moocha-muses · 3 months
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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Was the party platter not enough for you, Zo?
"I have to be true to my self, and my self wants pie."
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"At the other side of the bar you see what appears to be a humanoid cockatoo, who is only tall enough to see over the bar counter because they're almost literally perched on their stool. They've got some kind of fruity drink with a big straw in it. Zo, you wanna describe your character?"
"Absolutely. So he's about three feet tall, and he's got a beautiful crest. Just gorgeous. But some of his other feathers are discolored in patches, and a few of them look singed on the edges. He's wearing googles, a loose tunic, and a vest with of a lot of pockets, and he looks up when you sort of crouch awkwardly in front of the counter, giving you a once over."
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"He says, 'Whats a big pile of meat like you doing in a dive like this?' and it looks like maybe he's trying to wink, but it's hard to tell from behind the goggles."
"Looking for someone to buy us a drink-"
"Character voices, Dun!"
"Oh, shit. Sorry. 'Looking for drink. Me and brother just got out of prison.'"
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"So. It's your last day in prison. You know this because you've been scratching marks on the wall with your claws. You were in here for a three month sentence, Battleaxe, and you're looking forward to getting out and stretching because this human-sized cell is not big enough for you. Is there anything you want to do before the guards let you out?"
"Uh, is there a large tropical bird in the cell across from us?"
"No. Zo's got her own backstory."
"I'm smart enough to stay out of prison, baby. They'll never take me alive."
"Oh! I want to finish clawing our self-portrait into the cell wall. It's a project I've been working on."
"Okay. Roll for, uh, dexterity. And this is a long-term project, so give me two rolls and we'll average 'em out."
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"-my housemates are visiting the kids at college this week, so we're gonna run a one shot. I made up the character sheets beforehand, so these guys are just seeing them for the first time. What do y'all think?"
"My bird person has tropical feathers, right? Chuck, baby, I'm gonna have to demand some tropical plumage or I walk."
"W-what's an ettin?"
"It's like, a big troll with two heads? It's pretty romantic, babe. We're sharing a heart."
"You're also brothers."
"Ew. Can we at least be hot? I want to be hot."
"Yeah, okay. Zo, you're a tropical kenku, and Jojo and Dunnie are the one hot ettin. That's probably the real reason they had to leave their home village. Just forget my carefully crafted backstory. Any questions about, like, your actual fucking stats or classes?"
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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moocha-muses · 4 months
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"Morning, baby."
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moocha-muses · 4 months
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"You need some help with that, baby?"
"You are welcome to try."
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"To my gorgeous, competent, endlessly just wife. She'll always be the best lawyer I ever had."
"To Vee!"
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"-and then, goblin, that man sat right on the prop cake. And it was real cake!"
"Now the director wants to keep it in the movie!"
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"Are you gonna dance alone all night, Zoe?"
"Not if you join me, baby."
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"Frig, that's my phone again."
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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"No, I'll - I'm having lunch with the DA tomorrow, so I can talk to xer about it then. You know what? You should join us. I want you two to meet."
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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moocha-muses · 3 months
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