modernwitchsblog · 1 year
Queen Of Inferno
Queen Sheba
When the cosmos was split into Light, darkness, and chaos in between, the incredibly powerful Sheba was born alongside the darkness controlling world of Inferno. She lives in the hellish land, and is often classified as a demon; however, the full detail of her existence are unknown.
Bayonetta-Telocvovlm Adraman Amma Ol Avavago-Fallen Evil Spirit, Curse Me With Thunders.
Jeanne-Nanaeel Adrpan Adna Znrza Oxex Racllr-By My Power I Cast You Down Swear Your Obedience, And Vomit Weeping.
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violatile · 3 years
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♪      ⇢     " well, she got the life she wanted. " from deena     (   feat.   @znrza​   )      ,      taking requests 
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“  Dude,  I  didn’t  come  over  here  so  you  could  bitch  about  Sam.  Fuck  her.  You  don’t  need  her.  You’re  hot  and  single  now!  You  should  go  out  and  take  advantage  of  that.  ”  Liv  leans  forward,  fingers  curling  on  the  back  of  the  seat,  a  slick  smile  spreading  on  her  lips.  “  Hey,  you  know  what’ll  cheer  you  up?  A  sketchy  underground  party.  We  can  do  whippits!  That’ll  clear  your  head.  You  won’t  even  remember  Sam’s  name.  Or yours!  ”
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hdstrng · 3 years
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          she  wasn’t  planning  on  coming  back  until  the  next  break,    still  weeks  away,    but  taylor  couldn’t  stay  locked  away  in  her  dorm  much  longer.      as  much  as  she  swore  by  the  benefit  of  distance,    she  suddenly  couldn’t  take  the  EMPTY  ROUTINE  of  each  day,    class  to  dorm  to  dining  hall  if  she  had  the  will,    talking  to  no  one  except  the  select  few  who  she  knew  understood.
          when  she  arrived  home,    the  place  seemed  empty,    so  she  took  the  time  to  throw  the  load  of  laundry  she’d  hauled  back  with  her  into  the  washer,    basking  in  the  silence  while  it  lasted,    before  she  lost  the  comfort,    but  there’s  an  unexpected  face  already  waiting  for  her  in  the  dining  room.
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          ❝      hey,      ❞        taylor  says  incredulously  at  the  sight  of  her  sister.      her  head  shakes  in  the  lasting  disbelief  —  clarice  was  a  busy  woman,    after  all.        ❝      you  —  i  didn’t  know  you  were  stopping  by.      ❞
(  ღ.  )      a  starter  for  @znrza​​​​    —    for  clarice.
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jasonkolchek · 3 years
@znrza 🖤 ’d one-liner sc
❛I already made my decision, you're not going to change that.❜
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catrai · 3 years
@znrza​     ,     DOUBLE TROUBLE     :     “ long time no see ... ” greeting speaks from a stranger's face, human, more rather, and with a gruff voice. head rests against hand with a toothy smirk before promptly, shrouded in black and green. out comes the familiar, graceful shapeshifter. “ miss me, kitten ? ” 
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defenses   were   up,   a   snarl   resting   over   brims   pulled   taut               —               and   yet   she   remained   her   composure         :         she   was   a   soldier,   the   captain,   she   didn’t   know   fear.   and   she   wouldn’t   allow   anyone   to   see   beneath   that   armor   of   hers.   brows   furrowed,   eyes   following   the   stranger   intently               —               what   now   ?         it   seemed   the   universe   was   out   to   get   her   and   she   couldn’t   even   enjoy   a   few   minutes   to   herself.               ❝   what   do   you   want   ?   ❞               a   question   never   sounded   so   much   like   a   demand               —               if   this   was   just   another   distraction,   another   game   to   mess   with   her   head               ...               and   then   claws   retracted,   muscles   relaxing   the   slightest   as   the   stranger   shifted.   
