#zombie tourist/tibia
incorrectshantaequotes · 10 months
Shantae Mini-Headcanons - Tibia
You're probably wondering what this is, and to that, I say - I'm running an experiment! We'll see how this goes but hopefully it's a relatively short post
So, those of you who read my Romance headcanons post here might remember this little tidbit
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Well, guess what? I have now remembered the details! Somewhat. I've also changed a few around but it's also been a bit since I first had that idea so I say it's fine
Anyway...I'm not going to cover the hypothetical romance since that would take a hot minute but I am going to briefly touch on my headcanons for the zombie tourist girl - or, as I'm calling her, Tibia - since her design is neat and, well, why not, right?
For anyone who's unfamilar this is the NPC I'm talking about
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again this ideally should not be that long but I will still put a read more for anyone who just wants to scroll on
Her full name is Tibia H. Patella
It's weird to me that the only real indication she's a zombie is the green skin and the stitch around her left leg so I'm going to fix that. Tibia also has a stitch around her left arm (specifically around the area that is conveniently always obscured by her hair in her one animation) and on her initial awakening she was missing a whole-ass eye, which is why she took to wearing sunglasses
Key word to that last part is initially; Tibia has since fixed the lack of depth perception with an eye pilfered from an unfortunate shmuck who had the misfortune of getting caught in the Chit Chat Spider Queen's web and being its lunch, so all the sunglasses hide now is a case of heterochromia. She still wears them out of habit though
The little zombie boy we also see in Seven Sirens is her adopted little brother, Mort. The story behind him is that, while making a brief stop in a human town with the Zombie Caravan, Tibia found Mort homeless, starving, and notably lacking any adult supervision to take care of him. She tried getting him a home before the caravan was due to leave to no avail, but she couldn't just LEAVE him there, and with no better options presenting themselves to her...she ended up turning the kid so she could take him with the caravan
Tibia briefly got in hot water with the caravan for that stunt - civilized zombies aren't particularly keen on turning for the most part, as it's seen as enforcing the stereotype that they're no different from their feral, shambling counterparts who mindlessly bite and tear for a taste of brains, never mind the ethical quandaries - but after she explained the situation they begrudgingly agreed that she probably made the best move she could have there.
For his part, Mort has adjusted remarkably well to being a zombie and bounced back quick. He was the one who insisted that Tibia was his older sister now, and she happily agreed, making an extra room for him and generally acting as the authority figure he needs in his life
Tibia is one of Rottytops' several exes, though as is the case for all of Rottytops' dating life before she started dating Shantae, it didn't last for more than two weeks. She's heard the news, and is genuinely happy for Rottytops, glad that she's turning her life around...buuuuuut any time she's actually around Rottytops, she tends to be awkwardly tense. This has less to do with Rottytops and more to do with the fact that Tibia knows firsthand that Rottytops is a trouble magnet and just being in proximity of her means her entire afternoon has probably gone down the drain
Regardless of whether she's dating Harmony or not I imagine Tibia has a crush on her from seeing the Half-Genie Festival and, well. Like I said in the romance post Harmony is a built like an amazon Tibia fell for her reeeeeeaaaaaalllll fast. Mort teases her relentlessly about it and she is torn between being happy to engage in sibling banter or severely regretting telling Mort about dating Rottytops after she finally managed to recognize her in the Fillin disguise because she KNOWS that has to be fuel for the fire to him
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