you’re not going to die on me today.  not to zeta, not to anything else we get thrown at us.  you’re not gonna die in a million years either, i won’t let you.  ”
“  rodders...  roddy.  ”  no immediate response.  “  hot rod...!  ”
“  what?  ”
“  put me down, hot rod.  please.  you won’t...  you won’t make it out if you carry me.  you’ll die and what will be the point of this if neither of us make it out?  look at how far you’ve gotten, hot rod.  it’s not far enough.  i’m slowing you down.  ”  recall tried to push himself off of hot rod, trying to get back from his amica, in order to protect him.  he knew what his fate was.  “  go.  go and do whatever you gotta.  i’ll catch up, i promise.  i’m...  i have enough strength.  ”
“  what?  no!  recall, slinger has the detonation button, he could━  ”
“  exactly why you need to get out of here!  p━please, hot rod, i can get out myself.  move your aft and get up there with slinger, right now.  i’m gonna try and help the others.  they haven’t had the strength to speak as of late and i...  i can try.  ”
hot rod whimpered.  out of fear, out of worry, out of pain?  he didn’t know.
“  you’ll die.  ”
“  maybe.  but promise me this, hot rod.  promise me you won’t beat yourself up over it.  it’s not your fault, it won’t ever be your fault, and you need to understand that sometimes it’s impossible to save everyone.  just━  just don’t...  don’t be upset about this.  okay?  ”
there’s a heavy pause between them.  hot rod couldn’t look at him.  he felt the words halt in the back of his throat, as if he was afraid to speak them.  but why?  was he afraid of keeping a single promise for his amica?  was he worried that he couldn’t fulfill this one, very simple request that recall had?  the last promise he might ever have to make to recall?
(  i already know my answers.  )
“  i promise.  ”
“  good...  good.  i’ll see you on the other side, okay?  til then, roddy.  ”
“  til then.  ”
he was waiting upon the hill, waiting for his amica to return.  he waited so diligently, ignoring the requests of slinger to get it over and done with, to end the suffering of those below them, the suffering caused by zeta.  he couldn’t.  not yet.  he didn’t want to face the harsh reality.
“  hot rod.  he’s not gonna make it.  ”
“  i guess not.  but i━  it’s...  ”  hot rod eyed the horizon.  “  so much destruction...  even with the autobots’ help, we’ll never make it to safety in time.  how did this happen?  ”
“  we always knew they’d invade our homes, hot rod.  but we prepared a contingency.  ”
“  yeah.  ”  there’s a slight pause.  he briefly mentioned it to recall before...  “  i wired the whole city with phase-charges a few cycles ago.  i can detonate at any time, but...  just thought it’d never come to that.  ”
“  better that our people die by our hands than to be drained to serve zeta’s war machine.  ”
“  i don’t think i can...  ”  recall is still in there.  my friends, my family, the only family i got is still in there.  i can’t just leave them to die, can i?  “  ...  primus, forgive me.  ”
the explosions rattled the ground.  hot rod felt a sudden wave of pain hit him, his plating feeling like it was on fire, his spark aching with a sudden absence he hadn’t known before.  his optics dimmed at the realization of what this meant, what this had truly meant.
recall was dead.  his friends were dead.
(  it’s my fault my fault━  i left them to die, i didn’t have to leave them to die, i could've━  )
rodimus woke up with a choked out cry, his optics brightened with a sudden surge of pain and sadness and horror, gaze darting around the room.  he put a servo on himself.  his intense heat was bordering the lines of pain for his systems and he could only whimper as he curled up on his berth.  it only got this bad when it was after yet another nightmare;  one that falsified hope, the hope that his friends might have lived if he had tried harder.
that his amica might have lived if he had tried harder.
perhaps this was just bound to be another restless night.  though, these were getting worse.  the other night, he woke up to himself flaming out, taking out all the energy he had from his sleep but leaving him to deal with the flames in some way.  he kept it all quiet, making sure that nobody had any idea that he had destroyed his berth for the third time in the past month.
he hadn’t told magnus.  he hadn’t even told drift.
primus, he didn’t even know how he kept this from drift for so long.  these nightmares, they weren’t so present.  then again, prior to this, prior to everything that he’s been doing lately, he spent most of his time alone.  maybe they got worse while he was alone.  he knew he should’ve told someone, but he was too prideful.  too stubborn.  while this cost him a decent sleep some days, he had his ways around it.  he knew the best coping mechanisms for this.
nobody needed to know about these.  nobody needed to know about the times he’d wake up in tears over what had happened and over what could’ve happened.  nobody needed to know about the times he erupted in flames simply because he thought he was defending himself from bots like megatron, or scorponok, or anyone else in the past that hurt him.
not even drift needed to know.  not yet.