while   there   was   relief   in   seeing   a   familiar   face,   annoyance   was   quick   to   rise,   gaze   narrowing   intensely,               ❝   double   trouble.   i   thought   you’d   found   better   things   to   do.   ❞               bitterness   laced   in   her   tone,   though   she   couldn’t   resist   the   wicked   grin   threatening   to   stretch   over   sharp   features,               ❝   me   ?      miss   you   ?      HAH   !      in   your   dreams.   ❞               head   tilted   to   the   side   as   she   purposely   inspected   them,               ❝   perfect   timing   though,   i   was   just   thinking   of   a   way   to   knock   down   the   rebellion   and   you   just   might   be   the   missing   piece.   ❞  
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heroar · 3 years
" most are in favor of the phantom thieves? what does the public even see in them? if anything, it shows how lazy people become. they don't care about the means. they only want something that gets them the fastest and favorable results. it's not justice; it's unjust! " hand reaches and thumb rubs against her temple, hard, before a loud huff, " ... they can't keep getting away with this. " - sae (perhaps saura overhears this comment)
        THE ESSENTIAL SKILL GROWING UP WASN'T DRIVING, it wasn't the independence of phoning the doctor without your parents help or money-managing to survive next payday; it was blending in. it was being invisible to everyone else while people absorbed themelves in their own lives, or the glow of their phone screen. So stuck in routine like a tram on tracks that an obstacle or delays causes an obstruction which in turn brings more stress than need be, with autopilot engaged you never notice the an oddity or anything unless said thing threw itself upon your tracks...
    no one payed her any mind, no; the lack of the picturesque school girl one would usually visualise didn’t turn heads when she walked by but rather created a barrier as one would stand to keep a safe distance from an unpredictable dog; uneven chopped, dark brown hair, a buttoned up blazer but no skirt, tartan pants and polished shoes to fit a gentlemen, a bag hooked onto a rather broad shoulder...  from behind, the illusion it painted was her backward mask in an jungle to ward off tigers.  she looked like any other teenage boy.  shoulder leans against a support beam absorbed in their phone as the hustle of after the school crowd hurries through the station to catch their train, a series of overhead announcements and chatter bounce in their concrete prison of the subway; no where to be, nor was she in any rush to get home.
    and she would of very been absorbed in phone as any other person age would be, thumb swiping through messages mindlessly if it wasn’t for the slam of a notebook in frustration makes fern-green eyes break her trance and turn her head, a glance over her shoulder.  tuning back into the real world does the sound of cutlery and ceremic on wood does she realize she was just on the outskirts of a cafe that was about half-full of customers and quickly filling up with the odd suit and students all eager for the second dosage of caffiene or sweet that’ll get them through the rest of the day; one in particular sat alone, with a laptop and the assaulted notebook on the table, frustrated patrons aren’t an uncommon sight when people are running late or stressing over paperwork, SAURA nearly goes back to her scrolling but hiss of that blasted name that left  a bad taste in any copper’s mouth and left the streets chatting like sparrows.  the tracks, a change in her path... a butterfly effect ripples within those few beats of its wings when the name touches her ears and her head doesn’t turn back to her phone.
              the phantom thieves... a household name by now, how can you not hear of them. 
    SAURA leans further behind the pillar before she even realized, the hustle of the latest rush of communers began to slowly die down as the train took one crowd and a fresh crowd took it’s place; still noisy as hell, had it been further along in the day she would of never have heard the detective’s wits end. centralising her hearing to this one person talk; unjust huh...
             so when someone does their job better than them, it’s wrong?
    her grip tightens on her phone screen, her brows knitting together causing her eyes to harden like jade stones. what a load of-- 
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     NOW she turns back to her phone, her annoyance is quickly replaced with confusion as her phone seems to flicker and a rather solid red square sat in the middle of the screen, an app...? she didn’t remember downloading this-- the student didn’t have long to ponder as the stares of officials were like arrows and her back was the target; they never took kindly to loitering students and their stances said enough that their shift might finally get interesting if she continues to outstay her welcome, hurriedly pocketing her phone and her hands in tow and leaves the detective to pulling her hair out over shibuya’s boogeyman.  the app would have to be dealt with later, right now she could kill for a melon soda...
