#zomg they're so cute
insectwmn · 1 year
Observations from Element episode 1:
Eichi and Natsume's convo from the beginning is just repurposed from Element's epilogue but it still gives my brain something to chew on. The antagonism between them is really amusing. I may have screamed when Tsumugi walked in.
I now come to realise that Enstars dialogue comes off as noticeably more unhinged when spoken aloud.
Seeing how plain the Yumenosaki mob students look I think Hiyori calling Tsumugi "mob character-kun" is more than a little harsh.
Ishikawa's voice for Tsumugi has become more emotive over the years but the difference is really noticeable here. Not that its a bad thing; doubling down on the excessive, forced cheeriness was the right call for 2nd year Tsumugi imo. I can't wait till we get to hear some of his signature lines, personally looking forward to "no matter what people chat about the brain has the same chemical reaction"
Tsumugi's excitement over Eichi saying they're friends was an addition and I was not emotionally prepared for tbh.
This was cut in the 2019 anime too iirc but I was a little sad that Tsumugi's "I'm curious about the kid named Sakasaki" spiel was cut. I can live with it but I think Tsumugi being shown to have an interest in Natsume before they actually meet again gives their childhood connection more weight.
The book Wataru is reading is called 『夏の国』 (Summer Country), if this is a real book I couldn't find it. Something perhaps of note is that the kanji for summer (夏) is in Natsume's name (夏目)
I really dig the vibes of the secret room, it seems so chill.
Natsume going on about the state of Yumenosaki or whatever the fuck and Wataru responding with "hey Natsume-kun you'd look really cute in girl's clothes" made me giggle. I assume this adaptation will give more attention to Natsume's insecurities about not being taken seriously? Considering that its also a surprisingly well-chosen first interaction between Natsume and another Oddball.
The Faust name-drop almost gave me a heart-attack. I hadn't even considered that Rocket Start would be adapted at all. (I didn't catch a lick of what Wataru said so I didn't notice it was Rocket Start until right then). Apparently HappyEle requested for certain things to be included, makes me wonder if Natsume comparing Wataru to Faust was one of those...
Seeing the scene where Tsumugi finds the secret room from Natsume's POV means that Tsumugi's line where he's like "zomg what if there are students doing drugs down there?!?! 0-0" had no chance of being included (rip). Which is a shame because its the second funniet thing in all of Element. The funniest is Eichi's Marie Antoinette kinnie mother.
I had a good time :)
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laurajameskinney · 3 months
YEAH!! and then laura and jason can be REAL siblings omgggg. they're so alike
zomg i hope the laura/jason shippers dont come after usss >.< but it would be soooo cute. what if he taught her how to shoot 🥺
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sushigal007 · 3 years
zomg, your latest genderswap uberhood post outerwear is SO CUTE! Do you recall off the top of your head where you got it from?
Not off the top of my head, but I'll crack open CAS and take a look for you! I'm assuming you mean Jules' outfit, but I figured I'd track down Ming's too, just in case.
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So! Hope you've got a separates mod of some kind, because that's what they're wearing. Specifically, Jules is wearing Rented Space 3t2 Curt's Jacket, found in their CiJ gift for Hermit Fox. I'm afraid I can't see enough of his jeans to identify them though, sorry. Ming is wearing Rented-Space's edit of Darkmoon's 3t2 Spoon's Bell Sleeve coat, and her jeans are these ones by simal10 over on TSR and wow, that site's got even more obnoxious to navigate since I grabbed those. You may need to edit the files in SimPE to enable them for outerwear, but it's piss-easy, I promise.
As for their accessories, both of them are wearing gloves by me, and both of them are wearing hats by LindaSims that I downloaded before she flounced and put everything behind a paywall, but seeing as they were originally for free, I have no qualms about popping them up on SFS for you. Same deal for Jules' scarf. However, please be aware that I converted them to BV jewellery, so that I could set them for outerwear only, so they won't show up in Bodyshop.
Hope that helps!
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sherokutakari · 7 years
oh okay so is SuperCorp just basically the new Swan Queen now?
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[FanCam]SmTownParis 10.06.11-TaeNy Ending dance
lol I think Taeyeon was like "Uhm no don't dance like that" to Tiffany haha and Tiffany's reaction was so cute and OMFG TAEYEON PUTTING HER ARM AROUND TIFFANY <333333
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TaeNy and their diabetic moments ♥
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