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officialrodimus · 7 years
Things that I think some people forget are canon in the IDW universe, or think are just fanon
The usage of “frag”, “slag”, and “scrap” as cuss words
Lovers (conjunx endurae) being called “sparkmates”
Queer-platonic relationships (amica endurae)
While Megatron and Optimus are seen as very old, they are not. Megatron is five million years old, and OP stated that Megatron is a little older than him. Bots older than them include but are certainly not limited to: Rung, Whirl, Ironhide, Kup, Ratchet, Cyclonus, Tailgate, Rewind, Red Alert and Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus
Starscream was a representative in the Senate
Camiens laud those who have carried the Matrix as gods; they would view Rodimus just as they do Optimus
Young Cybertronians being called “sparklings”
Rodimus spent three days trying to program his holomatter avatar to have a sweatband
Before becoming Optimus Prime, Orion Pax was close friends with Megatron. He read and quoted Megatron’s Towards Peace and was even unsure if he was on “the right side”
Whirl likes French films
Rodimus is 4.2 million years old - only 800k years younger than Megatron
Mecha from Caminus have different spark frequencies than that of normal Cybertronians, causing their energon to be blue rather than pink
Megatron and Impactor worked together in the mines and were best friends
Cyclonus was on the Ark-1
Alcoholic beverages (engex)
Rodimus, Whirl, Skids, Swerve, Tailgate, and Ultra Magnus have all customized their holomatter avatars
Soundwave and Drift both grew up in the gutters of Rodion and were taken in by Megatron
There’s a mech on the Lost Light named Toaster, who turns into a toaster
Whirl was alt-mode exempt and a watchmaker of sorts. After the Empurata procedure, he changed his name (Whirl was not his original name), frame, and started hanging out in Rodion’s gutters, where Drift and Soundwave lived. He then became a prison guard and beat up Megatron, causing the latter to be pushed over the edge and start the war
Nautica is the exact picture of Pipes’ Dream Conjunx, but he died before getting the chance to meet her
Rodimus, formerly Hot Rod, grew up in the streets of Nyon and took care of other homeless people, and was approached directly by Megatron, who was hoping to recruit
Before becoming Rodimus, Hot Rod was about Rung’s size
Certain Decepticons in high standing with Megatron had special ceremonies performed by one of the Warriors Elite or Megatron himself in which the chosen Decepticon would have a piece of their spark casing removed and forged into their Badge
On both sides of the war, some mecha had real, physical badges, while others were simply painted on
Megatron is a forged spark in a cold-constructed body
Shockwave was a senator, and ran an academy for outliers (which Skids, Trailbreaker/Trailcutter, and Damus/Glitch, who would later become Tarn). He and Orion Pax (who was later to become Optimus Prime) were close friends
Mecha saying “I could hug you!”
Drift is filthy rich for a reason undisclosed
Rodimus and Swerve are both religious, just not obnoxiously so
Orion Pax had his insides rearranged by Shockwave’s techs to make a hole in his chassis - unbeknownst to him, Shockwave was doing this to MANY mechs to make it possible for them to carry the Matrix of Leadership. Had it not been for the hole created by Shockwave, Orion Pax would have never been able to become Optimus Prime
Even then, it hurt Orion Pax when the Matrix bonded with him and made him into Optimus Prime - when the Matrix bonded with Hot Rod and made him into Rodimus Prime, it felt good and right
Even by Cybertronian standards, Prowl is considered “heavy”
Chromedome was still able to lift him over his head and throw him off a cliff
Rodimus (Hot Rod at the time) broke into Styx, one of the most high-security Decepticon-owned prisons to ever exist, to break out Dealer, a former member of his unit (who then promptly betrayed him)
Chromedome and Brainstorm worked for The Institute, which was responsible for mind-wiping, Shadowplay, and Empurata
Drift joined the Decepticons at the very beginning of the war and only became an Autobot near the tail end of the war, less than a century before its close (He became an Autobot after meeting Wing, and then pretty quickly became a Wrecker and went to Earth in a time period likely to be the 80s or 90s). For nearly all of the 4 million years the war went on, he was Deadlock, amongst the most horrifying Decepticons out there, and was favored by Megatron enough that the warlord sent his most notorious bounty hunter out to go find him even after Deadlock had betrayed his superior officer’s orders and went rogue
Megatron never got an Autobot badge of his own; he still wears Bumblebee’s
Feel free to add your own!
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