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willowdied · 3 years
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@znrza​ :  ❝ what’s inside ? ❞
there had been no better time killer than drawing in her journal. she likes to think that the traveler is watching this and is getting equally as pissed as he was, though perhaps he is finding some amusement in her drawings. she certainly is, and though she thought she was watching both the captain and the half-orc fairly well, clearly she was not as the captain of the shit-eater squall-eater approached her, leaving jester to pull her notebook close to her chest and try to think on what to say. 
not a bunch of picture of you inside stabbed by many many swords. absoultly not.. 
“ mostly a lot of dicks. some other drawings, maybe some words, but a lot of dicks. ” she decides to say instead, writing tool lowering to her side as she looks up at the captain, hoping that she finds her eyes more innocence in her eyes than there really was there. “ it’s one of the ways i communicate with the traveler. he communicates with me by talking to me too, but i like to think that this is another way to talk to him! mostly i think he just likes my drawings and i like drawing so- ” the tiefling shrugs a little bit, looking up at her with a little bit of a smile, more of a smirk than anything else. “ have you heard of the traveler? ” 
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everlightblessing · 3 years
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@theodoera​ asked: “  i’m sorry i upset you.  ”
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                         Unconventionally naked lips pucker up, and immediately Opal feels upset at the lack of gloss. Yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s more pressing matters at the moment, there have been for a while now, but she can’t help how she feels. “No, you’re not,” she says matter-of-factly, a small smile beginning to appear as she teases, then looks back at her friends sleeping around the nice tree they’d found. “That wasn’t your fault anyway. I’m just glad you’re okay...” she shrugs, “this is a dream, isn’t it?”
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edithmaslow · 3 years
@znrza​:  “  you’re not weak.  ”
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         she could either agree or disagree. edith isn’t sure yet. she doesn’t feel weak -- weak people die from what’s happened to her. weak people would give up. but at the same time, she does. weak people let the echoes bounce in their skull. weak people can’t find it in them to wash the blood off the walls. edith runs a shaky hand through her hair, breath shallower than usual to avoid the pain that comes with breathing too deep. “ y’know -- th’first time i killed him, i was scared shitless. didn’ know ... what was happening. this time? ... it’s not really him. it’ll be easier this time. ”
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saviorbladed · 3 years
{ @znrza​ - ♥︎ for fearne }
This new step of what was going on, with the vestige, with Opal. It was all so much. And Orym was quite frankly at a loss, and for a man so sure on his feet he felt like he was stumbling right now.
He knew of only one person who had any experience with something like this. He did not know if he wanted to go back to Zephra, or bother Keyleth. He did not know if he should. But it was his only current idea, he wanted, no needed to talk with the others. But he wanted to run his idea by someone first.
He thought about Dorian, but that was still more tentative than he cared to admit, and he needed to talk with Dorian completely separately. Opal was not an option right now, and Dariax was an option, but he chose Fearne. She had less impulsiveness than Dariax. He didn’t want to charge into this option, he didn’t even know if it was worth voicing. He was at an impasse where he did not want to be the leader, but he knew he needed to do something. So for now he was doing something simple, making no decision yet, and certainly not without discussion.
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He found Fearne, thankfully se was on her own, and tapped her on the hip, “Hey,” he said, his voice a bit sullen but it was really with heaviness of everything that was going on.
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thewidogast · 3 years
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@znrza​ said: [ RELIEF ] from yasha?
{ x - accepting }
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His eyebrows went up in surprise before he closed his eyes and put his arms around her, giving her a slight squeeze. “You are alright, yes?” he asked.
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satanas666134 · 2 years
Satanizm Duchowy - Pierwszy Klucz Enochiański
Satanistyczne Klucze Enochiańskie są bardzo potężne szczególnie recytowane w oryginale. Kluczy jest dziewiętnaście. Enochiański jest starożytnym oryginalnym językiem Bogów. Demony i anioły go rozumieją i używają. Każdy Satanista powinien je znać. Jednak zaleca się, żeby używali go jedynie Ci zadedykowani. Słów w tym języku używa się poprzez ich nucenie. Celem jest trafienie w pojedynczą tonację i utrzymanie jej. To drastycznie zwiększa ich moc.
Dzisiaj przedstawiam Wam Pierwszy Klucz zarówno w języku polskim jak i enochiańskim.
Pierwszy Klucz po polsku: Sprawuję nad tobą władzę, rzekł Szatan/Lucyfer, w swej mocy wychwalany pod niebiosami i na ziemi; w którego rękach słońce jak miecz jest a księżyc jak ogień przeszywający: który odmierza twój ubiór pośrodku mej szaty i związał cię razem jako dłonie mych rąk i rozjaśnił twe odzienie piekielnym światłem. Stworzyłem prawo by zarządzać moimi synami i córkami. Objawiłem prawdę i nadałem ci moc rozumowania. Co więcej, podnieśliście głosy i przysięgliście posłuszeństwo oraz wierność Szatanowi/Lucyferowi który żyje i króluje, który nie ma początku ani też końca mieć nie może. Który jak ogień błyszczy pośród twego pałacu i rządzi pośród was będąc równowagą sprawiedliwości i prawdy. Ruszcież się i pokażcie się! Otwórzcie misteria waszego stworzenia! Bądźcie mi przyjaźni! Bo jestem sługą tego samego! Prawdziwy czciciel Szatana/Lucyfera, w chwale i mocy wywyższonego, Króla Południa.
Pierwszy Klucz po enochiańsku: Ol sonuf vorsag goho Satan lonsh Calz od vors caosgo; sobra zol Ror i ta nazps od graa Ta malprg: Ds hol-q qaa nothoa zimz Od Commah ta nobloh zien od luciftian Oboleh a donasdogamatastos. O ohorela taba Ol nore od pasbs ol zonrensg Vaoan od tooat nonucafe gmicalzoma. Pilah Farzm znrza od surzas Adna od Gono de Satan, ds hom od Toh. Soba croodzi ipam ul vls Ipamis. Ds loholo vep nothoa poamal Od bogpa aai ta piap piamol Od vaoan. Zacare ca od zamran! Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! Zir noco! Hoath Satan bvfd lonsh londoh babage
Pierwszy Klucz - wymowa: OL • ZO-nuf • vo-ru-SA-żu GO-ho • SEJ-TAN • LO-nu-su • KA-lutz OD • VO-russ • ka-OS-su-go; ZO-bu-ra • ZOL • RO-ru I • TA • NATS-pu-su OD • gu-RA-ah• TA MA-lu-pu-ru-żu • DASS • HO-lu-ka KA-A • no-tu-HO-a • ZI-muts • OD KO-mu-ma • TA • NO-bu-lo zi-EJN • OD • LOO-SIF-ti-un O-bo-lej • A DO-nass-do-ga-MA-tass-toss O • o-ho-REJ-la • TA-ba • OL NO-rej • OD • PA-su-bus • OL zo-nu-REJ-nu-suż va-O-an • OD to-O-at • NO-noo-KA-fej gu-MI-ka-lu-ZO-ma • PI-la FA-ru-zum • zu-nu-ru-ŻA • OD ZOO-ru-żas • A-du-na • OD GO-no • DEJ • SEJ-TAN • DAS • HOM OD • TO • ZO-ba • ku-RO-od-zi I-pam • OOL • VU-LUS • i-PA-miss DASS • lo-HO-lo • Vayp no-tu-HO-a • po-A-mal • OD BO-gu-pa • a-A-i • TA • PI-ap pi-A-mol OD • va-O-an • za-KA-rej • KA OD • ZA-mu-ran! • O-do KI-ku-lej • KA-a! • ZO-ru-żej! ZI-ru • NO-ko! • ho-A-tu-hu SEJ-TAN • BU-vu-fud • LO-nu-su LO-nu-do • a-BA-żhej
Wielkimi literami zaznaczone jest miejsce akcentowania danego słowa.
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hdstrng · 3 years
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(  ✱.  )      @znrza​​    —    rachel :      if  you  were  hurt,  i’d  leave  you  behind.
          taylor  doesn’t  know  how  she  keeps  getting  away,    seemingly  by  a  hair  each  time.      andrew’s  already  saved  her  ass  once.      shit,    she  worries  as  she  nears  the  rest  of  the  group,    how  long  ‘til  her  luck  runs  STRAIGHT  OUT ?      a  hand  grips  her  side  for  only  a  moment,    feeling  a  cramp  after  the  lengths  on  the  night  she’s  spent  outright  sprinting.
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          ❝      gee,    thanks,    rachel.      ❞        hands  on  her  knees  when  she  lands  on  the  other  side  of  the  fence,    those  things  must  be  far  behind  them  by  now,    but  fuck  physics   —   they  always  seem  to  CATCH  UP.        ❝      want  me  to  return  the  favor ?      ❞
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wiitchtime · 3 years
♛ for my muse to teach yours something new - jeanne
    BLACK SHEEP, FILTHY CHILD, IMPURE BLOOD. just as a child born with no promise or powers would be forced into a secular life, a normal human life despite their heritage. they would never known of their ancestory links to witchcraft and the dark arts. yet, she had powers, and showed promise with just her fingertips since she was small... what should of been joyous discovery to fellow brethren and elder. it only deepened their disdain, so much so, rather than surrounded by a kinship of lionesses, she was looked at with cobra eyes and venomous spits. despite her mother's imprisonment and her ban from the practice of the dark arts... she could only wonder why they didn't kill her, or exile her... perhaps due to her potential she was too dangerous to lead a mortal life because of her powers, endangering the witches society; or was it something else entirely?        but there was someone who didn't ignore her talent. whose eyes now watched intently, expectingly as the young witch attempted to steady her breathing, her eyes shut and the world around her came alive with sounds from the wind causing a stir amongst the grass and the trees to whisper to one another as though also watching the pair and her performance. then she heard it, jeanne's step clicked on the cobblestone grounds and a sudden rush of her weapon cause a high pitched sound to ring and tickle her eardrums that made her snap her head around, a few times before she had simply dodged out the way using her body to lean and her built flexibility to dodge her weapon and come out unscathed; a good effort, but not the desired result jeanne was hoping for. for as much vigour as a witch had there would be moments where their physical form was not enough, the human body can endure and avoid so much. that's where other forms would come into play.                       'focus cereza. or would you prefer i slice you to ribbons.'                               'well, us witches do have a lot of hair to upkeep.'       in this instance. her eyes open and meet the blade inches from her face, in this moment a witch would thrive in their power as mere swings were a game of tag that they had no intention of ever being it, in some cases... this was where a witch's training ended, and in combat this was the kindest way for a witch to meet with their infernal partners compared to most trials... and here, she thrived.    the slice never makes contact as her body disintergrates leaving but mist of her form behind and a flurry of BATS suddenly fulminate where her body once was and scatter only to regather within a second behind jeanne, the flurry of little creatures a mere blur and reform cereza's body where she staggers a step forward but catches herself with her hands out to reblance herself and her chest now lifting and falling as she attempted to catch her breath. the sensation that rushed through her body consisted that of adrenaline and god only knew what else for the rush that left her lightheaded which could excuse her fawn-like steps when she transformed back. wide steel eyes stare ahead and then lock onto her hands which turn over and back, as if expecting to find one of the little beasties to be clinging on to one of her hands or her thumb to still be a wing and four fingers, something AMISS but no, she was normal.         so caught up in the high that left her hot and almost trembling in her hands, she doesn't sense the satisfied smirk from her teacher, and when the young witch finally speaks. it's breathy, excitement laces her voices as though she just bungee jumped right into inferno's jaws and returned unscathed.   ❝ –   ... oh my.    that was... that was bloody amazing! ❞
softer prompts.
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bravehery · 3 years
@znrza said : “i can stay, if you want me to.” from deena for sam
the    ghost    of    a    smile    makes    its    way    upon    her    lips    ,    lips    now    marred    from    the    doings    of    anxious    teeth.    (    a    habit    she    developed    as    a    child    ,    and    a    habit    she    just    never    could    seem    to    break    )    the    smile    settles    itself    there    ,    now    seemingly    with    ease    ,    building    it’s    foundation    into    something    bright    &    genuine    as    her    eyes    find    themselves    meeting    deena’s    own.    she    locks    their    gazes    before    chin    tilts    to    meet    chest    ,    ducking    her    head    under    said    gaze    ,    one    that    caused    a    flurry    of    emotions    to    stir    within    her    ,    all    stomping    and    dancing    and    spinning    through    her    insides.    
her    fingers    move    towards    the    edges    of    her    sleeves,    dragging    themselves    along    the    hems    until    encountering    a    loose    thread    ,    gaze    now    focused    on    it    as    she    twirled    it    around    her    finger    in    some    attempt    to    ground    herself    (    though    that    task    was    fruitless    ,    as    she    finds    that    whenever    she    was    in    deena’s    company    she    found    her    head    closer    to    the    infinite    sky    than    her    feet    to    the    ground    )    as    she    gives    a    nod    of    her    head    in    confirmation.    
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❛    of    course    i    want    you    to    stay    ,    ❜    she    tells    her    —    voice    barely    above    a    murmur.    she    lifts    her    head    ,    finds    deena’s    gaze    yet    again.    let’s    her    fingers    cease    their    work    over    the    stray    thread    ,    instead    outstretches    them    in    deena’s    direction    and    hopes    that    deena    accepts.    
                                                ❛    please    .    .    .    stay.    ❜
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heroar · 3 years
“ do you need help with the chapter? ” from makoto !
       WAS IT THAT OBVIOUS? perhaps the constant tap tap TAP of the eraser end of her pencil against the table was enough to turn heads in irritation from those sat nearby also trying to cram or those passing by to simply sigh in kinship for their own stress about the upcoming midterms... she was confident certain areas of her study however maths... maths.
       finally the pencil drops, rolling into the middle of her textbook as she sighs heavily and leans back in her chair in frustration, balancing on the backlegs teetering in motion that rocked boredly; she was screwed, her head hurt. her frontal lobe throbbed and she felt the craving of artifical melon to take the edge off of her stress; maybe if she did super well on her other papers she could override her awful math score. a hand comes up to massage the bridge of her nose. pythagorean can suck a fat--
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   SAURA blinks upon the voice, it sounding too close to be people on another table,her hands leaving her face alone at the voice to look up to see MISS PRESIDENT herself, while she maintained her firm, authoritave tone; her posture was... meek, a wring of her hands that quickly retreat behind her back. she must of looked surprised because the apprehensive stance of the third-year seemed to worsen as she shifts weight from one foot to the other before she composed herself and stood up straighter, her hands returning to the front.
     it was mere schoolyard whispers that makoto and saura didn’t exactly get on, each time you see them together it was often a stand off similiar to a mongoose and a cobra with makoto looking ready to take her by the earlobe like a disgruntled parent but being on the president’s watchlist didn’t exactly make for juicy gossip; makoto’s reputation for her rather supercilious attitude exceeded her, she wondered if she knew that... she cleared her head of those thoughts as she plants her chairs front legs back onto the ground and clears her throat, a hand coming up to scratch the nape of her neck; what was with her? she didn’t have any reason to come over if there was nothing to tell her off for ( perhaps swinging in her chair but she didn’t seem to care this particular time ) was this a.. a peace offering of some sorts? the only thing makoto was known to thrive in was her studies so that was what she offered to at least crack this wall that stood between them. huh...
   she hadn’t realized her gaze had dropped as she tried to figure niijima out until her fern-like eyes returned to the third-year, bashfully, she sits up straighter upon the realization she had been leaving her in suspense this whole time.
     ❝ –  I -- I .. could use some help. ❞
    SAURA admits, sounding uncertain... not about the math, but her voice gains confidents when her head signals the chair opposite side of her, speaking quickly.
     ❝ –  only if you want to; i mean, don’t you got to study too?  ❞
   she’s top of the class idiot, she probably studied everything in night one of midterms announcements. 
School-Related Sentence Starters.
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